Embers of the Holy War

By wispylingerer

323 62 3

When Long Guang's family manor burned down, taking along the lives of his parents and his servants in the roa... More

The Legend of Hero Rayler
The Boy With No Memories
Through The Looking Glass
What Makes You, You
The Fire Dragon
The Long Family and I
Finding You
Lady Luck Is Not On His Side
Arrival of the Demon King
Shattered Dreams
Hanging Onto What's Left of You
The Hero Awakens Once More
You Who Shine Brighter
Stray Dragons
Predator and Prey
The Black Lotus
Hate Me, Protect Me
Closed Wounds
What Was Lost/What Was Found
Enshrined in Glass and Stone
The Demon King's Curse
The Pure Maiden
Fight or Flight
Two Against One
Roots That Run Deep
Jin's Vanishing Act
Elegy of the Fallen
I Promise
What Should Not Be Seen
For The People, For The Nation
Into The Twilight Zone
The Golden-Eyed Child
Let's Play Ball!
Eyes of the Crowd
The Man Behind The Mask
Unresolved Wish
The True Culprit
Liars Be Silenced
The Dragon Tattoo
Seeking For Answers
Information For A Price
The Ghost in Twilight Tower
Aegis Squad
Family In A Car

Good Apple, Bad Apple

3 1 0
By wispylingerer

An uproar arose as the Black Lotus found their precious demon king fatally wounded. Much like bees, Yuehua and the other members in black instantaneously swarmed around Sui, ignoring Guang as they tended to their demon king. Guang stood there stockstill, still processing what had happened. Eventually, his shock turned into fury as he realised there was a culprit behind this.

"Who. Who was it? WHO WAS IT?!"

Suddenly, Guang was grabbed by the wrist and pulled along in a sprint. He was going to get separated from Sui. Sui, who was in pain. Sui, who needed his help now.

Enraged by the audacity of whoever it was to separate them, he tried to wrench his wrist free when he noticed it was Jin pulling him. Jin, who in one hand, had the ruby stolen by Black Lotus. When did Jin wake up? Had he been waiting for an opening this entire time?

Sensing resistance, Jin ordered, "Hurry up and pick up the pace!"

"What are you doing?" Guang yelled.

"Saving you, of course!" Jin shouted, slightly irritated, as if he had to spell things out for a kid. "We can get away while they're occupied with their demon king!"

Guang wanted to argue, but knowing Jin, he would not budge on this either. He chanced one last glance back. It was as Jin said. The Black Lotus were fussing around Sui that they didn't even realise Guang was gone. Only Sui. Expression scrunched up in anguish, his eyes never left Guang. Behind those eyes, Guang felt like they were calling him to stay, to not leave, but Sui himself kept quiet, not uttering a single word.

The shame that welled up within Guang was immeasurable. He forcefully tore his gaze away, unable to face Sui, as he and Jin ran away.

Guang didn't know for how long they had been running, but after what felt like ages, they were back in their hotel room. Only then did Jin let go of his wrist.

"Pack up. We're going back to Rhinestone Palace to report to President Valerie before the Black Lotus catches up to us."

Even as Jin left, Guang still stood there, dazed. He couldn't believe what he had done; he couldn't forgive himself for what he had done. Leaving Sui behind while he was injured like that...Guang was a terrible excuse for a friend.

When Jin returned and still found Guang right where he left him, staring into nothing, he barked, "Why are you just standing around?"

Guang blinked, seemingly only registering Jin's words then. "Ah. Sorry. I'll go pack up now."

It doesn't take much for Jin to notice his brother was completely out of it. Jin sighed. "Nevermind, I've already packed your stuff up. Let's go."

On their train ride back to Rhinestone Palace, Jin was as tense as a bowstring; constantly alert, keeping a lookout. Guang and Jin were sitting facing each other on the train filled with many other passengers. Every time a passenger passed by, they would ogle at Guang. Not that Guang could blame them. With bleeding cuts here and there, his clothing torn, dirty and bloodied, he was practically standing out like a sore thumb.

Despite that, whenever a person got too close, Jin's hand would twitch, as if readying to unholster his gun any moment. With how edgy Jin was, neither of them spoke, which meant it left a lot of silence for Guang and his thoughts. He tried his best to not dwell on recent events, but one question kept on nagging in his head. Who was the one that shot Sui? Who was the culprit? It was a loud, audible bang. They must have been nearby. It oddly sounded like a gun too. Someone with a gun...

Wasn't that the person in front of him?

