Our Sunshine ➸ 2minlix

By Slytherintomyheart

92.6K 3.2K 1.5K

Seungmin and Minho have been dating for a while but feel like they're missing something. A relationship betwe... More

🎂 Minho Day Special 🎂


2.1K 73 33
By Slytherintomyheart

If you liked any of the book ideas I had in 'voting for books' please consider following me so you get notified when I publish the story. I guarantee you that I'm going to forget to comment on the vote you left when I release the book. I don't really care about my follower count, I just want you guys to know when the book you're interested in comes out.

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The next morning Felix quickly steals Seungmin's car after leaving a note that says he'll bring it back after work. The Aussie drives as fast as he can, without getting into an accident, over to his house and changes into clean clothes before making sure he looks somewhat decent.

On his way out the door, Felix sees his coffee mug full of lollipops and takes one as he leaves. He puts the sucker into the same pocket that has the note to Hyunjin which he took from the bag and slipped into his pocket before leaving his mates' house.

After driving a few kilometers and almost hitting someone, (oops) Felix finally arrives at the bookstore. He stares at it and practically feels the note in his pocket burn his skin. The same note that is his official goodbye to Hyunjin. If this is his final farewell, does he really want to work at a place where he will still see Hyunjin and work for Changin who is the said male's mate? In a way that can mean that he works for Hyunjin too. Felix feels his stomach churn at the thought of working for his ex who used and cheated on him. It makes him feel disgusted with himself for even accepting Changbin's offer when he asked him if he wanted the job.

Today is the day Felix finally gets the courage to leave the humble bookstore that has kept him in a small cage of his traumatic past for these last few years. Felix has never had enough money for college, but if he talks to Minho and Seungmin about it he could get a degree in dancing. Dancing is his passion, it's the only thing that kept him sane after his social life fell apart in high school. Dancing is his safe place, and now he might have the chance to do what he loves in life.

Felix takes a deep breath before opening the door and slowly making his way to the big doors that seem to get even bigger and more intimidating as he approaches them. Well, it's now or never. Felix opens one of the doors and walks to the back of the store to check in.

As usual, the store isn't that crowded, which isn't a surprise. On the bright side, it gives Felix plenty of time to write his two-week notice of resignation. The Aussie struggles to find the words to say in the letter, but at the end of his shift, he is finally happy with what he wrote.

With a bitter-sweet feeling and a small smile, Felix goes into Changbin's office and on his desk leaves the letter that's still warm from the printer. The Aussie pulls out the note to Hyunjin from his pocket and stares at it for a few moments before placing it on the desk as well with a sticky note saying it's for the said beta.

With a sigh, Felix closes up the bookstore, turns off the lights, and leaves to drive Seungmin's car back to his mates' house. When he gets to the house, Felix parks the car in the driveway and pulls out his phone before looking at it with tired eyes. The brunet taps on Changbin's contact and sends him a text.

The Mariana Trench 👹
I left my 2 week notice on your desk

Trash Bin 🗑
Your quitting?

Felix didn't expect Changbin to reply so quickly. He stares at the message for what feels like an eternity before he feels himself type out a response.

The Mariana Trench 👹
No, I left it there because I felt like it 🙄
Yes, I'm quitting.

Trash Bin 🗑

The Mariana Trench 👹
I realized that I don't want to work at a bookstore for the rest of my life. I to be where I'm happy and doing something that I love

okay, you don't have to come to work anymore. I'll put your last paycheck into your account soon.

The Mariana Trench 👹
Sounds good, thank you.

You want to hang out tomorrow?

The Mariana Trench 👹
Thanks, but no. I'm trying to figure out where I want my life to go. I'd love to hang out, but I can't until I get everything sorted out. :)
Read 11:10 pm

Felix rolls his eyes slightly at being left on read before putting his phone away. At the end of the day, Changbin doesn't really matter. All that matters are his mates, and he wants nothing more at this moment than to be in the comfort of their embrace.

Earlier that day, Minho wakes up and tries to grab Felix's waist and pull the omega against him, but he frowns and looks at the other side of the bed confused when he doesn't feel anything. With a small rush of adrenaline, Minho gets out of bed and starts to look for his brown-haired mate.

After a minute, Minho decides to clean himself up first before leaving his room. He picks out a hoodie, that's a little bit tighter than what he normally wears, a white undershirt, and black sweats. He tucks his undershirt into his pants, brushes his teeth and quickly styles his hair before leaving.

The smell of rice and soup fills his lungs when he walks down the stairs. Minho's stomach rumbles and forces him to run the rest of the way to the kitchen. Minho was expecting to see an omega shorter than him with brown hair, but he saw a taller alpha with black hair instead.

Minho smiles slightly and wraps his arms around Seungmin's waist. The younger tries to move and dish up their food, but Minho whines and tightens his grip around Seungmin's waist.

