Fluent Symphony | OHSHC

By pinkf1eur

3.5K 141 17

Y/N Newman spent her life in the sunny breeze of Madison, Wisconsin. Very early on she knew she wanted to stu... More

Make Amends
You're Okay


136 7 0
By pinkf1eur

part nine


Y/n walked into the club room expecting the loud noises of squeals to fill her ears: however, only the other hosts occupied the room.

She walked over to the group, "Where is everyone—what is he doing?" Her face scrunched up as she looked over at Tamaki.

"He must be having a great day dream!" Honey thought aloud.

It sure seemed like it. He was spaced out near a corner of the room with a stupid grin over his face.

"He's kind of creeping me out," one of the twins vocalized.

"Envious Hikaru?" Tamaki snapped out of it only to boast about whatever went on in his head. "This is all part of my strategy. While you've wasted time blinded by your jealousy, I foresee the outcome of this charade."

"What is he going on about?" Y/N inquired to the person nearest her.

"He was day dreaming that Haruhi was in love with him," Hikaru answered her.

Y/N let out an abrupt laugh, but stopped herself immediately. She remained with a teasing smile, "Ah, okay."

"This story is obviously a romantic school comedy," The blonde continued.

"What does that mean—?" Y/N furrowed her brows.

"Haruhi and I are the main characters, so that means we are love interests," Tamaki declared.

All of the other hosts gathered in front of Tamaki. The twins asked what everyone else was thinking, "Yeah then what are we?"

"You boys," Tamaki pointed at the other male hosts, "are the homosexual supporting cast." Y/N laughed to herself as he continued. Drawing an imaginary line in front of the group, he announced, "So please make sure that you don't step across this line."

She couldn't hold it in anymore. Y/N laughed aloud, causing the other hosts to look at her.

"Don't think you can laugh, Y/N." She heard Tamaki direct his attention to her. Looking up, their eyes met. "You aren't going to be left out of this, you are another love interest of this story."

She paused. "What? What do you mean—for you?! Tamaki, what do you mean?" Y/N was confused, very confused. But to no avail, she was completely ignored.

What does that even mean? What story?! Y/N stressed.

"Hey listen boss," Hikaru started.

His brother finished, "I don't think you get it."

Kyoya went off to write in his notebook, not bothering to deal with Tamaki's childishness.

"If word gets out that Haru-Chan is really a girl, then she won't be able to be in the host club anymore!" Honey exclaimed.

Y/N joined the conversation once again, "That's not necessarily true. Haruhi is a pretty girl, she must've drawn some attention back when she was still dressing like a girl. I wouldn't doubt if she was popular among her peers."

"Ms. Y/N is correct. According to my investigated report, someone would declare their undying love to her at least once a month," Kyoya reported.

"Oh I see, so the boss wouldn't even be able to get close with her," Kaoru observed.

"But we'd be able to because we're in class with her all day long," Hikaru teased.

"Not only that, but she would become more popular with the guys at this school. If they requested to be hosted by her, Tamaki would struggle even getting near her with all the attention she would get. So basically, he would have a 1% chance of talking to her all day," Y/N added nonchalantly.

"No way..." Tamaki muttered, his eyes filled with horror.

As if right on cue, Haruhi makes her way into the club room. "Hey guys, sorry I'm so late—"

"Don't worry Haruhi!" He grasped her shoulders, his face fairly close to hers. "We're determined to keep your secret. No one will find out that you're really a girl during tomorrow's physical exams! So please promise you'll stay our beloved secret princess!"

Haruhi merely blinked at the blonde, unfazed. "Sure."

Y/N pulled Tamaki off of the brunette and back over to the group. "You have a problem with jumping onto her as soon as she enters a room," she whispered to the blonde.

"Would you like me to do that to you as well, Y/N? You are my darling princess too," he whispered back, giving her a tight side hug and leaning his head atop hers.

The girl stiffened, giving him a quick glare. "Let's not." Tamaki shrugged, loosening his hold on her but still resting his arm around her shoulder. The two joined the others—Haruhi following close behind.

"You know what?" Hikaru started, "I think both of us would be a little peeved if we had to watch all the guys flirt with her." He walked over to Y/N and Tamaki, picked the blonde's hand off of her shoulder and resting his own in its place.

