The Good and The Bad

By The_Fishcake

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Naruto but is overpowered, has rinnegan, sasuke as a friend, My first fanfic, and I want to make this as good... More

The Good and the Bad
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

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By The_Fishcake

I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him



"Fox here, Target in sight" Naruto said

"Flower here, Target in sight" Hinata said

"Sharingan here, Target in sight" Sasuke said

"Alright....GO!" Obito ordered

Naruto sped in the direction and launched at the target. The Target was.....a cat.

"Target acquired" Sasuke said

"Let's bring her in" Obito said before he heard



"Jiji!" Naruto shouted as soon as he entered

"Naruto, show the hokage some respect will you?" Iruka said

Hiruzen chuckled and said "Its fine Iruka-Kun. I have known Naruto since he was born."

Iruka sighed and Hiruzen continued "Ok Team 7, you have painting a fence, buy groceries for a civilian, cleaning a shed--" Naruto Interrupted

"Umm Jiji, can we get a C-Rank. We have done more than 25 D-Ranks" Hiruzen chuckled and replied

"Alright Naruto-Kun, you have to escort a bridge builder named Tazuna to Nami no Kuni and guard him till he finishes the Bridge" After that he pressed on a seal and said "Bring him in"

The door opened to find a grey-haired, bespectacled man with a large beard and dark eyes. He was wearing a sleeveless v-neck shirt with an Obi, pants and a pair of sandals. He also carried a bottle of Sake and said

"Who are these kids?, The blond hair looks like a stupid one." Everyone tensed as he had called the Hokage's son stupid.

Naruto just flew past him and touched his neck paralyzing him as he said with a sweet smile "I'm sure I am more than capable if I have already paralyzed you" He then unparalyzed the man. The man gave a grunt and left though he didn't deny he was more than capable.

Obito sighed and said "Pack your bags for two week's supply and meet me and Tazuna at the gate in an hour" Team 7 nodded then shunshined back to their home



Naruto was chilling at the gate waiting for his teammates to come. He had used fuinjutsu to create his storage seal and was now waiting for his teammates, sensei and that old guy Tazuna. Before they came he summoned Ishito.

"Hey Ishito, how's it been?" Ishito wagged his tail and said

"The training was hectic but now I am even stronger" Naruto nodded and said

"We are now going on a mission to protect a bridge builder. You in?"

"Of Course Naruto, Its been a while since I have fought or spared"

Ishito then jumped on Naruto's head when they saw Sasuke and Hinata coming.

"Hey guys" Naruto said

"Whats up Naruto, Ishito " Sasuke said then got confused

"Where is your backpack Naruto?" He asked

"Fuinjutsu is a thing you know" Naruto deadpanned

"Do you have scroll for us Naruto?" Sasuke asked

Naruto nodded and pulled out two scrolls and gave It to them. Sasuke and Hinata then sealed their backpacks in the scroll. They then sat down on either side of Naruto.

Soon Obito arrived with Tazuna.

"Where are your back packs Team 7?" They just pulled out their scrolls.

"Can I have one as well? Sealing scrolls aren't cheap" He asked

Naruto nodded and tossed him one. After he tossed him he just sealed his backpack while mumbling something about Smart ass blonds. He then packed the scroll in his pouch and said

"Alright guys let's move" With that Team 7 headed to Nami no Kuni


Team 7 and Tazuna were walking along the road. They noticed a puddle on the side of the road.

Sasuke looked at Naruto who nodded then Hinata who nodded as well. Obito looked at them and understood that the noticed it. The puddle bursted with two chains which sliced Obito. They were two people. I had 1 horn while the other had 2 horns on his forehead.

"One down" One of them said

"Let's get the brats" the other one said.

Hinata activated her Byakugan and blocked his chakra points. Making him stunned for a moment. Naruto rushed behind him and paralyzed him.

Meanwhile Sasuke activated his sharingan and dodged his blades. He then threw a kick to the stomach, knocking him out.

Obito jumped down from the tree and said "Good job Team 7" He then turned to Tazuna who was sweating bullets and said "Explain"

"I couldn't afford an A-Rank mission. It was just too expensive and our country has been taken over by a business tyrant named Gato" Tazuna said

"Gato of the Shipping company?" Naruto asked

"You know him?" Tazuna asked

Naruto shrugged but answered "Tou-San had mentioned his name the times I was in his office. He said something about him being a drug lord and needed to be assassinated but their was no proof so he dropped the case a year back."

