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By ctrlsznn

34.2K 2K 3.5K

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2.1K 136 165
By ctrlsznn

the comments were like super low last chapter, y'all...I appreciate the comments I do receive, but I love reading everyone's thoughts so please!

This chapter's comment goal is 150! Everyone just comment like 3-5 times and we can reach! Next update will be when we reach the goal.




I stare down at Beyoncé sleeping before sighing. Fuck. What is it that Beyoncé does to me that prevents me from thinking for myself. I looked over at the mirror and rested my hand on my neck.

'You deserve diamonds around your neck—you know that?' I replayed Beyoncés voice in my head. I couldn't feed into her or my urges—but that was a challenge. My job means the world to me and I have barely given anything. Nasir wasn't a concern. It was my job and Beyoncé putting me in a tight spot. I need a drink and a conversation with Ella.

I turned to see Beyoncé sitting up, yawning. Her hair sprawled over her face as she stretched and rubbed her hands over her face. "I was just about to leave." I spoke as I stood and she nodded her head. "I've gotta go to the gym, fuck. Meet me in the lobby at two so we can begin decorating." She stood as I nodded. "Are you okay?" She questioned whilst walking over. I nodded my head before feeling her hands around my waist, causing me to smile.

I quickly caught myself and dropped my smile before speed walking from her room. I walked down to the lobby where I saw Ella sitting at a table causing me to sigh in relief.

"Finally." She hugged me as I chuckled. "Oh you're in your real detective attire." I shook my head as she smiled. "Yes I am."

"Well you look hot, we need to leave these fucked up men and women alone and just fuck." I spoke whilst sitting. "You're funny—men and women?"

"Yes! That's what I called you for, I have stuff going on." I rested my head on her shoulder. "My feels for Nas...are gone. He's a sex relief for me that's all so he isn't why I'm confused." I clarified as she nodded. "Last night Beyoncé was...I don't know it was like I was hypnotized. She promised me a life where—I had no worries. I would just be living in synchronization with her. The way she'd touch me and talk to me? Ella. Fuck, Ella my jobs at risk on this case! I don't think you understand how fucking tempting she is."

I vented as she frowned. "Nic if she's manipulating you with words then tell Nas you want off the case. If you think she's gonna be the reason you lose your dream occupation then she isn't worth it." She shook her head. "But Ella, she is so...addicting she's like a drug. When I'm with her I don't think about my job being at risk. When we're apart—I do. When we're apart that's when it all hits me but when I'm away from her I crave her. I barely know her Ella—she even gave me a confession, a true one." I explained.

"Onika go report what she told you. Get yourself out of this situation before you're in too deep."bake advised as I rested my head on the table. "I know."

"What did she confess?" Ella questioned. "I'm not gonna tell you. I know how you get you'll act impulsively. I just have to think about some stuff." I ran my hand over my face. "I want her, Ella I want to be underneath her. I don't think I love her but—I crave her presence."

"Onika that's what she wants. The woman is smart and manipulative, as your sister I need you to let it go." I sighed and nodded. I was unsure of who to listen to or what to do. "Don't stress it, you're not alone. You got Christmas plans?" She questioned as I shrugged. "Not quite. I usually spent it with Nas but we're in an awkward place and I don't want to be around him outside of work. I'll probably spend it with you or something."

"I'd adore that, but Nic, I'm spending it in London with my family." She spoke as I nodded. "Oh, okay."

"Don't spend it alone, Nic. If you want you can come alongside me." She offered and I shook my head, "It's okay, I can call my sister or something." I nodded. I wasn't the best at hiding my emotions—I truly didn't want to spend Christmas alone.

I could feel her arm wrap around me before she sighed. "Enough sad stuff." I forced a smile. "Beyoncé invited me to help her decorate the hotel. I said yes."

"Nic, I'll support you from a distance on this just be careful." She advised as I nodded and stood. "I'm gonna go ask her if we're gonna shop first, I'll see you later. I love you." I hugged Ella as she smiled. "I love you more." I waved as I walked off.

I got directions to the gym and could feel myself beginning to bite my lip upon seeing Beyoncé.

"Is that my sexy Corazón entering?" She questioned as I stood stunned. "How'd you know that was me?" I questioned as she chuckled. "Wild guess." She winked as she turned around. "Is all well?" She questioned and I nodded. "Your body is nice." I pushed out as she nodded. "Thank you, I try and stay in shape—I love being fit." She explained.

I looked her up and down before she walked over and rested her hands down my waist. "Corazón—I was wanting to know if you'd join me for another date? I've got this Christmas ball I'm going to with a few of my business partners and their wives, and I don't want to be alone there like I am yearly. I doubt Blue Ivy wants to accompany me this year." She offered as my smile grew.

