The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

190 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping

Plot Twists & Geass

4 1 6
By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 4: Plot Twists & Geass

Date: October 3rd, 2023

A lot has happened since we were able to save Glass' World from the onslaught of One Supreme World's forces. Every single day, it's been fight after fight. It's been incredibly difficult juggling my responsibilities of governing Greenhorne Castle with training, battling, and everything else. I rarely get to sleep at night and have to drink sleep replacement potions almost daily. I've seen so much loss and destruction now that I have almost become completely numb to the sheer number of lives I've had to take lately. I was already desensitized to violence in movies and such for a long time. Now, I'm truly becoming that way about violence I'm living through. I've seen so many innocent people die. I've had to kill so many individuals who have become pawns in a game of power and control spearheaded by our enemies. And with each universe that falls, Don Thousand's Barian forces only grow in number and strength as more universes become one with Astral-Barian World by force. At this point, my Artist's Eye has reached Stage 4. As a result, I can let it be active but ideal for about 30 minutes due to really pushing on training with it as of late. As for other things I have yet to get even close to near perfection in, progress is very slow. My Sharingan has gained 2 tomoe due to everything I've seen and experienced. But I can't use it for long in part because my body is dead. That energy I collected allows nearly all of my body's cells to function and stay alive. However, my heart no longer exists. It was destroyed and since I can't exactly heal in the ways I used to be able to be healed that often, it ain't coming back. I've had to rely on things that normally harm the human body to heal or regenerate more and more such as poisons and harming potions.

I have barely made progress with my Ki training. All I've done is sharpening what I can do to the point my Kamehameha blasts don't miss directly and fully hitting their intended target as often. And I still can only barely do ninjitsu. I have been getting stronger due to all of the fighting but that still hasn't helped much with my skills outside of my weapon skills, agility, and dexterity. My comrades and I can't recruit enough individuals to fight with us to keep up with the expansion of the enemy forces. But, we have decided to do something that should bring a lot of individuals and groups into an alliance with all of us in the BRAINS Collective. In a dimensional space much like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, we have chosen to hold an event known as the Interdimensional Conference & Festival with invitations and transportation provided to all kinds of individuals and groups such as heroes, villains, and anti-heroes from the expansive DCU and MCU multiverses, countless adventurers from many worlds, robots from Bolts and Blip, and the Mew Mews of Tokyo Mew Mew. The event is huge with everything anyone could possibly need or want: hotels, restaurants, bathrooms, training grounds, stores, roller coasters, and so on. In the middle, a huge stage with created with enough space to hold thousands of seats for notable BRAINS members. We started with a prior BRAINS meeting before arriving in groups, doing speeches, and all that. I was among the few who made a speech. As we had all the time in existence, we chose to drag the event out and make sure we got everything across, including musical and combative performances. Now, let me recount my speech or rather, the most important part.

I spoke of what we were facing and introduced myself on stage before calling for an hour intermission for breaks. I then ate at a restaurant, used the bathroom, and trained a little bit before returning to wait for the audience to come back in order to continue. I stood back up on stage and began to walk down into the middle of the audience: "Now that everyone has returned, I will now show you all why the center of the area all of you are seated has been left empty." Silence continued as all eyes remained on me. I stepped closer and closer. Before I started the first portion of my speech, I had walked in with my fellow Akatsuki members with my identity concealed by my cloak and mask. I took it all off when I began, revealing my armor in a stunning way in order to make a more effective presentation. As there was no wind, my cape only swished due to the movement of my muscles as I walked. When I reached the middle, I spoke again: "And now, it is finally time for the most important part of my speech to begin. Let me thank you all for coming here. We need your help in saving the entire multiverse." I then knelt down and bowed my head before the gathered audience of countless individuals from many universes in the classic fashion you'd expect from a knight who is loyal to royalty which I'm not. "People of the multiverse, please hear my words. I pledge my absolute loyalty to the innocent people who inhabit our multiverse. I will only ever bow before the people. I will not bow before authority. Some of you may not think we're sincere in our words and intentions. But please listen to me. Lend me your ears. As a knight, I promise that I will do my best to safeguard the lives of the innocent and protect what has been worked so hard for. I cannot state enough how much the duties I have chosen to take up mean to me."

"People of the multiverse, I am but one knight asking for your trust, aid, and respect. I may have already perished many times and been relegated to being among the walking dead but.. I will offer everything I have to give in order to perform the duties I speak of for you. My sword, my shield, my armor, my body, my very soul. I'm willing to lose everything to save even just one life in this conflict. I'm only one knight. My words are solely my words. I do not speak for all of my comrades with each of my words. Please know that we all believe in a better future and will keep fighting for it. As I bow before you all, allow my words to speak that which cannot be spoken of at this moment in time. I'm not perfect. I'm not completely pure of heart. But even so, I once again offer everything I have. My goal is to try. To try to change things and to be able to do something that doesn't just benefit myself and myself alone. The mistakes I've made continue to bear down on me to an extent." I stand back up and raise my sword: "People of the multiverse, will you follow our lead and fight for what we ourselves are fighting for? We cannot afford to allow anyone to rule over others as tyrants who don't give a damn about the suffering they cause. I am no leader, I am a singular knight who has chosen to speak here today. I had no desire to, I don't like having the spotlight be put on me, and I'm not trying to be some kind of legendary hero who will lead everyone to victory. However, my comrades were able to convince me to speak. They have that much trust in me and I just can't believe that they do. Despite my shortcomings and imperfections, they put so much in me just as they have with everyone else. I raise my sword in order to ignite your spirits. We can't win without you so please, I ask once again of you to join us in this campaign to stop One Supreme World. Huzzah!"

