Adler | The Aces of St.Sincla...


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Book One of the Adler series ** St. Sinclair, the illustrious academy honoured nationwide as a catalyst for t... More

Prologue & Aesthetics
Summoned | A ONE
Coeus | A TWO
Throne | A THREE
Hangman | A FOUR
Recruitment | A FIVE
Visit | A SIX
Deduction | A SEVEN
Influence | A EIGHT
Disarray | A NINE
Odds | A TEN
Evens | A ELEVEN
Partying | A TWELVE
Exposed | A FOURTEEN
Mistakes | A FIFTEEN
Doomsday | A SIXTEEN
Obscure | A EIGHTEEN
Revelation | A NINETEEN
Virtue | A TWENTY
Excuses | A TWENTY ONE
Wonderland | A TWENTY TWO
Designated | A TWENTY SEVEN
Stranded | A TWENTY NINE
Honesty | A THIRTY
Reflection | A THIRTY TWO
Bradford | A THIRTY FIVE
Tapestry | A FORTY
Everything | A FORTY FOUR
Goodbye | A FORTY SIX

Thursdays | A THIRTEEN

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Playing cards became surprisingly fun as it was addictive. I was growing more and more at ease around the strangers who I gradually learnt the names of. The redhead who went by the name Chelsea, was very perky along with a bottle of Spirits she cradled as if it were a baby. There was one hilarious bloke Gus who got drunk to the extent that he thought we were playing Go Fish. Even Hess wasn't a bother to me.

I felt secure in my place and out of it, a spark of daringness manifested. I took a shot. Truthfully, I'd always been curious as to what made the stuff so addictive that countless establishments served it. That my dad would secretly have one after work hours. My nan even carried a flask of wine inside her purse. So that's how I justified it.

Strong was an understatement to the taste. I made a sour face while it went down my throat and it had everybody cracking up. I persisted for a few more and soon all were growing flimsy about the rules and just helping themselves to a sip. When it started feeling too hot, along with wondering what Ashton and Liam were up to or Shaun, I was ready to call it quits.

The group dispersed and as I was slightly tipsy, Garren assisted me to my feet. I seemed to be the only one to find it peculiar how steady his balance was despite drinking thirteen shots- yes, I'd counted.

Suddenly, I felt chilly air hit my skin and I comprehended Garren relocated me to a balcony. A crescent moon hung in the inky, starless night sky. The place was soothing in more ways than one.

"This better?" inquired Garren.

I nodded, running a hand through my hair and taking in the freshness of the cool breeze against my face. I glanced at the boy beside me. "You're not going back in?"

"And leave you where you can fall off the railings and crack your head open? No thanks."

"I won't fall. I'm fine," I drawled, gripping the railing and swaying side to side. "I took gymnastics for two years. Was one of the best at it until Lola Chen showed up. Just came up out of nowhere and stole my spotlight. All the other girls liked her more so I quit."

"... Is that really the only reason you quit?"

"Yes... " It took all focus to blink. "Kind of. No. Anyway, my balance is rock solid. I could even walk on this railing thing with no problem, I'll show you-"

"Don't." Garren cuffed my elbow when I attempted to climb atop the rails. He kept me close his side, arm locked in case I tried to escape.

I giggled. "I was joking."

"No, you weren't."

"Yeah, okay. You got me." I let out a breath. "You're brilliant at figuring me out."

"I know."

"... You could figure out anything I can't then, right?"

"What can't you figure out?"

My lips pursed. "... The week I went to see my parents and we were walking Benji, I saw someone across the street who looked like Michael."

"Michael?" Garren parroted. "The club captain Michael?"

I nodded. "But this guy... wasn't in a wheelchair. So it couldn't have been Michael but..."

"But?" He pressed.

"I wanted to talk to Shaun more."

"What? Who's Shaun?"

"A really cute boy in my geography class." I gushed. "I hardly ever get to talk to him and I dunno, I think he might like me back or is that just wishful thinking talking-?

"Stevie, go back to what you were saying before that," ordered Garren.

