can you hug me?

By gisellesgift

9.9K 569 86

Breia has been through a lot in her short life. She is forced to go through the motions of life alone. She ha... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

1.3K 39 2
By gisellesgift


I was sitting in a meeting with my colleagues discussing my album release date. I will be releasing my 9th studio album this month and want to ensure everything falls in place.
"Beyonce, how would you feel about touring for this album?" Mark asked.
"I'm down, I would just need to get the band and dancers together. I want a fresh and new feel for this tour" I said.
My new album is called Acti: RENAISSANCE and I want to change it up this time around. I have always used to same dancers, band, background singers, and overall crew. I want to extend some opportunities to other people.
After discussing the album and getting some insight on tour dates, I decided to end the meeting and head home for the day. I know the next few days will be hectic, so I need to relax and mentally prepare for it. I will have my publicist Yvette get the audition flyers ready and send those out to agencies.

Julius walked me out of the building and upon stepping outside all I saw were flashes and one big crowd. I tapped Julius to let him know I wanted to stop for pictures with the Beyhive. I always take the time to show them some gratitude for all their support over the years. I walked over to the group of around 20 teenagers with a huge smile on my face.
"Omg, how do you guys find me so fast?"
One girl said, "We saw Julius and knew you weren't too far behind, so we had to come show some love." I awwed at her, she looked to be about 16 years old. I took pictures with them and talked a little more before I had to go. "Thank you so much for stopping by and talking to us, it really means a lot. Your music has done so much for many of us and we couldn't be happier. I wish even more success" one of them said. I teared up and hugged each one of them, thanking them over and over. I said goodbye again and Julius led me to the car.

The drive home was fairly quick. I made it into the house and immediately took my heels off. I took the stairs up to my room and placed the heels in the closet on the appropriate shelf. My house is pretty quiet being that I live alone. My friends are here sometimes, but other than that I'm pretty much in this big ole house by myself. I have been single since my last boyfriend cheated on me. I could've been in many relationships by now, but I simply chose to focus on myself and my career for the past 10 years.

I made my way to the bathroom to start a shower. It was around 5:00 right now, but I wanted an early shower so that I could chill for the rest of the night. I got a towel, clothes, a speaker and my favorite exfoliator. Before stepping into the shower, I went to Apple Music and played my shower playlist. Do 4 Love by Snoh Aalegra played softly in the background as the hot water touched my skin. I sang along to the music and carried on with my shower routine.

After my shower, I decided to order takeout because I did not feel like cooking. I was indecisive so I just got the healthiest option possible which was a salad from a small deli up the street. While waiting for my food, I sat on the couch and turned on Real Housewives of Atlanta, my guilty pleasure show. Fifteen minutes into the show, my buzzer started to beep letting me know someone was at the gate. I went to check the cameras and saw my food was there. I buzzed them in and they put my food on the conveyer and took the tip before walking away. I always try to be as discreet as possible. I never use my real name for obvious reasons and I never buzz anyone up without looking in the camera first. I grabbed my food tray and took it over to the island. I positioned my TV to face the island and sat down to enjoy my food and the show.

After cleaning up from dinner, I decided to snoop on social media on my finsta. I've always had a finsta because I want to scroll and engage with things without the harsh reality of it being me. I went up to my room and lay in bed while watching videos on Instagram. I enjoy watching the edits made by my fans. They're so sweet, I sometimes wish I could meet every one of them. They've all changed my life for the better. I wouldn't be where I am without them. In the middle of one video, I got an incoming FaceTime call from my Forever girls group chat.
"Hey BB, what you up to?" Kelly asked.
"Hiiii Kelz, I'm not doing much. I'm just relaxing before I start the album and tour preparations tomorrow. How are you?" I stated.
Before she could respond our friend Nicki joined the call.
"Hey y'all," she said.
We both spoke to her and Kelly went on to answer my previous question.

"I'm good BB, Titan is wearing me thin though" she laughed.

"How have you been Nic, I haven't heard from you in like two days," I said.
"I've been good, just working a lot," she said.
We started discussing her album and what she planned to do after. I caught up some more with my girls and eventually, we bided our goodbyes and promised to talk more before our schedules got too busy.
After scrolling on TikTok for some time, I decided it was time to call it a night. I got up from the bed and entered the bathroom. My hair was in its natural state so I did a few chunky twists and tied my hair up with a scarf and my favorite bonnet. I brushed my teeth and finished my night routine before getting in bed and drifting off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the loud ringing of my alarm. The bright light beamed in my face showing that it was 5:30. I irritably threw my head back on the bed dreading what they had to bring. I have always hated waking up early but releasing an album is no joke.
I got up and went into the bathroom. I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair bonnet was halfway off and my scarf was slipping as well.
"Damn, I must've slept good" I mumbled.
I disregarded that and began to brush my teeth and wash my face. After I finished that, I began to unwrap my hair. I took the twists down one by one separating them with oil on my hands. After I wrestled with my hair for twenty minutes, I went into my walk-in closet to find an outfit for the day. I decided on a maroon jumpsuit for a comfy and casual day. I knew today would be extra busy.

After putting on my clothes, I grabbed my already-packed bag and headed downstairs. My phone dinged and it was Julius letting me know the car was outside. I grabbed a granola bar and some yogurt before heading out the door. I dreaded the walk to the car, simply wanting to go back to sleep. I greeted my driver and Julius before resting my head on the window.
"Let the day begin" I mumbled.

"Hello everyone! I hope you all are ready to work" I said as I walked into the conference room. I sat down and grabbed my laptop as everyone greeted me back. I heard the door open and my publicist walked in and started handing out the papers regarding the dance auditions. I have decided to keep the same band and find a new dance crew. I am also keeping my dance captain Ashley. I looked over the paper and saw that the dance auditions are set for tomorrow. I sighed and said, "has anybody booked a space for auditions?"

"I did, it's 2908 West Low St, it's reserved from 8:30 am-6:30 pm tomorrow."

"Thank you Tedo."

"Next, we need to finalize tour dates, I know my assistant has looked over them and I just need to finalize and approve it. Who has those?" Mark handed me the papers and went through highlighting and circling dates and places that I agreed with. I handed it back to Mark and emailed the marketing team so that they could start working on the flyers.

"Mark you will be in control of ticket sales, and making sure the right people are hired for sound and light technicians." He quickly nodded his head and jotted it down.

"Alright guys, I'll let you guys get to your respective spots and I'll be in my office if needed" I stated.

I went to my office to send out messages to Ashley and Les Twins letting them know about the finalization of the tour and the rehearsals/auditions for tomorrow.

After a long seven hours of working in my office, I decided to call it a day and head home. I knew I was going to need all the energy possible for tomorrow.

I stopped for food on my way home and completed my night routine before passing out in bed.

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