"Smooth, Hikaru." Y/N looked over to the boy now occupying her left, sarcasm laced through her words.

He simply shrugged, the tiniest smile adorning his lips.

"That settles it!" Everyone turned to the loud voice. Tamaki brought out a whiteboard with red words and images drawn everywhere on it. "Listen up squad members. At tomorrow's physical exams, position yourselves in formation A. And then, wait for your orders."

"Yes sir!" The twins spoke clearly, saluting at Tamaki's declaration.

Y/N and Haruhi exchanged confused looks until the brunette lit up with realization. "I've got it. You guys are worried 'cause if they find out I'm a girl I can't be a host and therefore can't repay my debt!"

"Again, you would still be able to host, just as a girl and—she's not listening," Y/N sighed. Haruhi was currently mumbling to herself, counting her current debt.

"I'll just have to pay you back in a different way," she smiled.

Y/N felt Hikaru tighten his grip on her shoulders as he and his brother spoke up, "Do something! The subject doesn't appear to have any motivation!"

"Haruhi, why are you being so difficult! Are you saying that you hate being a host? That you hate this club?!" Tamaki stammered.

"To be honest, I'd have to say yes."

"Amen," Y/N agreed.

Tamaki gasped dramatically, sulking in a corner of the room.

"I mean you guys aren't bad but if it gets out I'm a girl there's nothing I can do you know?" Haruhi laughed.

"She doesn't seem to care one way or the other," Hikaru stated.

Y/N plucked Hikaru's arm off from her shoulders, "She has no reason to care."

"Well we have to find another way to motivate her," Karou interjected.

"Fancy tuna." Mori mumbled.

"Oh that's right...you didn't get the chance to eat any during the party. Did you?" Tamaki gasped.

Hikaru and Karou circled around Haruhi, muttering to each other, "Did you hear that? She's never eaten fancy tuna before. Isn't that awful?"

"Wow, talk about a difficult childhood."

"That's a little harsh," Y/N objected.

"If only Haru-Chan could stay in the host club, she'd have the chance to eat all kinds of yummy things whenever she wants," Honey sulked, holding onto his pink stuffed bunny.

"What're you talking about, don't be silly. Just 'cause I'm poor and never had it, doesn't mean that I'm so much of a gluten I'd go on fooling everyone about my gender just to try some fancy tuna." The brunette laughed uncomfortably.

Everyone smirked at her obvious lying. The temptation was too strong.

"Am I really gonna get to try it?"

"We will begin conducting physical examinations shortly. All students, please proceed to the clinic in your respective school building." The intercom went off while students bustled through the hallways. Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, and Y/N traveled together.

"So what's the deal with this formation 'A' thing you guys were talking about?" What do they do during physical exams here at Ouran anyway?" Haruhi questioned.

"It's no different than a physical exam you'd get at any other school," Hikaru answered.

"Yeah, why would a physical exam be any different for us just because we're rich?" Kaoru added.

"You're right. I didn't think about it that way," Haruhi thought.

The four came up to their destination, opening the double doors. In front of them awaited a line of nurses. They bowed, "Welcome students!"

Y/N and Haruhi shared a confused look. "So much for different," Y/N mumbled.

"What—what is all this?" Haruhi stuttered.

Hikaru walked past the two girls, his brother following suit, "Just another physical exam."

"Do you even know what a normal physical exam looks like, Hikaru. 'Cause it's not this," Y/N walked next to him. The boy in question simply shrugged.

As the four walked further into the room, two nurses approached them. "Excuse me Hitachiin brothers? Please follow me this way to have your height measured."

"Sure thing," the two replied in unison, walking off.

Immediately after they walked off another nurse walked over to Haruhi and Y/N. "Mr. Fujioka? Ms. Newman? I'm your nurse for the physical exams this afternoon."

"Okay..." Haruhi replied. Y/N nodded to signify her response.

"Perfect. Follow me this way." The nurse led the two to another section ready to be occupied. As they made their way through the room, the two passed by some oddly familiar faces.

"Honey? Mori?" Y/N inquired.