In solidarity, the other knights from BRAINS stand up on stage and raise their swords too. A lot of the audience end up raising their fists after mechs in the back row with Antifa symbols on them do so. I heard a lot of cheers, applause, and chants as this occurred. I bow before the people one more time just like before after everyone settles down: "Once again, thank you all. Athena shall speak next. We'll conduct small meetings after the speeches are over. I shall partake in one and look forward to talking with those of you who are from the Transformers universe like Bumblebee and Optimus Prime. This is the end of my speech, I bid a good day to all of you." I then walk back on stage and sit back down on it. Several days passed by when it was finally time for the event to end. We soon dispersed to our various universes. However, we now have a significantly larger number of allies and BRAINS members. Once I returned to Miitopia, I chose to rest. After all, a huge fighting tournament was the finale of the event and it was intense to say the least. I was pushed to the brink multiple times by the time I was eliminated from the tournament only to end up going to a smaller jousting tournament that happened at the same time. After attending the Ohio Renaissance Festival just a week and a half prior, I gained an interest in trying out jousting. Chocolate and I did very well together. I sit down in the library of the Miitopia BRAINS base with a book in hand and start reading. 30 minutes in, I felt a sudden pain. Immediately, I got up and went to the meeting room for a mission. It was obvious why I felt that pain. I was being called to another universe.

I walked in and saw pretty much every other BRAINS member residing in Miitopia inside. Dominic was handling the main operations of the machinery in the room. Everyone was silent as Carlos of all of us was being shown where he is to go. Things have gotten that tense for us. When it was my turn, myself and those also left in the room found out that I am to go to the Code Geass universe. I react: "This ought to be interesting. Dominic, can you determine what point in that universe's time I am needed to go to." "It's a nap causation. I have cross referenced the text descriptions of the show depicting that universe with the point in time. You are to teleport to the Imperial Crown Colony of Japan." "I see. Well then, this is going to be messy. I hope that universe can be saved. We cannot afford to have Geass fall into the hands of our enemies. If it does, the consequences would be dire. At the point of time I am to go to, there are several individuals with Geass. Most notably Lelouch vi Britannia. I shall depart immediately. There's no other choice. It was one thing for Raphtalia's World to fall. We were able to keep the Vassal and Legendary Weapons away from our foes by ensuring the safety of their holders. But that was not easy as stated in the reports. Now then, I better get going and see who I end up fighting alongside once I'm there." And so, I teleported to the designated time and place. I found myself standing on the road in Tokyo before a procession with a Britannian royal vehicle carrying Lelouch on it with him on the throne. For those of you who have never seen the anime Code Geass which depicts this universe, let me explain what the hell is going on before continuing.

This is a world in which the United States never formed, Napoleon drove the British out of Europe, and the British reorganized in North America as the Holy Britannian Empire and came to control the Americas as well as Japan, New Zealand, and briefly much of Europe and all of Russia. The Chinese Federation was also formed and controlled all of Asia besides Russia, Japan, and parts of Southeast Asia. Europa United, the 3rd superpower was formed by successful democratic revolutions in the 1800s and came to control all of Europe, Russia, and much of the Middle East and Africa. Australia exists as a neutral nation. Japan is the site of much of the show as Lelouch is sent there with his sister after his mother was killed and he denounced his claim to the throne of Britannia in front of his father: the emperor Charles. This eventually led to all kinds of events such as the formation of the United Federation of Nations(much of Europe, the reorganized Chinese Federation), the death of Charles, the creation of the Black Knights(a armed resistance in Japan led by Lelouch aka Zero), many atrocities in Japan, the dehumanization of Japan's people as "11s", the destruction of Britannia's capital Pendragon, and the decolonization of the world by Britannia following what is supposed to happen: Lelouch's planned death, his sister Nonnally's ascension to the throne, and the dissolution of Britannia into the Principality of Britannia. Lelouch holds a power known as Geass. In his case, he can order someone to do as he says as long as he makes direct eye contact and the target isn't immune due to possessing a high level Geass.

I won't go into further detail because there's a lot of information so I suggest you watch the show, keep reading this, and/or read Code Geass wiki and fanfic stuff. On either side of the royal vehicle are vehicles holding members of the Black Knights, set to be executed publicly in front of an enormous audience. Suzaku Kururugi, childhood friend of Lelouch is currently nearby dressed as Zero with the mask and colorful/dark cloaked outfit and all that. Zero was Lelouch's persona to hide his identity. In an ordinary situation, things are about to play out as they are supposed to. Lelouch with his mostly white imperial robes, light skin, short black hair, and purple eyes is meant to be assassinated as part of his plan: Zero Requiem. But with my sudden arrival, things began to change. All eyes were on me. Lelouch stands up and yells: "You there! Just who do you think you are?! Some obsolete knight in shining armor?!" All hell then broke loose. I saw the tentacles before they could get me. I draw Graceful Protector and slice them in half. A panic occurs as people start trying to flee and Knightmare Frames begin firing at me and the tentacles to no avail. "It has begun! I got here just in time. Damn it." Zero/Suzaku leaps down and draws his sword not on Lelouch but the tentacles. I yell: "Zero! You don't know me but please, focus on killing Lelouch! I can hold down the fort!" He doesn't respond so I prove myself. "Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 20! Haaaaaaaa!" My attack does it's thing. It even destroys some of the tentacles. "Black Storm! I know that that's you who's unleashing the tentacles! So we come face to face again! Prepare yourself!" Black Storm appears: "You think you're so clever! It's amusing. Humans are always so pitiful. This universe is ours. You can't stop us." The invasion force appears and begins.. slaughtering the fleeing civilians without hesitation.

