You Are My Knight - Optimus P...

By tsun-dou

9.5K 555 51

In the year 2007, 23 year old car mechanic, Kaede "Cade" Keli'i, is thrown into the world of Cybertronian pol... More

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The Camping Episode
2010 - Prologue
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Author's Note: YAMK is coming to TFcon LA!
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The Beach Episode

271 17 7
By tsun-dou

"We have some officials coming to visit the base tomorrow and we need it to be less chaotic," Haley says, Noah sitting in the main meeting room alongside Clint, Simmons, and Lennox. Optimus sits in on the meeting as well in his holoform. "And with our NEST agents and bots currently either blowing up the place or... being caught in storage closets..." Haley says, looking aside to Optimus. He gives an unamused look with his arms crossed at Haley and she shakes her head with an irritated sigh.

"We're putting you all on a mandatory day off," Clint says. "That way we can impress our officials and we won't be running around putting out fires."

"Literally and metaphorically," Haley adds. "We'll have a meeting with the higher ups later where you, Jazz and Ratchet need to be present, but for the time being, I'm kicking all of your crew off base."

"What, so we just do something for a day?" Noah asks.

"You guys decide, we're just telling you that you all need to take the day off and to STAY off base," Simmons says.

"I've been wanting to go to the beach," Optimus says. Lennox and Noah nod.

"Beach day sounds fun," Noah hums. "Alright, how about we do that, we can go to Ocean Beach."

"Alright, I'll clear the beach for all of you tomorrow so we don't have any incidents like Sideswipe's all those years back," Simmons nods.

"Dismissed," Haley says. Lennox, Optimus and Noah head off to go tell the group. Optimus making a beeline straight for the medbay. Optimus enters into the bay in his holoform, nodding to Ratchet. Ratchet gives a sigh and rolls his optics, expecting it to be another one of Optimus' special visits where he whisks Kaede away for 30 minutes.

"What do you want," Ratchet asks.

"Old friend, I'm not here to take Kaede away from their work," Optimus replies. Kaede enters the medbay, having gone to the bathroom. "There you are," Optimus says.

"What're you doing here?" Kaede asks, a flirty tone in his voice. Ratchet grumbles to himself.

"We've been ordered by higher ups to stay off base tomorrow."

"What, they want us to take a day off?" Kaede asks, making his way up to the workspace.

"Yes," Optimus replies.

"Huh, so where we going then?"

"They want all of us off base?" Ratchet asks.

"You too, old friend," Optimus replies. Ratchet throws his servos up. "We're going to a place called Ocean Beach, Noah had suggested it," he says. Kaede jumps down the stairs in excitement and grabs Optimus' arms, looking up at him wide eyed.

"You mean we can go surf?!" Kaede exclaims. A big grin grows on Kaede's face and Optimus has to suppress the urge to kiss him. Optimus nods, a smile growing on his face. "I GOTTA GET MY BOARDS!" he yells in excitement, letting go of Optimus. "You busy? They're big and my motorcycle can't carry two of them," Kaede asks Optimus. He then hums. "We gotta go buy you a longboard, biggest board I got is 8ft and that's not good enough for a big guy like you," he says. "I got a gun back in Maui but that's for big waves only," he sighs. "C'mon, let's go find a surf shop that's got longboards." Kaede takes Optimus' hand and bounds out of the medbay, Ratchet sputtering before giving a defeated sigh.

"How do we ever get work done around here," Ratchet mutters.

Kaede and Optimus return successfully with their surfboards, Kaede practically buzzing with excitement as he waxes down his board with Optimus in his trailer.

"Remember the first thing we talked about," Kaede asks fondly, looking over to him. Optimus smiles.

"We talked about going surfing together," Optimus replies. Kaede grins.

"And now we finally get to do that," Kaede says. Optimus hums and leans over to kiss Kaede, capturing his lips in a soft kiss that has Kaede's heart fluttering. He pulls away before leaning his head against theirs. When they finish, Kaede makes his way to go tell Chrys, Jazz possibly already having told Wendy. He enters the lab, seeing Chrys working on something as always, blasting music. Perceptor, Brainstorm and Wheeljack are off working on their own projects, either yelling at each other or whatever chaotic shenanigans they get up to.

Kaede waves his hands to get Chrys' attention, turning the music down.

