The Playground of Memories an...

By Asuryii

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This is going to be filled with the one-shots I write and any reaction chapters I make, the reaction chapters... More

The Rekindling of A Heart (RimuruxVelgrynd)
Reaction: The Rekindling of A Heart
Reaction: Enlightenment Filled With Despair
Frostbitten Nightmares (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 2 (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 3 (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 4 (RimuruxVelzard)
Frostbitten Nightmares 5 (RimuruxVelzard)
M Reaction Special: Vampire And Slime

Reaction: Frostbitten Nightmares

4.6K 41 192
By Asuryii

Asuryii: So we have seen some truths about Rimuru and had revelations. Now we will watch the alternate version of the timeline before the timeline you all live in. So to reiterate this timeline happened after Velgrynd would've said she wished to be with Rudra.

Many around the room shared a look of being deeply in thought and nodded after a moment.

Asuryii: Also this timeline will let you see some of Rimuru and Veldanava's relationship plus what timeline took place before you.

Velzard/Velgrynd/Veldora/Milim: The relationship between those two...

Women: "can we get an understanding of male relationships with this?"

Aza: OH isn't this-

Ciel: Aza don't spoil it for them. You wouldn't want to take away the impact.

Veldanava: Hey Rimuru should we start signing our last wills?

Rimuru: What do you-...Oh shit yeah we should

Frostbitten Nightmares

Elmesia: If the title of the first timeline was The Rekindling of A Heart which speaks of Fire then shouldn't this timeline be speaking of ice?

Luminous: I can see where you got this idea "but why does the title have nightmares in it? Last time it had meaning possibly to the rekindling of a fire which was Rimuru and Velgrynd's hearts."

Diablo: "The title for this timeline doesn't give me the best feelings. I distinctly remember we were told Rimuru-sama had done what he'd done for Velgrynd for Velzard as well. I hope this isn't as I suspect..."

Velzard: Frostbitten...."Rekindling deals with fire and Velgrynd. Rimuru went through the Velgrynd situation with me as well. So Frostbitten and this being the timeline deals with me. But this only gives me a foreboding feeling."

Collective most began to surmise that this title was not one speaking of something simple but that the likely person involved is Velzard...and by proxy Guy.

Guy: "I don't like where this is going..."

The horrific sulfuric stench of rotting flesh and brimstone pierced my nose like a knife. It only took a moment for me to realize and recognize what I witnessed before me.

Collectively the eyes of everyone viewing widened as the start of this story was already off to a bad start.

I'm entirely incapable of throwing up but in this singular moment as another horrid stench of charred and burning flesh along with thioacetone flooded my nostrils I threw up. I had no clue a spiritual being let alone one like myself with no blood, bones, and organs could even be capable of such a thing.

Ramirus: How did a...

Ramirus looked around for answers but got it in the form of silence as everyone questioned how this could happen.

Veldora/Patrons: "Where am I at this moment? This doesn't feel right."

After a moment of silence they all looked back towards the screen and prepared for the worst..or so they thought

I had no choice but to cut off my own nose. I don't have the freedom to return to my slime form right now as I have to assess the true extent of the losses...

Lucia: I can't imagine how bad this smell must've been. I can understand why you cut off your nose.

Gazel/Elmesia: "I understand assessing the losses as a leader but why not return to your slime form to be more comfortable?"

Taking a minute I recomposed myself as I walked through the battlefield. Everywhere I looked I saw another unimaginable, atrocious, vile, or down right unimaginable sight. I saw corpses everywhere...

I saw humans, demons, angels, monsters...people dead all alike. A ruthless massacre. There was no prejudice in the target subjected to this horror. Everyone was killed equally and I had to be alive...The sole survivor to witness and experience the nightmares that come from seeing millions of people dead.

Everyone: Nightmares..."the title..."

Chloe: But who could've been capable to cause this much death and in such gruesome ways

Yuuki: He noted that he saw people of various races dead all alike, an equal slaughter. There isn't a single person who'd just do this especially seeing as angels and demons are both included.

Rudra: I agree on this stance so it was most likely a group effort. Still, to be able to cause this is terrifying and Rimuru said the Sole Survivor...

Most tried to ignore it but as Rudra mentioned the fact that Rimuru was the sole survivor they felt extremely anxious

I saw people burned to a crisp.

People gutted like a fish.

People hung by their own entrails.

People alchemically merged together suffering in unimaginable agony crying for death...but only receiving it by taking their own lives.

People with parts of their bodies entirely gone as if they had been erased.

Heads sticking out of other peoples bodies.

The more I walked the worse the sights got.

Many people had shields covering their eyes courtesy of Veldanava and Rimuru as they knew they couldn't handle the grotesque sights that grew worse and worse.

Testarossa: I even as a demon myself find this extremely hard to stomach.

Micheal: People were merged together and only died by...

Velzard: It's a horrible thought but we may have one answer from the people who had parts erased from their body. The only way to get a result like that is with-

She didn't have to finish the sentence as they all knew where it was going. Stardust and Nihilty an energy made of nothingness and the other of everythingness. An energy needed to be on that level to do this.

I began to panic. I can't even breathe yet I was hyperventilating. I was losing my mind as I walked further. I tried to claw my eyes out and tear off my own ears so I could ignore the screams from their souls as they shattered.

But I couldn't..

I tore my eyes out, I slashed them, I tried to close my eyes, I tried to cover them. All to fail miserably. I was cursed to see this sight. My sight could not be blocked, inhibited, or removed.

I ripped off my own ears in agonizing pain as my [Pain Resistance] skill was sealed. Ony for them to regrow instantly. I burst my eardrums, deactivated skills that make me hear, surrounded my ears in deafening sound bursts to block the noise. But these all came up not. No matter what I did I was forced to hear the screams and cries of those as they died.

Chloe: He can't take a look away or stop listening...."where am I? Sensei is in trouble and needs someone.."

Veldanava: These truly are horrid sounds to hear and sights to see. Being unable to prevent it and having your attempts made futile is enough to make most go insane.

Lucia: But how could his skills be sealed? He has Ciel... She should be able to prevent all of this easily. Him healing, being unable to stop seeing things, and being unable to stop listening.

It took a moment for everyone to realize what Lucia said was true. Rimuru has Ciel to help him if something happens and this is a situation she of all people would not hesitate to help him regardless of Rimuru's wishes. They looked to Ciel who wore a downtrodden look as she bit hard on her lip while Rimuru comforted her

I couldn't even hear Ciel. My eternal partner. The one person who never left me no matter what. The first company I had when I was all alone in the cave and losing my mind before I met Veldora.

Her voice couldn't reach me, not because I unconsciously ignored it...she wasn't there.

Everyone: Huh?

Disbelief filled everyone's mind as they learned Ciel wasn't there with Rimuru. They could only question what happened to cause this.

Micheal: That manas not being here doesn't bode well for the events to come.

Hinata: What do you mean? I understand this is bad but why does her not being there make it worse.

Luminous: It's because not only is Rimuru alone with no support. He has skills that cannot be controlled by normal people. Him included. This is reinforced by the fact that his tolerance was sealed. Meaning...

Velzard: Someone can interfere with his skills and Rimuru if he loses control will...

She didn't finish her sentence as it was clear what was meant

Ciel wasn't with me. I could feel my nonexistent heart beating harder and harder like a drum. With every passing millisecond, nanosecond, and every femtosecond. I was in a perpetual nightmare. I was unable to deactivate my [Thought Acceleration].

Every moment I failed to deactivate it the faster my thoughts went. And the longer I witnessed and experienced this hell.

Micheal: Here could be proof. He cannot deactivate his skill thought it could also be someone else is activating his skills

Veldora: But to add to it. His thoughts are growing faster and faster. Meaning he sees this sight for longer and longer every time his thoughts accelerate.

Finally I got some response but not one I wanted.

Collectively no one liked this line. He received a response but not one he wanted. They all began to ask what would Rimuru really not want to hear at a time like this or in general.

"AHHhhHHHHHHH!!" I screamed in pain a deathly loud deafening scream. I screamed like a primeval being unable to speak. I screamed so loud that my throat even failed to make noise as I convulsed in perpetual pain and agony.

'No,No,no,no,NO,NO!NO!!NO!!!!NOOO!!' I begged and cried, something I was once again incapable of doing and something I hadn't done since I took on Shizu's form and gained my memories of the timeline before this. I was losing my mind as I felt cracks form all over my soul

Cracks formed as every soul corridor I held was shattered and an influx of magicules and information flooded my mind and soul.

Those who were connected to Rimuru immediately knew why he was in this pain and the cause of it. Their faces grew dark as the realization came.

Velgrynd: "He cried after regaining his memories of the timeline he had with me...where I asked for him to make a perfect world."

Those who had yet to realize why Rimuru was screaming and panicking as he was were disturbed and uncomfortable as they saw Rimuru in this state. But then it hit them as Veldora spoke clearing the air for everyone

Veldora: Rimuru holds a soul corridor with us meaning when it breaks one person either severed it or it was forcefully severed and that person is dead...

Patrons: "That means.."

Geld: But he also can borrow our skills doesn't that mean

Micheal: His soul is acquiring every single one of your skills and he's in agony as it tries to mold the skills into itself but the broken corridors have left damage to his soul

The loss of thousands of soul corridors and the acquisition of thousands of skills being engraved into my soul without Ciel's assistance left me in perpetual agony. I was writhing in pain for what felt like an untold amount of megaannum and eons had passed before the pain started to subside.

Milim: Mom, dad...whats a megaannum?

Veldanava: 1 million years Milim

Lucia: come here Milim everything will be alright

Lucia comforted Milim as she began to cry seeing the pain and agony here bestie was in and knowing how long it had lasted

Feldway: I will give it to him. His willpower is absurd. Most would've, no everyone else likely would've died from the stress to there being mentally not even speaking on the spiritual level

Yuuki: Rimuru really was one not to give up, that is something you can always say he is the type that would rather die trying than give up

Elemesia: But this goes to show how dangerous having so many skills is or acquiring so many so fast.

I knew even without seeing myself I looked like a mess. This was made especially clear from the snickers I was hearing surrounding myself. I clawed at the dirt and mud as I pulled myself to my feet with every movement I made causing myself more and more of this agonizing and unbearable suffering.

I felt pins and needles seeping deeper and deeper into my flesh? I could feel my nose again..

'WHY DO I HAVE FLESH?! AND BLOOD? I'm a slime. I can only mimic not become.'

Velzard: This situation is only growing worse and worse. I thought I had prepared for the worse but how?

Micheal: How did that slime get a genuine human physical body? He's a slime as he said.

Benimaru: "Wait! If Rimuru-sama has a real human body and is feeling all the pain he normally shouldn't. Then the pain would be far beyond unimaginable as a human will clearly feel pain differently than a human-slime mimic."

Many were left questioning everything as it grew worse and worse.

I'm a spiritual being. I have no need for a body. I can live as long as my soul is stable. My thoughts became more and more chaotic as time passed slowly. I couldn't come up with any answers till I heard three notifications in my head that destroyed me.

[Acquired Ultimate Skill: God of Time Yog-Sothoth]

[Acquired Ultimate Skill: Lord of Chaos Nyarlathotep]

[Acquired Ultimate Skill: God of Flames Cthugha]

Chloe/Veldora/Velgrynd: "That's! Then I am dead too..."

Velzard: "Those skills remind me of-...VELGRYND! VELDORA! No please I know it's the past but they can't.."

'Vel-veldora? Chl-chloe..Velg-Vegr-Velgrynd?' No they can't, right?' I denied it adamantly as I began to sprint full speed through the field of corpses and over the lakes of blood.

"No...No...No~" I didn't want to believe it.

I couldn't believe it.

"Veldora. Chloe. Velgrynd." Before me I looked at the mutilated and rotting corpses of my first friend, my student, and the woman I promised a perfect life to in the last timeline.

Many winced at the scene before them and some looked at the screen in despair.

Geld: That looked like its real and caused by a skill somehow.

Diablo: As if they were alive but were rotting and eventually died.

Velzard: "I failed..My sibling I failed them...I-I~"

Her thoughts were cut off as her siblings hugged her tightly trying to keep Velzard calm. They didn't like seeing their own corpses but they hated the look on her face more.


They all stayed quiet as they heard the despair in Rimuru's voice as he screamed and begged for it to all be a lie and a prank on him.


"Velgrynd...PLEASE! Please you-you can't be dead...I promised you a perfect future. Please tell me this is a joke and a nightmare. Please tell me I didn't fail. Please tell me I did it and this is some sick joke between friends...." I got nothing, not a breath.

"That's right they wouldn't do this........" I sat and stared at the sky above. The sky wasn't blue anymore. It was red as blood filled the seas and the ground reflected into the sky. The sun was still sitting at the top of the sky. It was noon.

Many couldn't watch but forced themselves as they heard Rimuru's voice fall deeper and deeper before he recognized that his friends wouldn't do this to him.

Veldora: "I wouldn't ever do this to anyone. I'm glad he knows I wouldn't but I hate seeing my sworn brother like this."

Chloe: "I failed sensei and...."

Chloe began to cry before she was comforted by Luminous, Shizu, and Hinata.

Velgrynd: "Even after asking to be with Rudra...he still looks at me as a friend and felt like a failure seeing me dead...I would've rather he wished I was dead than this. Seeing him in despair like this doesn't feel right."

"R-Ri-Rimu-Rimuru..Over here.." I whipped my head around so fast I felt the bones in my neck shatter before instantly healing. The pain didn't even register in my head. I didn't have my resistance still but my tolerance had grown.

Many failed to recognize the voice but felt hopeful that they'd be able to support Rimuru.

Yuuki: He went through so much pain that he gained a natural tolerance unlike a skill. The sound of his neck shattering from the speed he whipped his head made my stomach churn. This whole thing makes me want to throw up....

Many agreed with Yuuki's words.

I looked away from the nightmarish state straight out of a horror movie made from some of my closest friends and saw a beautiful woman missing her left leg from the knee down while her right was broken in every direction imaginable.

Her once beautiful flawless perfectly manicured fingers were all broken and tied in knots, her chest had a large hole in it showing her spine which was snapped clean. Her guts and organs were jumbled up and spilling onto the ground. Large gashes, burns, and cuts could be seen on her body as I finally looked at her face.

It was Velzard.

Everyone: Oh dear god..."this was one of the worst ones yet and...shes still alive despite this."


Veldora screamed out as his haki flared up while he continued to comfort his sisters. He tried to stay calm and hold everything in as he held hope that it wouldn't be worse and kept telling himself that his family is fine but the sight of Velzard visage was the last straw. Her state made it clear whoever did this did everything methodically and intentionally.

Velgrynd and Velzard looked to Veldora curiously as they had seen him lose it with Rudra cheating but here it was entirely different Veldora refused to be patient anymore. He was trying to grow and become less impulsive but this sight prevented that.

Rimuru/Veldanava: Veldora. Calm down for a second. Soon you will know just borrow my favorite stress ball *pulls out a soul* It works like a charm, don't worry it'll make sense later. It won't break fully "we have a ton of duplicates of this soul to use after all*

Veldora glared at the two as he hesitantly took the soul and began to play with it after a bit he slowly calmed down and returned to his seat. He questioned whos soul it was.

Guy on the other hand felt nervous as he saw that soul. Diablo, Ciel, and Aza immediately recognized the soul for different reasons.

Her once clear porcelain white skin was now caked in a layer of dried blood and ash. Her intelligent beautiful blue now golden eyes were tired and lifeless. Her hair was still wet with blood as it stuck to her skin like she had just gotten out of the shower.

I ran to her quickly but I felt so slow as I approached her. She seemed so close yet so far, each step I took I felt further and further from her.

After what seemed like days I finally reached her side and tried to think of what to do as my hands frantically shook while I tried to think of what I could do.

Silvia: This thought acceleration issue is making everything much worse to witness for poor Rimuru

Elmesia: I agree with you on this one mother. The sights and the like are horrible but being forced to experience it for longer is far worse.

Testarossa: Lord Rimuru is moving his hands frantically as if he was trying to grasp the situation and what he could do but he ultimately realized unconsciously that he can't do anything here.

"I'm glad you're alive Rimuru." My eyes shot open as I looked at her in the eyes taken out of my trance.

"Velzard. I-I-"

"No need Rimuru. I'd comfort you more as friends should in their time of need but sadly I won't be able to-" Velzard wore a smile as she spoke looking at Rimuru with a relieved look. Her words were cut off as she coughed up a massive amount of punk, stomach bile, and other fluid.

Velzard: "I see we became close in this timeline. This reinforces my theory that this is between Rimuru and I. Well I can't begin to guess where this will go considering the events unfolding.

Ciel/Aza: Velzard you were truly a good friend here.

Lucia: I would have to agree. Even as you are dying you felt sad at being unable to help your friend get over this situation.

Women: "despite the state she is in for her friend she'd smile regardless"

Rimuru/Veldanava: "so signing my own death certificate for the interaction to come between me and him is a great feeling...not" *starts praying for there survival and that no frying pans come to use*

Asuryii: "I will pray for you both as well. But more so myself in hopes that if you do get attacked Aza doesn't decide she wants to hurt me again..."

"We tried to beat them but they were too much. I knew I should've trusted your pleas and warnings...But I blindly let my emotions cloud my judgment. I thought I could trust him...I loved him."

A seething rage built up inside of Rimuru as the words Velzard said finally registered in his mind. The memories of his warnings to Velzard and everyone about someone. With it came all the memories of the time Rimuru and Velzard spent talking casually as equals.

The whole room collectively realized who Velzard would be talking about but held out for a moment believing their colleague, friend, and rival couldn't do this. They remained calm as they were able to witness the heart warming interactions in Rimuru's memories of him and Velzard before that event.

'GUY!' Rimuru clenched his teeth as they shattered under the pressure, his mouth filling with blood as the shattered shards of his teeth shot through his mouth. He was filled with rage, contempt, fury, and and hatred. But he was brought back to reality as he felt a gentle, cold calming touch.

Everyone looked towards Guy at this confirmation with bloodshot eyes, while tears trickled slightly out of Velzard's eyes as she tried to deny that Guy would do this but she knew from Rimuru's face it happened. Veldora was the first to fly at Guy.

Veldora was on Guy in an instant before Guy could react as he began to mercilessly beat him. The frying pan gives men nightmares and terror but the beating Guy was receiving would've received pity from others if they saw not knowing the context, but here no one stopped as they watched Veldora basically tear Guy limb from limb.

After an untold amount of time Veldora spoke.

Veldora: Does this soul stress ball happen to be-

A small nod told Veldora everything he needed to know as he returned to his seat and began abusing the soul.

Many people wanted to follow suit and go after Guy for the situation he'd caused but prevented themselves as they decided for now Veldora's attack would be fine. Rimuru and Veldanava also handed Velgrynd, Milim, Lucia, and a few others some soul stress balls which they gladly accepted.

Yuuki: Can I mention the fact that Rimuru clenched his teeth so hard they shattered? *he looked around* nevermind I will stay quiet for now

He looked to Velzard as he healed she had her hand on his face. It was comforting despite the rock, cuts, and her mangled fingers. She wore an astonishingly soft yet saddened smile as her lips quivered. Tears filled the corners of her eyes threatening to fall to the ground but she didn't cry and spoke.

"It's ok Rimuru. I'm happy that you're alive, I wish you needn't see this but you have nonetheless. We have a chance to win. We may not be alive to see it but we can win. Please don't blame yourself. It'll be too bad we won't be able to talk again. I wish we could. Win for us. For me.." Her voice trailed off as she took her last breath, her comforting hand falling to the mud making a plop sound.

Many felt respect for Velzard as they watched her despite the state she was in comfort Rimuru and her intentions get through to him clearly.

Veldora: Rimuru Will win for you. For those he lost.

Shizu: That is something slime-san will always do. He'll do everything he can to honor his friends wishes.

Velgrynd: I know it sounds bad but I almost wish he hadn't had to see Velzard die in front of his eyes.

Dino: I can see why you'd say that. It'd be better if Rimuru hadn't seen her die, because watching the ones you care for die and be unable to act is far worse than knowing they died and that you couldn't do anything.

Dagurel: Both are still terrible things but...

Micheal: The slime's reaction will be the worst it can be now... he witnessed her death and saw everyone else die along with being entirely alone and feeling the agony of acquiring thousands of skills. He is-

Veldora: Most likely broken emotionally...he won't have a reaction anymore.

The little life left in his eyes entirely disappeared. Rimuru was all alone, left with nothing to do as he heard another notification.

[Skill Acquired Ultimate Skill: Divine Ice God Cthulhu]

Rimuru didn't even scream, beg, or cry. He was broken. He was simply a hollow shell of the man he used to be. He looked like Rimuru, but he was unmistakably a different person. He was a man who no longer had anything to protect.

'Velzard...You wanted to talk one last time right?'

Micheal: It's just like we thought. He is a broken man.

Veldora: We were right and I don't like it at all but his thought scares me.

Velzard: "No he wouldn't would he!?"

Diablo: I see that is his decision...

It took a moment but the 3 demonesses realized what Rimuru was intending to do along with a few others but they hoped they'd be wrong.

"I hereby decree a soul-annihilation contract. I Rimuru Tempest will slaughter the ones who caused this and torment their souls for all of eternity and after. I WILL KILL THEM ALL WITH MY BARE HANDS! I OFFER MY DRAGON CORE AND DRACONIC ESSENCE AS THE PRICE. GIVE ME STRENGTH! I WILL NOT STOP TILL THEY DIE BRUTALLY!! VELDANAVA I KNOW YOU HEARD ME! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE ME EVERYTHING!"

Black Numbers: "he went and did it..."

Rudra: Well it was certain before but it's confirmed now. RIP Guy.

Milim: Is my bestie going to die now..

Veldanava: No Milim, he won't but if he fails to fulfill his contract he will.

Micheal: He truly went and declared a forbidden contract. Considering his strength and value to the world, he can receive an absurd boost in strength if it's accepted.

Veldora: It's considered forbidden to name primordials but this is

Rimuru: The most taboo action in all of creation. To the point that knowing of it almost locks you into a contract preventing you from sharing the details of it.

Velzard: "Why would he go so far for me?"

Hinata: Why did he offer his dragon core and essence?

Veldanava: To increase the chances of the contract being accepted and to further boost his strength. His commission to the voice of the world just as any comes with a price.

Ciel: To gain an ultimate skill your price may be the sacrificing of other skills, in this regard the sacrifice of his draconic nature is his sacrifice for strength.

Velgrynd: But the limitations he'd have after this make it clear he has no intentions of losing at any cost. Though his evolution in itself is a large risk.

Aza: Because Ciel won't protect him or speed up the process. "Well he'll be fine regardless"

Guy: "He said give me everything pfft"

Screaming into the world Rimuru called upon the VOTW and Veldanava's spirit. He stood there silent for a second as he stared irefully at the skies above almost as if he was looking at someone.

[Contract with individual Rimuru Tempest has been accepted. Failure to complete results in annihilation of the individual's soul. Individual Rimuru Tempest will undergo evolution.]

As the VOTW spoke a demonic smirk filled Rimuru's features. A surge of strength flooded Rimuru's body at a level incomparable to the flood of skills and magicules he received as the strength of those he was connected to came to him.

Everyone: "his contract was accepted."

A chill ran up many peoples spine as they saw the smirk on Rimuru's face and at hearing the depth of the strength he would receive as it was compared to the acquisition of thousands of skills before.

Rimuru: So that's what I looked like...Hmm.

Aza: I am very proud of that smirk. Aza seal of approval. Learn how to do it on command. I wanna see you smirk at me like that in bed.

Veldanava: "She really is insane. She wants to see that smirk while having sex...ehhh..."

Women: "shameless but I may have to agree it's kind of hot in a sense."

Yuuki: The look in his eyes as he stared into the sky before his contract was accepted was perturbing. He looked like an anime villain staring at the hero with jealousy as they seduced the woman they loved.

Many people groaned after they heard Yuuki, though a few nodded in acknowledgement as they saw it too.

[Use Skills: God of Void, Azathoth| God of Time Yog-Sothoth]



As his skills began to activate forcefully by the VOTW Rimuru saw his future targets appear instantly on the scene.

Many began to sit up in their seats as they focused intensely on the screen looking to see Rimuru's targets and who caused that horror.

'Feldway, Ivarage seems he took Yuuki's body...Guy. I swear I will slaughter everyone of you soon enough. Just you wait. Especially you Guy. You're irredeemable scum who I'll personally torture, I look forward to it. Cheating, manipulating Velzard, betrayal, and a cause of the deaths of all my friends and subordinates. Your death will not be painless!'

As the three individuals reached out for Rimuru in a rage he merely looked at them with a vile grin and a gaze flooded with bloodlust and hatred yet seemingly so calm before he warped away Azathoth running rampant devouring everything in its path.

Yuuki: I want to clear it up first. He took my body, so it's not me. Now go on freely.

Veldanava: "Sometimes I wonder why I ever treated Feldway as I did. Maybe I should've denied all his requests or killed him myself."

Veldora/Velgrynd: Cheating, manipulating Velzard, and betrayal....I knew I never liked that damn red demon. Don't think you'll be let off easily. Revel in your peace right now, cause later I will kill you myself. THIS I Swear.

Octagram-Guy: "I want to deny that he'd do this but then again we know a different man. He is like our leader in a sense but even as demon lords we don't act like this. We mediate the world, we don't pointlessly slaughter and manipulate others."

Yuuki: "Just realized man took a typical cliche demon lord route here. He was vile and irredeemable, nothing like how demon lords in the Cardinal World are. Subverting typical cliches"

Velzard: "So this is what Rimuru meant by trusting him in the wrong timelines and the results to my foreboding feeling. I want to react to this and go after Guy but I can't bring myself to do it. I will sort out my feelings and act later."

Ramirus: Rimuru messed with time so where is he?

Lucia: You bring up a good point where he would go as he warped away while Azathoth ate every in its path.

'The void again I see... Though it's not the end of space and time...Nothing exists yet! Not even Veldanava. It would appear my evolution will need a lot of time.'

Many: You're far too calm at being sent to the void...

Feldway: Wait! He said he went back in time to before everything including Lord Veldanava existed.

Micheal: Feldway we shouldn't be surprised to look at his reaction. He said his evolution will need a lot of time. He wouldn't have that in the Cardinal World, look at how fast his targets arrived.

Diablo: Of course the void would be nothing to Rimuru-sama. He, if anything, looks almost right at home relaxing comfortably.

Rimuru: "I want to refute but he's not wrong. My connection to Nihilty and the void makes me comfortable in it, but I prefer The Outside. Aza like the void. Though The Beyond is nice too, and outside The Box"

Veldanava: "He is the only one who could find that boring and chaotic void comfortable."

Aza: Reminds me, Rimuru. Next time we take a trip I want to visit the void for a bit

Rimuru: Sure Aza.

Everyone: "He accepted no questions asked."

Men: "He doesn't want to get dragged"

Veldanava: "he agreed to avoid the frying pan"

Asuryii: "His answer and reaction is very understandable. I'd rather be in the void than deal with the frying pan"

Rimuru calmly accepted the evolutionary sleep, closing his eyes. He fell into near unconsciousness but remained awake using nihilistic energy to cut small markings into his skin counting the seconds.

Soon he roused to wake and felt the markings lining his hand.

'21,002,976,000 seconds have passed. Roughly 666 years. The number of the beast. How ironic. The other meaning behind the name Rimuru in japanese. I want to analyze myself but my analytical abilities are subpar at best. I suppose since I can control my skill now [Thought Acceleration] and [Imaginary Space] to the extreme it is.'

Chloe: Sensei's evolution took almost 700 years to complete.

Diablo: Not to mention he stayed near conscious and was able to tell time in a void where time has yet to exist.

Hakuro: Since he wasn't fully awake making small markings invisible to the naked eye on his hand was a smart decision.

Hinata: So he counted for 666 years and made 21 billion absurdly small markings on his hand.

Elmesia: He must've kept track for an important reason otherwise I can't see the need to know

Yuuki: So we going to ignore his statement about having subpar analytical abilities

Ciel: He compares his analytical prowess to me.

Everyone: "That's clearly a losing battle, and a terrible idea."

Velgrynd: What is Rimuru's definition of extreme exactly?

Velzard: I will be honest in saying I don't think I want to know.

Many shared this notion.

Veldora: "That was a meaning behind the name I gave Rimuru. The number of the beast huh"

In an instant Rimuru appeared in his imaginary space. An unfathomable infinite dimension that was absolutely flooded with nihility and the bodies/souls of his friends. Before he did anything he walked to the rows of corpses giving a small prayer for them all before he fixed every single deformity, cut, bruise, and injury. After many years they all looked just like they had before he was sent to the end of space and time by Feldway.

Most: I know I am not alone when I say this. Thank you for what you did for our bodies and making use look respectable in our eternal slumber

Rimuru: Don't mention it. I just did as I wanted.

"I wonder when Ciel will be back...I still haven't heard from her or felt a stur. As much as I want to think about it I need to work. Veldanava still hasn't been born as the spirits have yet to come to existence. I have no idea when he'll start to exist but I need to work fast. So a million years per second. Time may not exist but I can still count since I imagine the concept of time. Now it's time to relive some trauma I suppose.'

Velzard: Rimuru. Why was a million years per second your first thought? I know you said your analytical skills aren't the best but why?

Micheal: Can't you just use [analytical appraisal]?

Rimuru: Best to just wait. You'll know. Also to answer your question Velzard, I also acknowledged that a nearly 700 year evolutionary sleep would more than likely entail an absurd amount of things to analyze.

Testarossa: He does bring up a good point. That long of an evolutionary sleep should entail unfathomable changes.

Women: "Why is Rimuru blurry like Aza was?"

Asuryii: To clear something up. You will only perceive Rimuru as his looks are shared. Whether that be due to another person telling him or narration. Sorry. Aza ordered me.

Aza: This I did. I want to see you all squirm in hopes of witnessing his looks.

Ciel: "She really is sadistic, but I certainly find the reactions they will hold interesting as they overflow with anticipation."

Most decided to not say anything about why Ciel hadn't done anything for fear she'd kill them but they all did question what happened. Though the final bit of Rimuru's thoughts about trauma left a deep impression on everyone. It was made clear that he was slightly traumatized with the idea of accelerated thoughts from this situation

Rimuru looked to his side and saw Velzard's corpse no longer bloodied and battle torn. He felt his heart stir a bit but he looked away quickly as he felt unworthy to even be in the same space as her.

In an instant he manipulated the imaginary space to make a beautiful resting place where he laid the bodies of his friends and subordinates. In the center was Velzard. She was surrounded by a plethora of white flowers and a small replica of the things he and her crafted together on one of the many days they merely hung out as friends.

Everyone was given a beautiful resting place but Velzard stook out the most as it sat in the center of the room. He had no clue why he placed her in the center but it just felt right.

Velgrynd: Looks like he feels something for you sister."I already saw my reality. I will cheer you on in yours and I hope this changes the atmosphere. It is quite dreary. "

Veldora: This I also support. If my sworn brother ever decided to take care of my sisters I would support it immediately. "He is far, far better than their current partners anyway. But Masayuki isn't bad, just Rudra but Masayuki is his reincarnation..."

Lucia: "With how things are will he have kids with Velzard since I doubt we'd watch the version of this timeline where Velzard asks to be with Guy. That would piss me off."

Diablo: "Rimuru-sama truly did an amazing job fashioning our resting places. Truly goes to show how he thinks of and knows everyone of his friends and subordinates."

Adalman: "My god made me a burial. I can die happily. Truly an honor to be given that privilege."

Benimaru: "So this is what he would do if he had the time to honor the dead. He would give them the best burial they could receive and give them an eternal resting place undisturbed by any." *a saddened smile crossed his face at this realization*

Velzard: Rimuru you're not unworthy to be near me or anyone.

Ultima/Carrera: She's right if anything its people are unworthy to be near you

Rimuru: Thank you for your words, just at the time I couldn't bring myself to be close to you all I felt as if I'd failed everyone.

You didn't fail was a thought that crossed everyone's mind but none felt able to say it. They wanted to but couldn't bring themselves to, it felt wrong to despite it being the best thing to say. It was the right words you didn't fail but as everyone thought to say it they felt it'd be wrong they couldn't know how to say it to comfort him.

Veldanava: "I suppose they will see the method of getting through to Rimuru. It may not seem like the right thing to do but in the end it was."

Exiting the building Rimuru stepped back out into the infinite bleak and boring expanse of pitch black. He could still see the building no matter how far he went away but he didn't care.

"It will take me forever to analyze anything so [Thought Acceleration] to the max it is."

His thoughts were accelerated by a degree of one quadrillion times. Every second was perceived and acted in a billion times longer than normal but to add to the imaginary space's flow of time. For Rimuru 31,556,952,000,000 seconds would pass before 1 would pass on the outside theoretically but he perceived this on the scale of femtoseconds. A quadrillions moments would pass before 1 of those 31,556,952,000,000 seconds ever passed.

3.1556952e+28 moments would pass for him before a single second could pass outside. Over 31 octillion moments will pass for each second.

Everyone: Rimuru no matter how bad or mediocre someone is or you believe yourself to be. That is absurd.

Velzard: Not to mention extremely unproductive for your mental state. Please think more selfishly.

Rimuru: I will keep this in mind "Aza and Ciel already drilled this into me for the last few eons."

This seemingly and genuinely unfathomable amount of time set for a single second to theoretically pass made everyone shiver. As many looked to Veldanava as if asking how long till the Cardinal World exists at this rate. He got the message.

