The Silence

By jagodaaaaaaaaa

5.6K 174 500

It's an enemies to lovers Larry Stylinson fanfic. Harry has just changed schools but he made an enemy on the... More

"To my Harry"~Letters


187 5 3
By jagodaaaaaaaaa

It's going to be a shitty day. I can feel it.

On my first lesson I had chemistry. When I entered the classroom, I immediately noticed Louis and Zayn. The older one has a black eye, and as soon as he notices me, he looks at me full of anger, nothing new. I also notices Amy on the other side of the room, waving at me to sit with her.

I drop my backpack on the ground and sit on the chair next to my friend.

"Jesus Harry, you look horrible."

"Well done Sherlock. I'm glad you were able to notice it. Do you want a reward?" I say sarcastically. I can see with a corner of my eye that she looks down and moves away a little bit after what I have said to her. I lift my head and look at the black-haired girl  and sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, I'm just... I'm not in the mood today."

She smiles softly. "It's okay. I'm not surprised after what happened yesterday."

"Something happened?"

She looks at me with a shock on her face. "You don't remember? Shit. Well, I wish you luck today in school." Amy pats me on my back and giggle.


"Yo!!!! Our champion is here!!!! Wassup dude?" Some random guy shouts at me as soon as he walks into the classroom. I can hear Louis's sigh from across the room.

What the fuck is happening?

"I'm good, thanks?"

He gives me a high five and the  sits down on his seat. Who the fuck is this boy?? And why does he know me?

"Amy what is happening?" I whisper to her.

"Oh Harry, Harry, Harry." She shake her head and laugh. "You-"

She stops talking as our teacher walks in. Not everyone notice him, so he throw his textbook on his desk to silence everyone. I grab my head, it is throbbing like crazy. Stupid alcohol...

Amy pulls me closer. "You are on everyone's lips. Everyone is only talking about you at that party last night."


"Mr Styles do you have something to say?" Teacher says.

"No, I'm sorry Mr... sorry um, what's your name?"

Everyone in class giggles. Well, almost everyone. Zayn and Louis are just looking at me.

"Mr Black."

"Right. No, I don't have anything to say Mr. Black."

"Good." He turns back to the board and starts describing some chemical reactions.

"On the break we're going to our spot. You too. And stay close to us." Amy whispers to me.

What is going on?

For the whole class I was stressed and it felt like everyone was whispering my name. Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry. I couldn't focus on this assignment that Mr.Black gave us because I was hearing my name all the time.

I finally hear my savior from this hell, bell for break. I run out of the classroom. I hate when people are talking about me.

"Harry wait!" I stop and turn to the direction from the voice comes from.

Jasmine walks over to me.

"Where are you going champion?" She laughs.

Why is she laughing for fuck's sake?!

"Why is everyone calling me a goddamn champion? Can someone finally explain this to me?"

She laughs again. "Sure darling. C'mon to our place so we all can explain it to you."

We go to others who were already sitting in our spot.

"Harry!!! Guys, our champion is here!" Jack scream when he sees me and everyone turns their heads to me.

"Why do you all know what this is about except me?" I ask.

"I also don't know, don't worry." Jasper says. Finally, at least one person also don't know.

"Yeah well you were fucking wasted so it's not a suprise that you don't know." David comments.

"Guys c'mon. Tell me!" I sit next to them.

"Okay. You saw Louis today, didn't you?" Patrick asks me.

"Yeah, we had chemistry together. What about him?"

"And did you see his eye?" This time Katie asks me.

"Yeah and?"

They all look at eachother and giggle. Jesus, why they can't just tell me what happened???

"Well... There may have been a small disagreement between our group and his" Jake says.

"What does it mean?" I'm really confused. And scared. Jesus what have we done? What have I done??

"Everyone in school knows that we... don't get along with eachother. So this quarrel didn't really surprise anyone, but..."

"Oh, oh! I want to say it! Please Jake, let me tell him!" Patrick stands up excitedly.

"Go ahead"

Patrick clears his throat and starts talking, gesturing very strongly as if he is telling some amazing superhero story.