"Damn it! I can't fight against all of this by myself. But if I can save just one life here, the struggle will be worth it. This is horrifying. So much blood is already being spilled. Black Storm! Once my comrades arrive, you will not be laughing so hard. We won't let you get away with what you're doing." The villain just laughs as he continues to inflict terror with his tentacles. I am soon overwhelmed as I do my best to protect those who need to be protected including the chained up members of the Black Knights. It was incredibly difficult to do it by myself. However, Zero/Suzaku joins the fight as the Knightmares from before get destroyed. We fight side by side. "Thanks for the help. But did you kill Lelouch like you're supposed to? I'll explain how I know about that plan later." "No, this is more important than that. The people are all fleeing in all directions. Chaos has descended upon this city." "Well, I suggest you really turn up your game. It's hard enough for me to keep up with all of our foes and I possess superhuman strength." We keep fighting together and struggle to hold against the enemy. Zero is forced to retreat only to come back in a Knightmare known as Lancelot Albion which has a mostly white and yellow color scheme, not unlike Number 39: Hope(Utopia). Just when I'm starting to finally give out, my comrades who had to come to this universe too arrive. Several explosions made that obvious even amongst the devastating firepower of the Lancelot Albion. Black Storm notices my slowing down and resolves to try to impale me right then and there. However, a familiar green light of sorts blocks his tentacles. I look above to see Green Lantern(John Stewart). He has short dark hair, brown skin, green eyes, and the standard Green Lantern Corps uniform.

Small footnote: the Green Lantern Corps were actually dissolved once heroes in that universe ended up becoming incredibly wide spread over the past few years. Former members are still distinguished with the uniforms but now, they don't try to guard sectors of their universe by themselves. "Thanks, Green Lantern. I needed that. But what about the innocent people and the captured Black Knights?" That's when Black Storm breaks GL's barrier that protected me. So GL just makes another only for that to break too. GL was going to reply when Black Storm manages to pierce him instead of me right before my eyes. As if that weren't enough, I saw the Lancelot Albion succumb to the combined might of Obelisk Force and the United Mining Company/Yappa Yappa's forces. And then, I was forced to use what was left of my strength in order to fight back once more against the enemy. I collapse to the ground only to be picked up by All Might: "Don't worry, young knight! I am here!" Konan and Barla show up, immediately blowing up a lot of the enemy troops with paper bombs and modern explosives respectively. Barla smirks as she then goes in and picks up GL who is heavily bleeding: "Hell yeah! They underestimated us once again!" Black Storm yells: "Curse you all! How many more of you humans and other insignificant creatures are there?!" Uraraka replies: "You have no idea! And we just succeeded in evacuating all civilians within a 20 block radius!" All Might puts me down on a rooftop and says: "Will you be able to safely recover up here?" "I can still move a tiny bit. Thanks, All Might. You should get back into battle. I'll catch up soon assuming this building doesn't get blown up."

"Alright. I'll go Plus Ultra to save the innocent now. Black Storm will know I AM HERE!" I watch him speed off before pulling out a Minecraftian Poison IV potion. I drink it. Instead of damaging me, it heals me very quickly. I drink another one to finish my recovery. I stand back up only to watch as the Black Knights who were captured and set to be executed joining the battle in their own Knightmares. Among them is Kallen who is inside of a mostly red and orange Knightmare Frame. Her Knightmare is devastatingly powerful with the ability to melt an enemy Knightmare using highly concentrated energy. "Well, I hope my comrades made it clear whose side we're on and that Lelouch is staying in place for now. We don't need the Black Knights to target him right now since Suzaku aborted their Zero Requiem plan for now. Okay. I'm good to go again." I run around, trying to look for the perfect location to resume my fighting in. And then, I find it. A band of Obelisk Force members are destroying building after building. Right as they destroy one, I leap in to get in their way. But I'm not the only one to get in their way. Wonder Woman, Tsunade, and Bulma do as well. "I need some sakė after this! But regardless, we won't allow you to hurt anyone else, Obelisk Force!" "For my homeland and my people of the Amazon! This world will be protected from conquest!" "Oh yeah! Time to show off what I can do! I'm not merely a scientist anymore!" "We shall work together. Now that I'm fully recovered thanks to All Might rescuing me, I will do my best to help you three!" An enemy laughs: "You 4 stand no chance against us because we now fusion summon many Ultimate Ancient Gear Golems!"

Tsunade single-handedly destroys one of them. I slice through another. In minutes, we overwhelm our foes. But it was clear we weren't even close to done. We hear several explosions as the sky gets covered in tentacles. "What the hell is going on now?" Because we had to set up a communications center for the ongoing war, we end up hearing communication from Twilight Sparkle as she's currently among those handling interdimensional communications: "Attention those fighting in the Code Geass universe. We have a clear rundown of your circumstances. The enemy is attacking multiple key cities around the entire world. Tokyo is where the largest battle is ongoing. From what we can see here, it appears that Black Storm has covered up the entire sky around Tokyo. Reinforcements will be sent as soon as they can be sent. This is Twilight Sparkle, signing off for now. We will continue monitoring the situation from here." Right as the transmission ends, my vision gets blinded temporarily by a flash of light. By the time it went away, I was in a crater in a street in the city. "What just happened? Wait, why is the sky no longer dark due to Black Storm? That didn't last long.." Barla runs over to me with a smirk on her face as she pulls me out of the small crater. "Barla, did you cause what just happened?" "Hell yeah I did!" "You used one of the new antimatter weapons.. Was that our only option?" "It practically was! It was awesome. But seriously, I knew all of the risks involved. That's why I detonated it in the sky." Black Storm's voice could be heard by everyone: "As amusing as it is that so many of your Knightmares were destroyed by your own attack, you creatures really are fools! You stopped me from covering this entire world's sky! And to repay you, I'm going to destroy all of you myself! But first, I'm going to destroy the useless troops that were sent here with me!"

