Is There Anybody Out There?

By VerchansTacos

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A VernonxDino fanfic written by girlfriends who love "I'm gonna murder these tacos" and "Look at my fit" prob... More

Prologue: Lee Chan - Dino
Prologue: Hansol Vernon Chwe
My Aegi Is An Out Of Control Child
Chapter 1: Dino
Chapter 1: Vernon
Chapter 2: Dino
Chapter 2: Vernon
Chapter 3: Dino
Chapter 3: Vernon
What The Aegi Just Happened?
Chapter 4: Dino
Chapter 4: Vernon
Chapter 5: Dino
Chapter 5: Vernon
Chapter 6: Dino
Chapter 6: Vernon
Chapter 7: Dino
Chapter 7: Vernon
Chapter 8: Vernon
Drunk Confessions Of A Lovesick Aegi
2 Minus 1: The Spiral of The Emo Aegi
Chapter 9: Dino
Chapter 9: Vernon
Chapter 10: Dino
Chapter 10: Vernon
Chapter 11: Dino
Chapter 11: Vernon
Chapter 12: Dino
Chapter 12: Vernon
Chapter 13: Dino
Chapter 13: Vernon
Chapter 14: The Family Story

Chapter 8: Dino

104 6 0
By VerchansTacos

I finished dancing along to the song that was playing before going over and turning my music off. Picking up my phone and unplugging it from the speakers, I looked at the time.

It's just before midnight. I finished up on time. I smiled as I started to pack up everything into my bag.

Crushed up water bottle? Check.


I checked the duct tape all over the bottom of my bag, seeing it slowly start to peel up again.

Phone goes into my pocket tonight...

I glanced around, making sure I didn't forget anything. I'm not gonna bother changing out of the clothes I'm wearing, I'm just going right home...

Then what Seungcheol had said replayed in my head, "Lee Chan, you will not walk home alone as long as you are friends with us. This is a family and no one is leaving anyone. Got it?"

I... I can't just ask someone in the middle of the night... I'd be bothering them...

But... everyone would get so mad if I don't... Especially Seungcheol...


I remember someone saying that Vernon's up late at night! He might still be awake! Plus, he told me before that he'd walk home with me. Even though now it's too late for him to walk over here at night, it would kinda defeat the whole "no walking home by yourself late at night" thing.


I wouldn't mind being in his car with him though... or being close... hearing him sing along to his music again... I felt my cheeks getting red as I pulled out my phone and sent Vernon a text, "Hey, you busy at the moment?"

I stood there, watching the Vernon's typing... pop up and stay there.

Why am I so nervous?

"Yeah, a little. I'm about to walk the best dancer I've ever met home. What about you? Are you busy?"

I sighed, feeling disappointed. He's probably with Soonyoung, Junhui, or Minghao... I typed out a response and sent it, putting my phone into my back pocket. I started to zip up my bag, fighting with the zipper for a moment before I got it to close up. Double checking the duct tape to make sure it'll hold until I get home.

Stupid, rusty, good for nothing bag. As soon as I am sure that he won't find me again, I'm gonna...

Probably stuff it somewhere and find it every now and then so I can think about everything over and over because why not be horrible to myself? It's what I deserve right mom and dad?

I shook my head, stop it Chan. Now's not the time.

I make sure my bag is ready to be thrown over my shoulder after leaving the building, holding onto the smaller straps. I pulled out my phone again to check the time before slipping it back into my pocket and leaving the room

Good, I'm still on...

I ran into someone's chest as soon as I stepped out of the room. I thought I was the...


I felt my face heat up, "H-hi!?"

"Oh hi! Look, it's the best dancer I've ever met! Are you headed home?" Vernon asks, putting his hand on my shoulders and giving me a cute, goofy smile.

I just looked at him for a second before glancing around, looking for one of the other three, "Yeah, I'm all set to go, but I thought I was the only one here?"

"Yeah? I got a key now, so... I unlocked the door! Just you and me!"

"Oh... so... you're here for me?" I looked back up at him. There's no way...

Vernon chuckles softly, "Well, yeah! Of course! You ARE the best dancer I've ever met, so..."

I felt myself blush before shaking my head a little, "No way... you're friends with Soonyoung, Minghao, and Jun! They're all better dancers than I am..."

Vernon smiled and looked me in the eyes, so kind and caring, "I mean, don't get me wrong, they are amazing, but you... you somehow become the music. Watching you dance is like being hypnotized! You're the best dancer in my opinion."