"What's up," Chrys asks, goggles still on her face as she looks up at him.

"We got a mandatory beach day tomorrow," Kaede says. She pushes up her goggles this time.

"Sorry, can you repeat that - a mandatory... beach day?" Chrys asks. Kaede sighs and nods.

"Higher ups want us off base and thought it'd be a good idea to do that and relax, just for a day." Chrys made a face.

"And it has to be tomorrow?"

"Your projects can wait one day, Chrys," Kaede says, picking up one of her blueprints set out on the table. "It'll be good for you! You've been working nonstop lately, you need a break."

"Percy and Brainstorm's been giving us new tech to try out! I'm tryin to see if I can make power generators that give off no energy readings."

"It can wait," Kaede cuts in. "We're leaving at 3am. Which is why I'm telling you now to go to bed early," he says. The clock above reads 9pm.

"That's when I go to bed."

"Exactly." He then cups his hands around his mouth. "Yo, geek squad!" Kaede calls out towards the bots. They turn to face him. "We're leaving at 0330 tomorrow for a mandatory beach day, make sure she gets to bed before 11, which means you all need to recharge as well so we can leave on time!" Brainstorm gives a thumbs up. He then turns off the worklight at Chrys' table and sticks his tongue out. "Go to bed, now, preferably," he says.

"Geek Squad?" Perceptor then asks aside to Brainstorm. "That's a new one."

"Fine!" Chrys sighs, picking up her phone. Kaede walks Chrys back to her apartment before walking off back to his apartment.

The next day comes, Kaede waking up in Optimus' arms as the alarm goes off. 3am. Which is when everyone would be leaving for their long four hour drive to the beach. Optimus kisses Kaede's forehead as he wakes, the two getting out. Optimus' holoform disappears as Kaede quickly gets ready, stuffing his swimsuit, sunscreen, towel and a change of clothes into his bag.

Optimus is ready to go, the first one near the entrance. Chrys and Wendy both look tired, clambering into Lennox' van, having opted to use his actual car for the trip. They all drive out, making their way down to San Francisco.

"You recharge well?" Kaede asks. Optimus hums.

"I had you in my arms so yes," he replies. Kaede punches Optimus' holoform in the arm, smiling. Optimus grins at him.

"You're so cheesy sometimes," Kaede huffs. He watches the dark road, the sun yet to rise. Their eyes already feel heavy and they sigh. "I'm gonna fall asleep if we don't talk or something."

"How about some music?" Optimus suggests.

"I've been wondering what kind music you listen to," Kaede hums. Optimus' radio then comes to life, Beach Boys beginning to play. "Kim used to listen to these guys."

"Who'd you think introduced them to me?" Optimus smiles, glancing at him. As they listen to the entirety of Beach Boys alongside Steely Dan and Bruce Springsteen, they watch the sun rise and continue to drive down until they finally reach the beach at 8am. The summer breeze blowing through as they drive with the windows open.

Ocean Beach, San Francisco

They pull off to the parking lot, the Autobots lining up along the edge closest to the beach. Optimus parks and Kaede hops out, grabbing the surfboards and changing into his swimsuit. He grabs the boards and hands the longboard to Optimus.

"We made it just before high tide, c'mon!" Kaede says, running off towards the beach already. Meanwhile, Lennox, Epps, Noah, Chrys and Wendy are still at the car, getting ready and taking everything out.

"You coulda picked a closer beach, man," Epps complains to Noah.

"Forgot how far out we were, sorry," Noah apologises.

"Yeah, not at the old base anymore," Lennox huffs. He goes off to help Ironhide take the barbeque out of the bed of his truck and the two carry it down to the sand. Ratchet makes his way down, eventually meeting with Ironhide, carrying a cooler full of beer and meats for the day.

Kaede and Optimus reach the water, Kaede immediately entering the water with his board. Optimus follows after and the two paddle out to reach the waves, the water slowly swelling.

"They're already out there?" Mirage asks, seeing the two paddle further out.

"We'll see if they stay in sight at all," Ratchet says, setting down a towel and laying on it. He grabs a beer from the cooler and cracks it, drinking already.

"It's 8am," Mirage says.

"And I am on my day off," Ratchet replies.

"Hope we brought enough beer," Ironhide comments.

"Oh, we did," Lennox says aside.

