Tension - Alex Morgan [GxG]

By Imsoboredidkwhattodo

59K 1.9K 48

Alex Morgan x Y/N Reader {GxG} Other main characters include: Kelley O'Hara, Abby Dahlkemper and other USWN... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45

Part 0

3.6K 52 3
By Imsoboredidkwhattodo

Y/N's POV:

"Welcome to camp everyone, please take your seats", I could hear Jill loudly instructing everyone as they piled into the conference room. Kelley, my best friend, and I were the last to enter as we ran inside from the field. We entered the room with flushed cheeks, panting heavily as Kelley dragged me to the back row like always and we sat in the few empty remaining seats next to Christen and Tobin.

"Nice of you fuckers to finally join us", Megan turned around to hiss at us with a grin.

The irritating specimen sat next to her called Alex Morgan also turned around to face us with a small frown. "You better not have been upstairs fucking with my things Y/L/N", she glared at mostly me whilst Kelley bit back a smile.

"We were outside dumbass, like I'd want to go through your suitcase after last time", I scowled at her, remembering the time she hid a rat trap in her bag after she correctly predicted that I'd try to steal something of hers after she dropped my phone and shattered the screen. As you'd expect my finger got caught in the trap and I had to go to the medic to get it off.

Alex smirked and turned to face the front again, as I could feel the irritation spreading inside of me. I was bored and decided to annoy her, reaching out to tug on her hair. Besides me Kelley noticed what I was going to do and encouraged it as she sniggered. Christen also noticed what I was about to do and quickly pushed my hand back down with a shake of her head, "Y/N focus", she warned with a humorous glare. 

"Hands down", she warned again after a few minutes when I reached for Megan's pink hair this time. I rolled my eyes and leaned forward to look at Tobin. "Your girlfriend's so bossy", I told her in a whisper whilst she just laughed quietly and nodded.

I finally looked forward and tried to focus on what Jill was saying. "Dawn will collect your passports in a few minutes, I hope you all remembered to bring them, yes I'm talking to you Y/N", she added with a smile as I groaned at the back of the room. I dug around in my pocket and waved my passport in the air, earning sarcastic cheers from all my team mates and coaches.

"Nice to see you used your brain this time", Alex taunted as she turned around again. 

I stuck my tongue out at her and then kicked the back of her chair, earning a glare and a huff from the blue eyed forward I had never been able to get along with. 

"During our two day stay at this camp we'll do our basic training routines out on the field for the first day and you'll get the second off to rest up, and then it's an early flight to London, everyone got it?", Jill spoke loudly as she could tell people were restless and wanted to get out of their seats. "Okay good, train first and then you can have lunch, the room arrangements should be sorted by then", she concluded with a knowing smile, earning loud exaggerated groans from around the room, including my direction.

"I'm starving", I complained to Kelley as everyone filed out of the room. "Same", she groaned as she clutched at her stomach. 

"O'Hara, Y/L/N, you want to move any fucking faster?", Megan laughed as she smacked the back of our heads and pushed in front of us. 

"Let me through Y/L/N", Alex whined from behind me as she also tried to push past but I kept blocking her path. "God you're so annoying", she huffed as I laughed at her frustration. Eventually she managed to sneak through the small gap between myself and the wall, making sure to shove my shoulder harshly in the process as she sped ahead of us to get to the dressing room.

Everyone changed into some training gear and then made their way out onto the pitches. After a boring two hours of mostly passing drills everyone found themselves exhausted and lied down on the pitch once the session was over. Kelley and I quickly rushed off to the side as we looked over everyone with a smirk, trying to look busy with our bottles by clumsily tearing open packets if we were getting our electrolytes in.

Earlier whilst everyone was heading to the meeting we fucked around with the pitch sprinklers, any second now they would go off and soak everyone on the field. And nobody would know it was us, we would just look lucky to have missed it whilst getting drinks.

And as expected cold water suddenly shot out of all the sprinklers and soaked all our lazy team mates as they groaned and shouted. Kelley and I couldn't hold in our loud cackles from the side lines.

"YOU FUCKERS WE KNOW IT WAS YOU", half of our team that had managed to get to their feet began charging towards us angrily whilst the other half gave up and accepted their fate on the ground.

