Loki: Mischief & Sorrow

By HiddenGem_98

67 0 0

Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief and crowned prince of Asgard. Once a heartless villan has found love in the h... More

Love Is In The Air
The First Dinner
The Ball
Wedding Bells
The First Day
Troubles Begin
Battle 1
Baby Drama
Help From Unlikely Sources
The Idea of Hope
It's Time
New Information
Baby Powers
Here We Go Again
Battle 2
What Happened When I Was Out
The Root Of The Problem
An Old Foe
The In-Laws
*Sigh* Brothers
The Frozen Heart Of A King
Loki's Birthday
Battle 3
Laufey's Revenge
They will return

The Final Battle

3 0 0
By HiddenGem_98

Aquata opened her eyes, she prayed to Odin that Loki heard her, the frost giant guards came into view, doing rounds, they glared in at the queen of Asgard, pride gleamed in their eyes. Aquata just sat on the slab of ice given to her as a bed, Loki receiving that message was her only hope. Back on Midgard Loki dressed in his armor, strapped the scepter to his back, and walked out to the landing pad, "Brother are you sure it is wise to come with us" Thor asked in protest stopping him, Loki looked at Thor, rage burning in his eyes, and nodded, Thor let him pass and Loki stood in the middle of the group, "Heimdall, Open the Bifrost" Loki roared into the sky, a beam of rainbow light then came down and surrounded the group gathered around Loki, in a flash the group found themselves in a world of ice and snow standing just above the entrance to Laufey's palace, two Frost Giants standing guard at the entrance. The Avengers hid behind a snow bank and made a plan of attack, Loki, not wanting to wait to rescue his beloved, teleported himself to the dungeons of the castle and started searching for his queen. Aquata was not there though, Laufey had brought her up to the throne room, "Stop, please stop" Aquata screamed tears streaming down her face, Laufey didn't let up though, the white beam attached to Aquata's forehead led back to Laufey's hand, Laufey just grinned and increased the intensity. Aquata fell to her knees every memory of Loki being comatose or attached to a vent flooding her vision and thoughts, as Aquata cried the frost giants surrounding her started incasing her in ice, just before she was fully incased Aquata yelled out "Loki!" The cry travelled through the whole palace loud enough for those outside and in to hear it, Loki teleported again this time to the hall just off the throne room, his eyes turned red and his skin blue as he turned into his frost giant form, he walked to the door and bashed it opened, "Laufey" he roared over the sounds of the doors crashing to the floor. Laufey signaled the guards to stand down as Loki stormed over to were his birth father stood, blocking Aquata from his view, "where is she" he growled, Laufey smiled ,"where is who traitor" Laufey said starting to play mental games with Loki, "you know who Frost giant, now answer me" Loki snarled, Laufey laughed, "Your queen, right, well she's right here" Laufey said moving to the side unveiling Aquata's frozen prison, Loki rushed over and used the point of the scepter to crack the ice around her, once Aquata was free of the ice, Loki took his cape and wrapped it around her to help warm her. "Loki, watch out" Aquata said as a frost giant came up behind Loki ready to strike, Loki teleported them out of the way of the attack and set Aquata down, "I'll be back soon pet" Loki said kissing her forehead before teleporting away again to go fight Laufey's forces. Loki started destroying the giants around him as Laufey slinked into the shadows. Loki held out as long as he could but eventually Laufey's forces started to be too much for the god, then out of nowhere something came flying up and hit the giant that was fighting Loki in the head before flying back to who threw it, Loki followed it back to see Thor catching Stormbreaker surrounded by the rest of the avengers, weapons at the ready, "Charge" Thor yelled running forward followed by everyone else, Loki gained his second wind and started fighting again, "Nice of you to join me brother," Loki said sarcastically as he snapped the neck of the giant in his arms, "took you long enough." Thor rolled his eyes, "some of us came up with a plan before disappearing inside" Thor pointed out. As most of the giants fell, the scream of a woman cut through the sound of the battle, Laufey came into the light holding Aquata in his arms kicking trying to get away. Loki felt his anger build as he looked at the monster holding his love, "put her down bumble" Tony said pointing his hand at the giant, Laufey laughed, "or what, would you truly risk her life to attack me," Laufey said "maybe I should do individual pieces instead of one" Laufey's hand started glowing as he attempted to freeze Aquata's heart, Loki's eyes started to glow green and snow started falling in the room, Aquata did the only thing she could think of to escape, she bit Laufey's hand causing him to start bleeding. Laufey roared in pain dropping Aquata to the floor, she quickly ran over into the arms of Thor as Loki started floating above the ground, the snow got heavier till a blizzard was happening in the throne room, Loki yelling was the only thing to be heard over the wind of the snowstorm as the god flew forward blasting the king of the frost giants with a powerful ice beam, the castle blew to pieces from the shock wave, more frost giants swarmed the area, all readied to fight and Aquata summoned the scepter from Loki's back. The battle was long and exhausting for both sides, Loki mostly fought Laufey using his full powers against the giant. The battle raged on and Loki's blizzard became more intense, Laufey eventually loosing Loki's sight as the god battled a swarm of goons that jumped him in the snow, eventually the snow cleared and all were able to see their adversaries again.

