His M.V.P. 2

By yaa_girll

14.7K 873 385

Is LOVE supposed to "Hurt so Good?" More

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C H A P T E R 8

811 54 12
By yaa_girll

Julz looked around his home with keenness, appreciating the decor that Onyx had picked so far out. He usually kept a tidy space, but she had his space in disarray. He took a drag breath as he stepped over the scatter boxes, and bent to stack them to the side. "Shorty got my crib a fuckin' mess." He said to himself as he walked through the large open space. She had boxes, paintings, and unassembled furniture everywhere that was tempting his triggers. He paused mid-step when he got to his seated window area. Unknowingly he nodded his head at how she had the small area laid out. His fingertips pass along the children's books lining the bookshelves. This space was for him and Jovi. It represented much more than books and snuggles. It represented their future, his fatherhood, the love he never knew he could internalize so deeply for another human. This space represented that Julius could love from the depths of his soul. Jovi gave that to him. It was so easy for him to kill someone, but even more brutal to live for himself.

"Damn," he said with a smile, as he pulled the book Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Her price did not match the quality of her work, or the sentiment within it. Based on this alone, she deserved well more than the measly twenty bands he gave her. Julz walked through the house, needing to place sight on her because her feminine scent danced around his space. He had so much gratitude for her, taking his small request and making it something so much bigger. He was never a religious person, but something about her seemed Heaven sent.

"You good?" Julz called as he leaned his frame against the door. Onyx jumped with fear as she held her chest, turning on her feet. Both their gazes hard on each other, neither having the thought of backing down.

Her mouth fell open but paused with hesitation, before clearing her throat. "Umm, I was looking at these fabric swatches. Just trying to get done as quickly as possible, so I can be out of your space."

"Did I ask that?" Onyx peered at him with confusion at his question. He could read her mind, so he reiterated his question. "Did I ask yo mean ass to get out of my space?"


"Hell yeah. Ma, you mean as shit." Julz smirked and stepped into the room. "I mean, a nigga say hi to you, and you give me a dry-ass nod. You act like you can't speak, outside of doing your job–."

"This is a job," she corrected. "No need to be friendly, and ask about each other's day. This is a transaction."

The way his eyes darkened, was amazing to her. Julz mouthed a smirk, before traveling his slit eyes over her. Onyx swallowed hard before stepping back, adding more space to them than they already had. She had to pull herself from his gaze because the last thing she needed was to get caught up in anything further than what she had going on. Kawme, who wouldn't let go, and his wife, slandering her name with every word except a child of God.

"Is there anything else I can help you with Mr. Carter," Onyx announced.

Julz shook his head with a chuckle. "Nah... Nah you good Ms. Koné." He just watched her, as he tried to decipher every reason for the frown lines on her face. The slight bags, or why she walked with the world on her shoulders. Julz licked his lips, opening his mouth to speak, but the ringing of his doorbell took his attention. Heading to the door with a hustle, stepping to the side to allow his visitor in. Sevyn and him slapped hands in a quick embrace.

"This mu'fucka nice as hell," Sevyn said, looking around the open space. "I bet Tessa crazy ass loves this shit."

Julz paused at his words. He and Tessa didn't even sound right at this moment. Co-parenting had been the best option for them. Toxic. Although, mostly his fault. The toxic shit he and her used to do was not healthy for Jovi, and that was his main concern. Even in Miami a while back he had to think with his brain instead of his other head when Tessa was drunkenly throwing the pussy at him. It was restraint he didn't even know he had. He did miss her, the feeling of her, the taste. However, Julz still had so much healing to do, sex would just confuse too much. Being that it had been the originator of all his traumas.

Rubbing his hands over his fresh waves he looked at Sevyn with a shake of his head. "I ain't been fuckin' with Tessa on that tip. She ain't even been to the crib... I'm just trying to raise my daughter the best way I can. Me and her together turn into some crazy, unhealthy shit. Plus she fuckin' with that lame ass nigga Cyrus." The words had a bitter taste on his tongue. There had never been more of a desire to send a whistle through a nigga than when he thought of Cyrus. Corny ass nigga he thought with a chuckle.

