The little lost one

By Jazzy2340

99.9K 1.9K 200

Once Henrik Mikaelson is now Henry James. Being reincarnated and getting his memories later on, will henry lo... More

My past and now my present
Welcome to Mystic Falls; Vampires?
A brand-new friend
She's a harlot
I hate scientist
What a day!
Story info!!!
Little brother?
Henry's backstory
The truth is coming out
A trip to the past
Alaric knows witches?
Mark those who shall not enter
It's just medicine
Love in the air
New meds
The locator spell!!

Is it really him?

808 28 6
By Jazzy2340

~Klaus's P.O.V~

I'm in the room where I keep the coffins and Greta is helping me get them prepared. I have a change of clothes for all of them, and humans so they can feed. They're no doubt going to be extremely angry with me, but their anger is no match for Henrik's. I can handle all the others being angry at me, but Henrik is the one and only person that I would never want to anger. 

"Ready" Greta asks hand hovering over dagger, I nod, and simultaneously we remove them, one by one. Even Finn's who I would much rather keep asleep. I don't need his suicidal mind ruining anything. Rebekah was the first to wake seeing as she's been daggered the least amount of time. She woke up with a gasp of air and looked around frantically, once she lays eyes on one of the humans, she immediately pounces and feeds having yet to notice us. 

While she's feeding Kol was the next to awaken, but unlike Rebekah he didn't gasp for air, instead his brows were pinched, and his face contorted in pain. Why? I have no idea. 

"Brother, are you alright?" I said with worry in my voice, I couldn't hide it if I tried, he looked at me the cleared his throat 

"Nothing, I'm fine" he looked around confused and I'm surprised to find that there's no anger in his eyes like always. He hops out and by that time Rebekah is already done with her meal and looks in our direction. 

"Kol?" surprised to see him awake she runs into his arms, and he surprisingly hugs her back. Kol wasn't one for physical touch nowadays, not like how he was before we turned. "Something important must have happened if you're waking us all up" Rebekah said as she extracted herself from a very quiet Kol.

"We'll talk about it once were all in the same room, Kol you need to feed" I'm surprised he didn't attack one of the girls once he first saw them, even Rebekah is giving him a weird look. Just in time Finn also awakens, he's breathing heavily and is palming at his chest much like Kol was making me think that somethings wrong

"Brother, are you alright?" I said stepping into his line of vision, but instead of looking at me he looks at the human and starts shaking as his fangs descend and his eyes change into one of bloodlust, complete hunger. I've seen this look before, on Stefan Salvatore as he was about to tear the head off of his prey. 

"Rebekah, Kol, why don't you go freshen up. Greta will show you the way and there is a change of clothes right beside you" Obviously sensing somethings wrong they don't question me and do as I say all while throwing concerned looks our way. I would like to be alone with 'The Original Ripper'! Now I understand, why he hated being a vampire, the only person he ever turned was his lover, but other than that he absolutely hated his nature. 

"Finn, it's okay breath. Here, feed" I shove the last girl to him and saw him hesitate before ripping into her neck "isn't that better" 

"Why did you wake me?" he asked in our native tongue hopping out, it had slipped my mind that he wouldn't know today's language, stepping forward I put our heads together and shared the tongue that is spoken today.

"I have a surprise for you and the others, follow me so you can freshen up, then to the surprise." He didn't say anything which was so like him, but his facial expression let slip that he was curious.

~Time skip~ ~Henry's P.O.V~

I was waiting. Waiting for Nik to bring them home. I haven't told Nikky and Bubba yet but, I plan to find and wake father up. Yes, I know, why? Because he doesn't deserve to be in there it isn't his fault, he's like that, and I miss him. It might be selfish, but I want my papa back. Since I wasn't his biological son, I couldn't use my blood to track him, so I may or may not have gotten some blood from Eli without his knowledge. Wrong I know, but this is really something that I need and I'm not sure they will understand. 

"Through here" I hear Nikky's distant voice from the door as I stand from the couch, I was sitting on with Eli

"That's them" I said quickly looking between the door and Eli "I'm nervous, what if they don't wanna see me?" 

"Now that's just silly little one. They love you" that's all he managed to say before they all walked through the door, and suddenly just like that all my nerves vanished. Because this is my family. Mine. I love them and I know they love me; it might get some getting used to seeing me again, but I know we can make it through together. 

"What was it you wanted to-" I didn't even have to see to know who the voice belonged to; Kol stopped talking and froze where he stood as he saw me, as did all the others except for Nik who walked over to us. 

"This is what I wanted to talk about-" he was cut off by Kol vamping right up to me stopping only an inch away 

"Is it you? Is it really you?" I can only nod as no words seem to leave my mouth and he embraces me with the biggest hug ever

"How is this possible" I can tell it's coming from Bex since it's high pitched and feminine

"Reincarnation" I muttered as my voice was muffled from being smushed into Kol's chest, but I know they can hear me. He let go of me but stands next to me as the others hug me.

"I can't believe this" 

"Please don't cry Bex, your gonna make me cry" I can already feel myself tearing up

Finn was the last to hug me, but it was really short which I find kind of weird, but I'm sure finding your dead brother back from the dead 1,000 years later is also weird so it's whatever.

"It's really him right" Kol asked Nik and Eli who just laughed at his disbelief and nodded at him, a few moments later we were all sitting on the couch with them asking questions about my life. 

Boy this is going to be fun!!

Word count: 1075

Here's another chapter, sorry it's short!


CREDITS to owners

The ONLY character I own is Henry James

TVD does NOT belong to me

Til next time....

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