𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥...

Von Craftyrose_

34.4K 678 304

"They call themselves, The Bad Batch" Genesis the first female clone is a defective clone with enhanced abili... Mehr

Thᥱ Bᥲd bᥲtᥴh
A dιstᥲᥒt Eᥴho
Oᥒ thᥱ Wιᥒgs of Kᥱᥱrᥲdᥲks
Uᥒfιᥒιshᥱd Bᥙsιᥒᥱss
Cᥙt ᥲᥒd Rᥙᥒ
Bᥲttᥣᥱ Sᥴᥲrs
Boᥙᥒtყ Lost
Coຕຕoᥒ Gɾoᥙᥒᑯ
Rᥱsᥴᥙᥱ oᥒ Rყᥣoth
Rᥱtᥙrᥒ to Kᥲmιᥒo
Kᥲmιᥒo Lost
Thank you!
Season 2 Style
Sρoιᥣs of Wᥲr
Rᥙιᥒs of Wᥲr
Thᥱ Soᥣιtᥲrყ Cᥣoᥒᥱ
Trᥙth ᥲᥒd Coᥒsᥱqᥙᥱᥒᥴᥱs
Thᥱ Crossιᥒg
Thᥱ Sᥙmmιt
Pᥣᥲᥒ 99
Pᥲths Uᥒkᥒoᥕᥒ
A Dιffᥱrᥱᥒt Aρρroᥲᥴh
Thᥱ Rᥱtᥙrᥒ


258 10 0
Von Craftyrose_

Wouldn't it be the first time that Mika had snuck onto a mission that she wasn't supposed to be on? No, just ask her brother or Ahsoka. 

Currently, the ex-jedi was sitting next to Hunter, leaning into his side as the two watched the exchange closely as she grasped his hand under the table and squeezed in reassurance.

Phee and Omega, were sitting across from three masked people, having some sort of business to attend to with them. And all throughout the bar sat the other Clone Force 99 members.

Genesis was playing with a knife in her hand as a drink sat next to her as she sat in a booth, taking count of everyone here.

The sound of an animal dying and a knife cutting through the air caught the clone's attention as their heads snapped to the table as Hunter had been the one who'd thrown the knife as the two members stood up. Mika was still sitting down as her hand fell to her side where her blaster sat.

Mika nodded as Genesis slid out of the booth towards the others as Wrecker began to get involved as Phee made a remark about stuff finally getting interesting as Genesis snuck behind two of the gang members, two electricity charged knives sat at their throats.

She waited for someone to make the first move as Wrecker took out one as she slid both their throats before throwing her knife at another one directly in the chest as Hunter took out another member as a full blaster fight broke out.

Mika who had hid behind a table began shooting at the other members as Omega shot a light off, trapping the leader under.

"Where's the smart one when you need him!"

It seemed like Hunter had heard Genesis as he called Tech for a pick-up.

More members rushed in as Omega told them it was probably time to go before they got heavily overwhelmed. Genesis threw a few colored smoke grenades blinding the enemies as the group ran out of the bar right as the Marauder landed as everyone rushed onto the ship.


"You know, Omega was pretty impressive back there." Phee comments to Hunter.

"Her training's paying off."

"Oh, I know she's got the whole soldier thing-down. But don't you think she should learn some other skills?"

"What other skills?" Tech inquired as Genesis turned her chair around to face Phee. Interested in what the pirate has to say.

"Omega spends all her time with you five. She needs friends. Ones her own age and who don't share her genetic profile. Excluding Mika."

"We never had such a thing. I do not see the Issue."

"No kidding." Phee shook her head as Genesis was about to open her mouth to add something as a comm went off with her closing it in response as Tech told them a transmission was coming through. And it's from Cid.

For the first time, Genesis was excited to talk to the Trandoshan as they were clearly done with her crap. Everyone except Mika gathered around in the cockpit as Cid appeared in front of them.

"So, it's been 20 rotations and no word."

"Has it now? Sorry, we've been busy." Genesis grinned rather sarcastically as she leaned back in her chair.

