The Good and The Bad

By The_Fishcake

46 0 0

Naruto but is overpowered, has rinnegan, sasuke as a friend, My first fanfic, and I want to make this as good... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

The Good and the Bad

3 0 0
By The_Fishcake

I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto-sama owns him

Chapter 1

A long time ago, there was a beast known as the Nine-tailed fox. It was said that it could level mountains and separate oceans by a swish of its tail. Once it went on a rampage in the village known as konohagakure no sato. It was stopped by the village leader also the Fourth Hokage – Minato Namikaze.

Few minutes ago...


"Welcome to our family.... Naruto-kun." Minato said.

Minato Namikaze was also known as The Yellow Flash and was feared by most of the Shinobi. He was a tall man about 6ft with his spiky yellow hair and two bangs either side picturing his face. He had sapphire-coloured blue eyes and was in his normal suit – a navy type of blue shirt and pant with the Uzumaki symbol embedded on the back of his shirt, since Minato didn't have a clan.

"He looks just like you Minato-kun." It was Minato's wife Kushina Uzumaki.

Kushina Uzumaki was also known as Konoha's Red Death as she was a Legendary Master of the way of the swords and can fight all the Seven Swordsmen of the mist at the same time. She was the ANBU Commander going by codename Fox. She was an average height woman about 5'6ft with her long red hair symbolizing her as a member of the Uzumaki Clan where all members had red hair and purple hue-coloured eyes. She was the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails and managed to keep it at bay while giving birth since the seal on her stomach weakens at child birth.

"Hmm... maybe he'll be a ladies' man like me?" Minato thought loudly

"Then I'll have to protect him from fan girls" Kushina said chuckling

"Here let me handle him Minato-Sama" It was the Third Hokage's – Hiruzen Sarutobi's wife – Biwako Sarutobi said

"Yes, you should get some rest Minato and Kushina-sensei" this time it was Rin Nohara from Minato's genin team during the Third Shinobi World War.

Minato and Kushina both Nodded.

They were now thinking how many friends Naruto would make.

Soon they heard two clangs' from where Rin and Biwako went with Naruto

"STEP AWAY FROM THE JINCHURIKI OR THIS CHILD GETS IT" The Masked man said when he suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Alright now everyone stays calm" Minato said "I'm already calm. It's you who is panicking" the masked man said

Minato took his signature three-pronged kunai and shot it at the man while shooting one next to Kushina.

"Hiraishin level:2" Minato whispered and flashed two the mask man took Naruto and flashed back next to Kushina in an instant.

Minato noticed the explosive note underneath the cloth Naruto was wrapped in and took out the cloth and flashed it away from sight.

'Dammit. I underestimated him. He foiled my matter' the masked man thought while flaring his sharingan eyes into an unknown mangekyo form with four red spots looking like small stars in a diamond form with a black background and teleported to Kushina and released the seal and put her in his what looked like his space-time ninjutsu. (Author's note: It is how Obito's mask looks like during the Fourth Great Shinobi War.)

"KUSHINA!!", 'dammit, I have to get her back somehow.... But a sharingan....NO it can't be.... Is it?......Madara Uchiha?' Minato thought

Now in the pocket dimension of the Masked man, Kushina was keeping the Nine-Tails at near bay by stressing herself, in a few minutes she wouldn't be able to hold longer.

Suddenly from behind the masked man Biwako and Rin came running shooting Kunai and Shuriken at him.

"TODAY, KONOHA SHALL FALL." the masked man said before he flashed away

"I won't let you." Minato said still holding Naruto.

"SENSEI! " Rin exclaimed" THANK GOD YOU'RE OK!"

"Rin now is not the time take Naruto and go to Kakashi and Obito" Minato said and Rin nodded while taking Naruto and shunshined away.

"Biwako-sama" Minato said getting her attention" inform the Third to get ANBU and evacuate the village as fast as possible.... there isn't much time."

Biwako nodded and shunshined away

Minato Hiraishined away home. He took his Jonin vest and his Hokage cloak.

"I'll be right back .... Naruto" Minato whispered to himself before Flashing away to the Hokage Monument.


Kushina was tied to two big rocks with chains and she saw the masked man and asked.

"Why are you doing this?" Kushina asked with the Masked man scoffing slightly

"I'm under no obligation to answer you that, so I won't but I will give you a hint......I wish to bring world peace" the masked man said with his sharingan eyes looking at her.

"This is not peace. How can you think this is PEACE? DESTROYING THE WORLD IS NOT PEACE." Kushina said Angrily.

"I don't care if you think this is peace or not because I know this is peace......Now RELEASE THE NINE-TAILS." The Masked Man said while putting Kushina in a Ninjutsu.


"Nine-tails you need to calm down because you need to obey your master....... KOTOAMATSUKAMI" The Masked Man said putting the nine-tails under a Genjutsu.



Minato flashed to his stone face and saw the Nine-tails terrorizing the village.

'I Don't know who you are but for now the only person I'm thinking who can control the nine-tails under Genjutsu is Madara Uchiha' Minato thought.

