Withered spirit -compleated

By Deruta_DK

27.4K 289 56

after having a confession go wrong he proves to everyone and himself that hes better More

Attack of the weak
recovery time
I'm on holiday really
calm before the storm
fear of the future
what is the plan?
fame and fortune
Hunter vs Pray
blessing or curse?
Chapter 14 Who's side are you one
A pleasant time
The strongest
Back to where you started
the heartbroken dragon
Moments of the broken
game plan
Wills end
The end

I need a minute to think

1.2K 13 0
By Deruta_DK

After having a nice dinner and falling asleep issei got into bed and Rossweisse snuggled up to him and fell asleep on his chest

Issei: "Maybe this time will be different"

He put his arm on her back and she came closer to him he smiled and closed his eyes getting comfy, the area around him turned into a black void but then a door appeared front of him.

Issei: huh where am I?

He looked around from the door and found himself in a forest while it was raining, he could feel the droplets hitting his body, but he wasn't getting wet.

Issei: why does this place look familiar?

*Distant crying*

Issei: huh?

???:(crying) Mom dad please let me back in I promise I'll be good.

He looked towards the crying and saw his younger self crying by the doorway of his house before the Gremory upgraded it.

Issei: is this a memory?... Ddraig where are you?

He didn't get a reply but continued watching his younger self.

The small boy walked away from the house and just went to the forest.

Small Ise: I don't need them i'll look after myself *sniff*

He found a small cave opening he threw a rock in and heard it bounce almost instantly and roll back to his feet as he walked in, he found it to be super small no large animals could live here and he sat down in his cold wet cloths.

Issei: I remember this night I thought I was going to die but I didn't.

He watched as his younger self started to fall asleep and just passed out his body turning white and not moving.

Issei: wait how am I watching myself like this when I passed out?

He watched as a bright light came to him and then touched him and then left and his body got its pink back and he watched himself sleep.

Issei: (confused) what the heck?

???: now you know what happened my old friend.

It was the world around him that started to implode on then it shook him awake Rossweisse held him crying her eyes out.

He gasped for air and held took a deep breath and grabbed Rossweisse back to show her he was awake.

Issei: (catching breath) (holding Rossweisse) What's going on?

Rossweisse:(crying) You turned white and went ice cold, I thought you died.

Issei: relax I'm okay I'm okay nothing is going to happen.

He just held her while she held him for dear life like if she let go, he was going to die after a few minutes she passed out but her grip strong on his body he laid her back down and put the blanket over her and he felt her slowly getting comfy back in the warmth.

Issei: "Ddraig what the hell happened "

Ddraig: I don't know, I was alerted when you went cold, I tried to call you, but I couldn't reach you, you were pulled into some sort of trance, and it did something to you your body seems to be adapting more to the fire in your system and it's bound to make more changes.

Issei: "But am I dying, I need to know what's going on"

Ddraig: you are most certainly not dying but I am reading a power growth, but I think this is good I think the sage magic Is affecting it in a good way perhaps this is what your magic power would have been before I came along and before you died by the hands of Raynare.

Issei: "we can sort it out tomorrow I need to handle Rossweisse and the others first I know they going to find out."

Ddraig: I'll keep monitoring it for you.

Issei: "thanks man"

issei looked at the clock and saw it's roughly been about 4 hours since they went to bed, he closed his eyes and then fell back to sleep. The next morning Rossweisse woke up seeing she was being held by Issei in his sleep memories from last night she felt his body and to the touch its warm, but something seemed a bit off on closer inspection of his face she found what looked like small traces of fire were moving through the markings on his body

issei opened his eyes and saw Rossweisse so close to his face they looked into each other's eyes then started to draw closer than she sneezed and brought them both out of their moment they sat up both having huge blushes on their faces.

issei:(blushing) good morning Rossweisse

Rossweisse:(blushing) Morning Ise how are you feeling?

issei:(blushing) Okay thanks, Ddraig said I was pulled into a trance or something but it's affecting my fire and it's a good thing I think when it got stronger my body went cold then rushed back to normalcy when I woke up.