"Someone's clingy this morning," Seungmin says with a laugh as he finishes dishing up the rice and soup. "Where's Lix?"

Seungmin scoffs and acts offended. "Am I not good enough for you?"

"Well, I was expecting a short and cute omega, but I guess a tall and hot alpha isn't that bad." Seungmin rolls his eyes and walks over to the table with two bowls of soup and sides of rice. His old waiter skills can sometimes come in handy.

"Stop moving!" Minho whines and squeezes his grip on Seungmin's waist practically knocking the breath out of him.

"Minho, you have to let go of me," the taller says with the last of his air. "Don't want to," Minho mumbles and rubs his cheek on one of Seungmin's scent glands in his neck.

Seungmin quickly places the bowls down and manages to loosen Minho's grip on his waist. Minho sits down at the table and smirks at Seungmin, who thinks he's finally free. He grabs Seungmin's waist once again and forces him to sit on his lap.

"Minho let go o-" Before Seungmin can finish, the older shoves a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

"I can feed myself," The younger huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Since Felix isn't here, you have to deal with the side effects of the mating mark. Where is he anyways?"

"He stole my keys and my car to go to work."

"You mean borrow?" Seungmin smiles before speaking, "No, I said what I said."

Minho rolls his eyes before continuing to feed the alpha. The two easily fall into another conversation and before long, the bowls are all empty. Minho hesitantly lets go of Seungmin's waist but grabs his hand before the taller can even process his brief moment of freedom. The older drags Seungmin to the basement which was completely remodeled to be a dance practice room and a music studio for the rare moments when Seungmin feels creative.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Minho lets go of the younger's hand and smiles at him mischievously. "I'm dancing."

Once those words left his mouth he clapped his hands and music began to play. Even if Minho didn't know a choreography for a certain song, it's like his body finds a rhythm and moves on its own. It's one of the things that makes him one of the best dancers in the world. Not many can dance and move so effortlessly to a song they've never heard before like he can.

Seungmin watches in awe as he sees Minho dance in front of him. It's a dance that's so sinful it feels like a sin to continue watching, but even if he wanted to, Seungmin knows that he wouldn't be able to look away.

Soon the song ends and almost instantly another comes on. It's the very same song that Minho covered a few months after college that got him a lot of recognition. If he didn't do this cover, then he probably wouldn't be as successful as he is today.

Halfway through the song, Minho gets a little bit tired of Seungmin staring at him like a gaping idiot. He pulls the alpha by the wrist and tries to dance with him. Minho has never tried to show Seungmin any dance because he's never seemed interested so he's surprised when the younger knows all of the moves. His dancing isn't perfect and it lacks power and grace in certain places, but at least he knows everything.

Minho twirls Seungmin toward and keeps him trapped in his arms for a few moments while he presses small and light kisses to the back of his neck. The music is still blaring out throughout the room, but at that moment Minho doesn't care. "Hyung, I don't remember this being in the choreography."

Minho catches Seungmin's eyes in the mirror in front of them and it makes him remember how much he loves doing things in front of them. The mirror makes Seungmin see what Minho is doing to him and how much he's falling apart. "Maybe I should add it then."

The older loves to see Seungmin's red blood rushing to his cheeks and how he got slightly hard from only a few small kisses and a little bit of talking.

"Hyung, you're kissing my new mark," Minho smirks against the other alpha's skin and runs his tongue across the healing mating mark that looks like an ugly bruise.

"Just because Felix made this mark on your pretty skin doesn't mean that I can't touch it." Seungmin wants to say some snarky remark, but his hyung knows him too well and kisses him before a single word can even leave his mouth.

It's been a few days since Felix quit and he's decided not to go to college. He talked to Minho and Seungmin about it and Minho said that if he wanted to dance he could teach him himself, but Minho also said that if he really wanted to he could go to college. Much to Minho's delight, Felix was more than happy that the dancer offered to teach him.

Seungmin decided to still work at the bookstore after hearing that Felix quit, but he doesn't plan to stay there for long.

"Doll, I'm going to go pick up Seungmin. Do you want to come with me?" The omega pauses the music in the dance practice room and puts his arms above his head to catch his breath. "No, I need to practice more."

Minho sighs "No you don't, you need a break. You aren't going to get any better at dancing if you dance until your body gives out....damn, I sound like Seungmin."

Felix laughs lightly as he tries to catch his breath and calm his fast-beating heart. "You're right. Let's go get Seungmo."

"That's my name for him!" Minho shouts in the echoey room and makes Felix wince slightly.

"I get what Seungmin meant about your yelling," Felix mumbles to himself as he rubs his ears.

"What?" Minho yells again even louder than last time. Felix only glares at him and walks out of the house with Minho following him in tow and laughing the whole way.