"But then YOU walked in the circle made up of people from our school. Everyone were shocked. What an unexpected turn of events right? Who would have expected that a new student would decide to get involved in this dispute. Well, definitely not me." David poked Patrick's arm. "Oh yeah, sorry. I better get to the point. So, you got into the circle and Niall tells you to leave because it doesn't concern you, but you kept saying it did. Suddenly Louis grabbed your arm, probably to pull you away from the circle, well, to be honest, I'm not surprised because it wasn't your style at all. I know I don't know you very well but I could see that you have never fought someone. But in that moment you punched him in the face as hard as you could! Everyone went silent because they knew that it is better to not mess with Louis Tomlinson. And you hit him so hard that he staggered and, and..."

He talks so fast that he run out of air. But it was enough for me to find out what was going on. That was probably the reason why Louis looked at me so strangely in class. Now everything is clear.

"Take a deep breath Patrick." David says to his friend.

Patrick does what he was told. "...and people were cheering you on. When Louis got up, we thought that you were gone and there would be nothing left to collect."

"Thanks for your support." I say sarcasticly and roll my eyes.

"But! Before Louis could swing, Niall pulled him away and the group of them went home. People now think you beat fucking Louis Tomlinson! You're a champion!"

"Well I don't feel like one." I run my hand through my hair.

"Don't worry my boy. He won't do anything to you." Jake comforts me and the rest of the guys nods.


I need to talk to Louis. I need to apologize to him. I don't want to have enemies. It's my second day for fuck's sake.


I was lost in the thought all day long. I couldn't concentrate on lessons and I was afraid that Louis would jump around the corner and beat me. I have to apologize to him. Immediately.

I get up from my seat and leave the classroom. I hear the teacher's voice behind me, telling me to go back to class, but I don't listen to her. I have to find this older brunette guy.

I find Zayn wandering in the hallway. I approach him without a second thought.

"Louis. Where is he?" I ask. I sound rude. Fuck I didn't mean to sound unpleasant. I cough to clear my throat. "Do you know where I can find him? Please, I need to talk to him" That's better.

The boy look at me up and down. His gaze is very stern, I'm sure if he could shoot lasers from his eyes I would be fried by now. I swallow the lump forming in my throat.

"I wouldn't look for him if I were you, Harry. Trust me. Louis is so fucking pissed for what you did on that party."

"Zayn please. I need to apologize to him. I feel really, really bad for what I did."

The boy laughs at what I said.

"Oh Harry, our sweet little Harry." He shakes his head as if he was disappointed, but he continues to laugh. Suddenly his face turns serious. He looks back at me. "Don't look for him. I have to go back to my class, Mr. Johnson probably will be pissed because I'm already 20 minutes late. See you later and don't. Look. For. Louis." Zayn walks away.

Is it true. Is Louis really that pissed off? I mean yeah, I probably ruined his reputation, people are now laughing at him behind his back, I ruined his, not gonna lie, beautiful face, but does that really make him so angry with me that Zayn forbade me to even look for him and apologies? Okay yes, probably, but my mom told me to always apologize if I did something bad to another person.

But what now? I can't go back to my class because it'd be weird. After all I just left without any explanations. I guess I'll just walk around the school and at the same time, I could learn the layout of the corridors.


I had been wandering the halls for about 15 minutes when the bell rang. I have only 2 lessons left but I really don't feel like going. My mom won't be back from work until 7p.m. so she wouldn't even notice that I came back earlier than I'm supposed to.

I was going to leave the school when someone grabbs my arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I turn around to my little ginger friend.

"Jasmine please, I don't feel like staying here. I need to go."

She looks at me worried. "Something happened? You can tell me Harry."

God she's so sweet. "No, nothing happened. Don't worry about me, I'm just not in the mood, that's all."

She's not giving up. "You sure? You know you can always talk to me yeah? I know we don't know eachother very well but, you know."

I nod. "Thanks." I smile at her softly and she smiles back.

She let go of my arm. "So... see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah" I smile once again and I leave the school grounds.

After a 20-minute walk, I'm home. I go straight to my room and lay down on my bed to rest after today.


