Just Love

By AshleyCarter952

59 6 0

Two women convinced its fate, scared to be hurt, and hoping its just love... Its my first story so I would li... More

When It Hurts So Bad
Meet Cute
What's in a name
Go For It

Not Again

26 2 0
By AshleyCarter952


I awoke with a start, and looked to my right. Who the hell is this? I groan as I sit up, and my head starts to pound. Other tell tale signs of a slight hangover start to let me know that Vodka was no longer my drink. As I sat there I came to a startling discovery. I can not remember anything.

This was not the first time I awoke with a stranger in my bed. That started in high school. But after the last 4 months I've had I swore this would not happen again. Random girls were off the menu due to complications. Disappointed in myself I internally groan. I slowly slide out of bed only to hit the ground. I jump up hoping I did not wake the sleeping figure next to me, but my head reminds me that my actions were to fast for the condition I'm in. I close my eyes, and hold my head trying desperately to remember what happened.

As the pain slowly subsides, I start to remember some details. For the last month I had been planning the release party for Vent's Premium Vodka. We had been competing with Ward for 5 months before we finally landed it. Not to mention my personal life had spiraled into a living breathing episode of The L Word. So it was redundant to say that I was getting about 3 hours of sleep a night. I remember pounding shots of 80 proof vodka trying to release the stress of everything. And this girl. This amazingly beautiful girl.

Just then the figure stirred. She changed positions, moaned softly, and was still again. Shortly after I heard light breathy snores. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I slowly made my way to the bathroom so that I could get some Aleve. After swallowing the medicine, I examined myself in the mirror. My trademark Brighton hazel eyes were slightly puffy, but my caramel skin was still smooth. As I ran my hands through my freshly cut hair I noticed a couple of gray hairs. My toned 6' 1" frame covered in a black sports bra, and boxer briefs making me remember that I have been neglecting my workouts. Even though I looked tired, I was still strikingly attractive.

I returned to the bedroom letting the medicine work its way through my body. All the while confusion, and disappointment muddling my thoughts. I focused on the peacefully sleeping woman in my bed trying to will my memory back. I finally gathered the nerve to slowly pull back the covers. There laid an almost angelic white girl.

She had smooth tan skin, long shapely legs, toned abs, soft pouty lips, and gorgeous blue eyes. At that moment I realized she was staring at me. We sat there a moment. Caught in each others gaze.

"Hi." I said with a soft smile.

"Hi." She said rubbing her eyes, and sounding half asleep.

"Did we?"

She laughed. "No. Not that you didn't try."

I cringed. I was known to be a bit aggressive when I was drunk. Some girls like it, but I have been known to receive a slap to the face on occasion. She chuckled lightly.

"It's okay. You got a little handsy, but overall you were sweet. We mostly just talked." She said with a yawn.

I breathed another sigh of relief. "It's good to know I still have some dignity." I said with a smile. She smiled back, got out of bed, and began gathering her clothes. Somehow I did not want her to go. Chalk it up to loneliness, or the fact that I did not want the Goddess to leave without me taking another shot.

"So would you like a shower, breakfast, or a ride?" I asked watching her gracefully move around my bedroom.

"No." She said not giving me even a glance.

"You sure?" I said moving closer to her, and leaning against the wall. " I usually like to make my famous omelette for women who graciously refuse my advances. It usually seals the deal." I said giving my most charming smile hoping my dimples would change her mind. She turned to me finally meeting my gaze. She caressed my cheek with her small, soft hands.

"I don't think my boyfriend would like me to be...eating other people's omelettes." She said with a smirk. I leaned into her hand, and raised an eyebrow at her.

"And what would he have to say about our slumber party?"

She laughed, and began gathering her things again. "I'm sure he won't mind that a friend helped me clear my head."

"Great. Friends." I said not to enthusiastically. "Well friend, can I get you an Uber?"

She smirked again. "You really don't remember anything do you?" I shook my head. Her smile grew warm. "I drove." I nodded my head acceptingly. "But you can walk me out." She said putting on her shirt.

I proceeded to the door, and opened it for the fully dressed angel. I turned meeting her gorgeous blue eyes again. I sighed. "Well, I wish I could say it was fun."

She laughed. "It was. You're a very interesting character when you're drunk." I hung my head in embarrassment.