Tazuna nodded "A year ago he arrived to Nami no Kuni and took control of the country. A few months ago he executed my daughter's husband Kaiza"

Team 7 felt bad for Tazuna. Hinata stood up and said "We will help you" Naruto and Sasuke nodded in agreement.

They then looked at Obito who sighed and said "I will help my team as well" with that they went back to the brothers. Obito nodded at Naruto to tell him to do his thing. He nodded and went to the paralyzed duo.

"Who sent you here?" Naruto asked

"Like we will answer to you" One of the brother's said

Naruto grinned Sadistically before he took of the person's gloves and pressed his knuckles. His hand slowly contracted into a fist before it shot at his partner.

"Gozu, what did I do? Why are you punching me" The other brother asked

"Its not me, my hand is moving on my own Meizu" Gozu said

Gozu continued beating Meizu. They both had never fought each other and now his brother was punching him.

"Fine, we'll tell you. Just make him stop punching me" Gozu said. Naruto went too Meizu and touched in the middle of his knuckle making his fist slump.

"Speak, otherwise its going to be worse" Naruto said still grinning making Gozu and Meizu shiver from the grin.

Gozu spoke "Gato said he would pay us to kill the bridge builder. We needed the money to give to Zabuza"

"Zabuza? The Demon of the Mist Zabuza?" Obito asked and Gozu nodded "Why does he need the money?"

"Because he needs it to ask the other villages for help in the Kiri Civil war. It has gone too far and The Fourth Mizukage has the bloodline rebels in his hand"

Naruto thought for a second before he spoke "I can ask Tou-San to give you a loan. If the Rebels win, we ask Kiri for an alliance. If they don't, we will ask the remaining Shinobi to come to Konoha. In anyway, it's a win-win situation"

"How will your father help us?" Gozu asked

Naruto giggled and said "He is the fourth Hokage, silly" Gozu and Meizu paled as they were about assassinate the Hokage's son.

Naruto then unparalyzed them and Obito came forward

"Inform Zabuza about the loan." The Demon Brother's nodded and left to find Zabuza


"Zabuza-Sama!" Gozu and Meizu said simultaneously.

"What is it now, did the mission succeed?" Zabuza asked

Gozu explained what happened.

After Gozu finished, Zabuza's eyes widened and asked

"You fought the Hokage's son and he let you go with a deal in hand?" Gozu nodded

"I will speak to the group, myself. Once we come to the conclusion then we abandon this mission. I don't like pointless bloodshed anyway. Let's go Haku" Haku nodded and both of them shunshined to the group


Team 7 and Tazuna just got dropped of by his friend in a boat. They were walking until Naruto heard wriggling in the bush. He flicked a Kunai and went to check what it was. He found a white bunny frightened for his life. Team 7 knew exactly what it was. "DUCK!" Obito called out. They ducked just in time to see a giant sword flying over their heads and get stuck to a wall. Zabuza then jumped on it with Haku beside him. As soon as Sasuke saw Haku, he had hearts in his eyes. Before he said anything Zabuza spoke

"Well, well, well looks like Gozu was right, You look exactly like the Fourth Hokage. You said you had a deal?"

Naruto nodded and said "If you come with us to the leaf. I can ask my dad to send some shinobi to the civil war." Zabuza thought for a while and said "Deal. But for now I want to have a fight with 'The Ghost'" He then pointed to Obito who smirked and said "Fine by me"

Team 7 got back, Tazuna with them. Obito stepped ahead with Zabuza pulling his sword out of the tree. Both of them charged at each other. Zabuza struck his sword at him only for it to faze through. Obito materialized only to find it's a water clone with Zabuza behind him grazing his jonin vest in the back as Obito reacted. Zabuza started creating hand signs and called out "HIDDEN MIST JUTSU" with that A large foggy mist surrounded Obito. Obito activated his sharingan to find Zabuza only for him to not see as the mist was too foggy. He started ccreating hand signs and slammed his palm on the ground, calling out "SUMMONING JUTSU" A bat was summoned.

The bat looked around to find his master Obito. He asked "Obito-sama, what brings me here?"

Obito replied "Isoka-sama, could you track a man in this mist for me with your supersonic?"

Isoka nodded and expanded his sences. He stiffened and said "OBITO, BEHIND YOU"

Obito, at the nick of time ducked only for him to escape the sword by a mere inch.