Rossweisse:(blushing) Oh that's good.

issei: (blushing) Hey how long were you holding me like that?

Rossweisse: (blushing) I don't remember it was a while though I really thought you died.

Issei: (blushing) Thanks for caring.

Rossweisse: (blushing) Why wouldn't I, you mean a lot to me.

Issei: (blushing) Well it just feels nice that's all.

They couldn't look at each other there was an awkward feeling between them it wasn't a bad feeling but a feeling that couldn't be ignored.

*buzz* *buzz*

Issei: it's my phone

He took it and saw it was a call from Irina, he answered the phone and saw her with Rias and the others

Issei(blushing) morning *awkward smile*

Irina: what happened?

Rossweisse:(blushing) I'll take it from here.

She took his phone and centred herself in the centre of the screen.

Rossweisse: so last night while we were sleeping isseis body went ice cold and he wasn't responding to me waking him up I thought he died and he wasn't responsive for a while but then the heat rushed back to him he woke up, this morning I was looking at something that looked like fire moving in his skin and he woke up and that's all that happened.

Ravel: is really all that happened

Issei: (blushing) Yup that's all just caught me off guard is all.

Rossweisse:(blushing) same with me

Akeno: well besides your awkward morning how's the treatment been going feeling better?

Issei: I'm in bliss but other than feeling pretty good.

Koneko: are you using bedroom arts?

Issei: yup she said it would be the most effective and to look at it like you are intertwining your souls together while we are being intimate.

Koneko: dang you got to bang the yasaka consider yourself lucky.

Issei: well, we did go about 5 rounds and she couldn't really walk after so I assume she's happy.

Xenovia: have you made it official?

Issei: well, I want to say yes but it's a bit too soon I'm going to see her in e few minutes we are going to have morning sessions then I train for the rest of the day I managed to come up with something new that hopefully doesn't blow up in my face.

Rias: well done, so um issei I have a question about your songs that were released yesterday

Issei: oh, yea that dropped yesterday, yea I have nothing to say about those I wrote them sang them and produced them, I haven't seen the videos for them yet

Akeno: so you don't know what they look like

Issei: no I was told the video will be handled and I don't need to show up for it so i'll see it when I see it

The girls kept quiet he could see something was wrong but figured he'd look into it later

Irina: so, how's the princess

Issei: oh, she's alright actually, very happy to see me again yasaka was telling me about it last night when she fell asleep

Irina: too cute man so Issei have you been okay mentality.

Issei: relax my love I'm alright trust me I'm apparently getting stronger.

Rossweisse: screw it take your shirt off I want to see where these fire lines are going too, I can't stop seeing them.

Rias: I see them too

Ravel: same with me

Issei: fine here hold my phone.

He stood up and proceeded to take his shirt off and the girls could only see the blush on Rossweisse's face get brighter.

Ravel: Rossweisse as much as I've taken screenshots, I'd like to see Issei now

Rossweisse(blushing) oh right

She turned the camera around and the girls saw Issei there were markings on his body that they hadn't seen before, only the ones on his arms but while looking at the lines move on the markings they could see how built he looked now and it was a big turn on for them

Irina: my love you have gotten bigger like everything looks a bit different.

Issei: really? I don't see anything different

He looked at his body not seeing any difference

Koneko: dude Rossweisse is frozen looking at you.

Issei: well, let me put a shirt back on then.

He got dressed and took his phone.

Issei: well, I need to go get done I have an interview today I'll you all later, bye

All: bye issei

He put the phone way and looked at the still-frozen Rossweisse.

He came close to her and flicked her forehead.

Issei: don't get lost now.

She came to her senses and held the spot where he flicked her.

Rossweisse: ow... why did you do that?

Issei: you've been stuck like that for about 5 minutes.

Rossweisse: oh... still something else could have been better.

Issei: oh well that's for next time, I'm going to go to my session maybe afterwards we can go shopping.

Rossweisse: sounds good I'll be here when you are done.

Issei: cool see you in a bit.

He left the room, and she got back into bed and put on the tv.