Black Storm commits a brief and brutal onslaught, using his tentacles to pierce through his own allies. This left most of us just standing around in shock at what just occurred. I was calm due to my numbness but still said: "How are we supposed to defeat Black Storm? Look at what he just did. Damn it. Fusion is probably our only real option since the antimatter weapon wasn't enough. I fear those things, they're so much worse than nuclear warheads." That's when Lelouch while being carried by the Lancelot Albion is seen in the air. Black Storm laughs: "It's pitiful how most of you aren't even trying to stop me now that I've destroyed those useless troops myself! I see what is being attempted! Hahaha! Lelouch vi Britannia, was it? A human like you is nothing compared to me!" To prove his point, he opens a portal to another dimension and blasts a faraway planet over and over again. Lelouch speaks loud enough to be heard as well: "You haven't won. No. In fact, you lose! I, Lelouch vi Britannia order you. Die!" I didn't see it but I knew his eyes turned black with the red wing like symbol for Geass in them at that moment. "Hahahaha! You can't tell me what to do! You and your friend piloting that little mech will be next to perish! This is the-" Black Storm succumbs to the Geass and pierces himself in all of his vital areas. Despite his massive form and high defense, it was super effectively. He coughs up something before falling to the ground, creating a huge crater and destroying more of the city in the process. Once this happens, he reverts all the way back to his original emotionless puppet state and dies. With no one left to fight, the battle comes to a sudden end. Or at least, that's what we thought. I couldn't believe my eyes: "This screws up the future Lelouch had planned. He just killed Black Storm with his Geass. Black Storm was a menace.. And he himself acts like a dictator.." Barla replies: "It can't be helped. We don't have the strength required to bring someone like him down ourselves. Hell no." "Well, I guess we better-"

Myself, Barla, and others get pierced by tentacles. At the same time, energy blasts pummel the surrounding area. "Damn.. it.. He got us good.. How is he able to keep reviving like this.. I don't understand.." I black out. Next thing I knew, I was being woken up by Sonic the Hedgehog: "Hey sleepy head! Time to get back to fighting!" I notice that I feel alright: "What in the?! How long was I out? Never mind, don't need the details right now. Just sensing Black Storm's ominous presence is enough for me to disregard my confusion and prepare to fight once more. There's no other choice given how terrifyingly powerful he has become." Sonic and I join the fight against Black Storm right as reinforcements for our foe arrive only to be obliterated on the spot by the villain. But nothing we do makes a difference. We can't deal any damage to him. "Crap. No matter what any of us try, nothing is changing. Our attacks cannot break his defenses. Our own defenses are keeping us in battle but it's all we got going for us. There aren't even any Knightmares in sight now. It's like all of them have been destroyed.." "What's wrong, humans and other mortals?! You can't hurt me?! How sad! So sad indeed!" He opens another portal to another dimension and starts blasting what's on the other side while also attacking and blasting us along with the city. Where the Black Knights were to be executed(but not really due to Zero Requiem), there's left but rubble now. The buildings are gone. But then, time suddenly comes to a halt for everyone and everything except those of us fighting Black Storm. Or at least, it seemed that way. I later found out that time was simply slowed to 1/10,000th of a second. A bunch of voices yell at once: "Hurry! Attack now! You only have 30 seconds! This is your only shot!" We wasted no time in attacking the slowed down Black Storm over and over again during those 30 seconds.

I swung with Graceful Protector with all of my strength and continuously dished out one powerful attack after another. I didn't stop for anything. No hesitation. Time resumes to its normal course and when it does, Black Storm screams in pain like a boss monster. "How dare you all! I don't know what you did but what you did is aggravating to me! Die, all of you!" The next minutes of fighting are brutal. It's constant action with none of us able to deal damage now that the time assist is no longer in effect. We all suffer a lot from the damage we endure. I screamed in pain a lot and I'm someone who can handle some amount of pain without screaming. I wasn't alone in the screaming as Black Storm's laughter returned and reached a point like it never ever did before. Our options were running out, mine especially. I kept consuming every normally harmful consumable I had in my ender pouch just to heal enough to keep fighting as best as I could. But when it finally all ran out, the grim truth was set in stone. We can't win. Not against him with our current numbers and strength. Neither Lelouch's Britannia nor the Black Knights could send in anyone to fight Black Storm too due to fact the Knightmares they had in Tokyo were all destroyed. And battles were raging worldwide. I could sense the climbing deaths of innocent Japanese and Britannians in Tokyo despite the earlier successful evacuation of 20 city blocks. It was getting to me and because I had to put all of my concentration into fighting, that feeling was able to grow stronger even faster. As it built up, I still kept going. "I refuse to let my feelings crush me again! I won't succumb to my inner darkness! Not this time! No matter how much all of this hurts physically, mentally, and emotionally!"

My own words gave me the strength to just keep going and never waver even for a moment. Even as I started having to repair my armor with my mana every so often to keep my body from being destroyed, I kept stubbornly enduring despite my suffering. My sword strikes were as fast as they could be despite me beginning to run out of strength once again. Black Storm laughed: "So this is what true war is like! The destruction, the chaos, the misery! It's all so satisfying! This world belongs to Don Thousand! And I don't need anyone's help to kill all of you by myself! You can't defeat me! This is it! You're all running out of strength! It's almost- Gah!" Black Storm suddenly recoils in pain. I thought I saw a big scythe cut into him but wasn't sure due to my situation. That's when we all hear it. Familiar laughter from someone else. "I'm so going to enjoy slowly and painfully killing you! Black Storm, are you ready to scream in pain?" That's when I see him. Yappa Yappa. Black Storm glares at him: "Yappa Yappa! Why have you come here?! You were supposed to help conquer the Beyblade universes! Why do you dare to stand against me with these lowly creatures?!" "I'm not doing it for them! Our dear Don Thousand has ordered your execution! Since I failed to conquer those universes, I requested to come here to kill you for him! That way, he won't ever dream of slowly and painfully killing me any time soon for my failure!" "Impossible! Why does he want me dead?! I was created from him within Astral! I made him more powerful when he absorbed me! This can't be happening!" "Someone has been disobedient! You've been killing all of the troops! That's right, we all know what you've done! I'm so going to enjoy this!"