When I wake up it is 1 a.m. I shouldn't go to sleep after school. I'm not tired right now so I can't go to sleep again. I need to find something to do. I take my phone in my hand and look at the weather, 13 degrees*. I put on a hat, jacket, running shoes and go outside. I start running. I always do that when I don't have anything better to do. Streets were silent, not a single soul on the sidewalks. Just me, light from street lamps and the sound of my shoes hitting cement. I run to the park.

*I give it in degrees Celsius

When I reach my destination, I see a few people here. Mainly drunk teenagers enjoying their youth. I sit down on one of the available benches. I look up at the sky. I close my eyes and sigh. That's exactly what I needed. After some time I stand up and start running to my house.


I enter the house quietly and try to not wake up my mom and go to my bathroom. I pull out my phone and look at the time, 2:30a.m. I turn on my playlist, I undress and go into the shower to wash off the sweat. When warm water touches my cold body, I automatically relax. I make the water a little bit hotter and now it slightly burns my skin but I don't care. It feels so good, especially after my run in the cold. I quietly hum the melody to "Here Comes The Sun" by The Beatles.

I get out of the shower and dry myself with a towel. I shake my head vigorously to dry my curly hair a bit. After I put on my pajamas with Mickey Mouse on it and brushed my teeth, I return to my room. When I sit on the bed, I still don't feel like sleeping, so I decide to browse Instagram. Since the party, I have gained 100 new followers. I also got some new messages from people I don't even know. Some people wrote to me that they admire me for my courage, others wrote that they would like to be friends with me, and a couple of them also wrote that I was a moron for messing with Louis Tomlinson. I agree.

Whenever I couldn't sleep, I went to my sister, Gemma's room, but unfortunately she doesn't live with us anymore because she moved away for college so now I have to just lay here and stare at the ceiling until I fell asleep. I miss her even though she was be a real bitch sometimes.


I didn't sleep the rest of the night. It's now 7 a.m. so I have to start getting ready for school. I look at my reflection in the mirror, giant bags under my eyes looming large on my face. Fuck it. On the way to school I'll buy myself energy drink so I won't fall asleep in class.

My mom is no longer home when I go to the kitchen. I am very hungry considering that yesterday I didn't eat breakfast and dinner because I fell asleep after I get back from school. I made myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich. I look at the calendar, my 17th birthday is in less than 2 weeks. I have to tell my new friends about it and invite them. Should I invite Niall? I like him but he and my friends don't like each other so I don't know what to do now. And I don't talk to him much at school either. I'll think about it on the way to school.

As I walk out of my home my head was full of thoughts. Should I invite Niall on my birthday? If I invited him, would my friends be nice to him? Should I have alcohol at my birthday party? Will my mom even let me have a party at our place? What if no one will come? We don't know eachother at all if I'm gonna be honest so why would they? I scratch the back of my hand as I reflect on my birthday, trying not to panic. I'm always stressed that no one will come to my birthday and everyone will forget.

When I'm standing in front of the school I look at my hand, it's all red from scratching. No one will probably notice, why would they? And anyway, it's not that strange, so no one will ask about it so why am I stressed? Breath in, breath out. I go into my school.

I'm going to the changing rooms because I'm starting this day with PE classes.

As I walk in I see Niall. He's the only one here so far. Should I invite him? Fuck, I don't know. What if he'd say no?

"Hi" I smile at Irish boy.

"Hi-" He turns to me. "Did you get enough sleep Harry? No offense but you look horrible."

"Oh I couldn't sleep at night, but I just drank an energy drink so it should be fine."

"If you say so."

I take a deep breath. I'll invite him. "Niall-"

Suddenly someone walks in. Zayn and Liam. The boys greet their blonde friend.

"Sorry guys. What did you wanted to say Harry?" Niall asks me.

"Doesn't matter." I smile softly at him, then turn away from them and I start changing my clothes.

Some other boys walks in. It seems like none of the boys from my group have PE classes with me.

The last one who walks in was Louis. Great, their whole group is here. I try my best to not look at him but I feel his eyes on me. I lift my head slightly and get chills when I see his black eye. I really hit him hard. I immediately look back at the floor.

A boy comes into our dressing room and say that we should go to the gym. Everyone leaves and when I was about to leave, Louis blocks my way to the door.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

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