"Can you swim?" Kaede asks as Optimus and Kaede wait on their boards.

"That did not cross my mind at all," Optimus replies. Kaede has to stop himself from laughing.

"Ok, let's hope Brainstorm implemented some kine thing then cus I'm not diving in after you if you drown, you disengage that holoform soon as you start drowning," Kaede says. Optimus pauses for a moment before giving a thumbs up.

"Brainstorm just said our holoforms know how to swim," he replies.

"'Kay, good, cus I feel a wave comin in," Kaede says. He waits a moment before paddling, Optimus following after him. They continue to paddle until the water swells enough for Kaede to prop himself up and stand on the board, surfing down the wave. He looks beside him to see Optimus getting up for a moment and standing before being thrown off the board. He pops back up, soaked and gets back on the board as soon as the water is calm again.

"It's... been a while," Optimus confesses.

"No big deal, you just gotta get back into the groove of it. Plus you aren't surfing as a big robot this time, you got a board that actually is your size," Kaede points out, knocking on Optimus' board. Optimus smiles and the two get back to it, Optimus gradually getting better as each wave passes by. By the time 11am rolls around, Optimus is on the board, riding down each wave with Kaede with ease. "Tide's startin to go out," Kaede hums, watching the water. The two sit on their boards, resting this time.

"You know your way around the ocean," Optimus comments. Kaede shrugs.

"Been out in the water my whole life till I moved here, when you surf big waves, you gotta know the ocean otherwise you could die," Kaede says, lying down on his board. He stares up at the sky. "But man... when you ride those 60 foot waves.... There's nothing like it," he says.

"Mm, I get why you're like this now," Optimus hums in understanding. Kaede laughs.

"Hoh, nah?" Kaede replies, sitting up this time. Optimus hums, floating closer to him. Optimus leans over his board and kisses Kaede, Kaede smiling into it. The two pull away for a moment, Kaede looking towards the beach and sees Wendy waving towards them.

"Must be lunch time," Optimus hums, kissing Kaede's cheek this time.

"They probably just started, we have some time," Kaede says, turning Optimus' head to kiss him properly this time.

"You're right," he hums into the kiss. Kaede pulls away for a moment and looks towards shore to see the science team working on... something.

"Is the science division digging a giant hole," Kaede deadpans. Optimus makes an annoyed growl.

"This is my day off, how the science division wants to spend their day is none of my business," Optimus says, pulling Kaede's board closer to him this time and he goes to kiss his neck. Kaede's face heats up and he yelps as Optimus pulls them onto his board, Kaede landing on top of him.

"Good thing I have my board leash," Kaede breathes out before he's pulled down into another kiss.

"Oh my god, they're horrible," Wendy groans, rubbing her face with her hands as she sees the couple off in the distance. She turns off to see Chrys and the rest of the science division hard at work. "You guys got far," she says, peering into the 5 by 8 foot hole. Chrys pops up, her head the only part of her visible.

"Yup! Haven't even started the tunnels yet," Chrys says.

"...You know you guys are gonna get in trouble," Wendy chides.

"We set up cones!" Wheeljack calls out from the other side. Wendy shakes her head.

"Okay, well, Lennox and Ironhide are making lunch soon so be prepared to take a break," Wendy says, walking off. Chrys gives a salute before going back to digging. Wendy goes back to her towel, Epps sitting nearby with Jazz, Lennox, Ratchet and Ironhide. He cracks open a beer and looks over to the hole.

"How deep is it now?" Epps asks.

"5 feet already," Wendy replies.

"They're digging to the other side of the planet at this point," Epps comments, sipping his beer. Ratchet sleeps on a chair, sunhat over his face. Lennox grabs the meats from the cooler and hands them to Ironhide, having warmed the coals and starts setting the burgers and dogs onto the grill. Wendy lays down on her towel after setting it down beside Arcee, who sits looking out into the ocean.

"Hey," Wendy says softly to her. Arcee acknowledges her, trying not to make eye contact, face slightly red. The two watch as Kaede and Optimus make their way back, boards at their sides. They set them into the sand and join the rest of the group.

"Are the waves good?" Ironhide asks.

"Eh," Kaede shrugs. "Hawai'i's better," he grins.

