The flavour of your lips is e...

By EvaWachmann

3.2K 41 5

When Iva first sees her idol Alex Gaskarth she falls head over heels for him and he falls head over heels for... More

-- Chapter 1 --
-- Chapter 2 --
-- Chapter 3 --
-- Chapter 4 --
-- Chapter 5 --
-- Chapter 6 --
-- Chapter 7 --
-- Chapter 8 --
-- Chapter 9 --
-- Chapter 10 --
-- Chapter 12 --
-- Chapter 13 --
-- Chapter 15 --
-- Chapter 16 --
-- Chapter 17 --

-- Chapter 11 --

168 3 0
By EvaWachmann

I wake up, when I feel someone  caressing my cheek.

I blink and open my eyes.

"Good Morning, beautiful."

I grunt and Alex laughs.

"You have to wake up, because we have to get ready for my mothers birthday party in the early afternoon."


"You are adorable", says Alex and then kisses my nose.

I feel him getting out of bed and I roll onto my stomach.

"Babe, if you still lay in bed when I get out of the shower, I'll jump on you."

I laugh into the pillow.

I turn back and look up at the ceiling.

I just have seen Alex parents once, but they were both lovely. Isobel is a very nice lady and she is so intelligent. It is always fun to talk to her. And Peter is a real gentleman, it is really obvious where Alex has his cheesy side from.

I smile and get up. I yawn and stretch my limbs.

When I get into the bathroom Alex is still in the shower and didn't see me entering the room.

I undress - I just keep on my panties and wait for Alex to get out of the shower.

I do my make-up and smile into the mirror.

When I hear a gasp behind me, I know that Alex is right behind me. I feel his arms around my waist and see that he has put his head on my shoulder.

I smile at him and he smiles back.

I turn around and kiss Alex lips softly.

He puts his hands on my butt and I take his bottom lip between my teeth and pull slightly.

Alex moans an silent moan.

"Babe, what are you doing?"

I chuckle.

"We've got no time and I can't believe you are trying to turn me on and that you have such a quick success."

I laugh and look down to the lower half of his body.

"Whops..", I say and get out of Alex grip, I take off my panties and step into the shower.

I hear him whine outside the shower: "You can't be serious and leave me hanging, Iva."

I chuckle.

"I can't hear you, Alex!", I yell to him, eventhough I heard his words clearly.

He huffs and I hear him leave the bathroom.

As soon as I get out of the shower, I realize that I didn't take new panties with me into the bathroom.

I sigh and run into the bedroom, naked.

Alex is sitting on the bed, already dressed and ready to go. He's on his phone.

When I hear him choke on his words I know that he looked up from his spot and sees me standing in front of the wardrobe, completely naked.

I smile to myself and get dressed. I brought a wonderful dark blue long-sleeved lace dress with me, that ends just above the knee, for an occasion like that it is just perfect.

I go over to the bed and peck Alex lips who is still on the phone.

I brush my hair and curl it.

One last look into the mirror and I'm ready to leave.

I smile at myself, I look beautiful.

When I look back into the bedroom Alex isn't there anymore.

"Babe?", I yell down the stairs.

"Yeah! I'm in the kitchen!"

I literally jump down the stairs and jump into the kitchen.

"Someone seems to be happy today", Alex states and catches me by my waist in one of my small jumps. He pulls me close and kisses me softly.

When he pulls away, I say: "That's because I am happy."

Alex smiles down at me and kisses me again.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I am", I say and put on a pair of black peep toes.

Alex puts one hand on the lower of my back as we leave the house and get into the car.

When he starts the engine, I put my hand on his thigh and sigh deeply.

"Are you excited?"

I look at him, with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, babe. What's up?"

"I am so excited, today I'll meet so many people of your family. And I am afraid that they won't like me."

"Oh, babe. You already met my parents and they love you. Their opinion is more important than any other one. And no matter what my relatives say, I love you."

I smile at him. "I love you too."

The drive to the house of his family is not long enough to calm my nerves and when we get there, there are already ten or more cars parked all across the driveway and street.

"God", I sigh.

Alex chuckles. "It won't be that bad."

We get out of the car and when Alex rings the doorbell, I cling onto his hand and squeeze it.

He squeezes back and smiles down at me.

Alex dad opens the door. "Kiddos, you're here! Come in, come in!"

I laugh as his dad hugs me tightly. "Nice to see you again, Iva."

"Same, it's nice to see you again, Mr. Gaskarth."

"Did you forget that I told you to call me Peter?"

"Sorry", I chuckle, "Peter."

Alex dad smiles.

"Is this Alex and his girl, Iva?", I hear someone scream from inside the house.

Five hours later I stand with Jacks sister May in the kitchen of the Gaskarth house. The men of the family and friends are outside to play some football. The other ladies are sitting in the living room and talk. Since everyones families are here too, I had time to get to know everyone, including every band members parents and siblings. It is a nice day.

"Helloooo? Are you zoning out?", May asks.

"Oh, sorry. I just thought how much I like this day and how nice everyone is."

May smiles at me. "I know. I'm glad you get along with everyone so well."

Isobel enters the kitchen. "Hey girls, what are you doing in here and without a drink?"