Back in kouh a day ago

Rias: good morning, everyone

All: Morning

Akeno: so, what do we have planned for today?

Rias: well, Irina and Ravel are feeling a bit lonely so they going to come and see us for a bit maybe even stay the night

Miki: oh, that will be nice, to have them over.

Koneko: let's tidy up before they get here.

Rias: let's do it

After tidying up the house Irina and Ravel came with some bags

Miki: welcome girls

Irina: hi aunty

Ravel: hi Mrs Hyoudou

They greeted each other and then they all came and sat down in the lounge.

Irina: so how have you all been?

Xenovia: pretty good and yourself?

Ravel: things are alright but walking to school and it's further than it looks when you don't know where to go issei used to guide or drive us so waking up at 4 to be at school at 7 is a nightmare when most of the time is spent being lost and walking around

Miki: well, stay for as long as you need girls.

Irina: thanks aunty

Akeno: hey how was the concert we couldn't really talk about it more

Irina: I loved it hearing him sing again but other than that the other band members' families were nice to talk to so was Uta and I'm looking forward to isseis new song that's coming out today.

Rias: what's its name?

Irina: not sure I just saw an ad for it on my phone this morning.

Miki: oh, what time does it release?

Ravel: in the next minute or two

Rias: quickly put it on let's hear it

They turned on the TV and they saw the countdown isseis music became the biggest hit since the concert so there were multiple stations that were playing his music.

Irina: alright let's see what the song is.

It started with a video of someone who looked like Issei with a girl with red hair and they were all being flirty then other girls came in all matching hair of one of the girls and then the video continued playing with him having a fight with each of the girls and then being left alone and showed how he started writing the song.

Rias: (sad) (confused) Is that meant to be us

Akeno (sad) (confused) were we that bad to him?

Asia: (sad) Is he still angry with us?

Miki: (confused) I'm really confused about it I'm sure the girl with the twin tails was meant to either be Irina or Ravel or both, but he fought with all of them this video makes no sense.

Xenovia: (sad) Maybe we should ask him about it.

Irina: (confused) I think let's ask him tomorrow when I call him.

The next song started but this time he was in the studio singing the song this time

They listened to the words and this struck deep with rias, none of them had anything to say after listening to the song they just sat in silence

The rest of the day for the girls was spent feeling bad about the songs they didn't know what to think but that video felt way too real and hit too close to home just when they thought they were getting better with him it looks like they haven't made any difference with getting closer to him.

The next day after they called him.

Rias: okay let's see what he has to say in his interview later

Irina: I'm more concerned about what happened this morning for his body to just go cold like that.

Koneko: it could be the sage arts effecting something I'm sure yasaka can fix it if it's a dangerous thing.

Akeno: well, we can't let his parents know about it, im not sure if Miki could take it she still asks me now and again if he's alright when I don't know myself

Rias: same with me

Ravel: well, let's see what he has to say

They turned on the TV and isseis interview was live everywhere

With issei at the studio

Interview: hello there everyone hope you are well we have a very special guest for you we have the next music sensation issei with us tonight

The camera panned over to him with kouno on his lap in her normal clothes.

Irina(at home): she looks cute like that

Interview: thanks for coming today issei

Issei: oh, it's a pleasure I'm not used to it my life still feels normal and nothing I've been doing feels real yet so this is really fun for me.

Interviewer: well, let's start with the young lady on your lap who is she if you don't mind us asking

Kouno: he's my friend *smiles*

Issei: well, I'm not sure yet I have a new relationship with her mother so it's too soon to tell but we are close that's all I'm willing to say.

Interviewer: Well, I wish you the best of luck issei

Issei: thanks *smiles*

They saw her smile and he wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her closer to him

They could hear the audience say aww seeing the display of affection

Interview: so, as you know you released two new songs and made over 1 million streams, listens and purchases in one day how do you feel

Issei: (shocked) Well damn that's a lot I didn't even see it.

Kouno: Yeah we were watching anime.

Issei: shhh I was meant to be working.

Kouno: oh right, shh no one can know we were watching anime.

