Gone Away || Minsung

By kyutminho

169K 7.1K 5.1K

A vampire who waits 400 years for a specific human. A human who was reincarnated into the present. ... More

Ch. 2

Ch.35 Final

2.8K 129 125
By kyutminho

"Minho, I don't think it's a good idea. I can't tell them I'm a vampire. Actually they'll probably disown me just for being gay and having a boyfriend." Jisung was pacing back and forth while fidgeting with his quokka keychain, his mind racing to every possible situation that could go wrong.

Two weeks have gone by since their massive accomplishment and the couple was going to pack for their planned visit to Jisung's old hometown, his parents begging for him to visit.

"Hey Sungs, it's okay. We don't have to go if you don't want to, we can just stay here and watch your favorite movies." Minho tried calming down his anxious boyfriend.

Taking away his quokka keychain from him, placing it next to his rabbit keychain. He intertwines their hands together to put Jisung more at ease.

"I have to face them one day, but I already know what they'll say and I don't want to hear it." Jisung was absolutely conflicted on what to do, plopping himself down on their now shared bed.

Minho joined him on the bed, pulling him by his waist and in a sign of comfort caressing his side.

"Maybe I should tell them I'll stop by another time, I can't right now." Jisung then made up his mind and texted his parents he couldn't go with an excuse something came up.

"You sure about this?" Minho checking for reassurance.

"Yeah, it can wait. I wanna take up that offer, let's have a movie night." The younger grabbed both of the older's hand in his with a bright smile.

"Anything you want Sungs." Minho pecked The younger's perfect lips before kissing him all over causing his giggles bouncing off the walls.

Later on in the day with the sun slowly setting on the golden horizon, the couple was getting ready for their movie night they promised.

"How's horror sound?" Minho was flipping through the streaming services as he was cozy up to next to his boyfriend who was downing his daily bag of blood.

Before the younger could answer Chan had knocked on the door before making his way into the couple's bedroom.

"Chan, do you mind?" Minho with an agitated tone coldly glared at the older.

"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt but Jisung you have visitors. They claim to be his parents." Chan watched Jisung's eyes widen and jumping out of the bed.

"No, no, no. Why are they here?! Tell them I'll be down in a minute! Ah!" Jisung rushed to the restroom to quickly brush his teeth after drinking some blood.

"How do they know where to go?" Minho curiously asked, standing in the doorway while watching his boyfriend rush in a panic.

"Since my parents were paying for my apartment rent I had to tell them I moved out and they were persistent on sending the address. This is not going to end well." Despite everything Jisung had been through the past year this was the most scariest thing he had to face, his parents acceptance.

"Sungs, take a deep breath. If you parents don't accept you for who you then it's their loss for losing an amazing person you are. Besides your getting me nervous to meet your parents." Minho wasn't going to lie, he was pretty nervous to meet his boyfriend's parents.

"Just they are very closed minded and they made sure I would have the best life I could, they sacrificed a lot for me." Jisung felt like horrible son for not having his parents's dream son.

"If they truly love and care for you they'll try to understand." Minho continued to calm the younger down, pecking his lips breaking it with a smile.

"Don't leave my side please." Jisung looked up at the older.

"Don't worry, I'll always be by your side baby." Minho taking Jisung by the hand and planting a kiss on their intertwined hands.

Jisung couldn't help but smile, thinking how lucky he got with such an amazing boyfriend. He takes a deep breath and the help of his boyfriend being by his side, taking the courage to leave the room.

Coming down the stairs he notices his parents waiting for him in the living room. Without thinking he lets go of Minho's hand and quickly makes his way to his parents.

Minho wasn't a fan of that but he understood why Jisung didn't want to display their relationship just yet.

"Sweetie! How's my boy doing?!" His mother came welcoming him with open arms.

"Yes! How is our little man doing?!" His dad watching his wife and son hug each other with a bright smile.

"I'm doing good but why did you guys come all the way to Seoul?" Jisung greeted his parents.

"Well, we were really excited to see you after a while not hearing from you but then you told us you couldn't make it anymore. So we decided to come to you instead." His mother happily said before pinching his cheek.

"Oh, heh. That's great, a warning would've been nice though." Jisung tried to keep his smile not wanting to seem rude.

"We wanted to surprise you! Now you decided to live with a full house I see." His mother had noticed the amount of people that was living in this big house.

"Yeah, they're all my friends I made moving down here. Including me there's ten people living here." Jisung noticed his parents gave a fake smile as they noticed the few roommates in the kitchen.

"Seems crowed doesn't it?" His father cocked an eyebrow.

"Not necessarily we all kinda do our own thing." Jisung awkwardly lightly chuckled.

"As long as you have you're own space, but who's this lovely handsome man here? Don't be rude Jisung introduce us." His mother lightly smacked her son for being rude for no introductions.

"Oh this is Minho, he lives here too. And the one who opened the door was Chan, he lives here too." Jisung introduces his boyfriend to his parents, nervous to what they'll think of him.

"Nice to meet the two of you." Minho bowed then receiving a nod from the younger's parents.

