Crescent Moon Markings (MDZS...

By Lucicelo

1.1K 56 22

Regaining her bearings, Cangse Sanren sat up, immediately looking around the area. The devastation of the yao... More



111 4 3
By Lucicelo

Stepping foot in Lotus Pier was a gamble.

Wei Changze didn't want anybody from Yunmeng Jiang to know he was around. If he bumped into them, he wouldn't ignore the Jiang Sect disciples or even Jiang Fengmian himself. All Wei Changze wanted was to do his payment at the blacksmith and go back home.

The less he interacted with Yunmeng Jiang the better Wei Changze's life would be.

He didn't need an awkward exchange between himself, Jiang Fengmian, and Yu Ziyuan. The few times he was in her presence, he felt her intense glare directed at him. As if silently blaming him for not keeping his wife away from her husband.

He didn't need to go through another one of those experiences again.

Or anytime soon.

He would keep his wife and son away from this place if he could help it. All those precious memories of his childhood were diminished because of one envious woman who laid all the blame of her insecurities on his wife. He couldn't even bring his own son to wander around the places Wei Changze explored as a child.

At least, A-Ying could wander about their own property. Wei Changze didn't have to worry about his son being hurt by anybody because of the talismans he placed on the borders of his property. No one with ill intent could step onto their home without being sent back to where they came from.

It was still upsetting he couldn't physically show A-Ying everything about his home. Almost in the same manner his wife couldn't physically take A-Ying to meet her Master.

All they could do was build new memories in their lands.

This arrangement suited them just fine.

The drawback of walking through Lotus Pier was that Wei Changze was well known throughout these parts and word would undoubtedly spread. It only took one loud auntie to welcome him back for the rest of the town to know. He didn't mind the welcome. Whenever he returned to Lotus Pier, he was always welcomed back with genuine smiles.

Most of his notoriety was due to his previous association with Jiang Sect and his helpfulness as previous head disciple. The vendors saw him grow up from a son's servant into a cultivator. He didn't forget about them because he was elevated to this higher position. Whenever he had time between his duties, he rushed out to help anybody who needed a well-done talisman or a hastily painted one to deter ghosts for the time being. They were all grateful for his willingness to assist them whenever an issue popped up, even without pay.

His mother taught him to be helpful and to never look down on anybody's circumstances. She grew up poor with multiple relatives to provide guidance and life long work skills. Helping to de-weed their crops, take care of her cousins, and run errands for her family. This was, until she was recruited into the Jiang sect as a servant. A low tier servant who rose up to the kitchens, keeping her out of sight.

As a result of growing up near the kitchens, Wei Changze enjoyed a good meal or snacks. Whenever he was sent to buy an item for the kitchen, the aunts and uncles of the marketplace handed him sweets or snacks as well. Due to all the errands he did growing up, he got to know numerous uncles and aunties from all different jobs. He got to know all the hidden secrets of Lotus Pier before he was ever inducted into the junior disciples.

Due to being sheltered, Jiang Fengmian didn't know half of his lands until he went out on night hunts. He knew nothing about the locals who lived on those lands for generations. Didn't know the aunties and uncles Wei Changze knew since he was a child. To his credit, Jiang Fengmian got better at getting to know the people once the late Sect Leader Jiang pulled Jiang Fengmian from training to patrol their lands and memorize every inch of their borders.

Wei Changze was grateful to have known such loving and welcoming people. If there was ever an issue he needed fixing, there was always someone to offer assistance. Sure, there was bartering, even some exchanges, but no one left without something to show for their hard work.

After elevating himself in status, he wasn't one to tip his nose up and ignore his humble beginnings. He was a commoner first and foremost; new labels didn't change that fact. Even if he had the audacity to lie, those in the big sects would have disputed his claims and ruined his reputation.

The one who could get away with such flippant assurance of their lineage was his wife. She did come from a noble lineage, but the last name held little significance in their circles. The vast dowry and acres of land given to Liu Meilin changed her status. She wasn't a simple rogue cultivator anymore. She owned her own lands, but the dowry technically belonged to Wei Changze.

