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By AuroraEvermoore

93K 2.9K 74

*Part 1* As a model, Ichika Hirawa can only attend the Night Class to get her Ph.D. When Hanabusa and Akatsuk... More

โ™› Night One
โ™› Night Two
โ™› Night Three
โ™› Night Four
โ™› Night Five
โ™› Night Six
โ™› Night Seven
โ™› Night Eight
โ™› Night Nine
โ™› Night Ten
โ™› Night Eleven
โ™› Night Twelve
โ™› Night Thirteen
โ™› Night Fourteen
โ™› Night Fifteen
โ™› Night Sixteen
โ™› Night Seventeen
โ™› Night Eighteen
โ™› Night Nineteen
โ™› Night Twenty
โ™› Night Twenty-One
โ™› Night Twenty-Two
โ™› Night Twenty-Three
โ™› Night Twenty-Four
โ™› Night Twenty-Five
โ™› Night Twenty-Six
โ™› Night Twenty-Seven
โ™› Night Twenty-Eight
โ™› Night Twenty-Nine
โ™› Night Thirty
โ™› Night Thirty-One
โ™› Night Thirty-Two
โ™› Night Thirty-Three
โ™› Night Thirty-Four
โ™› Night Thirty-Five
โ™› Night Thirty-Six
โ™› Night Thirty-Seven
โ™› Night Thirty-Eight
โ™› Night Thirty-Nine
โ™› Night Forty
โ™› Night Forty-One
โ™› Night Forty-Two
โ™› Night Forty-Three
โ™› Night Forty-Four
โ™› Night Forty-Five
โ™› Night Forty-Six
โ™› Night Forty-Seven
โ™› Night Forty-Eight
โ™› Night Forty-Nine
โ™› Night Fifty
โ™› Night Fifty-One
โ™› Night Fifty-Two
โ™› Night Fifty-Three
โ™› Night Fifty-Four
โ™› Night Fifty-Five
โ™› Night Fifty-Six
โ™› Night Fifty-Seven
โ™› Night Fifty-Eight
โ™› Night Fifty-Nine
โ™› Night Sixty
โ™› Night Sixty-One
โ™› Night Sixty-Two
โ™› Night Sixty-Three
โ™› Night Sixty-Four
โ™› Night Sixty-Five
โ™› Night Sixty-Six
โ™› Night Sixty-Seven
โ™› Night Sixty-Eight
โ™› Night Sixty-Nine
โ™› Night Seventy
โ™› Night Seventy-One
โ™› Night Seventy-Two
โ™› Night Seventy-Three
โ™› Night Seventy-Four
โ™› Night Seventy-Six
โ™› Night Seventy-Seven
โ™› Night Seventy-Eight
โ™› Night Seventy-Nine
โ™› Night Eighty
โ™› Night Eighty-One
โ™› Night Eighty-Two
โ™› Night Eighty-Three
โ™› Night Eighty-Four
โ™› Night Eighty-Five
โ™› Night Eighty-Six
โ™› Night Eighty-Seven
โ™› Night Eighty-Eight
โ™› Night Eighty-Nine
โ™› Night Ninety
โ™› Night Ninety-One
โ™› Night Ninety-Two
โ™› Night Ninety-Three
โ™› Night Ninety-Four
โ™› Night Ninety-Five
โ™› Night Ninety-Six
โ™› Night Ninety-Seven
โ™› Night Ninety-Eight
โ™› Night Ninety-Nine
โ™› Night Hundred
โ™› Night Hundred-One
โ™› Night Hundred-Two
โ™› Night Hundred-Three
โ™› Night Hundred-Four
โ™› Night Hundred-Five
โ™› Night Hundred-Six
โ™› Night Hundred-Seven
โ™› Night Hundred-Eight
โ™› Night Hundred-Nine
โ™› Night Hundred-Ten
โ™› Epilogue
Thank You!

โ™› Night Seventy-Five

116 7 0
By AuroraEvermoore

Working ahead, Ichika puts away her books for history. My essays are finished, and anything that could be homework is done. Give me an essay now, and I'll have time to write it. She knows she's alone. No one is at the door while she's used to having Hanabusa and Akatsuki close at hand. Nor can she see Takuma because he's busy too. Guarding a fool. It's unbelievable what his grandfather made him do. 

