I thought you loved me

By Weirdo_nextdoor612

157 18 1

Audrey Harper is a 21 yeah old girl who hasn't been in school for a while. When she finally gets accepted at... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter twelve

6 1 0
By Weirdo_nextdoor612

I pulled up to my house and sat in the car to silently admire the sight. It was late afternoon so the the sun shown out from the back of the house. The rustling of the trees as the light played through them and the flowers that were closed for the night.

I let out an exhausted sigh and got out of the car. I only have my phone and charger with me because I have everything I need right here at home. I rented the car out for the night. I'm just going to ask my dad if I can use the family car for Saturday.

I walked down the gravel front yard and up the steps of the house.When I raised my hand to ring the bell I heard a soft purr beside me. I looked down to see a fluffy white cat with saphire blue eyes staring at me. I bent down and picked her up. " hi luna" I said giving her a scratch behind the ear which she replied with a soft meow.

I rang the bell and waited. Soon after the door opened and Iris stood on the other side. Her eyes were glued to her phone and she didn't seem notice me standing there. I cleared my throat. She then looked up and a smile formed. " hi" I said and she hugged me. " oh my gosh I missed you!" She said squeezing me. Luna then tried wiggling away but got nowhere with that. Poor Luna " Iris I think luna wants to go" I said and she pulled away immediately.

" sorry luna" iris said and we watched luna skip into the kitchen. We both laughed. Iris then finally let me into the house.

" dads not home yet" she informed me as I walked through the house. The crystal glass sliding door left a gorgeous glass pattern on the ground. And luna decided to ly sprawled out in the middle. I shook my head slightly and turned to Iris who was smiling at her phone. " so it the Xavier?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

" Xavier is so last year " she said leaving me confused. " I explained to mason and nova about what happened and we can agree Xavier and Brittney are the perfect slutty unloyal couple." She said glancing up at me. " so then who is that" I asked nodding at the phone.

A huge smile spread across her face. " you know that guy I told you I gave my number to when we went to the Bahamas?" She asked and I nodded. " He texted me back. Also we're going out. together. Tomorrow" she said jumping in excitement.

My eyes widened but my smile never faded. " I guess you dont want to go out?" I asked looking away faking a frown. " we can go sunday afternoon dont worry" she said and ran up the stairs.

I'm glad she moved on. Also I'm not surprised by Xavier I never really liked him. He always gave off that fuck boy vibe. Hold up if shes not coming with me tomorrow- nooo!! I'm stuck with alex and his friend. I so hope I'm not third wheeling.

I sat at the kitchen counter and put my head in my hands. " so not cool" I mumbled to myself . In my moment of sorrow the door opened and my dads voice echoed through the house. " I'm home Iris!" He called out and walked in with grocery bags on each arm.

When he saw me in the kitchen he grinned and put the bags on the counter. " well hello ms Harper student at Hazelwood University " he said wiggling his brows. I laughed. " hey dad" I greeted.

" so what happened are you finally un-single?" He asked playfully and I looked at him stunned. " dad. Really?" I asked and he shrugged. " come on your mom and I hit it off at 19" he stated then let out a dreamy sigh before continuing. " we used to sit in the car at the beach during school hours because we didn't care plus the teachers couldn't do anything. Her hands were in my hair with my hand on her thighs whilst she straddled me and damn her lips-" I cut him off " I dont want to hear that part of your glory days" I said with a nauseous expression.

He laughed at me. " your mom made that exact expression when I told her how to French kiss" He said with a smile " nananana stop please" I said covering my ears his smile slowly faded and he cleard his throat. He probably realised moms not here anymore. I'm glad ,not that shes gone but because I dont want to hear about his makeout sessions " any way so you enjoyed? " he asked as usual changing the subject. " yeah" I said awkwardly. I'm not telling him about my ' eventful' week. " I'm gonna need the family car. I'm heading out with some friends tomorrow " I said and he narrowed his eyes. " no parties " he warned.

" why not?" I asked " I dont want a repeat of last time also I dont think you do well with alcohol" he informed. " I am old enough to drink" I said causing him to raise a brow. " well the rule still stands" he said. " is that rule 30 or 55?" I playfully asked trying to bring in some humor " 1" he answered with a serious face. I sighed. " fine no parties" I said and turned to go up to my room.

I jogged up the stairs and past - I stopped by her room when I heard giggling. I peaked in to see her lying with her feet in the air against the headboard, with one hand holding the phone and the other under her head.

" come on dude if you're not going to tell me who she is then why the hell tell me about her?!" A voice screamed from the phone. " sorry brother problems. " another voice said and Iris laughed. " my sisters the same. They're just nosey for no reason." Iris replied. " maybe they'd be good together?" The voice on the other side said. " we should introduce them" she replied with a chuckle. " anywho so how are things with school?" The voice said and I walked away before I get caught.

I'm not nosey and who do they think they are to set me up with people. I scoffed. I mean I need to know atleast the guys name before I allow him to get with my sister. How do I know he isn't some fuck boy!? Plus if things do work out with them what do I call him, mr oh I dont know your name cause my sister didn't tell me?! Now I'm making a fuss.

Audrey drop it, you still have to brace yourself for Alex and his mystery plus one.

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