I smiled a little at him, trying not to become a giggly mess, "Thank you... I've practiced a lot growing up." I then noticed the clock. Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late! "I should really get going before Jeonghan blows up my phone, gotta walk thirty minutes to get home." Speaking of Jeonghan, I pulled my phone back out, sending him a text letting him know I was leaving, getting a thumbs up emoji back as soon as it said read.

He's a light sleeper, so he wakes up very easily with the smallest noise. That's what he told me when he said to text him every time I left Tiger Pounce to go home.

Vernon smiled softly, "I already told him I was here to get you... He knows you're safe. We can start whenever you're ready though."

Vernon already told him!? That means either he texted him, or his car is at my apartment building? I then noticed Vernon was holding my dance bag now.

I reached out for it, "You really don't have to carry my bag, it's heavy, especially after walking for a few minutes."

Vernon chuckled softly, shaking his head, "I could carry you for the whole walk if I needed to. I think I can handle this little bag."

I felt myself blushing, he really is like a prince from the fairytales my grandmother used to read me from her fairytale book... No! Chan! He's not your prince! Stop it! Besides, he's gonna notice just how bad state the bag is in, "Still, you really don't have to..."

Vernon smiled, the softness of it making me feel a little bit better, "I know, but I want to. You've been dancing all day, I'm sure you're tired, so let me carry it."

"I've only been dancing a few hours..." I sighed, "You're just as stubborn as Jeonghan trying to put aloe on my face for my sunburn..."

Vernon looked down at me, looking like he was taking in my sunburn, "Wow, ouch, you should listen to him... I could help if you wanted? I'm sure your arms are just as bad. That looks so raw..." he slowly puts his empty hand to my cheek, gently ghosting his thumb across the red rawness.

I let him touch me, blushing a bit, "No, don't worry about me! I'll be okay! I haven't been in the sun since yesterday! Jeonghan wasn't gonna let me come here but we agreed I can come if I let him put aloe on and he drives me! Did you know some cars have shades that you can put over windows in the backseat? It's really cool!" Jeonghan had put them up after telling me to sit in the back of his car.

Vernon chuckled softly, still moving his thumb, "Like the ones parents use for their babies? Yeah they are cool. Did he actually put it on then? You look like you've sweat it off. You should let me reapply."

"He wouldn't let me leave my apartment without him putting it on... There is more in my bag that he told me to put on after I was done..." I told him, blushing at the thought of Vernon putting it on my face. Just how close we'd get...

Vernon smiled softly, "Well, let's get going to your house and I can put some on you then. You probably need to change your shirt before I put it on since your arms got it too..." He then took me by the hand, leading me out of the door before locking it behind us. We then started the walk back to my place.

"Maybe... I do have my own locker here with the others. I just haven't put anything into it yet." I said, him saying that I should change my shirt before we put it on reminded me of the locker Soonyoung said I can use for my dancing gear and change of clothes.

Vernon raised his eyebrow, "Why not? Is that why you carry this big of a bag too?"

I pouted at Vernon, "I've had this bag since I was eleven thank you very much! It's not the greatest ever and I always had to carry everything I needed in it. It may have also ripped open a few times so I've had to duct tape it... I'd feel bad using a locker and I don't deserve a new bag..."

Vernon shakes his head, "What kind of dance bag would you want if you did get a new one?"

"I... actually don't know... Never really thought about it, mine now is a hand me down from my ex friend..." I then shook my own head, not wanting to think about him when Vernon is with me, "I'd have to look at different ones and go from there."

Vernon smiled at me, "You could ask Soonyoung, Junhui, and Minghao for recommendations. Maybe pick one out and let someone get it for you as a present for being their favorite dancer."

"I'll be okay... They've all tried to get me to go look at some with them. My bag now just... reminds me of what I need to stay away from." I told him looking down at the ground. I have to stay far away from him. After what all happened... He'd probably...

I gasped as I was suddenly picked up by the waist, putting my hands on Vernon's shoulders as I was being spun around. Did he just... Was I just spun around like a princess!?

I couldn't stop staring at Vernon as he slowly put me down. He was looking me over, "Are you okay?!"

I just nodded at him, feeling like I was barely breathing, "Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?"

Vernon leaned into me, looking at my face, like he was checking to make sure not a single hair was out of place on me, "Because you almost got hit by a car!?"


"Wait, what!?"

"Did you not see it?! You were walking right on the edge of the sidewalk and that car came speeding past so fast they even hit the curb right where you were standing!" Vernon exclaimed, breathing a little heavily.

"I didn't even hear anything... Guess I just got too lost in thought..." I looked down, upset with myself for not paying attention. Why am I like this!?