They all had a bit of a chuckle then the interviewer asked another question

Interviewer: really you didn't look at the progress of the song at all

Issei: well, I was "preoccupied" with other things but I'm impressed with how well it took off considering I didn't even approve the videos bleed was alright that's pretty much what it's like when im making music, but the parasite video way, way off

Interviewer: what do you mean?

Issei: well, you see sure I did have a fight with most of the girls in the video but 3 of them im close to and one is my girlfriend and two of them live with me

Interviewer: what? That's a lot to take in but mind explaining what is going on in the video.

Issei: well the girl in the red hair was my girlfriend and the other girls were her friends and my friends but all that was super staged and over-exaggerated because they made me fight with my current girlfriend and even my roommate, it never went down like that that I'm actually still friends with all of them as we speak, the looks of the girls were honestly a reference from my wallpaper on my phone

Interviewer: mind if I look?

Issei: sure

He showed his lock screen, and it was with all of them hanging out at his old house. Then it changed to when they were all holding him in a group hug

Issei: they legit took this picture and made that video with no context whatsoever, not entirely upset about it the video was good, but the execution could have been done better, and that was made because om working with other songs that have taken priority at the moment.

Interview: well, the song is still great don't get me wrong but what songs have you made?

Issei: well, I'm calling them stripped versions they are the variants that are made before the final song but it's only when the beat and tune that needs to be worked on

Interviewer: do you mind playing for us or giving us a small sneak peek?

Issei: sure, the song is meant to drop next month with a few others

Kouno: hey issei can I play the tambourine?

Issei: do you remember the tune?

Kouno: yes

Issei: then I have no issue with it.

They changed stages and watched them pick up some instruments issei handed kouno the tambourine and he picked up the guitar and then took a piano with it as well and a man from the band came to assist with playing issei spoke to him a bit and then showed him the keys to play.

Back at the house

Rias: we are still his wallpaper?

Irina: yea he said you don't just stop loving someone he's still trying to figure out his feelings, but I do suggest don't talk about it even around me it's a touchy subject because he feels he doesn't deserve me in his life still, so it really is a stressful topic for him.

Asia: I see, have you heard the song he wants to play?

Back at the studio

Issei: alright let's do this.

Issei: right now, thats all I have, other than that I'm happy with how it came out.

Interviewer: I must say when that song releases it's going to break the charts more than Parasite and Bleed

Issei: well, we just have to wait and see don't we *smiles*

He then felt a small tug on his shirt and looked to see kouno.

Kouno: issei can we go get ice cream after this?

Issei: sure no problem

Kouno: yay *grins*

Interviewer: well, I have to say thank you for coming in today it was enlightening and we at the station have to say thank you for letting us be your first interview

Issei: it's no problem honestly, which is why I'm here to say later today there will be another single I made it for my girlfriend its all for her no video yet if she's willing then she can be in it

Back at the house

Irina(blushing) waaaa

Rias: what are you feeling embarrassed for he wrote a song for you

Irina: (blushing) it's not that it's just im not sure if I want to be on TV or not

Akeno: oh, I'm getting excited for when it's out maybe it's the way he sees you

Koneko: as much as I'm happy for him don't you think this may be exposing himself too much a bit.

Xenovia: I've had the same thought actually, I don't know what to really think of it but he's put the spotlight on him and he's very much definitely not stopping

Rias: perhaps we talk to him about it when he gets back

Akeno: he's still going to be there for a while.

Asia: then we talk about our concerns and try and tell him fully and not make him angry.

Irina: well, that doesn't sound so bad

Back in Kyoto

Issei: alright kouno let's go and get some ice cream.

Kouno: let's go.

They went to get ice cream and sat down to enjoy it a bit. They sat on the hillside looking down at the city

Kouno: hey issei can I ask you something?

Issei: sure, go ahead what's up?

Kouno: do you like my mom?

Issei: okay where are you going with this?