Isoka sat on Obito's shoulder and waited if Obito needed help. Obito turned back to see Zabuza for a split second beforehe vanished in the mist. Obito looked at Isoka while him nodding. Isoka expanded his senses once again before he said "He is moulding chakra, North-East" Obito turned to the direction and ran towards him. He stood on water trying to figure out where he went. Suddenly he felt a hand touch and found Zabuza encasing him in a water ball. Zabuza spoke

"You did well. I will let yo--" Zabuza almost finished before he realized Obito behind him and infront of him as well. The Obito in the water ball poofed out of existence. Zabuza chuckled while raising his open head signifying surrender and said "I didn't expect that. You did well" Obito smirked and said

"Well, got to live up to my title ya know." Zabuza nodded

Obito retracted his Kunai and Zabuza said

"I will deal with that backstabbing prick before we meet again" Obito nodded before Zabuza called out

"Haku, Let's go" Haku dropped down where she stood and they both shunshined to the hideout

Team 7 came out as well and they all carried along towards Tazuna's house



"Coming!" spoke a woman

Said woman opened the door. She became happy and said "Tou-San, you're back!"

Tazuna smiled and said "Tsunami-Chan, I promised to come back didn't I?" Tsunami nodded then looked at Team 7

"I suppose you are the one's who are protecting my father?" Tsunami asked while they nodded "Welcome, its not much but it's the least we can do for helping my tou-san"

Team 7 smiled and walked in. Tsunami then lead them upstairs to their rooms. Once they all settled, Obito spoke up

"Alright guys, since we're here. I noticed a forest behind. We should train to improve before we meet with Zabuza tomorrow" The genin nodded and went to the forest with Obito behind them


"Ok team, Since you guys know basic to Water walking chakra control. I guess you guys get your jutsu." With that Team 7 got excited. Obito pulled out a scroll with the kanji of 'lightning' and threw it to Sasuke"Sasuke you will learn the LIGHTNING STYLE: LIGHTNING SENBON – A C-Rank jutsu. Channel lightning chakra through the senbon and throw it keeping the chakra intact with the senbon. GO!" Sasuke nodded and shunshined to practice his jutsu. Obito then walked towards Hinata and pulled a scroll with the kanji for 'Water' written "Hinata, you will practice the WATER STYLE: WATER WHIP- A C-Rank jutsu which uses nature Manipulation and manipulater water chakra into a whip. MOVE OUT!" Hinata nodded and shunshined. The last member Naruto was still waiting for his order impatiently. Obito walked towards him and spoke "Naruto, you will practice with your rinnegan. I have no scrolls of the doujutsu so you are on your own, good luck. GO!" Naruto nodded and went a bit further than his team split up from. Ishito dispelled to train a bit more in his realm



"Hey, Tsunami-San?" Naruto called out

"Yes Naruto" Tsunami replied

They both were currently in the kitchen making small talk.

"Could I help you in cooking? I know a bit since my mom taught me" Naruto asked

"Sure Naruto-Kun, its always good to have a helping hand" Tsunami replied

After the food was ready, Tsunami called out her father and Inari while Naruto called Team 7. Once they came and sat, Naruto and the rest of team 7 were talking about the chunin exams next month whether they should enter or not. They concluded saying that they should enter. They cracked jokes and started laughing.

"Why do you guys bother to try so hard?" Inari suddenly called out

Team 7 were confused at the question.

"because we are shinobi's and we are assigned to protect your father" Naruto replied

"No matter how hard you try you can't defeat Gato" Inari said and ran away with tears falling

"He lost his surrogate father and my soon to be husband a year ago" Tsunami started "He tried to save this land from Gato but was the publicly executed infront of Inari"

Team 7 felt sad and looked down as they probably thought a child being lonely without a father. Naruto on the other hand was angry 'Gato is going to die' He thought and started waling towards the front door

"Where are you going Naruto?" Obito asked

"I'm just going to blow off some steam Obito-sensei" Naruto replied then shunshined


The place was covered in blood and it was completely dark. Only one room had light which was at the top.


The sound of metal clashing with metal spread throught the entire hideout.

In the room was Gato and his personal bodyguard who just got his throat slitted. Zabuza had annihilated his forces and Gato was on his knees.

"PLEASE LET ME GO, I WILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT" Gato screamed like a little girl

Zabuza threw him 2 scrolls. The first had a deed to Gato's treasury, demanding Gato to release all the funds into the hands of Zabuza. The second had a deed to release all the women and men imprisoned in his hand.

