šøš“š“Žš“ˆš’¾š’¶š“ƒ - Harry Potter...

By claraforrest

32.2K 1.1K 193

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1.3K 54 18
By claraforrest


Chapter 7 - Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff



It has almost been a week since Sirius Black had broken into the castle and surprisingly, things had gone pretty much back to normal. We had classes as normal but the number of dementors had increased noticeably since the incident. 

The students of Hogwarts where now talking about something else, the first quidditch game of the season. The Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff game was all that students could talk about. Charlotte was especially excited because she had gotten the news that she would be a chaser for the Ravenclaw team a few days ago and she hadn't been able to talk about anything else other than quidditch since.

There had been much debate within Ravenclaw house about who we would be supporting. The Slytherins would obviously be supporting Hufflepuff because most of them would rather jump off the astronomy tower than support the Gryffindor team. 

Charlotte and I were going to support the Gryffindor team, Charlotte thought that they would have the best chance of winning, for me it was more because the twins looked extremely offended when I said I was still deciding who I was going to support and they made me promise them I would cheer for their team. 

Ivy however is supporting Hufflepuff, partly because she had a lot of friends from that house but mainly to annoy Charlotte by supporting the opposite team. Milo was also supporting Hufflepuff but that is at the surprise to no one because he has a massive crush on one of the beaters on their team. 

"Are you looking forward to the match tomorrow?" I ask Amber as we walk towards our Muggle Studies classroom after lunch. 

"Yeah but Snape's given us two rolls of parchment on werewolves to be done by Monday, which puts a bit of a damper on it." She says, frowning slightly.

"Snape gave you a paper on werewolves?" I ask confused "That's not even covered in potions."

"I know but he was covering our Defence Against the Dark Arts class." 

"Why wasn't Professor Lupin teaching."

"We don't know, Snape didn't say. But you should have seen the smug look on his face." Amber said bitterly. 

I hum in agreement, not looking forward to my last class as I would have to deal with Snape once again today after Potions this morning. 

"Well at least I know what I have to look forward to later." I say sarcastically.

"What are you guys talking about?" 

I look up to see Milo and Enzo standing outside the classroom.

"Snape covering Defence Against the Dark Arts." Amber said, keeping the bitter tone in her voice. 

"Oh yeah that sucked." Milo said, rolling his eyes.

 Before he could continue Professor Burbage appeared in the doorway and told us all to take our seats. 

As I moved to sit down next to Enzo I noticed that he looked a bit down, he didn't seem to be his normal talkative self which was strange. 

"Hey, are you ok?" I whisper to him as Professor Burbage had started talking about what we are going to be learning today, electricity and why muggles need it. 

He looks over at me, seemingly surprised that I even asked. 

"Yeah I'm fine." He says smiling at me sweetly. 

He seemed convincing enough but a part of me didn't fully believe him. 

The class continued as normal. Enzo seemed to perk up a bit as the class continued, joking with me and Milo and engaging in the class. I feel the small pit of anxiety and worry for him lift slightly, surprising me as I didn't fully realise it was there. 

Professor Burbage decided to set us a homework assignment in pairs. She said that we would have to choose someone in a different house from us, causing Milo to let out a sigh as he wouldn't be able to pair up with Enzo.

"It's fine Milo," I say, chuckling at his annoyance "you can pair up with Amber and I'll go with Theo." 

This seemed to ease Milo's anxieties as he assumed that I would just go with Amber, which was my original plan but I know Milo doesn't like having to work with people he doesn't know, and I don't mind having to work with Enzo anyway. 

I swapped seats with Milo to make it easier for him and Amber. As I sit down I smile at Enzo who returns it quickly and I can't help but notice the rosy blush that painted his cheeks.

"You will work in your pairs to write an essay that is to be at least three rolls of parchment long. It will be on a reason that muggles need electricity, such as transport or communication. You have three weeks to complete this, using time outside of class and if we finish all the work I have set for the day you may also work on it in my class." 

"When are you free to work on the project?" Enzo asked as we walked out of the classroom. 

"Probably some time next week," I say distractedly, thinking about my next class. "Tuesdays best, I have two free periods in the afternoon." 

"Sounds good," He says smiling at me lightly "I'll meet you in the library."

I nod, smiling up at him before turning and making my way to my next class. I throw a quick 'goodbye' over my shoulder as I go. 

I rush down the hall to meet Charlotte at the corner of the hallway leading to our Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom.  

"Hey!" She says happily. "What's wrong?" She notices my grim expression.

"Snape is covering our class." 


"Amber had him this morning because Professor Lupin isn't teaching today."

Charlotte's face drops as we make our way into the classroom, throwing her bag down under her desk and sitting down with a defeated look on her face. 

"Maybe Lupins feeling better." I say, trying to make her feel better but not fully believing it myself. 