Sevyn looked at him, studying his face as he said the words. Nobody could have told him Julz and Tessa weren't going to make it. Damn sure, not him and Scotlynd. "Damn..." Was all he could think to say.

"Yeah, damn... Fuck all that soft shit, let me show you something real quick."

The two trotted to the home office Julz had set up and closed the door behind them. Stepping to the bookcase, Julz pulled a book causing a hidden door to open. His hands meekly keyed a password before stepping to the side and allowing Sevyn into his space. While they were in the back, looking over the bricks that Julz had cautiously stored in his safe room. Julz grabbed the duffle bag and piled the bricks in one by one.

"This shit, this a different level nigga. I mean this was just the work I brought in my dummy tank. It's semi's full of this shit." Julz aired.

Sevyn sat in deep thought. With this type of work, he understood that he would gain much attention. More than hustlers, and jackboys, this was federal. He was moving on a different path. That slight glimmer in his eye reflected the hunger his soul held. Sevyn was stepping into his season. The speed he was moving brakes sure wouldn't stop him.

Back in the other room, Onyx was trying to hang the portraits she brought and ignore the ringing of her phone. It was like a nonstop torture. Bad things seemed to follow her. She believed in karma and goodwill. So she lived by the motto of doing good unto others, Onyx was a walking declaration. She didn't talk about people, harm them, or curse them. She truly had a soft soul once you made it through her hard exterior. Harden by life lessons.

"What!" she snapped as soon as she answered the phone. Her eyes didn't need to connect with the screen to see who it was. "I am working Kwame," she sharply whispered when she realized where she was. Cracking and breaking in this man's house was something she couldn't do.

"You blocked me?" He asked, having the nerve to sound hurt. Onyx just shook her head and scoffed at his delusional state of mind. "You moved all your shit out of the apartment. O, I fucked up. Okay. I know I did. But my and Celia's marriage has been over months ago. Just come home, I'll leave and pack all my shit. Give you the space you need, Just come home," Kwame begged.

"Home," she questioned with disgust all in her tone. "I don't have a fucking home with you Kwame. I don't know how you got my number, but do yourself a favor and don't call it again."

"Nivea right? That's your mother's name... Onyx, I'm a desperate man who when being pushed would do desperate things. You are a smart woman, think about it. I put too much into you to just end up empty-handed. To hand you over to one of these young niggas out here!" Onyx stood stoically still at his hidden message. The sound of her mother's name didn't even sound right coming from his lips. He would tell her, just to spite Onyx. That was one of Kwame manipulation tactics. He ruled her love with fear and false promises. Kwames was a false prophet, he represented all that seemed to look good. But his fall from grace reminded her that everything that sparkled wasn't gold.

He stole the air from her lungs as she stood there fighting off her silent tears. Her stomach was flipping like she had eaten something that didn't agree with her stomach. Onyx messing with this older man was one thing, but to find out he was married was another. Her hands swiped her eyes as she dropped her head in shame. This dishonor she had unknowingly brought to her family. God, help me, she thought.


"What... Kwame what do you want?"

"You know the answer to that," he replied.

"No... no I really don't. You have a wife and a child. Kwame what could I give you? Please, just... just leave me," Onyx cried in her hands.

"I want you. I've always wanted you. Since you walked into my class your freshman year of undergrad. Even more when you blessed my presence in your pleated skirt your Junior year. I love everything about you baby girl."

Onyx just sobbed harder, at his words that in a way used to warm her. Now, it just brought bile to the roof of her mouth. "Please Kwame, just let me go. Focus on your wife and baby... I can't do this with you anymore," her voice cracked as she pressed against the wall to hold her frame.