"If that's the case, then.. I will just have to destroy you, Don Thousand, and everyone else as well!" Yappa Yappa ruthlessly attacks him, showing off his own full power as it is now in the process. Yappa Yappa laughs at us as we try to do damage at the rate he is only to end up dealing 0 damage once again. "Don't waste what you have left on him! After all, I'm going to kill all you after him and I'd like to be able to take as much time as possible to kill you all! I can't have you completely drained before I can kill any of you!" Shikamaru sighs: "Yappa Yappa's right. We can't afford to waste what we have left.. What a pain. I never expected to ever agree with someone like him." We have no choice but to back off, leaving Yappa Yappa and Black Storm to fight each other one on one. And Yappa Yappa is able to deal even more damage because we backed off.. Several minutes later, Black Storm starts coming apart: "Noooo! Why you?! You'll pay for this, Yappa Yappa!" "Aww! You're already falling apart?! How disappointing! But no matter! I'm still going to take my sweet time killing you! Say AAAAAAAAAA!" No matter how much I wanted to look away and get out of the area, I just couldn't. Their fight was all I could focus on other than my pain and inner turmoil. "I'm so weak.. I don't have the strength to effectively fight our foes anymore.." Saying that out loud instead of holding it in didn't help me at all. Instead, it only worsened my mental state. Seconds later, Yappa Yappa secured his victory: "Ultimate Pummeling Pitchfork! Now your agony truly begins!" Black Storm is rendered immobile as he continues to slowly come apart. Yappa Yappa ruthlessly tortures him by using far less powerful weapons than his pitchfork to minimize the damage. But the weapons are also very painful on the flip side. Before our eyes, Black Storm is put through a variety of torture methods. When he finally dies, he lets out the loudest scream of pain I've ever heard in my life. His form vanishes. Astral solemnly retrieves his number card form.

Yappa Yappa turns around to face those of us who are facing north such as myself. He grins wickedly: "Time for the real fun to begin! All of you are going to be so much fun to play with and kill! Oh! The joyous sounds of pain and misery! I'm so excited to really begin! Black Storm was just a warmup! And now that he's gone, I have taken the liberty of absorbing the Barian's Force card as well as the Barian Crystals that were inside of him! I won't even need my pitchfork to kill you all! Just my fingers will do the trick! Now who should I kill next? I know! Oh! Swiftdrawer! Get ready to be my next victim today! I hate you so much! I hate how I've had to work with you in the past against Pmurt Nedib! But he's gone now so I don't have to worry about something like that ever again! Oh and by the way! If any of you attempt to stop me from killing Swiftdrawer, I will happily leave you severely injured and whimpering on the ground in 5 seconds flat! I won't let anyone interrupt my killing process!" Immediately, Yappa Yappa transforms his arms into electrified water again and restrains me with them. But I manage to break free and start clashing against his transformed fingers with my sword. However, I am still drained from earlier so doing so took a lot out of me. "What's wrong? Are you just that tired?! You can't manage to make a stand against me, anymore?! How sad! I know you can do far better than this! Show me what you can really do now! I'm waiting! Make my true revenge against you worth it!" "Damn you! Of course you chose to go after me first! Why wouldn't you?! After all, we have a twisted kind of relationship. And you've always had an obsession with me of all life forms who have ever opposed you in battle." "That's right! Now come on, show me that you aren't THIS weak! I want to be satisfied when I finally snuff out your life!" "You asked for it! I'll do my best to deal so much DPS that even you can't avoid it and I won't collapse without dealing one hell of a blow to you! Also, you can't kill me. I'm already dead."

"That's the best part! You're already dead! That means I can torture you for so much longer! Im almost having second thoughts about destroying you before killing anyone else! But oh well! I'm sticking to my beautiful bloodbath!" "So be it.. Continuous Great Infernal Tornado Slash: 48! Haaaaaaaaaaaaa!" My attack surprises Yappa Yappa, deals some damage, and sends him flying. I run towards him: "Air Slice Slash!" Yappa Yappa grins: "A little pain never hurt me! Forget the fingers!Obligatory Obedience Pummeling Pitchfork!" My attack is cancelled out and I take some damage. But I don't stop even as I start sweating heavily and feel my sword arm start to ache a bit. "Try this! Ha! Wind Break Slash! But that's not all! Continuous Extremely Risky Spin Slash: 150! Drawing Destruction! Drawing Devastation!" My attacks do nothing. "Hahahaha! You think you can ever lay a scratch on me?! Just now, I let you hurt me! Pain is a thrill to experience. I love to feel pain! Almost as much as inflicting it! My defenses are now all up! Now you can't even touch me! I've never been this powerful before! It's so much fun! Thanks Black Storm for being such a devious traitor! I'm more powerful thanks to you!" I try my best to keep attacking him but my attacks become slower and slower bit by bit as my muscles ache and burn more and more. Despite the exhaustion, I keep going. My armor keeps me well protected in conjunction with Yappa Yappa's refusal to outright destroy me already. He doesn't even bother to attack me with the intent to deal much damage. Just enough to block my attacks and hurt me a little bit. When I finally began to give out, my inner turmoil erupted. In moments, my mental state completely changed to pure insanity. My inner darkness as well as the piece of The Shadow locked within my knightly pendant took hold.

