In the World of Magic(Harry P...


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Amanda picked up a book as a child. That book told stories of a magical sport called Quidditch. For years it... More

Chapter 1 - The Ticket
Chapter 2 - We're Going Camping
Chapter 3 - A Surprising Surprise
Chapter 4 - Lie After Lie
Chapter 5 - Making Friends
Chapter 6 - Leaving
Chapter 7 - Not Good
Chapter 8 - Sick
Chapter 9 - Finally Truth
Chapter 10 - The Train
Chapter 11 - House
Chapter 12 - New Home
Chapter 13 - First Day
Chapter 14 - Friends
Chapter 15 - Separation
Chapter 16 - Solving Problems
Chapter 17 - Mending
Chapter 18 - Nerves
Chapter 19 - A Clue
Chapter 20 - Crushing
Chapter 21 - The Kiss
Chapter 22 - Halloween
Chapter 23 - In Denial
Chapter 24 - Molly Weasley
Chapter 26 - The Burrow
Chapter 27 - Christmas
Chapter 28 - London
Chapter 29 - New Year's Eve
Chapter 30 - School's Back
Chapter 31 - Bonding With Malfoy
Chapter 32 - Letter Read
Chapter 33 - Letters sent
Chapter 34 - Assignment One
Chapter 35 - Paranoia
Chapter 36 - Assignment Two
Chapter 37 - First conversations
Chapter 38 - Pause the Worry
Chapter 39 - Deep Talk
Chapter 40 - Music
Chapter 41 - Guilt
Chapter 42 - Things Aren't Alright
Chapter 43 - Hurting
Chapter 44 - The Reveal
Chapter 45 - Relieving
Chapter 46 - Comfort
Chapter 47 - The Plan
Chapter 48 - Planning
Chapter 49 - Not As Planned
Chapter 50 - The Messengers
Chapter 51 - Pandora
Chapter 52 - This Will Hurt
Chapter 53 - Kittens and Wings
Chapter 54 - Aftermath
Chapter 55 - The Last Day
Chapter 56 - The Brake

Chapter 25 - A Moment to Relish

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Amanda's POV

It was beautiful when the snow laid on the school ground. Every time that I headed back up to the castle after Care of Magical Creatures I couldn't help but think that the castle looked like taken out of a fairy tale. The way the snow covered the roofs, how it was so huge, the light shining through every window.

"Mum's been sending me letters all week reminding me that I need to buy all of my christmas presents. Apparently I will not have any time once I come home, as if I didn't already know that", James told me as he put one of the letters in his backpocket. My heart stung a bit at the mention of his mother. Maybe he found it annoying that his mother wrote to him, I wished that my mum would care that much for me. She barely wrote to me at all. I could remember the last letter I had gotten being three weeks earlier. It had only been because I had sent one first, asking how my parents were. Even Rose had started writing even lesser to me.

I tried to avoid thinking about it. It only made me sad. The problem was that my thoughts seemed drawn towards the subject every time someone mentioned anything close to it. I was happy about how well I fit into Hogwarts, even though I wasn't magical. I had only wished that I would have stayed connected with my real life. I mean, what would my time at Hogwarts mean after the year I would spend going there?

"Did you have ot buy a lot of presents? I mean I couldn't help but notice that your family is quite big", I spoke with a smile. It wasn't a real smile, but I tried to make it look as happy as I could. James shouldn't have to worry about my emotional problems. We both already had a lot worrying about with the messenger. He had sent a letter to me with the text:

'I hope you aren't getting too comfortable.'

There had also been a picture of Molly and I hugging. I assumed it was the picture had been taken the same night that I had chased that girl.

I had told James about her and we had tried to work out who it could've been, but we were still no where near finding out her identity.

"Yeah, buying presents is a living hell every year. Do you know how hard it is to fid something cool for at least ten cousins? It's exhausting. At least I don't have to buy to every one every year. We have a system that my aunt created. Without it I would be screwed", James explained. I smiled up at him from my place in his embrace. We were in the Room of Requirement. James and I were cuddling on the floor infront of the fireplace. James was holding me in his arms and it felt nice.

