My Summer Love

By Hansesbonita

24.4K 764 109

(COMPLETED) Reina Smith is a 17 year old black girl who has never had a boyfriend or even been kissed for tha... More

My Summer Love
Florida Here I Come
Beach Day
Burgers and Surprises
Pretty Gnarly
Riding Double
Night Thoughts
Father Daughter Day
Just Friends
20 Questions
About Time
Falling Slowly Pt. 1
Falling Slowly Pt. 2
Old Enemies
Dr. Adams
Please Rey
Healed Wounds
Wherefore Art Thou
Summers End

Sweet Beginnings

676 23 2
By Hansesbonita

Chapter 11


I wait outside the ice cream shop for my dad. It has been a long day but a good one. I did not think my dad would let me off my grounding so soon, but I'm not complaining about that at all. We have spent all day together, I thought maybe it would be awkward because it has been so long since we have done anything together, but it hasn't been awkward at all. It has been very nice. It was even nicer when I got to see Zenith earlier. I didn't fill my dad in on that little bit of information, though. What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right?

He comes out of the shop with two ice cream cones in his hand topped with our favorite flavors. He hands me the one with the double scoop of chocolate, then starts in on his strawberry cheesecake and rocky road combo.

We walk along the strip window shopping while eating our ice cream.


"Hmm?" He looks at me with an ice cream mustache.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Well, technically, you just did, but go ahead."

I roll my eyes. I hate it when people say that. It's one of my pet peeves.

"Well," I take a breath. "I was just wondering what exactly went wrong with you and mom."

"Well, what has your mother told you?"

"Just that you both started to grow apart and wanted different things."

"That is true, yes," I can tell he is going into his thoughts, "but before I answer, why do you ask?"

"I mean, I've always had mom's side, you know? She's never said anything bad about you, of course. But I kind of made up my own conclusions, and since we're working on our relationship, I don't want to have my own conclusions anymore."

"I see." We walk along for a little while longer before he speaks again.

"I'm sure you've heard it a million times that sometimes people just fall out of love."

I nod my head.

"It wasn't so much that your mother and I fell out of love because I do still love your mother. We had seven years of dating and thirteen years being married. We got two great kids out of it, and for that, I'll be forever grateful.

We stop and take a seat on a bench.

"But in all honesty Reina... I was selfish."

I knit my eyebrows together in confusion.

"How were you selfish?"

"Your mom, well, she was getting more recognition and more opportunities in journalism, and she began traveling so much that we hardly saw each other. I could see she was really happy and I was happy for her I really was. But, after you were born, I told her I wanted us to settle down, for me to work and provide, and for her to become a stay at home mom. I had gotten a big promotion at the law firm I was working at, and I was so excited because I knew we only needed the one income now. It was always my dream to be the provider and have my wife at home, you know?"

"Damn," I give my dad a sympathetic look, "so your dream was to have a traditional family?"

"She didn't want to do that, and I can't blame her, you know? Being a stay at home mom wasn't her dream or vision. It was mine. And I should have voiced that before we had gotten married and not just assumed she'd be down for that."

"So what happened after then because you were still together twelve more years after I was born?"

"We came to a compromise, and she was home more often than not. But as the years went on, I just couldn't let it go. I wanted my wife at home raising our children and building our legacy with me. Not out traveling the world. So we started fighting, and then the fights turned into not speaking and then not speaking turned into our separation, and then well, you know the rest."

"That's rough, dad," I sigh. "Mom's happy dad, so you know, and you seem happy too. Isn't that what matters?"

He smiles softly.

"I only ever wanted her to be happy, even if it meant letting her go. The divorce was hard, and honestly, if Xavier hadn't come to live with me, I probably would have gone into depression because I knew it was my fault my marriage failed. And I felt like I failed you and your brother as a father."

I can't help the tears that spring to my eyes after what he just said. All this time, I thought my dad was awful and that he didn't care about me. But the whole time, he was breaking over what happened. The tears start to fall down my cheeks, and I wipe them away.

"It wasn't just your fault, dad, you know? It takes two to make a relationship work. I don't blame you for what happened."

He gives me a half smile.

"Reina, I am grateful to have this second chance at being a father to you. I need you to know that I will be here for you from now on, you hear me?"

I nod my head yes in response.

He leans over and gives me a hug.

"No more tears now. This is supposed to be a fun day."

I smile at him.

"It has been a fun day, and thank you, dad."

"For what?"

"Just for wanting to be a part of my life."

He smiles.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

. . .

I step out of the shower, and I feel exhausted. I brush my teeth, then make my way out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. As I'm going through my drawer to find my pajamas, I notice a light flickering down at the beach from the corner of my eye. I walk out onto my balcony. I can now see someone sitting on the beach with a small fire in front of them. Something tells me that it is Zenith, but there is only one way to be sure. I go back into my room and put on some sweats and a hoodie. I slip on my slides and then make my way quietly out of my room so I don't wake my dad or Xavier. I creep down the stairs and to our back door, opening it slowly and stepping out into the night.

This chapter was kinda rushed, but I wanted to put more clarity on Reina and her father's relationship. I hope you enjoyed it!

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