"Where are you at? I'm on my way."

"Are you not hearing me? I want you to leave me alone."

"That shit is not fucking happening," he roared, causing her to flinch from the bass of his voice. Kwame tried calming himself over the phone. Losing her was not in his cards. "I didn't mean to yell but–"

Shaky fingers ended the call, before placing the number with the numerous others on the block list. She took a quick breath and picked the frame back up to hang it. Working always took her mind off the struggles of the world. And she was marvelous at what she did. Onyx had always had an eye for design and was even more fascinated with color schemes, buildings, and fabrics. Her career path diverged right from her passion. Working at her mother's office was only temporary until she found a new secretary. Last week was the last day. This was what she was destined to do.

"Shit" she muttered realizing she had left the new vases in the back of her truck. Wiping her face quickly, she tried to ready herself to face the heavy world. Slipping her feet inside her slides, she zipped her sweater and walked out the door being met with the crisp fall air. Rubbing her hands together she did a quick jog in the circle drive to her vehicle. Clicking her alarm, she eagerly searched through the numerous bags, trying to locate the bag that had the silver orchids engraved vases.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Onyx turned around to a bright skin girl, with pretty eyes holding a baby with a killer mug. The stance she held was an indicator that she held some type of authority here. Onyx wiped her hands before extending it out to the woman. "Onyx."

Tessa looked at the woman and her hand before turning her sight to the door. This nigga got me so fucked up she raged on the inside as she powerstepped to the door. Onyx cautiously moved behind her, with her bags in hand. All she wanted to do was place the vases in the room and grab her purse and phone. The baby on the woman's arm kept staring at her smiling, and Onyx couldn't deny how cute she was. Her big cheeks seemed to stick out more when she sucked her pacifier. Big eyes look like a replica of the woman holding her. Onyx wanted to smile at the baby, but the way the mother was acting, she didn't want any involvement.

"Julz! Julz, I swear on my fucking life, you got me so fucked up! Where you at nigga," Tessa raged. Her heart was hurting, like she was stabbed over and over. Julius must have wanted to kill her because every source of pain he brought to her was like death. Her eyes danced over the home he briefly told her about a couple of weeks ago, and anger filled those eyes as she looked from the decor to the pretty chocolate woman.

Tessa swung her hair over her shoulder glaring at the woman who paused mid-step. "Who the fuck are you?"

Onyx looked at her, face tightening with each second. She didn't know the situation nor was she trying to be rude, but the way this woman was talking to her, had her fucked up. "Like I said outside, my name is Onyx."

"Like you said?" Tessa repeated with a scoff. "Bitch, who the fuck are you talking to?"

"Bitch, huh?" Onyx just laughed. She didn't know what type of crazy shit Julz had going on but she wasn't for this. Her anger had a short leash, and it was taking the clinching of her fist not to lay hands on this woman. That baby was truly her saving grace.

"Excuse me." Tessa deliberately stepped in front of her, stopping her from going around. "Who... the.. fuck... are... you," she said through clenched teeth, clapping her hands with every word. Tessa was battling a fit of rage as her baby lay in her arms. Just as Onyx thought, if Jovi wasn't in her arms she would have been knocking her all across this home.

"Look, I told you who I was. I don't know what your problem is, but I promise today is not the day."

Tess crocked her head to the side at the audacity of her words.

"I don't give a fuck what day it is! Bitch it could be fuckin' Easter! Why are you at my nig—." She stopped herself, remembering that Julz was no longer her man. "Why are you here, how do you know Julz."

"I don't know a Julz, I know Julius Carter. I'm here for a job that most definitely is null and void now." Onyx replied as she looked around the home ready for Julz to get his guard dog.