"Sign them, now" Zabuza said coldly

Gato quickly signed. As soon as he finished, his throat was slit. Zabuza tooked the now signed scrolls and shunshined


"Haku, go to every treasury and grab all the money. Free the prisoners as well" Zabuza said as soon as he came

Haku nodded and shunshined

Zabuza then turned to the Demon Brothers

"Go and find Obito Uchiha" The brothers nodded and left.


The lights were off and everyone became silent. Team 7 excluding Naruto had slept. Naruto hadn't returned and they thought he will be back soon. Obito was awake, pondering on some thoughts until he sensed someone. He quickly jumped and went in his defense stance.

"Calm down, Obito-San. We're here to take you to Zabuza-Sama. He killed gato and is waiting for you" Obito nodded and they all shunshined back


"Zabuza-Sama, the prisoners are released and Gato's funds are in this scroll" Haku said and tossed a scroll to Zabuza

Zabuza nodded and heard another voice.

"Zabuza-Sama, Obito-San has arrived" The Demon brothers said simultaneously

Zabuza turned around and faced Obito.

"Gato is dead, here is the money" Zabuza started and tossed a scroll. Obito opened the scroll and his eyes widened. The Scroll contained 486 Billion Ryo. The unbelievable amount was enough to start funding a village. He quickly sealed the money back in and said "three-quarters of this money goes to Nami while 30 billion will be given to you. The rest will be funded for the S-Rank mission you can request. If its denied, the money will be given back to you" Zabuza widened his eyes since never in his life had he been given 30 frickin billion ryo. He covered his surprise quickly and nodded

"We will leave within a week since we still have a mission" Zabuza nodded and Obito swirled away



Tazuna had just finished the bridge and was named the new Daimyo of Nami no Kuni because of his act. Team 7 were with Tazuna at the bridge bidding their goodbyes. Inari finally realised that crying wont help at all as he saw his grandfather work. They named the bridge 'The Bridge of Freedom' because of being free from Gato's wrath.

Naruto and team 7 gave their goodbyes and left with Zabuza and Haku.


"Umm, Haku's your name right?" Sasuke asked

Haku nodded "W-Would you um like to go out with me sometime?"

Haku was surprised as somebody wanted to actually go with her.

Zabuza heard this and said "What can you offer to be with my daughter, Uchiha?"

Haku sighed at her adoptive Father's overprotectiveness

"I will protect Haku-Chan with my life, even if it kills me. I will give her anything she wants and make her happy" Sasuke said

Haku blushed at the suffix while Zabuza thought then spoke "Fine, but Haku has to agree first"

Haku took this opportunity and nodded her head vigourously


"AHA! UNO!" Kotetsu called out


"I see someone is jealous" Izumo was about to decline the statement before Naruto called out

"Are you guys gonna cut it out?"

The eternal chunins looked at the now Team 7 with one of the Seven ninja swordsmen of the mist, Zabuza Momichi and a girl wearing a green haori.

The Chunin stiffened before Obito said "Its alright guys, he's with me. In fact, he wants to see the Hokage" The quickly relaxed and signed them in


"Should this years teams participate in the Chunin Exams?" Hiruzen asked

"They should as they are already powerful" Minato replied

"What about Kasumi and Yakumo?" Hiruzen asked again

Minato thought for a while before saying "Kasumi and Yakumo might be shifted and create some four man teams" Hiruzen nodded before the door knocked

"Come in" Minato said

The door opened and Team 7 walked in with Zabuza and Haku.

"Jiji, Tou-San I'm back" Naruto said

"While I'm happy your back, why is the demon of the mist and a girl in the village?" Minato asked

Naruto explained and once he finished the Hokages were gaping at the 13 year old blonde.

"So can we help him Tou-San?" Naruto asked

Minato thought then looked at Zabuza "We will have an Alliance between Kiri in return?" He asked. Zabuza nodded

"I will have a few experienced Jonin and ANBU escorting you. For now you will have to wait after the Chunin Exams are over since we are currently preparing for them" Zabuza nodded before speaking

"I would also like my adoptive daughter Haku to be instated as a Konoha Shinobi since it will be dangerous for her in the war."

Minato thought before replying "Since she doesn't have a background she can be instate without any questions. For you though, you will be under probation for a month since I cant let a mist ninja running around Konoha"

Zabuza nodded "For now Team 7, Zabuza and Haku are dismissed. Obito give me a report on the mission" Team7, Zabuza and Haku left leaving Obito to report the mission.

Thank you for reading Chapter 12

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