"I'd imagine," Ironhide replies, flipping a burger. He hands Kaede and Optimus a burger, motioning to the table to put their toppings on. Kaede helps Optimus put it together before putting on some ketchup. They sit down on their towels and eat, Kaede leaning into Optimus.

"Here," Lennox says, tossing Kaede and Optimus a beer.

"You done surfing for today?" Wendy asks, walking over with Arcee to get some food before sitting down.

"Nah, we'll be out later, wanna wait till the tide's in again," Kaede says. "Dunno if there's any reef breaks here but don't wanna risk it," he drinks his beer.

"When's that?" Jazz asks.

"Sometime before sundown," Kaede replies. "Might go swim or stay here for a bit and rest." He eats the rest of his burger and rummages in his bag before taking out a bag of Maui shrimp chips to munch on.

"How're you not exhausted?" Epps asks.

"I used to do this kine thing all the time," Kaede says, gesturing with his hand. "Before I worked for NEST, I'd do three things, work, race and surf. If I got bored I'd go beach and just stay out all day," he shrugs. "Charlie and I used to go camping on holidays when she'd close up shop," he then hums. ""Hey, maybe if we got another mandatory day off we can go camping next time," he then jokes, nudging Optimus.

"Actually, that doesn't sound like a bad idea! It'd be a fun lil family outing," Epps says.

"You consider us family?" Lennox teases from the grill.

"Shut up, man, I know you look at these kids like they're your own," Epps replies. Ironhide laughs.

"Nah, I get it," Kaede says. "I consider all of you family too," he smiles.

"Aw, don't get all sappy on me."

"Hey, you started it," Kaede teases, pointing at him with his beer. Epps raises his hands in surrender.

"Lunch is served!" Ironhide then calls out towards the science division. Brainstorm, Wheeljack and Perceptor make their way out. He nudges Ratchet's chair and he wakes up with a snort. He takes the hat off, making a face at Ironhide before he's offered a plate of food. Ironhide puts his hands on his hips and walks off to go towards the hole, noticing Chrys didn't come out along with them.

"Chrys, you need ta eat," Ironhide says, peering down. She pokes her head up and then outstretches her arms to him.

"Gimmie a plate then, I'll eat here," Chrys replies.

"No, you need to get outside the hole, with the rest of us," Ironhide says sternly. "It'll still be there when you get back," he assures. Chrys reluctantly gets out of the hole and makes her way over to the group, sitting next to Jazz. Noah and Mirage arrive, having walked along the beach for a bit.

"What the hell happened to you," Kaede asks, the red mark on Mirage's face.

"Arcee," Mirage grumbles. "Accidentally hit the ball too close to Wendy when we were playing volleyball."

"That from the ball then?" Noah nods and Kaede sucks a breath in with gritted teeth. There was a beep in the distance and a yellow Volkswagen Beetle came into view.

"There he is," Arcee says. Bumblebee pulls to a stop and opens his door, his holoform stepping out. Charlie gets out of the passenger's seat and waves to the group, Bumblebee getting their things. The two walk over.

"Hey guys! Had to close up shop. Glad I could make it for lunch," Charlie smiles. She's wearing a white sundress with a one piece underneath. On her collar area is a large electrical scar. Kaede raises a brow at it. She looks noticeably... younger as well.

"You decide to go old school on us, Bee?" Jazz asks.

"He wanted to surprise me, we used to ride on the coast together back when he was a Beetle," Charlie smiles. "Huh, I guess none of you saw him when he had that altmode."

"He was a Camaro when I arrived," Optimus muses.

"The fact that he could have been a Camaro that whole time," Charlie says, sideeyeing Bee. Bee gives an awkward smile and signs to her. "I know I'm teasing," she says, kissing him on the cheek. "So!" she says. "What's for lunch?"

"Got some burgers and hot dogs on the grill, feel free to help yourself. Beers, sodas and waters are in the cooler," Lennox says, motioning to both things. Charlie and Bee take a seat next to Optimus and Kaede. Kaede gestures subtly with his hand about the scar and Charlie leans over to him.

"I'll tell you later," she says. Kaede nods and turns his attention back to Optimus as he squeezes him, wrapping an arm around their waist.

"Hey, we're gonna head to the pier after this, anyone wanna come with?" Noah asks.

"You guys can go ahead, I think I'm gonna nap after this," Kaede hums.