"Before?" I slowly blinked. It was becoming a little hard to concentrate on my surroundings. Especially when the moon was so alluring with its glow.

Then it was abruptly shifted from my view and all I saw was two pairs of opaque, grey eyes. "Stevie what were you saying about Michael?"

"Michael... Michael Buble? I don't really know him but Ash loves his songs."

"No, Michael Howard. The captain of Coeus. You were saying something about him."

"I was...?" I absentmindedly dropped my gaze as I tried to recollect myself.

Warm fingers cupped my cheeks and I was back to staring at those eyes. "Stevie, just look at me and focus. You can do this."

The poignant edge of his voice was just enough to have the train of thoughts finding its way to those former tracks. "Michael... I thought it looked too much like him because of his hands."

"His hands?"

I nodded. "Michael has all these blisters and rough callouses, probably from constantly gripping the handles of his wheel. The guy I saw had them too, in the exact same places and sizes- but it just couldn't be.

Then I went to the club library and bumped into Michael at the entrance. He said he was going out to the garden for fresh air and then the keychain on his bag snapped off. I bent down to pick up it for him and then, and then..."

"Then what?"

"I saw tiny pieces of gravel stuck under the soles of his left trainer." I frowned. "I-I-It didn't make sense. His foot plate is four inches off the ground. That shouldn't be possible unless..." Something in my stomach twisted and I felt awful. "It doesn't add up, Garren. It's not... I can't-"

"It's fine, that's alright." He voice a gentle tone, soothing to my ears. "I don't need to hear anymore. You did good, Stevie."

"I did?" I was blinking furiously at this point, but all the edges in my vision refused to sharpen.

"Yes. I'll take it from here."

I felt the strangely sedative touch of his hand patting my head. I didn't understand why I was receiving it but I smiled nonetheless.


I instantly snapped my head to where the voice projected my name and saw a girl marching up to me. I just could make out her dirty blonde hair, frilled dress and heels but I didn't need articulate vision to identify her.

"Hey, Ash." I waved.

"I've been looking all over for you in this jungle!" She fumed. "I give you some alone time with Shaun and you just... " Ashton paused. "... Oh my god, have you been drinking?"

"Yeah, Shaun invited me remember?" I playfully nudged her shoulder, wriggling my eyebrows. "Oh! And I had some whiskey in really tiny glass cups."

Ashton's eyes widened before she snapped to the boy beside me. "She's not like any of your sluts you can just get drunk as an excuse to get into bed. If I find one mark on her body, I will fucking sue your balls off."

"Ash stop it. Garren isn't trying to coerce me into anything," I assured her. "It wanted to drink on my own."

"Whatever, we're going." Ashton grabbed my wrist but never strayed her eyes from Garren as she did so. "If this happens again, you're not getting off easy."

"I'm absolutely petrified." Sarcasm rolling off of every word as Garren regarded her with the most impassive of expressions.

The next moment, I was being hauled away by Ashton and I quickly waved goodbye to him. Ashton was moving through the place in fast strides that I'd barely escaped tripping three times. "Oi, slow your horses," I said. "What's the rush? And why are we leaving so early?"

"It's past eleven, Stevie."

I immediately sobered up at that. "What?! B-But uncle Louie only extended my curfew to nine thirty. Oh god, he's gonna lose it."

"No worries, I've got you covered," Ashton declared.

We eventually met up with Liam and got into his dad's car. There was no way I could waltz into the hotel, one and a half hour past the curfew utterly smashed- that was downright suicidal. Ashton contacted my uncle and told him I was having cramps, severe ones that she felt it was best I stayed at her place for the night. Uncle Louie was instantly flustered by the topic and didn't ask for any details. He complied, then the call was over.

Only three minutes after arriving at Ashton's mansion, I was spewing up big chunks of my dinner in her toilet. After, I was tucked into the guestroom bedroom but I wasn't even in agony over more reckless decision. All that lingered in my mind was Garren's words at the balcony and the unmistakable delight in his tone. 'I'll take it from here.'

Gradually, my eyelids closed.