"A ball? I love balls."

"You'll love mine—"

"Nevermind." I turned to walk out as she grabbed my hand "Please be my date." She smiled as she kissed my hand. "Make up with Blue Ivy and I'll be your date." I spoke as she picked me up and spun me. "Woah—you have the strength of a fucking brute." I laughed as she kissed my cheek. "Let me finish up my last set and I'll get changed and be ready. I'm not sure how to get Blue Ivy to forgive me, she's stubborn." She spoke as she sat me down and I shrugged. "Beyoncé she's a kid at heart—give her heat kids want. Ice cream, apologize over that. And apologize to Solana." I suggested as she groaned.

"Okay, okay. Blue Ivy has school today I can surprise her and eat lunch with her. Join me?" She questioned as I nodded. "Well I guess my workout is cut short. I've got no time to shower either, let's go." She looked at the time before walking through the lobby.

We got into the car and Beyoncé hummed. "Blue Ivy loves chipotle."

"A child who loves chipotle?" I questioned and she chuckled. "Yeah and lobster but I can't bring that to her school. Maybe I buy her some roses as well?" She questioned as I nodded. We made it to a floral shop and she helped me inside as I looked around. "Corazón what's your favorite flower?" She questioned as I looked over at the pink roses. "Okay." She noted before walking over to the blue daisies.

"One dozen of these." She spoke to the shop owner with a smile. "Beyoncé." I softly shoved her. "Please." She corrected as the women nodded. They began preparing her order before we made our way to Blue Ivy's school. This is the size of a mall.

"Wow how private does a school get?" I questioned as we walked inside. "Ms. Knowles!" The woman at the desk spoke through a forced smile. "Why hello, Birtha." Beyoncé waved as she walked over to the kiosk area and began checking in. "Lunch with your star student?" She questioned as Beyoncé nodded. "Being sarcastic won't get you anywhere. You'll still be making seventeen dollars an hour while my daughter's worth is—never mind. I won't read you as such because today's a good day."

"Blue Ivy is transferring? Oh, there is a God." She cheered as Beyoncé chuckled. "You are lucky I'm trying not to go back to prison—watch your mouth." Beyoncé printed our stickers before walking through the doors.

"What was that about?" I questioned. "Birtha and I have issues. Blue Ivy is a strong minded girl who will speak what she feels and Birtha doesn't like that so I make many visits here. Birtha knows it's all love." She chuckled as I scoffed. "All love my ass."

"I'll love your ass." She spoked as I gasped. "Those kids might've heard that!" I laughed as we entered the cafeteria. We looked around to see Blue Ivy sitting alone at the end of a table. "Why's she alone?" I questioned as Beyoncé cleared her throat. "She's not the best at communicating with kids her age. The way she communicate throws some people off. I volunteered to come here and talk to the kids but she said no and her reasoning was 'mom, you'll shoot up the school' and that is not true I would never harm kids for no reason!"

"Beyoncé you almost beat up that child in the lobby."

"He pushed my child, he's lucky that...officer was there." She gritted as one of her eyes slyly twitched. "You eye twitched." I stepped away. "Dust." We walked over to Blue Ivy and took a seat as she looked up. "Mom? What're you doing here?" She questioned as she hid her smile. "I wanted to take some time out from my day to be a mom—I also want to apologize to you for what I did at the dinner. I was so out of myself and my head I'm not sure what was going on with me and I didn't mean to hurt you or your mommy."

"Mom when you do things like...drink alcohol or whatever else you do—it scares me. What if you kill yourself?" Blue Ivy questioned and the look on Beyoncé's face was terrifying. "I-I won't kill myself don't say that baby?"

"It's true. You do dangerous things and talk to dangerous people and it's scary." Blue looked down at her book as Beyoncé pulled her into her lap.

"I'll do better for you and myself. But you've gotta forgive me, deal?" She questioned as Blue nodded. "Deal. Now what did you get me?" Blue Ivy grabbed her food and the roses with a smile. "Hey, I'm Blue Ivy's friend." A guy walked over to blue as her grip on Beyoncé's clothing tightened. "Do you know him?" She questioned as Blue nodded. "Lui, è uno dei ragazzi che sono stati cattivi con me." 'He's one of the kids that were mean to me.' Blue Ivy spoke as Beyoncé gestured for the little boy to walk over. Whatever she had said to him resulted in his eyes almost popping out from his sockets.