"You better be dead because your absence has cost me a few scores. Remember our mutually beneficial arrangements, and how well we know one another, if you know what I mean. You'd do well to not assume I am just threatening you lot."

The comm suddenly ended as the female clone groaned as her hands rested on her face, irritated with the Trandoshan despite them cutting ties with her.

"You didn't mention you cut ties with Cid." Phee realized.

"Our mutually beneficial arrangement wasn't so beneficial, mutually." Hunter explained as Phee remarked that they finally figured that out.

"I've known Cid a long time. She's a useful ally, but not someone you want to cross. Do you have a plan?" The pirate asked as she rested her hands behind her neck, leaning back in the chair she had taken a seat in.

The clones looked around at each other. "You're looking at it. It's dangerous to really do anything that much worse with a wanted Jedi on board."

Humming, Phee said; "In that case, you all are coming with me." She sat up and went over to Tech, telling him to head towards some coordinates she gave him. Leaving them all in the dark about where they were heading.


The marauder jumped out of Hyperspace and the planet they faced immediately got Genesis' attention as she turned to the planet. It was completely blue with green, tan, and gray islands scattered all around with clouds flying around.

As the ship flew down to the atmosphere her mouth fell agap as they flew towards a town that covered this whole mountain island from the bottom from where the beaches sat, to the top of the mountain. "I can't be the only one who thinks this but..." She turned to Phee, "What type of paradise type planet is this?"

The female clone hasn't seen such bright colors in such a long time. It felt so foreign to her seeing bright green plants with flowers dotted on them. The sky being such a bright blue with the sun shining down. 

Phee chuckled at the female clone's awe. "The good paradise." The ramp lowered and everyone followed Phee out as the pirate mentioned Mika wouldn't need her cloak as she hesitantly left it on the ship, following the others out.

"Welcome to Pabu, my home away from home. It's a hidden sanctuary of sorts." The group followed Phee to a large building that sat in front of them, but behind a beautifully large warped tree. She points to the large building as she says that's where the artifact will be stored, while mentioning it holds treasures from all over the galaxy.

"My analysis indicates that this so-called artifact you recovered is of very to little no monetary value."

"Treasure can mean many things. Most of the villagers on Pabu are refugees. Many of the items I recover are remnants of their cultures, and that's worth preserving. After all, I am a liberator-"

"Now the title makes sense." Genesis murmured as a male's voice joined the conversation as a male with a child around Omega's age approached the group as Phee went over to embrace the man.

"You've got some competition." Wrecker laughed, nudging Tech which earned a smirk from others as the girl hugged Phee, calling her auntie in the process as she asked what Phee found this time as the latter showed her the tree artifact.

Their attention was brought to the clones and Jedi as Phee introduced the man as Shep Hazard the mayor of Pabu, and his daughter, Lyana.

"Shep, Lyana, meet Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Mika and Genesis." Shep welcomed them as Mika felt so uneasy about this place being so... peaceful. She was 100% sure this was a setup. Which explains her silence to Shep along with her hand hovering quite closely over her blaster.

"So why bring us?" Hunter asked the Pirate.

"Makes you wonder, doesn't it?"

"She must really like you." Lyana added which earned a laugh from the two girls as Shep announced they'll be joining them for dinner.

"There's no saying no to Shep's famous feast. Lots of food, drink and general merrymaking. You'll probably hate it." That last sentence directed to Tech before she continued; "It'll be great. Lead the way, Shep. I'll catch up."

The others followed Shep as Tech stayed behind, watching Phee as Genesis caught him watching her which made her nudge Mika who slowed down to walk side-by-side with the clone as she whispered.

"Guess love's in the air." She nodded her head Tech, then to Hunter as the Skywalker whispered a 'shut up.' with a small smile on her face as Genesis snickered in the flustered Skywalker.


They followed the Mayor down a staircase built alongside the mountain with an open view of the blue ocean as Omega and Lyana ran ahead to overlook the view as Omega admired the sights. "Wait til you see it up close." Lyana told her as the two girls ran ahead again.

