Thunderous ~ Urbosa X Reader

By Flamefix14

721 33 14

"If I had always known you loved Sundelions, I would have been bringing them to you ages ago. Why didn't you... More

1} Sundelions
2} The Chief and the Captain
4} Fallen Petals

3} Monster in the Sands

111 8 1
By Flamefix14

A tired yawn pried open Urbosa's lips as she woke from her slumber, eyes fluttering open to meet the morning light that came in through the large archway across her bedroom. She sat herself up, hardly a thought in her mind aside from trying to remember the half finished dream she had that night. She hummed groggily to herself as she stepped off her bed and headed towards her vanity to get herself fixed up for the day.

She combed through her long, scarlet hair and pushed it off her shoulders and out of her way for a few moments while she tended to her skin. She did her usual routine, starting with a rich Gerudo cream before working her way to her eye make-up. She coated her lips with blue pigment, and then finished herself off with some touch up.

She then got herself dressed into her usual outfit, a golden chest plate and a lengthy navy skirt, and once she was dressed, she did her hair up. Heels and headdress, and she was ready for the day.

And a long day it would be.

"Good morning, Chief Urbosa." A soldier spoke as the chief walked down the stairs to the throne room, bowing her head along with her words. Urbosa glanced up, surprised to see your entire troop waiting there for her. All except you. "I apologize if I startled you. We were only waiting for instruction so we could head out as soon as possible."

"Ah, of course. My apologies for waking so late." Urbosa dipped her head to the woman before walking towards her throne, running her eyes past every woman to see if you were among them. Once she reached her throne, she turned to them and started, "Before we begin, where is your Captain? I would think she should want to be here for this."

"Captain _____ is getting the sand seals for our travels, so she told us to get the instruction and then meet her at the North Gate." The soldier told her, and the chief became hesitant about giving her the instruction. Not because she didn't trust her, rather, she just wanted to see you. This gave her an idea.

"Is there anyway I could accompany you to the North? I doubt you'd need the extra strength, but it has been quite a while since I've gone on such an excursion. I find the idea rather exciting." Urbosa reached for the sword and shield that lay against the side of her throne, gripping the hilt of her scimitar as she lifted it up.

The soldier seemed to consider this for a moment, and then she smiled and nodded. "It'd be an honor if you would join us, Lady Urbosa."

"Wonderful. Go find the captain, I'll join you all shortly." Urbosa got her scimitar and shield settled on her back, and she watched as the troop headed down the stairs and through the town towards the North Gate. Where you were waiting with about as many sand seals as you could possibly handle.

"Generally, they are very well behaved... perhaps it's because they're all excited to be in the open desert." One of the guards at entrance told you while they watched you try to keep the seals calm and close together. You had to practically chase after one that started wandering away.

"Captain _____!" You were relieved to finally hear the call of your soldiers, and you hurried to the entrance to see them all marching out.

"Did you receive the instruction from the chief?" You asked, watching one of the seals as you pulled its reigns closer to you so it wouldn't try to escape again. You looked back to the soldier to see a bright grin on her face as she folded her arms.

"Good news, Captain! Lady Urbosa is going to accompany us on our mission! Isn't that wonderful?" Meimi, your right hand woman, beamed as she told you this, hardly paying attention to the way your face paled and a look of surprise descended upon your face.

"What?" You breathed, not sure how to feel about what Meimi said until Urbosa came flying around the corner on her sand seal, Erlene. You watched as Erlene started to slow after the sharp turn, and Urbosa kept gliding along the sand for a few extra yards until she pushed her heel against the back of her shield, bringing herself to a stop. You stood in awe for a few seconds before you straightened your stance, unable to help feeling small under her gaze.

"I hope that's acceptable to you, Captain." Urbosa gave you a small smile as she stepped off her shield, and you nodded and forced a smile for her. But you nails dug into your palm as your hand clenched into a fist. She picked her shield up off the sand, gently brushing it off until she heard the call of her assistant.

"Urbosa!" Saisha called, hurrying out to stand beneath the two guards at the entrance. "How long will you be gone on this 'little' excursion?"

"This will only take the morning. We should be back in the afternoon, at the latest." You told her, and Urbosa nodded in agreement.

"Be careful. I know you're a good warrior, but don't get reckless."

"I won't, Saisha, don't worry." She reassured the woman, who gave her a firm nod. "Now, who's ready to go show this sand monster who's in charge of this desert?" Your troop cheered as they all mounted their sand seals. Urbosa tossed her shield out a few yards in front of her before she ran towards it, and her sand seal, Erlene, rushed passed her so she could grasp her reigns. She leaped onto her shield, and she and Erlene headed off towards the North.