Veldanava: Don't ask how long it'll take for the Cardinal World to exist theoretically. Especially not taking in account the timescale Rimuru was existing at. "I don't want to fathom that number."

Rimuru: "I refuse to think about the scale of that number for my own sanity"

Ciel: Don't even ask me. I play with logic and calculations. I can do it but I don't like calculating infinities. "I'd rather witness the Cardinal World's collapse again than think of that number..."

Everyone shut up as Ciel straight up said it was not something she'd even try to answer.

Time quickly passed by as Rimuru analyzed himself and the state he was in till he finally got some answer and felt immense hope and relief for a moment.

<<Yo. Rimuru it's nice to finally communicate with you.>> A clear calm voice filled Rimuru's head. For a moment he thought Ciel was back but upon the quick realization that she wasn't his mood went sour.

Everyone immediately realized whose voice it was, but also felt saddened at the hope that was quickly and vehemently destroyed when Rimuru learned it wasn't Ciel.

<You're not Ciel...Get the fuck out of my head> Rimuru had lost his focus as the voice came into his mind and knowing it wasn't Ciel just added to the negative mood in him brewing up.

Micheal: "Wow he is in an extremely bad mood, not that it isn't difficult to understand why."

Feldway: "this slime dares be rude to Veldanava-sama..." ←(giga simp mode activated)

Diablo: "Someone dares to talk down on Rimuru-sama" ←(Giga Rimuru Simp radar alert)

Rimuru/Veldanava: "I feel like Diablo/Feldway is going to do something. Well if not now they will later..."

"Obviously I'm not Ciel. Ciel is a woman. I am a man. Well I should introduce myself formally. I'm the Manas: Velda nice to meet you Rimuru" Rimuru looked up realizing the voice wasn't in his head and saw a androgynous male with blue eyes and black hair filled with stars. He also had small black horns at the top of his head.

It was clear as he looked at the figured who it was and to add to it what he said his name was.

"Veldanava you should be dead. Well technically the you who you obviously are is dead. The new/old you isn't alive yet. Would you kindly leave me alone now. I have better things to focus on than dealing with your antics." Rimuru coldly looked away from Veldanava and focused back on his analysis.

Micheal: Shouldn't you at least be more respectful to him considering he is your only company and the creator.

Veldanava: No, his reaction is totally understandable. If anything even if he was harsher it'd be fine. "Hope this lessens later reactions"

Feldway: ←(waste of time to read his thoughts...Simple he is being a GIGA SIMP)

Veldora: He really told you off with no hesitation elder brother "I see a plot twist coming"

Velzard: "Why does the look on Elder brother's face remind me of when he was scheming?"

Lucia: "My idiotic Velda senses are tingling. Velda did something and he looks like he's about to shit bricks, though I did witness him signing his own death certificate with Rimuru so they both did something...FRYING PAN IT IS!"

Velgrynd: "I don't see this ending well. His body language at the moment and my instincts are telling me that this is going to be a nightmare or a massive misunderstanding."

Chloe: "Sensei here really is different, but given what he went through it makes sense. No one can see that sight and remain the same."

"It was your fault."

"I am aware. No need to tell me the obvious, can you leave now. It's clear you're only here to irritate and annoy me."

"Fine. I'll be visiting Velza-" A blade whizzed towards Veldanava stopping mere inches from his throat.

Rudra: This is not going how I expected..

Benimaru: "I can see this going one of two ways. As a man I see it. Either 1 will die or they become lifelong friends."

Feldway: Looks like a chance to finally see proof that Lord Veldanava is better than your slime.

Patrons: "So you have chosen death. Again."

Yuuki: This is some juicy drama. Rimuru do you happen to have this in a manga format?

Rimuru: No... I don't.

Asuryii: I do! But you need Aza's permission to view it. "I will not risk this. I like, no tolerate living but suffering is not on my agenda"

Velzard and Velgrynd looked to the other with a knowing look on their faces that said remaining calm and watching this proceed is better than reacting no and making a scene.

Milim: Dad I don't like what you said to my bestie at all..

Lucia: I really hope this ends well Velda for your sake. "My frying pan is getting a little lonely, and an unruly husband seems to be on its itinerary of use."

"You don't get to tell me it's my fault and then act as if you have the right to even visit the dead. You abandoned them. You refused to revive yourself. YOU don't get clearance." Rimuru glared at Veldanava as he spoke in a cold callus voice.

"You talk as if you deserve to see them if I can't."

"I'm not. They are resting peacefully and beautifully. I won't be visiting them as I don't deserve to. I failed them. I won't sully their rest by bothering them. BUT you don't get to do so either. Then to add to it, if you're in MY imaginary space that makes you MY manas. You don't get to do anything without MY permission." Rimuru's cold lifeless eyes narrowed and glared at Veldanava sharply.

Lucia: Well there is a big difference. Velda is a manas but here Rimuru is not giving him a chance at all.

Feldway: "Lord Veldanava could've returned at any time. But he refused."

Elemesia: You can see how much that affected him based on how he isn't bothering to give Veldanava a chance

Gazel: It almost feels weird to see my junior emphasizing the word 'My'

Veldora/Velzard/Velgrynd: "I only see this going much much worse from here."

"Hmm? You seem to treat me differently from how you'd treat Ciel. I don't see what I did wrong to be treated this way."

Ciel: Obviously I am superior, no one will be treated like me.

Everyone: "She really..can't even say she's arrogant."

Aza: Ciel-chan he meant on the fact he's a manas like you and Rimuru isn't giving him the time of day

Ciel: I am very aware. I just meant in general.

Classic Ciel

"You're funny. You die and refuse to revive leaving your sisters, brother, and daughters alone. You cause them constant grief and pain by being forced to remember you being taken away from them. You could revive but you don't. You put your family through a hell you had a hand in making. I-

"You failed. Rimuru you failed. You made a promise to Velgrynd to make her a perfect world. Now she's dead. You promised before to help Velzard with anything she needs, now she's dead. You promised Veldora you'd have each other's back yet he's dead and you're alive. You and Milim said you'd protect each other yet she's dead."

Rimuru clenched his teeth as he held his tongue trying to avoid causing trouble.

Velzard: Why are you both laying into each other so hard? You have no one else to keep you company for who knows how long. I can only see this as you being instigators trying to cause a rye.

Lucia: "Why despite the words being said does Velda look happy? It's almost as if a deep seated wish of his came true."

Feldway: But Lord Veldanava isn't wrong. It is the slime's fault. He did fail.

Micheal/Rudra: "Probably shouldn't have said that."

Aza: I don't care what the situation is but you a pathetic angel DON'T get to talk about Rimuru that way! You're such a failure to your own lord you tried to destroy everything he loved. To Talk about failure is a subject you have no speaking privilege. I'll inla-

Rimuru calmly placed his hand on Aza's shoulder and forced her to sit down, simply shaking his head. He knew what would come and her reacting here is giving Feldway what he wants

Veldanava: "She's not wrong" hah...

Gazel/Elemesia: "with the way this is proceeding I can only see a physical altercation, but it looks like Veldanava wants that and Rimuru knows it."

"Rimuru. You have been analyzing your own skill for centuries yet you don't know the first thing about most of them. Face it without Ciel you are nothing."

"You're right I am nothing. But you are less than nothing. I at least have the determination to try while you gave up. You're the god of creation right? But all I see is a pathetic sorry excuse of a man who can't help but blame others for the misgivings he caused."

Diablo: So bird how does it feel to have your lord being put down by mine? ←(trying to cause problems)

Feldway: How does it feel to know your lord is nothing without his Manas? ←(fell for it too hard)

Ciel: You can all think what you want, but don't dare say Rimuru is nothing. If he is nothing then you don't even exist let alone deserve to have existed. You make all Primordial Angels look disgusting and vile. Be thankful some of the other Primordial Angels make a good rep for you all. Otherwise of the Primordials you'd be a laughing stock more than you already are.

Patrons: I won't stand idly as Rimuru-sama is insulted by a dead angel, who failed miserably in his duties

Rimuru: Everyone sit down. Just wait till the end, I would rather not delay this longer than it will already be. I want to get to the good part.

Reluctantly everyone sat down not wishing to trouble Rimuru.

Rimuru: Hey Velda once this is over can you handle that angel before I do it myself, just as I will with Guy.

Veldanava: I may not need to but it's a fair trade. In return don't let Aza or Ciel come after me

Rimuru: deal. They wouldn't anyway as they understand the context.

Aza: Wait Rimuru I thought I got to deal with the red demon.

Rimuru: Right, I said that. Sure you can.

Aza immediately celebrated while Guy just said oh shit and everyone else looked at this interaction wide eyed questioning how this will end and where this is going but more so what is the context

Veldanava opened his mouth to speak but before he could Rimuru's blade pressed against his throat as Rimuru spoke again.

"Furthermore YOU don't get to speak her name. You were born with all the power you could ever need to assure the safety and happiness of your family and friends. But what'd you do? Got rid of it all. Ever heard of sealing your skills rather than getting rid of them. You had every skill yet you couldn't make a copy of them with Shubb-Nigurrath. I want to respect you as someone my dearest friends respect but I can't. Especially since that pig Guy and Feldway want to risk everything to bring your sorry ass back. It's funny they don't even realize you refused to be revived."

Many began to realize that this conversation was starting to draw closer and closer to the possibility of the two fighting. Some wanted to see it while most hoped for things to not devolve to that.

Velzard: "I wish they'd have a better conversation but the points they mention are valid and have underlying truth to them. Just where could this go and why do I feel slightly irritated thinking of where it may end up?"

Velgrynd: "Rimuru seems really protective of Velzard here but he hadn't even realized he loved her consciously yet."

Lucia: Velda you two really have a weird relationship ←(finally realized what is happening)

Veldanava/Rimuru: It's not weird, it makes total sense. We're men. ←(Men. We don't know what we did.)

Ciel/Aza: "Why are you both acting clueless? You know your relationship is weird to outside perspective without all the details."

Veldora: They almost talk like really good friends who know how to get answers and the truth out of the other.

Everyone: "How'd you get this conclusion?"

Rimuru: "He's not off."

Veldanava: "He's a little confused but he's getting there."

"Finally expressing your own thoughts I see. Good we shouldn't hold back. A relationship like this suits the 2 of us. No hesitation to call the other out on their misgivings and failures. But you're right I didn't expect Guy to turn out like this. Feldway is a disappointment but I can't say it's a surprise. Guy on the otherhand-"

"Killed Velzard, and her siblings in front of her. Oh wait in all your infinite knowledge you didn't figure that out didn't you. Your face says it all. Truly sad...pathetic." Rimuru scoffed as he withdrew his blade from Veldanavas throat and went back to analyzing something.

Velzard: He what? I heard that wrong, right?

Velgrynd: This damn red demon!

Veldora: That's it. He's dead.

Lucia: That' didn't you know Velda?

Veldanava: It'll be said.

Octagram-Guy: "That's horrible. He did that to Velzard and made her watch her siblings die."

Everyone was left feeling disgusted since it was clear despite the complicated relationship between the true dragons, they all held each other near and dear and loved their siblings regardless of their differences.

Guy: "What was the other me thinking? I am seriously going to die because of him"

Rudra: "Well I can guess Guy's thoughts based on his face. He too will now feel my moral dilemma, it feels nice seeing another person subject to it" ←(starting to realize the truth)

Pri Demons-Guy: "I suppose the power got to his head."

Diablo: Well my old rival its seems we may soon say goodbye "For the pain you caused my lord I will hold no bars in reveling in your death"

"I didn't know that. That is correct. I hadn't seen that part of your memories yet. I have only seen till you are sent to the end of space and time."

"Good luck you have millions of years of shit to look through, even though nothing happened."

"I can help you. And I can bring back Ciel."

Many after hearing this felt relieved while some could tell that there was more to it.

Milim: That's good news dad you can bring back besties partner.

Lucia: You're right Milim it is good news. "But it's clear there is more to it."

Testarossa/Diablo: "There is a clear caveat here. The question is what is it?"

Hakuroe: Their interaction seems to be toning down now since they appeared to have reached a type of common ground.

Micheal: It seems to be so, but I see the conversation devolving again. "Lord Veldanava clearly has a price for this action."

Elmesia/Gazel: "Nothing comes for free. What's his price?"

"Great, what's the catch? You're no saint at all. You are seen as holy yet you're demonic too."

"Become the Supreme Deity. As of now you are not strong enough yet. And bring my soul back here after we die."

"By we you mean you and Lucia. Haah. You're asking demands of me. When you're a skill. Ciel was my partner. YOU are a skill. A skill doesn't make demands of its master and wielder."

Lucia: Velda what is the purpose of having Rimuru pick up our souls?

Veldanava: There are many reasons behind it, which you will see soon if you continue to watch.

Velzard: You really appeared to have annoyed Rimuru elder brother. He refuses to look at you as a person as he did with Ciel. "Rimuru Is clearly not in the best emotional state so this interaction with Veldanava probably didn't make him the happiest since he was trying to analyze himself. But the purpose of taking their souls I can only see it as a means to prevent certain future accords but what change would it make. Feldway would still try to revive him."

Velgrynd: "I feel this request has nothing to do with Feldway but more so Elder brother being lazy..."

Aza: You really did catch Rimuru at a bad time though. I think he would've treated anyone similarly. I mean any manas. Since he was hoping for Ceil to be there for him, I can only assume even if it was me. He'd speak similarly.

Everyone: "She can actually think logically. They were serious, I just thought she was horny all the time."

Aza: But I'd fix it by fu-

Ciel: Shut up Aza. Time and place please.

Everyone: "Nevermind she's always horny."

Lucia: Rimuru never saw Ciel-chan as a skill but Velda you were instantly 'Just a skill', I don't see how you guys are so close if your first interaction is like that.

Men: "Male relationships often are like this. Go from trying to kill each other to sitting at a bar"

Asuryii: "They're not wrong so them accidentally saying the future isn't a surprise."

"You are right on all of that. I am a skill. I am asking you to bring mine and Lucias souls here after we die. This is true I am a skill demanding of its master.

Even having a human form to converse with you didn't crack your hard shell. This is a saddening day." Veldanava proceeded to fake cry hoping to incite a reaction out of Rimuru but he got no response.

Rimuru: Yeah sorry Velda you really wouldn't get anything out of me with that display at any point in time

Veldanava: Very aware you don't have to kick a man while he's down

Everyone: "You're down? How?"

Luminous: So you took on a human form in hopes it'd get through to Rimuru?

Veldanava: yes and no. I did because I was forced to since he said to get out of his head and because it was the easiest form to communicate with him in and hopefully get through his thick shell.

Rudra: Why did you easily accept that you were just a skill?

Veldanava: Simple because I was just that, a skill and he was the possessor of my skill. I could argue with him but at the end of the day it's an uphilling battle and pointless. If I force him to see me as not a skill then it'll work backwards.

Yuuki: That oddly makes sense. It's like when the villain begins to see the error in his ways but only because they learn it on there own and it isn't forced on them

Shizu: Yuuki you just implied in that comparison that slime-san is the villain

"You haven't done anything for me to see you as anything other than an arrogant skill with an ego. Ciel was solace and my pillar of support when I was alone in the dark. You on the other hand show up after so long and demand to be treated on her level. That's a really funny joke. Really funny sparkly lizard."

"Wow...I never expected to get this treatment...This is new. Sparkly Lizard huh? Are you treating me how Twilight's daughter treats Veldora?" Veldanava chuckled a little, finding this conversation entertaining as no one ever dared to trash him like this since he was the strongest being alive and god at one point.

"You're right. I'm treating you how Luminous treats Veldora. Your a fucking annoyance. Nothing more nothing less. Since you appeared in my imaginary space you've done nothing but bother me. As far as I'm concerned all you've done is be a pest. You interrupt me, demand stuff from me, and have the gall to pretend you're some self righteous hero.

Luminous: pffttttt sparkly lizard hahah. Good one Rimuru. Exactly how we treat lizards. I approve

Lucia: "He did it! Rimuru really did it. I see why they are so close now. Rimuru doesn't hesitate to tell Velda off and can relate to him. I get his actions now. He is going to force Rimuru to share his feelings so he can acknowledge them."

Hinata: Wow he really called the god of creation a pest and a sparkly lizard

Chloe: But sensei also did say why he won't see Veldanava as a person and not a skill. He hasn't done anything to make sensei care all he did was annoy him

Velgrynd: This conversation is-

Velzard/Michael/Diablo: Going to devolve again

Guy: "This shit is interesting. I may die after this but seeing the biggest headache and the one who made me a mediator argue is entertaining."

Rudra: He really holds no bars with Veldanava-sensei


Rimuru/Veldanava/Ciel: Sit the fuck down.

Rimuru/Ciel: "Damn annoying ass angel"

Veldanava: "This is absurdly embarrassing. I look like a failure as a leader."

Testarossa: "That should teach him. He was told to cut it out by his own lord."

DON'T FUCK WITH ME LIZARD! YOU ABANDONED YOUR JOB, FAMILY, AND REFUSED A CHANCE TO COME BACK AND MAKE THEM HAPPY! You don't get to judge me." Rimuru entirely stopped focusing on his analysis again as he grabbed Veldanava by the collar with rage seeping out of every fiber of his being.

"Go ahead, get everything out of your system. I have no intentions or ability to oppose you. You despite not knowing I was with you for a while now entirely denied a manas access to its host." Veldanava merely looked at Rimuru in the eyes with a smile that brought back a surge of memories in Rimuru. devolved again.

Guy: I'm going to need popcorn. This is too entertaining.

Rudra/Yuuki: Bad time to say it but me as well.

Lucia/Shizu: Are you serious?

Micheal: He denied a Manas access to its host. Something that basically manages skills as its original purpose, and needs access to the hosts skills

Aza: Better to not question it.

Deeno: Rimuru really isn't holding back against Lord Veldanava

Velzard: No, neither of them really are, but my elder brother's words confuse me.

Velgrynd: You mean the part of him not intending to oppose Rimuru

Zegion: He intended to accept any harm Lord Rimuru caused to him willingly

Veldora: What is this surge of memories about? Is my sworn brother going to break down?

Most looked to Veldora perplexed as they had let the last bit fly over there heads as they were more focused on the moments before.

"Looks like you aren't as strong as you perceive yourself to be. Do the strong cry?"

Rimuru released Veldanava and felt his face where he touched warm tears falling down his face.

"Why am I crying? It doesn't matter. I'm not going to take it out on you. If I did, then you win. I refuse to let you win." Rimuru stood still looking at his hand as the tears falling down onto it slowly trickled down off his hand.

He's crying...

Patrons: "we hav-"

Rimuru: None of you failed me. I can see the looks on your faces. Don't blame yourselves.

Veldanava: Like you're one to talk

Rimuru: I can say the same to you

Veldora: Being strong does not mean one cannot cry. The truly strong are those able to cry and share how they feel.


Velzard: He stole the words before I could even think of them.

Luminous: "Who the fuck is that? WHERE IS THE IMPULSIVE WIND LIZARD?!"

Everyone: "But he has a point. Veldora just gave a philosophy lesson."

Veldora: What? This is normal of me. ←(sacred Texts)

Everyone: "No. No, it's not."

"No you're wrong. I already won. I really didn't want to get my ass beat. I needed you to be vulnerable and say what you wanted to say. Though it didn't come about anyway I expected. I never imagined you'd see my smile and think of a compliment you received on your own smile from Velzard.

Maybe that's why you're so defensive of her and you seem to unconsciously prioritize her peace over others. Though I also think being a manas doesn't help since your partner isn't here." Veldanava awkwardly scratched the side of his face realizing how bad this looks from Rimuru's perspective.

Lucia: You just now realized that Velda.. Haiyaaaa "Frying pan it is. He needs more common sense."

Velzard: You thought of a compliment I gave you.. ←(we found it boys. EMBARRASSED VELZARD)

Velgrynd: "Heh she's embarrassed. But elder brother really should've realized that earlier."

Elemesia: He did say a valid point. Him being a manas doesn't help the situation since Rimuru can't hear Ciel.

Micheal: Bad timing, but also perfect timing.

Diablo/Rudra: He said it. He really didn't want to get his ass beat.

Benimaru: But he would've took it.

Veldanava: Hell no. I'd fight back.

Rimuru: You better. I don't want to get charged with bullying the elderly.

Veldanava: Elderly?! If we count everything YOU'RE OLDER THAN ME!

Rimuru: And yet ask anyone and they'd say I'm younger.

Women: "Men....."

Lucia/Ciel/Aza: Rimuru/Velda!

Rimuru/Veldanava: YES MA'AM!

Asuryii: Well let's move on..."scary. Women, scary." ←(fearing for his life)

"Hah. Funny real funny. Don't act all awkward, you already annoyed me to no end being a manas asking for authority and status like Ciel. But with Velzard I don't have a clue what you're referring to. I have Ciel al-"

"You're in love with Velzard. But she was in love with Guy.

He didn't realize?

Ciel: Rimuru was denying it subconsciously. Didn't feel he was worthy of her, and decided to use me as an excuse.

Rimuru: Sorry Ciel, but I did already have you so it wasn't a lie.

Asuryii: Can we go on? We cut the line early, there is still a lot more.

Aza: Don't push your luck. But good point moving on

Asuryii: "I have 0 authority here..."

You supported her and tried to get her to realize and admit her feelings. You felt conflicted but still helped her. She finally admitted she was in love with Guy but only to you. The situation she said it in wasn't one you wanted to see and she alluded to the possibility of no longer loving him. This you subconsciously realized but consciously failed to realize. Then to add salt to your wound she wished to be together with you one last time before she died in front of your eyes.

Dagurel: So he does love her, he is just trying to deny it.

Deeno/Luminous: seems like it.

Hakuroe: Love is a really complicated subject to speak about

Ramirus: It seems Velzard words hit him very deeply but they went so deep that he couldn't realize it consciously

Everyone: "First smart Veldora and now smart Ramirus. Is she going to become like her supposed true form?"

You got the skills and strengths of every person you were connected to and they were connected to. Velzard, Velgrynd, Veldora, Chloe, Luminous, Milim, and so much more. Your soul was cracked all over nearly shattered but [Magicule Breeder Reactor] kept you alive and strengthened your soul with stardust.

Then to add to it you made a pact with the VOTW with your soul as the stake and your draconic essence and core as the price. This seemingly dumb pact actually helped you, and gave you me. Well your dear Manas Ciel already had nabbed my digital code and the advent of your transference to the past awoke me.

Veldora: sounds like something Ciel would do

Milim: Dad, are you meaning to say my skill saved Bestie's life?

Veldanava: You can say that. It prevented him from dying but at the same time it prevented him from dying if that makes sense.

Most: "He means even if he wanted to die the skill wasn't letting him. He was forced to suffer and he could've died after had he not made the contract"

Guy: Do I even want to know how strong this headache inducing slime is now?

Deeno: "The stronger Rimuru is the less work I have to do!" Rimuru please become stronger, so I can work less.

Aza: I respect that he has his priorities straight.

Ciel: You agree because he also has a sleeping addiction

Aza/Deeno: SLEEP IS AMAZING!..."comrade"

Aza: "he is a sleep addicted comrade. I see why he and Rimuru get along."

Everyone: "Those two are odd to say the least."

Veldanava: "She actually let Deeno live despite him basically telling Rimuru to be strong for the sake of his sleep."

Rimuru: I will make it clear. I have a favorite angel. Every other race I do not.

So we are pulling favorites now...I will become the favorite!

Rimuru: Deeno is my favorite angel for the sole reason of. He doesn't cause me too many issues and he is at least able to hold a conversation...when he tries.

Everyone: "So never, and he never causes you issues. I see the way to be the favorite not cause problems or be annoying in any way. Very unreasonable."

Veldanava: "I will not mention that I too have a favorite angel. I don't kick corpses." *looks at Feldway* "He'll be getting kicked later anyways."

Seems about right?" Veldanava looked at Rimuru with a curious look hoping for some hope to be brought to Rimuru's eyes but Rimuru's eyes only grew darker.

"Bring back Ciel or I'll kill you. This isn't a deal or a threat. This is an order and a promise." Rimuru stopped crying and stared at Veldanava with his cold golden eyes with blood red pupils that hypnotized all who looked too deeply into the red abyss seeking the deepest depths of its embrace.

Everyone: "his eyes kind o-"

Diablo: I am very honored to have eyes similar to my lord. This is a blessing I will never forget.

Velzard: "despite the weird haze finally seeing his eyes they are certainly cold, very cold, and almost devoid of life and light."

Veldora: "The look in my sworn brother's eyes truly speaks volumes of his pain.."

Rudra: We not going to mention how he promised to kill Veldanava-sensei if he didn't bring back Ciel?

Ciel: Waste of time to question. This isn't the most questionable thing we've seen.

Veldanava: It was fair for him to treat me as such. I was pestering him.

Velgrynd: Those eyes sure are nice to look at "I can see why they are described as hypnotic"

Women: "I want those cold eyes to look down on me."

Luminous: Rimuru! I demand to see those eyes looking up at me screaming in lust.

Women: "There's the shameless 1."

Aza: Heh. I've seen it already. It's a nice sight.

Women: "shameless #2."

Leon: "I seriously don't understand these women here."

Testarossa: "I don't like that his eyes are similar to Diablo's but they do fit Lord Rimuru nicely.

"AHhhhhhh.... You are a pain in the ass. But we will definitely work well together. Fine, I will bring back Ciel now. BUT! Only if you promise to collect mine and Lucia's souls after we die. Furthermore if you ever marry Velzard I am to be the best man. And I would love it if you could try to look at me as a person and not a pest, though your honesty is frankly a very welcome surprise."

Veldora: HEY! Elder brother, that's my role!

Veldanava: I claimed it first. Plain and simple.

Silvia: You were oddly fine with Rimuru marrying your sister.

Veldanava: Simple. He is just better as an alternative. If my sisters wanted to get married I'd prefer him to take care of them, or better yet just not get married.

Velgrynd: "I have permission and support. I just need to convince Ciel and Aza."

Velzard: "After these videos I really don't want to be around Guy anymore. Elder brother said Rimuru was fine...I just need to get through Ciel and Aza"

Ciel/Aza: "The thoughts on these two sisters are as clear as day."

Gazel: You mentioned liking is honesty and it being welcome can you explain?

Veldanava: I just appreciated the fact that he didn't worship me and didn't care to sugarcoat things. He spoke his mind and didn't care if it'd hurt my feelings.

Lucia: I see "You found a friend you are truly an equal with. Everything makes more and more sense as this goes on."

"Are you aware that Lucia became a Manas obsessed with reviving you at any cost? And herself? Your face says you aren't... Lucia became a Manas with God's Justice Core. This happened when Micheal was transferred into Lucia's angel lookalike body. Then your Velda self named them Lucia they became a full manas."

"Well that was uhmmmm..."

"Yeah. Unexpectedly. For someone Omniscient at some point you're really fucking stupid. No wonder I was always told people who are too smart become stupid again. Glad I'm not like you."

"You become absent minded at times and can't realize peoples feelings for you."

"You're an idiot who commanded the VOTW to read a love poem. To the whole world for Lucia. I don't think you can come back from that."

"Touche Touche."

Men: "Soon they will share a drink won't they."

Hinata: Is this really how male relationships are? You go from killing each other, and throwing insults to being casual. What's next?

Rimuru: This is a male relationship in a nutshell. I hate you, I tolerate you, you know what you are my brother now. Simple

Veldanava: We men are simple creatures.

Women: "this is..."

Lucia: Rimuru I've noticed you really like to use that moment against Velda.

Rimuru: I really do. It's a perfect moment to use against him.

Lucia: You have a point.

Diablo: "Rimuru-sama is the only one willing to call the creator a fucking idiot and be proud to not be like them." kufufu

Feldway: "This slime called Lord Veldanva stupid. I'LL KILL HIM...right after I figure out how out of my seat" ←(I glued him to his seat. He delays shit too much)

Lucia: But to hear I became a manas is a little surprising again.

"Ok I will focus all my attention on bringing back Ciel but I need you to use [Analytic Appraisal] on yourself right now."

"I would if I could. But Ciel holds that skill..."

"You're joking."


"Can you access her core skills? Or even just the previous incarnations of Ciel before she became a manas.

"No. That's why I have been sitting here for who knows how long analyzing myself ...."

"I need a drink after hearing this."

So that's why he needs so much time to analyze....

Men: "Wait, they're seriously going to share a drink now?"

Lucia: That would certainly be a dubious situation, being unable to access a core skill to start the process of analysis.

Rimuru: Tell me about it. Not a fun experience 0/10

"Me too." Rimuru then proceeded to force a bar into existence inside the imaginary space and poured himself and Veldanva a glass.

"You can do that?"

"Yes. Now drink. This is going to take awhile..."


Women: "How does this turn of events work?"

Veldanava: That was an enjoyable time when we shared drinks <get ready to run>

Rimuru: It was wasn't it <way ahead of you>

Micheal: "I know he has Shub-Niggurath and other skills that can create or duplicate skills so why doesn't he use them?"

"Did you try [Lord of Abundance Shub-Niggurath]?"

"Yes. I tried to use it to acquire [Analytical Appraisal] but I got nothing. I either have to learn to analyze myself or spend time creating that skill with Shub-Niggurath. Both take absurdly long."

"You realize that Shub is-"

"A diary full of all the skills you created at its core. Yes, yes I did. So need a drink?"

"Absolutely. I see why you're in a bad mood. This news put me in a bad mood and I created a skill called Sariel, Lord of Hope. Jeez."

Micheal: So that's why..hmmm.

Luminous: To be able to put the creator in a bad mood. That certainly is an accomplishment

Velzard: He also mentioned a skill about hope meaning~

Velgrynd: This news almost destroyed his hope...

Benimaru: You both really live on your own wavelength

Lucia: They are so similar it almost frightens me. They could pretend to be each other and it'd be hard to discern them

Diablo/Feldway: I would tell immediately

Lucia: I wasn't meaning for people in this room. I would recognize my husband instantly and Ciel-chan would too.

Ciel: That was really a stupid statement. How would I not recognize Rimuru even if he and Veldanava pretended to be each other.

Veldanava: If anything Rimuru is like my twin and my polar opposite

Rimuru: Good point. I lean more towards Nothingness while you're more towards Everythingness.

Aza: And you're both like Veldora.

Silvia: Since they all are dense.

Women: "true"

Veldora/Veldanava/Rimuru: "I can't be that bad"

Rimuru: "no wait...I am."

Asuryii: "Rimuru. Please. Don't be self aware."

The two simply sat at the bar and engaged in small talk for awhile and contemplated their next moves before a realization came.

"Hey Velda. Do you have [Analytical Appraisal] as one of your skills as a manas?"

"Ahhh....I do...."

"So we just..."

"Sat here for at least 200 years drinking and talking about nonsense when I could've analyzed you. Yes, yes we did."

"Ciel is going to beat both of our asses when she's back. Just give me an analysis quickly so we can act like this never happened."


They seriously let that go over their heads.....

Veldanava/Rimuru: Time to run?...Yeah.

Lucia: I don't even want to waste the energy chasing them.

Ciel: I already beat Rimuru once for this before.

Lucia: But if they both make us chase them. I will beat the shit out of them both

Ciel: Agreed

Veldanva/Rimuru: Suddenly I don't feel like running away. Oh, would you look at the weather?

Everyone: "There is no weather here. Plus are we going to ignore that time frame?"

Velzard: Well we can finally see what Rimuru's status looks like at this point.

Rimuru Tempest

EP: 666,666,666(infinite through Turn Null and Reactors)

Class: Apocalypse



Micheal: His Ep is higher than Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora combined

Hinata: What the hell is the apocalypse class?

Veldanava: The class that would exist above Catastrophe

Diablo: As expected of my lord.

Patrons: Agreed

Feldway: So all his strength went into his Ep capacity and he got no new skills aside from those he received via the soul corridors.

Ciel: "He is way off..."

Rudra: I will be the first to say I guarantee that Feldway is wrong

Yuuki: I second that. They had to make a whole new class for him. He is clearly the overpowered main character now

Deeno: "he got strong! Is this enough to make it so I never need to work again? This is the question."

Pico/Gracia: "Deeno is thinking about if this is enough power for Rimuru isn't he?"

Veldora: As expected of my Sworn brother.

Milim: Didn't bestie sacrifice his existence as a true dragon? What is his race now?

Everyone: "This is a very valid question."

Sex: Genderless/Male

Race: Outer Humanoid (Changeable at will via skill) {Digital Lifeform}

Core: Chaotic Core

Blessing: Crest Of The Infinite Void

Guy: I already don't like this race. ←(he just became racist to Outer Humanoids)

Feldway: He can also change his race at will. It must be an ultimate skill then

Rimuru/Veldanava: "It's not, it's intrinsic."

Velzard: He still has a core despite sacrificing it.

Velgrynd: But it's not a dragon core, is it like a manas?

Ciel: It's not. It's an entirely different class of core. It holds the same properties as a dragon core in many regards but is also similar to a manas core. It can't be explained as a hybrid of the cores though.

Veldora: His blessing seems interesting. Does it have any special effects?

Aza: Don't ask. Trust me you don't want to know

Everyone: "Now I want to know."

Veldanava: "This crest shouldn't exist. Why does it let those he blessed have practically infinite ep and it lets you access a weakened form of nihility in the form of nether energy or negative aether. It's just really compacted magicules in a sense. It's simplest thing providing the skill stomach is still beyond normal. "

Rimuru: "This blessing was too much. That's why I kept it." ←(broke the laws of the world has more than 1 blessing now)

Women: "WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? His race changed but I don't know his looks. I'm dying from all this anticipation.