After lunch, Kaede and Optimus lay on the beach blanket, arm draped over their eyes to block out the sun. A few hours pass as the two catch up on some well needed sleep before Kaede wakes up again, the tide starting to come in and he nudges Optimus awake, Optimus' soft snores being broken. He sits up, rubbing his face to see Kaede standing with his board. He gets up and the two head out to the water once again. They take a quick break. Kaede looks over to see a sandcastle had replaced the hole from earlier, Optimus and Kaede walking over.

"Wow," Kaede says.

"Looks good, right?" Chrys says. Epps, Noah, Mirage and Lennox walk over, Epps whistling.

"Damn, now that's a sand castle," Epps says.

"Hey, let's take a photo," Charlie suggests. The group gathers around the castle, Kaede and Optimus in the back with Lennox, Epps, Noah, Mirage, Ironhide and Ratchet. Optimus stands behind Kaede, his head nestled on top of theirs. Mirage with his hands on Noah's shoulders and Ironhide holding Ratchet's hand. Arcee and Wendy sit at the edge of the moat, Wendy leaning into Arcee. Brainstorm, Wheeljack and Perceptor sit in the middle in front of their castle, Perceptor leaning their head on Brainstorm's shoulder. Chrys and Jazz were on the other side of the moat, Charlie motioning the two to get closer. Chrys' ears go pink as Jazz scoots closer, giving a quiet apology.

"Ok, 1, 2, 3, cheese!" Charlie grins, taking a few photos before giving them a thumbs up. The group disperses, Kaede grabbing his board again with Optimus, the two go back to surfing until the sun sets.

As the two sit on their boards, watching the sun disappear beneath the horizon, Optimus reaches over and kisses them once again before the two head back to shore towards the fire Lennox and Ironhide started. Kaede runs a hand through his hair, slicking it back and sets down the board, exhausted.

The group huddles around the fire, Kaede warming himself up before throwing on a hoodie, shimmying a bit underneath it to remove his swim top. Conversation falls on the group as they pass around ingredients to make s'mores, Kaede opting to only just munch on the graham crackers.

"Do you not like s'mores?" Optimus asks as he passes the chocolate and marshmallows around.

"Not a fan of chocolate or marshmallows, so don't get me any for Valentines," Kaede replies. Optimus laughs softly before giving a soft smile and kisses their head.

"Understood," Optimus hums. The bots except for Mirage and Bumblebee were confused about what to do with the s'mores ingredients.

"Alright, so," Mirage starts, picking up a marshmallow. "You stick this onto a stick and then into the fire, you can toast it or light it on fire, your choice," he says, sticking it in and it immediately charring and lighting on fire. He blows it out and sandwiches it between the chocolate and graham crackers. "You make it into a lil sandwich and eat it. Any questions? No? Good, grab a stick and get to roasting!" The group roast their marshmallows, Arcee managing to make it a perfect golden brown and gives it to Wendy after she ends up burning hers after careful manoeuvring.

"NOOOO, I was so careful," Wendy cries out. After switching marshmallows, Arcee helps Wendy make her little sandwich alongside with hers and the two munch on it.

"Ough, I haven't had s'mores since high school, I've missed these so much," Chrys says after taking a bite into hers. Jazz bites into his and hums.

"Wow, I don't hate this," he says. Epps only laughs, the older agents having opted to not make any.

The fire dies down, Ironhide and Ratchet putting it out as Lennox and Epps clean up. Optimus nudges Kaede and motions towards the truck, the two taking their boards and packing their things up and heading out.

"Where'd you wanna go?" Kaede asks.

"Charlie said there was an outlook nearby, I was hoping we could stop there for a bit," Optimus replies, tapping the steering wheel with his hands. Kaede smiles at him. The two make it to the lookout, it being surprisingly empty. The two look out into the ocean and to the lit up Golden Gate bridge, taking in the view from inside the cab. After a few moments, Optimus takes Kaede's hand and leads him to the back where the bed is and lays them down before kissing them.

Kaede sighs into the kiss, the two intertwining and slotting together onto the bed. Optimus pulls away for a moment, Kaede looking up at him with half lidded eyes.

"I love you," Optimus breathes out. Kaede's heart feels like it's about to burst, face flushing. He pulls Optimus down for another kiss, murmuring into it.

"I love you, too."

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