"Shh," the two brought their pointer fingers to their mouths, telling the girl to be quiet.

"They're so obvious," Haruhi whispered.

"I've got those two for backup just in case something happens." Y/N jumped slightly at the new presence behind her.

"But why are they in doctor disguises?" Haruhi asked.

"They're just helping to set the mood," Kyoya explains, pushing up his glasses. "Disguises make our operation feel like a real espionage mission."

"Right..." Y/N nodded, sarcasm written in her tone.

Near them another girl was getting weighed. The nurse praised her for losing two kilograms since last year. Everyone around the girl, including the nurses, clapped.

Y/N smiled. It was nice to see positivity being spread.

"Don't you think it's weird that these doctors are all so jovial and nice?" Haruhi wondered. She was also looking towards the sudden applause.

"I think it's nice for a change. A lot of doctors I have gone to make me feel terrible about myself. It's nice to see nurses taking notice of positive changes in people," Y/N argued.

"They're chosen by the school's chairman. This may be a school but it's also a business. Therefore, he wants to keep the students happy. After all, most of the students that attend Ouran Academy come from prominent families that have their own private doctors at home. So this is just a formality," Kyoya explained.

Haruhi walks off and Y/N begins to follow. However, someone comes rushing from behind her and knocks her out of the way. She stumbles, bumping into Kyoya who catches her shoulders to steady her.

"I'm terribly sorry," the stranger apologizes. They were dressed the same as the other male doctors. A white coat and blue scrubs, but they looked to be in a hurry. Looking for something.

"No worries..." Y/N replied.

She watched him run off then looked up to Kyoya. He was doing the same. He looked deep in thought.

"Huh," he barely spoke.

Y/N's eyes narrowed. "Who was that? By the look on your face, you don't seem to recognize them."

He looked down at her, his expression back to normal. "Why do you say that?"

Y/N tilted her head slightly, "I've heard around about your family name. Your father owns a hospital. Seeing this is a physical exam where doctors and nurses are needed, I assumed your family is connected with who they allow to carry out the exams. And by the confusion you just held after seeing that doctor, you clearly didn't recognize them as one of your father's employees," Y/N took a breath. "So what is that person doing here?"

The ravenette formed the slightest smile, impressed by the girl's deductions. "You're right, I don't know them. I'm also not sure why they're here or in uniform."

"Hm. Okay."

"Are you alright, though? You took a hard stumble."

"Yeah I'm fine. It was only a harmless shove."

"Hitachiin brothers, would you please come with me? We're ready to do your chest measurements. You can use the area behind this curtain to undress," one of the nurses asked. Girls began to gather around the twins' station.

"Doesn't matter to me," Hikaru began to unbutton his white undershirt.

Kaoru followed his brother's actions, "We're not shy, who needs a curtain?"

The girls around them erupted in squeals. Y/N's face scrunched up. "Those two have no shame."

"A rather impressive turn out today. Physical exam day is quite popular with the ladies," Kyoya observed.

The twins held one another and pulled one of their brotherly love acts, gaining more screams from the girls. Haruhi was in disbelief with the way people acted, but thankfully, she was pulled into her own section behind curtains. Honey led her away.

Take me with you. Y/N sulked.

Soon enough, the twins finished their exam and made their way over to Y/N. Unbeknownst to her, she was left alone as Kyoya had gone away to fetch Haruhi.

"Why do you look so sad?" Y/N looked away from the direction Haruhi went, turning around to find the twins.

"I was hoping to get away from this little scene you two displayed," Y/N glared at the two, noticing their lack of clothing on their torsos from her peripheral.

"Aw, you didn't like it?" Kaoru teased.


"What a shame, really," Hikaru walked over to her, laying his arm around her shoulders, "We put it on just for you."

"Very funny. Now, put a shirt on, will you?" Y/N crossed her arms. She only received a pair of laughs from the brothers.

"Mr. Fujioka? Are you ready to be measured now?" A nurse nearby asked rather loudly.

Y/N could hear the twins giggle beside her. "I thought your guys' plan was to protect Haruhi's gender?"

"Just wait," Hikaru said from beside her.

The girls were still gathered around the curtains entrance, anticipation coursing through them. A few moments later the curtain swung open.