"Hahaha! Look at you! You're finally about to collapse! Good because now, I'm going to hurt you so badly that you won't be able to move! You'll just lay on the ground in constant agony until I decide to return to you to finish you off! I'm going to leave you with one of my newest toys: a clone of me to watch you suffer and hurt you just a little bit more as I go after my next victim! I'll repeat this until all of you are just DYING to be put out of your miseries!" "YAPPA YAPPA! GO, ARTIST'S EYE! APPEAR, BLOOD DEMON SWORD!" Now insane, I summon the Blood Demon Sword. "Hahahahaha! I should have seen this coming! I love it when you get like this! So wild and insane! It's so much fun and I can't wait to disrupt your feelings so that you only feel true pain!" By this point, a bunch of my comrades tried to intervene but Yappa Yappa effortlessly knocked each of them unconscious without lifting a finger. "I'm going to kill you, Yappa Yappa! You're the one who will die today along with anyone who wastes my time and stands in my way! Your death will be the start! Die! Die! Die! Your dream of destroying me will die along with you! Say goodbye to existing! Piercing Darkness!" Yappa Yappa is caught off guard, causing the attack to pierce his heart. But it does nothing. "So this is your trump card! Nice to see it again! Oh, destroying you is going to be such a delight that I can't contain myself! Ultimate Obligatory Obedience Pummeling Pitchfork!" "Infinite Pain! Infinite Pain! Infinite Pain! Infinite Pain! Piercing Darkness! Piercing Darkness! Piercing Darkness! Feel my bloodlust! I will have your head, Yappa Yappa!" My attacks overpower is and deal a small amount of damage. Our clash continues with it amping up in ferocity and intensity as even our feelings are escalated to the highest point possible. But I still lose. My insanity as it is impairing my sense of judgement is my downfall.

The darkness within me runs out of strength just as my body did and I collapse in time to be blasted by several of Yappa Yappa's attacks. I regain myself in that moment: "Damn it.. Even the piece of The Shadow was stirred by my emotions. I failed. I barely did a thing against you and I don't think the extra time my comrades had to recover due to you fighting me will be enough to stop you.. I'm so weak.." Now on the ground, I try to move my muscles to no avail. Yappa Yappa creates a clone of himself: "There we go! Now the true part of your torture begins! I hope you aren't ready because I am! And now that you're there, I can finally get to doing the same thing to all of your precious comrades! I'll be back soon! Don't get destroyed just yet!" I struggle to stay conscious. I see moving colors in my vision at a rate Ive rarely ever experienced before. My head hurts a lot and I feel so much pain and exhaustion. Yappa Yappa goes on to hurt my comrades in the same area as us. Not a single one of them stood a chance against them. And just when he was returning to me to finish me off, an unexpected twist occurred. I fought desperately to stay conscious to see what was going on around me. My mind was practically almost completely drained when I saw him. Charles vi Britannia, the previous emperor appears alive and well. He has light skin, a big and imposing presence, long white hair in Renaissance style curls, dark purple eyes, and his own emperor robes as well as his own Geass. That's also when Yappa Yappa shouted: "No! I exerted myself more than I thought! I can't kill in my condition! I need to rest first! *notices Charles* But first, I'm going to hurt you very badly too!" Charles stares and speaks in a booming voice: "War is not necessary. Strength is all that matters. Violence is used by fools. I use something more powerful than violence." Yappa Yappa runs towards him and tries to hurt him: "Prepare for the start of your misery! Charles vi Britannia! You are nothing compared to my lord Don Thousand! I'll prove it by making you suffer greatly and make sure to ultimately kill you last! Ultimate Obligatory Obedience Pummeling Pitchfork!"

His attack does nothing. "The weak try everything they can to defy the strong. But the strong will always feed on the weak because the weak will never have the strength to stand against the strong. This world is full of lies and this time, I will succeed at putting an end to all of that. The Ragnarok Connection will be restablished and completed. The masks of all human beings will fall off, there will be no such things as democracy or lies. Only the truth and dominance. I will destroy God and nothing anyone does will be able to stop me." Yappa Yappa continues to try attacking Charles but nothing happens. "Forget my plan! You're going to be the one to die first! Because when I finally hurt you, it will be far more satisfying than even killing Black Storm or Pmurt Nedib! I will enjoy this so much! Now hold still and let me make you suffer!" "The weak always believe they have a chance against the strong. But it is the strong who give the weak their place, a place that ultimately leads to their consumption by the strong. You believe the power of the power within you will be enough to harm me? Foolish creature, lower than the weakest human beings." "That's it! Time to reveal a little surprise since you have pushed me so far! I activate a Barian Sphere Field! Go, Barian Battlemorph!" Yappa Yappa transforms into a Barian and laughs: "You will definitely feel pain here! Take this! And this! And this! I can't wait to watch you scream in agony!" But not even his sphere field or transformation are enough. As I float around in the sphere field, I continue to fight to stay conscious as my most long term current enemy attempts to hurt Charles over and over again. But it doesn't work out. Charles tries to send Yappa Yappa back but that doesn't work either. Instead, it comes down to whoever has the most willpower due to the possession of Geass by Charles. Eventually, Yappa Yappa collapses to his knees: "Nothing is working! Why is nothing working?!"

Charles grabs him by the throat and lifts him into the air until their eyes meet: "Let me go! ..How do you have both the Code of Immortality and Geass?! No! This can't be! I learned all about you because my lord required myself and the others to learn about you since we planned on conquering this universe!" "You are weak and I am strong. That is all there is to it. You will now forget everything about serving this Don Thousand you speak of as well as any other memories of serving anyone else. You will be implanted with memories of serving me instead." Charles looks directly into Yappa Yappa's eyes as he says this. I am unable to continue resisting unconsciousness. My vision goes black right after Charles finishes using his Geass on Yappa Yappa. When I opened them again, I was inside of what looked to be the government building for Britannian Japan with Charles seated on the throne in front of me. Yappa Yappa had me tight in his grasp. "Damn it! Yappa Yappa! How could you let him of all people take control of you? Please let me go! Then you can just destroy me just as you've wanted to this entire time!" "I don't know you. I only serve his majesty." Charles speaks: "Yappa Yappa, make this knight look at me. It seems multiple Knights of The Round have perished since my death. It is time I begin replacing them. This knight will make an excellent Knight of The Round." "Yes, your majesty. But don't forget to let me kill some people!" "Don't push your luck. As long as you remain loyal, you will get to kill whoever you desire. But know this, such violence is ultimately meaningless in the face of the truth and power." Yappa Yappa forces me to make eye contact with Charles. I close my eyes. "Not so fast, human! Hahahaha! Time for your eyes to open wide!" Yappa Yappa transforms some of his fingers and stretches them to use them to open my eyes while still keeping me trapped in his hold.