"Upper Pabu is the oldest part of the island. As we've grown over the years, we've expanded below the wall into Lower Pabu." Shep told them as an elder man greeted Shep as he returned the greeting and asked how some people who were probably related to the elder were.

Mika spared one look at the ocean before she turned to Shep, "Do you know everyone here?" She asked, genuinely curious but with also a bit of edge in her tone.

"Of course. We're all like family." 

The girl looked away as she felt a hand on her shoulder as she turned to Hunter, he knew she was definitely on edge just by the slightest charge in her voice. She mouthed 'later' as she went down the pathway on her own.

Shep asked if she was okay as they watched her eventually catch up with the girl's as Omega showed Mika something down towards the docks.

"She's just..." Genesis sighed.

"We've all been through stuff."


Coming up onto the attached porch to Shep's home the Mayor encouraged them to make themselves at home as he went inside to prepare food as everyone went over to admire the view that still seemed to not be enough for them.

"Not too shabby, is it?"

A chattering sound caught their attention as a monkey-like creature climbed down a pole supporting lights and a tarp over the table as it jumped onto the floor along with a few others jumping down and following behind.

Omega ran off with Lyana not far behind as they observed the animals from afar as they climbed onto the blonde's arm causing her to laugh full-heartedly with such feeling in it; it surprised the clones. 

"I have not heard her laugh like that in some time." Tech points out as Genesis tilted her head, watching them.

"Maybe," Genesis turned to Hunter, "This is what she needs."

Shep came out with a plate and covering, while Omega pulled Mika over to see the animals which were called Moon-Yos. The Jedi smiled slightly at the sight of the animals just happily running around with no care in the world for any of them getting hurt by the villagers.

She felt eyes watching her as she turned over to see Shep and Hunter watching her as she gave a small smile in response before Omega pointed to something in the distance, making the Jedi turn her back to them, hearing very few words from the conversation but she distinctly heard Family and Father. 

But paying no mind to those words she closed her eyes momentarily as she cleared her mind, emptying the dangerous thoughts that plagued her as her eyes fluttered open, her mind hesitantly ready to accept this possible new home.

And possibly for the first time they sat down and had a proper meal. No worries about the war, or even being on the run. Just sitting down, together and enjoying the tranquil feeling of this stunning safe haven.

Lyana suggested to Omega that they take her very own boat out into the water to watch the sunset as the blonde asked if Mika or Genesis would like to join them. "Why the heck not." Genesis shrugs as she takes a sip of her drink.

"I'm good. But thank you Omega." Mika declined as she took a bite of her food.

"Can we go?" Omega eagerly asked as Hunter agreed to which the two girls hopped out of their chairs as Omega grabbed Genesis's hand basically pulling her out of her seat and pulling her along as Lyana grabbed a piece of fruit before tossing it to a Moon-Yus.

Mika excused herself as she stood up from her chair and quietly followed the three down, taking a detour as she went down a different pathway, just wandering around, maybe getting purposefully lost along the way until she came across a space to properly clear her mind.

Barrier's laced around the edge as she stood merely inches from the edge as she crossed her arms across her chest. The sunset distinctly reminded her of the ones back home that she'd and Anakin would watch every night as they would sneak off, just for a few minutes to witness the two suns sink beneath the sand dunes.

She barely heard footsteps behind her until she felt arms wrap around her waist, repeating her action on coruscant and she flinched slightly. "You okay?" Hunter's deep voice merged with the breeze as the Jedi shrugged, looking out into the ocean.

Minutes later of enjoying the warmth of her lover Mika spoke in a soft tone laced with doubt. "Is it wrong to not trust this place? After them being so welcoming and generous it just..."

"Feels foreign? Like your instincts are waiting to pounce if a trap is sprung?"

She spun around to him as she raised an eyebrow. "How did you?-"

"I've had the same feeling all day. But I've begun to realize that feeling is just paranoia."

The woman hummed. "For them?"

"And you."

"Hunter, you don't have to worry about me. I was doing just fine with Rex before meeting up with you guys."

"I know. But having you here while we've been doing jobs; it's made me more alert than ever."