"Julius," Tessa repeated. The way she said his name, like she knew him, had her mind wrecked. He wasn't just Julz to her, no he was Julius Carter. Both women stood inches from each other neither backing down from the other stance. Tessa lightskin was drained from anger and hurt. Julz was a lot of things, but she had always been the only woman to bless wherever he called his home. Her leg rocked back and forth as she tried to calm herself. The end was looking too close, too final and she loathed the notion. Yeah, she ended them, but she wanted him to fight more. To show her that she was worth something. Tessa wanted the type of love that would move mountains, and she had given that to him forever. That little girl had loved him assiduously before he had ever known. Tessa's emotional fist had been defending him through the turbulence of life.

"Yo, what the fuck goin' on?" Julz asked as he emerged from the back, stepping briskly between the women. He looked at Tessa surprised, knowing she didn't let him know she was coming over. "Tess, you ain't tell me you were coming over—"

"So now I got to call to tell you I'm coming by? You so full of shit Julz's I swear," Her nerves controlled her tone and emotions, she didn't want to scream but it fell out. "Got bitches all in yo fuckin' house, the house you swore was for us. But you wanna press me about what I'm doing," She yelled, startling Jovi in her arms. Julz's eyes dropped, and his face scowled at his baby's whimper.

"Calm all that hot shit down with my mu'fuckin' baby in yo arms," he said in a low territorial growl. "You know I ain't mean it like that."

Tessa sucked her teeth and tried to sniffle back her tears. She lifted a sleeping Jovi and pushed her into his arms. Her arms wrapped around herself as she rolled back her tears, and looked over the home. Tessa's eyes widen seeing its design and noticing a feminine touch to it. Then they dropped to Onyx's hands where she held the bag with the two vases. At that moment something snapped inside of her, and she became a person she didn't recognize. Every piece of decor, painting, and furniture she tried to rip apart. He got this bitch living with him, playing fucking decorator. Playing house! she mustered the thought as she destroyed the home. Glass clashing, wood cracking, and blood-wrenching tears. "You fucking this bitch," she burrowed. Tessa, blinded, walked towards Onyx before her body was intercepted.

"Calm yo wild ass down," Julz yelled in her face, shaking her body from shock. When her eyes scanned the room, she realized all eyes were on her. Sevyn was holding her baby, and she hadn't even seen him come in. The woman named Onyx's mouth dropped as she looked around the home. And Julz. He had a fire in his eyes that she hadn't seen in a long time. "The fuck is wrong with you. She is the fuckin' interior designer. Look—." Julz backed up because he wanted to fuck her up. It wasn't even about the shit in the house but the fact that his daughter was in the damn room. His hands smoothed his waves as he looked back at her with dark eyes, jaw jumping with each breath. He looked at Onyx apologetically.

"Yeah... I think you should find somebody else to help you finish. This is too much," Onyx said to Julz. She didn't give him a chance to respond as she scurried off to the back to grab her belongings. She was swallowing down her anger as she stepped over shards of glass and broken material. The hours she spent closely piecing together each item, was down the drain. Some of the items were collectibles, there were no replacements.

Onyx rushed around the room grabbing all her belongings, she didn't realize she was crying until her tears splashed her phone. The anger in her body had her shaking. Never had she experienced something like this. Turning on her feet, she stopped and jumped back, seeing Julz towering. Her eyes glanced Julz over with the deepest mug he had ever seen. Her hands flew to her face, wiping her damp cheeks without a trace. "STOP doing that," she shouted.

Julz sighed before speaking. "Onyx, my bad about—."

"Let me tell you something, Julius Carter. When I took this job, I thought, no I expected shit to run smoothly and professionally. This is my career, my fucking passion! I...I spent all my free fucking time, designing, and looking for decor for it to be destroyed," she said with frustration and her hands falling to her side.

Julz nodded. "You're right."

Onyx's nose crinkled. "I know I'm right," she snapped. The rage she was feeling was unknown to her. All her hard work was a waste. This emotion had nothing to do with the fiasco that just happened, it was everything before. She wanted to cry, maybe scream, because this was the water that overflown her cup. "Don't patronize me."

