Loki: Mischief & Sorrow

נכתב על ידי HiddenGem_98

67 0 0

Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief and crowned prince of Asgard. Once a heartless villan has found love in the h... עוד

Love Is In The Air
The First Dinner
The Ball
Wedding Bells
The First Day
Troubles Begin
Battle 1
Baby Drama
Help From Unlikely Sources
The Idea of Hope
It's Time
New Information
Baby Powers
Here We Go Again
What Happened When I Was Out
The Root Of The Problem
An Old Foe
The In-Laws
*Sigh* Brothers
The Frozen Heart Of A King
Loki's Birthday
Battle 3
Laufey's Revenge
The Final Battle
They will return

Battle 2

2 0 0
נכתב על ידי HiddenGem_98

Aquata walked into that cathedral with a different type of nerves going through her as her part was during the coronation so she sat in the royal booth for the wedding itself, as Thor walked in to take his position at the alter next to the pastor Aquata could see second thoughts running through his eyes, and as here comes the bride played and Jane walked in Aquata saw no change and she started to wonder if Thor really wanted this day to come or his delaying till Loki could be there was his way of trying to keep face but was having second thoughts on his engagement. Jane arrived next to Thor and the pastor started his part Thor just went through the motions and said his vows and that is when Aquata saw the change in Thor's eyes to actually being happy and she caught him look over at Loki and his family, she knew Jane did not want kids but she hoped Thor would be able to be a father one day maybe after he passed the crown and could retire with Jane they could adopt or have a child. After the couple kissed Thor stepped to the side and Aquata and Loki stood to commence the next part of the day the coronation of a new queen for Asgard.

Aquata stood next to Jane as Loki brought over an ancient text for Jane to swear on to be queen the pastor put the crown on her head "Do you promise to uphold," The pastor went through the speech Aquata just stood there waiting to swear her allegiance to the queen and when Loki backed off Jane took Aquata's hand and Aquata walked to in front of Jane she did a low curtsy and looked at the floor "I swear to always be at your service my Queen." Aquata said "I accept your service Princess" Jane replied Aquata stood then Hela came over and did the same thing then all the dukes and duchesses and lords came and swore their allegiance to the new queen after the last lord rose the royals walked out of the cathedral and to the carriages to ride back to the castle to have the reception. Loki and Aquata changed into their reception clothes that actually matched their color assigned to them as royals Aquata purple and Loki green then they were the first ones in to the hall with full fanfare to sit at the head table followed by Hela then they all waited to see Thor and Jane walk into the hall arm in arm as King and now Queen. The crowd of VIPs clapped and cheered as the couple made their way to the table Thor sat down next to Loki and leaned over to whisper to Loki "Are you doing ok brother, you look pale." Loki responded "I'm fine brother but thank you for your concern." Aquata just looked over at the two brothers trying to make it look like she is looking at Thor and Jane but hiding under her smile Aquata was concerned because she saw the same paleness Thor saw.

