
By Obi_The_Draconics

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Meet Zach. A 19-year-old from the Small village of IronRock. He spends his days hunting rabbits to help provi... More

Main Character Introductions + Story Release date
Chapter 1: Dradevows
Chapter 2: A Strange Man
Chapter 3: The Dragon and the Owl
Chapter 4: Words pierce more then a knife
Chapter 5: The Mountain
Chapter 6: Into the Tunnels
Chapter 7: A Tale of Two Brothers
Chapter 8: Let's make a deal.
Chapter 9: Bondsman
Chapter 10: Back off!
Writer's Message
Return Date!!!
Chapter 12: Crystal
Chapter 13: Trust Me
Chapter 14: The Journal
Update character redesign

Chapter 11: In Charge

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By Obi_The_Draconics

Two days later...

An arrow zipped through the air, shooting down a rabbit.

"Thirty..." Zach sighed as he put the crossbow down "... How many rabbits do six Draconics need...?"

Once he was done hunting, he returned to the mountain only to see the Draconic chatting on the grounds. Obi wasn't there.

"I never see Obi hanging out with any of the other Draconics at all," Zach thought to himself, "When she does come out she always seems so sad... I wonder why that is...?"

All the Draconics noticed Zach walking towards them and they all stopped talking.

"Hi, Zach!" ShinRin cheered.

"Oh uh hi," Zach replied, "What're you guys doing?"

"Why do you care?" asked Brann, rudely.

"Hey!" Shams scolded, "Knock it off, you don't have to be rude to the person that cleans your caverns".


Shams shakes her head and sighs.

"ShinRin was just telling us things about the humans," said Vatten, "Based on what you have told her".

"Oh, I see".

"Is so AMAZING!!!" ShinRin cheered, "Your Human life sounds SO interesting!"

Brann's face turned bright red in anger as he stared down at Zach. Zach gulped.

"I have a question about Human books," said Vatten to Zach, with a book under his arm, "Why do you always draw dragons like this?"

He opened the book he was reading the other day. It had a drawing of a knight fighting a Green Dragon with two legs and two wings.

"Dragons have four legs, not two. And why are they always green? They come in more colors".

"Uhmm... I- I do-"

Brann peaked at the drawing, "Not to mention that Human is trying to kill it with an IRON sword... Dragons can only die with an Obsidian or Netherite Weapon, everyone knows THAT!"

"I- A  what-? and what- ?"

"Humans don't know what that stuff is," said Obi suddenly. She was flying down towards them with a gray hood on. "I'm heading to the human village. Does anyone want me to bring anything while I'm there?"

"Maybe another book," said Vatten.

"Some more seeds for me!" said ShinRin

"A Sword Sharpener," said Brann looking at Zach.

"Some cow or lamb meat," said Shams.

"Poison..." Said Noapte.

"Alright," said Obi. She shook her head a bit and her scales disappeared and her sclera went from black to white. She flipped her hair back revealing her human appearance.

Zach watched, probably a bit more than he should have. Which Obi quickly took notice of.

"What?!" she scolded.

"Uhm! Nothing..." Zach stuttered.

"... Ok...? " Obi continued, confused, "I'll be back in a bit. Shams you're in charge".

"You got it," she said.

"What?!?!" Brann asked, annoyed, "Why HER?!"

"Because I don't trust you," Obi replied.

She flapped her wings and flew off, back towards Zach's village.

"I thought you guys never left the mountain?" Zach asked the other Draconics.

"Ya," said Vatten, "WE don't leave the mountain. Obi is the only one that does".

"I thought all Draconics could hide their scales and wings?"

"We can," said Shams, "But Obi gave us the order not to."


"Why do you ask so many questions human?" Brann interrupted, "Seems a little weird don't you think?"

"Braaaaann," Vatten grunted, "Enough".

"I'm just asking!" he said, "Why do we continue telling the human stuff?"

"His name is Zach, first of all," said Shams, "And second, he can't leave the mountain. So who is he gonna tell this stuff to?"

"Maybe the undertaker...." Noapte whispered


"NO," Shams affirmed, "Remember that I'm in charge".

"It's always you or Vatten that get nominated when she goes to the village," Brann complained, "Is never Noapte or ShinRin or me".

"I think what you mean is that YOU never get left in charge," Naopte answered.

"Well... YA!" Brann proclaimed. 

"Brann," Vatten began, "I say this in the nicest way possible. Bucky has more responsibility in his tail than YOU DO in your ENTIRE BODY".

"Oh really?! Name one reason!"

"Oh! gee! Let me think! There was that time you lost your patience and almost burnt down the forest, or the time you tried to practice a new spell and almost burnt down the forest. Or, that time you got angry for absolutely no reason and almost burnt down the forest for the THIRD time-"

"I said name ONE!!! But that's all in the PAST!"

"It was last week."


"Whatever your point is Brann, it's settled," Shams continued, "I'm in charge".

"Well then... " said ShinRin, "Can I borrow Zach for a moment? I need his help with some plants outside"

"...B- B- But that's what you and I do..." Brann mumbled.

"We can do it tomorrow if you'd like!" ShinRin added, "Just for today, ok?"

"Ok..." Brann mumbled.

ShinRin smiled. She skipped happily towards Zach and grabbed his wrist.

"Come on Zach!" she said pulling his arm.

Zach looked back at Brann. He slid his finger across his neck, menacingly. Telling him... 'You're dead'.