Julz stayed silent as he leaned back on the door frame, taking her in again. The way her arms stayed crossed under her breast, and her chest moved at record speed. Low eyes traveled over her with such an intricate interest. He took notice of the way her nose crinkled and top lip jumped when she was angry. His tongue passed his lip, and Onyx tried her hardest not to stare. "You beautiful as shit ma," Julz said. His statement threw her, as she stared back at him and her face slowly dropped the frown into a flat line. It was like he didn't have any fear, not even that Tessa loomed just a few feet away in his office. Onyx was intoxication for Julz, he had never experienced something like this. The fire that was burning in his soul was so unreal.

Onyx cleared her throat. "I did this in the good faith my mother had. I don't do all of this crazy stuff," she said, waving her hand around. Julz smirked at her ignoring his previous statement. He wasn't going to say it again, he didn't press women. She heard him.

"But now I see this was a waste of my time," Onyx said softly, his presence changing the tone of her outburst. She glanced away and mumbled under her voice in her native tongue. Julz sighed at her words, dropping his head before staring right back up. "And another fucking thing, next time your crazy ass girl walks up on me. I forget that I'm supposed to be in a professional atmosphere." She rolled her eyes before pulling her purse to her shoulder, anger fueling right back up.

"Let me know what price seems fair, and I'll get the rest of the payment deposited back into your bank account."

Sevyn sat in the section, face melancholy as the music boomed around him. He had it all. The city was at his feet, his beak and call. Swirling his cup in his hand he took a slight gulp, before looking down at the foes below his feet. His simple but high-cut jewels danced in the reflection of the club lights. With everything so loud around him, Sevyn sat with such a quiet mind.

"Nigga you good?" Syn asked, slapping his shoulder to get his attention.

Sevyn smirked. His lips found comfort with the glass as he drank the putrid liquor once again. He was numbing himself. Some choose drugs, others liquor, but Sevyn was hitting the nightlife. When he had the world in his hands, it was easy to deflect. The love he had for Scotlynd would never wither, but Sevyn had done his fair share of begging. She had him doing shit that wasn't even him. Scotlynd just didn't want to hear the truth, she would rather Sevyn be the bearer of all her pain. However, he was done riding the guilt train. It had been almost two months since the trip, and he had done his grief; for the death of a love that could have been so beautiful.

"Shorty eye fuckin' you over there. She thick as a mu'fucka too." Sevyn followed Syn's words, looking at the woman giving him bedroom eyes from across the club. She left nothing to the imagination as she had her breasts covered by the sheerness of a shirt. Her tongue traced the straw, as she held Sevyn's gaze. He could feel himself hardening by the moment.

Julz plopped down in the seat and blew a breath. Sevyn snapped from the trance he was in and looked at his business partners, his people, and his brothers. Psalms had become practically mute since he found Syrai missing in Miami. She had cut him off cold turkey. Even her brothers didn't know where she now rested her head. Her absence was killing him, anybody with eyes could see. Syn, found out just how serious Harmony was about not fucking with him. And Julz, Tessa was giving him hell.

Julz pulled the blunt from behind his ear, flickering the bud with his lighter. "She doin' that bullshit on purpose. Got that lil ass shit on, tryna be seen when she should be at home with my daughter."

Sevyn leaned forward to get a clear view and instantly wished he would have minded his business. His thumb strummed his nose as his jaw locked up seeing Scotlynd smiling in some nigga face. Closing his eyes, he thought he could kill the visual, but it only made it more vivid. He leaned back, taking the blunt Julz extended, and watched the smoke dance in front of him. They passed the blunt back and forth, becoming as faded as old clothing.

"You a hard nigga to get up with," the sultry voice spoke in front of him. "Real important huh?"