Title: Chaos Creator

Manas: Ciel, Velda, Chronoa{sealed}

Micheal: Honestly at this point I'm surprised he didn't have me on his list of manas

Rimuru/Veldanava: "How do we tell him Ciel used him as a sacrifice to create other skills"

Ciel: "Don't worry inferior manas, you were put to good use."

Chloe: I assume you acquired Chorona due to my death, but why is she sealed

Rimuru: Yes I did. As for her reason behind being sealed, it's simple another person Sealed her and I couldn't unseal her.

Origin Skills: [Information King Akashic Records]

Ultimate Skills: [God of Void, Azathoth] [God of Time Yog-Sothoth] [God of Flames Cthugha] [Divine Ice God, Cthulhu] [Lord of Chaos Nyarlathotep] [Lord of Abundance, Shub-Niggurath] [Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua] [Illimitable Desire Lord, Cxaxukluth] [Forbidden Lord, Hastur] [Virtuous Lord, Jesus] [Sinful Lord, Lilith] [Defiant Lord, Prometheus] [Sealing Lord, Janus] + more

Guy: Ah yes, an origin skill so normal and seven ultimate skills I've never heard of...NO THIS ISN'T NORMAL WHO NEEDS THIS MUCH POWER?! IT ALSO SAY + MORE

Velzard: That reaction is understandable. I did notice that the names of these skills some relate to the other lovecraftian skills as you called them Rimuru, while the others I don't know.

Shion: Didn't Rimuru-sama acquire all of our skills? If so, where are they?

Diablo: He has more skills than these ones, I assume that the reason is you couldn't fully analyze Rimuru-sama's status and these were the only skills able to show

Feldway: As if Lor-

Veldanava/Rimuru: Exactly correct

Ciel: Rimuru had 100's of Ultimate skills. These are just the ones both of them collectively could put into an analysis and the ones that had perfectly merged with his soul. Sinful Lord and Virtuous Lord have many uses but they are primarily a demonic series and angel series record. "And an enhancement skill, along with having a function to track users of that series and dominate them in some cases"

Rimuru: "Thankfully she didn't say everything it is capable of"

Velgrynd: I don't know why but I don't like the Lord of Adaptation skill for some reason

Black Numbers: I feel interested in the Forbidden Lord Ultimate skill.

Rudra: I have an amazing feeling about this sealing lord skill

Luminous: It has Desire in the name. I want it.

Unique Skills: Analysis failed... Unable to Analyze

Extra Skills: Analysis failed... Unable to Analyze

Ciel: Just to clarify. Rimuru had so many Extra and Unique skills that Veldanava failed to analyze them. Just overlook it for now.

Guy: I give up, it can't get worse.

Aza: For you it will.

Intrinsic Skills: [Void Haki] [Stellar Haki] [Chaotic Haki] [Universal Shapeshift] [Universal Perception] [Unparallelled Regeneration] [Void Doubles] [Magic Nullification] [Drain] [Material Creation] [Charm] [Race Shift] [Nihilistic Generator]

Race shift? Nihilistic Generator??

Veldanava: "Glad I failed at his intrinsic skills too and that no clear sign of some missing was there"

Rimuru: "Thank God Veldanava failed here. Outer Humanoid is not a fair race. Well neither is a true dragon to most but still"

Shion: Unparalleled Regeneration is that above infinite regeneration?

Velgrynd: Seems like it but what are Void doubles exactly?

Aza: A far superior version of Enhanced Body Doubles. He can also give his doubles a false conscious with skills

Dagurel: He also has Magic Nullification that is intrinsic to True Giants, but the unparalleled regeneration added to that makes up for the weakness

Luminous: He also has Charm which is a vampire intrinsic and to add to it he has drain. Meaning he could charm someone into allowing him to drain them

Velzard: Void, stellar, and chaotic haki. I can only assume they deal with Nihility, stardust, and a mixture of the two

Rimuru: "Very close, very. Void Haki and stellar haki are as you said but Chaotic haki isn't. It's a mix of every form of haki. It is haki taking on the qualities of every form of haki including void and stellar haki"

Milim: Bestie what's a nihilistic generator?

Rimuru: Real answer or the answer I want to tell you?

Everyone: "I don't like where this is going"

Milim: Both?

Rimuru: It's like you magicule breeder reactor but it works off of nihility to duplicate magicules, that's what I want to tell you.

Milim: So what is it actually?

Everyone: "I don't like this anticipation."

Rimuru: <Milim it creates magicules from Nihility and the magicules are turned into their purest form Stardust. Which after is flooded with Nihility and made chaotic till the stardust collapses and returns the nihility and gives a by product of rampant energy and magicules.>

Milim: <I don't get it>

Rimuru: <I take 1 drop of nihility and use it to create magicules lets say 5 for example then I take those 5 magicules and create 1 stardust. I take the stardust and flood it with 5 drops of nihility , the stardust collapses and explodes into 5 drops of nihility and 10 magicules but leaves an excess of energy that can't be called any of the three which after a while becomes either stardust or nihility.>

Milim: Yeah I still don't get it.

Rimuru/Veldanava/Ciel/Aza: *facepalm* ←(they were all connected in this thought communication)

Veldanava: "Well he gave the simplest explanation he could and it still doesn't explain how absurd it is. His numbers are way off even for a way to explain to Milim."

Aza: "I have this generator. I got it after becoming a manas and I can say this skill is far more absurd that he explained. Even if his explanation basically says he get 7-8 on average for the price of 6 which still makes a positive gain."

Everyone: "Why did they facepalm? And did he seriously only tell Milim? I want to know, someone tell me."

Deeno: I actually don't want to know what it does. I know all I need, Rimuru is strong and that's it. "What can I offer to allow me to never work again. I can teach him about the best sleeping positions maybe. A trade deal per say."

Resistance: [Spiritual Attack Nullification] [Natural Effects Nullification] [Holy-Demonic Nullification] [Abnormal Condition Nullification]{Sealed} [Pain Resistance]{Sealed}

Yuuki: Well pain resistance being sealed is a pain

Luminous: How is he not drunk if abnormal condition nullification is sealed after drinking for 200 years

Veldanava: He has an absurd natural tolerance

Rimuru: Outer humanoids practically can't get drunk "just an excuse"

Asuryii: (Note I meant to originally but Pain Nullification but but resistance my bad)


"That's my thoughts exactly."

"Velda, is this right?"

"Yes. Yes it is. I cannot fully analyze you and you are not a slime anymore."

"I expected that since my draconic essence was built into my slime body and what not. But why do I still have a core?"

"I suppose your evolution got rid of your dragon essence and the dragon core but you got a new core... And this puts you on the same status as True Dragon's despite no longer being one..."


"Bullshit." They both spoke in unison and took a massive swig of their drinks.

Guy: You're on the same status as a true dragon despite not being one, BUT you both agree this is bullshit

Diablo: As expected of Rimuru-sama

Aladman: My god wouldn't be anything less than the best

Velzard: So why are you no longer a slime?

Rimuru: A few reasons. My draconic essence was fused with my slime body in some regard and my race was already changing before my evolution. You'd realize this when my slime body turned physical but this evolution threw blood and physical body stuff out the window but kept them too. It's a very confusing race. "I love this race. Maybe I shouldn't have taken all the information that builds this race and added it to myself though. Well as long as Veldanava doesn't find out I'm fine. He probably wouldn't like my status as it is now because I added my True Dragon essence to this Race."

Veldanava: "Why do I now get the feeling Rimuru took advantage of his knowledge of this race and did something? It annoys me to think about it."

Aza: "This race is good in bed. Many options Aza stamp of approval"

Ciel: "I like this race. 10/10. Good for experiments and analysis. I always seem to learn more, but I wish Rimuru wouldn't hide his true form so much."

Aza: "Rimuru needs to use his true human form more though. Not that I don't like his current looks just that form ooooooh nice."

"I know I got a ton of skills from the connections I held but what the hell are these skills?"

"I don't know. I didn't make half of these skills..."

"They remind me of....Ciel."

"It's possible that the skills you got through evolution were created with Ciel's help since she did in a sense Hijack the VOTW in many regards. Plus the only reason she isn't with you is the fact that the VOTW muted her..."

"You're fucking joking."

Lucia: Ciel-chan got muted?

Micheal: How could the VOTW mute HER out of any manas?

Ciel: Don't ask.......

Rudra: So we ignore Ciel hijacking the VOTW?

Veldora: Seems like normal Ciel behavior

Velgrynd: I see it happening.

Rimuru: "She did and has many times."

Ciel: Before you ask. The answer is No. I did not create these skills. I am proud to say Rimuru did it unconsciously. But my interference in the creation of other skills added to the nature of these ones so it was a team effort

Aza: "Look at her being smug. She just said Rimuru created the skills and that it was because of her at the same time. Sly"

Leon: Rimuru's reaction lines up with many of our own. He himself couldn't believe that she was muted.

"I'm not. I mean you just have to unmute her in a sense and she's back."

"How the fuck do we do that?"

"Remember that Chloe girl and how she went back in time and created Manas Chronoa. Which you possess now, though they just have been sealed."

"Yes, I remember. I don't like where this is going."

Chloe: I also do not like where this is going.

Luminous/Hinata: "Is he going to do that himself?"

Micheal: She's muted so you need to unmute her or-oh my

Testarossa: Give her a new voice

"Yeah you're going to have to make another manas....from your own ego and then I'll merge it with Ciel giving her life again..."

"And you're saying?"

"You need to fail....A few more times..."

"Intentionally I have to fail...This is a joke right?"


"If you're lying. I will kill you.

Deeno: That last bit is the most reasonable response I've ever seen

Micheal: So Rimuru has to become a manas and make his other self give it to Ciel to bring her back

Ramirus: But Chloe and Chorona merged at the Spirit dwelling. So would Rimuru be the same?

Chloe: I don't think so because Sensei and I have very different levels of strength. Also Chorona feels he wouldn't be a typical manas like we know

Ciel: It's because he'd be a manas holding memories like Chornoa, but he'd also be holding skills and Manas. He wouldn't be a normal manas in the slightest. He'd probably take a route similar to Micheal here in having to take over his hosts body. Which would cause a lot of problems.

Veldanava: It really would

Veldora: Why are you talking as if you don't know what will happen? Shouldn't you know since you experienced this already?

Lucia: I see he will have another choice

"I wish I was, but I am entirely serious. You can't really even control your skills right at the moment anyways but on the bright side you can just do the other option but you also won't like it."

"There's another option?"

"Yeah you still need a manas from yourself to sacrifice to bring back Ciel but the other option is to live life for a couple thousand years, die, and then store your memories and power in the void for you to grab when Feldway sends you to the end of space and time. Well he just sends you to the void and seals you but you would regain all your strength and be free instantly."

Velzard: It's clear the choice he made

Everyone: Very. This one seems much better.

Lucia: Why not open with this one?

Veldanava: Because it too has its own share of issues and I needed to give an idea of the level of severity his options can bring.

Yuuki: So the issue is if his other self doesn't actually get his strength?

Rimuru: 1 issue yes.

"So either way I need to make a manas of myself in a sense or better to say a second ego. Then I have to give it to Ciel and she'll be back."

"Yes and with her help you can fix everything. Maybe start a relationship with Velzard or do the same thing you did with Velgrynd and give her a perfect life while you suffer and recover your memories upon your transfer to the void."

"You seem oddly supportive of me already being with Ciel but being in love with Velzard aswell..."

Veldora: I don't like how selfless you are Rimuru to the point that elder brother is able to casually mention you tossing your feelings aside. Please become more selfish.

Velgrynd: I thank you for fulfilling the other me's wish but please be more selfish.

Velzard: It seems like we may see my elder brother is so supportive of Rimuru

Elmesia: You mean another reason. Its clear some of the reasons hes supportive.

The whole room proceeds to look at Guy and Rudra while they look at each other.

Everyone: "Very clear"

"Rimuru. I'll be honest. I want to kill you. I will not lie, but I respect my sister's decisions as long as they know the truth. To add to it I am keenly aware that you are willing to sacrifice your own happiness for others to the extreme. You are trying to deny your feelings for Velzard by entirely focusing on Ciel and saying you're unworthy of being near any of your friends and subordinates."

Shuna: It's that simple, he just wishes for his sisters happiness and that as long as they agree to it, he will accept their judgment.

Lucia: It also seems Velda may see himself in Rimuru. Velda accepts his sister's decisions just as Rimuru accepts Velgrynd and Velzards.

Veldanava: It also helps that he is literally my parallel.

Rimuru: I mean we actually are counter parts like how Demon lords and heroes are

Yuuki: He just casually said he is the creators counterpart and no one gives a shit~ fair enough

Deeno/Ramirus: Well he is Veldanava's successor. He can kind of say whatever he wants.

Elmesia: Also we shouldn't speak on it since if you see the relationship between them it's clear neither really cares what the other says but also very clearly listens to what they say

Rimuru: Exactly thats just why I tell Velda hes a fucking idiot

Veldanava: And I call you a dense idiot

Diablo: "Rimuru-sama seems to appreciate this type of interaction. I am glad he can act like this." ←(the good simp who supports his lord regardless)

Feldway: "How dare that slime once again call Lord Veldanava an idiot" ←(the bad simp no one likes him. Don't be him.)

Micheal: "Feldway really needs to calm down." ←(neutral)

Deeno ←(prefers whoever will let him sleep longer)

"Velda...I may have came since the start of this drinking session from seeing you as a skill with an ego of someone I was very tempted to kill but I began to see you as a person-"

"I'm touched." Velda spoke, interrupting Rimuru sarcastically.

"But seriously stop telling me how I feel before I kill you." Rimuru gave Velda a smile not reaching his eyes as he spoke which triggered Velda's PTSD.

Luminous: That's a nice evil smile Rimuru. I like it.

Dagurel: It's clear now. Rimuru doesn't like being told how he feels, even if he agrees.

Lucia: Well at least he see you as a person now Velda

Rimuru: No Velda's annoying

Veldanava: Rimuru's a bitch

Everyone: "Seriously pick a direction to act. I can't understand."

Ciel/Lucia: "Hahh boys..."

Veldanava: Drinks Later?

Rimuru: Absolutely

Everyone gave up at this point.

Asuryii: All I see is a casual male relationship. I see no issues.

Women: "Well no shit you're a male."

"I'm just stating facts but please don't smile at me like that again. It's giving me flashbacks." Velda shuttered as he remembered the times Lucia smiled at him like that before making him feel the wrath of god despite being him.

"Then we can make a deal. I won't smile like that and you don't tell me how I feel. Even if you're right. I don't want you giving me lectures when you can't get over the trauma caused to you by a frying pan."

Veldanava: Looking back you really hit me where it hurts.

Rimuru: I know. I was trying too.

Lucia: "So I gave him PTSD? Time to relieve some trauma later Velda, I can't have you being like this. It's a bad example for...Milim? I don't know who but it's a bad example."

Dagurel: A husband's intuition into the suffering of another husband is truly remarkable.

Diablo: A god's intuition into the former god is remarkable.

Claybitch: Male intu-


Rimuru: You okay man?

Asuryii: Perfectly fine now. ←(Absolutely beaming)

"How'd you know?"

"Been there. Done that." Rimuru took a swig of his drink holding it in his hand as he stared off into space majestically.

"How the fuck do you manage to look majestic in a place with no color?"

"Because I'm him... I don't know, asking me doesn't make me suddenly get what you're saying."

Yuuki: Rimuru, did you really say 'because I'm him'? That's kind of funny.

Diablo: My lord always looks majestic no matter the location

Women: "But that is a good question, how'd he do it? And look good despite this annoying HAZE!"

Velzard: When will the haze disappear?

Asuryii: Soon

Diablo/Adalman: "I will not lie, I am curious too."

"Oh I feel like I should mention this but I failed to till now cause it felt so natural. Your appearance changed."

"Hah? You're just now mentioning this detail."

"I figured you knew, considering your clothes are different too."

"I knew my clothes changed but my looks too? What do I look like?"

Everyone decided to not question why he didn't know, as the anticipation was killing them.

As Rimuru asked Veldanava made a mirror and Rimuru looked in it. His once silky platinum-blue hair was now an almost deep blue at the root that shifted slowly into a pale blue as you reached the tips of his hair. Seemingly moving through his hair were stars and galaxies that grew more complex the deeper you looked into them. His once soul piercing vibrant and lively golden eyes were now cold and soulless yet held a trance inducing blood red draconic pupil with a more regal golden iris. Surrounding his head was a broken golden halo that glistened with a bright glow.

His clothes were made to match his new aesthetic. As he wore a pair of clean white boots and a black and gold accented jumpsuit with large baggy pant legs almost like a robe and a skin tight shirt which accentuated his toned body. To top it off he wore a clean coat like white robe that had deep blue cuffs and deep blue and gold lapels. He held it all together with a golden belt. After seeing his eyes he made a black cloth like mask which covered the top half of his face.

Women: This was worth the wait..


Asuryii: Sorry I accidentally let someone in.

Velzard: So this other me denied to be with Rimuru and this is his look now.

Ciel: Yes

Velgrynd: The halo and cloth mask are very nice additions to the look

Rimuru: The halo is a part of my being. It's not aesthetic

Luminous: So could I grab them and push you down

Rimuru: Yes. You could almost say they are horns but they aren't actually attached to my head clearly, so saying its a broken halo is better and its aura gives off that feel.

Chloe: I almost feel like having your eyes covered makes them more desirable to look at.

Testarossa: I second that. It makes you want to take off the mask and see what lies beneath and well your eyes don't disappoint

Shuna/Shion: This version of lord Rimuru is harder to dress up...

Rimuru: "I've suddenly decided I will after this exist in that form. Always. Anything to avoid that fate. No more bunny suits...."

"Velda you mean to say."

"You look exactly like how I was assumed to look. Yes.

Veldanava: In other realities I was thought to look like that.

Everyone nodded, not caring much. As this was now Rimuru.

"Oh well. I will definitely be covering my eyes. They are a tad much."

"I agree the red draconic pupils are a bit much. Makes me think of Noir or Diablo since you named him."

"My thoughts exactly and frankly my pupils will confuse people since I'm not a dragon."

Velzard: It may confuse people but your excuse is awful

Rimuru: I am very aware it's bad but it is true. I have eyes that remind you of Diablo and dragons, not that it is inherently bad, just very attention attracting and I am already very unique as you can see.

Lucia: He has a good point and the mysterious aura with the cloth mask fits his aesthetic better

"Though you, despite looking androgynus like myself and your previous form, you're now more masculine."

"HAH! No more being put in dresses is all I heard. YES!" Rimuru fist pumped into the air as he celebrated being free from the possibility of being thrown in dresses again.

"Haha. You had that problem too?"

"HUH? You too?"

"Yeaaahhhh... Lucia got me."

Lucia: What it was fun Velda did you not enjoy yourself?

Veldanava: It was nice spending time with you, but very embarrassing.

Lucia: I was the only one who saw anyway so it wasn't that bad

"My subordinates, your sisters, and Ciel got me. Though I went along with it because they had fun doing it so I didn't mind. Until they put me in a FUCKING BUNNY SUIT!"

"Ahhhh! You're giving me nightmares stop Rimuru. I was the same with Lucia but she put me in the dress she wore to our wedding. It was embarrassing since I was male and she made fun of me for not fitting the dress at all." Veldanava was embarrassedly hiding in between his arms before deciding to drink the embarrassment away.

Rimuru: Its ok Velda I understand your pain

Veldanava: Thank you Rimuru

Shion/Shuna: But it was fun putting you in various outfits

Velzard/Velgrynd: I enjoyed dressing you up too

They all began to pout since Rimuru basically said he didn't enjoy it.

Rimuru: It's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I am a male and some of the outfits such as the bunny suit were way too far for me personally. I went along with it fine till then. At that point it was too much, a certain line was crossed and my pride as a male was being destroyed

Veldanava: Lucia it was the same for me. I just didn't like being made fun of after you put me in a dress or something of the like.

Ciel: "He won't reprimand me since I have the best taste."

The girls: So as long as I don't cross that line or make fun of you I can make you model whatever I want

Rimuru/Veldanava: No that isn't how it works either

Everyone: "That was blunt"

The girls: "I am determined to make him dress up again."

Both Rimuru and Veldanava ignored the fact they can't get drunk but the vibes were enough.

Rimuru: It's not like we had a choice, getting drunk is hard so the vibes had to make due.

Veldanava: They did make due

"Don't worry Velda. I feel your pain. I have no more qualms with you. We can be friends and after this is all over we can go relax on a beach. IN MALE SWIMSUITS!" RImuru looked at Veldanava with a brotherly smile and a thumbs up. This deeply touched Veldanava.

"YES!!! THIS IS WHAT I NEED! Relaxation unperturbed with someone who understands all the struggles of being an androgynous male."


Rimuru: I shall wear the swimwear I desire to wear ←(putting his foot down) "I respect the fact I look more feminine but I am a male. I want to wear male clothing from time to time and I most definitely don't want to wear a bikini."

Women: "Why was he deeply touched by a simple thumbs up and smile"

Men: "The smile of brotherly bonds is a truly powerful thing"

Dagurel: Were you ever able to take that beach trip?

Rimuru: Yes. It was heavenly. I felt at peace.

Veldanava: I must second that. Though wives showed up not even 20 minutes later. Still those 20 minutes were the most free moments of my life

Rimuru: I agree Velda, I agree still it was ok after our wives showed up since they luckily didn't force us to change

"So now then uhm. We have over 20 thousand years till I'm supposed to be born. What the fuck do we do?"

"Good point...."

Rimuru and Veldanava both stood silent for a moment with their hands on their chins in a state of deep thinking.

"I GOT IT!" Both said simultaneously looking at the other.

Rudra: They really live on the same wavelength

Men: That's what I'm saying

Velzard: Rimuru. That thinking pose was adorable. Please do it again. ←(think of a chibi Rimuru thinking pose)

Ciel: It really was "that's why it is a part of my records of Rimuru and in the scrapbook"

Many women also agreed with this thought it was truly adorable. Meanwhile Lucia was shaking Veldanava viciously trying to get him to recreate his look like they asked of Rimuru.

They both looked like Chibi. It was too much for them to handle. Collectively they wanted to spoil Chibi Rimuru and Chibi Veldanava


Reaction to Frostbitten Nightmares Part 1 - 18391 words


"You can go first Velda."

"Thank you Rimuru. I say we play a game."

"A game? I hope you don't mean like Rudra and Guy."

Velzard/Velgrynd: Please tell me you didn't start a pointless rivalry like those two

Rimuru: Not really. Just wait and see.

Rudra/Guy: "Our rivalry and game was not pointless"

Veldanava: <Rimuru for 5 points I bet you won't call Feldway by various words that sound similar to each other till the end>

Rimuru: <SO I CAN CALL HIM GATEWAY AND STUFF LIKE THAT!> heh this'll be fun. Hey, what was his name again? Right Broadway how does it feel to be called a failure by your own lord? I have been wondering.

A deafening silence filled the room as it took a moment for them to remember what Rimuru was referring to and who Rimuru could be talking about.

Diablo: "Do not laugh, do not laugh."

Guy: hahaahh pfft

After Guy started laughing no one could hold back as they all began to laugh. It took awhile but Feldway finally realized Rimuru was talking to him and he began seething with anger.


Rimuru: Alright calm down Stairway no need to get you panites in a bunch "I should've done this earlier." <Velda my friend I love this challenge> We have better things to do than coddle you. Asuryii please continue

Asuryii: Yes sir. Moving onwards.

Aza: "Normally I'd reprimand him for listening to someone else's requests but given that it was funny and Rimuru I will let it slide"

"I don't mean like them at all. Frankly those two are stupid just like their rivalry. Even if we wanted to do a game like them I'd be boring as-"

"We both think relatively the same."

"Yes exactly my point and we are absurdly stronger than those 2. So what I am saying is we play a point based game where every time 1 of us failed a challenge the other gets a point or that person loses a point."

"Okay I see. So basically if we did say a True or Dare and the other failed they'd lose a point or the opposition gain a point. But we could also make it so the person who won decides whether a point is gained or lost and the point gain or loss would be dependent upon the level the dare or what not takes to."

"And we could decide the loss or gain of points before the challenge so that you can't just randomly say this is worth 6 points or a loss of 6 points."

"We also don't have to limit it to things like challenges. We could make bets, play games, or see who does better in some regard."

"I like this. We are on the same wavelength on this game thing. So we can go into negative points and I say the goal is the winner is the first person to 1000 points for the first round. We can play as many rounds as we want and change the win conditions at each round end."

"Sounds simple enough."

Velzard/Velgrynd: I agree they are stupid just like their Rivalry

Lucia: This game just sounds like your-

Ciel: Playing true or dare, making bets, learning new skills not skill but talents, and passing time

Lucia: just sounds like the games kids would play but on a larger scale

Velzard: But at least it doesn't get in the way of the Cardinal World's peace and is really just between the two

Feldway: It's laughable, the game between the blonde and the demon just made them sit on their asses but this game seems oddly childish

Rimuru: Now Fairway it's not childish unless you make it childish. We men reach peak maturity at 12 and after that we act more mature this is simply playing into our childish self but adding the mature parts to it. You need to understand Crawlaway sometimes it's better to be simple and furthermore this game is fun right Velda?

Veldanava: I would have to agree it is fun. "He's really going in for this one. I knew he would but I didn't expect him to enjoy this challenge so much" Pftt

Everyone-Feldway: "Rimuru has been-ah! Its a bet isn't it."

Women: "In touch with their younger self green flag. Adorable, very good."

Lucia: "Its cute Velda is acting like a kid and having fun. I really hope that this doesn't influence Milim though."

Ciel: "I will admit it is nice seeing Rimuru enjoying himself but some of these challenges are dumb. Who came up with 7th dimensional chess played Via memories. These two." *sighhhhhhhhhh*

"But also besides this. Spend time with Velzard and make your name known before you disappear just because I want Velzard to have a chance to know you so she can decide on who she prefers of you and Guy. Should she choose Guy I'd feel bad since I know what you'll do and be forced to do in this reality before you reset it."

"Haha. You know me well. I'd just do the same thing I did for Velgrynd in that case but irregardless of her decision the Guy in this world has to die. He is a traitor, a scumbag, and a disappointment. I even saw Guy as an annoying friend but these are his true colors at least here in this world."

Guy: LOOK HE SAID 'THIS WORLD' that doesn't mean I am like that.

Rimuru: "Cause I made the YOU WHO YOU ARE!"

Rudra: "I'm throwing him under the bus for fun. They influenced me, childish desires run rampant now" But Rimuru literally alternated reality to make the PERFECT you for Velzard.


Velzard/Velgrynd: "This is my partner? Past me chose wrong."

Lucia: Velda I can't tell whether your a good friend or an overprotective brother

Veldanava/Rimuru: Overprotective Brother

Everyone: "He admitted it..."

"Haha. You really are selfless Rimuru. You sacrifice your own happiness for others and even do things that cause you immense pain and grief. You truly have my respect."

"Ya know Velda I appreciate that you're not so bad yourself."

Men: And then they became friends for the rest of eternity

Aza: I will never understand how you go from threatening each others lives and insulting each other to have casual conversations and sharing drinks

Women: "I'd have to agree."

"Haha. Well even if Velzard makes that decision in the end I will know in the next timeline and we can talk about it as friends then too." Veldanava looked at Rimuru and smiled, raising his glass slightly towards Rimuru.

"I'd like that. Cheers." Rimuru smiled and the two clinked their glasses finishing their 4 millionth glass they shared.

"Cheers~ Ya know we would seem like alcoholics to other people wouldn't we?"

Rimuru: And that's exactly what happened

Veldanava: Yeah. You got sent to the void, got your memories as did I and here we are, but this is clearly the alternate version that we are watching.

Hinata: I am pretty sure you're both alcoholics

Veldanava/Rimuru: No we're not. We didn't even get drunk once

Leon: You both look like alcoholics cause you just shared 4 million glasses together

Rimuru: In our defense it's like that in Slavic countries on Earth and they aren't alcoholics, so why are we? We are gods after all our standards are far different *Veldanava was furiously nodding in agreeance*

Everyone: "That's not a good excuse. At all."

Veldanava: I should bring my bottle of wine I got from that one self proclaimed god

Rimuru: OUR bottle. *slavic theme starts playing*

"That's an understatement. We absolutely would but we aren't drunk at all, we have resistances, we are digital lifeforms, and we are absurdly strong to the point that I think even without resistances we'd just now be getting tipsy. Well unless of course we forcefully expedited the effects of the alcohol."

"Yeah. You really don't say. Good thing Lucia didn't see this."

"Good thing Ciel didn't see this."

The two of them shivered a moment later and frantically looked around anxiously.

"I just felt a chill up my spine."

"Same. I hope it was just my imagination though."

"I agree. But I am not too hopeful on that front."

Lucia: Well I did see it...Hmmm

Veldanava: "OH MY GOD ←(Jojo Ref) NOT THAT SMILE"

Rimuru: Ciel its in the past right?hehe "PLEASE!"

Ciel: The past right.

Veldanava/Rimuru: "Welp. I'm fucked. Time to pray to him"

Rudra: At this point I think I believe that they pray to each other.

Many agreed with this thought as they watched both god's get beaten ruthlessly with frying pans for about 15 minutes.

Lucia/Ciel: I'm not scary right?

Veldanava/Rimuru: NO MA'AM YOU ARE NOT!!

Lucia/Ciel: Good.

Asuryii: "That was terrifying, thankfully...Ah shit Aza's looking at me like it's my fault. Well time to sign my last will" ←(Proceeded to get beaten with a frying pan for 20 minutes. Despite doing nothing wrong)

Aza: Much better.

Everyone: "What did he do wrong?"

Rimuru/Veldanava: "We really need to get rid of frying pans."

After a few more hours of simple back and forth, Rimuru finally asked a question that's been bugging him since he learned his status.

"Velda do you have any idea what the fuck half my skills even do?"

"No, I haven't a clue. Give me a moment to think. While I think I'm going to go pay my respects to those who had fallen."

"I have no intention of stopping you now. Please go, I shouldn't have stopped you to begin with. I have an idea on what the skills may do but I'll wait till you return."

Veldora: It's probably bad that neither of them has an idea what most of Rimuru's skills even do

Feldway: I would have to agree


Veldanava: "Backstreet boys reference really really Rimuru."

With a simple nod Veldanava got up and walked towards the building where the thousands of dead who were connected to Rimuru lay and the bodies of Veldanava's family and friends. Walking into the building Veldanava felt his heart drop as he saw every single body cleaned, fixed, and given beautiful spaces to be laid to rest.

'Heh. Rimuru would have a good career as a mortician.' Veldanava let out an empty chuckle as he tried to compose himself. Tears began to fall down his face as he saw his daughter and siblings. They all looked older since he'd last seen them but now he stared at their corpses. Veldanava quickly paid his respects and left a small gift for everyone.

No one was able to laugh at the joke Veldanava made in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere despite being alone in a room looking at the dead.

The dragon family including Rimuru, Ciel, Ramirus, and Aza all stood up and went to comfort Veldanava since he had a sour mournful look on his face as it was clear he, despite the time passing, still blamed himself.

Veldanava: hah. Rimuru, why are you comforting me? If anything you need it more than I do.

Rimuru: It doesn't matter what I need. Right now my friend needed comfort, that's all I needed to know. Putting my feelings aside is my specialty after all.

Dragon Family: "Terrible excuse but he's a good friend"

Asuryii: We will take a small break please enjoy the food and drink we have available before we begin viewing once all are prepared.

1 long break later ←(like 3 hours idk)

Asuryii: Now we will continue on please look forward

It was a pointless gift but the meaning behind it made it priceless. It was a small dreamcatcher that he hung from the ceiling and a set of scented candles. As quickly as he entered the building he exited.

'I see why Rimuru doesn't enter that building. I guess him stopping me was also in good graces. He was aware that I would be the same as him. Certainly the way we went about our first conversation was awful but looking back I see the hidden meanings and pleas. He knew I'd enter and instantly blame myself just as he did himself. Then we both only blame ourselves and each other for everything. God I see why people asked if he was me a few times. I could almost see him as my twin brother we're so similar.'

Chloe: That does seem like something sensei would do, but his own mental state makes it hard to realize in the moment

Shizu: Slime-san always thought of others first so this doesn't surprise me

Leon: But it is an admirable thing

Deeno: I do remember a few people "myself included" who asked if Rimuru was Veldanava

Velzard/Velgrynd/Veldora: Yeah at times you can't help but see one in the other

Yuuki: That was quite an interesting gift he left though. It leaves a lot to think about especially in regards to its meaning

Elmesia: It goes to show how well they understood each other in knowing they would both blame themselves and each other

Veldanava: Well it's not like either of us had anyone else to blame. Even though it really wasn't anyone else's fault

Testarossa: Well you were both left in a situation which took absolutely everything from you in a sense and only left you with a person who held a connection to it just like yourself who also had a situation that could be used as a way to blame the other

Micheal: They both just didn't know how to handle it properly in that regard and blaming the other was best for them, despite also blaming themselves

Ciel: Emotions and feelings are a very complicated subject for many

Coming back to Rimuru Veldanava put a smile on his face quickly and sat down at the bar only to be slapped upside the head.