"Hey..." She said while lifting my chin. "Last night we went really deep. You told me about your ex wife" My eyes shifted, nervous that the liquor had allowed me to lower my guard tell someone I did not know something so personal. She shook my chin causing my eyes to focus on her again.

"Heartbreak is only a way for the universe to prepare you for true love. We don't run out of love, we only absorb it from others who give it to us. The universe is preparing you. Let the heartbreak teach you a lesson, and be open to absorb." With that she kissed my cheek, and left. This was definitely not my normal one night stand.

After showering, changing, and drinking some very strong coffee, I felt almost normal. I decided to head to my office. After taking an Uber to my car, I arrived there only an hour late.

"Well hello." Our receptionist Jamie greeted me.

"Hello Jay."

"You look better than I thought you would this morning." She said evaluating me with her soulful eyes while handing me my mail. "So how was last night?"

I chuckled. "If I remember, I'll tell you." I began skimming through the mail. Jamie stood up, and started straightening my tie. I noticed she was wearing a new dress that looked so good on her.

"Is that dress for me?" I said biting my lip.

"No, but I'm sure you're enjoying it." She said with a warm smile.

"I am." I said running my eyes over her very curvy figure.

She shook her head at me. "You better be happy I don't feel objectified by your gaze. I could have a real lawsuit on my hands. I like you better when you had a wife." She said giving me a chastening look.

"Well, marry me?"

She waved her hand containing her wedding ring.

"So all the good ones are taken." I said with a pout.

She laughed, and sat back in chair. "Kari wants to see you."

"What for?"

She gave me a meaningful look. "Oh that." I said with a sigh.

"She's just worried."

"Yeah, I know." I gave Jamie a warm smile, and I walked down the hall to my best friends office, giving a light knock before entering. The office was orange with mahogany furniture. She looked up from her paperwork with an amused smile.

"Well look who made it in only slightly drunk. How did the event go?"

"Honestly... I can not remember."

She laughed. "Good thing I followed up with Chris. He said it was amazing. He wants us to update the social media. He's even thinking about doing monthly events."

"I'll get on it. So you wanted to talk?"

Her face turned serious. "So you signed the papers?"

"Yes." I said feeling my mood instantly deflate.

"Are you okay?"

"No, but divorce is not something that you should be immediately ok with. Takes time."

Kari sighed. I looked at my best friend and partner. Her brown eyes showing concern. She leaned her 5'10" frame closer, and ran a hand through her long hair. "I know this has been hard. You lost the woman you love, and you haven't seen your kids in months. Me and Tia want you to know we are here for you. Let me know if you need to take some time..."

"No." I said interrupting her. "I don't need any time. I need more work. An idle mind..."

"Is the devil's playground. I know Senator Brighton." She said with a laugh. "I just want you to know if you need time you can take it. I'm your work wife, and I worry." She said with a pout. "Plus I don't get any of the perks of a real wife, so be nice."

I shook my head, then felt my phone vibrate. I frowned as I stared at it then showed it to Kari.

"Well don't ignore her."

I groaned.

"Hey, you want to see your kids?"

I sighed.

"Then answer your phone, and BE NICE!" Kari said enacting her stern voice.

I had not spoken with her in months. I even messengered the divorce papers to her lawyer's office. I gave a sad smile to my friend, then stepped out to take the call.



We sat in silence for a moment. "You wanted something?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I did...I..I thought you wouldn't answer so I was more prepared to leave a voicemail than talk to you."

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint."

"No, it's not...I just..." She sighed. "I wanted to confirm that you will be picking the children up at 9 next Saturday." She said adopting a firmer tone.

"Yes, I will." I said adopting the same business like tone.

"They are excited to see you, so please don't be late." She said firmer. I shifted in anger.

"Of course, I have not seen them outside a courtroom in months. Why would I want to be late unless it was unavoidable?" I said in cold calm manner.

"See that you don't." Then she disconnected the call.

I signed as I enter my office. It was arranged the same as Kari's, but decorated in my favorite color. Blue. I sat at my desk, and sighed. I had violated business rule number one. Don't lead with your emotions.

Ugh, what happened to us. I loved that woman. I pondered my life, and started to wonder if the beautiful blonde was right. All I knew was that it's going to be a long weekend.

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