'Lady Ichika?' 

'Yes.' She wasn't expecting anyone. Even when she's always dressed for a guest. Only to see an unfamiliar face coming inside. 'Did you file a request?' 

'I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that I needed to file a request. May I have a moment of your time? Or do I have to leave?' 

Hanabusa is just back, hears voices, and opens the door. 'Yes, you need to file a request to speak with her. No exceptions for anyone.' No matter what it is about, Ichika is a Pureblood, and, therefore, there is a protocol to follow. He leads the woman out of the room but not without looking at Ichika. Still decently dressed even without having guests over, of course. He sees Akatsuki while escorting the woman downstairs. 'I can help you to file a request.' 

'Thank you, that would be great. However, I have only one question.' The woman nods with a faint smile. 'I have heard that Kenji was last seen in this area.' 

Akatsuki hears it and walks to the library. That idiot again. 

Hanabusa shakes his head. 'I'm sorry to give you bad news, but Kenji Moriyama is dead. He attacked the school and targeted Lady Ichika.' This way, Lady Ichika doesn't have to go through it again. She's quite done with that fool. 

Shocked to hear it, she goes through her legs. 'No!' 

'It's true,' states Hanabusa. 'He got killed in the process for targeting a Pureblood.' And we currently have two Purebloods here. Either one of them doesn't want to talk about Kenji and the rest of us don't like it. 

'He's my fiance, and the wedding was just a month away.' 

'He's most likely to do that to get to Lady Ichika. He has had his eyes on her for a long time,' explains Hanabusa. Another victim. When will this stop? 'It's been a while ago, but he did say that he wanted to make Lady Ichika his wife. Kenji went so far that he wanted to kill Takuma, who's Lady Ichika's boyfriend.' 

The woman doesn't hide her tears. 'No, I don't believe you. He said he loves me and wants to build a future with me...' 

'He used you. He did to others as well. Someone came before you, and she said the same thing. Kenji was after Lady Ichika long before he even met you. I wish you good luck.' Hanabusa opens the door and lets her go. That's the second one, who came for some answers. Will more follow? He goes back upstairs and knocks on her door.

'Come in, Hanabusa.' Ichika knew he would come back. 

Going inside, he goes closer to her desk. 'If I may, Lady Ichika, I was wondering if there's a way to find out who fell victim to Kenji. Otherwise, more women might come.' 

Yes, that is more likely. 'I doubt anyone kept track of all his girlfriends and fiance's. Just screen them when they try to come here for answers. They don't even know the rules so they won't be aware of filing a request and that should make it easy to identify them.' 

'Yes, that would make sense. Still, it doesn't take away that we get tired of this as well. Just as much as you, of course, Lady Ichika.' He crosses his arms. 

'I appreciate it that you took her away before she could even ask me anything.' She relaxes and turns to him. 'We must uphold protocol, and everyone who wants to talk to someone here needs to file a request to come here. No exception for anyone. Not even another Pureblood or someone from the Senate.' 

I couldn't agree more. 'That's how I see it as well. I'll leave you alone, Lady Ichika.' After a short bow, Hanabusa leaves the room. 


Carefully opening the door, he goes inside. Who are you? I was only expecting Kaname to be here. He looks for anything that looks like a journal. 

Even from the bathroom, Ichika senses someone's presence. She turns the shower off, and uses the towel quickly to put her robe on. Tightening the belt, she goes to her bedroom. 'Care to explain what you are doing?' 

He almost jumps and turns his head. 'I just want to know who you are, Milady Hirawa.' 

'I do not like it when someone breaks into my room and starts searching for something.' She sees his eyes and knows enough. 'And I have told you my name. Unfortunately, you haven't told me your name. It is only polite to introduce yourself.' 

A flicker shows in his eyes. He does like what he sees. 'Would you believe me if I give you my name?' He goes closer and catches the belt of her robe. Although the double knot would not come loose, and he gets curiouser. 'And the Hirawa name does ring a bell, I just can't get to the Pureblood's family name. Is your family a side branch of a Pureblood's family? And if so, which family?' 