"Don't blame yourself Velda. We all make decisions not knowing the future and mistakes not knowing the consequences. We both failed miserably, but now we can make it better. Then after this is all done we can reprimand each other and hold the other accountable for their failures. Even gods aren't perfect."

"Hah. You're not a god yet though. But I get what you mean."

Benimaru: That slap was almost a necessary action. It made Veldanava clear his head and force him to listen to Rimuru-sama

Gazel: My junior has always been decently versed in social ques and ways to handle situations such as this.

Kijin: He was really good at reforming people and getting them to the place they wished to be

Lucia: The bickering between the both of you seems so natural. It comes off as if you don't need to hide a single thing

Veldanava/Rimuru: I don't like he said before he's basically my twin

Rimuru: Anything I think he more than likely thought the same

Veldanava: The biggest difference is the position we take in conversation and how it proceeds but it usually goes ways that the other side could easily take

Rimuru: This is also why we cannot do something like Guy and Rudra because we genuinely think similarly on many different levels.

Diablo/Adalman: "He is already my god. He was even before he was a god."

"Hey I didn't like it but I was seen as one thank you very much. I also have all the keys to your omnipotence. The 14 angelic skills I just need help from Ciel."

"I suppose you are right and in any regard. I don't see a being alive able to beat you other than me at the moment."

"I'd give you a run for your money. But you want me to become the Supreme Deity so you're freed from your job after all this is over don't think I don't know your game."

"Hey don't expose me. Not cool."

"Expose you to who? The infinite empty expanse of my imaginary space?"

"You know what I mean."

Rudra: He has a point I don't see another being alive able to challenge Veldanava-sensei

Yuuki: pfft! I get it because they're the only ones alive, but in all seriousness I would have to agree with that statement.

Velzard: Yeah I can't think of a person who can challenge elder brother other than Rimuru

*sad Ivarage noises*

Milim: Did anyone hear that?

Asuryii: Must've been the wind

Milim: Oh that makes sense

Everyone: "But there is no wind here"

Yuuki: But the creator wanted to retire?

Feldway: Lord Veldana-

Rimuru: Ignoring Backway's thoughts it was just a harmless jab <I will help you this once>

Veldanava: <Thank you. I really didn't want another beating>

Some: "I'm not so sure about that but I'll let it go...for now"

After more bickering the two finally gave their thoughts on what Rimuru's new skills may do.

"Velda I will be honest. I think most of them are related to Lovecraftian horrors. So their titles may tell a lot and the others seem self explanatory. Except a few."

"I thought the same. The virtuous lord and sinful lord left me stumped though."

"I just think they'd be all the unique level of sin or virtue skill but boosted. What about you Rimuru?"

"I think they'd be a bonus added to the use of Sin or Virtue skills. Possibly something added to it like how Micheal can manipulate angelic skill wielders but I have no clue."

"I will be honest I say you don't use them till Ciel looks at them."


Diablo: How are you not used to this at this point? This is as expected of my lord.

Everyone: "He has a point"

Luminous: So the titles of a few skills say a lot about them hmmm. So I have decided. I want that skill with Desire in the name. I feel I can use it to seduce someone

Rimuru: "Not the real use but fair you can do that if you desire to... I will never give Luminous this skill. That will be the end of the world if I do"

Veldanava: Rimuru please don't give Twilights daughter that skill

Rimuru: You think I want too. I remember dealing with him. I still have nightmares because of it. I think I know this skill and anyone with the name Valentine don't mix

Shizu: Who are they talking about?

Dagurel: Old friend of mine. He had very odd tastes, but he also had goals yet no morals.

Everyone: "Not a nice combo. Definitely don't give them skills with desire in the name"

Luminous: So if I am just Luminous and not Luminous Valentine I can have the skill.

Rimuru: No

"I agree with that notion. I will be doing the same for a decent chunk of those skills. But a few may have a good use [Sealing Lord, Janus] can be used to seal myself while my normal slime self is alive. I can also use Tsathogga with Prometheus to change my name and prevent people from finding out. After all Chloe knows my name so if she heard it then our plan would be foiled."

Rimuru: Told you it became a skill


Rimuru: So what. Not my fault you didn't think of it.

Chloe: I would probably do something If I heard there was a person going by sensei's name in the past.

Rimuru: Exactly what we wanted to avoid, as is I was already altering the past you knew so if you knew it was me it'd throw a wrench in my plans

Shizu: Why would you seal yourself Slime-san

Rimuru: I needed the me who everyone knew to come into existence and take the same actions I did before, then once I was sent to the voice my soul's signature would break the seal and I would merge with myself.

Chloe: Since sensei had to make a manas of himself and keep his existence as it was he needed to remove anyways for himself to prevent the reincarnation he would have normally.

"You can use Race Shift to gather information from the enemy groups without them realizing. Then that combo of skills will help you make them believe your lies. But should we talk about that generator skill you have?"

"No we shouldn't. I instinctively know what it is and it's beyond absurd. I am almost afraid to see what Ciel does if she gets her hands on this skill and the Magicule Breeder Reactor I got from Milim. Also I can only shift into Race's I've seen or can imagine."

"Still beyond absurd to change races at will and I will agree to not talking about that since the name of it already scares me enough."

Guy: I agree being able to change races at will is dumb, and why is this generator so absurd to the point you'd rather not talk about it?

Micheal: Should we even ask what that manas did with the reactors?

Rimuru/Ciel: No. For your own sanity don't.

Aza: I can tell you. "I want to see the chaos that ensues when they learn what Ciel did"

Ciel: Aza don't this is the one time I will forbid you from speaking if you try.

Aza: Fine... I won't say anything this time.

Rimuru: "I cannot tell them what Ciel did."

Ciel: "I want to brag about what I did...but this is one situation where it's best I don't. No matter how much I want to share the intricacies of the reactor I made"

Rimuru: As a reward for listening Aza, you can have 1 wish


Aza: Remove the rule saying no asking for the erasure of a being/concept/law/principle from the rules of things I can wish for. This is my wish "I know I will get another wish sometime in the future regardless. I can and will play the long game"

Rimuru: Fine. "Long game huh?"

Everyone: "I see this ending horribly"

"Truly sad Velda I can't just kill Guy, Ivarage, and Feldway right now because I need them alive to bring back Ciel." Velda merely nodded at Rimuru's words recognizing how absurd this situation was. Velda felt deep regret at the action's he'd taken such as letting Guy live and making Feldway that body but a small pat on the back and a smile reassured him as the two got ready for their entrance into the Cardinal World.

Rimuru: If they didn't need to be alive I'd have kill all three instantly or erased them from existence beforehand

Guy: Hey let's not talk about existence erasure so candidly and lightly

Rimuru: I am beyond a Catastrophe class being and as such you as the mediator chosen by my predecessor must be the outlet for my stress relief no matter what it may be. Don't think I won't just retire and let chaos ensue to piss you off. I bet I could find a good successor maybe 200-300 thousand years down the road.

Guy: Then I'd accept eternal sleep at that point

Rimuru: I'd deny it. Besides this timeline ended, my desires don't matter in this timelines regards.

Chloe: "Sensei is really putting him in a tough spot"

Deeno: "Is this workplace harassment? WAIT IF HE RETIRES!" RIMURU WAIT!! How about I as a primordial angel and Veldanava old subordinate give you permission to speak however you want. I am in a sense a mediator right?

Rimuru: I knew you were my favorite angel Deeno. I accept this proposition. Don't worry I was only joking anyways. "I wasn't. I will retire to piss him off if push comes to shove"

Aza/Ciel/Veldanava: "He wasn't joking. He was entirely serious"

Lucia/Velgrynd/Velzard/Ramirus: "I get the feeling he wasn't joking"

Micheal/Yuuki: "He couldn't have been joking not with that look on his face"

Diablo: It appears that your Lord regretted creating you a body angel

Demoness: I couldn't imagine ever being in that position how truly sad

Rimuru: "They're instigating. Heh. I'll allow it." Don't worry Oneway everyone creates mistakes.

Veldanava: "Isn't it we all make mistak...he said creates to piss of Feldway. I really see why he's called the Chaos Creator more and more everyday"

Feldway has decided to ignore Rimuru. But internally he is seething.

Rimuru/Diablo: "This is going to be fun"

"Should I befriend your living self Velda?"

"You can do whatever you want in that regard. We are the same person and once he dies we'll stop existing in two forms meaning we will share memories and experiences. So I'm fine either way, especially since I'm a manas I will see everything you see as long as I'm paying attention."

"As long as I'm paying attention huh? Well let's speed this waiting process up we know what we need. We'll manage the rest."

"Please do, I don't want to imagine the suspense of waiting at the rate time is flowing for us till the Cardinal World exists."


Veldora: Seems like we're skipping to the creation of the Cardinal World

Lucia: "Velda is planning something. He said as long as he's paying attention. He intends to throw Rimuru into fire doesn't he"

"AHHH! The feeling of fresh air after so long is so great. I never thought I'd miss it this much." Taking a deep breath of fresh air I gazed into the cloudy sky relishing finally being able to walk on the ground of the world that became my home.

Yuuki: But you don't breathe

Rimuru: Yuuki, it's a metaphor.

<<I'll be in the imaginary space watching over you if you need something. Otherwise make sure to have fun also you seem to have visitors. You forgot to suppress your natural aura.>>

"Velda you pain in the ass. You were supposed to suppress my aura as soon as I left the imaginary space. At the very least do your job preventing analysis of me. Goddamn otaku dragon. I shouldn't have shown you manga." Rimuru clicked his tongue annoyed at Velda and his antics.

<<Don't worry I got that down. I suppressed your aura now but still good luck with your Visitor.>>

Veldora: Oh Elder Brother really does enjoy the sacred texts too.

Veldanava: Of course I do.

Rimuru: "These idiots"

Yuuki: I also enjoy these sacred texts as you call them

Ramirus/Deeno: They can be enjoyable

Rimuru: Ciel, remind me in a timeline to never share manga with anyone to see what happens.

Ciel: Gladly

Veldora: NO! Don't make the other me not be allowed to experience the sacred texts

Velzard: "These books are how he keeps Veldora in line....and it works on elder brother too. Really..."

Aza: "If I erase the concept/principle/idea of manga what would happen? I want to know, but my current wish goal is far more important. I want that."

Chloe: What about the kids of S-Class sensei?

Rimuru: As fate will have it no one will get manga in that timeline. I need to know. Will it be more peaceful or more annoying? Also like Ciel said before. Using her abilities to make manga is a waste. "Unless it's for me and her or Aza. That's a different story, but that rarely happens"

Everyone: "Is he trying to see if more chaos will ensue with this action?"

'Velda you bastard. Hah. I swear you're a piece of work. Huh? This.... no it can't be...' Recognizing the presence I looked towards the source of it rushing at me at a fast pace being followed closely by a second presence releasing minimal magicules.

'Well this seems to be going much faster than I hoped. Velda you and your games I swear man.' Sighing heavily I prepared for the arrival of my dear visitors.

Veldanava: Well it did work out in some regards anyway

Velzard: Why does Rimuru seem so nervous and anxious?

Velgrynd: "He recognized the presence instantly. I feel like it's elder brother and my instincts say the other is Velzard" This could be interesting.

Lucia: His reaction "It must be Velzard or Velgrynd and Velda. I can't see a reaction coming from him unless it's them but based on everything it's likely Velzard"

Women: "I think it's Velzard"

Diablo: "It must be the White Ice Dragon"

Micheal/Rudra: Dear visitors "It's likely (lord)Veldanava(sensei) and Velzard"

Veldora: "If this follows normal sacred texts troupes it'll be eldest sister and elder brother"

[Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua]- Deceptive Tongue [Sealing Lord, Janus]- Aura Lock{0}

I knew I shouldn't take Velda's absentminded replies at face value and being safe rather than sorry was the best bet. [Aura Lock] will prevent me from leaking even a single magicule since that is what I set it to and [Deceptive Tongue] will dissuade people from knowing the validity of my statements but also guarantee the validity of their statements.

Hinata: So a skill for lying

Elmesia: Best not let corrupt leaders get ahold of that skill

Rimuru: It's fine that skill is unique to that ultimate skill you can't get it without the ultimate skill.

Many: "Doesn't this mean he could've been lying to us at any point and we wouldn't know.


Luminous: That Aura lock skill would be useful in deceiving people perfectly or infiltration

Souei: "This skill would be useful in preventing the shadows from being detected"

Rimuru: I can also change other people's aura and aura capacity. <You can have a copy of the skill and share it to your team Souei>

Souei: <Thank you Rimuru-sama>

Veldanava: Well your skill didn't work on me Rimuru

Rimuru: Thats because you were fucking with me and stronger the you I was speaking to was stronger than me "barely"

Benimaru: "Rimuru-sama is as cautious as ever"

Tsunderes: "wait he'd know if I lied to him!" ←(Nightmares realized)

After a few moments I felt the two figures coming closer to my location with the speed of their movements changing. The two swapped positions meaning that the one in the front was protecting the one behind them. Like an older brother protects his siblings...

Everyone: "This confirms it. It's Veldanava and Velzard likely"

Velgrynd: I know who it is, I'm 100% certain its Velzard and elder brother

Velzard: "I suppose it'd make sense given all the evidence that it's me."

Taking a look around I failed to realize till now that I was standing idiotically in the middle of a field of beautiful white, red, and blue flowers.

'Guess I should welcome my guests in some regard. [Material Creation]. A small table, three chairs, some tea and a few cookies should do the trick.

Yuuki: You really were just standing around staring into blank space no moving

Youm: But even still boss looked regal in many regards the flower back ground almost makes it look like he's preparing for a wedding ceremony

Lucia: Velda isn't that where we went for our first date?

Veldanava: Conveniently it was, it also just so happened to be the place Rimuru teleported to when entering the Cardinal World

Rimuru: Coincidences can be scary

Yuuki: Piano and calligraphy

Hinata: What?

Yuuki: don't worry about it

Veldora: The chairs and table you made are very simple and minimalistic yet look somewhat regal like royalty would use them.

Milim: Bestie made his best snacks

Elmesia: I am more interested in the drinks"I am a member of the Three Wise Drunks so I do find myself curious of the drinks but the snacks also look quite nice"

Diablo/Velgrynd: Your mastery of Material Creation is applaudable. The quality and strength of these creations are clear even at a glance despite the simplicity.

I can't appear more threatening than I already am...but I have to lie to them. [Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua]- False Soul Engraving {Satoru}.

If I tell them the truth they may find me in the future after I leave and ruin my plans. I want to be remembered but I must also be forgotten in a sense. This all would have been so much easier had I killed Guy and Ciel been here. But no use complaining over spilled eggs,'

"I Will Not Fail Twice. Be Ready For Your Deaths."

Luminous: There it is once again

Milim: Besties demon lord voice

Testarossa: "But despite the cold, callous, and almost emotionless tone it feels very alluring. His natural charm and intrinsic skill may have a part in that though."

Velzard: There that name is again. "I felt like I recognized that name during Velgrynd's story maybe I instinctively remembered it despite it being a new timeline"

Velgrynd: Oh you used Satoru again. Is that your go to?

Rimuru: It was my go to when I couldn't verify the validity and effect of this skill. It was a name I previously held and since I didn't exactly trust Velda not to mess with me I chose a name easier to engrave based on my connection to it. But is it my go to name, not anymore no, but I do use it occasionally.

Gobta: You want to remembered but forgotten suu

Rimuru: I want my existence to be remembered but I also need to be forgotten. My impact will be remembered in some regards but more than likely I will be forgotten so as to not cause issues. Think like this. I Satoru will be forgotten but my actions will be remembered.

Gobta: I don't get it

Hakuroe: ahohoh "I see. Rimuru-sama would be remembered by some people in full and by others not at all."

Gazel/Elmesia: I can see what he means in some regard

A few minutes later I heard two figures touch down onto the ground. I held my back to them and merely gestured to the seats at the table inviting them for a chat and some snacks. I could tell who they were based on the presence they gave off. I needed to stay calm and composed more so for myself [Deceptive Tongue] could help with my mistakes and failures.

I could sense the hesitation from one of the presences which pained my heart slightly but the other seemed entirely unfazed by my actions and presence. I felt them both come closer and sit down before I introduced myself, keeping my eyes closed and [Magic Sense] off.

Everyone stayed quiet but they did note how Rimuru seemed nervous and that he seemed to not like one person particularly Velzard's hesitation towards him.

"I suppose introductions are in order. I'm Satoru. Might I know the names of my dear guests." I looked up towards them both, finally turning back on my [Magic Sense]. I had a cover over my eyes that I could see through but I'm still accustomed to the sensation of sight through [Magic Sense].

"Oh. You're really a peculiar person aren't you. I can't tell if your Human or not, interesting. I'm the Star King Dragon Veldanava." Veldanava looked at me with a smile and eyes filled with stars as if I was some fresh new toy. I apparently deftly caught his attention.

Lucia: You really did catch his attention extremely fast

Dagurel: It probably has to do with Rimuru making such a large aura then it disappearing and his air of confidence despite being approached by strangers with unknown strengths

Hinata: You're more accustomed to using Magic sense over normal sight?

Rimuru: I was a slime before so I used it to see in my slime form and the sensations of using magic sense and normal sight are vastly different. Both in nature, feel, field of view, and clarity

Veldanava looked the same as Velda. The only difference was the presence and the feel of the person. He wore a curious only childish look in his eyes whereas Velda wore one of a man who has seen all the grim realities that come with living and losing those you love.

'The difference between the two is noticeable but they are still the same person. I wonder if people will see me as I see Velda and his past self. Who am I kidding? The Rimuru they'll know and me are totally different people taking the meaning of our name differently.'

Veldora: Who you are at the core didn't change. You are still the Rimuru we knew you just fell down and had to pick yourself back up

Milim: Bestie is just much stronger. You're the same person

Lucia: I am not the closest to you but I would say you are still the same person. From what everyone says you think of others first and appear to have a switch being able to go from a person who brightens a room to a person who is willing to do what you must

Many agreed with this sentiment, as they felt that despite his own thoughts they all still saw him as the same person and that he was in this regard exactly the same as he saw Veldanava and his past self.

Velzard: I'd say the only thing that really changed was your looks...thought they aren't bad*mumbled*

Everyone still heard it. She should've just thought that in her head.

Ciel/Aza: "At this rate people may actually approach us to be with Rimuru! ahhhhahha"

"It's nice to meet you Veldanava. I must say I never met someone who releases so few magicules such as yourself. I could almost miss you if you stood in a crowd if not for the speckled black hair like the night sky and your horns." I let out a slight chuckle as I spoke while I took a sip of my tea hoping that Velda's past self would take this slight jab happily.

"Haha. I could say the same for you. If I hadn't sensed your massive presence and aura before I would've lost you since you release absolutely 0 magicules. It's almost as if you don't exist. But your hair certainly stands out more than mine don't you think? Yours almost looks like it has galaxies flowing through it and the deep blue to pale blue coloring stands out wouldn't you agree?" Veldanava laughed it off and played along with me bringing a small smile to my face.

'They really are the same person. Yearning for a close friend, a colleague, a person to chat on equal terms, and someone to help fills the boredom that comes from having all the strength in the world. A man worthy of respect, he was revered but he wanted those to look at him as a person. That's probably why Lucia and his family were so dear to him.'

Many people let out a chuckle at the slight jabs Rimuru and Veldanava shared but people who were close to Veldanava felt a little ashamed at their failure to notice these feelings in Veldanava.

Veldanava: This really is exposing me now isn't it. Honestly having one's thoughts and feelings made open like this is a tad uncomfortable in some regards

Rimuru: Now you see why I said I'd kill you if you didn't shut up. Though I will agree in some regards with that sentiment, at the end of the day you're not alone anymore. You have people who don't worship you and revere you 24/7 but have Lucia, Milim, your siblings, Aza, Ciel, and myself.

Veldanava: Well you're certainly right about that. It does feel nice to just be able to relax undisturbed and away from things like worship and such

Rimuru: I certainly agree with you.

Lucia: "Well I can at least be glad that Velda isn't alone anymore."

Velzard/Velgrynd: "Maybe I should've treated my elder brother more like a person than I did. Looking back I can see why it may make someone feel isolated "

Veldora: DON'T WORRY ELDER BROTHER! We can share our thoughts on the various sacred texts and our opinions on which characters are better.

Many people chuckled at Veldora's seemingly childish offer but to others it came off as it was meant to be. A way to just spend time simply as brother's with no status or power coming into play simply just letting time peacefully pass by.

Veldanava: I'd like that. Make sure you show up Rimuru, we'll certainly need your opinion as someone who experienced it all first

Rimuru: Hahh..Sure I'll join in, let me know when I'll clear my schedule.

"Hah. You bring up a good point. I do stick out quite a bit. So what do I owe the pleasure Veldanava. I assume you and this beautiful lady I don't know came for a reason. I apologize. I'm Satoru, you are?" I looked to Veldanava's left at a woman I know so well. I hated every second of acting like I didn't know her but it was a necessary sacrifice.

Velzard: Well it would certainly strike me as odd if you suddenly started acting like you'd know me for a long time at the first meeting we had.

Rimuru: That's why I pretended I didn't know you so everything would proceed smoothly, but in a sense I didn't know 'you' or at least the 'you' of this time so in some regards I didn't know you.

Luminous: Rimuru you are quite the smoothtalker aren't you? You just casually compliment a woman despite it being the first time she'd met you.

Rimuru: I was merely stating the truth.

Everyone: "Like that makes it better"

Velzard: "Well I'm glad he finds me attractive but I need to calm down. Now is not the time"

Ciel: "Yep it looks like people will definitely be approaching me to get permission to be with Rimuru."

Aza: "Rimuru. You saying they need to approach us first pleased me but I have a feeling this is going to annoy me soon"

'Dammit Velda. Why did you make me admit I love her? This is only making this harder for me. Ahhhh...' I mentally sighed as I looked towards the woman with white hair and golden eyes I knew so well. She oddly enough despite being in an unconcealed form looked exactly like her concealed form just with golden eyes and not blue ones.

She was wearing a short off-shoulder white and blue dress with long semi-detached white sleeves. She also wore long blue boots that led to a white spot over her knees. She had her characteristic gold headband but she didn't have her blue star-shaped pendant.

'I see she hadn't gotten the pendant yet, but I guess 150 years wasn't long enough for Velzard to fully mature. I have a feeling though that she is manipulating her form to stay more childish so Veldanava would spoil her. It's kind of cute.' I was brought out of my thoughts as she finally spoke.

Velzard: "He knew?! But it also seemed he paid a lot of attention to me. It was clear in his noting of my lack of a pendant, my eye color, and my body size" ←(embarrassed but trying to think logically)

Velgrynd: "That's kind of cute if that's true, but it seems like no matter who Rimuru takes interest in he pays special attention to them and devotes more time to them"

Yuuki: So do we ignore the fact that she could have maintained a younger form just to be spoiled or~

Shizu/Hinata: It's best not to question a woman's actions Yuuki

Other Men: "You should've known, kid. Never question a woman on why they do certain things"

Veldora: So now we know. This is 150 years after Velzard was born

Rudra: That's quite early. Nothing should've really been around of note at this time. The Eastern Empire won't even start for over 17,000 years.

Veldanava: Neither of us wanted to wait and acting earlier was better

Rimuru: It was also because Velda had 0 patience left at this point. I would've felt fine waiting a little longer but leaving when we did was probably for the best since it was before Velgrynd was born and Velzard was alive for a decent amount of time

"I'm Velzard the White Ice Dragon and Veldanava's younger sister. Brother why didn't you ask him his race? He gave off such an oppressive and chaotic aura before he entirely erased it. I don't want to admit it but I would've lost him if you hadn't come when he did that." I'm so glad my eyes are covered as I was utterly dumbfounded by the way Velzard was acting right now. I would've caused a lot of problems if they saw that.

'Seeing new sides of her is a treat. I wish it was in better circumstances though beggars can't be choosers. It's sad my current incarnation fell in love with Velzard, my previous incarnation was in love with Velgrynd and then accepted her not having feelings by creating this timeline as the new reality. If Velzard is still in love with Guy like Velda said I'd probably do the same. I apologize to my future self if it turns out you'll have to see both of them with another man after knowing that I made the man they knew.'

Velgrynd: I sympathize with that feeling Rimuru, I myself am a little dumbfounded.

Feldway: I would never have thought I'd see her admit she'd lost before even challenging someone

Rimuru: But see dear Birdway. She said 'I would've lost him' she never said anything about losing to me in a fight.

Lucia: Why did you call the past timeline your previous incarnation and refer to yourself as an incarnation?

Rimuru: It's the easiest way to put feelings from past timelines aside and in a sense I am just an incarnation since I am a spiritual/digital lifeform. Once I am sent to the Void my current self will gain the memories and power of my previous self. So in a sense I incarnate in my own body. Also past me once again Thank you for the apology.

Yuuki: Damn though. He said he made you two. How does that make you feel?

Rudra/Guy: "This little...hahhhh. He's not wrong yet I still don't like that he said that. I will stay calm this one time"

Women: "I just registered this. He thanked himself for an apology to himself."

Ramirus: So were you in love with Velgrynd and Velzard in this timeline

Velzard/Velgrynd: !!

Rimuru: You can say I was, however there is a caveat

Everyone: ??

Rimuru: I gained my memories as I went to the void, remember. *many nods* However before that I had spent a considerable amount of time with Velzard and in her company. I fell in love with Velzard and had weird feelings when I looked at Velgrynd but when I went to the void it all became clear. I fell in love with Velzard but my soul still remembered instinctively the past timeline. After I regained my memories I cried because I knew what I did and finally understood. So to say Yes I was but my feelings for Velzard had made a way for me to move past my feelings for Velgrynd by giving a way for me to accept my previous choices.

So if we look at it by this version standards. I was able to move on and accept my reality easier since I focused elsewhere and had other things to take care of but for me I reset the world and here we are

Ciel: You've always had me Rimuru

Aza: And now you've been blessed with Me too

Rimuru: I am aware, thank you."I'm glad to have you both" So you are free to call me scum for falling in love with another woman despite already loving another.

Ciel: I was fine because I know you'd always love me regardless

Everyone: "Wow they were really made for eachother"

Women: "She's so understanding because she is absolutely sure he will always love her. I want that kind of relationship"

Chloe: "Don't worry sensei I will support you myself from now on"

Asuryii: (Feel this is necessary to say. I am not the biggest Chloe fan for 1 reason. The ship makes me feel relatively uncomfortable because of the fanart and a majority of the supporters of the ship. Chloe is a good character don't get me wrong but I just don't like the whole changing from an Adult to a child form thing. Not my style sorry. I'd still write a story if it was heavily requested but the likelihood is very low)

"You ask a good question Velzard and simply put I wanted to see if I could figure it out. The thing is I can't. He almost feels as old as me if not older and that's all I know." Velzard looked back and forth between Veldanava and I, dumbfounded at the notion that I may be older than the God of Creation and someone who existed before creation.

<Velda my friend your instincts are absurd. Very respectable.> I felt Velda shrug through the connection as if saying 'This is to be expected'. He may not be smug like Ciel but dammit he has his own thing.

Velgrynd: "Did Veldora adopt habits that elder brother had"

Velzard: The other me's reaction is very understandable. I don't think fathoming someone being older than someone older than creation is something you do every day.

Deeno: Why do you call him by two different things?

Rimuru: I call Veldanava the one on screen as Veldanava and the Manas Velda as Velda to differentiate them. Also I am closer to his manas form so calling him by a nickname was better suited, it also makes it clear for Velda here when I am talking to him or his living self.

Elmesia: That seems like a simple yet effective way of clarifying who you are referring to, but then it begs the question why do you call him Veldanava and Velda now?

Rimuru: It's entirely unconscious. I don't even know I'm doing it.

Everyone: "He does and says a lot of things unconsciously or accidently that confuse people"

Veldanava: Just like how you accidentally make dozens of women fall in love with you

Women: "exactly what I was thinking"

Rimuru: I don't mean to do it, and you shouldn't be one to talk to Velda. I knew you for thousands of years before you met Lucia. You are just as bad if not worse than me in that regard.

Lucia: Hmmm?!

Veldanava: Rimuru you have to be joking. You're far worse. How many marriage proposals do you get in a day EVEN WHEN NOT BEING A KING OR GOD???

Rimuru and Veldanava proceeded to argue over who is worse for the next 10 minutes straight till Lucia and Aza had enough. Yes I said Aza, Ciel was already plotting to get Rimuru later.

Lucia: VELDA! We will be having a talk later. NOW stop acting like a child, you are an adult and a god. You are being a bad example

Aza: RIMURU!! Although I like your attitude, SAVE IT! We are not trying to watch you make a fool out of yourself by going back and forth on pointless topics. EVERYONE! I mean EVERYONE knows you get bitches of course he does too, but arguing over who is worse in regards to making women fall for you is annoying as shit. NOW! Rimuru you owe me sit the fuck down now.

Veldanava listened and stopped arguing with Rimuru, while Rimuru on the other hand sat down and Aza proc-

Asuryii: "NO MY CHAIRS!!!" ←(Knew he should've just bought recliners)

She broke the chair and made it recline slightly and proceeded to sit on his lap and force him to lean back as she followed suit. Ciel saw this as a good moment and leaned into Rimuru's side while he was forced to have 1 arm wrapped around each of them.

Velzard/Velgrynd: "What I'd give to do that to Rimuru"

Other Women-Lucia(duh) ←(horny for Rimuru): "It should've been me. No, it will be me soon. Hopefully."

Men-Gods: "Ah yes a man in his natural habitat. Being whipped by his wife(s). Truly an experience every man relates to(most)."

Dagurel: "This reminds me of her" ←(I gave him a choccy milk to make pain go away)

"Are you curious as to my race? I can tell you if you want to know." I took the last sip of my tea before I looked at the reactions of Velzard and Veldanava. They seemed curious and wary at the same time but Veldanava was far more carefree as he motioned for some more tea.

"I will admit I am curious but I have no intention of forcing you to tell me. All I know is you're nothing like my creations but you have definitely peaked my interest. By the way, this tea is good. What is it?"

"Oh I'm glad you like it. It's green tea with whiskey, peach schnapps, and lemon-lime soda. It's tea and alcohol. Don't worry though the lady has normal green tea. 'Mainly because I don't know what type of alcohol she likes and I figured this would peak your interest since Velda likes it.' And as for my race I don't mind telling you. You're not forcing me at all. I can tell since before you've even sat down you'd been trying to analyze me."

Velzard: If not for your thoughts I may have thought you were perceiving me as a child.

Rimuru: "Well you did right after this"

Micheal: It appears that you were curious yet wary why is that Lord Veldanava?

Veldanava: Because I couldn't figure anything out about him. I was wary at the possibility that he may possess capabilities I had no knowledge of and that based on the age I felt from him he may be a god like myself but highly skilled in deception.

Rimuru: Which was also thanks to your Manas self fucking with me. I'm not saying that you wouldn't have found it out but you more than likely with your personality looked past it

Feldway: Thi- ←(yes this is Feldway bullying deal with it, I can't only bully Guy and Rudra)

Veldanava: Yeah the me at that moment would have looked past it based on your mannerisms and vibe.

Rimuru: See Deadway sometimes even those you think of as gods will look over things "You possibly causing trouble was clearly one of those things"

"Very interesting drink. Suited my tastes nicely. I couldn't tell if it had alcohol in it but I can see how it changes the flavor. But yes I have been trying to analyze you but oddly enough I either get nothing or conflicting answers which is a first for me. You have also deftly and successfully made my curiosity peak so if you don't mind I'd like to know your race."

"I'm not a child. I can handle alcohol." Velzard glared at me irritatedly at the notion I gave her normal tea possibly meaning I saw her as a kid.

"I only gave you normal tea since I couldn't begin to guess what you'd like whereas with your brother I felt he'd have similar tastes to me. Call it male senses."

'God I am cringing at what I said but I can't say I know your brother's favorite drink since I spent hundreds of years drinking with him. Plus you never told me you liked any drinks. I knew you liked some of the drinks in Tempest but I didn't know any alcohols you liked.'

Leon: Can you clarify what you meant by conflicting answers?

Veldanava: I felt he was every race imaginable and hybrids of various races, but as I looked further the results would warp and give answers that couldn't possibly correlate to other results based on the life of the Cardinal World till that point. I read he was a skill, a demon, a vampire, an angel, a demon/vampire hybrid, a human, an awakened, a dragon, and even a fish. Yes a fucking FISH.

Rimuru: You're damn right I put a fish as one of my fake readings just to piss you off later and make you question your whole life for an instant.

Yuuki: That's the most toxic thing you could do in that moment

Veldanava: NO! It gets worse. He also made me think he was ME and the VOTW! Who thinks of that?

Patrons/Octagram: "Who else but Rimuru"

Micheal/Feldway: "This absurd slime"

Chloe: "Sensei definitely"

Everyone: "I fail to see how this out of character"

Velzard: Moving on your reply of 'Male Senses' was that really the only reply you could think of

Rimuru: No, but it worked, because right after I diverted your attention not letting you think too deeply but I did not like the answer I gave either.

Velzard: Do you know my favorite drink now?

Rimuru: I could tell you but I know 'you' haven't had it yet. Same for every person in this room except the Record Keeper Asuryii. I don't know anything about him, maybe he likes water.

Everyone: "Obviously he'd like water. Who doesn't? But he knows everyone's favorite drink even if we haven't had it.

Rimuru: Though Elmesia I do know you've had your favorite drink before during one of our meetings. It was a New York Sour, a red wine cocktail.