I laugh. "We just talk and yes, without a drink."

"Psh, we have to change that", then Isobel leaves the kitchen, just to get back in with three glasses of champagne.

"To this wonderful day, my wonderful birthday and that everyone I love is here tonight", Isobel says.

We click the glasses and I take a sip of the sparkling drink.

May, Isobel and me stay in the kitchen and talk about classic music, garden work and retirement. Then we start a heated discussion about politics and some other ladies join us. About an hour later all the ladies stand in the kitchen and we all together have a discussion about the president and the army, Isobel and me talking the most. I don't even see that the guys are standing behind the women, just listening.

When I look up, I see Alex standing beside Peter and they are both whispering to each other and gesturing to Isobel and me. Both look at me and catch me looking at them, Peter looks down and Alex blushes. I grin to myself.

"Let's haaaaaave another glass of champagne after this discussioooooon", Isobel slurres.

I chuckle as she tries to pour more champagne into the three glasses of May, me and her.

"Lemme help you", May says and I'm glad she said something, because I am too tipsy to not slur.

I can feel Alex glare at me and I look at him. He smiles at me and raises his eyebrow.

I shrug , take my glass and get over to him.

I peck his lips.

"Hey, my lady. Are you having fun?", Alex asks and puts his fingers in mine.

"I have a lot of fuuuun. Your mum is hil...hil...hilarious", I say and it takes me a lot to talk in clear words.

Alex laughs. "How many glasses did you have?"

"Uhm...", I count with my fingers, but have problems, "many, I guess."

"Thank God, I didn't drink tonight. I'll take care of you tonight."

"I don't think that a few glasses of champagne will kill me."

"Mum doesn't just put champagne into the glasses, she added a shot of strong booze."

"What? Really?"

Alex laughs. "I should have told you that before your first glass."

"Dammit", I whisper.

Alex smiles down at me and kisses my lips softly.

As I look beside me, I see the whole Gaskarth family smiling at me, Isobel and Peter smiling the brightest. I blush.

"You two are such an amazing couple. I can't wait for your wedding", Alex grannie says.

I blush even more and when I look up at Alex I see that he is blushing too.

"I think we have to leave now", Alex says and I empty my glass.

Everyone laughs.

We say goodbye to everyone and get into the car.



"Why was everyone smiling like crazy when we kissed?"

"Honestly? Because my dad asked me when I'll propose and everyone overheard that and now everyone thinks we'll marry soon."

I choke. "Seriously? That's crazy. Why should we already get married, we aren't even dating that long!"

"Yeah, that's crazy", Alex says and laughs, but I hear that it is an obvious fake laugh.

"What are you thinking?", I look at him and see him swallowing.


I shrug and look outside the window, my sight is already blurry.

When Alex has parked the car in the garage, he gets out, but I stay inside the car.


"I don't want to move my legs. Can you carry me inside?", I ask and actually it was a joke.

But Alex gets over to my side of the car, opens the door and lifts me up.

He pecks my lips and I smile at him.

My lovely boyfriend is carrying me inside the house. Maybe it is just the alcohol talking, but today I am the happiest girl on Earth.

He puts me down on bed. "Is it ok for you to sit here?"

I nod. "Thanks, love."

He kisses me softly and leaves the room.

I let me fall backwards onto the mattress and feel my eyes are getting heavy.

A few minutes later Alex gets back into the room with skull boxers and a white V-neck shirt.

"Iva, you have to get undressed before falling asleep."

"You could undress me, babe", I suddenly feel myself getting more alive.

Alex grins down at me. "Are you sure?"

I pull Alex down on top of me and start biting his neck slightly.

"Oh babe, what are you doing?", he asks.

"I think you know exactly what I am doing."

Alex  pulls me closer and starts kissing me passionately.

A few minutes later I am just in my panties.

"Dammit, I left the new condoms in the kitchen...I'll be right back."

Ever since I am in Maryland Alex keeps on forgetting that I am on the pill, but before I can say something, he's already gone and I can feel my eyes getting heavy.

I fall asleep, seconds after Alex left the room.


Fuck, when I enter the kitchen I remember that we don't need a condom anymore. Oh, thank God.

I turn on my heels and walk back into the bedroom.

"Babe, I remembered we don't need those things anymore. You have no idea how much I want you now!", I say and look down on my already hard dick.

I hear deep breaths behind me and turn around, just to see that my girl is sleeping.

I pout and get angry. She can't be serious!

I take my boxers and shirt off the ground and put them back on. I go into the garden to 'calm' myself.

When I get back into the bedroom, Iva is sleeping so peacefully and love is filling me.

Nobody can imagine how much that girl means to me. One day she'll be my wife and maybe it is crazy to say that after just one year in dating, but it feels so right and natural to have her by my side. And I don't want to spend another day without her. A plan starts forming in my head....

I smile down at her and crawl under the sheets.

I hug her tightly, put one arm around her, the other on her stomach and kiss her temple.

Then I feel that my eyes are starting to feel heavier and heavier and then I drift off to sleep.


I tried to write from Alexs view for the first time and I hope I didn't suck too much in it! ;))

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