I Wanna Be Yours | Bojan x Kä...

By BojanGurl14

12.4K 447 180

Although they think that they're just friends, the spark between them is something which they cannot resist... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29

Part 23

222 14 9
By BojanGurl14

That night, Jere threw a few things into his luggage and left. He decided to put on a hat and a pair of sunglasses so that hopefully people would not notice him. Don't get him wrong, he loved his fans, but he just did not feel like talking to people.

His heart was aching. Just imagining Bojan with someone else made him feel like he was about to go insane.

He hopped on the plane after about an hour of waiting at the airport.

He could not wait to see Bojan, yet at the same time he was dreading it. He was not prepared for it. He felt like his biggest fear was becoming a reality, that Bojan was going to admit that he was seeing someone else this whole time... that Bojan replaced him with someone else... someone better... someone prettier... someone who isn't him.

During the entire two and a half hours he spent on the plane, he could not sleep. At all. He was anxious to say the least. He was constantly fidgeting. He could not get the photos that he saw online out of his head. He wanted to believe what Bojan told him but seeing him dancing and enjoying himself with someone else like that, he just felt insecure. Like there was no way Bojan would choose him over someone else. This girl, whoever she is, in the photos, is a much safer option for Bojan... his fans would never know what happened between him and Jere.

2.5 hours later

After the flight, which seemed to never want to end, he found a hotel to stay at. He knew he had to rest. He did not sleep at all last night.

He looked at the time. "I guess I should try to rest for a bit... maybe it will make me feel better...", Jere thought.

He laid in bed for a while. He wished Bojan was there to hold him. To comfort him. To make him feel safe. To make him feel like it was all going to be okay. But the realisation that he was not there with him broke his heart even more. And thinking that he might never experience his cuddles again, his kisses again, or feel his hands touching him in all the right places or hearing his sweet whispers in his ear intensified every emotion that he was feeling.

He started quietly sobbing in the pillow. He got so tired from crying that he fell asleep without even noticing.

10 hours later

Jere woke up. He rubbed his puffy eyes.

"I slept for 10 hours?!?!?!". But he definitely needed it.

"There are still two hours left until their concert starts..."

He could not decide what to wear. He tried so many different tops in front of the mirror but he did not seem to like any of them.

Thirty minutes had past and he still did not decide on what to wear.

"Ugh I'm so fed up with this!". He decided to just put on Bojan's hoodie and a pair of comfy sweatpants. He at least wanted something to feel comfortable, in such an uncomfortable situation that awaits him.

He took a taxi to go to the concert. In the taxi, he took the concert ticket out from his pocket. He remembered Bojan giving it to him...


Jere: "What's this?"

Bojan: "It's a ticket to one of our concerts. Maybe you'll get the chance to come see us..."

Jere: "That's not a bad idea..."

Bojan moved closer to Jere. He lifted his face up from his chin so that instead of looking at the ticket, he was looking straight in his eyes.

Bojan: "See us... or see me...?"

Jere began to blush like crazy. He loved the entire band of course. But Bojan... Bojan was just something else. He was special.

Jere: "You..."

Their lips collided with each other. The kiss was sweet and gentle. They both appreciated these types of kisses too. They did not always have to be so intense. Just little, romantic kisses like this was enough.


He felt a tear stream down his face but he quickly wiped it.

"No, Jere. You're not going to cry...", he thought to himself.

He arrived just in time for the concert. He was so shocked seeing the huge crowd before him. There was no way Bojan would notice him like this. There were thousands of people. Jere hoped that people would not notice him thanks to his trusty sunglasses and his messy hair that he could not be bothered to style.

Then, after a few minutes, Bojan and the rest of the band came on stage. Jere was absolutely mesmerised by Bojan's beauty. However, when Bojan spoke into the mic, he could tell that he sounded kind of... tired? Drained? He felt bad for him. He hoped that he was okay. He really wanted to know. He wanted Bojan to confide in him.

He did gain some energy when the music started playing and when he started singing.

"God, his voice is perfect...", he thought. He kept thinking of the way Bojan used to speak to him. He just missed every single part of him.

Then Bojan put on a serious face...

Bojan: *cough cough* "This song... I want to dedicate it to someone very special to me..."

Jere felt confused... So now he is even dedicating a song to this girl?!?!?!

Then Bojan began singing...

"A sem ti povedal kdaj

a sem ti povedal kdaj

a sem ti povedal kdaj

A sem ti povedal kdaj

kako lepo dišiš mi

kako žariš, ko pred spanjem govoriš mi

da boš naredila vse

da ne pozabim te

in da bom jutri spet zraven tebe zbudil se

Špetaj mi kok' me hočeš

Ugrizn' preden se odločš'

dokler mi srce ne poč'

dokler ne ugasne noč


Jere's heart felt like it stopped beating. He remembered when he first listened to this song with Bojan.


Bojan and Jere were laying on the couch together. Bojan wanted Jere to listen to some of the band's songs. They listened to a few of them toghether.

Bojan: "Let's listen to just one more for now."

The music started playing. Jere admired Bojan's voice so much.

Jere: "Wow, it's really beautiful! I think this is my favourite one. What is it called?"

Bojan: "A sem ti povedal"

Jere: "What does it mean?"

Bojan: "It means 'did I ever tell you'".

Jere: "What about this part? What does it mean?"

Bojan smiled gently. He scooched closer to Jere and put one of his arms around his shoulder.

He then looked at his eyes.

Bojan: "Did I ever tell you how good you smell..."

Jere's heart started racing. A million butterflies started roaming in his stomach.

Bojan: "How you're glowing when, before bed, you tell me that you'll do everything So that I do not forget you and that I'll wake up next to you again tomorrow..."

They kept staring into each other's eyes. It's like they were locked in place.

Bojan: "That's what that part means..."

Jere felt his heart flutter. It was beautiful.

Bojan pulled Jere towards him and hugged him. 

Bojan: "And it feels like I'm saying it to you...", he whispered in Jere's ear.


Jere snapped out of his fantasy. All of these memories... so sweet yet so bitter...

He stood there, wondering if Bojan dedicated this song to the girl in the photos...

But he was hoping it was for him...


*Thank you so much for reading!!!

*Also I did a resit for Computing (even though I got a C) and this time I got an A!!!

*Also I start uni next week I'm so excited!!! Don't worry, I will still continue this story <3

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