Alex, Christen and Becky were at the head of the group that was stalking towards us. "FUCK FUCK FUCK RUN Y/N", Kelley screamed as she pushed me. Our team mates began running after us as they chased us around the fields. I kept looking back to see who was behind me, laughing uncontrollably as I turned to see Alex slipping and falling straight on her ass, bringing Megan and Allie down with her. But before I knew it I had run into a goal post and fell to the floor myself, groaning as I held my forehead.

"Laugh now you little shit", Alex grinned as she stood over me with a few others before they all proceeded to empty out their water bottles on my face. "Okay stop you're fucking water boarding me", I spluttered out as I rolled over and hid my face under my arms.

"I'll get you back for this Morgan", I grumbled, wiping my face as the group finally let me get to my feet.

"I'm counting on it Y/L/N", she smirked as everyone began making their way inside to head for the showers.

"They got me too", Kelley groaned as we sat down at a table to eat our lunch. A few team mates soon joined us. "That was funny, I want in next time", Trinity laughed as she sat down and high fived me. 

"Oh god, you better not be corrupting our newbies Y/N", Becky smiled as she joined us. "I would never", I held up my hands in defence but grinned at Trinity and Ashley.

"Quick interruption girls, I'll read out your room arrangements and then let you get back to lunch", Dawn called out as she stood in the middle of the cafeteria with a sheet of paper in hand.

"...RAPINOE DUNN, LAVELLE HORAN, ERTZ SONNETT, SAUERBRUNN DAHLKEMPER, HUERTA MEWIS, AND FINALLY O'HARA Y/L/N AND MORGAN", the coach concluded. Kelley and I instinctively shared a high five before even hearing the completed list. 

"Wait Morgan? Three of us?", I asked with a scowl. "Sorry kid, there's an uneven number, there's no rooms left, they've already moved an extra bed into your guys' room", she smiled back sympathetically. "Don't kill each other", she smiled brighter as she gestured between myself and Alex who was glaring at me from another table. "I can't make any promises", I grumbled as I shook my head in annoyance and glared back at her.

After lunch everyone began leaving the cafeteria in groups to head for recovery sessions. Kelley and I began walking to the massage room for some treatment when one of the physios called us back. "Y/L/N O'Hara, ice bath now. You're not getting away this time", she warned us with a smile. Both of us let out a loud groan as we reluctantly dragged our feet in the opposite direction.

"Y/L/N O'Hara, about time", another one of our coaches smiled as we entered the room with all the ice baths. "Fuck it, let's just get it over and done with", I told Kelley, earning a nod from her.

Megan, Alex, Lindsey, Crystal and Julie were already there and seated in their tubs as half of them laughed at the way we were undressing so enthusiastically. "Undress Y/N, hurry up", one of the assistant coaches added humorously. "Cmon, at least buy me dinner first", I grinned as she shoved me playfully, before noticing Alex's eye roll and quickly flashing her the middle finger.

I took off my hoodie, shirt and socks until I was just left in my shorts and sports bra, and then took a deep breath as I submerged myself in the bath. "Fuckkkkk", Kelley whined from across me as she did the same, making me grin. "Light work, come on we got this O'Hara", I hollered at her with a smile. "We got this Y/L/N let's fucking goooo", she howled in her annoying frat voice, earning groans from our team mates.

"Pinoe, Morgan, your time is up you can get out the tubs", I heard one of the staff tell them as I tried to focus on my breathing. They both began getting dressed, and Megan decided to smack my head as they passed to leave, making me huff whilst Alex held sniggered. "Piss off, the pair of you", I rolled my eyes at them.

"Crystal, Lindsey, Julie your times up too", the staff announced a couple of minutes later. This time Crystal pulled my hair as she passed, making the other two laugh. "That's for messing with the sprinklers", she added with a grin. "What about Kelley?", I asked in a whine that soon became a laugh as she walked across the room and tugged Kelley's hair too, making her open her eyes that were momentarily full of alarm. "Fuck you lot", she mumbled as she sat up and eventually they left.