Undergoing a hangover was an unforgettable experience. Thankfully, I didn't have to suffer alone as Ashton was kind enough to nurse me. Then also scold me. Except not for drinking, but for drinking without her supervision with a bunch of people I didn't know and evil personified. She was adamant on the idea that Garren would've taken advantage of me if she hadn't shown up. I disagreed because I felt his ego was too large to stoop to that level. Nor did I feel Garren remotely thought of me in that aspect. I still apologised to her for giving him that opportunity though and worrying her.

I didn't regret drinking so much for the gnawing headache but majorly on the interference with my memory. I could barely recall the card game after my umpteenth glass. I recovered snippets of the room getting too hot and moving to a balcony. The moon was mesmerising and I think I was talking to Garren briefly. None of what was spoken was resurfacing and it left an uneasy feeling in me.

I tried to concentrate to hatch open the memory but I only triggered a splitting pang at the back of my skull. I clutched my head, wincing.

"Take it easy, Steves." Ashton lightly held my shoulder. "I talked to your uncle and he said it's fine for you to be absent. My parents have already gone to work and won't be back til really late. Text me if you're bored or whatever. Other than that, just relax yeah?"

My throat too dry to attempt speech, I nodded. She kissed both my cheeks and the gesture alone, put me at ease. Why was I rushing myself? Why this odd sense of urgency? Nothing I said to Garren could've been important. I decided to heed Ashton's advice and ignore it.

The next day, everything felt as usual. Nothing seemed out of place until the club meeting at break. Garren was actually on time and didn't make any slanderous comments. He did still deliberately bump into Andrew to send the boy's juice spilling all over his blazer but besides that, he was quiet. Quiet as a mouse. During the whole time Michael was informing us of an upcoming project presentation in the student eco club he was anchoring, Garren appeared attentive. He didn't bring out his phone to play games. I threw Will a questioning glance at the behavior and he shrugged, confused also.

It felt good when I met up with Ashton and Liam at the lunch hall later at noon. I wasn't comfortable with eating all by myself at the Moore household, even if I was texting the pair. It couldn't match the comfort of tangible company. When Amina walked by, my friends gave her their dirtiest looks. Ever since I'd confided in them that Amina only saw me as a tool to get close to the Aces, they took it upon themselves to glare whenever she came into view. I refrained from mentioning the slap because I didn't want to know what measures they'd take at that length. Also, I just wanted to block her existence from my mind. She wasn't worth loathing to me.

As Liam was talking about odd porcupine designed hats he saw at the store, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my eyes to see a nervous looking boy standing there. I recognised him from my bio class.

"Uh, hi Samuel," I greeted, a little confused. We'd never really spoken other than the occasional request to borrow a pencil.

"Garren said to tell you that he's waiting by the gates," said Samuel.

My brows scrunched up. "The gates?" I peered to my friends who just like me were quizzical.

"Yes, that's all he told me to say. He seems really pissed too," Samuel spoke with emphasis. From his grim expression, Garren must've scared the wits out of the boy.

That had me more concerned. "Alright, thanks Samuel."

He nodded and shuffled along while I began rising from my seat.

"You're actually going?" Ashton frowned.

"Well, yeah. It could be important," I said.

That did nothing to appease her so I turned to my other friend, hoping he'd be less judgmental. Liam folded his arms. "Do what you gotta do. We'll be at the usual place."

The usual was the quad which we would frequent after eating lunch. "I'll be back before you know it," I vowed.

Ashton didn't respond and bit into her Caesar salad while Liam offered me a tight lipped smile. It was better than nothing so with that, I exited the hall.

Just as informed, I saw the Aces by the school gates and a car parked right outside. Garren looked particularly peeved with jaw clenched. When he spotted me nearing them, his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Uh, hi," I greeted with wariness.

"We've been waiting here for seventeen minutes," Garren said through grinded teeth.

I knitted my eyebrows. "Um, alright...?"

"Alright?" He echoed in a voice that was ice cold. "That's all you have to say? Did they neglect to teach you any manners in that dump you hailed from? When someone makes plans, you come on time."