She nodded slowly as she absorbed the fact that paranoia had been eating at him all day too. It made her feel slightly better knowing she wasn't the only one being iffy about this place.

The weight of her necklace with the crystal grew heavy around her neck suddenly as she glanced down at it. Picking up the indigo crystal that glowed in the sunlight. 

"Still haven't used it?"

"How can I? Cut myself off from the force remember, can't really do anything with it unless I heal my connection." She shrugged as one of Hunter's hands grasped hers which was holding the crystal as he lowered it to her side. The necklace falling back onto her collarbone Their eyes never left each other's gaze.

It felt like eons since they had quiet moments just like this. No one to disturb them, no war lingering in the back of their mind. Just them two in this surreal moment of peace.

Lowering down Hunter's forehead fell against Mika's as their eyes fluttered shut. The waves crashing in the distance, the small breeze cradling passed them. 

It was perfect. Just for two survivors, no... fighters, who thought the battle would never have ended. But now here they stood, soaking in the presence of the other.

Their deep breaths merging together, heartbeats falling into sync. It was beautiful. Perfect.

Hunter's head rose as he looked out to the ocean as she followed, the two looking out into the ocean as his eyes squinted. "What is it?"

"Something's coming. We should-" The whole island began to shake as the two grabbed onto the railing as they heard people screaming, objects breaking, crashing to the ground in the distance.

The shaking eventually gave in after a few seconds as the ground stilled, the people quieting down as objects stilled. Hunter's hands grabbed Mika's waist, steadying her as she looked out into the ocean as she gasped quietly at the sudden rough waves.

Hunter pulled out his comm and comed Genesis who immediately responded with they were okay, they were heading back to shore.

"We should go check the others." Mika murmured as Hunter nodded, agreeing as the two ran up back to Shep's place as Mika noticed Hunter slowing down.

She skidded to a stop as she watched him look around.

"I don't think it's over yet." The island listened to him as a much more violent Tremor ran throughout the whole island as some of the buildings began to crack around them as people ran past them in utter fear, panic as some of the lights came crashing down around people.

It stopped as the Jedi looked around. "That definitely was not a small tremor."

Hunter's comm went off as he grabbed it and it was Tech.

"Hunter, Mika I assume," The girl blushed slightly, "I believe this island is at risk for a significant sea surge."

"How much risk?"

"Highly probable to imminent."

'Great' MIka mouthed as she rubbed a hand down her face as they heard Shep's voice over the comm,

"We haven't had a sea surge in more than three decades. If we were at risk, the early warning system wouldn've activated. And-"

A siren started blaring all across the island from the top of the island, from the tower as the island shook again.

Mika ran past some people to an opening as she squinted and she cursed aloud as the water around the island began to lower.

"I suggest you two get up here, the water has already begun receding. We must evacuate all of lower Pabu."

"Wait, Omega, Lyana and Genesis." MIka stepped back looking out in the distance for any sight of the boat. 

"We're not gonna get out there in time to get them out."

Biting her lip Mika got an idea.

"I'm gonna need the Marauder. You help the others get the villagers to safety." She ordered as she kept her eyes on the ocean as she kept watching the water lower. She heard a hum as her head turned to Hunter. She raised an eyebrow questioning what he was doing.

"Just remember how stubborn you were as a general."

"Ha-ha, you were the same thing too on our first mission." She stepped forward, a hand on his chest as she pecked his lips, pulling away slightly as she murmured. 'Be careful.' as he responded with a 'you too.' before going separate ways.


The water was increasingly getting rocky as the boat violently shook the three girls around. Lucky none of them were Sea Sick.

Genesis steadied Omega as the latter asked Lyana why they weren't moving any closer to the island as Genesis squinted her eyes.

"Uh, the water's moving away from the island." The clone alerted them as Lyana told them the tide was pulling them out further and they were gonna hit the rocks and they had to jump. 

Genesis's brain was beginning to go full on fight or flight as Omega grasped her hand. The clone looked down at the girl as she nodded reassuringly to her. "It's okay. We'll be okay." Taking three deep breaths the clone stood up on the small platform as she helped the two up as they counted down.