As Thor finished defeating the ice giant in front of him and had a small hurrah, Loki looked over to see Laufey approach from behind. "Thor look out" Loki tried to warn his brother but it was too late, Laufey stabbed Thor in the back, running him through with his blade of ice. Loki ran over to his brother catching him before he fell to the ground, Aquata in anger used the mind stone to fight Laufey nearby. "Thor, no, this can't be happening, not you" Loki cried into his brother's chest his eyes losing their green glow, Loki used the magic he was taught to keep Thor alive for the moment thinking there was still hope from Aquata's abilities, Thor managed to gather enough strength to speak one last time "good bye brother, take care of Asgard and her people, I will see you again, when you cross to Valhalla" and with that Thor's head fell limp and his breathing became very shallow. Aquata finally defeated Laufey with a head severing slice from the scepter, she watched the giants body fall to the ground before rushing over to Loki's side, "Aquata do something heal him" Loki cried, "Loki there is too much damage, I can't, you should know even gods have their limits on what they can fix. It's time to let him go love." Aquata said putting her hands onto Loki's to stop his magic, as Loki's magic glow stopped Thor slipped away flashing Loki one last smile before completely fading, the last of the frost giants retreated with the death of their king, all the Avengers gathered around and one by one dropped their heads in respect and mourning of their lost comrade while Loki just cried into Aquata over his brother's body.

Aquata and Loki took the locks of hair they needed for the family to braid into their own hair while Thor was being prepared for the funeral by S.H.E.I.L.D and Asgardian death mongers. The feast to celebrate Thor's life was prepared and the citizens all mourned their king who sacrificed his life against the frost giants, up on the hill by the palace in the royal burial grounds Loki and Aquata brought the twins to their uncle's headstone, wind blowing the dark blue capes and skirts of the dresses the royal family wore, with their hair blowing each having a braid with blonde incorporated, "where's uncle Thor Mom" Atlantan asked, "uncle Thor went to be with grandpa Odin and grandma Frigga in Valhalla sweetie" Aquata replied holding back tears, she looked over at Loki who just hung his head and grabbed his hand pulling him into a group hug. Just out of their view behind a tree, a man with long blonde hair stood, he wore a baseball hat and sunglasses, and was in jeans and a tee with a sweatshirt over it, his hair was in a ponytail, the man watched for a few minutes then turned away adjusted his collar to hide his face and in a crack of thunder was gone. Loki seeing him before he vanished was puzzled, Thor? Loki thought mentally as he looked at where the figure was, holding his family close as the Asgardian sun set behind the mountains surrounding the city.

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