Placing his arm on the window's edge, Guang supported his chin with his hand. He looked at Jin's restless figure from the edges of his vision, buying time to gather his courage. Ultimately, he turned his gaze to the scenery of the evening city outside of the window.

Over the muffled chugging of the train, Guang asked, "Were you the one who shot Sui?"

"...yeah, I was." Short. Straight to the point.

A sharp inhale followed Jin's confession. Guang's lips parted, but was later pursed.

"I see."

"I thought you knew."

Guang didn't. A part of him wished he didn't, because now all he wanted to do was to punch Jin for hurting Sui, but the more rational part of him knew that it was a very reasonable thing for Jin to do in the situation. He could only rein in the fuming beast and pray he wouldn't do anything impulsive. After all, he couldn't scold Jin for wanting to protect him.

The rest of the journey was uneventful. Either they have lost the Black Lotus or they have simply chosen to not pursue them, but their journey to Rhinestone Palace was uninterrupted. Valerie was all the more happy to welcome them from returning from a successful mission. In Valerie's office, Guang stood aside, leaning against the wall as Jin handed a proud Valerie the ruby that they recovered.

"Thank you for your hard work, Jin and Mr. Long," Valerie praised from behind his desk. Gesturing for Jin to sit, he continued, "because of your efforts, there will be another peaceful day for the nation of Alca."

With the orange rays of dusk illuminating half of his face, the office and Valerie himself was washed in a warm, fuzzy glow. Even Guang who wouldn't listen to unnecessary politeness felt drawn to Valerie's gratefulness.

Awkwardly, Guang said, "You can just call me Guang."

Valerie chuckled, "Alright then, Guang. Might I ask what had happened? It seems like the mission had not been an...easy one."

When Guang noticed Valerie's troubled look at his injuries, he crossed his arms and asserted, "It's nothing serious."

However, Jin seemed to have other plans as he interrupted, "If you require a report on what has happened, I can convey it to you as detailed as I can, sir."

Why is this kid so obedient to Valerie, like a dog wagging its tail at its owner?

"Jin!" Guang hissed.

Valerie laughed. "You guys are adorable. It appears that Guang here is not very comfortable with talking about it, so let's talk about it on another occasion."

Like a soldier, Jin immediately said, "Yes, sir."

Guang was beyond perplexed by Jin's oddly agreeable behaviour. Was this even his brother?

"Now then, enough of the serious talk. After that tiring battle, you guys must be starving, yes?"

"No," Guang said flatly. However, his stomach insisted otherwise, giving a loud, audible growl. To be betrayed by his own body!

Valerie sent him a knowing smile, like a father placating his child. In a louder, yet stable voice, Valerie ordered, "Bring in the food."

Guang jumped as the large double doors behind him rumbled open. A few people trotted in, two holding a rectangular table between them and three carrying chairs. Once they set down the table and chairs in the centre of the office, a maid came in and threw a white table cloth into the air. The table cloth fluttered like angelic wings, eventually settling neatly over the table. Five butlers came in afterwards, carrying a variety of dishes and setting it on the table.

With a wave of Valerie's hands, the servants bowed and promptly left without a word.

Guang gave a whistle in awe. He felt like he had witnessed a top-tier performance. The quickness and efficiency the servants displayed had impressed him to the core. The food looked extremely appetising too. He can even see the steam wafting off the food - they must have been freshly cooked.

"Please, help yourselves," Valerie invited warmly. "I've had the chefs prepare a feast specially for you two in light of your efforts. Consider this Alca's thanks for preventing a disaster."

Guang bit his lips. No! He must stay strong and not be swayed by such trivial things! He pouted and crossed his arms, diverting his gaze away from the tantalising food.

"I don't need your thanks," Guang huffed.

Without looking at him, Jin pointed out, "Brother, there's drool running down your chin."

Guang refused to tear his gaze away from a pen on Valerie's table. "No, there isn't."

In a voice more monotonous than a robot, Jin stated, "Wow. Look. There's kung pao chicken."

Instantly, Guang whipped around, eyes alight and drooling like a baby. "Kung pao chicken?!"

As Guang enthusiastically took a seat, Jin shook his head. Despite that, a small smile still flitted onto his face. He had noticed Guang's sour mood since he had admitted to Guang that he was the one who had shot Sui. Even so, he couldn't comfort Guang, for he knew he was only going to make it worse. Even if it was because of food, he was glad that Guang returned to his normal upbeat self.

A brooding look doesn't suit you at all, brother. It's better if you smiled instead.

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