"Hopefully your keeping our son out of trouble." His father gave a belly laugh.

"Of course." Minho was quiet and kept being polite.

"Yah! Jisung—!" Changbin was about to call out for the said boy until he was pulled back by his boyfriend.

"Binnie not now. Jisung's parents are here." Felix informed the once human who was now a vampire.

"Oh! This might not go well." Changbin remembering everything Jisung had told him about his parentes.

"Why won't it go well? They seem nice." Hyunjin overheard their conversation.

"Well, for one they're closed minded humans. And they don't exactly like anyone liking the same gender." Changbin explained, nervous for his dear friend.

"Is even a good idea to have humans in a house with vampires and werewolves?" Hyunjin could see how this could go in the wrong way.

"We'll just have to control ourselves and not tell them what we are unless Jisung tells them himself." Chan entered the kitchen where everyone else was at.

"You're telling me I have to hide my love for you?" Hyunjin didn't care how homophobic people were, never letting it get to him.

"Wasn't talking about hiding us, I meant us being vampires." Chan chuckled, pecking the taller in the cheek.

"Guys! Hey, meet my parents." Jisung was obviously trying not to look like a nervous wreck which didn't go past his friends.

"They seem lovely." His mother spoke as she watched all bow their head out of politeness.

"This isn't all them the other four are in their rooms. So you guys met my friends and it's getting pretty late isn't it?" Jisung tried not to seem rude but try to subtly kick his parents out.

"Not even close, I want to catch up with my son. So got how's work going? Got a girlfriend?" His mother was getting ahead of herself.

Hyunjin tried not to laugh knowing well Jisung was far from being straight.

"Work is good, and u—uhm no. No girlfriend." Jisung brought his family back to the living room and away from his friends, afraid they'll blow it for him.

"What about your friend right here? Sure this man has a girlfriend with a face like his, he can introduce to some girls. Am I right?" His father gestured to Minho.

Before Minho could say anything Jisung beat him to it. "He actually doesn't have a girlfriend either."

"It's okay your guys time will come, then I'll get lovely grand babies." His mother lost in dream she would never have causing Jisung to chew on his lips out of nervousness and lowered his head.

Knowing he wouldn't be able to give his parents the life they wanted for him. Minho noticed him anxiously fidgeting and wanted to comfort him.

"Excuse us for a moment." Minho stood up from the couch and bowed to his parents before dragging Jisung out of the livingroom.

"Are you okay baby?" Minho quietly asked as he gently held him by his shoulders.

"No, I'm only going to disappoint them." Jisung tried not to tear up from hiding everything from his parents. "Think I'm getting a stomachache now."

"I know you're nervous and scared to tell them but you can't everything forever." Minho cupped the younger's cheek, soothingly rubbing his cheek with his thumb.

"I know." Jisung was conflicted on what to do, deciding to collect his thought and take a deep breath before going back out there.

While they make it back to the living room they notice Chan talking to Jisung's parents.

"You seem like a very charming young man. Thank you for the water, was getting parched." Jisung's mom thanked the oldest vampire on the house.

"Of course, I hope you guys are comfortable here." Chan wanted to make sure Jisung's parents were in a good mood in case the younger would finally tell them.

"We do! If you were a girl I would want you to marry our son." Jisung's father was very fond of the older vampire.

"Sadly he's taken." Hyunjin welcomed himself into the conversation, resting his chin on Chan's shoulder from behind.

"Oh?" His father cocked an eyebrow.

"Excuse us." Hyunjin intertwined his hand with his boyfriend and dragging him out of the room, while stopping where they were still seen from the doorway, Hyunjin pulling his boyfriend into a kiss.

His parents moved their focus back at each other in complete shock and disgust.

"Some decency would be nice." His father said under his breath before take a sip of water.

"Sorry, we're back mom and dad." Jisung watched the whole thing, stressing him even more.

"Good, was getting a bit uncomfortable for a minute." His father said with not a bit of shamefulness causing Minho to compel himself for not coldly saying anything.

"Yes, but dear we've been wanting to ask you something. About your heart condition, I noticed you're not wearing your watch right now." His mother worriedly asked.

Jisung had forgotten about his health condition when he was human.

"Oh! I didn't tell you." Jisung nervously laughs. "I was cured, got a heart transplant despite my rare blood. Yeah, no longer have to deal with it." He happily smiled as he no longer had to worry about it.

"My little Jisung! That's great news. You'll live a long healthy life then. I'm so relieved." His mother pulled him into her motherly embrace which Jisung had to admit he missed.

"Yes, we were so very worried son." Next his dad pulled him into his embrace, a fatherly hug.

"Mom are you crying?" Jisung noticed his mothers tears.

"Of course I am, my baby is cured." His mother was then offered some tissues by Minho which she happily accepted.

Seeing his mother cry in joy wanted to make him tear up himself.

Once his mother had calm down from her uncomfortable tears they continued to have a light conversations before they decided it was their time to leave.

Jisung and Minho were walking his parents to the front door but was quickly stopped by a couple about to run out the door.

"Changbin? Felix? Where are you guys going?" Jisung watched the two frantically put on their shoes.