As he walked through the marketplace, waves of nostalgia filled his heart. He missed the simple days of his youth. Where he didn't worry about labels or having to avoid his old sect because of the preconceived notions of a jealous noblewoman. He wasn't the target of such envy, but Wei Changze stood by his wife. Allowing his wife to be subjected to harsh words wasn't what a husband did.

"Ah, Young Master Wei!" One of the older fruit sellers called out, snapping out of his thoughts. "Married life has truly transformed you! Look at you! So well adorned in expensive robes, your wife must spoil you, ah?"

Her call out inspired many of the ladies to titter about. Fascinated at the sight of his new appearance. Wei Changze didn't know what was different about him. He looked exactly the same as he did the year prior.

"Oh my!"

"His headpiece looks pricey!"

"His wife must have picked those robes with love and care!"

"And well fed too!"

Peeking down at his robes, it dawned on him.

Lord Sesshomaru's gift was what brought on the comments.

He has grown accustomed to interchanging his usual traveling clothes to the less fancy robes of the set he was gifted to where he grew accustomed to them. Gone were the old Jiang sect robes he wore, and new colors replaced them. Less brighter colors, but he liked having darker hues to disguise dirt stains and fluids from their night hunts.

The auntie who sold tofu chortled. "What did I say about a good marriage? He looks so well fed!"

The uncle who butchered fish gave him a wave. "Welcome back, A-Ze. Next time bring your boy!"

A different woman, one who sold lotus pods and roots, chimed in. "We still have to spoil that son yours A-Ze!"

The candy seller proclaimed. "Your son needs to taste the spicy goodness of these treats!"

"Thank you." Wei Changze couldn't help the blush which overcame his face, he addressed everybody. "I...I will try to bring him back one day."

Not wanting to be rude, he was delayed a few minutes with each vendor. Which made his whole plan to go in and out of Lotus Pier a failure.


When someone stepped foot inside of his forge, the blacksmith, Chen Jun, let out a warning whistle. If it was one of his family members, they would have slapped the top of the entrance or called out to get his attention. Hearing no tap or yell, slight frustration trickled in as he set down his tools. His family knew better than to let anybody inside of the main area of their business. The dust and soot would undoubtedly seep into the wearer's robes.

Chen Jun was used to being dirty, creating swords wasn't a clean business. Especially when he began the process of making these swords into cultivation swords. Which was why the family members who didn't deal with the forge were the ones who spoke to clients. Rarely do people dare to enter into the dirtiest area of their business.

Turning around, he caught sight of the fancy robes, and inwardly groaned. Tossing his tools onto the table, he readied himself for a nobleman complaining about dust on his robes.

At first glance, this person must be a stranger or new to town. The colors were different from the Jiang purple. These robes were darker blue, with black patterns barely seen through the fabric. He hadn't heard rumors of a new sect being established in the nearby area.

He hoped this person wasn't a sensitive type.

"Good morning, young master. Shouldn't have entered in here, the soot will seep into those fancy robes of yours. Could have waited until one of my boys went to greet ya. But what do I know? You, young masters–"

The young master turned his head to face Chen Jun, his pipe fell out of his lips. The young master was Wei Changze.

"Good morning, Uncle Jun." He bowed over his hands. "I have come to leave another deposit for A-Ying's sword. I apologize if I overstepped in coming inside, I didn't see anybody in the front area."

"C-Changze? Little Changze?" Chen Jun gave Wei Changze a once over, definitely surprised to see him dressed in lavish robes. Even his headpiece was different from the bare minimum one he used to wear. "No. Young Master Wei." He couldn't help but tease.

Wei Changze hunched his shoulders, almost sheepish as he nodded his head. "Yes, it's me. You can still call me Little Changze, Uncle, I'm not a young master."