One of the staff members looked at their watch and then spoke up, "Y/L/N O'Hara...", finally time to get out I thought to myself. "One more minute", they smirked. "Fucker", I mumbled to myself. A whole two minutes later and we were finally allowed to get out the tub, as I stood up as quickly as my legs would allow me to, drying myself off with a towel and swiftly getting dressed.

We did some gym work afterwards and then got called in for another meeting with Jill and Dawn, and then it was finally dinner time as the team headed to the cafeteria to eat. 

"Can you do my bottle Y/N/N?", Soph asked with a tired smile. I shrugged as I took it from her hands and unscrewed the cap. "Mine too?", Abby asked with the same tired grin and I took it from her with a laugh. "What would you guys do without me?", I grinned at them. 

"Okay guys line up, we'll do a little activity before I send you off to bed", our head coach announced after dinner. Everyone pushed and shoved around until there was one single-ish line across the room. 

"Ew Pinoe, switch with me", an irritating voice from beside me spoke as I noticed Alex next to me. "Ew Kels, switch places I don't want to stand next to her". Alex turned to look up at me with a scowl, which I wasted no time in returning. Kelley and Megan grinned as they switch places as requested, meaning there was now two people stood between Alex and I. Surely that way neither of us could annoy each other.

But no, apparently we still could. Jill split everybody into groups of about 4 and Kelley and myself were grouped in with Alex and Megan to work on some kind of arts and crafts project the staff set up as a competition. 

"Gosh, please guys just five minutes of peace", Megan begged as Alex and I were arguing over what colours to use. "Shut up Morgan that's going to look dumb", I groaned as she persistently nagged in my ears. "You're dumb", she countered with a scowl. "Blah blah blah", I teased her as I stuck my fingers in my ears, earning a shove.

"And in last place with this monstrosity is...group 'chaos'", Jill announced with a humorous smile. "Seriously?", we all turned to Megan who had written down the group name. "Did I lie?", she defended herself with a laugh, making the rest of us shrug, it was true to be fair. Kelley and Megan actually did the task whilst Alex and I continued arguing over dumb things like colour and presentation, with us constant pushing and shoving each other out of the way to put on whatever we wanted, in the end making a complete mess of it. 

"Ugh jackass", Alex mumbled under her breath in my direction as the winners prize was announced. 

"Keep rolling them eye balls Morgan, hopefully one day they'll get stuck back there", I flashed her a sickly sweet fake smile as she scoffed in response.

Jill made everyone have an early night even though we had the next day off, ushering us all off to bed as soon as they could. 

"Are you coming Alex?", Kelley asked the irritating blue eyed forward as we all began heading upstairs to the bedrooms. "Yeah I'll be there in like five, no not you Serv", she turned to us and motioned that she was on the phone so we continued on our way. As soon as we entered we noticed that there was indeed 3 beds in our room. I quickly rushed across to get the one I wanted, throwing myself over the top dramatically as I let out a happy sigh. Kelley grinned as she took the second best option, leaving the third for Alex. 

As expected Alex knocked and entered the room after about five minutes, glaring at me as she noticed I took the best placed bed. Kelley laughed as she noticed, making another quip as she begged us not to murder each other during our short stay here. 

After the three of us did our night time routines we all got into our beds, Kelley and Alex talked to each other quietly as I scrolled through my phone and answered some emails and messages. Eventually the lamps were switched off and we all fell asleep.

"WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKERS". I groaned loudly as I pleaded for Kelley to shut her mouth. She was far too energetic for what appeared to be a cold and miserable morning from my view next to the windows. "Shut up Kelley", Alex also begged as she buried her face in her covers in an attempt to block out the noise. "CMON GUYS GET UP, WE HAVE THE DAY OFF LETS DO SOMETHING FUN", Kelley shouted loudly as she began jumping on her bed.

"Stay there O'Hara, don't you fucking dare", I warned her as I noticed her eyeing my bed with a mischievous smile. And despite my warning she took the leap and landed all over me as she laughed maniacally. "Dumbass, you elbowed me", I groaned as I rubbed my thigh. "Sorry", she mumbled as she pulled the covers off me. 

