Rogue Enchanted

By adjoaq

49.4K 3.1K 3.4K

Jaxon Spencer vs. Catherine 'Kate' Stevens Jaxon Spencer has been a loner for as long as he can remember. Se... More

Chapter 1: The source of his joy, the center of her world...deadly agenda!
Chapter 3: The source of his joy, the center of her world...let it burn!
Chapter 4: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the meet!
Chapter 5: The source of his joy, the center of her world...turmoil!
Chapter 6: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the itch!
Chapter 7: The source of his joy, the center of her world...Oops!
Chapter 8: The source of his joy, the center of her world...I've got U!
Chapter 9: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the talk!
Chapter 10: The source of his joy, the center of her world...whipped!
Chapter 11: The source of his joy, the center of her world...letting loose!
Chapter 12: The source of his joy, the center of her world...the ruling!
Chapter 13: The source of his joy, the center of her world... banished!
Chapter 14: The source of his joy, the center of her world... Revelations!
Chapter 15: The source of his joy, the center of her world... fiery reunion!

Chapter 2: The source of his joy, the center of her begins!

2.5K 230 368
By adjoaq

Jaxon Spencer vs. Catherine 'Kate' Stevens

Pix: The sexy Kate, acted by the luscious Coco Jones

Video: Brown Skin Girl by Chris Brown ft. Sean Paul

Dedicated to rednileb69



"The next award is the Model of the Year, women category," the announcer's voice boomed in the auditorium. "This person distinguished herself by having top-tier bookings with the best photographers, stylists, and clients... earning for herself a next-level visibility."

"And the winner for this year is," the presenter paused for dramatic effect, "Catherine Stevens."

Loud applause met the announcement as Kate sashayed sexily up onto the stage in a beautiful plum backless sequined gown that showed off her alluring curves. Her twelve-inch heels drew delighted gasps from the crowd. She worked it like the pro that she was. She looked absolutely stunning with her beautiful dark skin, flawless makeup, and brilliant smile.

Kate took her award from the presenter and held it up as the audience applauded. She had no control over the tears that ran down her cheeks or her wide grin. A group of people were on their feet, applauding the hardest. And it didn't look like they intended to stop soon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my family," Kate said as she gestured at the excited group to the audience's amusement. "Hands down, the best family on this planet."

Her heartfelt words triggered another round of applause. When the applause eventually died down, Kate continued;

"I would like to thank my family, my manager, and everyone who has contributed to my success. But I want to dedicate this award to Professor Ryan Hicks Stanton." There was a collective gasp from her family, which Kate heard perfectly. After all, she had great hearing. "Come on up, Ryan."

More applause followed as a gorgeous young man with pure white hair and a shocked facial expression left the group to join Kate upstage. He looked absolutely dashing in his tuxedo. She hugged him and then gave him the award. Then into the microphone, she said,

"Now he has no choice but to forgive me for the silly stunt I pulled some years ago."

The audience laughed. But her family laughed even harder as Kate and a laughing Ryan left the stage.


Hours later, the PAWZ club was buzzing as Kate's friends and family partied. It was the after party which had been organized by Stan Norris, Kate's boss, as a gift to her. As the head warrior in the Stanwood Pack, Kate reported directly to Stan who was the head Beta to the alpha of the Stanwood Pack.

"Fuck, I don't know what to say, Stan," Kate murmured as Stan enveloped her in his arms. "This is too much."

"You deserve it and more, Katie," Stan rasped as he hugged her. "I'm so proud of you." Even though her work as the head warrior was demanding, she managed to handle that brilliantly in addition to a bustling modeling career. "Have any idea how difficult it was to stop myself from shouting that you were a Warrior bitch?"

"You should have," Kate laughed. "I'd have probably said fuck it and shifted on stage," she added with a sassy pose, making Stan laugh.

"You're so amazing in everything, it just blows my mind." Stan stepped back and looked at Kate with fondness.

"Stop, you'll make me cry," Kate groaned. "I wouldn't be able to give off my best if it wasn't for you. I love and appreciate you, Stan. Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, cut it out," Stan scoffed. "You're not getting out of that surveillance duties next week, woman." He turned to go, leaving Kate staring after him with a look of surprise that was downright comical.

"Your mate is just a killjoy, Will," Kate laughed as she stepped into the arms of a chuckling Lt. Ian Williams, Stan's mate. "I thought I had him."

"How about I step in for you?" Will kissed Kate on each cheek.

"Oh my god, will you?" Her eyes widened.

"Sure. Just let me know the date and time."