Chen Jun scoffed. "The robes say otherwise." He readied to crouch down to pick up his pipe when Wei Changze grabbed it for him. "Thank you." He said when the pipe was placed in his hands. Dusting it off a bit, he redid his pipe to relight it.

"Hopefully, I didn't interrupt you, uncle. I'm here to pay the rest of the remaining balance." Wei Changze removed a small bag from his inner robe pocket and set it onto the table.

Chen Jun arched his brow. "I didn't know rogue cultivation jobs made great money these days. Not that I'm complaining, I've had some cultivators try to shorten me for the price of their sword. And those were from these fancy rich sects who boast of their wealth ."

Wei Changze chuckled. "Ah...well... I thought it best to get a lot of our major costs out of the way. It's never too early to pay off a large purchase."

"That's for certain."

"I hope I calculated the remaining balance right." Wei Changze bowed once more before inquiring. "Do you want me to count it?"

"I trust you; I trust you." Chen Jun reassured him.

Wei Changze was far too trustworthy to lie to him. Chen Jun watched this boy grow up from a child to a man. Making sure to help anybody without demanding much from them. Far better than the grand sects who needed a fee before investigating a damn thing.

"Thank you for your time, uncle. I will be going now."

Chen Jun bowed as Wei Changze made his way out of his shop. Slowly, Chen Jun picked up the bag and was stunned at the heaviness. Opening the bag, he mentally counted the amount, astounded to see actual gold ingots in the bag.

"Either A-Ze and A-Lin helped a wealthy client or came into money." He closed up the bag, chuckling lightly. "Little brat gave me extra than what I asked for. Should I chase after him? Ah. Too lazy."


"Did you hear? A-Ze visited Yunmeng this morning?"

"Really?! Oh, I haven't seen A-Ze since he brought his son around for that brief visit. Sad to see him go so fast though."

"I don't blame him! Why would he stay somewhere without his wife for too long? His son was too young to be away from his mother anyways."

A different servant interjected. "Too bad his wife couldn't come along with him. Maybe, we could have basked in their chubby baby's presence for a while longer! From what everyone told me, he was chubby cheeked with a big smile!"

"Ah, but you all understand why she couldn't, right?"

"How could I not? I was the one who packed them extra provisions before they left that early morning." Someone proclaimed. "Avoiding the trouble of our sect madam was their blessing."

"Even if they're not here, our sect madam continues to complain about A-Lin. Goodness. You'd think the woman was purposely trying to meet up with a married man on her own."

"It's too much trouble having an affair with a nobleman. The humiliation and hit to the reputation is sullying enough. Even worse, when an innocent child is born from the union."

"I wouldn't bother to go through the trouble either. All I want is comfort and a stable job. I have no need for this extravagance if it meant living with stress and worrying about assassinations. Especially if the wife is as spiteful as the one our sect leader has."

" Shh. Not so loud! Those blasted servants of hers are probably listening."

" Bah! Let them hear! They're not Yunmeng locals. Who are they to tip their noses at us. They're servants just like the rest of us!"


"Where were you, Jiang Fengmian?!"

Jiang Fengmian paused in place alongside Elder Lin. He felt the judgmental stare of his elder, one who never let such disrespect go unchecked. His late father let no one speak back to him or raise their voice at him. He remembered his mother raising her voice once and father made sure she never did it in front of company ever again.

The implication of his father slapping his mother didn't go over his head. He knew his father was quick to silence those who opposed him. The few memories of his free spirited mother was smothered as he grew older. Considering he was always training and studying, he didn't spend as much time with her before she died. He wished he could have disobeyed his father, but the man dragged him out for training and sect heir learning.

Whenever he tried going to his mother, she urged him to listen to his father, to not disappoint him. She reassured him of her comfort with a pinched smile. Ushering him away do her duties before his father found him lingering about. His father might not have beaten him, but Jiang Fengmian remembered his scathing remarks and disappointed glances. He didn't want his father to hate him, to discard him for a Jiang cousin or remarry to gain another son.