I instinctively activate Artist's Eye in response to feeling the imposing power of Charles' Geass. Once I'm left unable to move or even close my eyes, Charles speaks again: "Well done, Yappa Yappa. Now, it is time to begin. Swiftdrawer, you- You're resisting my Geass. That should not be possible but no matter. I will simply snuff out your resistance myself. There is no escape. You will do my bidding. I will succeed in altering your memories." I manage to conjure a small wall in between the emperor and I/Yappa Yappa with Artist's Eye in an instant after hearing his words. Yappa Yappa groans: "Not the Artist's Eye! Should have seen this coming! Oh well, it's the perfect time to get ready to kill someone right now! Once you're one of us, Swiftdrawer, I'm so going to kill someone to celebrate!" Charles pulls out a gun and starts blowing the wall I conjured to pieces by rapidly firing bullet after bullet. When it finishes crumbling, he restarts trying to alter my memories with Yappa Yappa holding me in the right position to do that successfully. With my eyes still forced open, there wasnt anything I could do besides resist again as I didn't want to risk getting eye strain from using Artist's Eye much more. After several minutes, my resistance starts to break. Yappa Yappa maniacally laughs while Charles smirks. But then, an explosion is heard and a hole appears in one of the room's walls. And before anyone could say anything, a familiar big train appeared through it. Rocket Arrow Express. This distracts Charles as well as Yappa Yappa. I start struggling to break free of Yappa Yappa's hold. Meanwhile, Anna Kaboom is riding Rocket Arrow Express alongside Yuma, Astral, Asuna Yuki, and Sinon. Anna is carrying her hovercraft/rocket launcher while Sinon is carrying Hecate and Asuna's holding her rapier. "What is the meaning of this?!" Anna replies: "We're here to rescue our captured comrades!"

Yappa Yappa sweats heavily: "But I thought I captured all of you!" Sinon smirks: "Well, you underestimated us and didn't bother to empty our inventories. That mistake is now costing you." Charles gets angry for once: "How dare you all! Now that Lelouch is unconscious after I used my Geass on him, I am once again the emperor of Britannia! This entire world knows that. Hear me, all forces! Come to the throne room! Stop these intruders! Violence may be pointless but as of now, it will finally serve a use." Before anything else can happen, Astral suddenly doubles over in pain as I still struggle to be freed of Yappa Yappa's tight hold. "Astral! What's happening to you?!" "It's Number 96, Yuma! He's reviving and trying to take control of me again!" Yappa Yappa grits his teeth: "I for some reason have a hatred for Number 96! How annoying! I can't do anything about him because I'm holding Swiftdrawer for you, your majesty!" A Kamehameha blast bursts through another wall, revealing Roshi and an entourage of others. They are being pursued by Britannian Knightmares which are currently being blasted into pieces left and right. "What in the?! What's happening?!" Snarky smirks: "Good! We can finally drop in! We're bringing the fight into this very building! After all, it appears many of our comrades are being held captive in this structure." Anna adds: "That's right! That's exactly most of why we came here." Deidara flies in using one of his clay birds: "That and to eliminate you permanently, Charles vi Britannia! The bounty on your head is quite nice and high! Let's get started!" "Rocket Arrow Express, move in further to deal more damage!" The huge train moves, causing more destruction in its wake. Yappa Yappa is knocked down, causing him to fall on top of me. So I made the logical decision of blasting the floor beneath us with a close ground small Kamehameha, sending us falling down into the floor below. We fall into what appears to be a room of office cubicles.

"I'm not going to let you restrain me forever!" "For some strange reason, I really want to kill you now that I see you defying me. Oh well! I don't care! I'm just going to bring us back to the throne room! Your little stunt won't work! It was fun while it lasted but that fun was nothing compared to the thrill of slowly and painfully killing someone!" "Damn it. I thought even someone as weak as I am could pull off such a trick successfully.." Yappa Yappa manages to get up despite holding me tightly. He stretches his legs to propel us back up into the throne room where all hell has broken loose. Britannian soldiers are being effortlessly defeated by my comrades while Knightmares are faring no better. Some of us are trying to hurt Charles to no avail. But he can't hurt any of them either. Astral is still struggling against Number 96(Black Storm) when Yappa Yappa returns to Charles with me still in his grasp. But then, Astral's form changes to that of the base form of Black Storm: Black Mist only for the villain to leave Astral's body and enter Yappa Yappa's. Black Storm laughs: "I have done it! *manifests duel disk and drops me* Now I summon 3 of my level 2 monsters in order to build the overlay network! I Xyz summon a copy of myself! Number 96: Black Mist! And now that Yappa Yappa's body is mine, I'm going to enjoy all that is to come! For instance, it looks as though I should test out how powerful I am now that his body is all mine to use! But first, I activate Rank Up Magic Barian's Force!" I don't listen to anything else he says as I finally manage to walk on my own 2 feet again. I focus on targeting Britannian soldiers in a method to take them down but not kill them. If we can avoid bloodshed, we must do so. Part of the reason I focused on them is because Black Storm is now so incredibly powerful that we need to eliminate all enemies we can before he gets serious and starts attacking us.