Sevyn opened his heavy eyes, seeing the woman from across the club standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. Perky nipples demanded his attention as she leaned down, enclosing him from each side with her hands. He only nodded his head, before looking her over. She smiled as she followed his eyes. "Somebody sitting there," she whispered in his ear motioning to his lap. Straddling his body, she studied his lazy eyes.

"How you get in here," he asked.

She smiled. "I have my ways. Nigga don't tend to say no to this face or body."

Sevyn laughed. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," she smirked.

Sevyn looked at the bodyguards, who didn't dare catch his eyes. "Pussy got niggas losing the head," he said.

"Good pussy," she corrected, patting her hand right on the fabric that clung tightly to her womanhood. "I'm Kelis."


"Oh, I know. Everybody knows who you are."

Her answer made Sevyn a little more aware because in his state he felt like he was slipping. "And who is that?"

Kelis smiled before flipping her hair over her shoulder and moving her fingers to the band of his Amiri tracksuit. Small hands pushed further into the band of his undergarments until she felt that hard flesh she was searching for. "You a nigga, that demands respect. A legend in the streets. Fine as shit. And the nigga with the best dick game round."

He said nothing back as her hands began to massage him. Sevyn reached down and grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going any further. "If you know all that ma, then you should know I'm a better nigga than to have my dick jacked off in the middle of a fuckin' club."

Kelis withdrew her hand, and smirked before, slipping two fingers into the front of her shorts, and bringing them out damper than before with her juices. Her fingers traced her tongue before she leaned closer to him and pulled them free with a pop. "That was just the opener baby, wait till you get to the encore."

Oddly, he was turned on, and highly disgusted. He watched as she climbed from on top of him and fixed her clothing, leaving his eyes lingering as her heels clicked against the marble floors. Sevyn leaned forward and grabbed his drink watching as she switched with a purpose.

"She was serving the pussy on a platter." Syn laughed. "You a better nigga than me."

Sevyn was about to speak, but the DJ cut the music, and the ruckus of voices grabbed his attention. He stood positioning his gun on his waist, before making his way down the stairs, taking two at a time. This had nothing with him being a silent owner in the club, but everything to do with the voice screaming.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Scotlynd screamed, trying her hardest to break free from the man's grip. It had been all fun and games when the man was just trying to talk. However, he soon wanted to replace his words with the language of touch. He had Scotlynd by the elbow of her arm pulling her near his body. Tessa, hitting him didn't move the man. He had one thing on his mind and it was her.

"Bitch, I buy you and yo friend all these drinks and now you want to act like you're too good for a nigga?" He drunkenly slurred. Scotlynd struggled to her purse pulling out a couple of hundred trying to push them near the man. Surely more than the two cheap ten-dollar drinks he brought her. When he saw the money in his face, he slapped her hand down, tightening his grip feeling like she just tried to disrespect him in front of all these people. Scotlynd bent her arm trying to relieve the pressure of his hold and get free. "Please," she whimpered in pain.

Tessa snatched the beer bottle from the man next to her and slammed it against the counter shattering it instantly.  "Nigga you must be hard of hearing, let her the fuck go. Two cheap ass drinks don't constitute you to some play or pussy. Release my cousin, or I promise I'm knocking yo big ass all around this bitch."

"You damn bit—" His words were cut off with a mean fist to his left cheek. The force of the hit ricocheted his body onto the bar and crashed against the glass cups. Scotlynd grabbed her aching wrist before looking up, and seeing Sevyn standing. He didn't look her way; he brushed past her, grabbing the man by the collar of his shirt. Scotlynd, heart putter at his lack of acknowledgment. As much as she tried to hate him, distance made her miss him more.

"Sevyn don't," Scotlynd rushed, grabbing his hands. The last time he had aided her, he ended up in jail on a murder charge. She couldn't face that type of guilt in her conscience. Her heart dropped like a penny to the floor, when snatched away from her touch. Her eyes watered as she glanced around the packed space, for someone to help her.