Elmesia: That it was.

Women: "I feel jealous they've shared drinks before. He should share drinks with me"

Rimuru: Oh and Diablo's was a Blue Margarita and Benimaru, Souei, Hakuroe, and Kurobes favorite was a simple sake or rice wine, Gazel likes Tempest Wine the most.

Men mentioned: This is correct

Lucia: It's clear now. Rimuru knows all the little details since he pays good attention to everyone around him

Rimuru: Sorry Deeno almost forgot you. Your favorite drink is-

Rimuru/Deeno: Anything that'll put me to sleep faster or is made with Gin and Tonic.

Everyone: "At this point say everyone's favorite even if they don't know it."

"Weird. I'll let it slide since it wasn't you perceiving me as a child."

"Thank you for your understanding. It's nice to converse with the both of you since you both are intelligent enough to understand the meaning of various things. But as for my race I am an Outer Humanoid." I smiled warmly as I spoke and looked towards their faces gauging their reactions as I said my race. I could have easily lied here and said I was a demon or something they knew of but saying my real race makes a bigger impact since they have 0 clue what an Outer Humanoid is.

'I will be honest I only know what it is barely since I lived as one for a long time now.'

Everyone was slightly perturbed at the fact that Rimuru barely knew what an Outer Humanoid was even after being one for possibly thousands of years waiting for the Cardinal World to be created.

Velzard: Would you have lied if you didn't care for a big impact

Rimuru: If I felt I didn't need to make a large impact most likely, but that would've been difficult because of Velda. So if I lied it could have made Veldanava not trust me and try to kill or suppress me which would cause a whole other issue.

Velgrynd: I will be the first to say what we are all thinking but the Cardinal would most definitely cease to exist in an instant if you 2 fought.

Veldanava: Exactly why we avoid that. Thought Rimuru you telling me the truth of your race here also screwed you because I was able to see through your skill since I knew what frequency I could look for in my memories of you words and the feeling they gave off

Rimuru: Once again Velda. That was your fault. I would've been fine if you didn't fuck with me

Veldanava: Go on keep telling yourself that "I'm going to make Aza and Ciel yell at you. Even if what you're saying is true"

Rimuru: Well we can agree to disagree and end this here before Meldway gets mad and starts yelling

Veldanava: "Dammit he backed off" Fine let's leave it at that

"An Outer Humanoid? You don't seem to be lying hmm. What is an Outer Humanoid? Would you like to explain Satoru?" Veldanava spoke curiously for a moment but emphasized my name. He seems to have realized something is wrong with my name but he hasn't fully realized. I should have known nothing will work perfectly against Veldanava but it is doing fine for the time being.

"I don't mind explaining. Simply put an Outer Humanoid is a being with no discernable race but is characterized by a Humanoid shape and the place of birth. I am able to take the form of any race I have knowledge of as long as I can visualize them or have seen them, but my main form will always be humanoid. I could take the shape of a non-humanoid race but I would feel uncomfortable.

Say for example a demon. I can take the form of a demon or even an angel, but I will not be a simple angel or demon. I may be able to take the form of a dragon but once again I'd be different and most likely uncomfortable.

Think of it like this. Imagine your belt was always either too loose or too tight and your shirts wet or scratchy. Think of all the minor inconveniences you can and multiply that by an exponential factor and there's me in a non-humanoid form. There is more to it but I won't explain all the details about myself as we all need to keep things hidden to remain safe."

Rimuru: I'm going to make it worse for myself. If you don't know the name of an Outer Humanoid you'll perceive them covered in a haze and are more likely to fall for mental manipulation and curses

Micheal: Despite the odd mention of curses the ability to change into any race at will as long as you can picture them is quite useful the more you look into it

Diablo: Let alone the minute trade off of only experiencing discomfort, but the real question is do you adopt the intrinsic skills of the race you change into.

Rimuru: You do but only the ones you are aware of. "I know every intrinsic so there is no real weakness in that regard and the simplicity in changing races is as easy as breathing"

Velzard: What did you mean by a simple angel or demon?

Rimuru: I will always possess a quality of nihility, stardust, or chaos. It is minutely noticeable in my appearance but in my skills it is very noticeable if not properly managed.

I waited a few minutes as I finished another cup of tea and calmly ate a few of the snacks I prepared till Velzard surprisingly spoke out.

"So you mean to say you can become anything at the cost of being uncomfortable as long as you have an image of it in your mind. You can change your race at will. That is an interesting ability that seems to be intrinsic to Outer Humanoids. So like you could become an angel-demon hybrid?" Velzard looked at me with an almost childish gleam in her eyes as if she'd found a new toy.

'I expected this from Veldanava, but this is a welcome surprise.' I let out a small laugh as I finished my thoughts. Which Velzard didn't like...

"Why are you laughing? It was a genuine question." Velzard was glaring at me entirely, forgetting her earlier apprehensiveness towards me.

'Cute.' I finished laughing and smiled as I looked at Velzard in the eyes. I knew she could feel I was looking her in the eyes despite them being covered. "I only laughed cause I felt refreshed that you weren't afraid of me and for the simple fact that you looked cute asking if I could become an angel-demon hybrid. But to answer your question I can become a Nephalam since I have an image in my head of one."

Velzard stared at me blankly before she blushed a little, simply nodding and putting all her attention into the cookies in front of her. Veldanava looked at me quizzically for a moment before he seemed to make a decision.

Velgrynd: I have to admit I never thought I'd see my elder sister like this

Lucia: It's truly a curious thing to know that someone could feel your gaze despite it being hidden

Rimuru: I saw a small narrowing of her gaze when I was looking her in the eyes so that told me she was aware of my gaze "This is a lie my sixth sense just knew intuitively that she recognized my gaze"

Micheal: The idea of a demon-angel hybrid as you called a Nephalam is almost an impossibility considering the relationship between angels and demons in the Cardinal World. In that regard I can understand the curiosity Velzard had with the possibility of you changing you race into one

Many agreed with this notion finding the idea of a Nephalam interesting but the demons and angels had no intentions of trying to find a partner from there opposite

Rimuru: Nephalam is a very interesting race I agree with this thought however there are very few evolutionary paths a Nephalam can take since you are already in many regards a chaotic being since you are an angel and a demon

Veldanava: "That timeline where he was a Nephalam was interesting to say the least"

Velzard: "Well I can't help my curiosity. I even find myself curious but Rimuru really found me cute." ←(Embarrassed)

"[Suspended World]"

"Hmm Suspended World. I assume you have something to say that your sister can't hear. I would hurry though I assume her nature is trying to adapt her to the suspended world. She currently doesn't have an ultimate skill and yet she is unconsciously trying to become a digital being." Veldanava looked at me peculiarly for a moment before he sighed heavily and uncharacteristically of himself.

"You really are an interesting one, Satoru. I can't get a good read on you, I can't validate your statements, and you know an immense amount of information. I want to ask you three questions, you may ask three in return."

"I agree this seems interesting." This was a development Velda and I hadn't predicted but it seems interesting nonetheless.

Rimuru: <Heh. Remember that Velda>

Veldanava: "damn con-man"

Luminous: I shouldn't be surprised that Rimuru of all people would make the creator sigh heavily like that

Diablo: The statement made by Rimuru-sama says a lot about the nature of true dragons and their connections to these concepts on how he stated Velzard was unconsciously adapting to the Suspended World

Veldanava: Velzard's innate nature and connection to deceleration "well being the manifestation of deceleration her adapting to the Suspended World despite not having an ultimate skill is understandable but still applaudable"

Guy: I feel like most people in a situation such as this. Where you're face to face with someone who you cannot get a read on or validate anything they have said would lead them to either: enacting a situation where they can get more concert information or to simply engage in combat

Ciel: "The second option though possible is one only a battle junky would opt to use."

Aza: You forget that Veldanava had no way to gauge Rimuru's strength and any reads he received always contested other readings

Rudra: For this situation the actions taken by Veldanava-sensei were the best he could take and based on the questions he makes and the answers he receives he'll learn information that could help him or hurt him

Masayuki: I see Rimuru playing Veldanava and subverting many people's expectations

Everyone looked over at Masayuki as he spoke up. They had not even realized he entered the room.

Asuryii: (Ngl I forgot the main man Masayuki. Sorry everyone)

Rimuru: Hey Masayuki you missed a lot but glad to have you here "and what you said is exactly what happened"

Masayuki: Oh Hey Rimuru

Rudra: Wait, why are you so nice to my reincarnation but not me?

Rimuru: I like Masayuki. He's a good friend. He despite being your reincarnation is basically a totally different person, no is a different person. You cause me problems he doesn't. That's why I'm cool with Masayuki but not with you

Masayuki: You're a good friend to Rimuru. Thanks for your words

Rimuru: "Besides for you to be perfect for Velgrynd he needs to be your reincarnation. If that wasn't the case you'd forever have problems but sadly that means he has to be your reincarnation"

Everyone: "Very clear difference in treatment. You almost could've told me short haired blonde humans were #1 on his shit list and I'd believe you if not for this."

"First question. Where did you come into existence?"

'This is a good question but I have 2 answers both being true and a technical third.' "The void. My turn, why did you get rid of your omniscience, omnipotence, and what not rather than seal it?"

"Very good question ... .Wait, how did you know that?! Also you said the Void?" He immediately realized what he did as he finished speaking. Velda inside my head was embarrassed seeing himself fall for that

"Hah got you. That's 3 questions and you failed to answer mine. How I knew it's simple really. I guessed.'Can't say you told me indirectly and I picked up based on context and trashed your future self on that.' And you heard Correctly I said the Void. It seems you didn't expect me to ask a question so heavy and give an answer you wanted to deny."

"Hah... That's embarrassing. I won't lie. You really got me good. To answer your question. It's simple really, I didn't think of it." He wore a stupid smile as he answered. I now see why Velda avoided answering why. I can only stare at him dumbfounded.

Masayuki: Can't say I'm surprised. "He was a good teacher in how to become a competent leader and ruler, this also was something he did to me quite a few times"

Diablo/Testarossa: "This is to be expected of Rimuru-sama he's the only one who would be able to do this" I must say I am deftly impressed by your use of quick succession of answering and questioning to leave the other party perplexed and open the result you achieved

Velzard: "I never thought I'd see elder brother get played in a questioning like this"

Lucia: Velda you really fell for that. He had previously indirectly told you this before when he explained his race being characterized in part by his place of birth

Many people immediately stood jaws slack as they realized that what Lucia said was true and that Veldanava had really asked the answer to a question he already had answered.

Elmesia: Outer Humanoid, 'has no discernible race but is characterized by its humanoid shape and place of birth'. Those were his words. He really did answer this question indirectly before but I can assume that Veldanava wanted to confirm his theory or hypothesis based on Rimuru's statements prior

Feldway: The words from the slime seem to confirm your words since he said Lord Veldanava wanted to deny the answer he received

Velgrynd: "I feel everyone like myself is trying to ignore the fact that Veldanava said he forgot he could seal his abilities rather than get rid of them"

They all indeed were trying to ignore that statement as they would like to believe someone helmed as a god was absentminded enough to forget the idea of sealing one's abilities.

"That's almost as bad as me guessing you did it. Second question: what was your second question going to be?" Veldanava looked at me astonished as I had pulled a fast one on him and then asked to know what he would've asked me if he hadn't fallen for my trick.

<<Fucking Con-Man>>

<Shut up Forgetful moron. You got rid of rather than seal your omniscience because you forgot you could just seal it.>

"Hmm? You really are an interesting one. I never could've expected this one Rimuru. I finally figured out your name and intended to ask why you lied along with how you were able to convince me." Veldanava looked at me peculiarly as he tried to read my reactions and body language. Sadly that is for naught I've dealt with your antics long enough to know how you read a person.

Ramirus: You both are really harsh to each other

Males: Average male friends

Shizu: So what was the point of asking the questions Veldanava intended to ask

Shuna: It was most likely to see the possible intentions and actions Veldanava may have taken

Testarossa: Rimuru-sama wanted to know if he should put his guard up or if he may remain in an unguarded manner

Diablo: Determining the actions Veldanava may take was the likely intent behind this question and the slip up previously allowed this type of question to be used

Deeno: Not saying he would but Lord Veldanava could've lied and said a random question to throw Rimuru off

Veldanava: "I totally would but in this situation giving a real answer was prudent as I'd still receive an answer in some regard along with I had no way of knowing if he'd know whether I told the truth or not." In this situation I couldn't lie since I didn't know my opponent's capabilities as for all I knew he could've had a skill that I didn't know of that would end my life if I lied.

Benimaru: That brings a good point. Veldanava had no idea of Rimuru-sama's abilities and of the possible skills he had. In this situation the actions he took were the best and lacked any real risk since there was nothing Rimuru-sama could really do with knowing the questions anyway

Shizu: So it was merely to understand how much Veldanava knew about Slime-san. Since knowing would give him an idea of the actions Veldanava was considering

Velzard: So the reason this line of questioning even worked was also due to Rimuru's experience knowing how elder brother interacted with others in conversation.

Velgrynd: His experience made this a losing game for elder brother. Rimuru already knew his tendencies but elder brother knew nothing about Rimuru

Veldora: This line of questioning and understanding others is to be expected of my sworn brother

"You figured out that Satoru was a fake name. I suppose I should've expected that development. Third question: Why haven't you given Velzard her pendant?" Veldanava looked at me flummoxed by my question cause this implied I knew he intended to give her a pendant, which meant I most likely knew the reason he got the pendant. But it also meant I knew what he knew.

"Wow you really are getting more and more peculiar by the minute. I'd ask you why you're so confident I won't kill you, but it's clear you know the answer. To answer your question it's because ever since I sensed the birth of my second sister coming I also finally noticed an unmistakable immense aura inside the void leaking into the Cardinal World. So I didn't give her this yet. Since I felt an odd pull to investigate the odd being leaking that aura, you. But to add to it my sister was complaining about feeling drawn somewhere and soon your aura appeared exactly where she felt pulled too."

'Velda did something, didn't he. He must've sent Velzard something drawing her towards me. He really intends to have me spend time with her and let her decide once I am alive as Rimuru if she wants me or Guy. Why're such a good wingman Velda and a massive pain in the ass at the same time?'

Velzard: So you really knew the reason and time I got this pendant

A small smile filled Velzard's face as she felt elated at Rimuru knowing these small things about her. Guy had never taken the time to learn small things about her despite the time they'd been partners and the time after the Tenma war. Even if only knowing each other a few years in this timeline he knew more about her than Guy did.

Velgrynd: I didn't think that was the reason behind your pendant. I always remembered you wore it but I didn't know when or why you got it,

Veldora: The look on elder brother's face at the question is truly a treat. He looks as if he had the truths of the world exposed to him

Yuuki/Masayuki: Veldanava was really being a good wingman here. Very applaudable with the good support

Deeno: How massive was your aura to be felt in the Cardinal World from the Void?

Guy: I ignored this till now but Deeno forced my hand by mentioning it. How much more are you going to cause me headaches and break the laws of the world

Rimuru: As much as I want to and my aura was already immense before this even happened of course after evolution my aura would massively grow considering all the things that happened.

"Well I suppose I can apologize for drawing your sister's attention."

"No need I am well aware that someone would've come into existence in the next 20,000 years who'd captivate her. I thought it was a blue or red haired male but I can remember since I got rid of my omniscience rather than sealing it. Same as for my 2nd sister she'd be captivated by a blonde or blue haired male but oddly I remember the blue male making a large sacrifice on his part for her

My point being as long as my sisters are happy I couldn't care less who they're interested in. As long as they're treated right then I'll be fine."

<<Tell him. Hes already to suspicious>>

<I feel the same>

Velzard/Velgrynd: "Elder brother Veldanava knew...he had forscene the relationships we would possibly engage in and even without being told he figured out that Rimuru had done something for Velgrynd/Me"

People in the room showed curiosity at the reaction Veldanava would hold from what Rimuru will tell him.

"Veldanava you're curious who I am aren't you and how I am able to deceive you. It's simple, I know you. More precisely the future you 20,000 years in the future. I failed miserably despite people calling me your successor. I saw the corpses of every single person you know or will know and people I held dear. If you want proof I can show you the corpses or the memories."

Veldanava looked at me slightly disturbed but also deeply saddened and remorseful.

"I take it since you're my successor that means I am dead and stayed dead intentionally along with you knowing me meaning you and myself later made contact. So you came back in time to fix everything. But based on your words you were not alive in this time period."

"I was not alive in this time period. My evolution sent me back in time to before you were even born and I need to live a life here and die in a sense so my future self can bring our partner back and win the final battle."

"You will live life in the past and then die but come back to your future self. This really is a complicated situation. I won't pry since I will know later more than likely.

Velzard: The reaction you had was a little lackluster to say the least

Lucia: I suppose I can understand the shock of being told everyone he will meet would be dead in front of a man he was having a conversation with would make it hard for him to react

Ciel: His only possible reactions in this situation are denial, rage, or acceptance. He would either try to adamantly deny it and shut up Rimuru, attack Rimuru blaming him, or as we saw it show remorse and accept the situation but listen to see what Rimuru would do

Velgrynd: Looking at it with that idea in mind its obvious knowing Elder brother that he wouldn't just attack Rimuru or try to shut him up in denial

Elmesia: The response of Veldanava and Rimuru's reply clearly sets an understanding that both of them immediately recognized the different directions this conversation could take and based on small clues they both were makes hypothesis before receiving an answer which would confirm of deny there thoughts

Rudra: But it also appears Veldanava-sensei understands the level on complexity behind this situation and most likely he will be more open to what Rimuru says next

So what did future me ask you to do?"

"Collect yours and your future Wife's soul after you die along with fully succeeding him and if I ever married Velzard to have him as the best man."

"I take it I die before my sibling ever gets married from your words. I also most likely died and accepted my death but others tried to bring me back. Am I guessing this all right?"

"Yes you are. And this reality's timeline is my fault. I promised your sister Velgrynd a perfect relationship with the man she loves in the last timeline and here we are."

"I see so I didn't remember that wrong. You gave her a choice and she chose him. You accepted and gave her the perfect life with him but the cost came in the form of another problem. It also seems like this timeline will lead a similar fate. You are giving Velzard a chance this time. Should she pick the other man then you will reset everything, carry the weight and deal with it in the future."

"Your intelligence is frightening at times...But it's as you said. That is the fate the world will follow."

Many people agreed with Rimuru's statement about Veldanava's intelligence but some also had more to say

Lucia: Despite being this intelligent at times you also become dumber than a rock in situations

Ciel: You are actually the living definition of someone who was so smart they became an idiot again because they actively refuse to think deeply

Aza: I see where Veldora and Milim get there intelligence and habits from, at times Veldora is absurdly intelligent but other times he's about as smart as a dead fish

Veldora: Hey!! I am intelligent and such feats are to be expected of someone such as myself

Everyone: "They really aren't"

Rimuru: "I will give it to you Veldora you are intelligent don't get me wrong, but, you are the most wasteful person when it comes to using their own intelligence or intellectual ability"

Milim: Why was I mentioned by Aza?

Aza realized she mentioned Milim when talking about Veldora and Veldanava's intelligence. She quickly thought of a way to fix the situation since Milim is one of the few people she finds adorable and didn't want to just insult Milim like she intended for the other two

Aza: Ah sorry Milim. I mentioned you because you have some habits that you picked up from your dad and Veldora such as: accidentally forgetting your own strength or causing minute amounts of trouble, but that doesn't mean I am saying these are bad things as they are what make you, you.

Everyone: "Minute amounts of trouble? I call bullshit."

Milim: OH! I get it. You mean it just like when I accidentally keep destroying besties doors all the time

Rimuru: That's exactly what she meant Milim "Aza favoritism at its finest, but the door replacement issue has happened so frequently that I don't even care anymore."

Rimuru then proceeded to give Milim cookies so she would forget about what just happened and not think too deeply into Aza's words and realize that she was lying. Afterall despite acting like a child Milim does possess some level of understanding of the hidden meanings and nuisances in conversation.

Lucia: "They expertly avoided making Milim sad. Good work, though I still don't appreciate the fact that she indirectly called my daughter an idiot like her father. I will let it slide as I intend to teach her right now and fix this. But first Velda needs a beating to bring back his intelligence"

Asuryii: "How does that work?"

Lucia: "Now you may be asking how that works it's simple reverse psychology and it'll knock some sense into him"

Asuryii: "She broke the 4th wall...I can't even be mad anymore. I will repair it at the end, I just hope the damage isn't too heavy and unrepairable"

Veldanava: "I'm in danger. I can feel it"

"Be selfish would you. For once. Think about yourself. Future me and you are friends so current me and you will be too. Don't worry I will live a good life till I die and I look forward to seeing the future path this world follows. I wouldn't mind you being my Brother-in-law, but if that is not how fate has it then at the least we can be friends who share a drink at times."

"Damn you and future you are the same person. I should've expected it but to this level I didn't. Hah. I accept Veldanava. I look forward to the future. Yes I will help you with creation since I know you find it boring."

"YES!!! It really is boring being a god. I just want to live a peaceful life and watch my creations grow, not create more." Veldanava proceeded to go on a rant reminiscent of Velda's rant who was furiously nodding his head inside my mind.

"Ok I get it. Stop. Lets restart time Velzard is getting absurdly close to acquiring her Ultimate Skill on her own and too becoming a digital being. We have had the suspended world activated for 4 hours now since you went on a long rant."

"Can you blame me? Being a god is boring."

'And you're trying to throw that shit on me! You little!'

Lucia: I agree that you should be more selfish Rimuru despite not knowing you for long. This is something you need to work on but more than that. Velda, did you seriously rant for 4 hours about how boring being a god was?

Rimuru: He absolutely did ask Ciel she'd confirm it

Ciel: He did "I know you're trying to get back at him for making you take his job and it's cute so I'll play along. Its especially funny since you inherently have no problems with this position and like always having something to do, but you do get bored and take advantage of your status to relieve that boredom which is understandable"

Velzard: Elder brother I get not liking being a god and possibly ranting about it, but your sense of timing is awful do it under suspended world when I could've adapted at anytime and suddenly joined your conversation

Velgrynd: But as Lucia said. Rimuru you need to be more selfish you really ott to put your own feelings first before others more

Rimuru: Duly noted but I will offer you a realization in the fact that I can't control the selfishness of my past decisions. It's a bit late and overly pointless at this stage. Though I can say what you said holds some truth and I will work on it.

Aza: Changing habits and thoughts can be hard but it's a process. "Seeing Veldanava getting his ass beaten while this serious conversation is going on is a treat."

Milim: "Mom really doesn't hold back. At all.

Veldora: "I will pray for your survive elder brother"

Masayuki/Yuuki: "Rimuru really threw him under the bus with that one"

Women: "How is this treatment of good friends? Rimuru just sent Veldanava to an early grave in some regards. But to see him being petty is actually cute as its so out of character"

Guy/Rudra: "Don't give Rimuru ways to send you to your death, got iiii—-nevermind too late."

"Brother what was that feeling? Is everything okay?"

Veldanava and I exchanged a glance saying 'oh shit' realizing how close we cut it. Velzard was probably 5 minutes away from being able to move on her own.

"Yes everything is fine, me and Satoru were just having a conversation via thought communication about an issue that would bore you to death."

"Velzard. Simply put, your brother was asking me what the process of creating all the various drinks I used to make the Green Tea Shot was and he also asked about other drinks I knew of. We were talking about the boring process of making it by hand."

<Rimuru We have to have this conversation though. It sounds enjoyable. Also you give her the pendant. She'll remember it better if you give it to her>

<Sure Veldanava> I had no clue what bullshit he was spouting at the end since I doubted she'd even care to remember me or want to receive a gift from me.

<<0 Self Worth Pack Hits different huh?>>

Ramirus: Those two really have a toxic relationship

Rimuru: It seems that way but I'd still die to protect him the same as my other friends. We are just a lot more brutally honest with each other as you can see and we tend to pick on each other. I mean after all who would pick on God if not his successor or his family

Velzard: Certainly a good point but why did you think I wouldn't care to get a gift from you? "Did he really think I wouldn't care about him, that version of me? Does this mean he'd think the same of me now?"

Rimuru: It was a rough time for me mentally as I was still stuck in blaming myself for the past and it was a you who never met me so my lack of self worth and self loathing made me unable to believe you'd like a gift from me

Velzard: I see"he said 'was a rough time' so that could mean he's better now and doesn't think that way but based on how he treats himself with his memories of the past he has different issues now as compared to then."

Yuuki: You really lied as naturally as you breathed there and used Veldanavas words before as a catalyst to build off. Masterfully done.

Rimuru: Before anyone says anything. It was also a conversation I'd already held with his future self so it wasn't a lie but it was also very far from true. Since this conversation was with him in a regard but not then.

Guy: So it was still a lie

Rimuru: Yes but for a good reason, and I don't remember you being one to talk when you formed the council for a few reasons and 1 was to have pawns to fight Rudra and to do that you inadvertently lied to everyone about the council's purpose. This among many more instances I can mention. Need I go on?

Luminous: Rimuru you really don't know a woman's mind...tsk tsk tsk.

Rudra: He got you there Guy

Rimuru: Rudra do I need to lay into you too?

Chloe: I guess given what we've seen and dealt with ourselves this isn't out of character for sensei "I will make sensei accept my feelings in our world!"

Micheal: Rudra you need to remember the first reaction was against you. He surely has more things he can say about you.

Rimuru: It's exactly as you said Micheal. You know out of all the people I had to deal with you did do some horrible things but overall I have less to say about you than I can about say the red overbearing freeloader Guy, the douchebag prick Rudra, the joke of a deathman Clayman, the oversized eight tailed minnow Ivarage, Yuuki, and that failure of a subordinate/angel/manager Deadway straight up failure man.

Micheal: ah..I'm..gha*cough* glad you seem to have little against me co *cough* hah..compared to others ←(desperately trying not to laugh just as everyone else was)

Yuuki: "well at least I'm just Yuuki"

Feldway: YOU-

Asuryii: Alright, I'm gonna let him calm down. While he's doing that you can all let out your laughs just as I will because that was funny as shit.

Many people around the room began to laugh or chuckle as they finally stopped holding it in while the objects of the laughter sat embarrassed and annoyed, but unable to do anything to stop them.

10 minutes later they all calmed down and I let Feldway back in where he just sat in his seat and kept whispering to himself

"I must stay calm to impress Lord Veldanava and to make him proud. I must not let this defeat me"

Little did he know Rimuru had a whole mountain on things he could say and wanted to say but didn't just so he could keep this going for as long as possible

"I'll head out, Velzard. If you want to talk with Satoru feel free. I have to head back to the Star Palace. I need to speak to Deeno and Feldway is causing problems...again... Well I'll see you again Satoru."

Veldanava quickly said his goodbyes and quickly went to the Star Palace leaving Velzard and I alone.

'This bastard. He really loves putting people in tough positions.'

Veldanava: I actually didn't lie here to leave them alone. I did have to go speak with Deeno and calm down Feldway when this was happening. So you being in a tough position was completely by chance

Rimuru: You would've left even if you didn't have anything to do

Veldanava: True. This is true. I 100% would have. I still would.

Velzard: " I am interested to see the direction our conversation will take when we're alone"

Shizu: You never did end up telling Veldanava your real name

Patrons: I did notice that "but most likely knowing Rimuru-sama it has a reason"

Rimuru: I didn't want him to accidentally start calling me by my real name and cause issues. I was highly aware that he can be a little, how do I say this?... Absent-minded

Lucia: I do see Velda doing that accidentally or more than likely on purpose out of curiosity

Ciel: I can see it too

Many shared in this sentiment


Reaction to Frostbitten Nightmares Part 2 - 15872 words


Velzard POV—---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Many were surprised at the chance in POV but looked ahead Curiously as they were interested in Velzard's thoughts during this situation.

My elder brother Veldanava and I headed to the source of a massive oppressive and chaotic aura but as we approached the aura suddenly disappeared as if it never existed.

I felt wary of the implications an aura of that size disappearing held but with my brother reassurance we pressed on. I don't know why but as we grew closer and closer to the location the aura spilled out from I felt a sense of relief and comfort coming over my body as we grew closer.

The area where the aura flooded out from was a place I'd felt attached to for some odd reason recently and now something being there is making my heart race in anticipation. As we arrived I saw a person androgynous in nature like my brother sitting in the center of a beautiful flower field that held a cold pressure and feeling, it all radiated off the man sitting at the table.

I felt oddly welcome in this metaphorical cold air. With a nod from my brother we approached the man and sat around a table that oddly enough complimented the atmosphere as if it belonged here or was always here. The table was quant and simple, and the chairs, although not the most luxurious, were oddly comfortable. I liked it. It wasn't too much or too little, it was just right.

Luminous: It seems like you were much more cautious when you were younger and far more in touch with your instincts

Velgrynd: I'd have to agree with her but your curiosity to things that pique your interest or grab your attention hasn't changed

Shion: Rimuru-sama's aura was massive till he suppressed it. It reminds me of the time Milim came to Tempest for the first time although the level of the two auras is vastly different

Benimaru: Well one was clearly large in person and the other was large enough to be felt/seen on from miles away

Elmesia: Looking at the table and chairs Rimuru-chan made they really do fit in with the area like Velzard had said as if they'd belonged there. Seeing this all from Velzard's perspective adds a new look on things. I hadn't noticed the cold pressure and air residing in the area coming from Rimuru-chan

Rudra: The minimalist look and feel of the chairs and table do fit nicely

Rain: Velzard-sama has always been more of a minimalist, but it seems that Rimuru-sama shares in this feeling

Velzard: The cold feeling is nice and simple items are nicer than overly detailed ones. "Imagine how he'd look if he was just laying back in the field of flowers, that'd be a beautiful sight"

Chloe: "Sensei looks really majestic sitting at a table in the middle of a flower field. Maybe I can bring Sensei to a flower field and see this sight"

Milim: Bestie! When we go back take me to this field. The flowers are nice.

Lucia: "Seems she's got my taste in flowers."

The man introduced himself and as he did I felt as if a heavy haze was lifted and there I saw him. He was beautiful. I was awestruck as I looked at him. The clothes he wore were so simple yet held such a radiant aura of power on him. He covered his eyes adding to the mysteriousness of who he was and only added to my curiosity about who he was. He and brother seemed to get along so smoothly.

It was odd he talked to brother as if he was another person and not how everyone else did with reverence. The look on my brother's face appeared to be one of relief and thankfulness. He finally found a friend, someone who wouldn't look at him as a god. I tried to not look at my brother that way but he was so amazing in so many facets and ways that it coupled with the way others treated him made it hard to not worship him in some regard.

I felt disappointed in myself as I realized this. I decided I would put all my effort into seeing my brother like how humans see their siblings as just someone to look up to and not someone to revere or worship.

Shuna: The radiant feelings and mysterious air Rimuru-sama gave off certainly would make anyone curious as these qualities draw you in deeper till you can't contain it

Shizu: Then that begs the question what will Velzard do when she and Slime-san are alone?

Velgrynd: We can't say "I have a feeling she'll let her curiosity get the best of her", but I do understand the feelings Velzard was having and the thoughts she had.

Rudra: Those thoughts are understandable. Veldanava-sensei was amazing in many aspects of life so it became hard to not revere him, but that wasn't the case for some people clearly.

Lucia/Rimuru: What are you talking about? Velda is a normal idiot he just happens to have been a god

Almost everyone looks dumbfounded as the two immediately proved Rudra's point by calling Veldanava an idiot with 0 hesitation. Ciel and Aza remained quiet as despite knowing Veldanava they were of the same opinion as Lucia and Rimuru but they intended to not get caught in these dumbfounded looks.

Ciel/Aza: "Even after all this time he can still be clueless. At least it means he still has human aspects and it's nice to see him like this."

Rimuru: Well if we are talking about who was the worst at not revering you then its L'dway in second as Twilight was insane...

Veldanava: Please don't remind me...I don't want to remember how many times he asked me to join him in his experiments or to give him what he wants

Veldanava and Rimuru shuddered as they remembered Twilight and his problems. Luminous on the other hand sighed heavily as she could guess what they were referring to. Most of the room looked confused at what they meant and their reactions but quickly assumed it'd be better if they didn't know...well most of them.

Guy: What experiments are you referring to?

Guy was the only primordial who hadn't witnessed Twilight's actions since he never saw him when he peeked into the Cardinal World. Guy wrongly assumed he just did taboo or morally incorrect experiments, but he was wrong that would be just the start.

Dagurel: I recommend yo-

Rimuru/Veldanva: It's ok, Dagurel. We can educate him. You know Twilights antics so you tried to stop this but he asked for it

Rimuru and Veldanava proceeded to set up a barrier and give Guy the most descriptive and in depth explanation and recounting of Twilight's experiments. They went into the grim details and the uncomfortable ones. As they kept speaking it got worse and worse. Guy had to give up but they still continued and just transferred there thoughts into his head directly

Guy: I apologize for asking. Please never speak of this again.

Rimuru/Veldanava: Good now you know

Everyone: "Did they just mentally scar him...He's a demon and they scarred him mentally. Good thing I didn't ask."

Luminous: "Can't even say I'm surprised..."

As the conversation went on I realized that these two saw the other as absolute equals there was no slight weight off to one side they simply saw each other as a person. Nothing more, nothing less. They joked and spoke casually as if they'd known each other for centuries.