"You sure you're okay? No pain anywhere? I didn't hurt you when I picked you up did I?"

"You didn't hurt me at all... and I'm okay. I'm sorry..." I said, trying to avoid eye contact with him. I'm always getting myself into some kind of trouble, whether it's my parents, my school bullies, him...

Vernon cupped my face gently and looked it over again before looking into my eyes, "Don't be sorry, as long as you're okay, that's all I care about..."

I felt my breath get caught in my throat and blushed, reaching up and touching Vernon's hand cupping my cheek. I felt the need to make sure I didn't actually just die and my hand won't go through things like it would if I was now a ghost.

We're really close to each other again... If I moved forward enough, I'd be kissing him...

No! Bad Chan! You almost caused him pain because you didn't pay attention to your surroundings!

I pulled away from Vernon, I can't let him be that close to me again, I need to be punished for being so careless, "Let's... keep going?" I asked him, missing the feeling of his hand on my face.

Vernon moved and grabbed the bag again, nodding at me, "Yeah... sorry I dropped your bag... Now I really do owe you a new one... Thankfully it looks like it'll make it home."

I looked at my bag, seeing the duct tape looking like it was about to give out and spill everything everywhere... again.

"You don't owe me anything at all. I wasn't paying any attention. Besides, a little duct tape will fix it up again." I said, backing up a bit to try to get us to keep moving. I don't want him to feel bad about my crummy bag. It's better just to...

Vernon looked at me, moving forward and grabbing my hands, pulling me into his arms before placing me on the side of him away from the road, "Just to be safe, new rule. You're always gonna have me between you and the road."

What... just happened? I looked up at Vernon, "Okay..." I then slowly reached for Vernon's hand, stopping just before touching him. I want to hold hands with Vernon, but I don't deserve Vernon holding mine...

Vernon then took my hand in his, "Good... I want to make sure you're safe..." he trailed off before running his thumb across my knuckles, starting to walk again. I watched him as we walked, feeling so confused on why he's not just leaving me here to fend for myself or holding my hand or just... being so nice to me? He then looked over at me again, "So... the bag... why would you keep something from someone bad? Wouldn't that make you want a new one? I mean, I replaced everything and burned everything that my ex had me get... I can't imagine keeping something like that."

I sighed, I knew this question was eventually gonna come up, "My bag... is a hand me down from my ex friend who outed me to my parents and everyone in school. I didn't do what he wanted me to do so he retaliated, which made my life a lot worse than it was believe it or not... I gotta keep the bag at least until I... I guess I finally feel safe from him?"

I felt Vernon squeeze my hand gently, "Well, you know you're safe with us... We'll make sure no one like that can get to you anymore... I can vow that I will always protect you if you let me buy you a new bag."

I looked up at Vernon, feeling tears in my eyes as I nodded.


I quickly washed the sweat off from dancing.

Vernon had asked me to spend the night with him!!

I couldn't help but rush to get clean. Using the body wash I had brought from home. I remember thinking it was weird for showers to be here, but now I can't thank Soonyoung enough!


"Soonyoung, why do you have showers here?" I asked. It was my first night practicing here and Soonyoung was showing me around. We were in the employee locker room and he had pointed the shower room door out to me.

"I know how gross it is to be all sweaty and... well... gross. So I made sure to have showers put in. Everyone in the group is allowed to use them, just make sure you lock the stall before you do. Mingyu had to shower here once and poor Seungkwan has never been the same..." Soonyoung laughed a little.


I turned off the water and started to quickly dry myself off and threw on my clean clothes I had brought from home. Just comfy stuff so I don't have to change again tonight. I also remembered to bring clothes for tomorrow since everyone was going to the mall to hang out.

After I got everything situated, I opened the door of the locker room quietly. I looked out into the hallway, seeing Vernon waiting by the practice room I was always in.


I bit my bottom lip gently to keep myself from giggling and giving myself away and ran over to Vernon, hugging him tightly from behind.

I heard him chuckling softly and I looked up to see him looking behind himself with a big smile on his face, "Oh, you're not in the room this time! Hi Channie!"

I couldn't help but giggle, "Hi! I took a shower before you got here!" I moved carefully to see Vernon's face better, not letting him go, "I'm ready whenever you are! No bag tonight though, it rained this morning and the duct tape gave out on me. It's in my locker now... with a bunch of sweats and stuff? I wonder if my locker was just extra storage for Minghao's fashion." I joked, knowing that Minghao is really into fashion.

Vernon chuckled softly and shook his head, "Yeah, maybe... At least you're finally using the locker. Maybe you should go through the stuff in there, might be something interesting for you."