All the loud murmuring went silent when the clicking of his gun echoed. "Yo hands, this two fuckin' hands my nigga." Sevyn took his gun slamming it down on his hand repeatedly, shattering his bones from the impact. The man hallowed in pain as he stared in shock at his deformed wrist, resembling a broken puzzle piece. Scotlynd covered her mouth as she looked on in horror at the sight. "When a mu'fucka' tell you to let them go, bitch ass nigga do it," Sevyn grimed pressing the head of his gun deeper into the man's forehead.

"I... I... I'm sorry Sevyn. Man, I ain't mean to disrespect," the man pleaded snot running from his nose.

"This nigga," Psalms spat from behind. Scotlynd's eyes went to him, and sighed in relief knowing that someone could keep him level-headed. She was about to speak again but Syn grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him, leaving the man alone with the beast that was Sevyn. Looking over her shoulder she saw Julz whispering harsly in Tessa's ear, and she could only imagine the things he was saying.

"Sevyn, please man. I respect you, you name. My pops used to run for yo pops. I know the weight the Watson name holds, I ain't no she was a Wat—."

Sevyn stepped closer with gritting teeth. "She ain't no fuckin' Watson." Scotlynd thought her chest could practically burst at his confession. The room felt like it was spinning at his apocalyptic words.

"Why the fuck would he say that shit—." Julz pulled Tessa to the corner, hushing her voice instantly. Scotlynd tried to stop the burning of tears from her eyes, but she couldn't shake it. He kept her back to her, not even seeing the hurt he caused her. Even though she couldn't feel it, Sevyn felt the same agony and pain speaking the words.

Pulling from Syn's hold she tried to push her way through the crowd. The room was becoming too thick for her. He almost wanted to run after her, but she had made it this way. Sevyn was tired of begging and pleading. He lied, and even though his lie was wrong he did it all to protect her. Everything he did was to protect her. Sevyn was wagering war with Kane, not only for his broken word but Desi's bullshit lie that Scotlynd had made her miscarry. Shit, she may have been pregnant but that mu'fucka wasn't mine he thought. Sevyn was down for Scotlynd at a fault. He would have given her a million chances, but seeing that she wouldn't return the courtesy once, changed him. She said fuck my father, and I forgave her. I'm always fuckin' forgiving he thought. The love he had for her, made him risk it all. And for her to not hear him out, felt like a knife in the back. Just as much as Scotlynd felt like she was over the situation, he was over this shit too.

"But you gon' respect her." Sevyn turned to the crowd that formed around him. "If any of you niggas violate, I promise a bloody mouth will be the last of yall fuckin' worries." The butt of the gun slammed against the man's face causing him to cry in agony. Sevyn walked away, bypassing everyone in his way. He needed to get away from here because he felt like he was choking. Scotlynd had taken the air from this building, from him. Seeing her crying in the corner, almost made him want to stop, but he couldn't. Sevyn felt himself falling apart. Pulling his keys, he hit the alarm on his car.

"Sevyn!" He looked back catching Kelis jogging after him, with a group of women following. He looked and gave them a head nod before turning to face her. "That gangster shit turned me on." She laughed tracing her tongue across her teeth. "You ready for yo encore baby?"

"Nah ma. Not tonight."

Kelis stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest before she peered at him. She didn't get turned down. "No?" She asked in disbelief.

"Kelis, come the fuck on." Her friend yelled from behind her. Her fingers flicked their way before she focused back on Sevyn.

Sevyn rubbed his hands over his head, trying to keep his patience with her. "Look, if I'm meant to see you again, it'll happen, but—" He stopped when he saw someone in peripheral vision. "Lennox?" He called. The woman looked up from her phone as she could hear the voice on the other end screaming and bickering and stared right into the eyes of her past. While he saw the only woman that had ever made him contemplate leaving Scotlynd for good. It was like they were teenagers again.

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Talk about a bad ass bitch
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𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐭? 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨...
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