She crosses her arms. 'Am I not even getting so much of an apology for entering my bedroom without permission?' She doesn't bulge from her position even when he seems to try to open her robe. 'Please maintain a proper distance and stop trying to seduce me. I have a boyfriend.' 

'Pity, but as expected. I would be surprised if a woman such as yourself would be single.' He straightens his back. 'He's a fool for leaving you alone...' 

'I apologize for cutting you off, but I like to get dressed.' She wraps her arms around herself. Her robe reminds her of just coming from the bathroom. 'No matter how many or pressing questions you have, I'm sure it can wait until I'm dressed. In about thirty minutes, I'll be in the library.' 

'My, I like how you are both polite and demanding at the same time. You intrigue me, Milady, but I guess my questions can wait for half an hour.' He heads back to the door. 'I will see you later, Milady.' She has an attitude without being rude. Along with an air of authority of a Pureblood. Just who are you? 

Being alone again, she waits another minute before going to her wardrobe. Quickly, she gets dressed and goes to Kaname. I still have time before going to the library. 'Kaname?' She doesn't hear anything and opens the door. Empty. This is important, Kaname. She makes sure no one sees her and goes inside Kaname's bedroom. Where she raises her shield. 'Kaname, wake up please.' 

Kaname stirs and realizes he's not alone. 'Do you want some company or something?' 

'I know that Shiki's body was taken over by Rido, and Rido was just in my room searching for something.' 

He sits up and rubs his eyes. 'What? Did he do anything to you? I know he's here and coming for me. Maybe he's looking for Yuki as well, but it's too soon to say.' 

She shakes her head and sits on the edge. 'I was barely out of the shower and had my robe on with a double knot in it. It didn't stop him from playing with the belt. I insisted politely that he needed to leave so I could get dressed. He did leave, reluctantly.' 

'I did not expect him trying to get close to you. Usually, he's interested in killing me and getting closer to Juri, or Yuki this time.' Kaname gets out of bed. 'You should tell Takuma as well. He only stays closer to Rido because he hijacked Senri's body, and Takuma tries to protect his friend.' 

'Yes, I came to the same conclusion.' And forced upon him by his grandfather. She nods. 'Didn't we agree to keep each other informed?' 

He smiles. 'We did. Thank you for not waiting too long. We are still talking about Rido, and I wouldn't want you to get harmed. Let me know if he tries something again?' 

She agrees. 'Don't keep me in the dark, Kaname.' She stops with her hand on the door knob. 'I'll let Takuma know as well. He might get through to Rido as well.' She leaves Kaname alone in his room. Get dressed, Kaname. 


Ichika stayed in the library for a few hours, but she didn't see Rido or Takuma. She did leave him a note to be safe and went to her study. Surprisingly, she finds her study in chaos. All the books are disarranged and papers everywhere. Who went through my books and papers? The audacity! She starts cleaning it up. After that, she sits down with a glass of water and drops a blood tablet in it. 

'So this is your room.' 

The voice doesn't startle her, and she raises her shield because she knows she can't avoid the conversation with him. 'Did you find what you were looking for?' She turns her desk chair and sees Senri. No, his eyes say it's Rido. 'Were you so desperate for answers that you don't care about making a mess?' 

'Whose family do you belong to?' Senri reacts while getting closer. 

'I am not obligated to answer any of your questions. If you do insist on getting answers, I suggest you formulate your questions differently.' She doesn't flinch when he's right in front of her with only her desk between them. 

His eyebrows turn upside down. 'Who are you? What family do you belong to? Surely, you must be a Pureblood to have a study in this building.' 

'Didn't I say that if you formulate your questions differently, I might answer them? How is that a polite way of asking me something?' Sounds like demands instead of a friendly question. She does know that she needs to inform Kaname when Rido is gone. 'Are you here for me or do you have ulterior motives? May I suggest you focus on why you are here.' 

Polite with authority. 'It is admirable how you address me with kindness and authority in your voice. Can you insult me, or are you holding back?' 

'Only if I'm mad, but I don't get mad so easily.' She assures him. 'However, I'm quite busy so if you would be so kind in leaving I would most appreciate it.' 