She's tormenting little kids. He quickly walked off as Beyoncé watched Blue Ivy begin eating. "I've got a new date for the ball." She looked at Blue as Blue Ivy held her heart. "Mom?!" She gasped, pretending to be hurt. "You're cheating on me?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Beyoncé giggled as Blue Ivy smiled. "Who's the special lady?" She questioned and Beyoncé pointed at me as Blue gasped. "I like her." She nodded as I awed. "I like her as well." Beyoncé whispered as Blue gasped. "What?!"

"Yeah!" Beyoncé spoke the final part with her jaw dropped. I looked over at them and smiled. Beyoncé is truly at peace when around her daughter. It's as if she lets her guard down.

Lunch didn't last long and before we knew it we were saying our goodbyes. "I love you, mom." Blue kissed her cheek. "Ti amo." Beyoncé kissed her cheek before grabbing my hand and exiting from the school.

"I guess I have to take you gown shopping." Beyoncé spoke as we got into the car. I looked over at her as she took a seat and pulled up her gps. "The people who you're going to the ball with-are they friends because of your hotel or—"

"Friends because of our underground activity." She spoke and I shook my head. "Beyoncé if something happens at the ball that jeopardizes my life-" I started as she shushed me and rubbed my chin. "I would raise hell upon that whole room if even a hair on your head is touched. I can swear to you that I'll give my life for yours before anyone gets the chance to harm you." She spoke as my eyes widened. "Don't we have errands to run?" I questioned as she chuckled and nodded.

"We do, corazón." She rubbed my hand as we made our way to the hotel. It was almost like a winter wonderland.

"Beyoncé this is beau-"

"Hideous!" She gasped. "I specially requested no red! I didn't want red, what the hell?! Who did this?" She fussed as I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. "Beyoncé someone took the time out of their day to help you and you get mad? Don't piss me off." I looked her up and down as she forced a smile. "I...appreciate the gesture but the decorations are horrendous, fix it." She spoke as I facepalmed.

"That's as generous as it's getting, huh." I joked as she nodded. "I just don't like the decor, I can do it my damn self if no one here can get it right!" She spoke the final part loudly as her staff nodded. "Beyoncé cut them some slack, they're employees." I spoke.

"Giselle." We heard behind us as Robyn walked next to Beyoncé. "Why hello, Robyn."

"I see what I told you entered one ear and exited from the other." She looked between us as Beyoncé chuckled. "You know I have things figured out." I know they're referring to something involving me. It's as if all of my observant skills vanished once I met Beyoncé. She looked at me with a chuckled before rubbing my hand and going to her room.

"You going out tonight?" She asked Robyn and Robyn shook her head. "I am laying low. Too much shit going on I'm not trying to get in the middle of." She shook her head as my eyes widened. "See—no. I'm not going anywhere that Robyn wouldn't go."

"Robyn's a wimp, she leaves me to do all of the risky things." Beyoncé spoke as Robyn scoffed. "It's just too much shit. Beyoncé's going somewhere filled with people who have a hit on her—in the world we live in, you get to the top no matter what and Beyoncé here is at the top and I refuse to be caught in cross fire. Beyoncé just enjoys being in life threatening situations—she knows she'll make it out alive." Robyn chuckled as I shook my head.

"I'm not going anywhere that's dangerous to my life, count me out." I stood as she grabbed my hand. "You won't get hurt. I swear. I won't let it happen I know when to leave and when to stay." I rolled my eyes and nodded, walking off to the table. "Watch those eyes."

"Beyoncé, you're corny." I shook my head as I grabbed a bagel and walked over to the toaster. "She's strolling up in here like this is her place?" Robyn laughed as Beyoncé chuckled. "She made me buy her bagels, what is happening to me?" She rubbed her forehead.

"You're turning into her bitch." Robyn joked as I chuckled and turned to them. "Don't gossip about me, worry about keeping me safe tonight." I spoke as she nodded. "As you wish." She smiled to me. "Donatella will help get you ready tonight, I'm sure you'll look gorgeous, yes?" She questioned as I nodded.

I sat inside of Beyoncé's restroom as Donatella worked on my dress and I sat getting my hair done. "How do you like it?" Donatella questioned. "I look nice."

"That's not what I meant. I was asking how you like being catered to. You know—having stuff done for you? Hair stylist, jeweler, clothing stylists, makeup artists? How do you like it?" Donatella questioned as she stepped aside. "It's...new. I feel like I'm getting too wrapped up in it—I don't want to get too comfortable."

"You're the only girl I know who doesn't want to live an easy life with no worries—I respect that. The women Beyoncé typically brings around usually would drop their entire life for her. I don't like that she makes people feel that way. But it makes her feel powerful as if she controls people's minds and she does."