Ivy finally enters the classroom, looking around for a second trying to find us. She spots us and makes her way over, looking at Charlotte in confusion as she had now buried her head in her arms. 

"What's wrong with her?" Charlotte asks as she sits down at her desk. 

Before I can answer the doors of the classroom fly open and the looming figure of Professor Snape enters the classroom. He waves his wand and the shutters that lined the classrooms windows slammed shut, making Charlotte's head snap up from her desk. Snape made his way to the front of the classroom and pulled a cord and a white projector screen unfurls.  

"Turn to page 394" 

I look over at Ivy who now seemed to understand Charlotte's previous actions and grimaced as she took out her textbook. 

I did the same, turning the pages to find the right one. Snape made his way to the back of the classroom and tapped the projector with his wand, making it come to life with a light humming noise. 

I look down at my book, reading the title of the page we are supposed to be looking at today.

"Werewolves?" I hear Charlotte whisper next to me. 

"Sir, we just learned about red caps and hinkypunks." Ruby says from the row of desks behind us. "We're not supposed to learn about werewolves for weeks."

"Quiet." Snape dismisses her. "Who can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf."

No one raised their hand. Snape looked unimpressed.

"How disappointing." He mutters "An Animagus is a wizard who can turn into an animal at their own will, a werewolf has no choice in the matter." He pauses for a second before continuing. "A werewolf will change with each full moon and he will no longer remember who he is, he could kill his best friends if he crossed his path." Snape says ominously. 

Snape continues his lesson, making us read in silence for the last half before giving us the same homework as he gave the Gryffindors. Two rolls of parchment on the werewolf, with emphasis on recognising it.

This made us all groan as we pack up our bags and slowly make our way out of the room. 

"It's quidditch tomorrow," Charlotte whined "When are we supposed to have time for this."

"I know, but we can try and work on it now before we have dinner." I suggest as we make our way to the great hall.

Charlotte nods, her shoulders sagging slights as we went. 

We got the first roll of parchment finished before we had to get ready for dinner, which means we would have to work on the second roll on Sunday because there was no chance of getting anything done the day of a quidditch match. 

Charlotte had perked up a lot since Defence Against the Dark Arts, chatting with anyone who would listen about the upcoming match. 

We made our way up to the dorms laughing and joking with each other. Slipping into our pyjamas and getting into bed. 

Ivy had to threaten to hex Charlotte's alarm clock so it wouldn't wake her up in time for the match tomorrow if she doesn't shut up about quidditch and go to sleep. Charlotte stopped talking quickly after that and we all fell into a peaceful slumber, listening to the rain lightly tapping on our window. 

"(Y/N) get up!" I hear someone say before a large weight fell on my abdomen.

"Ow!" I groan as I open my eyes to see the weight on my abdomen was Charlotte lying across my bed. 

"We have to get breakfast, Ivy's already down there. Hurry up!" She says as she gets off me, hurrying to the mirror and fixing her hair. 

"I'll meet you down there." I grumple as I sit up.

"Ok!" She says happily as she grabs her raincoat from the back of the door and heads out of the room. 

Rolling over I get out of bed, shivering as the cold bites at my skin. I quickly put my slippers on and make my way towards the window, pulling the curtains back. 

I look out the window to see the sky painted dark with clouds, rain hitting the window loudly. The trees in the Forbidden Forest blow wildly as the wind goes through them, leaves flying everywhere. I then hear the low rumble of thunder and then the sudden flash of lightning. 

'This can't be good.' I think to myself as I turn away from the window, letting the curtain fall back into its original position. 

I grab a pair of baggy jeans, a small vest top and a thick sweater from my wardrobe. I slip my clothes on quickly before brushing my hair and tying in back so that it wouldn't get in my face because of the wind. I did my makeup, making sure whatever I put on was some degree of waterproof. I grab a pair of boots, lacing them up quickly.

I look over myself once in the mirror before I go, making sure my hair looks ok before it is undoubtedly ruined by the wind and rain. Before I leave my room I grab my waterproof jacket and a pair of gloves from the top of my chest of drawers. 

I rush down the stairs to the great hall, I was running a bit later than I hoped. Making my way through the swarms of students leaving the hall I spot Charlotte and Ivy dressed in opposing house colours. 

"Finally!" Charlotte shouted as she hands me two pieces of buttered toast. "No time to sit and eat, we have to go now."

I nod, thanking her for saving me some toast and we make our way out of the hall. The corridor leading out of the castle was full of students dressed in either red or yellow. Loud talking and laughing could be heard all through the castle and down to the stands. I ate my toast as quickly as possible before we got out of the castle.

The rain was still pouring down and I pulled my hood up quickly, shivering as the cold wind hit me.

Thunder rumbled as we made our way down to the pitch, trying not to slip of the wet leaves and muddy ground. Lightning lit up the sky, highlighting the dark shapes within the clouds. 