You got on your own sand seal, and along with your troop, you headed off after the chief.

You focused your attention on the path ahead of you for the most part, occasionally letting your mind drift away to listen to Urbosa as she spoke. She was talking with a few of your soldiers, and you could hear your name come up every so often. Each time, you secretly hoped she was talking directly to you. But she never was.

Urbosa glanced over to you from time to time, each time her smile dimming more as she started to feel as if her presence wasn't as welcomed by you as she had hoped it'd be. You never looked back at her, never once acknowledged that she was riding just behind you. That put her on edge. She had joined your mission in hopes it would give her a chance to talk with you.

You, on the other hand, believed that Urbosa only wanted to come to get out of the town for a few hours. You were expecting her to join your side and try to talk to you, but she seemed too wrapped up with talking to your soldiers.

You didn't see the longing in her eyes every time she looked at you. She didn't notice how your ears perked up every time she said your name.

"We're almost there." You called to your troop, looking back at them for a moment. Urbosa's face seemed to light up for a moment, but it changed when she heard a dark laugh and the sound of dust and cards falling.

"_____!" She yelled, but by then, you had already seen the Yiga Clan member standing in the way of you, and your seal halted quickly. You couldn't stop yourself as fast, and your shield slid a few more feet before you lost balance and fell. You collapsed onto the sand, using your arms to keep your body up, and you held your face just inches above the ground.

Urbosa stopped Erlene, and she held out her hand and prepared to snap her fingers, but then a blademaster appeared behind her and knocked her to the ground. Your soldiers all stopped as soon as they could, but they were quickly bombarded by many more Yiga Clan members.

You pushed yourself off the ground, quickly drawing your sword as you saw the footsoldier rushing towards you. Your blades clashed, and you managed to push them away from you for long enough so you could try and look for where Urbosa was.

She had just barely gotten herself to her feet when two footsoldiers appeared on either side of her and began tying ropes around her, forcing her to drop her sword.

"Urbosa!" You cried, rushing towards her as fast as the sand would allow you. You managed to knock down both of the Yiga soldiers before you sliced through the ropes binding her arms to her sides. You quickly grabbed her sword and gave it to her, and you stared at you breathlessly for a moment while you kneeled down. But she quickly looked back up and raised her shield, signaling you to duck lower.

A bladesmaster leaped over your head and slammed his swords against the Daybreaker, pushing Urbosa back but failing to take her off her feet again. She stood her ground as he flipped over her head, landing on his feet on the other side, and she continued their battle from their. You whirled yourself around, still staying low, and you took down the footsoldier that was closest to you while he fought against Meimi.

You got up and began fighting the others that came towards you, though most were weak against the strength of your team and the chief. Some bladesmasters did prove to pose a bit of a challenge, however. Urbosa had quickly taken out the man from moments earlier, closing herself in with the group once again to stay close with her people.

You had managed to take out another footsoldier with minimal effort, and you stood for a moment to take a breath as the chaos seemed to die down. But while you released your breath, a gloved hand wrapped around your mouth, and you shrieked and tried to pull yourself away. Urbosa heard you and quickly raised her hand to snap her fingers.

Lightning struck down and shocked the Yiga soldier behind you, causing him to fall to the ground and disappear with a poof of dust and cards. You panted as you stared at Urbosa, listening to the last poofs and Yiga cries as your soldiers finished off the rest of the clan. You heard one more behind you, scrambling to get away, and you kicked them down and knocked off their mask.

"When your clans hears of this massacre, they should take it as a warning not to come back." You managed to breath out, and the soldier looked up at you. Your eyes widened as you saw the woman beneath you, and yes- it was rare to see a female footsoldier, but that isn't what caught you off guard. It was the short black hair and pale complexion the woman possessed, and the fear in her deep, pine green eyes.

She gasped as she waited for you to make a move, but you were frozen in your place. Urbosa took notice of this, very quickly.

"_____?" She breathed, but you still stood staring at the woman. Your sword was aimed towards her face, but you couldn't bring yourself to get it any closer. "_____!" Startled with Urbosa's voice, the footsoldier kicked the sand to get away from you, and then she hurried back towards the Gerudo Highlands, disappearing after a few moments of struggled running.

You could hear the chief's footsteps in the sand behind you, and you were pulled away from your daze when you felt her grip on your shoulder.

"_____," She said calmly, and you turned your head to look at her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." You breathed as you glanced back at the clan, feeling a little more easy with her by your side. "I'm sorry I let her get away."