I tapped her and then pointed at Alex, discreetly gesturing for her to go jump on her bed instead. After not much convincing she agreed, leaving me to my peace whilst she went to annoy Alex instead. Anything that annoyed Alex made me happy. The sound of her groans and whines made me smile as I pulled the covers over me once more and shut my eyes.

However, my peace didn't last much longer as the pair of them tip toed towards my bed and completely tore off my blanket in one swift movement. "You absolute assholes", I kicked out at them as they laughed. 

Eventually they stopped as Alex left to go to the bathroom. "She's so annoying", I complained whilst Kelley laughed cynically. "Everyone wants to go out into town and do some shopping and stuff after breakfast", I told them with a groan after checking the team group chat once Alex was back.

"Guys where shall we go for lunch?" "Why does Denver have to be so fucking cold right now?" "I'm hungry". Having the whole team out like this was so chaotic and it's true, the weather wasn't helping considering half these dumbasses came out in t shirts. 

I felt a harsh tap on my shoulder and turned around to see the annoying Alex Morgan staring up at me with a frown as she wrapped her arms around her body for warmth. "You have a hoodie and a jacket on, give me one of them Y/L/N", she told me in a bossy tone. "Nuh uh", I laughed in her face, earning both a glare and a shove as she pushed past me with a loud huff, muttering the word "asshole" under her breath. 

"You aren't getting my jacket with that potty mouth Morgan, if you say sorry I'll give it to you", I smirked at her.

"I'd rather die", she huffed, making me smile. Christen shook her head at me in amusement as she watched our interaction, making me grin back at her. Eventually the team managed to decide on where to have lunch and we piled into the relatively small diner, put some tables together and all sat down to order.

"Ugh not you again", Alex whined, making a few of our team mates smile as I realised she was sat opposite me, whilst I found myself between Kelley and Abby. I rolled my eyes and ignored her remark as I continued scrolling through my phone. "It's so fucking warm in here", I mumbled to Kelley who nodded in agreeance. 

"Wait is that her..", Kelley sat up straighter as she moved to look at the photos on my screen properly. "Y/N you need to move on from that bitch", she muttered quietly as she looked at me sympathetically. "Kelley I'm fine, it's fine, I'm literally deleting them", I argued back in a whisper. "Good, she's a bitch for cheating on you", she huffed quietly as she leaned back in her seat, both of us unaware that our hushed conversation had caught the ears of the blue eyed forward sat across the table. Once my little deleting session was over I put my phone down and let out a deep breath as I leaned back in my chair, just in time for our food to have arrived.

After eating everyone went back to their shopping and eventually we arrived back at the training complex, half the team was grumpy and worn out whilst the other half were still full of energy and eager to do more stuff. I found myself going off with the tired half of the group, splitting from Kelley who was somehow still as energetic as ever. 

We found a smaller conference room with couches and rushed in to laze all over them. I found myself at the back of the group as they were pushing to get in, not wanting to get caught up in their mess. It seems Alex had the same idea as she waited back too, rolling her eyes at the way our team mates were petulantly shoving each other around.

Annoyingly, as we walked in there was only one small couch left, I mentally groaned at the idea of having to sit down next to Alex for however long we were all going to stay here.

"We're both tired, if you agree not to annoy me I won't push you off the couch", she turned to me with a smirk.

"Me annoy you? I think you mean if you agree not to annoy me", I interjected with a grin.

"Just shut up and sit down", she groaned as she took a seat and pulled me down next to her. "Fine", I made a face at her, earning a glare as she shoved my shoulder.

We ignored each others presences for the next ten minutes or so, I scrolled through twitter for a while and then found myself drifting off to sleep despite my tired efforts to stay awake.

I blinked a couple times as I tried to make out where I was, right we were all in the random conference room. I realised I was slightly lying down in the opposite direction that I was as I fell asleep and then became aware of how my head was resting on someone's lap. I lifted my head slowly and as I turned I was met with blue eyes softly staring back into mine. 

"Morgan?", I rasped as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Why didn't you wake me up?", I asked, in a confused tone.

"Couldn't be bothered", she answered dismissively. 

"Why did you let me rest my head on your lap?", I asked as I stretched out my limbs slightly and looked around, everyone else seemed to have fallen asleep too.