"I don't know how to thank you." Kate hugged Will again. "I don't want to disappoint my girls. We planned the outing at the beginning of the year. But your wicked mate wants me to handle the surveillance myself because it would be Christmas so we need to be extra careful bla bla bla."

"Don't worry, I got you," Will chuckled as they were joined by Jeremy, the alpha of all alphas, and Paige, the pack's resident dominatrix as Will affectionately called her.

"Where are Philip and Troy?" Jeremy asked, looking around, hoping to see his brother and the pack's alpha.

"Probably fucking somewhere," Paige murmured as she, a chuckling Jeremy, and Kate shared a three-way hug.

"We're all very proud of you," Jeremy murmured.

And indeed, they all were. Kate was one of the orphaned pups raised by the Stanwood Pack. Her mum had been attacked by a newly turned werewolf while pregnant with her. Fortunately, another werewolf had witnessed the attack and taken the woman to Stanwood Pack to be helped. She hadn't survived the venom from the werewolf's bites, but the baby had. Since she was inside her mother when the woman was bitten, the baby already had the venom in her system. The pack couldn't risk taking her back to her human family so she was kept and raised with all the love and care she needed.

Kate had been a feisty but fun kid and been adored by the pack. Over the years, she had shown strength and zeal in any task assigned to her. Trained by the legendary Mama G herself, Jeremy's mother, she'd grown up to become a fine warrior, besting most men in combat. That earned her the position of head warrior when Stan, who had been the head warrior, was promoted to the head Beta.

Kate had always had a passion for modeling. Her dream and desire had always been to become one of the best models in the world. Fortunately for her, she had a fantastic body. The pack's leadership had noticed her passion and enrolled her in one of the best modeling schools. Kate had studied hard, channeling her raw animalistic zeal into modeling, which made her stand out and excel. Receiving such an award at the age of twenty-two was very impressive, and both Kate and her pack were over the moon.

"Kate?" Kate heard one of her friends shouting her name over the loud sound of music.

"What is it, Sara?" Kate rolled her eyes as she approached four of her human friends.

"I just heard someone call that hotness standing over there, Jeremy," Sara gushed with wide drunk eyes as she pointed at Jeremy. "Is that..."

"Your greatest fuck?" Two of the girls screeched in unison.

"Oh my fucking god, will you girls keep it down?" Kate groaned. "Yes, that's him."

"Are you out of your mind?" Sara screeched even harder. "Why did you let that juicy meat go? I'd kill to have him as my man."

"What happened to not being interested in looks?" Kate smirked.

"Well, just because I said I don't go for looks doesn't mean a guy should look like a weapon formed against me," Sara drawled, making her friends dissolve into laughter.

"You're such a slut," Kate chuckled. "Anyway, Jeremy is married now, ladies. Relax."

"Why not to you?" another girl quipped.

"And who's the bitch he chose over... oh my god!" Sara trailed off with her eyes trained on where Jeremy stood kissing his laughing mate. "Was he always bi or you turned him gay?"

Kate burst into laughter then. "You're so silly, Sara."

"Oh my god, look at him..." One girl moaned. "The one you dedicated your award to. He's just gorgeous. Look at that hair." All the girls stared at Ryan.

"You did say you were dedicating it to him because of a stunt you pulled," Another added as she turned her suspicious gaze on Kate. "Did you beat up the nice man?" she asked with mock seriousness.

"Or tried to poison him perhaps?" Sara asked but didn't wait for an answer. "In fact, I need to teach him a lesson for taking my friend's man." She flicked her hair back with a sassy look as she got to her feet. "I'm going to make a play for Jeremy tonight." The other girls laughed even as Kate's eyes widened.

"Don't you dare try any..."

"Aw shush," Sara cut Kate off as she straightened the front of her sexy dress with her palms. Her intentions were clear. "Watch and learn, girls." But before she could move, Kaye spoke up;

"I did attempt to beat him up," Kate's words arrested Sara's attention as she knew it would. They all knew how good Kate was with her fists.


"Let's just say he beat the crap out of me instead."

"What!" All the girls gasped and turned to stare at Ryan who was in Jeremy's arms, slowly swaying to a fast song. It was obvious the couple were not listening to the music. "But he doesn't look like he would even hurt a fly," Sara's eyes swiveled back to Kate's.

"Oh, he's an angel," Kate gave Sara a brilliant, mysterious smile. "Till you fuck with his man." With that not-too-subtle caution, she sauntered off, leaving her friends staring at Ryan and Jeremy.