"Spooky." Charlotte said, her voice barely heard above the howling wind. 

We made it to the stands, meeting Milo who was bundled up in a large coat. We greeted him, Ivy going with him to the Hufflepuff side of the stands as me and Charlotte making our way towards the Gryffindor side. 

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone faintly calling my name from behind me, it's so hard to hear over the wind. 

I turn around to see the ginger hair of George Weasley making his way through the crowd and over to me and Charlotte. 

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" I ask smiling up at him. 

"I am, but I wanted to see if you kept your promise to support us."

"Of course she is!" Charlotte says, hugging my arm. 

George laughs lightly at Charlottes excitement. 

"I'm going to go get us a seat before all the good ones fill up, ok?" 

I nod at her, moving slightly closer to George to hear him better.

"Here." George says, taking his Gryffindor scarf from his neck and wrapping it gently around mine. "Wouldn't want you getting a cold." 

"Thank you." I say softly, looking at him and blushing slightly at our close proximity.

His hair was damp from the rain and his fringe slightly covering one of his eyes. His freckles painted his cheeks that are now rosy from the cold. His smile bright as always, eyes burning with excitement. 

"I better get going, Oliver will kill me if I'm late." He says, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Ok, good luck." I say, smiling at him brightly as I turn to leave into the stands. 

I make my way up the stairs and into the stands, looking around to find Charlotte. I spot her in the third row of the stands waving at me from her seat. 

"Nice scarf." Charlotte says, smirking at me as I made my way towards her. 

"Shut up." I mutter as I look out onto the pitch.

Both teams enter the pitch from opposite sides, making their way to the middle where Madam Hooch was already standing. 

She goes over her usual spiel about having a fair game and being careful, not that we could hear much of what she was saying over the loud winds and the rumbles of thunder that crossed the sky. 

She blows the whistle and the game begins. The crowds on both sides of the pitch erupt into cheers.

As the game continues the weather gets worse by the minute. The rain is almost impossible to see through and the wind was not letting up. The thunder and lightning were getting closer and closer together, meaning the storm was getting closer. 

The deteriorating weather conditions did nothing to dampen the spirits of the onlookers who were still chanting for their houses.

Lightning was ricocheting off the metal hoops and caught light to one of the Hufflepuff players brooms making the crowd gasp as they went down, almost colliding with one of the Gryffindor players. 

The seekers of both teams seemed to have seen the snitch. They sped out of the sight of the pitch, high into the clouds. We all strained to see what was going on but the clouds were so thick and the rain was so harsh it was hard to see.

The Hufflepuff seeker did come down first, Cedric had seemingly given up on finding the snitch in the clouds and was now circling the pitch instead. 

Suddenly there was a strange chill in the air, not from the wind but the kind of cold that you can feel in your bones. And then we saw them, the dark figures that flew threw the clouds. Their boney hand reached out as if they were trying to catch something. There were maybe two dozen dementors now flying above the pitch, maybe more in the clouds above them.

A sort of hush fell over the crowd as they all looked up in worry. Suddenly people started shouting as a body covered in red quidditch robes fell from the sky. Charlotte grabbed my hand, standing with me as we looked on in horror. 

Just before he could hit the ground Dumbledore stood from his seat, raising his hand and shouting some sort of spell that caused Harry to stop falling in mid air. 

Before Madam Hooch could blow her whistle Cedric Diggory managed to catch the snitch. The HufflePuff crowd erupted into cheers, the Gryffindor side looked on in worry as the Potter boy was rushed onto a stretcher and back to the castle to be seen by Madam Pomfrey. 

"Well that was eventful." Charlotte muttered as we made our way back to the castle. The rain had seemingly eased up after the match but we were still soaked to our skin.

I hum in agreement, just wanting to be somewhere warm and dry. 

We made our way back up to the dormroom. Getting into new comfortable clothes and heading down to the common room to sit in front of the fireplace to warm up.

We spent the rest of the day cuddled up on the sofas in front of the fire, talking and relaxing. Ivy and Milo had gone to celebrate with the Hufflepuffs but neither me or Charlotte felt like celebrating. 

I thought about going to see the twins after the match to see how they were doing but I decided against it as I thought they would want to be with Harry and I could talk to them tomorrow anyway. 

My head was full of dementors and werewolves as I lay in bed. Eventually falling into a uneasy slumber, the sounds of rain and thunder lulling me to sleep. 

𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮

So it's been a while but I have been having laptop troubles so it's been a bit hard to write, also just a lack of motivation. 
Sorry for the lazy writing at the end but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Don't forget to vote and comment!

17.02.24 - So apparently I had Theo on the brain when I first wrote this chapter but it is supposed to be Enzo not Theo in Muggle Studies, I think I've fixed most of it now though. Thank you to the people who pointed it out!

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