"I don't wanna touch Minghao's stuff, if it even is his in the first place... It could all also be Soonyoung's or Jun's? I'll ask them about it later." I smiled up at Vernon, "I gots more important things to do, like hanging out with you tonight!"

Vernon chuckled happily and looked down at me, I then felt him move and then his arms were around me, hugging me back, "Yeah, exactly, I'm important!! Especially since I have a surprise for you." A surprise?

"Oh? What kind of surprise?" I asked him.

Vernon chuckled, smiling, "Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

I made myself pout, trying to be as cute as I could, "Awwh, I wanna know!"

Vernon smiled wider, shaking his head, he then leaned down towards me, "Nope, not yet! Just means we need to leave and get to my house then huh?"

I blushed. Butterflies in my stomach again as Vernon's face was closer than before. Maybe if I just....

Wait! No! Chan no! Gotta go get whatever surprise he has for you now's not the time to think about kissing him!

I quickly nodded, "Then let's go!" I pulled out of the hug, taking Vernon's hand and started to pull him out of Tiger Pounce.

I heard Vernon chuckle again as I led him out. He then opened his car door for me and shut it after I got in before getting in himself and starting to drive.

I watched the scenery pass by the window. I haven't had any kind of surprise... well... a good surprise... not since...

No. No sad thoughts, just happy ones. I have no idea what Vernon has for me. I'd be happy with anything he ever did for me really. I'm not too picky. Just the thought of someone surprising me in any good way is exciting! I-

I felt Vernon's hand on my knee suddenly. I looked down at it, feeling my face heat up little bit. I wonder if he'd mind me...

I put my hand on his before looking up at him to see if this was okay for me to do or if he wanted me to take my hand off his.

I watched as Vernon blushed softly and glanced over at me. He then slowly moved his hand up to rest comfortably on my lower thigh, my hand never slipping off his.

I feel my face get hotter. What if Vernon takes my face being red as I don't like this? I squeezed his hand to hopefully let him know that I was okay.

I have to restrain myself from moving his hand further up my thigh... That would probably be too far...

I felt him squeeze my thigh back in response. I looked away from Vernon, not trusting myself to not do something stupid while he's driving. After a bit, he parked in the parking lot with one hand, not moving his hand away from my thigh. I watched him park before looking at him again as he glanced at me.

I slowly pulled my hand away from Vernon's, not wanting to let go. We are at Vernon and Joshua's place now though so I have to. I sighed a little. I felt Vernon slowly pull his hand away and heard the car turn off and him getting out.

I just sat there, missing his hand already. Is it bad that I'm already so clingy to him? More than I am with everyone else?

The car door opened and I got out, grabbing onto Vernon's hand as soon as I could.


He led me up to his apartment and then into his room. He chuckled a little bit before sitting down on his bed, pulling me down with him, "So, ready for your surprise?" I kept holding his hand the entire time, following him. I felt like a little puppy.

I nodded, a little nervous all of a sudden. I watched as Vernon moved and grabbed his guitar before looking over at me.

He looks like he's nervous too...

"So uh... I wrote a song and I thought I'd let you... be the first outside of the band to hear it? If that's okay? It's called Rocket."

"I'd love to!" I smiled, feeling myself scoot a little closer to him. I didn't really mean too I just...

Want to be close to him.

Vernon smiled softly and started to play. We both just looked into each others eyes as he sung.

Whoever he wrote this song about must be very special to him. It's so good, like he spent a while trying to get it just right.

When Vernon's finished, I starting clapping, "It's amazing! You should definitely perform it at the bar as soon as possible!"

Vernon smiled, an adorable gummy smile and chuckled, "I'm so glad you like it! I wrote it about someone.... Very special. Are you ready for the next surprise?"


I looked at Vernon, because no way, "Another surprise?"

Vernon laughed softly, "God you look like such a puppy when you do that... Yes, another surprise. I hope you like it..." he then moved, putting the guitar up and grabbing a box, handing it to me.

I very carefully took the box from him, looking up at Vernon before looking back down at the box. Making sure that he's not gonna change his mind last second.

I then started opening it slowly, before pulling out the tissue carefully. Slow and steady, so then I don't ruin the box or break what's...

I gasped as I saw what was in the box and pulled it out.

It was a brand new blue and white duffel bag, so expensive looking too. No way I... Why? I looked up at Vernon.

Vernon smiled softly, "I uh... know you said you didn't really want a new one, but... You really deserve it. I asked the other dancers what kind to get and even made sure all your stuff would fit in the pockets and stuff... and I made sure it was your favorite colors... I really hope you like it."