Even though Seungmin has a car, Minho likes to pick the younger up when he doesn't have to work. It makes him feel useful and it's one of his ways of showing his love for the other alpha.

It doesn't take long for Minho and Felix to get to the bookstore. When Felix gets out of the car his senses get attacked with a ton of new scents he's never smelt before. Does the bookstore actually have customers? That's weird.

Minho notices Felix's dazed look and places his hand on the small of the brunet's back. Felix's eyes snap to meet Minho's and instantly soften. He smiles lightly at the older as he begins to walk to the front door.

Felix is the first to go inside since Minho decided to open the door for him. When the Aussie set foot into the building he got a strong whiff of multiple scents. Some were sweet, some were a woodsy musk, and there were a few very faint scents of betas. Betas don't smell like much, but they do still have a scent; it's just barely there.

Felix feels a hand on his back and Minho's scent fills his lungs and instantly calms him down. Felix's nose is sensitive and sometimes a lot of scents in one place can overwhelm him.

Minho gently leads the omega over to a very annoyed and angry-looking Seungmin who is scrolling on his phone. Felix smiles and runs toward the younger when he sees him. Minho knows what Felix is going to do and quickly gets to Seungmin before the Aussie does and grabs his phone. Seungmin looks up at Minho with a cold glare, but his eyes melt from obsidian to warm chocolate when he sees it's him. Seungmin groans when Felix slams into the alpha only a second later and puts all of his body weight onto him.

"Sunshine, I love you, but I think I love breathing a little bit more," Felix whines but gets off of the younger, but the moment Seungmin sits down, Felix is instantly on his lap. "I missed you, Minho was mean and made me practice all day!"

Felix pouts and crosses his arms. Seungmin looks at the other alpha with a raised brow and an expression that even Minho couldn't read. "I didn't make him practice at all! He begged me to teach him how to do one of my hardest dances and then he almost practiced until he passed out. If I didn't stop him and make him come with me, he'd probably be out cold by now."

Seungmin turned to Felix with a stern look that a mother would give to her child. "Minho didn't say I had to practice, but the way he does this one move is so cool that I didn't want to stop dancing until I got it down!"

Seungmin stares at Felix blankly for a moment. "Sweetie, have I ever told you that sometimes you make no sense?"

Felix stares at the alpha dumbstruck as Minho covers his mouth with his hand to try and stop the laugh that is trying so hard to leave his body. "Wow," Felix drawls out in unbelief. "I see how it is."

Felix gets up and off of Seungmin's lap and turns away from him dramatically so his back faces him.

"Baby, will you please forgive me?" Seungmin grabs Felix's bicep and tries to pull the Aussie towards him, but the omega's feet are planted to the ground and unwilling to move and his eyes feel like they can't possibly move away from what they are looking at right now.

Seungmin's smile fades when he sees what, no, who his omega is looking at. He tries his best to pull Felix away and run with him out of the bookstore, but it's like the Aussie's body shut down and can't move at all.

Minho notices the playful bickering between his mates suddenly stopped and turns his head to see what's happening. He smells Felix's scent spike with a bit of panic, but when Minho grabs his hand and squeezes it, he calms down. "What's wrong love?"

Felix doesn't say anything. He just keeps staring. Minho follows Felix's gaze and his eyes land on the one and only Hwang Hyunjin. He's a model and does a little dancing, but he mostly models for designer brands. Minho has talked to him a few times and he was pretty nice and told Minho how much he looks up to him. However, his whole view of Hyunjin changed when Seungmin sent him a photo of a letter Felix wrote to Hyunjin a few days ago.

Seungmin already knew Felix wrote a letter and he could tell that it was a personal one too, but when he caught Felix finishing up the letter, he could sense quite a bit of anger hidden under all of the sadness he was experiencing. He wanted to know who hurt his new mate, so even though it wasn't right and an invasion of privacy, he's glad he did it.

Felix left his bag when Minho dragged him away for some alone time. Seungmin knew the letter was in it and quickly took it out, snapped a picture, and put it back in case Felix came back into the room for something. When Seungmin looked at the photo and read the letter he was disgusted. Why would someone use another person like that to get close to someone else?

Seungmin didn't want to ruin the mood and send the photo to Minho at that exact moment, so he waited until the Aussie went to work the next day and sent it to Minho for him to see and have a copy of as well.

Minho looks at Hyunjin with a clenched jaw, but he kept control of his wolf that wanted to tear Hyunjin to shreds. Minho pulls both Seungmin and Felix behind him; Seungmin used to hate it when Minho did this. After all, he's an alpha too and he can protect himself, but now he doesn't mind as much because this is one of Minho's ways of showing his love. He doesn't like physical touch that much, but he will do anything he can to help and protect those he loves.