Males: "Female intuition is scary. She sensed that they'd known each other even if they had and hadn't"

Velzard: So I was able to sense that they'd known each other. "Did they know each other? Rimuru knew elder brother from the future. So I suppose Rimuru knew while Veldanava talked freely, making the illusion of them knowing each other for a long time."

Veldora: It does look like an odd sight seeing my sworn brother and elder brother speaking as perfect equals, but this is to be expected of my brothers

Masayuki: Rimuru really does get along with true dragons

Yuuki: "He likes dragon them b-" Rimuru doesn't seem to think of most people that he knows as less than his equals, but with the True Dragons it has a different feel

Veldora: This is to be expected after all the first person he interacted with when he came to this world was me, a true dragon.

Rimuru: "Technically was Ciel"

Ciel: "It was actually Me. I was just a unique skill without emotions and many things then, but still it was me."

Diablo: That could be a factor since the first person he was treated as an equal by was a true dragon. "Well equal in a different sense and not to the level of what was being shown on the screen. Rimuru-sama and Veldanava here clearly don't look as if the other is superior to the opposite person but in the case with Veldora they became friends and by proxy equals in some regard"

Aza: Wasn't the first person who Rimuru interacted with technically Ciel? She may have just been a skill but he'd queried her on many occasions before he met Veldora. ←wants to mess with Veldora

Ciel: "Oh dear Aza..even if it's true you didn't have to say it. We know that Rimuru immediately said it was me in his head"

Veldora: You have a point. He did have a skill he was able to talk to in some regard even before he met me. BUT! I was the first living being he interacted with

Aza: So are skills not living beings Veldora?

Veldora: Ah! ←(Doesn't know how to respond)

Everyone: "She is really trying to mess with Veldora"

Velgrynd/Velzard/Veldanava: "As an older sibling I should support my younger sibling but this is too entertaining to interrupt"

Veldora: No skills are not living beings. Manas are being beyond skills and can mimic living beings so they can count but unique and ultimate skills are skills

Aza: Rimuru never saw Ciel as a skill even when she wasn't a manas and even as just a unique skill, she was still his partner

Veldora: This is simply my thoughts. Rimuru acknowledged his skill as his partner despite them not having a full ego and that's his decision but to me. A skill is not a 'living being' . I never said anything about them being a partner.

Rimuru: "Veldora is getting philosophical again but knowing Aza she won't end it here"

Aza: Now Veldora. Are these purely your own thoughts or are they thoughts you formulated from knowledge gained in your sacred texts in order to escape this situation

Veldora: Both. "???"

Aza: So you made your thoughts from the words of fictional characters and used them as a source to create your o-

Ciel: That's enough Aza. You can debate Veldora later. "This was entertaining. I immensely enjoyed this and want to see how it goes till the end, but Veldora needs time to come up with more rebuttals for it to be truly interesting."

Aza: I will stop for now then.

The food and drink Satoru prepared were slightly addictive I won't lie, and oddly enough as I ate and drank my cup or plate would refill and there were seemingly endless snack options before me. Then Satoru revealed what the drinks were and I felt slightly irritated. I am aware I look young by human standards but I am 150 years old and I'm an adult and I look like this by choice. I just haven't accepted my growth yet. ←(Likes to be spoiled and spoil)

But he didn't see me as a child. He just had no clue what I'd like to drink but guess my brother's tastes just by Male senses? That sounds like bullshit but I don't know what is telling me that. The reveal of his race was a surprise. I'd never heard of an Outer Humanoid and my brother clearly hadn't either, but then Satoru said he could change races at will.

Velgrynd: Looks like Rimuru was right about why you looked like that elder sister

Carrera: Velzard also seemed to have realized that Lord Rimuru was bullshiting with the male senses reply

Milim: Besties food is addictive

Velzard: I can do what I want when I want. I can change my form however I like. I also would be embarrassed if I hadn't realized that Rimuru was bullshiting. ←(Embarrassed at being exposed)

Rimuru: Don't worry about it Velz. Everyone likes to be spoiled at times

Velzard: Exac-...Velz...Well it sounds nice so...

Rimuru: *facepalm* I did it again

Everyone: "It's not that big of a deal.

Velzard: I don't min- "shit I said that out loud"

Asuryii: "Awkward"

I was absurdly intrigued by this possibility and asked if he could become an angel-demon hybrid which he called a Nephalem. I was entirely serious then he laughed, it annoyed me that he laughed and at the fact that his laugh was so enchanting as if I'd been charmed. I quickly decided to question him to get my mind off of his laugh and he called me cute. No one but my elder brother had ever called me cute.

I felt embarrassed but I quickly and calmly composed myself and we continued our conversation. After a while I felt an odd sensation run through my being and a cold comforting feeling wash over my body. I felt like something had happened but I didn't know, so I stayed calm and tried to figure out what happened. Then the sensation disappeared and suddenly I felt like the sensation was caused by Satoru and my brother but they denied it suspiciously.

Silvia: She did good at recomposing herself quickly

Luminous: I'd have to agree sister but I suspect the cold air made it easier as she felt more in her element. Not to undermine composing herself quickly despite being in front of Rimuru

Veldora: Just like my brothers said eldest sister Velzard felt the sensation of suspended world being enacted

Milim/Ramirus: Brothers?

Veldora: Yes my sworn brother and my elder brother. Together they'd be my brothers. ?

Ciel: "Oddly logical"

Aza: "Makes sense"

Rimuru: "He's technically not wrong"

Everyone: "Veldora is getting smarter!!"

Luminous: "The breeze lizard is actually really is an odd day"

I let it go but then my brother left. I was sat here alone with Satoru in the middle of a field filled with flowers and a calming cold air. I looked toward Satoru who stared off into space momentarily as if he was thinking deeply on a certain subject.

'I want to know. What is going on inside his head? I want to know.'

The women immediately felt all their senses heightened at Velzards thoughts and the odd atmosphere. They all collectively thought

"This this atmosphere is...ROMANTIC!!"

Men meanwhile just thought: what is he thinking about? More than likely nothing. They all collectively acknowledged that as men we have moments where we shut off our thoughts entirely despite looking deep in thought.

Asuryii: "Male super powers at its finest."

He looked so calm and collected as he looked off somewhere I didn't know. The slight breeze flowing through his hair made it look as if stars and galaxies were flowing in the wind. He gave off an air of unparalleled intelligence and knowledge while he held a mysterious visage. I wanted to know more about him. I felt entranced by his looks as I felt my gaze fall to his lips.

'They look so soft.'

I found myself attracted to his lips. I wanted to touch them. His flawless white skin and the mask he has hiding his eyes. They were all drawing me in. I hadn't even realized till I was sitting next to him. I moved closer to him and got a better look at his features.

'They really are flawless. The more I look at them the more I see someone with perfect looks.'

Velgrynd: "I won't lie. Velzard is right, his lips look really soft." You didn't even realize you'd moved closer to him because of how entranced you were by his looks.

Luminous: "Definitely not just her who's entranced. I wonder how it'd feel to sink my teeth into his flawless self...I'm getting turned on just thinking about it."

Elmesia: He can change races so just imagine him changing into a vampire and sinking his teeth into your neck with those soft lips. I bet it'd be intoxicating as an experience "and no doubt arousing...I am definitely not an M but for him I don't know..."

Chloe: Sensei looks really good. But with how his mask fits on his face it almost looks as if it's part of his skin in some odd way

Rimuru: Well the mask was skin tight and perfectly fitted and suited to my facial structure. You seeing it that way isn't too far off

Women: "This image is nice. I will not lie." ←(Some admiring it objectively, while most are deeply attracted to idea of seeing this face everyday next to them.)

Aza: "His lips are definitely soft but holy fuck are they aggressive."

Velzard: "I wouldn't be able to refuse if he asked to bite into my flesh or kissed me out of nowhere. I'd accept it gratefully"

Guy: Hey Rimuru wadduya say I-

Rimuru: No

Guy: You didn't even let me finish.

Rimuru: I am keenly aware of what you intended to say. You were going to give me the offer you have given Leon on many occasions and the answer is no. Even if you were a woman the answer is still no. Try it and I will kill you with no hesitation. I won't just refuse you, I will just kill you should you try.

Lucia: "Did he think that'd work?"

Leon: Can you just kill him now so I don't have to deal with it anymore? "Better someone else than me but seriously please just kill him. Save us all the trouble"

Guy: Aww Leon don't be like tha-

Rimuru: Tempting very tempting

Rudra was praying for Guy to have a good trip to the otherworld and that he himself be spared.

Guy: Let's just shelf this. Didn't happen right?

Rimuru: Sure..... Didn't happen..... "Not shelved. Transgression not forgiven."

Aza/Ciel: "He tries I'll kill him before Rimuru does. That's worse than a woman jumping on Rimuru. Much worse."

Velzard: "Well besides that how can I save a copy of this moment. I wouldn't mind seeing that face whenever I want."

He tilted his head slightly in my direction. He wasn't facing me directly but I could feel his gaze as he looked me in the eyes while his eyes laid hidden from my sight.

'I want to remove this mask and see his eyes.' I thought but the more I contemplated and stared at him for longer the more attractive I felt he looked with the mask on. I didn't know what he looked like underneath but I didn't care.

He was perfect. I felt my heart beating faster and my face heating up as I looked at him for what seemed to be hours till he spoke.

Many people were looking at the screen in anticipation, while others were looking at the screen saying it should've been me. But the women all collectively understood Velzard's desire to remove the mask as it held a mysterious visage that drew you in.

"Velzard turn around for a moment." I was curious as to why he asked so I did. Then I felt him push my hair out the way and wrap his arms around me slightly as he held a pendant in his hands.

He clasped the pendant and adjusted it to the center of my decolletage. As he let my hair fall back into its usual looks I felt a cold sensation rush over my body and cover me like a shield.

I quickly turned around and looked at him curiously for a moment before he spoke.

"To commemorate our first meeting and to a future hopefully full of more. The pendant is enhanced with Nihility and Stardust so it won't break and it'll be able to handle your aura as you grow stronger. The stronger you become the stronger will this pendant. In the pendant I coded a small spell. In the unlikely event you are in danger in any regards and need my help I will appear no matter what. After all, death won't stop me."

I looked at Satoru who was looking at me with a lovely smile and what felt like a loving gaze. I felt comforted by his gaze and his words. I barely knew this man but I felt like I could trust his words as much if not more than my brother's words.

I heard him say stardust and nihility, one thing unique to my brother and the other my brother is now incapable of using but I couldn't even think to deny his words.

Yuuki: That was smooth.

Masayuki: He ended up making the pendant not only a show piece to wear but also gave it a practical use in protecting Velzard and calling him when shes in trouble

Velgrynd: Smart move. I can see Rimuru's cautious personality taking over in this regard since he made the pendant protect her from harm. I don't think many people would even be able to deny what he said with how calm, collected, and confident he looked.

Veldanava: I didn't realize that she immediately trusted you that much so fast Rimuru. But that was a good way to give her the pendant by saying its a commemoration, it makes it more memorable

Lucia: "Velda knowing how romance works and what to do. What is this another reality? This can't be my husband. Does he just get moments where he understands romance like this?"

Rimuru: Velda you were there in my imaginary space. How the fuck didn't you notice this before

Veldanava: I forgot

Rimuru/Ciel: Fucking idiot

Lucia: ahhh Velda dear how'd you forget you have perfect memory

Veldanava: ehe

Everyone: Never do that again. It wasn't cute.

Veldanava: Noted.

Asuryii: Could've been worse. He could've said teehee.

Rimuru: Fair point that is definitely worse.

Lucia: Agreed

I couldn't hold my curiosity back anymore.

"Satoru sit still. Don't move a muscle." He looked at me in a seemingly odd way but nodded and let me approach him. I don't know why I did but I did. I could have moved my chair or stood but I sat down on his lap and let my legs fall to the sides as I looked down on him slightly now having a small height advantage. My eyes and his would've only been about 3 maybe 4 centimeters above his but the feelings I got as I felt his gaze piece up through his bangs was intoxicating.

Velgrynd: Oh! She's making a move. Don't stop, keep going.

Chloe: Despite wishing it was me I have to agree. Don't let up, don't back down. Keep going

Yuuki: "Keep calm and keep er going" ←(Just thinking about memes)

Lucia: Go Velzard. Be aggressive.

Luminous: I want to look down on Rimuru how she is right now

Rimuru Simps(Women): "Same."

Velzard: "This is embarrassing. I can't control my past actions. Why are you all telling me to keep going? But I have to agree. PUSH ON FIGHT! Don't give up."

Aza: This is a nice position to fuck Rimuru in

Ciel: Aza time and place, but you're not wrong

Veldanava: I like how none of the other women reacted and us men just accepted it

Men: What else can we do? React. Bad idea.

Women: "No I did react. Just not out loud"

Rimuru simps(women): "Noted. I may need this information for later. But that was shameless, absurdly so."

Rimuru: Aza can you hold off on those details?

Aza: No

Rimuru: Fair enough "no use arguing. She'll do it anyway."

Lucia: "I'd say you're supposed to stand your ground but with Aza-chan I think this is the best course of action. Accept and move on."

"Forgive me but I am far too curious and this detail of you caught my interest. I have to know." He didn't make a motion or reply, he didn't move a muscle like I asked. Taking this chance I reached for his mask with both hands.

He made no effort to stop me and let me pace my hands on the opposite sides of the mask. I felt my heart race and my face heat up as I felt embarrassed for some reason but I pressed forward. Taking a deep breath I removed his mask and placed it on the table. His face was perfect but he kept his eyes closed. Did he not like his eyes?

'I'm sorry Satoru but I can't hold back, I have to know.' I leaned into his ear and spoke in a soft voice as it felt right for the position we were sat in. "Satoru, open your eyes. I want to see your eyes." As I pulled back from his ear I could see a look of intense contemplation worn on his face.

'He seems too anxious. I need to give one more push.' I knew he could see me clearly as he was most likely using [Magic Sense] so I followed what my body said was the best movements.

Testarossa: Ah... I have to admit him keeping his eyes closed is a tease and makes me want to see them even more

Elmesia: I can certainly agree with that notion. It makes it more desirable to see his eyes and piques your curiosity even more. Especially if you had never seen his eyes before.

Shizu: Fair point she hadn't seen slime-san's eyes so she was probably even more curious

Velgrynd: I don't see her stopping till she sees his eyes. I just wonder what actions she'll take to make him relent and open his eyes.

Luminous: She's already sitting on his lap straddling him. What would she do? Kiss him possibly? Breathe into his ears seductively? Pull off his pants an-

Hinata: Luminous please keep those thoughts to yourself

Lucia: She'll probably just calmly urge him on with reassurance

Silvia: I'd have to agree with Lucia on this one

Velzard: "I don't think I'd go too far since its our first I don't know"

Rimuru: "As expected the two women with experience being in a relationship long term would get the right answer."

Ciel: "They all disregards that she followed the movements her body told her to take"

I leaned back slightly a bit as I wrapped my arms around his neck before I smiled and spoke. "Satoru. There's no need to be afraid. I won't judge you. I just want to see what your eyes look like." I felt bad lying since in a sense I would be judging him but I wouldn't say what I thought or at least that's what I intended...

Veldora: Everyone judges even when they say they won't, it's kind of just you saying you'll refrain from insulting someone.

Yuuki: Good point. But it just in our nature to evaluate and judge everything

People have slowly stopped reacting to smart Veldora. Now they expect him to have a smarter reaction whenever it deals with his family or situations where people don't question small details that don't need to be questioned normally but are just curious thoughts.

I blinked a few times quickly as I looked Satoru in the eyes. I couldn't believe what I saw. His eyes were so unique. Like older brother he had slit pupils but his pupils were blood red. I felt drawn in by the red center of his eyes. I wanted to look deeper into them and study the depths of the emotions and things they held. But what shocked me the most was his irises they were like liquid gold. They looked so radiant and bright, yet at the same time his eyes were so cold and lifeless.

I felt attracted to these eyes of his. I wanted to know more. I needed to know more. Why were his eyes so cold? What happened to make his gaze look like this? Why do I feel like a failure as I look into these eyes as if I was the cause? But most of all I wanted to know.

"Why do you hide your eyes? I don't mean any harm by asking, I am just curious. Your eyes are beautiful and entrancing but I don't see why you would want to hide them." He looked at me hesitantly before he sighed.

Luminous: Once again looking at his eyes they truly are unique and entrancing

Rimuru: Says the heterochromatic one. Your eyes are unique too.

Luminous: Oh. Good that you know.

Testarossa: Well... despite the gold and red in your eyes I don't immediately compare them to Diablo.

Velgrynd: Could be due to the shape of his pupil and the way his eyes look

Chloe: I didn't think of this till now but could sensei's intrinsic charm skill be taking hold in entrancing those who look in his eyes at any point in time

Velzard: The possibility does exist and his eyes would be the obvious medium to release the charm so maybe they just have a natural charm to them even without the use of charm

Diablo: "Since my lord received my skill and with it Charm domination and he also holds the intrinsic charm skill he could use that to further his ability to blend in and infiltrate places. The limits I held he didn't. I am curious to see what my lord will do with this possibility. I hadn't thought of this till they mentioned my lords intrinsic skill again"

Lucia: You seem to have a lot of questions after seeing his eyes Velzard-chan

Velzard: chan? ehh...heeeh ...I do find myself curious thought despite knowing the reason behind his cold gaze at the answers to the other questions

Aza: Despite the situation and reasons to cause that look in his eyes you have to admit one thing. That those eyes are hot as fuck

Gazel: Heh "My junior's second wife really doesn't have a all."

Elmesia: "I do agree with her and her lack of a filter is admirable since she doesn't care what others would say... but I shudder at thinking of the possibility of her taking the mantle of a queen or empress."

Many people agreed with Aza but everyone once again just thought of how shameless and forefront she really is. While some were silently pondering on the answer to why Rimuru hides his eyes, since they knew some reasons but still were curious.

"I just am not proud of my eyes. I don't like the cold and empty gaze I hold but to add to it I feel more comfortable hiding my eyes. It's like a barrier against any harm to me and in a sense the mask helps me maintain my composure. It lets me observe without being observed. It makes it easier to determine the nature of a person when they can't see your eyes and can be under the assumption you can't see them."

I looked at him dumbfounded for a moment as I hadn't foreseen an answer like this. I thought he may say something along the lines of disliking his eye color or the shape and color of his pupils being like a demon. But he had genuine reasons.

He wanted to be comfortable, to know the people he spoke to, to understand others better, to protect himself, and to stay composed. It was a very understandable reason behind why he covers his eyes but I felt another question was needed.

"Do you like covering your eyes?"

"I do like my mask since it does all that and is quite comfortable, yes." I chuckled a little bit as he looked at me quizzically. It was adorable. His eyes looked so threatening yet so innocent at the same time. I loved it.

"If you want you can put your mask back on but I won't mind either way. I quite like your eyes. They're unique. Almost as if they were made solely for you and no one else.

Elmesia: That response was a tad unexpected in some regards but the reasoning is sound and admirable. Wanting to be able to understand the parties one is interacting with and maintain some comfort is understandable

Yuuki: Why does that sound like a cop out answer though?

Hinata: Yuuki! You shouldn't say that

Micheal: I'd rather not throw myself under the bus but he does bring up a point. Rimuru wouldn't be interacting with anyone he didn't know likely or have an idea of there personas and who they were related to

Rimuru: Well it was in a sense a cop out. Though I did like the sense of comfort from wearing the mask and being able to hide my gaze, plus the bonus of leaving people guessing. The determination of another person's nature was a cop out in some regard. It may be true that I was observing everyone but I already knew there character so the determining portion was a cop out

Velgrynd: Well that makes sense. It was a tad unexpected given your character but I do understand the logic behind it. "That look on him was adorable. Him looking innocent yet being so threatening is a nice look"

Guy: But what would you have done had your actions changed someone later on and affected the future

Rimuru: "It was an impossibility given my skills just didn't know at the time" I had a plan in dealing with that probable future but I knew if major events stayed similar if not the same I'd be entirely fine. Though worse comes to worse I could probably just alter someone's memories.

Dagurel: You saw how many skills he had and we know he had more. I doubt he'd have that problem but in the unlikely case that did happen it's likely that Rimuru would be able to deal with it

Lucia: Serious stuff out of the way. Velzard's response to Rimuru was smooth

"I will certainly keep that in mind, Velzard. I appreciate your compliment. I find your eyes quite nice as well. They hold a certain intelligent feel yet hold a sensation of childish and mature tendencies. Not to mention the golden color feels almost like the most precious gold one could find was used in your eyes. I will keep covering my eyes but I'll try to get used to showing my eyes around you, just don't stare into them too deeply. As the say~

If you stare too deeply into the void, the void stares back at you," I felt a sense of relief flow through me after he spoke but also a tinge of pride. I suppose I liked the compliments he was giving me. They didn't feel forced or fake. He didn't say them out of obligation or to try and seduce me. He was merely voicing his honest thoughts.

MEN: Wow Rimuru what're you doing spouting words like that? Are you trying to get her home with you that night or something?

Yuuki: Damn Rimuru...I didn't expect you to be such a womaniz..yeah on second thought I take that back. You're the definition of a womanizer and the worst part is you do it unintentionally

Veldanava: You don't even try to deny it either Rimuru..

Rimuru: You can't talk either Velda. I don't want to hear you talking when you had a cult following too.

Veldanava: I did not

Rimuru: I can tell you the head of the cult too. Do I need to Remind you of the country that was filled with women and they all refused to get married or have kids unless it was with you in one timeline.


Lucia: heheeee what was that Velda dear?

Rimuru: Good luck dumbass

Veldanava: Rimuru you! Lucia I didn't do anything I swear I didn't mean for it to ha-

Lucia: That's even worse

Veldora: Well this is the day I see my elder brother get murdered by his wife. Casual Tuesday

"Satoru. It was nice meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again, hopefully soon." I wanted to stay longer but I didn't know what I'd do if I stayed longer. I don't even understand the feelings I am having right now or the sensations running through my body.

Yuuki: NO FUCKING WAY! There is no way he secured the bag on day 1! AND THEN STILL OUR TIMELINE EXISTS! That means he secured the bag, then absolutely fumbled it because she chose Guy for our reality to exist..

Aza/Ciel: "Ahh...I want to say something but he has a oddly persuasive point"

Everyone wanted to say something but couldn't because they realized that Yuuki had a point.

Veldora: But isn't it going to be the same situation as the timeline with Velgrynd. He gives her a choice and respects her decision.

Once again not a soul could refute as they tried to determine.

Did Rimuru fumble the bag or was he just too good of a man.

"It was a lovely time meeting you too, Velzard. I also hope to see you again. Here, lean down." I leaned down as Satoru had asked and lightly grabbed my right ear. I felt a slight burning and freezing sensation on my ear as he took his hand away from it and procured a mirror out of thin air.

"What is this?" I looked at my ear and saw a small earring made of a piece of pitch black ice and a pure white gemstone centerpiece. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry. I almost wanted to ask where he got it from till I looked in his hand and saw him craft another one out of thin air.

"Here, put it on my ear too." He leaned down and towards me slightly, showing me his ear. As I lightly grabbed his ear I realized it felt absurdly smooth and soft. I kind of wanted to see what'd happen if I bit on it. I quickly recollected my thoughts and put the earring on him.

I felt an odd connection with him now as I leaned back looking at him with the black and white earring. I enjoyed that feeling.

Leon: Another gift. Rimuru you really are giving gifts like people give thanks on thanksgiving

Luminous: WAIT! Velzard's thoughts

Testarossa: Hmmm....So it seems she holds these thoughts too.

Velgrynd: I assume most people feel the same as she does but hearing them directly is a surprise

Lucia: It was a nice gift Rimuru you have good taste in accessory

Yuuki: Secondary use?

Micheal: Secondary use.

Men: 100%

Women: "What the fuck is with this ressonance? They barely said anything yet they all got it."

Rimuru/Veldanava: Secondary use. *calmly nodding*

Men: *Thumbs Up*

Women: sigh

Asuryii: *thumbs up* "secondary use"

"This earring has a second function besides being a good addition to a fine flower like yourself. It'll let you contact me directly no matter the distance if you want to talk."

"The pendant will protect me and call you while the earring will connect me to you. One for causal situations and one for emergencies. You're sly, aren't you Satoru."

"If you say I am then I guess I am."

"Haha. Well, thank you Satoru. I'll see you soon. You better respond if I try to contact you."

"I will Velzard. It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again sometime." He smiled at me warmly but his lips slightly quivered.

'He was embarrassed!' I left feeling like that was an amazing day. I had also received two gifts I would remember for the rest of my life.

Yuuki: Called it secondary use.

All men collectively began to nod understanding Rimuru's character and the reasons behind this secondary use.

Velgrynd: Yeah we get it now.

Luminous: I want to see Rimuru embarrassed again

Aza: His lips quiver like that at times in bed or when you jump on him

Luminous: I demand evidence. Preferably with me included

Ciel: *sigh* "Please don't you can't build a comradery with Luminous and Deeno"

Micheal: I'm not sure he was embarrassed but was mo-


Rimuru: It's ok Micheal. It happens.

Veldanava: It does.

All the men knew Rimuru wasn't embarrassed and Velzard had read the signs wrong. Some women did too but liked the idea that he was embarrassed more and decided Rimuru was in fact embarrassed.

Not too long after I met Satoru I learned that I was going to be an older sister. I was guided by my brother to where my sister Velgrynd would be born. She was the exact opposite of me in disposition apparently. I was deceleration and Ice, while she was acceleration and fire. I was excited to be an older sibling and surprisingly my brother invited Satoru to come with us to meet my little sister.

Yuuki: W wingman

Guy: W

Rudra: W

Veldora: W

Rimuru: Not a W, just bored. He didn't invite me to make Velzard and I closer but because he had me helping him create shit the last few days before.

Masayuki: Hidden W wingman

Rimuru: Nevermind

Veldanava: "He is only speaking the truth. This is why I love being a man. They all know what Rimuru said is true and yet not a soul will say anything but W wingman."

Ciel: "I still don't understand this male quality at all..."

Aza: "I'm sure this will annoy Rimuru and I want to annoy him"

Luminous/Elmesia/Aza: W wingman "Wait they had the same thought as me?!"

Rimuru had 0 reaction much to the displeasure of the women but Rimuru internally planned to 'punish' Aza later.

He calmly accepted our offer and we went to the location where my sister would be born. When we arrived I felt uncomfortable in a sense of being out of my element as my sister was being born in a volcano. I liked the cold being in a volcano was not exactly in my best interest but for my future little sister I would do anything for her.

Even if it meant being in a volcano or her hating me. I would do everything I could to make my sister happy. We may be opposites but we are sisters regardless and I intend to look after her to the best of my ability. I hope she is smart though so we can have thought provoking discussions.

Many felt touched by the thoughts of Velzard in regards to her younger sister and respected her dedication.

Benimaru: "I can sympathize with Velzard's feelings as an older sibling myself"

Velgrynd: "You really are bad at expressing yourself elder sister..."

Velgrynd didn't show it much on the surface but she appreciated her sister's willingness to do whatever it takes to make her happy. While she thought that she also pondered on why she ever let their relationship turn out as it did with them opposing each other but she was also grateful for the way things turned out when coming to this place and hoped to get closer with her sister and bride the divide they'd made.

I felt tired and anxious as we stood around waiting in the volcano for my sister to be born. I was going to hold out regardless of how uncomfortable I was. Thought the heat was getting to me. Unlike my brother and Satoru I assume I am not resistant to heat yet.

I then felt a smooth hand on my shoulder and I looked to see Satoru smiling at me with his other hand signaling me to stay quiet. I felt confused at first till I felt a rush of cold air and frost flow over me. Then I heard a notification in my head. I felt confused for a second and looked at Satoru again. He still held a finger to his lips and mouthed out:

Our little secret.

He had given me heat resistance and I no longer felt uncomfortable. I felt neutral but the cold barrier he put around me made me comfortable despite being in a volcano and it no longer being needed.

No one said a word as the scene before this one left a large impact on them looking at the scene before them. They did find it funny what Rimuru did though and how he made it seem as if they would get punished for him giving her a skill.

After an hour or so my brother came back, quiding a little girl with azure blue hair and golden-yellow eyes. She was precious, absolutely adorable. I had already decided to protect her no matter what but seeing her strengthened my resolve.

'I won't let anyone hurt you, Velgrynd. Even should you hate me. I will protect you.' I met my brother halfway and introduced myself to my little sister. She was perfect. I didn't care I'd protect my sister.

Rimuru: It was sad I didn't get to see Velzard like I did Velgrynd "in this timeline" but she really was adorable

Velgrynd was feeling absurdly embarrassed now as smoke came out her ears. She was already turning red from how Velzard had thought about her and how she felt frustrated that she ever let things get to how they did when all Velzard wanted to do was protect her. Rimuru's comment though made her lose all semblance of a poker face... well the little bit she had left in the first place.

No man dare to call Velgrynd cute or adorable as the intense pressure being released from the True Dragon family (This includes Rimuru, Lucia, Milim, Ciel, and Aza) prevented them from dreaming of saying a thing, but this didn't stop the women

Testarossa: Awwww look at her cheeks. You almost want to squeeze them

Silvia: This reminds me of when I first saw my daughter walking around since she was about the same size. Truly an adorable sight

Elmesia: MOTHER! Awww...but really Velgrynd-chan looked adorable when she was younger

Velgrynd.exe has stopped functioning

Women: "Heh. Nice."

Men: "Women are horrifying..."

Rimuru/Veldanava: "That was brutal. Good thing they don't know about the memorybook me and that idiot made of embarrassing moments from those two"

It was nice being an older sister. I got to teach my younger sister all sorts of things and it was a list of new experiences. It wasn't always the best since everything has its ups and downs but I loved being an older sister.

Leon/Benimaru: Being an elder sibling or someone of that figure is an experience filled with much joy and despair

Yuuki: So is all of life. Your point is pointless.

Veldora: He has a point when referring to your point

Rimuru: Stop talking about points before I point you to a graveyard

Everyone was shocked at Rimuru's words as they expected this from Ciel, Aza, Velgrynd, Veldanava, and Velzard but not him. Rather than say a word everyone shut up and looked back to the screen

I always took time to talk with Satoru, have some tea, or out and explore. We went on dates but we never said we were a couple so I don't know what he thinks of me or even what I think. I was also given the privilege to sleep on his lap a few times or for us both to rest together.

My heart raced every time but I felt comfortable and safe. He and Velgrynd got along decently well too. They seemed to have a mutual acknowledgement of the other in a regard I don't know. But Velgrynd said I'd know in the future which confused me, but I let it go as I thought it was cute. I do not spoil my sister at all. I am totally fair in judgment.

Velgrynd: From the wording I take it I remembered the past timeline

Rimuru: I gave you your memories just to be safe. But then after this timeline I decided. That it was an unnecessary venture and left you to your whims.

Lucia: It sounds like Velgrynd was spoiled by her elder sister aye

Velzard: No I was fair in my judgment

Rimuru/Veldanava: If burning a person alive till not even ashes remains and her being rewarded with whatever she wanted is fair then yes.

Velzard: But in my defen-

Veldanava: The man accidentally bumped into her and apologized but you hadn't told her about morals yet

Rimuru: And she thought her response was the best call and then you praised her for it only to need to later teach her otherwise with help from Velda or me in other timelines

Velzard had no words and proceeded to pull a Milim and hope it worked. She pretended she didn't hear a word they said and that it didn't happen

Rimuru/Veldanava: Not that I am disagreeing with your judgment. In fact I agree death was deserved but you should've taught her to be ruthless and make it last longer.

Everyone: "these two are hopeless. I shall pretend they didn't say a thing and this conversation never happened"

Lucia/Ciel/Aza: haaah... "This is my husband, but it's not so bad it's kind of cute"

She is intelligent, easy to talk to, calm, and adorable. Plus her dragon form is like a red serpentine. It was so adorable seeing her sleep in her dragon form wrapped around a pillow and covered by a small blanket.

Almost everyone: Awww

Others: It's just a small dragon. Not much to think about. ←Vile beings you know who

24 hours later

Asuryii: "They deserved that sermon but Velgrynd has entirely stopped functioning at this point and this is a VelzardxRimuru story"

I don't know what the future holds but I wouldn't mind if it stayed like this. All I know is I enjoy my life as it is now. Though I did get my Ultimate Skill...well 2 actually. I must disagree with the name of one of them though. I am not an envious person but I am very patient. So the other skill fits. A few thousand years after Velgrynd got her Ultimate Skill it fits her personality.

Those times didn't stay like that for long but the change wasn't drastic and it stayed tame for almost 17,500 years. I think I figured out my feelings for Satoru but I refuse to admit it. It's embarrassing and what if he rejected me. Veldanava and Velgrynd said to go for it since he'd probably accept but I don't know what to do.

My older brother also found a partner and got married. Her name is Lucia. She's a beautiful woman with a great personality. I am proud to call her my sister-in-law and her older brother is the emperor of the Eastern Empire where my brother and Lucia reside. Well Velgrynd too but she seems to be bothering Lucia's brother.

I think my sister is interested in Lucia's brother. I will support her as long as she is happy but if her hurts her I'll kill him without hesitation. Maybe their relationships are why Veldanava and Velgrynd are so confident in Satoru not rejecting me but I can't muster the courage.

Luminous: So even in other timelines true dragons refuse to admit they love someone

Lucia: I'm sure it's ingrained into there existence at this point but I'm glad you were proud to call me your sister-in-law

Rudra: Did both of them awaken their skills rather than have them gifted?

Rimuru: Yes.

