Cool For The Summer

By ad_ort

33K 1.2K 503

"She coo' for the summer" Summer fling or more ? -Completed- More

Ciao, Later
Hates Me, Hi friend
She coo', she's so ugh!
Envy, Stars
Bold, With you
Hi, your lying
You came, missed you
Cry,Dark Moon
Bitch? , Jealous
Know you, Last
Tripping, Must admit
Shot, Fall
Mine, On this night
Tell me, Lies darling
Stupid Garden, Leave
Shoot, was said
Affair, Never leaves me...
No goodbye, And it hurts
My darling, You are calling
You owe me, Answers
Only told the moon
What a waste, to feel
To the girl i still love, i'm sorry...
It was all for you, For your love
Wrong decision, You think I'm an idiot?
Is this real?, Oh trust me
E1, With you.
E2, Your muse
New story??

Thoughts, Questions

1.6K 56 18
By ad_ort


Y/n sat perched on the balcony, a shroud of moonlight painting the scene in shades of silver. The night air was crisp, and a gentle breeze toyed with her hair as she waited in eager anticipation for Jenna's return. Her mind was a whirlwind of curiosity and concern, a heady mix that kept her senses alert.

With a sigh, she brought the cigarette to her lips, the ember glowing like a secret she was unwilling to share. Smoke swirled around her, casting an enigmatic aura as she peered into the night. Her thoughts, like fireflies in the dark, flitted from one question to another. Did Jenna smoke as well ? Does she hate the smell of smoke?  Would she ever kiss someone who smokes? And most important of all

Did Jenna have a boyfriend?

These thoughts ran in Y/n's mind, she frowned as she remembered Jenna's impolite yet oddly  goodbye.

"Later, Scotti."

A soft, breathy giggle escaped Y/n's lips. It was a rude farewell, she thought, but it had a certain charm that called her. She flicked the half-smoked cigarette, watching it tumble to the ground like a forgotten wish.Minutes stretched into hours, and Y/n couldn't help but glance at her phone. The digital numbers illuminated the late hour
3:18 a.m. 

Eight hours had passed since Jenna had left,  What could have kept her away for so long? Y/n's head shook in disbelief, but a sense of relief washed over her. At last, Jenna was back, safe and sound, She could finally go to sleep knowing she was back safe

Meanwhile, Jenna moved stealthily through the darkened house, her heart pounding like a drum. Time had lost its meaning, and her phone had succumbed to the blackness, either by dying or by her own doing. She couldn't be sure.

A sudden creak of the door sent her heart into a frenzy, and her eyes widened like a startled deer. She scampered toward her room in a flurry of uncertainty, her imagination playing tricks on her maybe who knows, you never know if there's a ghost

She slammed the door a bit to hard, squeezing her eyes shut hoping it wouldn't wake anyone up, little did she knew Y/n was awake, on the other side, wondering again what did she do in all those hours?

Y/n stood there contemplating on what to do, she wanted to see the girl again, she felt a pull, she wanted to talk to her, she seemed lovely, She heard her room door open and shut, she was there, Y/n touched the wall feeling nervous, was she even bi? les?, she took a deep breath shaking her head deciding to go to sleep

Y/n stared at her window, looking at her note pad

Never before
Had i wanted to say
So much,
But said so little;
Felt so much
But stayed 
So silent... 

She groaned putting her pillow on her face trying to sleep, Maybe tomorrow. 

Meanwhile, Jenna stood before the bathroom mirror, a toothbrush in hand. The soft bristles danced against her teeth as she tried to be as quiet as possible. The sound of a faint groan from the other side of the door made her freeze. Did she wake up the girl?

The bell ran indicating that breakfast was ready, Y/n was al ready awake and ready to eat, she slowly made her way to the bathroom, should she knock? Nah, she must be asleep she got home late, but she's awake why wouldn't she be awake as well?, She opened the door and yes, it was empty, the other door was opened as well, the bed well made al ready 

Jenna smiled as she said 'thank you'  to Mafalda who handed her food with a smile "So Jenna, where did you wonder off lately? anything interesting?" Emilia asked as she put out her cigarette "Good morning!" Y/n said as she made her presence known, her eyes landing right away on the girl who was al ready eating "Good morning!" Everyone said, Jenna smiled at her as in saying morning too "I went around town, i ended up at a var playing cards with some old men who were so nice" Jenna said "Do you want me to show you around town?" Y/n offered , of course as an excuse, she wanted to know her guest, Jenna thought about it for a minute she wanted to open a bank account since she was going to be there for al most two months "Yeah can you take me to the bank? but maybe tomorrow or later if you don't mind" She said with a cheeky smile, which al most threw Y/n off her seat nodding "Of course, but i'll catch you guys later, thank you for the breakfast!" She said as she ran off taking Y/n's bike, leaving the family confused 

"Cosa ne pensate della parola più tardi?" (What do you guys think of the word later?) Y/n asked her parents as they ate, they, frowned thinking of an answer "Probabilmente è uno slang americano" (Well it's an american slang probably) Her father said as she scratched his beard frowning "Non credi che sia maleducato?" (Don't you think it's impolite?) "Sì, ma a volte gli americani sono maleducati, forse alla fine diremo anche più tardi" (Yes but sometimes americans are impolite maybe at the end we'll say later too) Y/n pursed her lips nodding. 

Jenna rode the bike happily, loving the feeling of fresh air, feeling free, she decided to stop under a tree that had an amazing shade, she smiled as she laid down on the grass, shutting her eyes, for some reason Scotti's face came to mind, she should've said to go the bank right now, but she wasn't ready, she felt confused, she was nervous around the girl, she had to mentally prepare her self to be next to her without feeling nervous

She pulled out her phone seeing multiple text from her boyfriend, the smile on her face vanished, before she left the U.S, some allegations came out, Percy swearing they weren't true, but something in her thought they might be, still she didn't know what to do or how to act around him, as if he was acting as if nothing was happening, as if they allegations weren't serious

She put on her headphones as she opened the notes on her phone 

I'm not yours
But i pretend to be 
You create this idea
That i want you
I don't want you
And i am 
Not yours. 

She stared at what she just wrote spacing down to separate her new text 

But Scotti
Is on my mind

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