As if Hyunjin noticed Minho's hard glare he comes over to greet him with his freshly dyed dirty blond hair. An almost nonexistent scent reaches Minho's nose as Hyunjin comes closer. It was paint with a hint of coffee. Minho almost didn't even smell it, but he already knew that Hyunjin was a beta so the weak scent didn't surprise him that much. "Minho-sunbaenim!"

Minho relaxes his expression. He doesn't want to cause a scene, but his jaw is still tense. "Hyunjin-ah, how have you been?"

"I've been great! I'm so glad you actually came! I almost didn't invite you to this party. I thought you wouldn't come because you hated me," Hyunjin laughs and Minho stares at him without unwavering his sharp gaze. Hyungjin laughs for a few more seconds awkwardly. "Anyways, I was wondering since you came, does this mean you've considered doing a dance and maybe even a photoshoot with me?"

"I have, but I don't have any interest in associating myself with you anymore," Hyunjin's eyes widen. "Hyung did you hear about the bullying rumors? I swear they aren't true. I went to an all-boys school!"

"I believe that those aren't true, but I heard about something else that you did in high school instead. I'd rather not work with a person who is willing to hurt someone to get to someone else, and I'm not your hyung."

Hyunjin scrunches his eyebrows confused. "I'm sorry sunbaenim, but I don't know what you're talking about."

"He's talking about what you did to me, Hyunjin, I don't know how he found out, but clearly he did," Felix sidesteps and into Hyunjin's sight. "Felix I'm so-"

"Save your breath. I know you aren't because in the end you still got what you really wanted. My best friends." Felix keeps his composure and turns away from the older, but Hyunjin jolts forward, clasps his hand around Felix's wrist, and turns the omega towards him. Two loud growls fill the loud silence that is hanging in the air, but Hyunjin ignores them.

"I do regret it in a way. I regret hurting you, but I don't regret getting together with Changbin and Jisung and they don't either." Felix laughs and tries to pull his hand away from Hyunjin, but sadly omegas aren't that strong.

"Don't touch him again," Seungmin threatens as he saves Felix's wrist from the beta's grip. "I can touch him whenever I want. I got the feel him around me, kiss him, and touch him way before you did."

Minho's eyes flash a red and his scent becomes suffocating from how livid Hyunjin's word made him. Felix quickly jumps into action and hugs and squeezes Minho's waist as hard as he can. "It's fine Min. I'm over him. He isn't worth getting into a controversy and possibly losing your career over."

Minho smiles at Felix as he calms down and kisses the omega's forehead while sending a piercing glare Hyunjin's way. Felix hesitantly lets go of Minho's waist and turns around, but Minho wraps his arms around Felix's waist and back hugs him with his head resting on the younger's shoulder.

"I know that Changbin and Jisung don't regret it. They knew I was going out with you, and they decided to date you behind my back. In a way that makes them just as bad, if not worse than you. I've decided to cut all three of you out of my life because I don't need friends who stabbed me in the back, and recently I realized something. What's going to stop you guys from doing it again?"

Hyunjin stands there in silence and for the first time in years looks Felix up and down and notices that he's changed a lot since high school. He looks like he's a healthy weight, he doesn't hide his freckles anymore, and he wears whatever he wants confidently. Back then he felt pressured to only wear jeans and a shirt outside of school, but now he's wearing a low-cut white silk shirt that has see-through black material that wraps around his waist and shows off his tiny waist. He's also wearing black leather pants and a black half-skirt that only covers his right leg, but the most shocking thing to Hyunjin is that Felix is wearing a choker. When he dated Felix he always asked him to wear a choker around his neck, but he never did. Why would Felix wear a choker for them and not him? (y'all know the half-skirt I'm talking about)

"Hey Felix, why are you wearing a choker?" Felix touches the star charm on the choker with his hand and smiles up at Hyunjin. "Because I want to and nobody is trying to make me wear something I don't wanna wear. I feel comfortable wearing whatever I like."

Felix places his hands on top of Minho's that are around his waist and gently frees his waist from the grip. Felix turns and walks toward the door and Minho follows behind him closely, but Seungmin stays back for a minute.

Seungmin looks Hyunjin in the eye and hands him his lanyard which has a set of keys to the bookstore. "Tell Changbin I quit."

"Well, you're fired!" Seungmin stares at the model completely unphased. "I don't want to work here anymore anyways so it doesn't matter to me if I was fired or if I quit."

Seungmin leaves without giving Hyunjin another chance to say anything else, but as he walks to the door, he makes his hand form a fist, places it by the small of his back, and flips Hyunjin off without sparing a single glance back in his direction.

(A/N Good, we didn't want you anyway 🥱)

Sorry, I decided not to do a Halloween special. What I had written down wasn't good and I wasn't proud of it. I've felt really burnt out recently, and I'll be happy when this book is finished so I won't feel bad about not updating it.

One more part left!

Elena is slytherin away now <3

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