I looked back down at the bag again. A brand new, expensive looking bag, for me!? It's not a hand me down that I will forever have to fix in some way or fight with to get...

Wait, what if the zipper gets stuck easily like my old bag!? I gently pulled on the main compartments zipper, it very easily unzipped. I very easily opened the bag all the way before I zipped it back up. Zipping it back up was just as smooth.

"I... even made sure it had a perfect quality zipper so it won't get stuck on you. I also made sure the bottom was reinforced so no more duct tape... did I do wrong? Why are you crying? Do you not like it? I can take it back and get a better one? It's your favorite colo-"

I hugged Vernon tightly, managing to stammer out a, "Th-thank you..." before burying my face into Vernon's neck.

Vernon hugged me back, resting his head on mine, "You deserve it."

I don't trust myself to speak right now, so I just held onto him. Hearing him start to hum Rocket.

I never want to let him go.


I walked with everyone up to the mall, watching them all talk, joke around, and just... enjoy each other's company. Something that any friends I had before just, weren't...

I don't know if that even makes any sense. I just...

I heard a splash and felt water go into both of my shoes. I glanced down quickly at them to see that they're soaked, and my socks are now too.

Okay, keep calm Chan, keep up with the group. It's gonna be fine. Just don't slip and fall and ignore the squeaking noises your shoes are making and maybe...

"Why are you so squeaky? Are your shoes soaked??"

I looked at Wonwoo, seeing him looking over at me, oh crap! "No! My shoes are fine! I'm just... squeaky clean?"

"You sure? Your shoes look a lot darker than they were earlier..." Seungkwan asked, looking down at my feet.

"They're... color changing?" I shrugged awkwardly, smiling a little. Please let it go!

I noticed Vernon shaking his head, "Your socks are soaked too. Not to mention you're leaving wet footprints as you walk."

"Am I?" I turned and looked behind me, not seeing any wet footprints.

"Not really but the fact that you checked means your shoes ARE soaked." Vernon said.

Suddenly I was being picked up and thrown over a shoulder. I recognized the clothes as Seungcheol's. He started walking and everyone followed.

They really don't need to waste time on me getting new shoes!

"Hey! I'm good! I don't need new shoes! Mine aren't even that" I argued before suddenly feeling my shoe slip off and saw it fall onto the ground.

I watched as Jihoon carefully picked up my shoe, turning it upside down and letting the water inside fall out onto the floor, looking at me kinda like he's saying 'oh really?'

Seungcheol walked into the store, "You're not arguing. You're getting new shoes, everyone else here will block the entrance if they have to. Isn't that right Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan smiled at me, reaching up and booping my nose, "You can't argue with us Channie~!" He then paused for a second, glancing down at my feet, "You think you got him Cheolie? He needs new socks too. Almost everyone else is already looking for shoes for him already."

I felt Seungcheol nodding, "Think if I sit you down on the chair, you can behave and sit there?" He asked me, moving to the area where you sit to have your feet measured.

I pouted, feeling like I'm not getting out of this now...

Unless I ran for it...

I looked up and saw a clear path out, nobody even nearby! I can leave the store, "Yeah. I'll sit..."

Seungcheol sat me down in the chair carefully, moving directly in the path between me and the door, "So what size shoe do you wear?"

Damnit! If he's right there I can't make a run for it! I'll get grabbed immediately...

"Um... Depends on the shoe?" I said, glancing at the door, hoping Seungcheol will turn or move away just long enough that I can make it past him.

"Well how about sneakers?" Seungcheol asks, swaying in his spot, arms crossed.

He is not gonna move, is he?

"I'm a size nine..." I told him, sighing a little.

I'm not getting out of here... Not that easily...

Vernon walked over, leaning down beside me, holding out a pair of socks, "Change into these, I already bought them."

He already WHAT!?

I looked up at him, "Vernon! You didn't have to! I'm okay with wet socks and shoes I swear!"

I watched as Vernon rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah, I looked at your shoe after Jihoon grabbed it. Know why it's soaking wet? Oh, maybe the h-"

"No!" I lunged out of the chair, covering Vernon's mouth with my hand, "My shoes are good! There's nothing wrong with them, I don't need new ones, okay!?"

If Seungcheol found out...


I pulled my hand away from Vernon's mouth, wiping it on my shirt, "Vernon!"

"What were you going to say Vernon?" Seungcheol asked.

"Nothing!" I cut in, quickly covering my hand with my sleeve and covering Vernon's mouth again so he can't lick me.