Kouno: for as long as I can remember I remember a lot of guys coming into my mother's life talking about marriage for something but she always denied them, she's never shown any interest in anyone since my father from what I've heard from the other adults, then you came into our lives and I've never seen her looking this happy, so I want to know do you like my mom

Issei: well, yes I like your mom, and sure it's adult things that she and I are handling but if it comes to it I'll protect you and her from anything you both are important to me understand

She looked at her ice cream and nodded.

Issei: now I think its time for your lessons don't you think?

Kouno:(shocked) Oh right I still have classes she only let me go because I wanted to go out with you.

Issei: alright first finish your ice cream I'm sure your mother watched the interview on tv and knows that we went for ice cream, but why do you like ice cream so much?

Kouno: I've always seen others eating it so I've always wanted to try it and I enjoy it a lot

Issei: well, that doesn't seem so bad.

After eating their ice cream, they went back to the temple where they met with Rossweisse and yasaka waiting for them.

Issei went to yasaka and gave her a quick kiss and then she and kouno went to start her lessons.

Issei: alright Rossweisse it's you and I now where do you want to go

Rossweisse: how about we go get some clothes for you and me?

Issei: why me?

Rossweisse: are you serious you hardly fit into your old clothes you grew a bit and looks like the last to be honest your dad isn't that tall to really begin with

Issei: what?

Rossweisse: kids are only meant to grow taller than their parents in 90% of humans and in that 10% have those tall genes that make them extremely taller than others.

Issei: damn what a way to call me average.

Rossweisse:(holding laugh) So you admit it.

Issei: let's go before these turn into the roast of issei.

Rossweisse:(giggling) All alright let's go then.

She got into the passenger, and he got in and the two went to the shopping district, while walking around Rossweisse held isseis arm, he immediately held her hand and put it in his pocket while they walked, many of the girls in the area saw this they were part of his fan club they took loads of photos and it spread like wildfire on the internet

Back in kouh

Katase: oh my god, this is so messed up.

The class looked at her confused as to what she was talking about.

Irina: what is it?

Katase: look

She showed her phone and they saw Rossweisse wrapped around Issei's arm and still holding his hand in the shopping district.

Irina: And?

Akia: your man is with our teacher like this, and you are alright with this

Irina: should I? he does that with me he even did it with Asia, after she was taken from him while she was with him, so he does that with anyone now to make sure it doesn't happen again

Murayama: is this true Asia

Asia: yes I was kind of kidnapped and Issei got me back and he did start doing that for protection

Katase: wow again we judged him too quickly again....

Xenovia: we learned the hard way and building his trust back is hard

Back in Kyoto

Rossweisse: All alright try these on and see what happens.

Issei: aww man but I want that shirt.

Rossweisse: ill rather not face off with an angry Irina that doesn't like that, I don't even like it

Issei: you know what I don't need the hentai jacket Is below the new me

Rossweisse: that's kind of the spirit

Issei: kind of?

Rossweisse: I didn't say it's not to bad but you have a new image now and wouldn't you want to protect it

Issei: alight let's make a bet

Rossweisse: sure

Issei: if by any chance I land up in that jacket after today and no I don't mean buying it but I'm asked to wear it you must buy me dinner

Rossweisse: it's a date then.

They shook hands in agreement on the one-sided bet, after changing up his style Rossweisse decided to keep red in his clothing it goes with his eyes and he looks really good on so in the end issei had red and black suit with a few black jackets and some black cargo pants with some black boots

Issei: All alright since you picked clothes for me I'll pick clothes for you

Rossweisse: fair enough

Issei: All alright we can take this, this, that, two of those and these

Rossweisse: (light blush) Are you sure those can fit

Issei: you are size 96 CM and a H cup

Rossweisse: (blush) how

Issei: that's one thing about my perverted nature that stuck reading people's bodies but when it comes to clothes most girls will be happy with me because I know their body proportions and will be able to find clothing that fits you well

Rossweisse: All alright I trust you

She went to try on the clothes and she had a new dress, boots underwear jeans shoes and 3 different tops and to top it all off it was all on sale too which made her even happier

Issei: see shopping with me is a breeze

Rossweisse: I agree you know how to find clothes that actually fit properly and are not too big or too small thanks

Issei: no problem, you hungry?