"Plans? What plans?" I questioned.

"Didn't Benny talk to you after maths in second period?" Will inquired.

I shook my head.

All eyes turned to the boy in mention who was suddenly staring at his trainers as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Garren's intense gaze was enough to explain why. "Ben," his voice chillingly stern. "You did tell her about our plans like I told you to, right?"

Ben bit his lip, stiffly raising his head. "Well, I was away to but then Shannon McKenna called me out and-" He was cut short in his sentence when Garren smacked him across the face.

It was so sudden that all I could do was stare and Will winced.

"You ignore my orders for some third rate slag? Are you looking to get your teeth kicked in?" Garren seethed.

Ben had a hand on his cheek, cowering as he shook his head.

"You sure?"

Ben nodded with haste.

"Then get your bloody priorities straight!"

Garren pulled on the laps of his coat in the state of exasperation. Then the anger in his eyes dispersed as he switched them on me. A dazzling smile appeared in a flash. "Stevie, forget everything I just said. I've seen now that the error wasn't on your end. I clearly have a monkey here that needs severe training."

"Um, it's alright," I assured him.

"Let's get going then. The driver's been stuck sitting in there inhaling the fumes of the air freshener long enough," said Will.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"To eat, obviously," said Garren. "I'm starving thanks to this moron. Ben, move your ass into the car before I change it to the boot."

Ben didn't need to be told twice. I, on the other hand, glanced back to the school building with uncertainty. "We'll come back before lunch ends right? I have this assignment to-"

There was a groan from Garren. "Enough talking. More moving." He seized my wrist and hauled me to the car.

I settled down into the leather seating and secured my seat belt over my chest. "I really can't be late for class."

"Don't worry, we're not going far," claimed Will. "We'll be back before lunch break ends. I promise."

Hearing it from him made me reassured so I sat back and got comfortable. The drive lasted for roughly ten minutes before we were in front of a restaurant. From the name, Risoni I deduced it was Italian as I followed the boys inside.

The establishment exuded in its culture aspired roots from the decor of the tables, the carpets, to the ornaments that hung from the black walls where beehive shelves hung distinguished wine bottles. Even the ambiance gave a feeling you'd teleported to another land.

I could tell the boys frequently visited the place by how they moved through the vicinity with ease like one would in their own house. Meanwhile, I undoubtedly looked like a lost puppy tailing after them, especially sticking out like a sore thumb despite us all in school uniform. Granted, the Aces were among the minority who paid no mind to dress code and sometimes traded their blazers for brand name jackets or pins and brooches over their ties. The only school standard article of clothing I'd see consistently on them were trousers, vests and polos. They walked right past the elderly couple in front and the receptionist already perked up at spotting Garren before he'd even spoke. "Adler, table for four."

The receptionist hastily nodded, clipping his fingers in the air. Within a heartbeat, a pair of servers hurried over and we were brought to a reserved table right at the very centre of the chic establishment.

"You guys eat here often huh?"

"Every Thursday," replied Will. "It's sort of a tradition."

"So you'll be expected to do the same," said Garren.

Admittedly, it made me a little intrigued to hear that. I'd never known what it was like to share a tradition with someone outside of family. It was right then, a young waitress approached our table and Ben wore a large grin, eyeing the girl with vibrant appreciation of her figure. Before she could even spout a word, Garren intervened.

"No, no no. Bring a different waiter to take our order. Either male or unattractive."

The waitress appeared quizzical at the demand but didn't question it. "Yes, sir."

Ben pouted and slumped on his seat as she took her leave.

"Don't even think about it, Ben. That dick of yours isn't going near any hole other than a toilet until I've decided you've reflected on your actions," said Garren.

The boy looked so upset you'd have thought Garren had bestowed a death sentence upon him. A male waiter took our orders with the boys not even bothering to scan the menu before responding. I was having a little difficulty deciding from the wide range and Garren had long since lost all patience. He snatched the menu out of my hands.

"She'll have the same as me. Except make her drink Coke, not water," He said to the waiter who nodded, jotting it down then walked away.