"Yeah well I don't want her thinking she controls mine." I shook my head as she nodded. "Understandable." She brushed my hair aside as we walked out to the living room. I looked at myself in the mirror with a slight smile.

I looked gorgeous. A way I want to look everyday. Beyoncé opens my eyes to luxuries I've never seen before but that's not always a good thing.

Through the mirror, I could see Beyoncé entering the room.

"Corazón you look—breath taking." She walked behind me with a smiled before resting her head in the crook of my neck. "Thank you, you look great yourself." I complimented as we walked down to the lobby. We made our way to the truck and to the event. "Stay close—don't wander off." She advised as we locked arms.

"B.K." We heard behind us as she turned around. "Santino." She spoke as she looked him up and down. "I see you're onto your third wife of the year." She teased as he chuckled. "I see you're onto your first. Finally your daughter isn't here to slow you or anyone else down." He joked as the people around him chuckled.

I looked at Beyoncé before tightly hugging her arm, knowing she would react to them. She looked down at me and took a breath before walking over to the table. "Beyoncé if you think your temper will get the best of you then let's just go, I don't want to get caught in the middle—"

"I won't let anything happen to you. I just am growing irritated I don't usually come to functions like this."


"Exactly—I don't come to functions sober. Especially ones like these." She tapped her finger on the table as I nodded. "Try and calm your nerves." I rubber her palms in an attempt to calm her. I didn't give a damn if she was angry—I just know she acts off impulse and I would get that repercussions.

"You must be B.K.'s wife?" A few of the other women questioned and I shook my head. "We aren't married." I explained as their facial expressions changed. They shot eachother looks of judgement as I cleared my throat. "Oh! It's just typically people invite their wives to these events..."

"B.K. Has never been able to settle, wasn't her daughter here the past three years? A bit pathetic." They spoke amongst eachother. "Don't you think it's a hit pathetic that you sit here and judge people?" I questioned once more. "We have every right to. Do you see us? Our husbands, you know because we're married women, give us all of the authority and right to judge because we don't have anyone else on our level. We are the women of this industry. Maybe one day when you get a bit older you'll be able to sit with us and feel prideful." A woman spoke as she rubbed my cheek.

"Maybe not then—but when you can carry yourself better. The jewelry—the dress material? All seems rushed. We imported our gowns from Spain. Was yours on sale?" She questioned as I chuckled. Beyoncé hadn't been paying me any mind—she was too busy trying not to cuss out Santino. "I would've thought you had gotten your dress from a mall kiosk stand." I sipped form my glass as one of the women gasped. "Excuse me? Do you know who you're talking to?" She questioned as I stood. "Beyoncé take me to the restroom."

I snatched her wrist and pulled her aside. We made our way to the family restroom before closing and locking the door. "Beyoncé I am gonna bash my heel into that woman's head." I scoffed as I paced back and forth. "You thinks she's bad? If Santino mentions my daughter one more time I swear to God." She chuckled as I huffed. "This world doesn't seem very problemless."

"It is when you're not at events like these, I just needed to pick something up." She rubbed her temples. "I want to leave."

"I want to set this fucking building on fire." She spoke as I shook my head. "Let's not?" I laughed as she rested her head on my chest. "I could use some boob-therapy to calm me down." She poked her lip out. I popped her arm before pulling her up to where we were face to face. "If I can survive Santino you can survive these women."

"I just want them to shut up. They have so much to say about me and you because we aren't married? Sorry I won't give my life to someone just for their money." I scoffed as she held my waist. "That's what I love about you, Corazón. You make me work for it. You don't make getting you to fall for me easy. You have morals—and standards. Opposed to those women who will have sex with a fifty year old man for a shopping spree." She chuckled as I looked off.

"As long as you know that you're wearing Europe's finest fabrics and jewelry more authentic than theirs combined—don't worry." She lifted my chin as I nodded. I looked up at her and could feel my breathing hitch. There's that feeling again. The feeling of me wanting her to take me right on the spot.

She went close to my ear and released a silent chuckle. "I want to do so much to you right now. Fuck I can't keep taking this torture. Sooner or later you've gotta let me handle you." She whimpered into my ear as I ran my hand through her hair. "We're in a bathroom." I spoke as I looked around. "I don't give a fuck if we were on a table for everyone to see."