Rossweisse: a bit yea

Issei: my treat let's get something to eat

They went to the food court and sat down with some burgers

Issei: hey tell me something

Rossweisse: sure

Issei: why do you really want a boyfriend for actual romance or for the sake of saying you have a boyfriend

Rossweisse: damn hitting with the hard questions aren't you

Issei: payback for calling me average

Rossweisse:(giggles) Fine, well growing up I always wanted to experience love I saw it with my parents and saw it with my grandparents, so growing up I just wanted to experience what it was like but sadly none of the boys liked me even when I would try and stand out it backfired on me and landed up making a fool of my self leading to the others making fun of me, and why Odin was always making remarks about me being single forever

Issei: really not one guy not even a girl?

Rossweisse: no non, no one was interested in me, I watched as my old friends became mothers or found love it made me feel lonely in the end that's really what there is to it, I ended up focusing more on work by the time I was a teenager and landed up cutting out romance entirely and here I am now

Issei: sorry about that but how can't they see what I see

Rossweisse: what do you mean

Issei: a strong independent woman who can't handle her alcohol, nah I'm joking you caring and passionate amongst other things I actually notice, like when you try to be serious but land up looking clumsy in the end or let's not talk about how strong you really are when your drunk you kicked ass during our first trip to Kyoto

Rossweisse: (blushing) Thanks

Issei: don't be thanking me you are perfect the way you are don't try and change for a man that won't accept you for your quirks and all

Rossweisse: (smiling) I will *smiles*

Issei: All alright lets go

Rossweisse: sure thing

They got up and walked to the car she held onto his arm while they walked and she was stuck in her own mind

Rossweisse:" This isn't the same man I knew before, he's not as perverted as he was, but still has moments like any man should but he seems to be in control of everything, maybe I do like him"

Once back at the car they got in and drove off back to the temple, it was still a bit early in the day so they decided to relax in their room and watch some tv and the song Issei performed is blowing up everywhere now even though its not finished

Issei: dang this much positive feedback for an unfinished song

Rossweisse: I know right but it's a good song one feel motivational like me it made me feel motivational, but you know the rias and the others were concerned about the songs thinking it for them

Issei: huh, I guess they would feel that way, I cut them off too

Rossweisse: you mentioned still being friends with them how true is that

Issei: 30% true, I don't know if I should let them back in again that first night when my body went cold the dream started with me crying outside in the rain screaming i'll be good to my parents and then I went to a cave and I technically died and then I woke up, then you were crying holding me, I'm not sure if the sage arts is helping me heal but I'm getting some flashbacks that are making me question family at the moment

???: which is why I'm here

A sliver magic circle opened on the floor and out came grayfia and sirzechs

Both got up and bowed before them

Sirzechs: your family issei you don't need to be so formal.

Issei: so what brings you guys here?

Sirzechs: well we both kind of got sidetracked and remember we spoke about bringing you into one of our families and I'm here to tell ravels mother heard about you looking for a family name and she's also willing to take you in

Issei: huh I actually forgot about that, maybe that's what the door meant.

Grayfia: what door?

Issei: last night in a dream I was a small child hitting a door for my parents to open and then I left the house in the rain then I went cold then I woke up in a flash and Rossweisse was holding me crying thinking I died

Sirzechs: I believe it's the sage arts correcting your thoughts to try and bring you some peace.

???wait for me

A blue circle opened on the floor and out came serafall leviathan.

Serafall: you you know why im here, im here to offer a home for you in the event you don't want to be with the Gremory, I was very much willing to help you and I wish to help you again you've been helping us a lot so now its time to return the favour

Issei: I appreciate it thanks *smiles*

Sirzechs: but even serafall will agree the sage arts is trying to help you pick a family, that door could be your choice and once your choice is made the door might open

Rossweisse: now that I think about it, it does make sense.

Issei: yea you right

Issei: All alright let me think I can't hold off on this any more

He sat down closed his eyes and thought about it after a few moments he opened his eyes.

Issei: how does issei ............

Chapter end

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