ShinRin took Zach to another opening out of the Mountain. This one had a bunch of flowers and plants everywhere. Plants that Zach had never seen before. They look like something out of a fairy tale.

ShinRin walked over to a small flower bush that was wilting away.

"Aww..." she said, "Poor thing..."

She put her hands on the ground surrounding the plant. Her wings glowed pink and her eyes lit up. Pink sparkles surrounded the ground around the plant as it slowly lifted itself back to life, small yellow flowers blossoming around it.

"There you go!" she cheered, "Good as new!"

Zach was amazed. Though not surprised. His memory was still a bit blurry from what his Grandpa would tell him, but they're some things he could remember. He knows Draconics are powerful. And their magic gets Stronger once they're twenty-five... But out of all the things about the Draconics that seemed very odd to him...

He always told him that Hundreds of Draconics lived in the Mountain. But there are only six here. As well as they're all around his age, more or less.

"So... ShinRin? Uhm... is it OK if I ask you something?" Zach asked

"Ask what?" she asked while she fixed a broken rose bush.

"Well... Uhm... there's something I wondered since I got here... My Grandpa used to tell me stories about your species. He would tell me about all the different magic Draconics could do, and how hundreds of them lived in the Mountain.... but now being here.... there's only six of you guys... "

ShinRin flinched, then sighed.

"There used to be more of us," she answered, "Many of them wanted to leave the mountain because they were tired of living in fear of humans and went around other places in Dradevows. Some left for new land. It was just Nature, Water, Light, Night, Fire, and the Drakarus among a few others".

"Oh, I guess that makes sense...  but you guys are relatively young..."

ShinRin stopped.

The rose bush she was fixing wilted...

"I don't want to talk about that...." she replied, no longer with her happy chirpy voice, "All you need to know... is as far as I know, we're the last Draconics that reside on the mountain."

"I- alright-" Zach muttered.

"Did they lose their parents...?" Zach wondered, "Damn... I can't even imagine not having mine around..."


"Even if... sometimes they go too far..."

"I do have one more question to ask," Zach continued.

"Ya?" she asked.

"It's about Obi- er-  Obina... She seems pretty... distant..."

"Yeah," she replied, "Obi is like that. She's always cooped up in her cavern, she rarely comes out, except to make sure everything is Okay or to go to the human village for supplies, though she only does that once a month".

"That reminds me..." I continued, "The compass Hooty gave to me. It leads me to all your Caverns... except Obina's"

"Makes sense," she answered, "She doesn't let anyone go up there. None of us even know what her cavern looks like."

"Why is that?"

"I don't know," she answered, "And I think that's enough questions for today... it's  kind of bringing a gloomy mood and I want to make plants happy right now"

She put her hands together, and her wings, eyes, and hands started glowing and sparkling as a bunch of flowers started growing everywhere making the place look more beautiful and full of life.

The Village, Zach's House...

"This is all my fault," William mumbled to Willow. As they both sat at the table, "I said... very harsh things to him that night..."

"Bill, it's not your fault," Willow comforted, "Sometimes.... people say things without thinking..."

"I was just... I- sigh- I don't know what I was thinking... he's just a kid. I should have been more careful."

"W-why did you talk to Zach that way?... Dad never spoke to you in that way, so I don't know why-... Is it... because of what happened when you were a kid?"

"Just..." he muttered, "Trying to make him... strong..."

"Well that's just dumb..." said Willow.

"Ya..." William sighed as he got up from his chair.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just... I just need to be alone..."

Before Willow could ask Willam shut the door to the tool room. Willow just decided to let him do his thing and compose himself.

Fang's Wagons...

"Have you been able to talk to the kid?" Fang asked two of his team members.

"We tried to," said the girl, "But every time we get near the house his Grandpa would call him in".

"Or his dog would growl and bark at us," said the boy.

"You're a DRAGON HUNTER!" Hitch Whispered and yelled, "And You're scared of a DOG?!?!"

"I HAD A BAD EXPERIENCE!!!" He complained.


"Well then," Hitch continued, "I guess I'll have to talk to him myself..."

"Don't you think he'll be... intimidated by...you?" the woman asked, looking Hitch up and down.

"You're right. That's why Zoey is coming with me".

"That little brat?" the man asked, "She couldn't catch a Draconics hatchling even if she tried!"

"She knows how to talk to people her age. ZOEY!"

From one of the wagons came a girl of light brown skin, she seemed to be either 18 or 19 years of age.

"Sir yes sir?" she said.

"You're still new to my group. Also the youngest... With that in mind I need you to come with me. We need to get some information out".

As Hitch walked with Zoey, they both passed by a girl with brown hair, wearing a turquoise top, and an overall skirt with black slippers. One distinct thing... She was wearing a gray hood, which was over a purple hair stripe.

Though neither of them seemed to recognize the other.

Obi had all her stuff in the bag she brought and started to head out. As she was heading out she passed an oil lamp post with a few missing posters. One of them Read:

Zachary Marshal Gladsvil.
Age 19. Dark Ginger hair. Blue eyes. Last seen wearing a white shirt with an orange flannel, hunting boots, and blue jeans.
Reward: 2,000 Knots

Obi grabbed the poster, stuck it in her bag and walked away. Once she was far away enough, where she knew no one could see her. She changed her disguise and flew back to the Mountain.

Like, Comment, and Share! Till next time Amores <3!

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