"Damn it! Damn it! This new battle is going to be difficult shortly. In the time I was unconscious, I regained my lost strength but my body hasn't been healed. My armor was repaired most likely because Charles was so intent on making me a Knight of The Round. I was even allowed to keep all of my gear on me since Yappa Yappa's hold was so strong on me. Black Storm and Charles are going to be so hard to defeat. Black Storm is so incredibly powerful and Charles is completely immortal. The only person who can kill Charles is Lelouch. But who knows where he's being held. Could be here or the Ashford Academy which isn't too far from here." I swing and I swing and when I see we've dispatched so many enemies that it's going to take time for more to come, I stab myself with one of my daggers. Or rather, that's what I wanted to do. However, my daggers are still deadly to even zombies as shown back in Miitopia's Nimbus region. And I'm a zombie so that doesn't bode well for me. I sigh: "What do I do? I can't be healed through ordinary methods. Healing spells worked on me for a time even in the state I'm in but now they don't. Guess there's no other choice." I sacrifice some of the energy I accumulated in the Nightmare Realm to heal myself. Now that I feel better, I'm able to help clear the next wave of Britannian soldiers with ease even as robots and other features of the building's security system kick in. As I fight, I send a message to the communications center: "Comrades in communications, this is Swiftdrawer. I'm free now at last but.. Black Storm is now in control of Yappa Yappa, Charles is immortal, and Lelouch is being held somewhere. I think we need help. We need to locate and free Lelouch. Other than the gods on our side, he's practically the only individual who can kill Charles. It would be great if we could get some reinforcements too."

"We hear you loud and clear. This is Revolver. We will send help immediately. Reinforcements sent to Tokyo were all captured earlier. We know exactly what is going on and where around your location. Continue as you are now. Someone will come with more supplies for all of you as well." "Okay. I understand. Thank you." I narrowly avoid being impaled by one of Black Storm's tentacles. "Mercury Aqua Rhapsody! We're in this together!" Sailor Mercury stops several tentacles coming in my direction. "Thanks for that! Black Storm is fiercer than ever. I'm not even sure how we'll ever get rid of him. He's just that powerful now." "I feel the same way. I've run calculations but I'm afraid they haven't given me anything useful. Even the numbers are stumped about Black Storm." "That's just fantastic." And then, I hear Naofumi yell: "That's it! Try this, Black Storm! Go, Iron Maiden!" The Iron Maiden is summoned and surrounds Black Storm. He was supposed to be impaled by hundreds of sharp needles/points but the Iron Maiden was blasted right open. Barla blasts the ceiling above us away and whatever lies above it. "Who needs this building anymore?! It can crumble to dust for all I care! Hell yeah! Let's win this battle!" I then hear something from communications: "This is Dominic. Attention all comrades fighting in Tokyo, reinforcements and supplies are on their way. Additionally, we have pinpointed Lelouch vi Britannia's location. Those who can move fast and/or have a keen eye are advised to head to his current location. It will be shown by a Minecraftian beacon turned green with green stained glass that is being placed high above his location. 20 of you must go there. That's the number needed to rescue him. What a nap causation. That is all for now."

And with that said, I choose to head to Lelouch's current location. I'm joined by other individuals notable for their speed. I'm far from the fastest but I'm still pretty fast. Once reinforcements arrive from Minecraftia, Tomapie, and Mii World, we set out after Minglow Bats uncharacteristically yells: "We're here now! Now, let the operation to rescue Lelouch vi Britannia begin!" Black Storm tries to stop us but he is blocked from doing so by a fully healed Green Lantern amongst others. The 20 of us take off immediately by first teleporting as close as possible to the beacon. I sigh: "So it really is the Ashford Academy that he's being held in. Here we are. Security here should be pretty tight." Sonic smirks: "But they won't be able to stop my speed!" Blaze replies: "Something doesn't add up. Why would all of us be needed to rescue just him?" The Flash nods: "Even I can see that fact. Our enemies must be a lot tougher than we expected." That's when the ground shakes. And before us, Yuga Goha appears with a bunch of Goha drones behind him. He wasn't alone. Black Zetsu also appears. They are also joined by Britannian soldiers and what looks to be.. Barian Mickey Mouse and friends? Sonic raises an eyebrow: "What are you guys doing working together? I thought Barians wanted to crush Britannia." Yuga grins: "We're only working together because our goals happen to align. We all want Lelouch to be kept locked away here in the end. We can't let the likes of you be able to count on his Geass to resist both of our sides." Black Zetsu adds: "We will destroy all of you. There's no other fate than that for you now that you have foolishly come all this way. Don Thousand resurrected me after my creator's failure and defeat. I willingly serve him now."

Mickey laughs: "Oh boy! This is going to be fun! Gosh I can't wait to start!" Mickey is currently in his classic red shirt with white buttons, black circular ears, largely tan like fur, big white gloves, cartoony black eyes, and skinny black legs and arms. But there's one difference. The Barian emblem on his forehead. Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Donald Duck, Daisy, and Pluto are the same way. "Crap. These characters were a huge part of my childhood and now I'm standing face to face with them. But they aren't as friendly as they once were. I don't want to but it looks like I might have to help slay them here and now.. *powers up with Ki* None of us can afford to hold back. I'll show them what a knight of the people is." Yuga smirks: "Not so fast! I may have been defeated in the past but now that I'm here, I can take my first step to my revenge! I challenge you to a Rush Duel!" "I accept. But unless you've really powered up your deck, your loss is all but incoming." "Allow me to show you the modifications I've made to match against your infamous Artists!" The duel went on to be intense. We were clashing with all of our might. I just barely managed to win. When I did, Yuga collapsed to the ground as the fighting really began. Goofy eyed me and literally hit me with a hammer. It didn't do anything. He has a green hat, black dog ears(he is a walking and talking dog), a lanky build just like Mickey(except he's taller), a orange shirt, long blue pants, and white gloves. "I never thought I'd be fighting you, Goofy. I dislike the company whose existence is responsible for the fact I know you quite well but still, you aren't you. Break free, Goofy. Break free of Barian's Force. Be yourself." "*laughs* I don't know what you're talking about! Gawrsh! But I'm going to have a thrill destroying you! Go, Barian Battlemorph!" He transforms into a humanoid dog Barian. His hammer transforms to be sort of like a chainsaw. "I will free you one way or another, Goofy. And we will rescue Lelouch so that we can get rid of Charles. I don't know how he was revived but I do know we must stop him!" To get continued..

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