Spots and Scissors

By SnuggleKitty45

1.1K 13 0

In the town of Suburbia, lived the Boggs family along with Perdita. A kind loving dalmatian who happened to s... More

A long time ago
meeting Edward
Dinner time
The Barbecue
Kim comes home
Show and Tell
Edward the hairstylist
The Walk
The television show
Breaking and Entering
Right from Wrong
Ice Dance
Perdita finds Edward
Edward vs Jim
Remembering Edward


92 1 0
By SnuggleKitty45

*The three drove back to the colorful neighborhood of Suburbia. Edward was in the front with Peg, while Perdita was in the back. Edward was smiling, excited and awe at the new sight before him. He saw two boys playing with the sprinklers. He pointed with his blade finger but startled Peg*

Peg: Oh!

Edward: I'm-I'm sorry. *He apologized*

Peg: No, don't be. You go ahead and look you have every reason to be excited. * Then he saw a man lawnmowing his yard. Then accidently bumped his face into the window*

Peg: Oh! are you okay? *Edward gave her a small smile in return. Then some of the housewives saw Peg drove by and notice him as well. So, they begin to call each other. Marge goes into her living room to call Helen* 

Helen: Hello.

Marge: Hi, it's Marge. Listen, I was standing outside talking to Carol and Peg drove by, and she had somebody with her in the car. 

Helen: Did you get a good look at it?

Marge: No, I didn't get a good look, did she say anything to you, about having a guest?

Helen: She didn't say anything at all. She just rang my doorbell at the crack of dawn, this morning. 

Marge: No, ok, I'll meet you on the corner. Right, Bye. *She hangs up. Helen started to make another call, but no signal*

Helen: Oh, damn!

*Once Peg's car pulled up to their house. It was a single-story house with pale blue walls, gray roof and a brown fence that led to the backyard. Peg opens the door for Edward and Perdita as they got out*

 Peg: Here we go, dear. This is our house. And you can just make yourself right at home. Ok? And just, we'll have something to eat or drink, whatever you... *She noticed Edward standing there looking at the area* Here, dear. This is the front door here, here we go, right in here. *Then another housewife named, Tinka was talking to Joyce on the phone*

Tinka: "Joyce, I just saw this strange guy drop in with Peg. I didn't get a very good look at him. He looked kind of pale. Okay, I'll be right there. Don't do anything without me. Okay? Bye." *She hangs up*

Joyce: "Yes, I'll be right there!" *She hangs up, threw some clothes on the bed and scurries off the bed. Back at the Boggs house*

Peg: "Here we are." *Edward enters inside and smiled. He walked around the living room. Peg and Perdita follow behind*

Peg: "So, oh, this is the living room and back here, are the bedrooms." *She noticed Edward walking to the family photos* "you want to see the pictures? All right. Well, this is my husband, Bill." *She points to the picture of a man around her age, holding a bowling ball with pride* "He's a bowling champion. Do you know what bowling is?" *Edward stares at her, not really understanding what it is* "Bowling? Well, here they are down at the lake, fishing." *She points to the picture bellow showing Bill and her son, Kevin holding a fishing rod* "I think Kevin looks a little glum. Because they didn't catch anything that day." *Then, points to a picture next to it* "Here's Perdita, when she was just a small puppy. isn't she adorable?" *She pets Perdita, who smiled back at her. Edward smiled as well, Lastly, she points up to a picture of her teenage daughter with her boyfriend, Jim* "And here's my daughter, Kim. All dressed up to the junior prom." * Edward stares at Kim, like she was the most beautiful girl on earth*

Peg: "She's a senior now. I can't believe it. She's camping in the mountains with some friends, but she'll be back in a few days, and you can meet her then." *Edward smiled at the photo of Kim* "Isn't she beautiful?" *Then Peg gently lays her head on his shoulder as he continues to smile* "That's my family. Now, go on, dear, I'll show you the rest of the house. Then you can just freshen up and make yourself at home. Okay?" *Edward follows her* "That's the kitchen over there. You help yourself to anything you want to eat or drink." *He pokes at glass grapes* "Those are grapes. Back here are the bedrooms. Let me get you some towels, then I will see what we can find to wear. You know what?" *She goes to the pantry and took some clothes out* "I think I have some of Bill's old clothes in here. This is perfect. Here. "*She gives him the clothes* "These should just fit you." 

*Then the phone rings alarming Edward*

Peg: Oh, no, no. Don't be alarmed. That's just a phone. Now you can go in Kim's room and put these on. And I'll be right with you." *He goes to Kim's room. Meanwhile, Perdita was dusting the furniture with a feather duster. Then she heard barking coming from the backyard, she puts the duster down and goes outside. To find a golden retriever name, Bella in the doorway of the fence*

 Bella: "Perdita, would you like to join us at the park?" * She asked her politely*

Perdita: Oh, I would love to join you. But I cannot at the moment. We have a guest living with us." *She response*  

Bella: "I see, well maybe another time. Who's this mysterious guest?" 

Perdita: "He's been isolated in the castle on top of the hill and never been down here before. Even has scissors for hands." *She explained* 

Bella: "A human with scissors for hands?" *She asked curiously*

Perdita: "Call it, Scissorhands."  

Bella: "I don't believe it. May we see him?" *Then the dalmatian's ear perks up at the noise inside the house*

Perdita: Pardon me, I must head back inside now. See you, Bella." *She runs back inside*

Bella: "Yeah, see you." *Then leaves. Peg and Perdita enter Kim's room, to see Edward struggling to put on the white long sleeve.

Peg: "Oh, dear. May I help you with this?"

Edward: "Thank you." 

Peg: "There you go." *She goes up to fix it and noticed a cut on his cheek* "Oh dear you've cut your face. *She takes a tissue and cleans it* "Let me get this right off. Does that hurt?" *He shook his head* "No, good. Now let's get you dressed. Okay. There we go." *She opens the closet door revealing a mirror showing Edward in the clothes* "You look fine, just fine." *Then his blade fingers cut the suspenders*

Peg: "Oh dear, oh Perdita. Could you get the sewing kit dear?" *She asked the dalmatian. She barked in response and headed towards another room. She goes on her hind legs and grabs the sewing kit with her teeth. As she passed the window, she saw all the neighborhood housewives gathered outside the house. They must have found out about Edward. She ignored them and returned to her mistress and Edward. She was sewing his button*

Peg: "Okay, now what did I do with my sci... Edward, um, would you." * He cuts the thread with his finger. He smiled* "Thank you. I have a doctor friend who I think could help you."

Edward: "Really?" *He asked*

Peg: "Yes, I can help with the scars." *She takes a look at all the scars on his pale face* "I just want to consult the Avon handbook before doing anything." *She smiled, He nodded back and smiled* 

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