"Lord Fourth" A gruff voice called out.

Minato looked back and saw The Third Hokage – Hiruzen Sarutobi known as the God of Shinobi and the Professor wearing his black battle suit with his summoning transformed into a gigantic staff.

"Ahh Lord Third have the citizens evacuated?" Minato asked

"Yes, Minato they are all in the Hidden Bunker. The citizens and the shinobi all are there." Hiruzen said

"Thank you Lord Third. As you can see the Nine-tails was released and under control by a Masked man. My wife was kidnapped as well I have to go save her. "Minato said while making hand signs.

He placed his palm on the ground and called out" SUMMONING JUTSU!" and in a poof a red frog with a blue haori and a sword appeared

"Gamabunta-sama will you buy some time with Lord Third so I have enough time to save my wife?" Minato asked and Gamabunta nodded" Of course Minato." Minato nodded before flashing away to his Hiraishin formula on his wife. Gamabunta let Hiruzen jump on his back and said" C'mon Third-dono let's deal with this mutt."

The Third chuckled before replying" Right you are Gamabunta-dono."


Minato arrived next to his wife and asked "Kushina are you alright?"

"I'm okay Minato......just a little stressed.........due to my Uzumaki ............ Longevity ......... I can live after the Nine-tails is ............ extracted but it ......... messes up my ......... chakra control" Kushina said panting while Minato nodded.

"C'mon we got to save the village" Minato said before he was attacked by Kunai.

Minato flashed Kushina away before he turned to the place where he was brutally attacked.

"Who are you?" Minato asked

"I go by many names but you can call me Tobi" the masked man said

"You're not going anywhere Minato......Konoha shall fall" The Masked man said.

"Not when I'm here" Minato said before he ran towards him while throwing a three-pronged kunai when the masked man dodged it while giving him a slight haircut as he ran towards him. Suddenly when both of them almost collided when the masked man thought he was the victor seeing he will punch first. Minato flashed where his Kunai is and conjured a big ball of dense chakra and shot it in his back while calling out "RASENGAN!" As soon as his hand hit after the Rasengan dispelled he drew out black drawings and called out "UZUMAKI STYLE: CONTRACT BANNING SEAL!" with "UZUMAKI STYLE: GENJUTSU DISPELLING SEAL" and the Nine-Tails realised what he was doing and stopped his rampaging and ran outside of the village and sat waiting for the person who freed him. While Gamabunta and Hiruzen grew confused as to why he stopped rampaging and withdrew their forces to see if the fox will do anything. Back to Minato and the Masked man. If anyone saw behind the masked man's mask, they would've seen he was not angry but FURIOUS.

'DAMMIT! I UNDERESTIMATED HIM AGAIN!' the masked man thought before saying "I underestimated you twice. I guess this wasn't the correct time to attack Konoha. Believe me when the time comes YOU WILL ALL FALL!" and then swirled away to his pocket dimensions

Minato flashed away and met with Hiruzen.


Both Gamabunta and Hiruzen were contemplating whether to attack the nine tails or observe it. They decided to choose the latter and waited for Minato come back. Once they saw the Yellow Flash Hiruzen asked" Lord Fourth what happened?"

Minato answered "I was fighting a masked man who put the nine-tails under a Genjutsu seeing the nine tails sitting at the entrance makes us want to think that he wants a truce" he finished and Hiruzen nodded to the answer and said "Let's ask him what he wants." Minato nodded

Minato reached the entrance of Konoha and said "Umm Hi"

The nine tails gave Minato a tail and let Minato pet it. After a while, he said "Were you the one who released me from Madara's Genjutsu?"

Minato sighed and then answered" Yes, I did free you from the masked man or Madara as you call him and put a contract seal on him so he can't summon you and but a Genjutsu dispelling seal so you can take control once again."

The nine tails looked at him trying to sense any lie, but he didn't and got some respect since he had just been saved from that man. He then bowed and said "I thank you for saving me from Madara" he spoke the word Madara with venom in his voice "I don't think I could get sealed in Kushina once again since she will die...............can you seal me in your son? I am willing to share him my power since I find potential in the little kit."

Minato was shocked and sad at the same time since he knew he couldn't seal the fox in Kushina but the fox had asked him to seal it in his son and give him his power because he has potential? He took 2 minutes to think over before he replied "I'll have to talk it over with Kushina-Chan"

The nine-tails replied "Ok but you have to do it in an hour since you can't have a nine-tails running around"

Minato nodded since he understood and asked something unexpected "Do you umm.... have a name?"

The Nine Tails was shocked. Nobody in the entire world had asked him for his name. His respect for the man grew. He smiled and said "Kurama....... My name is Kurama"

Minato smiled and said "Well Kurama, I think you would make a good friend for Naruto"

Kurama chuckled and said "He might be a great kit one day and maybe surpass you."

Minato nodded as an agreement

Hiruzen came forward and said "Well looks like you made amends with the Ni- I mean Kurama"

"Yes, we did" Minato said happily and they both Hiraishined away to Kushina

Thank you for reading the First Chapter 

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