"Yes, I'm Haruhi Fujioka."

Y/N's brows furrowed. That was definitely not Haruhi. They were taller, and their voice sounded so...fancy? Her eyes widened, and she stifled a laugh. "No..."

"Oh yes," Hikaru laughed.

"Wait...that's Tamaki," a girl in the crowd said. At least the people in this school weren't that stupid.

Soon enough, all the other girls started to whisper about the situation in front of them. They all agreed that Tamaki was undeniably pretending to be Haruhi.

The twins erupted in laughter, clutching their stomachs at the scene before them.

"I can't believe he actually did it!"

"They recognized him! I told you they'd see through it!"

Y/N choked out a laugh. "You guys put him up to that? I can't believe he thought it would work!"

Tamaki rips off the wig, tossing it to the ground and rushing over to the twins. "You jerks! You said there was no way the girls would be able to tell it was me!"

"Tamaki, how could you be so dense? Your voice and height is completely different from Haruhi. Of course people are going to tell you apart from her," Y/N laughed.

"Not you too, Y/N," he looked over to her with a pleading look. "My darling daughter, you're supposed to be on my side."


"Sorry, boss. It's payback for calling us the homosexual supporting cast!" Hikaru held his hands up in defense, laughing.

Tamaki fled back behind the curtains. The rest of the girls dispersed, heading to their respective areas.

A hand fell on Y/N's shoulder. Turning around, she was met with Kyoya.

"Are you ready, Y/N? I went ahead and set up a separate room for you and Haruhi. She's already there."

"Why wouldn't I just take the exam out here with the rest of the girls?"

"I figured you'd want more privacy."

"I suppose," Y/N looked the boy up and down, "What about Haruhi's situation? Has the doctor sworn to secrecy or something?"


Y/N let out a faint 'oh'.

"It turns out that the doctors here today are all on staff at one of Kyoya's family's hospitals," Hikaru joined them, his uniform jacket back on.

Kaoru appeared as well, "Would've been nice if he'd said something to us earlier."

Kyoya shrugged, pushing up his glasses, "I had to get my revenge too. I'm sorry, I just don't think I'm supporting cast. Homosexual or otherwise."

Y/N raised an eyebrow at his wording, but brushed it aside. Kyoya led Y/N to a secluded section of the school, stopping right in front of one of the medical rooms.

"Here you are. Haruhi should be in there already."

"Thanks." Y/N walked past him, knocking on the door and receiving a faint 'come in!'. She pushed open the door and walked in, closing it behind her.

"Hello Ms. Newman. You can disrobe behind one of those curtains. Don't worry, Mr. Fujioka is already here, and I've been made aware of his situation.

Y/n simply nodded, making her way to the second available changing room.

"Hey Haruhi, are you doing okay over there?" Y/N checked.

"Oh hey, Y/N. I'm fine. Didn't expect such drastic measures to be taken for this, but it's nice to have privacy."


Y/N and Haruhi continued to undress, rustling coming from both rooms.

It was silent, in the distance there was chatter and hustling from other students. Although, Y/N felt as though that ruckus was coming closer rather quickly.

She thought no one was supposed to be over here other than her and Haruhi. In a matter of seconds she heard the door bust open, shutting just as quickly. Deep panting followed and hasty footsteps could be heard.

Y/n heard Haruhi's curtain being thrown open. Y/N exited her changing stall, a white tank and black biker shorts being the only thing she has on.

"Haruhi? Are you okay—" Y/N gently looked through the curtain, only to find a man covering Haruhi's mouth.

Y/N panicked, eyes widening. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"No, it's not what you think! Please, just be quiet!" The man used his other hand to cover Y/N's mouth. Y/N mumbled under his hand, struggling to get loose from his grip.

Why isn't the nurse helping?! Y/N fumed.

Amongst the chaos, neither girl seemed to notice the door burst open again.

"Haruhi! Y/N!" Everyone paused. "Tamaki kick!"

The curtain flew open and Tamaki rushed towards the unknown man. Haruhi and Y/N ducked, avoiding Tamaki's violent actions. The man fell backwards against the wall. The rest of the hosts walked into the room, the twins stationed behind Y/N.