"That's not important. There's nothing she can tell the clan that they don't already know." She guided you back to the rest of the group, though your eyes remained on the ripped Yiga cards on the ground. "Do you want to rest for a bit?"

"No, we should keep going." You found the reigns of your Sand Seal in the sand, and you reached down and picked it up. You set your shield down on the floor and placed one foot on it, turning back to see everyone else preparing to leave. Urbosa called Erlene back to her, and she set the Daybreaker down and set her heel on the back of it.

"Are we all ready to continue?" She asked, and everyone in your group nodded as they glanced between the pair of you. "Then we ride South with all haste."

You whistled and whipped your ropes, causing your sand seal to rush forward across the desert. Your soldiers followed quickly, as did Urbosa. Who was now trying to get close to the front so she could ride alongside you.

"_____," She breathed as she reached your side, and you glanced to her with slight surprise that she finally rode up to talk to you. She was surprised at herself for finding the courage. "We haven't really gotten a chance to talk since you arrived." She managed to say, and you nodded slowly, occasionally looking between her and the path ahead of you.

Since you left for your excursion, all you had wanted was to talk to Urbosa. But now that you were able to, you were nervous. You didn't know what to say to her. And all night, all she had thought about was what she wanted to tell you. She carefully planned out what she was going to tell you, and now she was drawing a blank. It felt as though all of her words were carried away by the desert breeze that blew past her as she rode on.

"I'm sorry we couldn't talk last night," You admitted, and her ears perked as she looked to you. "I was going to come back to see you after dinner, but..." You paused, avoiding her gaze as she studied how the features on your face accommodated to the nervousness in your voice. "There's so many things I've wanted to say to you. But I don't know where to start."

"We could start simple. Perhaps with 'Hi'?" She told you, and you nodded and took a deep breath.

"Hi." You managed, and she smiled softly, which initiated you to as well.

"Hi." She repeated, and all either of you could do was stare at each other for a long few moments. You were only relieved to see her smile again, the one that used to be your sun on a dark day. It was the first time in years you had seen that beautiful sun you missed. "_____, this might be... forward, considering it has been years since we..." She seemed to pause for a moment, and your smile fell slightly as you tilted your head. "I wanted to ask if you-"

The ground started shaking beneath your shields, and you looked away from Urbosa and saw the Molduga not too far ahead, burrowing through the sands.

"We're here. Everyone, prepare yourselves!" You called as you began to turn away from the direction of the Molduga, and once your seals were far enough, you halted and hopped off your shield. "Let's get into position!"

Your women got off their seals and grabbed their shields off the ground, and you drew your sword from the scabbard on your hip. Urbosa reached for the one on her back, gripping the handle as she stared out at the beast digging through the desert floor. She watched as your women started making their way towards it, and you remained by her side, glancing to her after a few moments.

"Are you ready?" You asked her, and a grin met her lips as she kept her gaze on the Molduga, and she held her hand out in front of her.

"To take down one of these wretched things? Always." She pressed her fingers together, sparks even forming at her fingertips, and she snapped them, sending a bolt of lightning down towards the monster. It shocked the Molduga, forcing it to leap out of the sand and flop onto the ground.

You and Urbosa rushed towards it, knowing the soldiers were already dealing their share of damage while it was stunned and weak. By the time you reached your group, the beast was already active again and slithering through the sand, this time more aggressively now that it felt threatened. Urbosa kept her eyes on it while it circled your party, and she eventually looked down to see you kneeled on the floor- your hands busy with something.

"What are you doing?" She asked, trying to see what you were holding.

"I'm making the Molduga a little snack." You told her, looking up once you finished your craft. She could now clearly see the bomb flower gently cradled in your hands, covered in some kind of bright yellow liquid. "We'll see how it likes an electric bomb."

You waited until the Molduga got close enough before throwing the bomb into the air above it. The glow of the yellow shock fruit smeared onto it caught the beast's attention, and it leaped out of the sand and into the sky to catch the 'snack' in it's mouth. Before it even hit the sand again, the bomb exploded in it's belly, and it fell limp on the ground.

"GO NOW!" Urbosa yelled, pointing at the beast, and you all hurried to attack it. You managed to climb on top of it, using your sword to help you climb by stabbing the blade into your foe, and you continued to pierce it's rough skin once you made it to the top. Urbosa noticed it start to shift as it regained its senses, and she panicked when she saw you still on top of it. "_____!"

You felt the rumble as it tried to turn over, and you held your sword deep in its body to prevent you from falling off too easily. But once it was up, you pulled your sword free and prepared yourself to slide down, only to feel it shake and push you off unexpectedly.