His father might have been a bad husband, a demanding father, but he was a great leader. Everybody who worked in Yunmeng Jiang said no bad word to how the late Sect Leader Jiang ran the sect.

He wasn't deaf to the servants, disciples, and elders, gossiping about him. There was constant conversation about his passiveness causing discontent between everyone in the Jiang Sect. From the servants to the elders, Jiang Fengmian heard all the comments.

Despite the discontent of his sect, all Jiang Fengmian wanted was peace . There was nothing wrong with wanting to meet his wife halfway and give her unrestricted rights to his sect. She was his second in command, after all. Most husbands wouldn't allow their wives to even retort back against them. His wife was the one who handled the work Jiang Fengmian couldn't get to during his usual workday.

Breathing through his nose, he turned to his wife, still as beautiful as when they first met. Her scowl marred her lovely oval shaped face. The fiery attitude wasn't the mischievousness of Cangse Sanren or even the motherly gentleness of the new Nie Furen, but he respected her all the same.

"Excuse me, Sect Leader Jiang ." Elder Yu excused himself with a disgruntled grimace.

Jiang Fengmian knew the man would chastise him for his weak leadership. The respect of his position made it, so the elders spoke to him in his office. They didn't complain to him in front of the servants or the disciples.

When Elder Lin bowed swiftly to Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Fengmian could almost see her temper rise. Her body tensed and her eyes narrowed. Yu Ziyuan's scowl deepened as Elder Lin shuffled away. Almost cursing out the older man inside of her head and resisting the urge to whip him with Zidian. His high position made him untouchable to Yu Ziyuan, she couldnt' disrespect him without losing more face than she already had.

Jiang Fengmian knew she felt slighted by his elders, by almost everybody if he were honest. Even though she had given him a son, an heir, she wasn't seen in a great light. She did her job as Madam Jiang far better than his late mother, but she didn't endear herself to the sect. Other than the twin servants she brought along from Meishan Yu; nobody was fond of her.

"Can I not go out to patrol my lands, Madam Jiang?"

" Madam Yu ." She scathingly insisted.

Jiang Fengmian breathed through his nose, wishing for strength . He didn't want to lash out on her for still not getting used to her new name. Feeling pride about her natal sect was one thing, but to disregard the sect she married in was ridiculous. He couldn't help but think about the continuing disrespect of his name.

It grew tiring.

Very tiring.

The constant letters from his brother-in-law were also aggravating. Every single week, there was new letter, demanding him to reign in his wife and for her to use the Madam Jiang title. She might be Yu Ziyuan, but she was a married woman. Madam Jiang. Yet, she continued to use her maiden address wherever she went on night hunts, night hunts his disciples could have gone on if not for her taking the job herself.

He understood Sect Leader Yu's concerns about Yu ZIyuan using the Madam Yu title. Madam Yu was an entirely different personality than his little sister. The true Madam Yu was demure, soft spoken, not like her hot-tempered sister-in-law. It was no wonder visitors commented on Madam Yu being different from the rumors. This misconception tied the poor woman onto Yu Ziyuan who couldn't help but cave into her aggression during these night hunts.

There was wrong with aggression during night hunts, but Yu Ziyuan extended the same reactions to their normal lives. If only she used this energy properly and not inadvertently push away everybody from her side.

"Elder Lin spoke of various piers which needed fixing." Jiang Fengmian continued on as if her correction wasn't spoken. "We were discussing the ways to fix them before the raining season comes upon us. How--"

Yu Ziyuan scoffed. "Likely story, Jinzhu and Yinzhu have not heard of these dilapidated piers. For all I know, you were galivanting around, looking for Cangse--"

Jiang Fengmian interrupted her nonsensical argument. "Because the upkeep of the sect is none of their concern. Their duty is to your needs, not to inspect my sect."

"Our sect."