"One, good looks that attract the public eye."

"Two, more wealth than you can imagine."

"Three, chivalry that will never be able to overlook," Mori started, "the hideous wickedness of this world," Honey finished.

Tamaki walked behind Haruhi, draping his jacket over her head, "That's what makes up the Ouran Host Club!"

They all spoke together, "We're here. Watch out!"

Y/N choked out a laugh, "That was so stupid oh my god—sorry, not the time."

The man quivered with fear, bowing before the hosts, "Please don't hurt me! Spare my life!"

"Gosh, they're not going to kill you," Y/N spat out.

"I'm a doctor; I have a small emergency medical clinic that I run in the next town over. My name is Yabu."

He went into detail about his life. Explaining how he was hoping to see his daughter, but his wife took her last month when he left her. He was sure he was going to find her here.

"I was finally able to find your school, but once I made it in, I was mistaken as a doctor here to examine students," Yabu continued.

"Well of course, you're wearing a lab coat," Hikaru put it plainly.

"Anyone would mistake you," Kaoru added.

Yabu continued, "And then it happened." He explained the incident with the female student that caused him to rush in here. He claimed he was hiding from the people chasing after him.

Tamaki fell to his knees, tearing up with Yabu, "That's so tragic!"

Y/N interjected, "Sir, I think you may have the wrong school. Are you looking for Ouran Public High School?"

"That's right," he nodded.

Kyoya finished the girls' claim, "Dr. Yabu, this is the wrong place. This is Ouran Academy, a private institution. Your daughter doesn't go to school here."

Yabu went pale, his eyes falling to the floor.

"Man that's pretty sad, you don't even know what school your daughter goes to?" Hikaru commented.

"I'd bet your relationship is messed up because you don't pay attention to her. Not because of some stupid debt," Kaoru spat out.

"Wow Y/N-Chan, I'm impressed that you figured out he had the wrong school!" Honey exclaimed.

"Yeah, it was obvious. Based on his story, and obvious statement of debt, he wouldn't be able to afford to have his daughter go here. When I wanted to apply to this school, I saw the website for Ouran Public High School. It's common to mix them up," she stated.

"Kyoya, would you please find a map of all the public schools in this area? I'd like to help this man find his daughter," Tamaki stood up, turning around to face the group.

"Whatever you say," Kyoya walked off.

Everyone gathered around the window, looking down at Yabu. He had a map in his hand, bowing to everyone before walking off.

"Are you sure about this?" Hikaru questioned.

"After all, even if he does manage to find his daughter, there's no guarantee she'll wanna speak to him," Kaoru said.

"Well then, that's something he'll have to find out for himself," Tamaki gazed out the window.

The room was silent for a moment, everyone watched as Yabu walked away.

"I'm sorry about this you guys, but could you please leave," Haruhi spoke bluntly.

Tamaki freaked behind her, "Haruhi, are you still angry with me? You're not thinking of quitting the Host Club are you?"

"Don't be stupid, Y/N and I still have to finish our exams. For me, as a male student, of course. But let me explain, I'm not doing this 'cause you're bribing me with food. I'm doing it to pay back my debt!" She smiled.

Tamaki immediately jumped on her, crushing her with a tight hug. "You're so cute Haruhi! I can see right through you! I know you're just after that fancy tuna, but it's so cute that you're—"

"Cut it out, Tamaki! No! Hey, don't touch me there!" Haruhi snapped.

"Red card!" the twins yelled.

"Looks like Tamaki," Hikaru began, "is the real pervert," Kaoru followed.

"Who cares! Would you guys just get out of here!" Haruhi yelled.

Tamaki released himself from the brunette, sulking out of the room. Mori and Honey followed and so did the twins. Haruhi quickly went back into her changing stall, Y/N following soon after. However, someone stopped her.

"Y/N." She turned around, locking eyes with Kyoya. "Dr. Yabu didn't hurt you, right? Do you need extra medical care?" He spoke blankly.

Y/N looked at him curiously, "No...he didn't. I'm fine, thank you."

"Alright. I'll leave you to finish your exam. We'll all be waiting for you and Haruhi outside." With that, he walked out of the room, the door closing behind him with a clear click.


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