"Now that we've got that taken care of," Garren began. "Let's sort out some things that I've been meaning to attend to."

I lifted a brow. "Such as...?"

"As an Ace now, there's certain requirements you need to adhere to."

I folded my arms. "Right, if you're going to bring up me sitting with you guys everyday, that's not happening. I'm not ditching my friends like that."

Garren frowned. "Why not? We're better."

"Subjectively speaking," I replied.

Garren opened his mouth for what was without a doubt a snarky quip, when Will cut in. "How about we just settle on designated days she sits with us and her other friends?"

"No," Garren refused.

Will looked tired of his leader's childish defiance enough for the both of us and then leaned forward to Garren to whisper something in the boy's ear. I had no idea what Will could possibly have to say to convince him and found myself surprised when Garren spoke.

"... Would you be willing to comply with a division of seating arrangements between your 'other friends'," he said with the utmost disdain. "And us?"

I glanced to Will, incredulous. The blond merely winked. "Yes," I answered.

From there, we proceeded to make my supposedly necessary seating schedule.

"Thursdays you eat with us. That is a must," stated Garren. "... I suppose I can dismiss Tuesday and Wednesdays unless it's a special occasion like birthdays."

I nodded, surprised at how reasonable the regulations had been set. "Okay. That works."

"What about Saturdays and Sundays?" Ben inquired.

All eyes were on him. I had nearly forgotten the lad was there since he'd been so quiet but alas, when Ben McCoy opened his mouth, it became impossible for one not to forget him.

Garren for once didn't even have a retort to lash out. He just groaned, rubbing his temples.

"Benny," Will spoke gently. "We're not in school on the weekend."

I swear, I could almost see the gears whirring in the boy's head as it sunk in. "Oh, right!"

"Anyway," Garren continued without further delay, "On to our next agenda-"

"Actually," I cut in. "There's one other condition I have if I'm going to agree to doing this."

"We already adhered to a condition, you can't just go and say you want another one," Garren declared.

"That was more of a compromise than anything." The fact that it was for something as elementary as sitting was another unbelievable aspect I was choosing to compromise rationality, secretly of course. "And it must be kept no matter the circumstances."

It was written all over Garren's face that he knew it would be something he would solely undertake. I only had to bet that if I sounded desperate enough, he'd think I was indebted to him for granting it. "Go on," he urged.

"You have to quit the way you've been treating Andrew Ferguson."

I hadn't known what reaction would unfold, but a blank stare was far beyond any expectation. Will and Ben simply spared their leader a glance, also awaiting. Garren gradually raised a brow, "Who?"

His tone was too forward to be a joke- Garren, the regionally acclaimed young genius hadn't a single recollection to the poor boy he'd mercilessly pick on. In my state of shock, Will supplied the answer to him. Recognition quite literally shone a light in the dark haired demon's eyes. "Oh, the salad-dodger."

"That..." I pointed at him. "That right there is what I'm talking about. Name calling, making snide comments about his weight and singling him out- it might not occur to you, but that's bullying." Garren scoffed, muttering something under his breath. "I'm not asking you to be nice to him, as I can see now that might be beyond your capabilities. But couldn't you just leave the guy alone?"

There was nothing but silence for a good solid five seconds then, "Alright." Out of Garren's lips, plain and simple.

It was so sudden, I would've thought I imagined if not for the other two looking just as surprised. "You understand what I'm getting at, right?" I pressed. "You also can't just go and start picking on somebody else."

"I derived as much, Stevie."

I narrowed my eyes, confused at this calmness the boy before me was exhibiting. It defied all logic. I started rethinking my own words, wondering if there was some loophole to it that I missed, when Will suddenly cursed. His brown eyes widened at something he'd seen by the restaurant entrance.

"What? What is it?" questioned Garren.

"It's Adam," Will's voice had never sounded so repulsed.

I followed his gaze to the young man who'd just stepped in. He was tall with dark hair and remarkably handsome. He definitely looked older than a high school student- most likely, an undergrad.