"And if you cared to actually walk through Lotus Pier, you would have noticed the state of the less than visited piers. How broken pieces of the piers have been damaging the boats which travel through our waters." Jiang Fengmian said. "I have compensated many boat owners for the damage from the piers and made sure to close off these areas.":

Yu Ziyuan stepped closer, staring in straight in the eyes, claiming. "I have not received notes about these supposed compensations or any report."

"Only because I distributed the funds myself. I was already in person and spoke to the boat owners to make sure everything was settled properly. I didn't wish to have another set of complaints on my desk the following morning because everyone was unsatisfied."

"Do you not trust me to distribute something as simple as money!" Yu Ziyuan snapped. "I could have done this for you. Why do you never call me to handle anything?!"

Jiang Fengmian bit the inside of his cheek. This wasn't what he implied. Not at all. He went in person for the people of his region to know he was present, that he listened. Similar to his father who was always wandering around Lotus Pier, making sure everyone saw him and were comfortable to tell him their concerns.

He tried to make his wife's job easier through taking on these tasks, so she didn't have to worry about another part of her duties. Nothing he did was to undermine her ability; he voiced his approval multiple times, but nothing ever seemed enough. She always picked apart his well intended actions while accusing him of another affair, again.

Behind Yu Ziyuan, Jiang Fengmian connected eyes with his daughter, Jiang Yanli, his A-Li. He watched her put her arm up, blocking Jiang Cheng from coming any closer to the noise. Their nanny rushed ahead of A-Li, possibly reassuring them everything was fine. A-Li didn't look convinced. His daughter was far more perceptive than Yu Ziyuan gave her credit for.

Jiang Fengmian cursed inside of his head as the nanny guided A-Li and A-Cheng away from their hallway. Like always Yu Ziyuan had not taken notice of their current company and continued to share her supposed grievances to him.

He tuned Yu Ziyuan out, letting her tire herself out, before he excused himself and left her sight.


"A-Ze was here?!" One of the kitchen staff servants voiced her excitement aloud, loud enough to reach outside the kitchen. "Why didn't he pass by to greet us?"

"He went to visit the blacksmith. One of Blacksmith Jun's grandsons told me about it when they came to deliver the disciples' equipment."

"Did he bring his boy?"

"No, no, he came around by himself. Maybe, his wife didn't think it wise for their son to set foot in Lotus Pier. You know how she gets whenever A-Lin or her boy is mentioned."

"By the heavens, can we have a day when we don't have the threat of that damned whip over our heads?"

"She continues to threaten the other servants with her weapon? Ah, no. Do not mess up this meal! I won't have her storm in here and punish us for a simple mistake,"

At the sound of more complaining about his wife, Jiang Fengmian readied himself to fast walk away. He was done dealing with anything related to his wife. No matter what he did, there was no resolvent of the problem. Whenever he spoke to Yu Ziyuan, involving her into his movements, she attributed something to Cangse Sanren. Her stubbornness to not accept the fact Cangse Sanren was nowhere near Yunmeng was exhausting. Nothing he said soothed his wife's issues.

Yet, he paused in place upon the mention of Changze. Months passed since the last letter Changze sent back, responding his concerns, but adding nothing new about his life. Changze wasn't a vocal sort to begin with, but he was always expressive in his letters.

Taking some steps back, he stood near the window, listening to the kitchen ladies speak about his old friend. He was stunned to hear that he arrived to Yunmeng, greeting all the vendors and whoever was in the marketplace earlier that morning.

Changze was in Lotus Pier.

He was close by.

Why didn't anybody tell him?

According to the ladies, Wei Changze left his son behind with his wife. The last time Jiang Fengmian saw their little boy, their A-Ying, was when the boy was months old. Changze had come alone into town, only visiting the blacksmith, and then left town immediately. From the sight of him, Changze looked healthy, dressed in robes that were not Jiang purple, and hadn't come by to visit Lotus Pier.

Jiang Fengmian felt his stomach plunge.

He didn't want to think assume Changze was actively avoiding coming anywhere near the sect. Impossible. Lotus Pier would forever be Changze's home, his hometown. There was no reason for him to not feel comfortable to walk around with his family.