Vernon chuckled, looking up at Seungcheol before gently taking my hand, pulling it away and intertwining our fingers, leaving me unable to stop him from telling Seungcheol, "Holes. All over the side. The sole is practically hanging off. No wonder he dances barefoot sometimes. I don't know how you manage to dance in them at all."

"Wait... what!?" Jeonghan at some point had come over, he was holding a pair of cute fluffy socks.


"They're still functional! So are my socks! Where even is my other shoe!?" I asked, looking around for Jihoon.

I spotted him looking around. We made eye contact and he walked over, "Find anything you like?"

I shook my head. I am leaving the store without anyone buying me anything, and Vernon not buying anything else for me!

"Well, I checked your shoe for the size so, everyone is gathering everything. I think the dancers all have their arms full of shoes they would use for practicing." Jihoon says with a small smile.

No! No no no no NO!

"Where's my other shoe?" I asked, feeling a little panicked now.

Jihoon looked at me, "Was it sentimental?"

"No..." I trailed off, it was just a cheap shoe, "It's just my perfectly fine shoe."

"Well, your perfectly fine shoe is now in the trash," Jihoon said, giving me a sheepish smile.

I froze. It's... gotta be in the store right!? I turned and went running to find a trash can, running into Minghao.

"Channie! Look at these sneakers!! They're so pretty blue!"

I look at the shoes Minghao is holding, "It is a pretty blue but... not really for me?"

Where is the trash can in this store!?

"Then how about these?" Minghao asked.

Are they outside of the store!?

I shook my head to answer Minghao before stealing a glance at the entrance. Only Jeonghan had stepped away. I looked to see him at the socks again with Seungkwan and Seokmin.

"Okay, how about these?" Minghao asked me.

I just shook my head again, more focused on trying to hear what Seungkwan was saying to Jeonghan.

I frowned, not being able to hear, "I'm gonna... go look on the back wall okay?" I told Minghao before running off.

There's gotta be an exit in the back of the store... emergency exit? Wouldn't that set off alarms though and cause panic?

Doesn't even matter... there is no exit in the back of the store.

I looked around the store again from where I was.


That's an unblocked part of the exit!!


I started running for it. Not looking for anyone. Just focused on....

I was suddenly scooped up by my waist, being turned so that my back was against someone's chest, "And where do you think you're going?"


I felt myself pout, "Out." I then started trying to get away from him, feeling my other shoe fall off.

Vernon held me tightly to him, "No, you're not. Not without a new pair of shoes."

I noticed Joshua was walking nearby, coming over with some boxes before stopping, "Holy shit Chan your entire sock is ripped!"

I just groaned, covering my face with my hands. Great... Now they have another reason to not let me go.

"Now are you gonna be a good boy and pick out a pair of shoes?" Vernon asked me.

I looked at my other shoe as Jihoon picked it up, "I'll throw this away in the trash around the corner. Don't let him see where I'm going." He then walked out.

"Guess I don't have a choice anymore..." I said, looking down at my feet, I only see my socks, soon they'll fall off too and Jihoon will throw them away in another separate trash can.

And I will never see them again...

Vernon chuckled, slowly sitting me down, "You never had a choice."

Joshua then handed me a box, "Here, try these on! They kinda look like your old ones, but they're really cheap so..."

I opened the box, seeing plain black sneakers, just like my old one. I go to put them on before Jeonghan stops me, holding out the socks Vernon had already bought, "Switch your socks first."

I do as he says, putting the wet socks on the floor, underneath the chair I was sitting on so they're out of the way. I then put the shoes on.

"But, those look so cheaply made. They'll end up like his old ones in no time!" I heard Vernon say.

I'm sorry Vernon... I just can't let anyone buy me of all people expensive shoes.

I'm not worth it...

I wiggled my toes in the shoes, pretending to feel them out so I can look at the price tag. Ten dollars, not expensive at all, "These are good... I'm good with just these and the socks Vernon got me."

"At least look around for yourself first. You've not even looked for any!!" Vernon said, sounding upset.

"But... I always got the cheapest pair of shoes..." I looked up at him, trying to explain why I can't have nicer shoes so Vernon won't be upset anymore.

"Aegi, why don't you walk around the store and try the shoes out? Make sure they won't hurt to dance in?" Jeonghan said, ushering me up and out of the chair.

I looked at him, I guess he has a point... "Okay..." I started to walk around the store.

I suddenly noticed something and looked over to see a very nice pair of white shoes with blue details. They're so nice looking and my favorite colors. I went towards them, going to pick them up before I saw the price tag, feeling myself flinch back away from them. Sixty dollars... No way... I can't...