Velzard/Velgrynd: You were perfect Lucia.

Velgrynd: "She really only wanted the best for me always."

Yuuki: Damn Rimuru.

Rimuru: What?

Yuuki: Nothing.

In other news.

Velgrynd will now be an older sister and I will have another younger sibling. This time oddly enough Satoru told us we were going to have a little brother before Veldanava could even tell us, but he also said to go easy on him as his nature may play into his personality.

I didn't know what to expect till we got to the place where my younger brother Veldora would be born. It was the top of a mountain entirely encompassed by storms. It was pure chaos. I felt a headache coming and I can't even get headaches. My older brother seemed sad and so did Satoru as we waited for Veldora to be born but I didn't understand why.

Veldora: AH! It's me. Sworn brother did you tell her that so-

Rimuru: Yes, yes I did.

Veldora: Did it work?

Rimuru: Until I had to leave it did flawlessly and after you had 25% less punishment

Veldora: "What a lucky bastard."

Shizu: Do they seem sad because they know the future is closely approaching?

Diablo/Micheal: Likely since remember (Lord)Veldanava will soon die and Rimuru(sama) has to leave so that he may further his plans

Veldanava: This was the realization that both of us would enjoy this peace for not much longer but soon after we would be free from it and live a new life

After a few hours of waiting my little brother was born. He didn't have a human form yet but I trusted that he'd get one on his own terms....I have a bad feeling since Veldora looks absurdly carefree and impulsive. I have been told by Satoru that when educating someone, killing even if they revive is a bad idea but I really don't see it. Wouldn't killing them be a good example of the consequences of one's actions.

Hinata/Yuuki: That's some hardcore education

Everyone: "You can say that again."

Luminous: Are you going to tell me that breeze lizard may have been venting his frustrations and that was why he destroyed my country

Rimuru: Yes

Veldanava: 100%

Luminous: Yeaaaaaa. Still don't forgive him. That breeze lizard should be imprisoned again.

Veldora: HAh! What? Rimuru even rebuild that place for you

Luminous: That's a whole different matter. But that you again Rimuru

Rimuru: No problem "I don't think I need to explain what she meant to Veldora"

After deciding to let my little brother roam free with the request of Veldanava I returned with Satoru to the Island he made where the two of us stay. Its only characteristics were that it was cold, always snowing, and it had a small warm home in the center. Well warm not in a literal sense but metaphorical. I liked it. I was contemplating everyday if I should confess to Satoru.

I wanted to make him mine but my pride was holding me back. I refused to be the one to admit it. I wanted him to notice and ask me. I won't lie, I was beginning to get impatient and envious of other people in relationships.

Velgrynd: I think it's every woman's dream to have a man they love say that they love them first

Shizu: At least she was able to admit that she was held back by her pride

Lucia: You said you weren't an envious person before Velzard but here you are willingly admitting you are envious of others. This is progress, good job.

Ciel: And now Velzard has been turned into the younger sister in that relationship

Aza: Come back next time o-


Aza: No Veldora. I was going to say come back next time on Thursday for the reaction...

Masayuki: This whole interaction is comical but I can't laugh

Rimuru: Same

Yuuki: So can we talk about how Rimuru made an island just for the two of them?

Micheal: Rimuru is a god so it shouldn't be surprising and most people in this room could probably do the same. The only difficulty which is still a small issue is the constant snow.

Veldanava: Micheal, did you actually just acknowledge Rimuru as a god?

Micheal: I acknowledged him for another topic after he defeated me before as individual worthy of my strength and you yourself acknowledge him so I naturally came to also

Rimuru: Thank you Micheal. I'm glad you felt that way. Don't worry I made sure to take your core as an individual of Justice with me.

Feldway: "Why am I now the odd one out who refuses to acknowledge this slime as equal to Lord Veldanava and as a god? Disappointing. I respect you my friend but I can't agree with you"

My brother took Lucias brother as his student quite a ways back and he became a representative of humanity in a sense, a hero. Then a human nation was decimated and before I even heard about it Satoru was there and he watched it happen. I only saw the ending when I showed up with Veldanava.

I heard Satoru say something with an angry look on his face along the lines of Forbidden Lord, Hastur and immaliable curse bind. I must've heard something wrong but I don't know. My brother ended up battling the demon now turned first demon lord. My brother won obviously and the demon ended up becoming one of the mediators of the world.

I wasn't to pleased with this development as I felt the demon didn't deserve that job but Veldanava said-

"The mediators are temporary, I already chose my successor, I just need him to be ready. Once he is then it all will make sense." He spoke cryptically. I didn't fully understand what he meant but I felt it had something to do with Satoru.

Guy: Mediators are temporary then I hereby retire

Rimuru: And you're hired again. There is no escape enjoy your job

Guy: What did I do in these 100,000,000 timelines, realities , and worlds that you still even 100,000 years into the future still won't let me retire?

Rimuru: Enough and that's all that matters. I followed the path laid out by justice and that determined that you have a few megaannum of mediation left before you are permanently executed and erased from history

Guy: But it wasn't even the me you're talking to who did it

Rimuru: He has your name, face, personality, soul, digital information, and temper. It's still you no matter how you look at it just like Satoru is me

Black numbers: I knew I had a good feeling about that skill. Lord Rimuru seems to have used it and it deals with curses. I wonder what this immaliable curse bind does.

Micheal: Rimuru being Lord Veldanava's successor after becoming a god what would someone have to do to become your successor.

Rimuru: Do you mean in terms like the angelic skills being the key to Veldanava's omnipotence?

Micheal: Yes that is what I meant.

Many people perked up as they also found themselves curious for various reasons.

Rimuru: I can humor you in some regard. My omnipotence key and the abilities going into my omniscience and omnipresence are all different but I will say the key to my omnipotence.

Aza/Ciel: "Is he really going to?"

Veldanava: "I even find myself curious as I know his key is different compared to mine."

Rimuru: You need to acquire 10 angelic skills and 8 demonic skills and along with this you need to acquire Azathoth, Shubb-Niggurath, the Akashic Records, the nucleic core of 3 true dragons, and a manas. Does this answer your question?

Micheal: Yes...yes it does "The requirements scream one thing impossible."

Everyone: "So it's impossible to succeed him. Unless he directly chose you I assume."

Aza: "Good that he only said the key to his omnipotence and not the others"

Veldanava: "Only 10? Wait he said only his need the other 4 angelic and 6 demonic to get the others don't you...Wait he added more skills to the angelic and demonic series. Nevermind anything is possible. He could've lied and I wouldn't know."

I got bored and decided to fight the demon. He was painfully pathetic. I will be honest. Though fighting Satoru for 17,000 years probably did a lot. But I did end up turning the world's Axis and making a new North Pole as Satoru called it. Now there was an Ice Contient and the demon resided there.

Guy: She won? But we came to a draw

Rimuru: She destroyed you in this timeline. If she didn't hold back you'd have died.

Velzard: Heh

Yuuki: She actually called him painfully pathetic as if she'd rather fight an ant than him.

Velgrynd: haha. I don't think she meant it that far but I like the image.

Ciel: I'd pay to see her fight an ant over that red demon

Aza: I agree. At least that'd be more interesting

Asuryii: "Wow....bullying. Its for kids just call ***-***-**** for a free consultation on how best to bully someone" *thumbs up*

Rimuru/Veldanava/Veldora: "I don't know why he has his thumb up but for some reason I agree." *thumbs up*

Satoru and my brother asked me to watch over the demon should anything happen to both of them which worried me. I felt as if they were intending to leave me or knew something I didn't.

After about 450 years my niece was born. She was so adorable. She was the spitting image of her mother. My brother looked so happy to be a father but I felt it. He was getting weaker. The looks on his own face and Satoru's grew darker as the days went on.

I wanted to ask what was going on but I knew I'd get no answer. All I knew was one thing. My life was not about to be perfect anymore. I also didn't like the message my brother and Satoru gave me. I think they gave it to me since they both knew I was there but...I didn't like it.

"How long do I have Satoru? A few years right? Then you'll be preparing for it?"

"Yeah...It's going to be a long wait. I hope everything goes well..."

"I think it will. |FoRm ThE sOUl CoRRidOr.|"

Everyone winced at the way Velzard and by proxy they heard Rimuru and Veldanavas conversation being unable to understand most of what they said but they knew thanks to the translation provided by Asuryii

Veldanava: Turning point right?

Rimuru: Yeah.

People wanted to say something or ask about the soul corridor but left it alone as they could guess most of the answers and may not actually receive one even should they ask. So they decided to look forward and prepare


Reaction to Frostbitten Nightmares Part 3 - 10508 words


The way the two spoke was sad but also hopeful. They speak as if they knew the end was coming and felt no worries about it. I for some reason can't remember the last words they said though. I think it was something about a corridor. I can't remember perfectly though.

Everything felt fine till hell struck. In his weakened state those humans attacked my brother and his wife. They succeeded in killing him. Satoru in a rage flattened an entire nation before he calmed down and started to take care of Milim, my niece personally. Rudra had no intentions of doing anything and Velgrynd thought Rudra was.

Deeno: Wait, if Rimuru killed everyone, how'd I become a demon lord? I became one after killing the people who killed Lord Veldanava

Rimuru: I gave you all the souls and left a portion of the people to you which was hard to do since despite knowing my friend had to die and would be back soon I couldn't control myself

Veldanava: Yeah and if not for my Manas self and living self merging and limiting your skill use Deeno wouldn't have become a demon lord or the world would have ceased to exist

Rimuru: That was my bad yes but my skills saved the day as most people failed to realize I did it and thought Deeno was the main actor

Lucia: Wait. Rudra. You didn't take care of MY daughter?! She is your niece and her parents died who were your sister and sensei yet you won't at least care for her.

Veldanava: Calm down Lucia I kno-

Lucia: Sit down Velda. Not now.

Milim: So Bestie took care of me after mom and dad died?

Rimuru: I did Milim. I sadly couldn't always be there and had to leave but I enjoyed taking care of you. I found it as enjoyable as when I helped Veldanava and Velzard take care of Velgrynd.

Milim: Thank you bestie. I'm glad that me got to spend more time with you and she was taken care of

Lucia: Thank you for caring for my daughter at that time Rimuru. I appreciate it.

Rimuru: Of course Lucia. Anything for my family or friends. I only did what I wanted anyway so thanks aren't needed

Lucia merely nodded before she looked back at Rudra who was now shitting bricks.

Lucia: Rudra I was disappointed that you had the capacity to do what you did in that first video but I let it go as you had changed I thought. I assume based on everyone who was alive at this time that this is the same even with you and not just a one off thing. We're family, we are supposed to care for each other. I guess hoping you would take care of my daughter and your niece was far too wishful thinking.

I am still disappointed that Velgrynd and Velzard did nothing from what I can surmise to but I had hoped you'd be different but it was worse than I thought. Velgrynd thought you'd help her and trusted you, but you did nothing. Don't say a home and caregiver is something cause while that holds some truth it is still wrong. She needed her family not some fucking hired babysitter or maid-

Veldanava: Lucia. Please calm down. I won't support his actions but I'd rather we all talk about this in a more private place later on. Now let's just finish this reaction and then we may move on

Lucia: Fine...

Ciel/Aza: Lucia come on, let's all sit together, us three and Milim.

Rimuru: Veldora, Velda come sit with me Ramirus, Velzard, Velgrynd you can join us too if you want

Veldanava nodded as he knew what the game those three were playing was. Rimuru would have Lucia, Ciel, Aza, and Milim on his right together so they could all be comfortable and let Ciel and Aza comfort Lucia. Milim would be there as a way to ground Lucia and calm her. The others being to Rimuru's left made it known they were there but left it open for Lucia to not interact with them until she wanted.

This seating was different as Lucia was almost in the center of everyone sitting beside Milim with Veldanava while the sisters, Veldora, and Ramirus were all behind them. Rimuru, Ciel, and Aza were on the right of Veldanava in this seating.

Asuryii: (why mention this....idk)

It was okay for a few years again till they killed my niece's pet and tried to kidnap her.

She followed in Satoru's footsteps, erased a kingdom off the map and became a demon lord. She fell into a rage when she realized her pet wasn't himself but Rimuru stopped her quickly with the help of the Spirit Queen surprisingly. He wouldn't need the Spirit Queens help but he said.

"Family is great and all but sometimes a friend can do more than family. I could deal with this all by myself but that'd limit Milim and take chances for her to get close to others and possibly make her more reliant on me. I can't always be there and neither can you but friends can help fill the gaps we make. No one is perfect. There may come a time when she acts happy but feels truly alone. If the family doesn't see it, her friends will and vice versa."

Lucia: Rimuru, Ramirus thank you for taking care of Milim

Both merely nodded with a smile saying it was no issue and they'd do it again.

Lucia: While I don't like my daughter getting blood on her hands so young I understand why it happened and what happened. I also am glad that you let Milim be able to see others as people she could rely on by not doing everything yourself and spoon feeding her

Rimuru: It's not an issue Lucia. I wished I could've done more but I was limited in my options. If I could've I would've prevented Milim from losing Gaia and the both of you, or I would've just taken her in myself but I sadly couldn't

Lucia: No, it's fine. It's the thought that counts. I'm glad I can count on you to look after Milim

Milim: Don't worry mom. Bestie is super strong and fun to be with. I'll be ok.

Lucia: I'm glad

Once again as he spoke a solemn look filled his face as if he knew what came next. The world felt fine for another time, till a Tenma War started...and Satoru left. Well he didn't leave more as say stopped it all at the cost of leaving for a few thousand years.

He left me a note that he prepared beforehand. I noticed this habit: he always made a note to me before going into battle.

Velgrynd: It seems we've reached the turning point. Rimuru had to leave the world to reincarnate later

Veldora: The plot thickens and if this follows normal manga rules this is the surprise letter confession

Yuuki: AH! I see it

Masayuki: I see it to a legendary moment to be witnessed in real life

Dear Velzard,

If you are reading this then that means I am gone. Well not permanently put for an extended period of time. If this is the battle I leave you in I am sorry. I didn't want to leave you. I wanted to stay but I will do what I must as Veldanava's successor. I wasn't supposed to tell you but I couldn't hide it from you. Don't worry though I will be there when you need me most, but if you chose to forget me and move on so be it. I noticed your feelings for a while now but I never said anything for the sole reason that.

I didn't feel worthy of you. You were a star shining far too radiant for someone like me. When we meet again if you decide to remember me. You will most likely have a choice to make. I won't say what it is but just know I will be back. I will not fail the work your brother gave me and I will see you again. But do not trust the angels or that Demon. They are after you and your family.


Veldora/Yuuki/Masayuki: HE DID IT! WOOOOO! Wait comrades. ←(They then became comrades)

Velgrynd: The choice is making its reappearance soon

Guy: couldn't you at least use my name

Rimuru: No too much effort

Guy: my name is three letters and that demon is 9 what do yo-


Deeno: I sympathize remembering names is a pain especially when it's of all the people you've met or killed. Well in this case plan to kill. ←(honest thoughts but also trying to earn brownie points)

Rimuru: Thank you Deeno. See he understands.

Pico/Gracia: He said do not trust the angels. Deeno you're included in that

Deeno: ahhh. I can't be trusted, Rimuru?

Rimuru: No you can. You're not an angel. You're Deeno and a fallen same with Pico and Gracia being fallen. Very different things

Deeno: Oh. Cool.

Veldanava: "Well he isn't really wrong but by th-"

Rimuru: Velda I've known you long enough to know. You're thinking something logically correct and rude. Stop it, realize my words.

Veldanava: "Damn his intuition and experience dealing with me."

I felt tears run down my face as I finished reading the letter. I wanted to reply but I knew I'd get no response back so I made myself a promise.

'I Will not forget you Satoru. You will say your feelings to me yourself when you return and we will live in this house together again.'

After reading Satoru's letter Velgrynd came to me with a letter of her own from Satoru. It simply asked for us to look out for each other and watch that red demon.


Chloe: "Dammit as a woman in love with sensei I can't help but feel jealous of her but at the same time root for her."

Shizu: Slime-san's words must've deeply affected Velzard since she resolved herself and cried despite not knowing when he may return but just knowing he will return

A few events happened over the next 2000 years. The demon lords became a group of ten some died and got replaced. A bunch of otherworlders got summoned and then something piqued my interest.

A slime became a demon lord...and someone compared him to Veldanava, but forgot to mention Satoru. I hadn't noticed this till now. But only Velgrynd, Milim, Veldora, and I ever spoke about Satoru. It was as if the rest of the world forgot him. Like he never existed or was taboo.

Silvia: I think at some point everyone compared Rimuru to Veldanava in some regard whether it be character, aura, or something else

Diablo: I find that note curious. In 2000 years not a soul besides those four ever spoke about Lord Rimuru from the time he was in disguise.

Testarossa: She said it was as if the world forgot him an- Didn't he mention needing to remembered and forgotten

Micheal: Thinking back I do remember something along those lines being mentioned yet to even go as far as to say it was like he never existed or was taboo is surprising

Veldora: Could my sworn brother have possibly erased himself from everyone's memories

Milim: Maybe but I'd never be able to forget bestie so it's clear why I remembered

Veldora: I wouldn't forget him either

Velgrynd: "They didn't realize he made those who were in a sense his family or the only ones he was close to at the time remember and others not"

I didn't like this. I began to visit the slime occasionally. He held a similar attitude in most things to Satoru, they looked similar at a glance, and they both seemed to know everything but this one also nothing.

He made drinks and snacks just like Satoru did too. Then soon after he became a demon lord. Wars started raging again. The Slime and his country were against the Empire and Velgrynd. The slime miraculously won the war. He even helped Velgrynd save Rudra and find his reincarnation, he gained a dragon core becoming a true dragon, not even to mention he was keeping Veldora in Satoru, and then the worst came forth.

Velgrynd: You can hear the longing in your voice elder sister

Testarossa: Seeing the reasoning behind her visits was to obverse Lord Rimuru then what were they before

Rimuru: she had visited me before simply for company, entertainment, because she was curious, and I was simply an interesting subject

Veldora: Why did this sound like keeping me in line was the biggest accomplishment and Rimuru doesn't keep me in line we're sworn brothers we look out for each other

Velzard: That's because it is a big achievement

Velgrynd: How many times did we punish you to no avail

Luminous: To be honest if the slime was alive 2 thousand years prior I doubt you'd have destroyed Night Rose.

Veldanava: Just let them Veldora arguing isn't worth it

Rimuru: "Do I mention the timeline where I did exist at that time period...probably not"

Aza: Rimuru lived in one of those type of timelines before

Rimuru: "Well can always count on Aza to say something"

Luminous: Oh really what happened

Patrons: I can't help but find myself curious too

Ciel: Rimuru just stopped Veldora from attacking Night Rose and had helped Luminous quite a number of times and this led to later them starting a relationship. He was alive during the time he was in this timeline as well. He and Veldanava had a relationship akin to twin brothers, now don't ask about anything else. If it is shown later, have fun.

Luminous: I want to see this one

Hinata: I find myself wary

Chloe: This timeline gives me bad feelings

'Satoru you were right. Another Tenma war is here and Guy no that damn red demon was a fucking traitor.'

"Velzard Get Back!" I was suddenly launched backwards by Rimuru as I looked up and saw Feldway, Guy, and a third figure I now knew as Ivarge who had taken possession of another person's body.

"Blast off to the end of space and time. Chrono Saltation." Feldway spoke a chant and in an instant Rimuru disappeared. He was the only one truly able to keep up with everything on his own and keep morale going but he was just sent to the end of time.

Veldanava: Heh. Hey Rimuru its here

Rimuru: HEH. It is, it is Velda

Guy: Well it's clear that Chrono Saltation isn't going to do anything but still being sent to the EoSaT and returning fine was great for everyone but still not normal

Rimuru: The world would have ceased to exist if I was normal

Ciel: If Rimuru didn't exist Feldway would've attained the dragon cores easier and Milim. He then would've done what he did before but since no one could fight Ivarage or Soulless Veldanava the Cardinal World would've ceased to exist.

Rimuru: Wish to say more

Guy: No. But I will continue to complain

Rimuru: I'll hit you every time you complain from now on. And yes it will be enhanced with nihility or stardust. My mood will dictate my decision

Velgrynd: It is interesting seeing how the direction the world takes is so different based on a few small instances

Velzard: I'd have to agree and say my past self was an idiot who chose wrong

Ciel: "She really regrets her decision now..."

Aza: "She is 100% planning to approach us isn't she.."

"I'm not going to let up and simply let you slaughter everyone. I don't care that your goal is to bring big brother back; he wouldn't have wanted this. Dammit Satoru WHERE ARE YOU?!" I was beginning to feel hopeless despite saying I wouldn't give up but as if my prayers had been answered I once again felt that oppressive pressure again.

Masayuki: Damn Rimuru-san you know how to make an entrance that's for sure

Yuuki: We haven't even seen the full entrance yet and I have to agree

Veldora: Letting his oppressive presence weigh down on everyone and a tear in space-time forming which he'll clearly walk right through. A masterclass entry

Yuuki: I'd say he's doing an entrance only rivaled by that of Batman

Veldora: Batman?

Yuuki: He's from a comic book. It's kind of like manga in some regards but comes from another country on Earth

Veldora: Rimuru! Have you been skimping out on me

Rimuru: No. You never asked. You only ever ask for the continuation of what you've read or something like what you read and not what I recommend or something you may enjoy

Veldora: So then can I ha-

Rimuru: After this is done. I will make you some for when we return

Veldora: YES!!!

Everyone: "Doesn't he realize Rimuru is from 100,000 years into the future for us. Him returning means you waiting 100,000 years"

Lucia: Looks like the first person she called out to was her little lover heh

Velgrynd: It seems so but I still can't believe your subordinates didn't understand you don't want to be revived and could return whenever you wanted

Veldanava: Don't remind me. Please.

Rimuru: At least Micheal who was in a sense your Manas since he was loyal to you only went through with it because he was convinced to and believed in the possibility that you may have wanted to stay dead

Veldanava: That is the brightside. Good job Micheal

Micheal: I don't deserve thanks I still caused problems for your family and the Cardinal World

Veldanava: Well still good job

Rimuru: Accept it Micheal he's oddly stubborn on these topics

Micheal: Then I suppose I'm glad to receive your thanks but I will work forward to not cause situations like I did

Veldanava: Good, keep that mindset. Reminds me of the timeline when I gave you to Rimuru who lived at that time and you both worked together for the Cardinal World. Since the situation was vastly different in that timeline

Rimuru: I also wasn't a slime or a true dragon in that timeline.

Everyone perked up at Rimuru's words since that meant the possibilities were endless and the direction the Cardinal World takes changes depending on his race

Aza: Wasn't that the first timeline after I was born? Then that means you had Ciel, Micheal, and Myself in your head all at once. Which also means you were a Nepalham if I remember correctly or were you an outer humanoid. Can't remember, well I can but I am to lazy to sift through my memories

Luminous: Dammit now I want to see this timeline too. I can't imagine the reactions of angels and demons to a demon-angel hybrid

Rudra: This does sound interesting but all the timelines likely are

Rimuru: They are in my eyes but to you maybe not all of them

'Satoru?' I felt the pendant on my chest glowing and as I looked down for a moment and looked back up I saw a familiar dress, but his hair was different. It was platinum-blue like Rimuru?

He looked back towards me with a smirk as his hair and eye color changed to that of the man I knew and fell in love with. He confidently pulled out his mask he wore for the thousands of years we spent together before dropping a classic cheesy line.

"Did you miss me?" I felt a tear come to my eye as I felt relieved he was back and alive along with the fact that I did miss him so him being back was a pleasant surprise.

"I have some children to handle, let's catch up later."

Yuuki: Take notes boys this is how you make an entrance

Masayuki/Veldora: Noted

Milim: Bestie entrance was amazing can you do it again

Rimuru: In the future sure

Elmesia: Velzard in her unconscious thoughts admitted she fell in love with Rimuru or well him in his Satoru persona

Hinata: I think we all know what you mean when saying Rimuru, this is a really complicated situation

Velgrynd: hahaha. Rimuru really called those three children

Lucia: It goes to show how confident he is that he'll win and that line was very cheesy Rimuru

Rimuru: Yes thank you Lucia looking back it really was but my smirk as Ciel would say tied it all together

Ciel: This is something I would say

Rain: Velzard-sama looks like a large weight was lifted off her shoulders the moment Rimuru-sama appeared and in his Satoru looks.

Diablo: I wonder what everyone's reaction to my lords appearance will be

3rd Person—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Guy, Feldway, and Ivarage looked at Rimuru dumbfounded as he had returned so quickly after being sent to the end of space and time.

"HOW ARE YOU BACK OR EVEN ALIVE?!" Feldway was enraged as he looked toward Rimuru, the singular person who was causing more problems in Feldways plans than anyone else.

"C'mon Felddy it's a reunion. You haven't been able to remember me for that's right. [Forbidden Lord, Hastur]- immaliable Curse {Release}." Rimuru looked at the three figures with a sadistic grin as they began to recall who the person Rimuru looked like was.

"YOU YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" Feldway screamed out irritatedly.

Velgrynd: Felddy?

Velzard: The absurdity of returning from the EoSaT is trumped by him calling Feldway Felddy

Diablo: My lord has always had good taste in names so a diminutive nickname like Felddy is not beyond him

Veldora: Am I the only one who is trying absurdly hard to not laugh?

Yuuki: No not just you I think everyone is

Veldanava: I've heard funnier nicknames from Rimuru this is one of his laziest ones

Rimuru: Well Runaway here wasn't exactly worth the effort and Felddy sounds like a pet name so it was plenty insulting as is

Asuryii: I recommend laughing before the battle begins.

Aza: You only say that because you find his suffering funny. But I do too, I'll allow it.

After a small laugh break....

Lucia: Rimuru-chan what exactly is this Immaliable curse that you're releasing

Rimuru: It's a curse I place on the Cardinal World making it so anyone I wanted who knew me would forget my existence or not recognize it. It only works because of my absurd magicule capacity. If not for my reactors I would've run out of magicules a thousand years before I returned and released the curse. It also had a limit to the use frequency like armageddon does

Diablo: What do you mean exactly when saying a curse on the Cardinal World?

Rimuru: I went to various people who would remember me and applied the curse directly and then once I 'died' I set the curse to activate and make my existence in others' minds null and blank. The mention of taboo by Velzard earlier makes sense because my existence was made someone they weren't allowed to remember. The curse is then applied directly to the VOTW directly to manage the curse and if I didn't release it then soon the VOTW would reject my existence and memory

Rudra: All I heard was you did something absurdly dangerous and had you failed you would have died

Velzard: Then what was the immaliable curse bind from earlier

Rimuru: Me applying the curse and leaving a pathway to curse him later

Aza: Still this sadistic grin of yours Rimuru has to be in my top 10 favorite sadistic grin moments.

Ciel: I second that probably #9 for me

Benimaru: Its seems like Rimuru-sama gave Feldway a double shock in the fact that he was alive and that he was Satoru

Yuuki: I don't even want to imagine the mindfuck this gave him

Micheal: Rimuru I find myself curious how does it feel to turn into a manas and back into a being

Rimuru: Oddly enough it's a very relaxing experience turning into a manas but back into a being is much better as sensations return to you and the feeling of your soul changes

Micheal: What a curious thing

Veldanava: I second Rimuru's words

Ciel: I also second that.... What we've lived a long time of course I tried being in a living body myself not as a manas

"Well I'm not Felddy. You sent me to the EoSaT and I still returned...TWICE! Of course I'm not dead. What do you take me for a pathetic bastard trying to suck the toes of the dead. Oh wait sorry that's you!" Rimuru wore a smug grin the like that Ciel was very proud of.

<<Rimuru I know I was gone but please don't go embarrassing me the moment I return>>

"Let's play. I've WAITED MORE THAN 20,000 years for this. I intended to paint the fucking streets in you blood. That nightmare I went through will not happen again. I could make this quick but I intend to enjoy this. After all, it's not often that I have a perfect target to release my anger on."

Yuuki: Rimuru I know he's like the bad guy and all but you don't have to trash his whole existence

Masayuki: Poor poor bird all he'll be remembered by in this world is as a man who tried to suck the toes of the dead

Aza: That smug grin was nice I can see why Ciel was proud of it but Rimuru you could've gone harder on Feldway you were a little nice

Rimuru: I agree I should've done more not only to him but to Guy

Leon: You can still do it Guy and Feldway are in this room

Guy: Hah!? Leon baby what the fuck don't do this to me

Leon: Yeah no Rimuru you definitely can do what you couldn't now

Velzard: I support it

Deeno: As long as my work load doesn't increase I support it

Gracia/Pico: As long as you make Deeno responsible for his actions I don't care

Deeno: huh? Why? I just want to sleep

Veldanava: Lucia is it what I think it is

Lucia: Definitely

Women: 100%

Rudra: I wonder what Rimuru will do cause he just killed me inst- nevermind he still has that me's soul

Micheal: I assume he only does as he deems necessary

Rimuru: it's exactly as Micheal said

Elmesia: I don't know but crazed Rimuru is kind of -

Luminous: Hot

Velzard: Agreed

Ciel: Aza's favorite

Aza: Ciel likes it too but prefers Rimurus cold look more

Chloe: Oh that sounds nice too

Ciel: It is

Dagurel: Good luck Rimuru

Rimuru: Thanks Dagurel I'll need it

Veldanava: You don't need luck you need to write you last rights

Rimuru: good point

"I see you killed Rimuru and took over his body you're pathetic for one they called Lord Veldanava's successor." Rimuru began to laugh hysterically as the words came out of Feldways mouth.

"Felddy you don't get it, I AM SATORU and I AM RIMURU. One can't exist without the other. I needed to spend some time outside of my own body as a manas to get your ass. But it was worth it."

"You insane bastard. You made yourself into a manas and made your future self acquire your will." Guy looked at Rimuru with disgust as he thought he pieced it together.

"You're wrong but I don't care to correct you. You're all going to die soon anyways. Let's finish this, bring it Lizard! Come on Felddy! Try me HOBO!"

'This is definitely Satoru alright' ←Veldora, Velgrynd, Velzard, and Milim

Yuuki: Rimuru please never laugh like that again

Masayuki: Yeah Rimuru-san please don't it's actually terrifying

Chloe: It's nothing like that laugh you did when with S-Class this is just actually scary

Luminous: Its scary coming from him yes but oddly arousing


Ciel: And they are now comrades....great....

Benimaru: I seriously can't begin to guess how I will react

Diablo: I know exactly how I will

Guy: Obviously you would you crazed fanatic

Velgrynd: What did you do for us to recognize that as you for that reason

Veldanava: It's more of what he didn't do. After my death he didn't really hold back in tormenting the kingdom that caused my death

Deeno: deserved

Micheal: valid

Velzard: I feel like he did more though

Ciel: He and Veldanava also spared hundreds of times and you witnessed them both talking shit to each other

Veldora: That would do it

Milim: Then what about me?

Ciel: Rimuru in his Satoru persona was a second father to you and you had seen him deal with pests that tried to harm you in place of the maids and servants

Milim: That makes more sense...

In an instant just using pure physical strength Rimuru was on top of the three figures. Before they could react Rimuru had kicked Guy through multiple mountains with a nihility enhanced kick that bypassed Guy's defenses and resistances. At the same moment Rimuru used [Sealing Lord, Janus]-Abyssal Lock combined with [Illimitable Desire Lord, Cxaxukluth]- Chaos Reactor.

Rudra: Guy you got absolutely punted

Yuuki: The first demon lord turned into a ragdoll

Masayuki: Gmod reference. Respectable

Everyone: "What the fuck is a Gmod?"

Those who know: "These idiots, seriously."

Velgrynd: Rimuru do you like surprising people with your immense speed or something? Its like your trying to undermine my general nature of acceleration

Rimuru: "I wasn't even trying...I'm infinitely faster than that" No I just really wanted to see Guy flying through a couple mountains as soon as possible.

Diablo: That kick was splendid my lord. Truly a marvel to be witness too

Veldora: Since it's a part of your sealing skill is Abyssal Lock a seal?

Rimuru: Yes it is. It takes pure nihility from the void and uses it to seal someone's movements or lock them in a box

<Ciel, Velda focus on regulating the magicules holding that seal. Make Ivarage think he can escape but never will. I intend to brutalize Felddy, then Ivarage, and save Guy for last>

<<Ciel I can maintain the seal, You can analyze Rimuru's skills and help him in battle if you want.>>

<<You better not be slacking off or I will tell Lucia Velda.>>

Lucia: Ciel-chan anytime he causes problems tell me would you

Ciel: Glady Lucia, I would love to share all the moments Veldanava caused problems

Veldora: Isn't making him think he can escape a bit far? I mean being sealed isn't a fun experience

Rimuru: Not far enough

Veldanava: To soft in all honesty

Aza: Should've pulled a Feldway and sent him to the EoSaT and after making him return having been conscious for eons

Ciel: Adding that to the to do list of things to try in other timelines

Rudra: Is this a save the best for last moment

Yuuki: Definitely he's saving the one he despises the most for last to increase the time he can torment him

Black Numbers: Lord Rimuru intends to brutalize Feldway and Ivarage before getting to Guy this will be a treat

Guy: Please don't enjoy my suffering too much

Rimuru: I will revel and bask in it

Ciel: It brightens my mood

Aza: It's a nice thing to wake up and watch to start the day off right

Velzard: You deserve it in this timeline

Velgrynd: I don't like you to begin with so I will enjoy this

Micheal: All in the name of Justice

Milim: I hate this version of you. I will enjoy watching bestie beat the shit out of you

Testarossa: I can't wait to watch your suffering and see you embarrassed

Guy: Damn ok. I will drop it. Kind of harsh don't you think, afterall it was another me and not even me

Everyone: Still you though

Rimuru: Thinking back I really didn't do enough

Guy: Please stop. I get it. Lets just leave this topic and enjoy other mes suffering rather than me suffering

Aza: I still may kill you later so don't count on it

"Felddy let's enjoy this c'mon ENTERTAIN ME! You can't be this weak after making me wait more than 20,000 years. I don't like bullying but this might be it."