"What, is he someone bad?" I questioned.

Garren scoffed. "Bad? Flat tyres are bad. That worm is the pneumonic plague. Just the very fact he's drawing breath is toxic."

"He dated Will but still wanted to bang his ex girlfriend too," Ben chimed.

"And the pathetic scum was so desperate to find a loophole out of the monogamist commitment, he tried to convince Will into complying to a threesome." I eyed the boy in mention with disbelief at Garren's words, only for Will to refuse to look back. What the hell? "Will finally regained his sense and dumped the bastard."

"But didn't Will forgive the guy and get back together like, twice?" added Ben.

"Thanks for the reminder, Ben," muttered Will.

"You're welcome," chirped Ben, completely missing the sarcastic tone.

I was just still sitting there processing the fact they said a 'he' on the affair when Will abruptly stood up.

"Where are you going?" asked Garren.

"To the bathroom. Let me through, before he sees me-

"Will sit your arse down." Garren tugged the boy back to his seat with a single pull of his leather jacket. "He is literally the last thing to be running and hiding from. More importantly, you'd be making me look bad."

Begrudgingly, Will stayed put. I observed the ex-boyfriend had this certain familiarity in his profile that I couldn't help but take notice of. Adam's eyes seemed to scour the area and unfortunately, landed on us.


I saw the boy visibly tense up when he was addressed. Will's eyes only briefly made contact with Adam before dropping back to the table.

Despite his clear dejection, a broad smile was on Adam's face. He leant one hand on our table, the polished sheen of the wrist watch that anyone from a mile radius would be blinded by. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Is it though?" Garren interjected. "That would mean it's a coincidence or chance, except you very well know he comes here at this specific time every Thursday. Let's call it what it is; stalking."

The corners of Adam's lips twitch but he continued to face Will. "I've actually been wanting to see you."

"Well, you have. Now move along," answered Garren.

This time Adam didn't ignore it. "I'm not talking to you."

"You are now and consider your worthless self lucky that I'm offering a warning instead of just striking you down. So do everybody a favour and just leave."

If there was one person I knew could rile someone up, verbally wound and provoke the common individual while still upholding the etiquette of speech, it was Garren Adler.

Adam's jaw was clenching almost as tightly at his fist while Garren sat glaring back unflinchingly. The bloke was more muscular in comparison to Garren but inside, I didn't sense a punch being thrown any time soon. Although it was brief- I noticed it. Sheer apprehension flicker on Adam's expression by the audacious boy seated with poise.

"You're still wasting your time with a twisted cunt like him, Will?" Adam spat.

Finally, Will lifted his honey brown eyes to the bloke and it was a first witnessing them so cold. "Shut the fuck up, Adam. Don't act like you have any right to be speaking badly about my friend when you treated me second to your retainer-on whore and I still gave you the benefit of the doubt."

"Twice," Ben added.

"Twice." Will emphasised.

"I know I messed up Will but just hear me out-"

"Not interested. That ship sailed a long time ago, Adam. Just go do whatever you came here for and let me eat. I've moved on."

Warmth was woven around my fingers as Will slipped a hand over mine. It was at that, Adam seemed to acknowledge my existence. Then without delay, I responded to tighten our intertwined fingers. Adam's eyes were fixed onto our clasped hands and I captured what appeared to be all glimmer of hope desert a person. Adam didn't attempt to say anything more and exited the restaurant with hefty strides.

"Good bloody riddance," Garren muttered.

Will untangled his fingers from mine with a discomforted look on his face. Though, I couldn't solve what he was uneasy for exactly.

"Seriously, you two need to quit giving out your cocks to the trashiest people around," Garren chided the boys. "I'll ignore whoever you wanna shag, but when it gets in the way of me having a peaceful lunch- then it's a problem. Sort it out or I'll have the both of you castrated. Understood?"

The pair nodded.

"You better not bring those problems too, Stevie."

"Well, I don't have a cock so I think the possibilities of that are low," I replied.

Garren peeled back the callous veil to offer me a small smile. "Right, how could I forget?"

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