I turned away from the perfect shoes that would probably feel amazing to dance in and went back to everyone else, nodding to let them know that the shoes are good and they fit.

Even though the blue and white shoes would probably be a hundred times more comfortable than these...

"Well, at least they don't have holes." Seungcheol said, smiling at me. I felt a little better now that he's smiling.

"Neither do the socks, I think we're good for now?" Jeonghan smiled softly, reaching over to Vernon and patting him on the back gently, like he was trying to comfort him.

Did... did I hurt Vernon? I just don't wanna be a burden and have someone waste their money on me...

"So Channie has new shoes and socks and is ready for the day?" Wonwoo asks, looking at me as everyone gathers.

I watched as Vernon glanced up at Jeonghan, pouting slightly at him.

I did hurt him...

"Yeah, Wonwoo can you take him up to pay please?" Jeonghan asks him.

"Of course!" Wonwoo says, taking me by the arm and leading me to the counter.

I went with him, handing over the box for the worker to scan and watching as Wonwoo paid. I couldn't help but glance back at Vernon every now and then.

When we finished with the nice worker, we headed back to everyone else. I walked right over to Vernon, looking down at the ground. I feel horrible that I made him upset, "I'm sorry..."

Vernon put his hand on my shoulder, "Why are you sorry?"

"I made you upset..." I looked up at him.

Vernon shook his head, "No you didn't! I promise! I'm not upset with you!! I just wanted to get you really good shoes is all!! Gotta protect my favorite dancer's feet! I'm happy you got new shoes."

I smiled at him, "Thank you for the socks, you really didn't have to!"

Vernon smiled back at me, my heart fluttering, "I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Your old ones were horrible! You needed new socks to go with the new shoes. Plus it'd be pointless changing from wet to dry shoes if the socks are wet too."

I nodded, still smiling at Vernon.


I walked into Tiger Pounce carefully with my arms full of stuff. The duffel bag Vernon had surprised me with carrying some of my more important stuff while everything else I just carried in my hands.

I didn't want to overfill my new bag... My brand new bag Vernon gave me... My very own dance bag!! Not a crummy hand me-

I just dropped everything onto the floor, right in front of my dance idol...

Soonyoung came over to me and started to pick everything up before I could, "Alright. That's it. From now on you are using your locker here. This stuff doesn't need to be taken back and forth every day." He picked up the last thing as I reached for it, hoping to stop him, "Come on Channie, let's go." He then started to walk to the locker room.

"W-wait! Soonyoung! Someone else's things are in the locker!" I called out, running after him.

"Chan, everything in the locker is stuff we all got for you. It's no one else's but yours. We've been waiting for you to use it. I honestly thought after your crummy dance bag gave out on you you'd finally use the locker." Soonyoung opened the locker room door and went in. I followed him, noticing my old dance bag on the bench, "I didn't throw away your old bag, in case it had some special meaning to you. Go open your locker so we can get you situated."

I did as he said, opening the locker door. I gasped as I saw the exact same shoes I saw at the mall on the bottom. Reaching down and picking them up, I looked over at Soonyoung as he put my stuff down, "How did you...?"

"I saw you looking at them while you were trying out the cheap shoes. We waited until it was time for dinner and went back and got them before leaving. Before you argue with me, Seungcheol bought them. You take it up with him, but he's not gonna let you win so honestly, don't try, unless you get Jeonghan to agree with you but he was right there too. Look at everything else, everything else in there is from us three!"

I looked, finding three sets of sweats. One had a cute dinosaur on the sweatshirt and footprints on the pocket of the one pant leg. It had a note safety pinned to the tag saying "Horanghae!"

Definitely from Soonyoung, they're very cute and so soft.

The next one was a light blue zip up hoodie instead of a sweatshirt, white tank top, and light blue pants to match. I looked at it all together. It matched perfectly. Like all of Minghao's clothes...

"Are you..."

"Yes Channie, it's all for you! I told him he should've put a note on it, that you wouldn't believe it was for you but nooooo, It could cause holes." Soonyoung said, doing his best Minghao imitation at the end. I giggled, putting it all down nicely on top of the other one.

Picking up the last one, the sweatshirt was baggier than the other two, and it had an undershirt to go with it. Soft gray sweatpants too, "You seem more comfortable in looser clothes so I got you something baggier compared to the other two. - Junhui"

I felt myself start to tear up, blinking to keep from crying, I looked to see a brand new blue water bottle with "DINO" printed on it.