The reception went smoothly as far as the royals saw and after they retired to their chambers Aquata checked on Loki who was as white as the sheet on the bed on which he was laying. Aquata checked Loki's temperature and he was burning up "150, that's not good," Aquata said to herself "I hope Strange is still here and not to drunk" she left and went to the chamber the Strange was staying in and knocked on the door, "enter" Thor's voice rang out from inside, Aquata entered the room to see all the men from the avengers sitting around the table drinking "Aquata, come sit and join us" Thor motioned for her to come over. "Thank you Thor but I am only here to see if Strange was still here" Aquata explained, Strange looked over "What's up Aquata?" Strange asked, "I need you to come with me and check on Loki," Aquata explained, Thor looked concerned as Strange got up and walked over to her "He has a temperature of 150 and he is as white as the bed sheets, and I'm worried" Strange looked over to the rest of the team "I'll be back in a few moments continue without me" Strange said walking out the door with Aquata to go see Loki, when Strange arrived to the chamber Loki was barely able to look towards them "Good call pet, I don't feel so well" Loki weakly said Strange got right to work examining Loki and figuring out what was going on, Aquata just picked up the twins and sat on the balcony rocking them and looking out at the night sky with the moon over the lake she just sighed and thought of her transformation in the river and how she felt at home in the water, but she knew she was needed here especially now with Thor and Loki and the little well not so little bundles of joy in her arms, Aquata looked down at Atlantan and Celeste their sparkling eyes looking back at their mother with big smiles as they were oblivious to what was going on in the next room Aquata smiled and tried to keep back the tears that were pricking her eyes from Loki and the worry from that. Strange walked out to the balcony and took one look at Aquata and smiled at the sight of a mother loving her children, "well how is he," Aquata asked see Strange next to her "is it really bad" Strange hesitated, "I, I, I'm afraid that Loki has relapsed the pneumonia is back and he has fallen back into a coma and, and is on the vent again." Aquata started to cry thinking the worse about what will happen if Loki didn't see his children grow. Strange comforted Aquata, Aquata stood up and put the twins to bed then she heard her worst fear, the sound of the machines that she heard for nine months and still hear in her sleep. Aquata turned around and saw Loki back in a state she never wanted to see again, laid out with tubes coming from everywhere like he was some Asgardian pipeline, she walked over and sat on her side of the bed next to him and just stroked his hair out of his face and kissed him on the forehead "what am I going to do with you" Aquata sighed, back in Strange's chamber Strange went over and whispered in Thor's ear, "you might want to go to Aquata's chamber Loki is very ill and she may need someone to help comfort her," Thor ran to the room and stopped when he saw Loki, Thor covered his mouth with his hand and tried hard not to cry at the sight of his brother pale as a ghost and back on those machines Thor prayed he would never see Loki attached to again. Aquata signaled for Thor to come over and sit he came over and sat gently on the edge of the bed on the other side of Loki from Aquata. They just looked at each other and all that could be heard was the machines and the cooing of the twins in their cribs, Aquata just laid down putting her arm over Loki and snuggled into him and Thor hung his head. And they just stayed that way till the morning broke, Jane walked in ticked looking for her husband ready to tell him off and found him still sitting by his brother just watching as Loki's chest rose and fell with the pump of the vent, she immediately felt a wave of regret and sorrow fall over her as she discovered what was going on, Jane remembered Thor telling her about the first time Loki fell comatose and that was why they had to postpone the wedding as long as they did for Loki to be there. Now they were basically reliving it all over again, but this time Aquata was not pregnant on top of everything, Jane came over and rubbed Thor's back to let him know she was there and to comfort him, and that was when Jane saw Aquata her face tear stained and she was exhausted from not sleeping all night. Jane was starting to regret her decision to do all this, to marry Thor and become Queen instead of letting Thor pass the crown and then come live with her, but she want's power and this was her one way to do that she just played a game and made people think one thing, but she knew that Thor would not be king forever as he told her the other night he was waiting for the twins to become five years old before passing the crown to Loki. Thor sat there wondering if he was going to be able to pass the crown to Loki or if he was going to have to wait till Atlantan was eighteen to pass the crown.

Loki awoke in a land flooded with sun and grass for miles and right next to him was Odin "it is not your time to be here yet Loki, you must return to your wife and children." Odin spoke before Loki was cast back into a dark cell with a single stream of light like he was in before when he was comatose. In a panic Loki screamed in the abyss crying "Aquata, help me!" he then slid into a ball on the floor and cried. In reality Aquata was tending to Loki when she saw the tears falling from Loki's eyes, she wiped them away and soothed Loki with "I'm here love, just come back to me, come back to me and your children." Then she started to sing to calm two fussy six-month-olds and to hopefully calm Loki "when the world gets to, heavy put it on my back, I'll be your levy, you are taking me apart like bad glue on a get-well card" Aquata sang as she held the twins and sat next to Loki, Celeste crawled over to her father and got on his chest, Aquata watched as Celeste fell asleep on her father as the pace of the vent was calming to her. Atlantan sat up and played with Aquata's hair and put her crown on his head then in his mouth giggling the whole time. Aquata took her crown back and made tiny bubbles for him to play with. As the months came and went Loki made small improvements and the twins grew into one year old terrors that ran and ransacked everything they could, Aquata tried to corral them in Loki's old chamber with the bathroom and balcony doors locked and Thor even baby sat while Aquata cared for Loki. Aquata sat dabbing his forehead and checking his temperature and keeping an ice bath ready in case of it being too high, Strange kept checking in to see how Loki was doing and helping Aquata clean and change the IV's and feed him with the tube, Loki kept sitting in the darkness and trying to escape. Aquata sang to him every day and kept caring for him, Aquata thought many times of giving up but she vowed to never abandon him. On their wedding anniversary Aquata sat by his side and held his hand crying and just praying that he would wake up so she can be with him and have a true day of romance. All she could do was sit and hold on to him waiting. A cloud of sorrow hung over the realm on what was supposed to be a happy three-week festival celebrating the matrimony of the prince and princess but with the prince falling ill the kingdom was in no mood to celebrate, prayers to Odin came from every citizen in Asgard for the prince to wake and become well again but Loki showed no sign of improvement. Aquata did her best to do what she could around taking care of Loki, most of her time that was not at Loki's side was spent in the throne room taking condolences and prayers from citizens and diplomats there on business. Eventually Loki needed round the clock care and Aquata never left his side, Hela watched her niece and nephew while their mother cared for their father but even they knew something wasn't right.

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