"Captain!" Meimi called when she saw you slip. and alarms went off in your mind as you fell. But just before your feet reached the ground, you felt arms around you, catching your fall. You gripped the shoulders of the one who caught you, and when you glanced up, your face went red when you saw Urbosa looking down at you.

She didn't let you go for a moment, her eyes refusing to leave yours as she attempted to process the moment. Paying no attention to the Molduga as it burrowed back into the ground. But you felt two hands grab you, ripping you away from the arms of the chief, and another guard stood behind her and pulled her from you.

Your hand slid down her arm as you were parted from her, and your hands briefly touched, slipping apart as quickly as they met. Your fingertips brushed against hers, and the last thing you could see in that moment was the rush of panic in her eyes as you were dragged backwards, and then the Molduga burst up from the ground in between you.

You and Meimi fell to the ground, and you coughed up sand as dust from the Molduga's ascent blew past you in a thick cloud. It fell back into the ground and headed away from your group, and as soon as you could see again, you looked for Urbosa in the commotion.

You saw as she pushed herself up from the sand and brushed herself off, her breaths coming in short pants as she watched the enemy get away. You stood up and reached out to Meimi, taking her hand so you could help her up. Urbosa drew her sword and shield, and she finally looked back at you.

"Let's get this over with." She breathed, and you nodded as you drew your sword and watched her hurry after the Molduga. You chased after her, keeping a close eye on her movements. You could see her extend her arm, waiting for the beast to leap out of the ground, and once it did, she snapped and shocked it.

You reached into your bag and pulled out another bomb flower and shock fruit, and you squeezed the shock fruit and let its juices cover the bomb with electrical power. Urbosa kneeled down once she was close enough, knowing you were right behind her, and she raised her shield over her head.

You leaped over her, quickly setting the bomb flower into her hand as you passed over her, and you pushed your feet against her shield. As soon as she felt the pressure against her defense, she launched you into the air, and once you reached the highest point in the air you would, she threw the bomb flower at the Molduga. It blew up on impact with it's body, and seconds later, you plummeted down towards it, falling through all of the smoke and sparks of electricity as your sword pierced it's skin, ultimately defeating it.

The beast turned into nothing but smoke and dust upon its death, and Urbosa blocked her face with her shield when a wave of air and sand rushed past her. She peered over the Daybreaker to look for you, and once the smoke cleared, she could see you crouched on the ground, your sword buried blade first into the sand. You squeezed the hilt and yanked it out as you rose to your feet, taking deeper breaths once the dust no longer surrounded you.

You noticed Urbosa's gaze on you, and you smiled as you realized you had defeated it, and she did too as she hurried over to you. Your soldiers came rushing towards you, and before Urbosa could reach you, they cut between the pair of you and started praising you, asking you questions and checking you for wounds. Urbosa quietly laughed as she watched them surround you, overwhelming you with their worries. She slid her sword back into her scabbard, and stared at the ground where the Molduga had faced defeat.

So much for trying to keep peace in the desert.

"Urbosa," She glanced up to see you walking towards her, finally free from your team's worries as you asked them to get the sand seals and bring them over. You had a smile on your face, and she chuckled as she noticed how out of breath you were by the time you reached her. "We did it."

"Yes. Good job, Captain." She placed her hand on your shoulder once you stood beside her, both of you looking out at the town. You laughed as you thanked her, finally inserting your sword back into its sheath.

"I really appreciate that you came out to help us today, Urbosa." You breathed, redirecting your view to her. "Thank you."

"I haven't been on a mission like this in ages. I'm merely glad that you were willing to let me tag along." She admitted, waving her hand about. "So, thank you." You giggled as you leaned against her slightly, but then you pulled away and turned towards her.

"I just remembered, you had something you wanted to ask me earlier?" She blushed as you reminded her, and she nodded as she took in a deep breath through her nose. "What was it?"

"I wanted to ask if... if you'd have dinner with me, tonight." You felt a blush spread across your face at her offer. She was asking you to go on a date again after all this time? She noticed your surprise, and quickly added, "I know it's been a long time. We don't have to jump into anything, and I-"

"Of course I'll have dinner with you." You answered, and she released the breath she'd been holding and smiled softly. You smiled nervously, looking back at the town as you reached out to her side. Your hand found hers, and you gently gripped it and felt her quickly reciprocate. She felt the desert air fly past her, and she enjoyed the breeze as she slightly squeezed your hand.

It was the first time in a long while that she enjoyed the peace in the desert.


FINALLY finished this chapter. It was supposed to be finished like 2 hours ago but today is a slow day so here it is late

Super excited to get working on 4 ;)

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