Loki: Mischief & Sorrow

By HiddenGem_98

69 0 0

Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief and crowned prince of Asgard. Once a heartless villan has found love in the h... More

Love Is In The Air
The First Dinner
The Ball
Wedding Bells
The First Day
Troubles Begin
Battle 1
Baby Drama
Help From Unlikely Sources
It's Time
New Information
Baby Powers
Here We Go Again
Battle 2
What Happened When I Was Out
The Root Of The Problem
An Old Foe
The In-Laws
*Sigh* Brothers
The Frozen Heart Of A King
Loki's Birthday
Battle 3
Laufey's Revenge
The Final Battle
They will return

The Idea of Hope

2 0 0
By HiddenGem_98

The next thing Aquata knew she was out on the front balcony of the palace like she was the day before her wedding but this time there were two smoke bombs on the railing one said twin a below it and the other twin b, she stepped out to where the crowd below could see her in her green dress with gold accents and gold and crystal tiara that she was coordinated with shining in the sunlight. "Citizens of Asgard, welcome to the gender reveal of the royal heirs of Prince Loki and Princess Aquata, due to some unforeseen circumstances Prince Loki cannot be here but Princess Aquata will be revealing the genders with colored smoke," Thor's voice announced to the crowd below "pink for a daughter, blue for a son, as she is carrying twins there will be two plumes of smoke, we will now set the plume for the first twin a blaze." Aquata went over to the first one labeled twin a and lit it, there was a few seconds of white smoke before it started smoking, blue, a son Loki would be happy about that if he ever gets to meet him, "now the second twin" Thor announces as Aquata walked over to the second smoke bomb, Aquata lit it and once again it gave a few seconds of white smoke before smoking, pink, a daughter once again Aquata felt a small pain in her heart as she was unsure if Loki would meet his daughter, "a daughter" Thor announced to the crowd and Aquata put on her best fake smile for all the media groups there snapping photos and recording video as she stood in between the two plumes of colored smoke waving. After a few minutes she went back inside holding her bump trying not to cry for the thoughts that were once small little things in the back of her head had grown and took over as her main thoughts, she rushed to Loki's side and broke down holding Loki's hand to her face and just let it go all emotion took over and she swore that she would make sure Loki was able to see his kids one way or another.

Thor for the weeks after the gender reveal spent most of his time in the throne room accepting offerings for the heirs and Aquata, meanwhile Hela was helping by taking over Aquata's duties for her so she could rest and be with Loki as much as possible. Aquata was once again holding Loki's hand to her bump and Loki was smiling feeling each kick and punch from his children, and Aquata caught herself wondering if being in a coma was just like sleeping normally or if it was like your mind is trapped saying "I'm still here I just can't move." Inside Loki's mind Loki was screaming "Aquata I feel you, help me I cannot force my body to wake and help you," and "Oh my goodness, I'm going to be a father to twins, a son and daughter oh my." No matter what they tried Loki could just not wake up from the coma. There were a few times that they put ice around Loki to help cool him when his temperature got too high so Aquata got to see Loki turn blue from his Ice Giant heritage and feel the coolness of his skin while in that form, it was something she liked very much and hoped she would be able to see that form in action someday. That night, Thor came in to talk to Aquata, "it's time to start talking about what the birth plan will be Aquata, do you have any idea on what you may like so far?" Thor asked with quill and paper ready to write, "yes I do Thor," Aquata answered, "I would like to give birth right here next to Loki, and I also would like to do it without drugs." Thor franticly scribbled all of that down, as Aquata continued "I also want to have a special dress made to be able to give birth in, and I think that's about it." Thor finished writing and put that to the side before Aquata spoke again "Thor I wanted to talk to you about this for a while now but, what if we built a hospital here in Asgard like the ones on Midgard with the modern medical capability and open to all, it would really help the health of our warriors and their families, we could even hire doctors from Midgard and have them train Asgardian doctors in the technology." Aquata proposed to Thor who listened intently, "Let's do it." Thor agreed "but where would you build it?" Aquata thought for a moment then went out to Loki's balcony and motioned for Thor to follow, "How about right over there, next to the lake and close to the town, we can make it higher like 12 stories high to make sure there is enough room." Thor looked to where she was pointing and thought for a moment, "I will go with a construction team tomorrow to explore the site" Thor finally said after thought, Aquata beamed for the first time in four months and Thor could not help but smile as well because he knew she was smiling because she found the ultimate way to help her future subjects, giving them the best medical care that she could, and Thor was determined to make it happen for her sake.

Thor the next day did what he promised and tooka crew out to the site Aquata suggested to make sure that what she envisionedcould be built. "So, what is the verdict?" Thor asked the foreman of the crew,"Well my King, it looks like we should be able to build here and do what thePrincess wants" the foreman concluded. Thor signed the permits and requisiteorder and the plans were drawn up and the site marked off and the groundbreaking planned, Aquata made another public appearance for the ground breakingnow being eight months pregnant with twins, her maternity dress looking likeher normal dress but without the belt was blowing in the breeze as she held thegolden shovel in her hands ready to break ground on something she got the ideaof from the whole situation with Loki, the cameras snapped and the videos were recording so the mediasall over could keep tabs on the royal family of Asgard, Hela Thor and Aquataall took a shovel full of dirt to break ground on the Asgard Hospital.Meanwhile back at the castle, Strange saw something incredible Loki's brainwaves showed that he could wake in the next few weeks if not days. As the restof the royal family returned home Aquata's personal assistant came up and saidthat they were all needed in Prince Loki's chambers, the group looked at eachother and ran to the chamber thinking the worse, as they all arrived out ofbreath Strange was standing there looking hopeful to tell them, "Loki is goingto wake up soon" Strange announced to the worried group whose worried facesturned relived and happy, "do we have a date?" Hela asked. "Not an exact onebut it should be within the next few weeks." Strange answered "So he may verywell be awake for the birth of his children" Strange threw in for Aquata.

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