The fire was burning and giving us warmth, while setting the mood quite well. I had also put on some quite music. It was cosy, and romantic. It made it feel as if we were in a little bubble. Just the two of us and we had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted.

"It sounds amazing to have such a big family. I only have two cousins, that I barely see. My grandparents don't live in London so it's hard to visit them. It's always been my parents and me, quite lonely", I told James. His response was a gentle smile and a kiss on the lips.

"You'll never be lonely", he mumbled against my lips. The way he said it, with the certainty and determination made me smile. James always seemed to be able to make me feel better.

"Maybe I won't", I mumbled back before kissing him sweetly. My hands reached up and cupped his face while his hands were on my lower back. The warmth coming from the fireplace mixed with the warmth coming from James. As we broke apart both of us were smiling.

"I can't believe how wonderful it feels to kiss you", James whispered and quickly pecked my lips. I pulled my hand through his hair and loved how soft it felt against my hand.

"How does it feel?", I asked quietly, actually curious to if it felt the same for him as it felt for me. One of the corners of James' lips quirked up a little bit. He raised his eyebrows and he seemed to be looking at nothing, while still being present.

"As if I know that it's what I want. It feels as if everything is clear and the I can't be anything but happy. It's one of the best feelings in the world, together with eating my grandma's home made cookies", he laughed slightly at the end and met my eyes. I loved the way he had described the feeling of kissing me. The answer was much better than anyway I could have described it. Even though I knew that he was probably over exaggerating, I liked it. It was probably because I knew that he wasn't doing it to win me over. I knew it, because he had already won me over.

"I couldn't have said it better myself." I put my head against James' chest and sighed in content. If I could have chosen one thing to do for the rest of my life, that was it. Just have those moments with the people I loved.


"Where are you going during the holidays?", I asked Allison who was spreading butter on a piece of toast. It was just a couple of days left until we could all leave the school, and I for one was looking forward to getting back to my old life for a little while.

"My family is going to Canada to visit my mother's friend. I'm really excited and I'll meet all these possibly cute guys", Allison happily told me before taking a bite of her toast. I already knew that Christina and Dolan were going to Scorpius place over Christmas. Their parents were friends and they always spent the holidays together.

"I just can't wait to get home. I hope that my friend Rose has something exciting to tell me", I shared some of my own excitement over going away from school.

"Only a few days left!", Christina sighed from her place next to Allison.

The mail was arriving. I saw my owl as one of the ones delivering. My excitement perked up and I followed the owl's moves until she dropped the letter and sat down on the table infront of me. I gave her a little bit of bread and after that she flied away. I had named her Elle, after one of my favorite fictional characters. The character was actually a guy, but it didn't matter because you pronounced Elle the same way as his name.

"It's from my parents", I exclaimed in hopefulness. I hoped that it haired good news. With nervousness in every fiber of my body I opened the letter. I felt the texture of a normal notepad paper.

Dear Amanda!

I'm sorry, honey, but you can't come home this Christmas. It is too dangerous and it would be way too risky. Your father and I have, together with your principal, decided that it would be best that you did not come home until we are sure that you won't be in any danger. That could mean over the summer too.

Over the holidays you will stay with the Potters at the burrow. Your principal has arranged this and I think that you will find it comfortable there. Before you left I noticed that you seemed to enjoy the company of one of the sons. I hope you enjoy it there.

Rose and Gwen wishes to visit you some time during the holidays so they will come there over the new years. We've already made sure that it's okay with the Potters.

I hope you know that I love you. I do, but this situation is very hard for me to adjust to. Hopefully you understand me. I am after all your mother, and I hope you could respect that I can't write much to you. After everything that's happened I feel like I don't know if I can connect with you in the same way.

Love, your mother.

Three emotions flooded over me as I read the note. Sadness, disappointment and anger.

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