"We all have matching water bottles with our dance names on it. You're one of us now so naturally we got you one too. It's a sports bottle so you can also spritz your face to cool down a bit and it won't leak." Soonyoung said, coming up next to me and starting to hang the clothes up.

"I... I..." I stammered. I'm one of them!?

"Do you not-"

I hugged Soonyoung tightly, burying my face into him as I started crying, "Th-thank... you..."

Soonyoung hugged me back just as tight, "You're welcome Channie."


I just danced to any song that was coming on my playlist, not really caring since I wasn't asked to make up any new choreographies or anything.

The song "Anyone" came on. A romantic ballad about two people who are in love and are willing to give anything for each other...

Just like I would for Vernon...

I sang along and danced to the song, feeling myself get lost in it. The whole time, I couldn't stop thinking about him. About how he makes me feel. About everything he's done for me.

The song ends and I stop dancing, looking at myself in the mirror.


I thought I just had a crush...

I... I love him...

I love Vernon...

This isn't a crush anymore. I love him. I want to be his.

But... he deserves so much better than me...

I'm not good enough for him...

But I still love him...

Should I still tell him...

I don't know what to...

I noticed Vernon in the mirror, meeting his eyes before turning to look at him, "Vernon! Hi! I'm... um..."

Vernon smiled softly at me, my heart felt like it was fluttering, "Hi there, sorry if I interrupted you, I just saw you standing here not dancing so..."

"No! You're good! You didn't interrupt anything! I just... was... um..." I felt myself blush, feeling very nervous, swaying on my feet a little.

Vernon chuckled softly, "I don't know what um is, but I'm sure you did it perfectly." He then put his hands on my waist, steadying me and keeping me from falling over.

"No," I shook my head to help think clearly, "I..." A slow song then came on, my music had been playing this whole time, "I should probably go turn my music off..."

Vernon smiled, keeping his grip on me, "Awh, you don't wanna dance with me Channie?" He asked teasingly, starting to sway with me.

I looked at Vernon, blushing, "I... I do..."

I'm so nervous... Why am I so nervous? We've hung out before... I've cuddled up to him before...

What's wrong with me!?

Vernon leaned closer to me. I felt his one arm wrap around my waist, his other hand captured my own and held it out, "Then let's dance Channie!" He chuckled as he whispered into my ear.

My breathing stopped and I froze, still moving with Vernon. I looked into Vernon's eyes as we danced, feeling very nervous and on edge.

Vernon smiled softly at me as he moved closer, starting to softly sing along as we danced, he was still looking into my eyes.

I listened to Vernon sing along to the song, feeling myself starting to calm down. I rested my head on Vernon's chest and closed my eyes, feeling better, just focusing on Vernon. Just wanting to be cuddled into Vernon.

Just wanting to be Vernon's princess...

Vernon kept singing, leaning his head against the top of mine, he held me closer.

I just let myself become lost in the moment, never wanting it to end as Vernon held me to him and we danced. As the song got to the orchestral part, I opened my eyes, noticing just how close we were... we'd be inches away from kissing.

If I look up and he kisses me, that means he likes me back...

I looked up before I could stop myself.

I want him to kiss me...

Vernon pulled away just a bit, he slowly started moving closer, his eyes looking directly into mine.

I feel like there's butterflies in my stomach. I started slowly moving closer also, letting my eyes slip close.

I jumped back as Vernon started rapping the beginning of Back It Up.

Oh wait, it's my ringtone. I pulled away from Vernon and went to answer it.

Turning off the speaker, I saw that it was Jeonghan calling.

"Channie!? Where are you!?" Jeonghan's voice came over the phone.

Oh... I'm late getting home... "I'm still at Tiger Pounce..." I told him.

"Vernon's there right!?"

"Yeah, Vernon's here..."

"God... Channie if you're running late that's okay but I haven't heard from either of you and you're normally home by now..." Jeonghan said, sounding relieved.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you..."

"It's okay. Just keep me updated next time, okay? I don't want anything to happen to either of you." Jeonghan said.

"We'll start walking now... I'll text you when I'm in my apartment..."

"Okay. I'll stay up until I get your message. Dino nugu aegi?"

"Jeonghan's aegi..." I told him before hanging up.

I unplugged my phone from the speakers, starting to rush so I don't worry Jeonghan anymore, "I have to get home... I was here a lot later than I normally am and Soonyoung's gonna be on my case tomorrow... I'm sorry..."

I ran past Vernon, setting my phone down on my dance bag before running out of the practice room to go to my locker.

I'm so sorry Vernon...


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