"I know I'm mean sometimes or whatever but I'm not going to wake you up to annoy you when you're genuinely tired Y/N. It's called being a decent human being, you should try it some time", she grinned as I shoved her slightly. "Also the way you were leaning on that side if I hadn't moved your head your neck probably would've snapped with the weight of your big ass head", she smirked.

"Fuck off", I smiled. "But thank you I guess".

"Y/N Y/L/N saying thank you to me? I guess miracles do happen", she laughed, making me shove her again as I leaned back with a grin. "See I can be nice, would you have ever rested my head on your lap?", she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Fuck no", I grinned back at her, earning a playful smack on the arm.

"You know what, I'm pretty tired too I think it's my turn to take a nap".

"Well it ain't going to be in my lap", I scoffed lightly as I noticed her eyeing my thighs. 

"Why not?", she whined. "I was nice to you, it's your turn to be nice to me for once", she pouted with her arms crossed.

"...fine, you can lean on me", I told her with an eye roll, and she wasted no time in putting her phone to the side as she moved to rest her head on my shoulder, one of her hands wrapping around my arm as she let out a small sigh. I resisted the urge to shrug her off as I pulled out my phone and began scrolling once again, and within a few minutes as I looked down I noticed she had indeed fallen asleep on me. 

After about half an hour the loud energetic half of the team had returned from wherever they went, I knew because I could hear them out in the corridor. "Y/N...shut up", Alex murmured quietly. "It's not me, the teams back", I told her. "Oh", she slowly sat up straight, allowing me to shake off my arm that had begun to feel slightly numb. 

"Thank you", she flashed me a tired smile as she brushed her hair out her face. Before I could reply the noisy half of the team burst into the room, awakening the rest of our sleeping team mates. 

"Shit, sorry guys", Kelley mumbled apologetically as she looked around, her eyes brightening at they met mine and she walked off with a grin. "I got you both a present", she beamed as she sat down between Alex and I. She pulled a small pouch out of her pocket, whilst Alex and I shared confused glances. "Here", she opened it up and offered us...sweets.

"You got us...candy?", Alex asked with an amused smile. "Yeah, I've had too many to the point where I kind of feel sick", she held onto her stomach slightly as her face twisted into one of distaste, "Uhh here you guys share these I need to go". She left the sweets on the sofa between us and stalked out.

"Fuck it why not", I smiled as I reached in to take a gummy worm. Alex did the same, her face scrunching at the sourness, making me laugh. "Shut up", she mumbled with a small smile.

"Where did you get the sweets?", Megan stalked over and picked the bag up. "You know, sharing is caring", she smirked before she walked off with them and returned to her seat, I rolled my eyes with a laugh as I spotted her swatting away Mal's hand as she reached in to grab one. "She's crazy that one", Alex leaned back with a smile as I nodded softly in agreeance.

"Come on guys, now that you're all back I want you to have dinner and then get an early night, okay?", Dawn voiced as she walked into the room.

Everyone got up slowly and headed to the cafeteria. "I'll see you later Morgan", I managed to get out before Kelley dragged me to another table. "See you Y/L/N", she glared playfully, I noticed the smallest of smiles peeking through her expression before Kelley turned me to sit down at the table she'd chosen, before she proceeded to tell me all about her day.

Mal, Abby and Trinity joined us at the table, playfully threatening to leave when Kelley would not stop talking. And then soon enough dinner was over and Dawn returned to usher everyone off to bed.

"Night guys", the rest of our table greeted us as they got up to leave. Mal left with a tired attempt at a high five, Abby left me with a hug and Trinity fist bumped us before they headed off. "Could you take any longer O'Hara?", I smiled at her across the table as she scoffed down the rest of her protein pudding or whatever she was having to end her day.

Eventually we made it up to our room where Alex already was. "Seriously?", I asked with a groan as I walked in to find her suitcase and all her clothing thrown across my bed as she was doing her packing. "I needed the space", she defended with a huff. "That shit better be gone by the time I'm out", I warned. "Blah blah blah", she mocked with a small frown, as I brushed past to go and take a shower.

Thankfully my bed was clear when I returned and I dropped onto it instantly, an extensive yawn leaving my mouth as I pulled the covers over me and fell asleep.

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