Kate laughed when she heard Sara telling the others to make room to enable her to take her seat. Sara could be very annoying but that didn't mean she had to die at the hands of a jealous supernatural being. She knew what Ryan was capable of. What he could do was much worse than merely beating the crap out of another person. In fact, he was a perfect gentleman who wouldn't lay a hand on a lady. She'd lied to her friend for her own good.

"Care to tell me why your friends are staring at us?" Ryan asked Kate as she walked by.

"Remind me to tell you later, darling," she chuckled as she moved on.

Kate had even forgotten she'd told the girls about Jeremy. It was during a game of truth or dare. After choosing truth, she'd been asked who her greatest fuck was. She'd answered truthfully as was the rule of the game. There was no denying the fact that the alpha of all alphas was an amazing fuck. Damn, she missed having a man in her life, she thought with a sad smile.

Kate hadn't dated in over a year because her job as a model and the head of warriors took all her time. She was still hoping to meet a man who would blow her mind in every way possible and make her happy. Hopefully, she would get lucky and gain Luna's favour in the form of a mate one day. Although not everyone was destined to have a mate, every werewolf's dream was to get mated because only a mate could give that earth-shattering pleasure.

"Troy?" Kate called out when she saw her alpha's mate, Jeremy's little brother. "Let's dance."

"Let's," Troy grinned as he reached for Kate's hand. "Congratulations."

"Thanks. Do I want to know where you two have been?" Kate smirked.

"Trust me, you don't." Troy gave a naughty grin and began twirling a laughing Kate around.

The party was a blast. It was no surprise it lasted till the wee hours of the morning. The pack celebrated their head of warriors in the typical Stanwood way... With panache!


The basketball court of the Stanwood Pack was buzzing with excitement. As usual, there were shouts, cheers, and clapping from the players and spectators on the state-of-the-art outdoor basketball court. The werewolves always looked forward to their monthly basketball matches because the pack's leadership usually participated. The game was more of the street type of basketball that didn't follow the usual rules but allowed the most skilled group to win. It was all just for bragging rights. And it was usually fun.

The day was also usually observed as a fun workshop day for all pups in the pack. Anyone who had not attained the age of fifteen and therefore hadn't had their first shift yet was classified as a pup. It was a time to engage all pups in the pack and train them on skills they would need when they eventually had their premier shifts and became werewolves. Theirs was usually held in the pack's arena and was also fun-packed. The elders in the pack would usually be part of the pup's action to enable them impart knowledge to the pups as they were the pack's future.

On the basketball court, two teams got ready to play after a time-out. Each of the two groups battling it out was made up of four men and a lady. What created the excitement was the individuals who made up the teams. One group comprised Jeremy, Philip, Stan, and Paige who had been best friends since childhood, and Kelvin, a young werewolf. The other group consisted of George and Pete who were known as the crazy duo of the pack, Kate, a deputy beta, and a professional basketball player who was a pack member.

Will, who was the referee, watched anxiously as his mate tried for a three-point shot.

"Come on, baby!" He hollered encouragingly to smirks and laughter from the werewolves.

"You can't do that, Will," Kate screeched to loud laughter from everyone.

"I am the referee, darling," Will shot back with a mock straight face. "I call the shots here." Then to Stan, he said, "Show 'em what you're made of."

"Oh, this is for you, honey," Stan paused long enough to bellow back before taking the shot and scoring.

The audience cheered even as Will began to walk towards his grinning mate. They all knew what he was going to do. The whistling and screams began as he wrapped his arms around Stan and closed the gap between their lips for a sweet kiss. All eyes were on Will and Stan so it took a while for the sound of approaching drones to hit them.

Everyone looked up when about fifteen drones came into sight and closed in to hover above the court. Even as everyone wondered where they were from or whose they were, the shots started. All fifteen drones started to fire rapid shots into the crowd while twirling speedily. By the time everyone realized the damage being caused, most of the people had already been shot. Everything happened so fast.

"The fuck!" Jeremy bellowed even as his eyes turned bloody red. He raised a hand and made a fist. All the drones turned to dust in an instant. But the harm had already been done...and not just to the injured werewolves. 'Ryan, I need you,' Jeremy said on his mind-link to his mate.

The state in which the alpha of alphas was at that moment was not the best. He had allowed his murderous spirit to take over his being because that was the only way to get rid of those drones and save his people. Only his mate could pull him back from that abyss. He closed his eyes because he knew the pack would panic if they noticed his eyes. No one wanted to be around the Ojah. The alpha of alphas didn't want to worsen an already stressful situation. He needed his mate.