Ever since his betrothal was announced, Wei Changze and Cangse Sanren eloped. Finding it easier for them to avoid issues between themselves and Yu Ziyuan by issuing a rogue cultivator's lifestyle. Reassuring him they wished to discover the world before they settled down into a home. Jiang Fengmian hopelessly wished their home was his sect, but he knew this was not possible.

His wife would scream at him, reproaching him for giving special treatment to a servant and a whore. Both of which were not true.

Wei Changze was the son of a servant who couldn't stop himself from helping his mother. Through his thoughtfulness, he was treated as a servant by everyone, even Jiang Fengmian's late parents. There was never a servant's contract as far as he knew, only one of a disciple.

Cangse Sanren was free spirited, making friends with almost everyone, but she was faithful to her husband. She was no whore. Even before their marriage, cultivators grumbled about Cangse Sanren's disregard of their suit. Flabbergasted by her selection of Wei Changze, Jiang Fengmian's shadow . A man without lands or money to support her. Wei Changze and Liu Meilin fell in love anyways.

Money and a title never really mattered to her. He remembered her wrinkling her nose whenever the rich cultivators tried catching her attention with expensive promises and claims of making her a sect madam.

None of their efforts bore fruit.

The most talented female cultivator married a supposed nobody in the eyes of the grand sects.

She ran after Changze, eager to gain his attention, even if he was distant whenever she tried breaching their relationship into a familiar one. Wei Changze's ears reddened as Liu Meilin paid him special attention during the Gusu Lan studies, and whenever she sent him letters.

Jiang Fengmian couldn't help but develop bitterness for them both. They abandoned him when he needed them most. As much as he understood why they left, he thought their friendship would have survived Yu Ziyuan's presence.

Despite the constant arguments and stress between him and his wife, he didn't regret his children.

Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng were his legacy. His treasures. Yet, Yu Ziyuan couldn't look past her set assumptions. Always reprimanding him over feelings he long since buried. Wei Changze was his first love's husband, they had a son, there was no place for him in between the couple.

Yu Ziyuan's accusations did nothing more than further create a strain between her and his sect. Her constant yelling brought unneeded stress onto their children. There were days where he wanted her to leave. If she truly didn't believe him in his fidelity, and was unhappy, she could return to her natal sect.

But he knew her too well.

Her pride wouldn't let her suffer the humiliation of being a divorced and disgraced woman.


"Ah, yes he was here." Blacksmith Jun blew out a line of smoke through his cracked lips. "Put in a payment for his boy's sword." He maneuvered a bit around his stool before hitting his lower back with his fist.

The smell of soot and steel permeated the interior of the workshop. Coating Jiang Fengmian's tongue with the taste of charcoal which always lingered around after he returned home. His robes also smelled of soot and steel, giving away where he was at the first sniff.

Chen Jun came from a long line of blacksmiths. With family secrets no one outside of their particular line were privy to know. Like all craftsmen, their family guarded their secrets with their lives. The additional craft in creating cultivation swords kept them in business.

Despite his old age, Chen Jun still worked the pits, not liking to remain idle, doing nothing with his time. His sons and grandsons worked alongside him, continuing their family work for another generation. Talk of a new baby, a great grandson, new to the world, would follow in the family business.

The Jiang family were fortunate to have them create their cultivation swords. Even before the Jiang's transitioned into the level of the big sects, Chen Jun's family supplied warriors and farmers alike with swords and other iron based materials. Taking good care to perfect their products before handing them over to their client's hands.

Jiang Fengmian's sword had not broken once. A sign of the quality smithing and techniques of the blacksmith who made the sword.

Hiding his disappointment, Jiang Fengmian muttered. "I see." He bowed his head, "Thank you for answering me, Elder Jun. I assume Changze was too busy to visit the sect if he left so quickly."

Chen Jun tapped his pipe over the bowl of ashes on his work desk. "It would seem so."


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