'So kind and assertive at the same time.' He leans with both hands on the desk. 'But I'll leave you alone. You are not part of my plan. Just stay out of my way, and I'll stay away from you. It can be that simple.' 

'Of course, squash that nuisance.' He moves back to the door. 'Or destroy it if it really bugs you. I would almost offer to tidy things up here, but I'm sure you want to do it yourself. This is your study, after all.' With a smile, he leaves the room. 


After her study is neat and cleaned up, Ichika heads to Kaname's study. She sent Takuma a message to meet her there as well. With a knock, she goes inside and sees both men. In an unguarded moment, she raises her shield. 'I had another run-in with Rido, but he searched my study for unknown reasons. He only mentioned that he wants to know what family I belong to.' 

Takuma's eyes widened. 'Wait, you know...?' 

'Yes, I am aware of who Rido is because I met him a few times before. His eyes do stand out.' She nods and continues. 'However, he did make a mess of my study. It's cleaned up now, but he came back because he wanted to know whose study it is since it can't be Kaname's.' 

Kaname remembers her former encounter with Rido. 'Did he try anything or any advances towards you?' 

She shakes no. 'He only said to be intrigued by me and wanted to know which family of Pureblood I belong to. Quite annoying to be honest.' 

I wish I could do something about this. Takuma doesn't like it. 'Can I talk to you alone, Ichika?' 

'Consider me informed. I'm sure you want to talk to Takuma.' Kaname sees the two leave his room and closes the door with his telekinesis. 

Ichika waits until she's back in her study with Takuma. Rido and Kaname both have something to do with each other. I can not disclose anything about that with Takuma. 'I don't know why Rido is interested in me, but I don't like how he used my study without my permission. Or how he came into my bedroom while I just got out of the shower.' 

Takuma pulls her close. 'I do apologize for his behavior. Just know that it's Rido and not Senri. Once Rido has his own body, Senri won't know what happened when his body got hijacked.' 

'I know.' She enjoys a moment with him. 'But you should stay close to Senri and hope Rido won't do anything stupid.' 

'I miss you, Ichika.' He kisses her. 'I do hope this is all over soon, and we can go on that vacation together.' 

Me too. She lets him go and holds the door. 'Be careful.' 

'I will.' He smiles back at her and walks out of the room. 


Shaken up, Ichika feels a hand on her shoulder. You are becoming a problem. She looks up and sees Akatsuki. 

'I apologize for disturbing you, Lady Ichika, but there was an altercation between Senri and myself because he was coming on to Ruka.' Akatsuki knows he couldn't keep it from Kaname and her. Unfortunately, Lord Kaname is currently not here. Lady Ichika is, and she is a Pureblood. 

She gets up. 'He did what?' Not only are you annoying me, but Ruka now too? For what reason? Just entertainment until your real body is ready? 'How's Ruka doing?' 

'A little shaken, but, yes, she's fine. Rima is with her, and Takuma is with Senri.' He continues. 'I only checked up with Ruka and not Senri. I don't know what is going on, but I don't like it. Senri is not himself.' 

I can't tell you. 'I noticed that much, too, but this is beyond me, Akatsuki. I will make sure to talk to him about it.' She can do that for him. 

'I appreciate it, Lady Ichika. I would have talked to Lord Kaname, but I can't find him.' 

'I will let him know, but it seems the situation is dealt with. Let's hope it won't happen again.' She nods to assure him and leads him to the door. 'Do let me know if something happens?' 

'I will.' Akatsuki agrees and leaves the room. That's one thing I never liked about Purebloods. They never have to explain anything. I wonder if she does know something. Unless Kaname doesn't tell her much either. How much do they know about each other? He finds Hanabusa with Takuma downstairs. 'Well, Takuma, what is going on? Why are you on Senri's side?' 

Takuma stays quiet to think about it. They don't even know Rido. I didn't know until my grandfather told me. 'Unfortunately, I'm under orders from my grandfather. Even I don't have all the details. But I have to go.' He does walk away to find Senri. It feels like I'm abandoning my friends, and I don't like it. With a heavy heart, he goes to Senri's room. 


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