The alpha of all alphas was not just an ordinary werewolf but was also an Ojah. An Ojah had inside them a deadly, bloodthirsty spirit that was so powerful that it couldn't be controlled when its powers were unleashed. Whenever that being took over, it meant the shape-shifter's humanity had been turned off. And when that sane human was no longer present, chaos always followed. It was therefore very rare for an Ojah to allow that ruthless inhuman side of their being to come out. To shut that down, something very intense needed to occur to force the Ojah back to their senses. In Jeremy's case, his mate could bring him back to his senses.

"Fucking hell," Philip bellowed even as he asked the head of the pup watchers on their mind-link whether the pups were okay. He breathed a sigh of relief when he was assured that nothing unusual had happened there. "Thank Luna."

"Idiot got me in the fucking arse," The incredulous shock in Stan's voice though funny, aroused no laughter from the injured crowd.

"Who the fuck did this?" Philip growled just as Ryan materialized beside Jeremy.

"What happened?" Ryan breathed when his mate sensed his presence and opened his eyes. Without waiting for an answer, he reached up to cup the face of his red-eyed mate. "I'm here, baby." Then he drew Jeremy's head down and pressed their foreheads together. "Come back to me, Jer."

The alpha of alphas raised his head and gazed down at his mate with eyes that were no longer red but blue. "Bullet-spitting drones," Jeremy breathed, looking livid. "They appeared out of nowhere and started firing into the crowd as we played."

Ryan looked up. "We're not safe then." He closed his eyes briefly and then opened them with a satisfied look. "Better. We're shielded now. Paige?" Ryan rushed to a groaning Paige who had been shot in the stomach and began to check her wound frantically.

"I don't think those are silver bullets but can you check to be sure, Prof?" A desperate-looking Philip told Ryan. Every werewolf on that court hoped they weren't dealing with silver bullets as those were the kind of bullets that would kill a werewolf.

"Calm down, Lip," Paige chuckled through her pain. "I'd be dead if it were a silbu."

"Shut up," Her worried brother snapped as he watched the bullet buried in Paige's stomach slowly pop into Ryan's palm. "You know very well that sometimes it takes a while for the silver to poison the blood. Prof?"

"Not silver," Ryan breathed with obvious relief.

"Thank god." A relieved Philip got to his feet to address the crowd, seventy percent of whom had gunshot wounds. About half had been hit by multiple bullets. "Okay, listen up guys. These are not silbus so we're good. I know it hurts like a bitch, but no one is dying today. Try not to shift now. Those bullets need to be extracted first. Ryan?"

"I'm on it, Alpha," Ryan said but remained crouched beside Paige who was in her wolf form. Werewolves healed faster in wolf form. 'Are you okay?' Ryan asked his friend as he stroked her fur soothingly.

'I'll live, sweetie,' The wolf gave Ryan a quick lick. 'Help them.'

"I'm going to link up with everyone here, please," Ryan announced as he stood and closed his eyes. 'Do not be scared if you feel some sensation where you've been shot. Just breathe. Here goes..." Then almost as if in slow motion, every wound spat out its bullet. The relief was massive.

"Whew, thank you, Prof." The relief in Philip's voice was palpable. No alpha wanted to lose his pack. "Now you can shift and allow the healing process to start. Some food will be brought in for those who want to remain on the court. It's safe. I would advise that you take it easy in the next few days and heal completely. I'm sorry about all this. We will find out who did this and deal with them."

The wounded who hadn't shifted yet roared their approval in unison with those who got lucky.

"Oh, trust me, no one shoots me in the arse and gets away with it," Stan growled as he limped beside his mate. "Think this is the work of werewolves?"

"I don't think so," Philip responded with a frown. "A werewolf would have used silbus."

"Or it could be a werewolf who is fucking with us," Jeremy breathed. He looked pissed off.

"Fucking with us?" Will snorted. "Those bullets could have hit a pup. They wouldn't have survived bullets because they're virtually humans. Whoever it was, meant us harm. We need to take them out first." Like a typical soldier, he was ready for war.

"I think whoever did this knows our routine," Philip sighed. "We need to find them. Our best chance would have been to trace those drones but... they're ashes now."

"Sorry," Jeremy groaned.

"Hey, you did what was necessary at the time," Philip quickly assured his friend and boss. "We are all grateful for that, Jer."

"Who could have done this?" Ryan breathed, voicing out the question on everyone's mind.

And in the comfort of his hotel room, a man sipped some whiskey with a contented smile as he played back what had transpired on the Stanwood basketball court some minutes earlier. He watched the shock and fear on the faces of the people on a basketball court as they tried to dodge the bullets that were raining down on them, and couldn't help his chuckle.

"And so it begins," Jaxon Spencer breathed. He was in his element.


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Jah bless! 

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