"We can't." I shook my head as she gripped the counters. "I'm not sure how much longer I can wait. I think you enjoy seeing me like this." She weakly spoke as I nodded. "Can I at least have a kiss for good luck?" She poked her lip out as I bit mine and hummed. "You're so bad for me. You just don't get it." I spoke as she chuckled and kissed down my neck. She rested her hand on my stomach before lowering down, causing me to whine a bit. "If you want it why're you denying me?" She questioned as she bit my neck, resulting in me moaning. "I don't want to go all the way right now."

I admitted and she nodded. "Let's go a little bit of all the way." She whispered against me as she sat me on the counter. I shook my head before she chuckled and nodded. She stepped back, allowing me to get down. "I just know what I will and won't allow myself to do...when I say you're bad for me I don't say it to turn you on—I say it because you really are." I spoke as I began walking towards the door.

She grabbed my hand and released a silent laugh before we exited form the bathroom. Immediately, she froze. It was as if her body shut off.

"Well that's not very good..." she mumbled as she pulled me closer and walked to the table. "The aura of the room just shifted—oh no." She spoke to herself as my heart dropped.

Santino shot her a look—one that froze me like ice.

"Why don't you other ladies go and talk a walk outside? Beautiful night, let us handle some things." Santino suggested as the other woman stood. They looked at me to join them but I was frozen, held onto Beyoncé.

"Beyoncé." I spoke as she shushed me. "Really, go enjoy tonight. I heard there may be a full moon." Beyoncé suggested as she looked at the clock. I watched as the other women exited before Beyoncé cursed underneath her breath before the room went dead silent.

This silence was broken by glasses shattering and falling towards the floor. Immediately Beyoncé ducked us underneath the table and moments later bullets were heard. My screams were trapped inside me as the bullet casings rolled over to us. "B.K. We had a deal!" Santino spoke as she masked her laughs. "Don't huff and puff too hard now, you'll go into cardiac arrest." She joked as she ran us over and across the room.

"You can't be serious." She mumbled as she twisted the knob of the locked door. Everyone in the room began to panic, running for the exits. Immediately it seemed as if shots had fired in every direction—with Beyoncé and I being caught in the middle.

"This isn't a fair fight, I have to play babysitter! You truly aren't that cruel, Santino!" Beyoncé scolded as she mixed us within the panicking crowd. I was beyond confused. Robyn not coming was a great idea—one I should've followed with.

"Beyoncé." I spoke, barely able to stabilize my breathing and form words.

"You are shaking out of your skin, just calm down. I understand you are shaken up but it is my main priority that I get you out of this area alive and in one piece—I'll explain to you what happened later." She spoke softly, growing impatient with me. I got into the passengers seat of her car and sat silently as she drove to the hotel. It was as if this didn't bother her. She drove casually, and this annoyed me.

Upon arrival to the hotel I could only feel my anger grow. "We should watch a movie and order food, I could really go from some ravioli—" she began but was quickly cut off by me slapping her. "You knew this would happen-" I pointed towards her as she frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Both of you knew this would happen, that's why you told us to leave the table, right? You took me there knowing shit would happen! What is your problem are you a fucking sadist?! Masochist, something? You aren't right in the head—oh my gosh." I spoke in disbelief as I tried walking off.

"Corazón I would be lying if I said I didn't know that would happen but I'm all honesty I expected you to walk outside like a normal human being would've done." She rubbed her temples. "You know what—fuck you. Fuck you and I mean that, Beyoncé don't come near me, don't contact me, don't do any of that shit! I actually hate you oh my gosh. This is what Solana meant when she told me you only think about yourself! Had something happened to me you would've shaken it off, right?" I questioned as she stood silently.

"Yes—but that's because I barley know you—"

"My first mistake was going to a fucking illegal event with someone like you. I'm an idiot." I shoved past her, making my way to the elevator, watching as she stood half confused.

What bothered me the most is I know that even after all of this—she won't hold herself accountable. She will find a way to blame someone else. Hell, she tried blaming me for not following the women that were clowning me. What hurt me the most is that she admitted that me potentially getting caught in the crossfire wouldn't have affected her.

I should have known what I had gotten myself into the moment I agreed to accompany her. She made a complete fool of me—and I'm the one to blame.



Did you enjoy the chapter?!

Ella has her doubts about Beyoncé and Onika hmm...are they valid?

Onika brings out a much more softer and vulnerable side of Beyoncé than Solana did...why's that?😬

Beyoncé and Nicki's moment in the restroom? Pretty hot in my option idk🤭

What could Beyoncé's ties to Santino be? They can't just be your typical familiar foes for the night to have accidentally ended the way it did...if it even was an accident 😯

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭?

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫? 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭?

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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫❜𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲. 𝐀𝐧𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝, 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥.

𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐛𝐲 𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐥𝐬𝐳𝐧𝐧

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