On three they jumped into the ocean as the boat flew up against the rocks onto a rough surface, subsiding. The cold water infiltrated Genesis's warm temperature as they then dropped onto the wet surface of the sand.

Genesis tilted her head as she attempted to get water out of her ears as she heard the sounds of muffled calls as she turned to see Omega wake up Lyana. "You two okay?" The older clone asked as the two nodded.

"Are you?" Omega asked, a bit of panic laced into her voice for fear of Genesis going into an anxiety attack which didn't go unnoticed by the latter as her heart broke at Omega's increased worriedness. 

"I am..." She took a deep breath. "Thanks, Omega." 

"We have to keep moving." Lyana told them as they turned around, their backs to the town as the sound of rushing water was slowly building towards them as the water was rising each second as a tsunami was being created in its wake.

"Hunter, we're in trouble. There's a giant wave coming, and we're too far out. What do we do?" Omega commed as his voice came through the comm.

 "Keep your locator on, and head to shore. Hang tight, Mika's on her way."

The three began running towards shore, Genesis was basically jogging at this point as she was only inches ahead of the two girls. The water splashing against their boots and the squishing of the sand was keeping her set on getting the two back to shore.

Barely looking back as the water grew increasingly closer to them.


Mika managed to get to the top of the island as the ship's ramp lowered and she ran on, immediately in the cockpit as she sat down and her arms immediately by nature power up the ship.


"Yeah?" The clone sounded seriously out of breath which told Mika she had to hurry.

"I'm on the ship. Hang on!" She immediately took off as she powered the thrusters to max and flew down towards the island. She scanned the area for the tracker as it pinged immediately.

"There you are." She murmured as she pressed a button, lowering down as she pressed a button and a rope dropped down. "Grab the rope." The three climbing on a rock grabbed onto the rope as Mika flew by as the Skywalker immediately did a sharp turn, missing the water by a few inches as she then flew the ship back to the island.

The three climbed onto the ramp, looking over the water covered island as they then waved at the people down on the walls as Mika went to land the ship


The sun had risen after a very stressful night after the events that had occurred for the new arrivals. The villagers were all crammed on the top but spread out as families mourned the loss of their possessions and homes. 

Tech was out helping Phee with the villagers, Wrecker was with Genesis, Lyana, And Omega, sleeping against the tree after the eventful night.

Mika leaned against the wall as strands of her hair flew against her face from the window as she was observing the destruction below them as the water hadn't fully drained back to normal, safe levels.

"We got everyone out." Shep declared as he looked out at the Jedi. "I never got to properly thank you for saving Lyana."

Mika shrugged as her head turned slightly to the Mayor. "I did it for a living long ago." 

"May I ask what happened?"

She bit her lip as she debated on opening up on what she was, who she was during the war. She didn't trust this place in the beginning, but after seeing what transpired less than 24 hours ago and how everyone was taking this. This was truly real. No traps, no hidden imperial agents. 

This was an actual safe paradise. They were truly safe from the horrors of the Empire.

"I..." She pulled her blaster out, sitting it on the stone barrier as her other hand messed with her necklace. "Fought in the war." She waved her hilt slightly as she turned fully around before laughing slightly. "And a part of me died when the purge hit."

"You're a Jedi. A survivor." He pieced together as she looked at him.

"You could say that." She shrugged as Shep rested a hand on the Skywalker's shoulder as she flinched slightly from the touch. "How'd you know?" 

"Your crystal reminds me of a kyber crystal. That's what it is i assume?" She nodded.

"I could tell you didn't trust us. And I now understand why; you are safe here Mika. I understand it will take you time to fully trust us. But I do want you to know that the Empire will never find you here."

She glanced away as the hand fell off her shoulder to his side. "Thank you." She murmured as Shep heard it and nodded in response as he stepped away as Hunter approached her.

"We're safe." She whispered as she hugged him, standing on her tiptoes as her head rested on his shoulder as his arms wrapped around her waist as her eyes scanned everyone around. No worries about the empire being carved in anyone's faces.

They could start anew here... A family. They were truly, truly safe.


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