"Taking my beautiful boyfriend on a date! We were caught up with something and now we're running late. It was nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Han!" Changbin planted a sweet kiss on Felix's freckled cheek causing him to shyly blush from the public display of affection.

"Very nice to meet you! Bye guys!" Felix said his goodbyes before running out of the house with his boyfriend.

Jisung quickly turned to see his parent reaction and as he expected, displeasing.

"It's time for us to go now, think we've seen enough of gay today." His father spoke coldly as he now wasn't a fond of Jisung's friends.

"We have. Jisung sweetie? Are you okay living like this?" His mother with nothing but unnecessary concern.

Jisung was quiet as he was afraid to speak up to his parents.

"Maybe it's not a good idea for him to live here, their gayness might rub off on him." His father's words were like knives.

"I think you're right honey, Jisung come home with us. I don't think these people will be good for you to be around." His mother rubbed his arm as Minho watched all this wanting to say something but he wanted Jisung to speak out.

Jisung step back away from his mother with his head lowered.

"These are my friends and I accept for who they are. Being gay isn't a sin like you guys think it is." Jisung finally had the courage to speak up, hating how his parents now belittled his friends.

"Excuse me?" His father tone was cold.

"They are my friends and I will not tolerate you to belittle them. They are great amazing friends who's always been there for me and each other. I see the disgusted looks anytime they are around and I will not stand by it. And being gay or whatever they go by isn't a disease we can't help who we love." Jisung was holding back his tears from finally getting to say everything he was holding in.

Minho was in complete shock from his boyfriend finally saying something, nothing but fondness and love in those eyes as he gazed upon his brave boyfriend.

"I'm sorry did you just say we?" His mother gasped, her hand placed on her heart.

"Yes, I did. I'm gay and Minho is my boyfriend!" A weight being lifted off of Jisung's chest while the corner of his lips pulling into his heart shaped smile after yelling those very words.

His parents stood their in complete shock, speechless.

"That was brave of you." Minho took Jisung by the hand, admiring his beautiful boyfriend.

Jisung turned to his loving boyfriend and beamed his bright smile.

"I told you him moving to Seoul was a bad idea." His father was definitely not happy about his son coming out.

"I'm sorry you have to hear this but I realized I liked men way before I moved here." Jisung snapped back. "But . . . I'm guessing this is the part you guys disown me." His bright smile faded after the realization he might lose his parents.

"Sweetie, you already know our thoughts on liking the same gender. But, your father and I just need time to understand. We aren't going to disown you, we love you very much. I couldn't bare to lose my only child. If this is you, we'll accept who you are then." His mother cuffed Jisung's cheeks, watching his uncontrollable tears stream down his cheeks.

"Yeah . . . you're still a good kid." His father crosses his arms, being the stereotypical man and keeping his emotions beneath the surface.

"You guys trying to learn to understand really means a lot." Jisung attempted to wipe his uncontrollable tears.

"Anything for our baby boy." She helps her son wipe his tears. "We're also sorry for our behavior on making you feel as if you felt you couldn't tell us. Right honey?" She asks reassurance from her husband.

"Right." He stayed quiet.

"It's okay, thank you mom, dad." Jisung was pulled into his mother's embrace once again.

"We should get going now. We love you Jisung." His mother was now saying her goodbyes.

"Love you too." Jisung happily said back.

"Oh, before we leave. Take care of our little Jisung." His mother directly speaking to Minho.

"I will." Minho reassured Jisung's mother with a head bow and a smile.

"Come on now, we have a lot to do at home." His mother dragging Jisung's stubborn dad out of the house.

"Minho! I didn't think this would go good at all." Jisung was smiling ear to ear as he jumped onto the older.

"I'm so proud of you, you are brave for standing up like that." Minho couldn't stop admiring his boyfriend.

"It was painfully hard and exhausting." Jisung sunk into the older's arms.

"I bet, why don't we go back to our movie night." Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung's waist from behind while attacking his neck with gentle sweet pecks.

"From the way you're acting will we even get through a movie?" The younger giggled.

"Only if you want, I control myself love." Minho turned the younger around to face him, lifting his chin.

"Nothing more than kisses, today made me exhausted." Jisung was then pulled into a delicate kiss.

"Let's go watch some movies then. I couldn't be happier then spending every moment with you." Once they were in their bedroom Minho pulled Jisung into his arms to cuddle as they watched a movie.

"I couldn't be happier either. I love you so much Minho, I'm the luckiest person to be recreated to be with you again. Bring a vampire means we'll last till end of time." Jisung snuggled into his boyfriend's embrace, meaning every word that slipped from his tongue.

"I love you too my quokka. So damn much." Minho couldn't resist and pulls Jisung into one last longing kiss on the lips before going back to watch the movie.

The end!!!



Tysm to my lovely readers for taking the time to read, comment, and vote! I love reading all the comments even tho I don't respond I try to see as much as I can!

Sad this book had to come to and end but I will be writing more books! Once I'm done with another Minsung book called "enemy" I'll be posting two more books I'm excited to start!

Thank you again and hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

Word count: 3147

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