Veldanava: This is definitely bullying

Masayuki: This is like a college senior bullying a toddler Rimuru

Diablo: As long as it's my Lord doing the bullying I could care less who deals with it

Adalman: I am honored to see my god in the action of bullying the weak

Feldway: I'm stronger than almost everyone in this room who are you calling weak

Veldora: The strong consume the weak...

Velgrynd: And Rimuru ate you which makes you weak

Aza: Fired bird is pretty good

Rimuru: Don't word it like I ate him like a meal I used a skill

Ciel: Rimuru they know they're just messing with Travestyway

Rimuru: I know but I'm glad you picked up and have joined me in this escapade against Lostway

Yuuki: So as long as its Rimuru you won't care

Patrons: Pretty much

Dragons: He'll have a valid reason

Micheal: I trust his judgment

Humans: He has a clear head so his reasoning will be sound

Demon Lords-Guy: Rimuru is also the strongest here so what he says goes

Yuuki: Fair point if god said die the you die

Aza: Now you're getting it

Feldway tried to block the oncoming swing of Rimuru's sword but the clash produced a large shockwave that was filled with curses

"I forgot to mention. My sword uses curses now. The combination of [Illimitable Desire Lord, Cxaxukluth], [Forbidden Lord, Hastur], and [Defiant Lord, Prometheus] makes a lovely combo don't you think. I expect better than this Felddy. Micheal should've given you access in some regard to 20 ultimate skills. Too bad though, Felddy. I have every single one of those skills, not as a copy but the original."

Velgrynd: I have to ask what does this combo of skills do exactly?

Velzard: Well we know Hastur deals with curse but we can only really guess the other two.

Rimuru: Hastur deals with curses in majority yes, Cxaxukluth deals with fulfilling the users desires at an appropriate cost/trade, and Prometheus in the simplest way defies any and all laws/rules/principle/concepts and what not that exist. But of course it has its own costs too.

Luminous: I knew I wanted that skill Cxaxukluth any chance you'll change your mind

Rimuru: No I won't change my mind

Yuuki: I can't imagine a price that is equal to the use of those skills

Micheal: It could also have requirements to use in certain cases. Rimuru did mention using it in his sword

Rimuru: I knew you'd pick up on it Micheal. That skill has conditions behind its use "at the lord level status" and they dictate the lengths you can go to defy the laws of the world and other things

Diablo: Say if you desired it couldn't you defy the VOTW and have 2 individuals with the exact same soul

Rimuru: Theoretically yes I can. I could create a perfect copy of data, soul, experiences, and all. The cost to do it would be great but I could technically do it

Dagurel: That would be horrifying, but I don't want to ever experience what Feldway had in the despair that comes from someone telling you they have all of your skills and that you failed to reach there expectations

Deeno: Don't worry Rimuru and Lord Veldanava are lik- I didn't forget Ciel and Aza. They are probably the only people who could do that to you so just don't piss them off

The sadistic smirk on Rimuru's face grew but as he put more strength into his blade he stopped smiling. He was disappointed.

"You really are weak aren't you. With me here you can't do anything. I guess I should just end this quickly since you bore me. Maybe Ivarage or Guy will be more entertaining. Though I doubt it after all, YOUR WEAK"

Rimuru calmly sauntered over towards Feldway who was cowering in fear begging for his life. He was screaming trying to helplessly explain why he was in the right and that Rimuru should support him. It was all for naught as Rimuru leaned down next to Feldway's ear.

Milim: I've never seen bestie like this.

Diablo: I would have to say the same I have never seen or thought of seeing this look on my Lords face

Testarossa: The disappointment on his face as Feldway began to reel back from him barely adding anymore strength was unimaginable. He looked as if the whole world collapsed for him

Shizu: Slime-san looks almost depressed

Rimuru: I kind of was. I hoped after more than 20,000 years of waiting he'd give me a gratifying, enjoyable fight, and possibly make my revenge feel better but it was disappointing.

Chloe: Sometimes revenge isn't always gratifying

Rimuru: Well the next bit was very gratifying not even mentioning the time with Ivarage or Guy

Rudra: Preaching to Rimuru for support was probably his only option left at this point. He knew he was going to die if Rimuru didn't decide to help him

Benimaru: But that was an impossibility. Rimuru-sama wouldn't help him especially after what had happened before

Zegion: Lord Rimuru's calm saunter was almost unnerving in some regards

Veldora: I can see what you mean Zegion but I am curious as to why Rimuru is leaning down to Feldway's ear

Yuuki: He's probably going to say something shocking

"Veldanava told me to send his regards to the worst angel and wish him well in the abyss known as Azathoth. But your soul has other uses [Forbidden Lord, Hastur]-Regeneration Curse [Illimitable Desire Lord, Cxaxukluth]- active desire {Soul Manipulation}. [Defiant Lord, Prometheus]- Erasure {off}. Have fun Felddy I have millions of ways to torture your soul till the end of time. Your soul won't shatter either good luck."

Feldway tried to beg and all he got in return was the cruel words-

"Eat Up Azathoth, a snack is here."

The room was silent as they processed the words that came out of Rimuru's mouth. They didn't even bother to start questioning Rimuru's statement of ways to torture Feldway or about the skills he used. They simply sat silent as they took in the first sentence Rimuru said.

Aza: I mean as far as angels go, birdbrain here is by far the worst, but at least Rimuru wished him well in my stomach. Not that it'd do him any good. Also that soul still hasn't shattered till this day. I use it as a ball from time to time.

Lucia: I'm glad Feldway wasn't your favorite angel.

Veldanava: He was the first one I created and I spoiled him but he took it for granted and made me regret my past actions but the past is the past.

Feldway: "The past is the past huh....." ←(Feldway character arc?)

Guy: He seems to be taking it well

Micheal: He's just questioning everything he did up till this point

Yuuki: He's trying to get character development

Veldora: Oooooo! I'm intrigued to see how it goes. Will it be like Sasuke or like Makoto from School Days

Masayuki: We don't speak of school days

Yuuki: Almost like Yosuga no Sora and Boku no Pico. Taboo but hilarious to recommend to new manga/anime fans

Rimuru: "True"

Veldanava: This is definitely true.

Ultima: Lord Rimuru is Soul Manipulation as I think

Rimuru: Yes it is exactly as you think. Manipulation of souls whether yours or other peoples.

Elmesia: Erasure is self explanatory since you're preventing him from being erased.

Guy: "Self explanatory yet still absurd"

Ciel: You thinking about something Red Hobo Demon

Guy: Nope not at all "How the fuck did she know?"

Velgrynd: The regeneration curse must be forcing him to infinitely heal himself which works well with the removal of his possible erasure or shattering of his soul

Velzard: Those words were very cold to say the least and Rimuru's bored, almost callous tone definitely added to the impact they gave.

Everyone: Agreed

<Ciel is the hobo up?>

<<Still trying to stand up, but he can see you. He is infuriated.>>

"Great. Ivarage it is. Oh well he took Yuuki's body again. Oh right it's the hobos fault he was even capable of doing that. God dammit this is a pain in the ass. I want to go talk to VELZARD. But I have to clean up the mess they made.

Velgrynd: Once again Rimuru has his priorities

Veldanava: He does and his priorities are straight, the order of priorities making talking to my sister more important than fighting those three is good

Veldora: ahha! My sworn brother calling that demon a hobo is great and it gets better the more I hear it

Rimuru: If I wanted I could change his name to Hobo and he'd be unable to do a thing about it


Rudra: I say do it. Honestly it sounds like a good idea

Rimuru: I am tempted to do it everyday. The good version of me says it'll only be funny for sometime till he stops caring and then I will be bored and the bad version says do it and curse him to forever be annoyed

Guy: Rimuru please don't

Aza: I vote he does it

Asuryii: I agree

Veldanava: I think everyone agrees to be entirely honest

Rimuru: I will deeply and thoroughly consider it

Ciel: If he doesn't do it I can.

Everyone: Knowing you there's a price

Ciel: You can't come after Rimuru anymore

Women: Nevermind

Men: Dammit we lost most of our support

Guy: "Thank god for Rimuru simps"

Rimuru: Guy please don't go thanking me

Veldanava: Yes please don't thank either of us

Guy: oh my....

Should I just rewind time and kill Guy before he becomes a demon lord? No then my people wouldn't exist...but if I'm rejected this timeline is done anyway so it really doesn't matter."

<<Stop Rimuru. The path you are thinking of taking is yes solid but you are better than me>>

Yuuki: Ah yes moral dilemmas none of us will ever deal with other than those two over there

Masayuki: Honestly it's a blessing that Rimuru-san, despite having all the power he has, is still humble and has morals.

Diablo: It seems even the previous god Veldanava praises my lord for his superiority

Adalman: As expected of my god

Luminous: Fucking fanatics...←(secretly is an archbishop in Rimuruism)

Veldanava: Well he is my successor. Shouldn't my successor surpass me and become better than me?

Velgrynd: You have a point elder brother but its the fact that hearing a god say the next god is better than them is not something you hear everyday

Velzard: Not to mention you did it in a room with people willing to wipe out the Cardinal World to revive you.

<That was clear. I didn't get rid of my omniscience or omnipotence>

<<Fuck You. You really won't let that go.>>

"Don't worry I won't do it no matter how tempting it may be. I'd love to just sit down and relax the rest of my life but I have responsibilities as a king and now a god." Rimuru sighed as he released Ivarage from the [Abyss Seal] who immediately tried to rush Rimuru.

Aza: Rimuru's morals on full display. I'd love to do xyz but I have my job as abc. Good work love

Rimuru: Aza, did you hit your head?

Aza: No?

Ciel: No seriously Aza are you ok? You never call Rimuru things like love, dear, and whatnot

Aza: Well he is my husband I can change things up from time to time.

Rimuru: I am fine with this, but Velda you're right I will never let it go

Veldanava: Then what about you forgetting to use Prometheus to fake identities

Rimuru: I hadn't had the control yet to do such a task. I didn't forget more so as I chose to not risk using a skill that was that dangerous and I had yet to master

Veldanava: tsk damn you and your ready to go responses

"It's sad that even with an ego and a human body his intelligence is abysmal. He didn't get much smarter since he still assumes he can beat me. But he can't because the [Abyss Seal] already drained a portion of his magicules on its own, not even counting the fact that he spent his time trying to forcefully break out rather than analyze it, well not that he could even if he tried." Rimuru didn't even try to doubt the complexity of a seal made from a chaotic mix of nihility and stardust enhanced with the faith system of [castle guard].

Rudra: Excuse me?

Micheal: A seal made of a chaotic mix of nihility and stardust-

Guy: Enhanced with the faith system?!

Everyone: What the fuck is this seal? Are you trying to seal god or someth-

Rimuru: I mean -


Yuuki: So how smart did that 8 tailed minnow become after taking my body?

Rimuru: As intelligent as an 8 year old and as impulsive as a horny teen in puberty

Masayuki: So not that smart

Rimuru: Not at all. If anything, all the body gave him was better movement control and motor skills. He would've been better off not using a body thought he'd be weaker since getting a human form made him evolve

<<Rimuru your new skills are really fun to mess with, and with all the other skills you have and can create I'm left with so many options>> Ciel was celebrating in Rimuru's head like a kid in a candy store as she contemplated all the possibilities and uses his skills could have.

"I can't believe I'm in a battle deciding the fate of the Cardinal World and you're so carefree Ciel." Rimuru chuckled a bit as dodged a blast of nihility from Ivarage.

Lucia: Aww Ciel-chan does sound so excited at all the new toys she has to play with

Aza: She really did. She had fun for a long time with just Rimuru's reactor alone so having an influx of ultimate skills to mess with on top of that was a nice treat for her

Micheal: Rimuru really trusts Ciel considering he lets her do whatever she wants at anytime and trusts her judgment and decisions

Yuuki: Yeah, that's clear by now. So can we talk about how casually Rimuru is dodging attacks that far sup-...nevermind its clear we all know better than to question this

Veldora: Next thing you know it'll be revealed my sworn brother isn't even using [thought acceleration] or any skills related to speed for that matter


Rimuru: .....

Ciel: .....mmmm

Aza: "Why would he need to use skills like that in the first place? You're all slow"

Many people realized by the lack of a response that Veldora's absent-minded words were the reality of the situation laid bare before their eyes.

<<No need to even watch you're going to win, even if you tried to lose>>

Rimuru didn't even bother rebutling as it was true. He couldn't lose as things were.

Yuuki: Chad maneuver

Masayuki: Why waste his thoughts or breath when he knows. Chad

Veldora: Absolute gigachad

Everyone: "These three seriously..."

Deeno: Sigma he's a sigma

Manga Nerds: Good point but a single phrase can't explain this mans here

Calmly he looked towards Ivarage and analyzed his movements. Ivarage rushed at Rimuru swinging for his head with his left hand, but that was a faint as he charged another blast of nihility in his right hand.

Rimuru noticed this destructive energy coallessing in his hand and decided to have a bit of fun with Ivarage. Channeling stardust into his palm Rimuru parried the swing that was meant as a faint and lean in towards Ivarage grabbing his right hand.


Velzard: Hands gone?

Velgrynd: Hands gone

Diablo: My lords battle IQ is simply unfathomable but yes his hand is definitely gone

Aza: Improperly managed opposing energies such as these do erase what they come into contact with.

Ciel: They also erase when properly managed

Aza: I only mean to say that if improperly managed you can give the illusion of your enemy's attack working but it only works if your resistance and strength is immense like Rimurus

Yuuki: Rimuru did say 'Boom' so I assume his hand is gone

Masayuki: This makes me think of a game I used to play before I can to the Cardinal World I can't remember the name but one of the characters definitely says 'Boom' like Rimuru did

As Rimuru spoke and Ivarage processed what he was doing the energy in Ivarages hand burst as it was overloaded by energy of the opposite nature. Ivarage tried to swing back down at Rimuru by quickly pushing nihility into his left hand but he failed to realize.

His hand was gone. Rimuru as he parried Ivarages earlier swing enhanced his palm with a chaotic mix of nihility and stardust, that when mixed left an energy of pure chaos that ate away at anything it touched and erased it from existence. Ivarage tried to regenerate his arm to no avail. His being had recognized itself as only ever having one arm. It didn't matter that Ivarage remembered he had a left hand.

The world didn't. As far as the world was concerned Ivarage was alway 1 armed.

Veldanava: Ah, yes, a wild Rimuru just casually erasing information particles and stuff coded into a being's soul. Casual Tuesday night.

Rimuru: It works well. Every single time

Velgrynd: I would assume so considering it is explained as 'energy of pure chaos that ate away at anything it touched and erased it from existence'

Velzard: That does remind me of an explanation that screams 'I work. Very well'

Rimuru: It works every time 100% of the time

Yuuki: so it always works

Rimuru: As long as that person isn't like me they are sufficiently screwed

Yuuki: Thank you, thank you for the very educational and in depth explanation

Rimuru: Always a pleasure

The arrogant grin on Ivarage's face began to disappear as he looked on and saw a grin on Rimuru's face. It was the stuff straight out of nightmares. Adding insult to injury Rimuru removed his mask and showed the crazed look in his eyes.

He was enjoying watching Ivarage squirm around and helplessly fight back.

Rudra: he is definitely enjoying this fight more than the one with Feldway

Hinata: Maybe a bit too much?

Aza: Not enough.

Rimuru: It was more enjoyable as rather than trying to negotiate and convince me to help him he just tried to run away or kill me.

Ciel: Not that he could've killed you

Rimuru: Yep.

Luminous: Not sure how I feel about this look on Rimuru

Chloe: huh?

Shizu: What?

Aza: You the one who was horny this whole time?

Elmesia: You're questioning how you feel rather than demanding him to look at you like that

Lucia: Is it going to begin raining gold?

Silvia: Did natural order take a lunch break?

Luminous: Nope I've decided.

Rimuru: "I can already guess what she'll say"

Luminous/Rimuru: I want this Rimuru to step on me "I want this Rimuru to step on me" ←(Rimuru thought what she was going to say)

Rimuru: Called it

Veldanava: Same

Women: Yeah not surprised

Following his instincts Ivarage tried to make a move that would allow him to escape this fight. He launched a kick towards Rimuru's ribs enhanced with all the nihilistic energy he could muster. His kick inched closer towards Rimuru who simply looked at his kick as if it was slow...

Mere inches before the kick landed Rimuru rotated his torso so it was facing Ivarage's kick. Ivarage had a look of pure bliss and victory on his face. But that feeling would disappear as fast as it appeared.

Rimuru grabbed onto Ivarages leg and pulled him closer to Rimuru before Rimuru twisted Ivarage around changing the direction he was facing and tearing off his leg in one fell swoop.

Gazel: You really are playing with your food junior

Veldora: They deserve it though

Ramirus: So the kick that was absurdly fast was actually slow

Yuuki: So now we need to now is he accelerating his thoughts

Ivarage fell towards the ground quickly as he decided he needed to run and fast. He tried to fly away as it was his only option.

"[Sealing Lord, Janus]- Skill Seal {Flight}."

Ivarage had gained a few meters before he was immediately tied back down to the earth and by gravity. The look of terror filled his face as he tried to crawl away. His deep red eyes screamed with terror and his disheveled black hair stood up on end. He peeked over his shoulder and saw Rimuru's face right in front of him. He jumped back but was stopped as Rimuru grabbed Ivarage by the horns on the top of his head.

Velzard: Looks like Ivarage's time is coming to an end

Velgrynd: Seems like it is

Micheal: How were you able to seal his skill despite having no connection to his soul?

Rimuru: I used Janus to seal my own flight skill and looked at the way it interacted and connected to my soul and then replicated it on Ivarage looking for the same signs.

Leon: So you left yourself unable to fly to seal his flight skill?

Rimuru: Yeah. I still have other ways to fly though besides the flight skill but in a sense I did and the look on his face made the experiment worth it.

Veldanava: Caught by the horns. Not a fun experience

Benimaru: tell me about it

Rimuru: Seriously but it is effective

Milim: I like how no one questioned bestie

Lucia: Milim, he said the halo on his head interacted with his body like horns so he probably has experience and not to mention he lived in 100,000,000 different timelines and realities.

Milim: Oh right.

Rimuru looked down on Ivarage there was no smirk or crazed eyes to be seen as Rimuru's expression merely showed boredom and disappointment. Rimuru gave no insults to Ivarage and didn't feel like toying with him anymore.

He was bored.

Chloe: He doesn't look disappointed like he was before

Hinata: He probably already expected this outcome and was prepared for it

Elmesia: It is most likely as you said and so he likely is just bored and slightly disappointed

Velzard: Revenge only gives so much gratification

"I intended to make you suffer for a long time, but I have a better idea. Sorry but I'm going to need your horn. I'll be making a demon shish kabob with it and you can have fun becoming Ciel and Velda's research experiment.

Bye. Eat it up Azathoth." Ivarage was gone. Rimuru had eaten him with Azathoth and signed him to the fate of being Ciels toy for experiments but also a toy to satiate Velda's immense curiosity into the growth of beings egos and intelligence.

Velzard: Right didn't you seal Ivarage originally because you wanted to see if he'd get an ego and change

Velgrynd: I do remember that being the reason elder brother let Ivarage live.

Veldora: What is worse though? Being a toy to experiment on for Ciel or a toy to satiate elder brothers curiosity.

Yuuki: Ciel

Lucia: Velda

Milim: BOTH. wait what was the question again?

Masayuki: I'd say Ciel

Aza: Ciel no doubt about it

Micheal: Depends on the case. Here I'd say Lord Veldanava.

Guy: Ciel. Why Veldanava Michael?

Micheal: I said Lord Veldanava because Ivarage was already a case he was interested in and he received an ego, intelligence, and a human form along with the fact that Ciel is more interested in skills and optimization. Ivarage would likely be of little interest to her

Rimuru: "It's Ciel no doubt but Micheal had a good argument. He just hasn't seen how far her experiments with skills and created new ones will go."

Ciel: Veldanava. I am an angel.

Veldanava: Her don't believe a word this demon says


Veldanava: Me I am worse Ciel is an angel she wouldn't harm a fly

Everyone: "Clearly it's Ciel and not Veldanava."

"Well it looks like a demon is on the menu next. For some odd reason I can feel as if Azathoth is salivating. I don't think it has a conscious or ego at least yet but it would certainly be interesting. Though for now I'll say it's my imagination."

Guy: Is this the first sign?

Micheal: It must be

Diablo: I can feel it. This is absolutely the first sign that Azathoth was gaining an ego or conscious

Aza: It was the first sign. Yes. I was hungry and the red primordial for my desert sounded good.

Guy: You already had a bird and lizard though.

Aza: They were for supper you were my desert. Demon tastes different compared to angel and lizard. If I had to-

Aza proceeded to go on a 6 hour long in depth explanation about the taste of demons when compared to angels, but she also went on to say her favorite meals and various other things.

Ciel: Aza as much as I like to hear you sharing your hobbies can we do this later?

Rimuru: I agree with Ciel. I will listen to you myself later Aza or you can subject others if you wish to.

Aza: Fine. I will stop for now.

Everyone: "Please don't put me on the menu...."

Looking towards the horizon Rimuru saw a man with bright red hair covered in blood. Walking towards him. A seething rage was building up inside of Rimuru but on the surface he looked calm oddly so. The people who were watching this situation were almost put off and bothered by Rimuru's seemingly calm demeanor.

Everyone remained quiet and looked on expectantly at the screen for the fight to come.

"So this is how it is Rimuru? You intend to stand in my way. I'm not like Feldway and Ivarage. I-"

"Used Lucifer or now Nodens to copy the skill Justice King, Micheal and gained access to all the skills stored in it along with coping Evil Dragon Lord, Azi Dahaka. Yeah you're still not a match for me. You should know why you're going to die and the other reason you're going to die. I intend to revel and bask in your death. I will thoroughly humiliate you and destroy everything that made you so proud and to add insult to injury I'll use your skills against you."

Rimuru pulled a white orb out of his imaginary space that glowed with various different hues and felt as if it was a collection of the world's secrets.

"The Memory Ord storing the memories of the last timeline our reality took. I'll give you your old memories so you can put up a fight and know why your death will be so exhilarating for me." Rimuru grabbed hold of the orb and pushed a stream of pure stardust into it. Everyone nearby and who was connected to Rimuru had received their memories of the last timeline.

"That's right I failed, I was too late, but you failed too. Your failure was just worse. Since I SURVIVED! I'm not one to forgive and forget so may you beg for salvation and the sweet release of death sooner cause it will come but not the way you want it to."

Yuuki: Beg me for mercy

Masayuki: Admit you were toxic

Veldanava: You poisoned me just for

Veldora: Another dollar in your pocket

Aza: Seriously what the fuck are you doing?

Ciel: Aza just don't question it there stupidity might rub off on you.

Yuuki: Jokes aside Rimuru saying something like like beg for salvation was-

Luminous: perfect

Yuuki: No, why would I say that? I was going to say

Leon: understandable

Yuuki: No its-

Micheal: Fitting for the situation

Yuuki: IRONIC! I was going to say ironic since he'll never receive mercy

Shizu: Yuuki that isn't ironic

Masayuki: Yeah sorry man that's not ironic

Asuryii: Awkward...

"I will res-"

"Resurrect Veldanava and then absorb his essence and become the new god. Where you will reign supreme and be able to take pleasure in all the things you wish. Anyone you want will be at your beck and call, you'll beat Rudra in your game and you'll make everyone man/woman you laid your eyes on your plaything. I get you're a demon but you're so cliche it's boring, not to mention you make the other demons look like average people. No wonder your whole lineage fears you rather than respects you and is so arrogant. Well I did wipe out the whole Red Lineage before coming here...

Wait No I didn't I made you do it. It's just a curse I had placed on you from before you had your Ultimate Skill and became a demon lord made you forget. I made you slaughter your whole lineage and gain nothing in return. You can tell I'm telling the truth from this pure red orb full of red demon souls. Not exactly my favorite soul to eat but Azathoth likes it so it works out. Since all red demons are good for is experiments and sustenance."

Testarossa: I like seeing my Lord being sadistic it's a nice twist and change of pace

Ultima: I think we might have rubbed off on him a bit

Diablo: "A bit?"

Aza: Those souls are good for quick snacks not the best but not the worst pretty bland

Rain: It took me a minute but did Rimuru-sama said he made Guy-sama kill his entire lineage and forget doing it

Rimuru: Yes I did

Veldanava: He did that's why that orb is such a clean red color.

Ciel: Rimuru became racist to Red Demons

Primordials-Guy: So only red demons. I'm fine then.

Luminous: How not to piss off Rimuru don't be a red demon, don't be a blonde emperor, and don't be a fanatic angel or an eight tailed minnow

Masayuki: Wait, I'm a blonde emperor?!

Yuuki: you're fine.

Masayuki: Oh so just Rudra phew I'm safe

Feldway: "So that demon only helped because he intended to kill Lord Veldanava, well try to. In the end I'm not surprised."

Yuuki: What Rimuru said your plan was is absurdly cliche

Masayuki: It really is

Veldora: Boring plot development

Milim: Lame

Deeno: Overused

Ramirus: Overplayed

Rimuru: "yep I can't give them manga anymore"

Leon: Every man and woman...ehhhh I shiver at the thoughts of you having that authority

Rudra: That dedication to win our game even by doing that is a bit much

Rimuru: You're both terrible with your stupid game

Velgrynd: Agreed

Velzard: I haven't heard anything more truthful today till that

Guy's face was flushed full of anger and hatred towards Rimuru and the actions he committed, but only in regards to foiling his plans. He didn't care that the demons in his lineage were dead, he didn't care that Rimuru knew his goal, and he didn't think Rimuru could beat him.

Guy was overconfident and arrogant. He thought he had gotten stronger with the skills he copied but in reality he didn't. Those skills wouldn't make a difference. He was as weak as before if not weaker because of his arrogance.

Velzard: Arrogant and going to die because of it

Velgrynd: He'd still die even if he wasn't arrogant

Rain: He really didn't care that his whole lineage was wiped out

Diablo: It's disappointing but that was how he turned out

Veldanava: Having more skills doesn't make you stronger so that thought is wrong

Rimuru: It gives you more abilities and things you can do but all skills take some of your magicule capacity to properly settle into your soul

Elmesia: Then Rimuru-chan how much were you affected by your skills?

Rimuru: Veldanava how much were you affected by your skills?

Veldanava: Micheal, how much was your body affected by your skills?

Everyone: "So they both chose to deflect and refuse to answer. Suspicious"

<<Velda is it just me or is Rimuru enjoying this way to much...I won't lie I like it.>>

<<No I think this is totally justified. Red demons are good experimental subjects as Rimuru said. Dammit your personality rubbed off on me ahhhh! I feel like you said something after that though>>

<<It's just your imagination. Ask Lucia she knows.>> Velda immediately shut up after Ciel said that. He had no intention of questioning his wife who was still angry at Veldanava for not telling her the plan till after it was executed.

'Those two seriously had this conversation through our connection. Hahhhh'

Lucia: Understandably so that I'd be angry

Ciel: You were pissed

Veldanava: My knees hurt for weeks after the lecture I received

Luminous: I like it too Ciel

Aza: SAME!

Micheal: Did Ciel make Lord Veldanava call red demons good experimental subjects?

Aza: Ciel is oddly persuasive

Rimuru: She really is

Demoness: We'd get along

Ciel: "Yes but no, but yes."

"Not going to pull out your sword slime?"

"No, this 32cm horn is all I'll need for you."



Veldora: Those words cut deep

Rudra: did you actu-

Rimuru: Tear off Ivarages horn and fight Guy with it. Yes, yes I did.

Velzard: That's vile

Ciel: You know what that means?

Aza: I told her

Rimuru: That checks out

"Don't go begging for your life when you regret that!" Guy screamed out infuriated as he burst at Rimuru he instantly activated [Energy Absorption] from [Evil Dragon Lord, Azi Dahaka] and [Copy] from [Abyss God, Nodens]. He intended to steal or copy Rimuru's skills and the energies he was using.

Rimuru calmly analyzed Guy's skill use as he read his magicule signature and the way it flowed showing him the usage of his skills. He then had a curious thought. 'I wonder if I can devolve his skills.

Micheal: I can confidently say he is the only one who would think this in a battle with one of the strongest people in the Cardinal World

Yuuki: Can he devolve his skill? What happens if he does?

Veldanava: "Yeah you can't copy Stardust. It doesn't work like that, and don't get me started with nihility."

Velzard: Is Rimuru looking directly into his soul and the information that makes him up

Chloe: Seems like that's what Sensei is doing

Diablo: My lord, earlier you mentioned how you sealed Ivarage's skill. If you had this capacity to see his soul directly why didn't you do it that way?

Rimuru: Experimenting. That's all I had been doing from the start of the fight with Fakeaway and till the end of the fight with Guy

Rudra: Once again

Elmesia: Rimuru has better things to think about and do

Ciel: His experiments were entertaining to me

Veldanava: They were entertaining and gave extra insight into the way souls, skills, and information interact under certain phenomena

Rimuru: I couldn't lose the fight even if I tried. I needed to enjoy myself and find entertainment somehow especially after Trashway disappointed me so heavily

[Illimitable Desire Lord, Cxaxukluth]-Desire {[Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua ]}

[Through Use of Skill Desire [Lord of Adaptation, Tsathoggua] will undergo evolution...Sacrifcing [Slothful King, Belphegor] and [Energy Creation]... Success.......Ultimate Skill [Slothful Adaptive God, Tsathoggua] ]

Deeno: Oh that's my skill. Did it help?

Rimuru: It has a lovely use and I enjoy it to this day

Deeno: *thumbs up* Can I possibly have a copy of this skill?

Rimuru: Sure

Deeno: Oh ok....WAIT REALLY!?

Rimuru: Yeah sure.

Everyone: "Is this a good idea?"

Guy: Rimuru don't just go giving out skills like that especially one that you used to change your name and -

Rudra: I'd stop Guy. He clearly isn't listening

Veldanava: Well I suppose Deeno did do a good job as a mediator and is one of the head angels now so yeah giving him a skill would help manage things better

Rimuru: I'll give you a copy Deeno but you need to do something for me

Deeno: You drive a hard bargain as long as I get time to sleep I accept

Rimuru: Then take good care of your friends and subordinates, also maybe pay more attention to those two. *points towards Pico and Gracia* they were with you through thick and thin

Deeno: I can do that.

Rimuru: *thumbs up*

Pico/Gracia: *thumbs up*

Luminous: So he can get a skill but I can't?

Rimuru: You can't have THAT skill specifically. If you said something else like a copy of Janus I'd have likely accepted but you CANNOT under any circumstances have that skill "The nightmares it'll bring to the world I must prevent"

Aza: If you need help learning how to use the skill you can ask me or Rimuru, well also Ciel

Deeno: Noted. Lazy route secured.

Everyone: "favoritism. This is favoritism."

<<Rimuru I don't like the fact that the red demon has a skill the same name as you so I sacrificed it and a copy of asmodeus to [Illimitable Desire Lord, Cxaxukluth] and it became [God Of Desire, Cxaxukluth] but once the demon is dead I can remake the skill>>

Luminous: I couldn't have the other form but can I have this form of the skill

Rimuru: No

Luminous: Then be prepared for me to attack you at night until you give up

Ciel: "She's serious"

Aza: "Please new friend, don't squander your life away. I don't enjoy vampire queens that much."

Rudra: You sacrificed Guy's main skill because he had the same one

Rimuru: Yes

Ciel: I'll do it again

A smirk appeared on Rimuru's face as he got what he wanted and Ciel did something he hoped she'd do. He could now test his theory, can he devolve another person's Ultimate Skills while they are not connected Via a soul corridor or [Food Chain].

Guy's blade and Ivarages Horn collided and on impact Rimuru and Guy started a battle to see who would get what they wanted first. Would Guy get more power or would Rimuru's curiosity be answered. The two exchanged blade and horn thousands of times. Guy thought he was getting the upper hand as he was using [Amplification] from Raguel but Rimuru wasn't even focused on the battle at hand.

Guy was focused on overpowering Rimuru and trying to copy any of his skills or gain access to nihility and stardust. Whereas Rimuru was staring directly at Guy's soul observing how Ultimate skills acted since they were written into a person's soul. Rimuru hadn't even bothered activating [Thought Acceleration]. Guy wasn't worth the effort and it wasn't necessary. Guy was absurdly slow to Rimuru.

Yuuki: Well we got our answer

Velgrynd: That we did

Micheal: But Guy was also using Amplification to make himself faster and it still didn't matter

Veldora: No need for thought acceleration

Rimuru: Waste of time and energy

Ciel: Pointless

Veldanava: Rimuru had better things to do such as experiments

Velzard: Wouldn't Thought acceleration have helped that process

Rimuru: Yes but not necessary here

Guy: what happened to your subpar analysis abilities

Rimuru: I had Ciel back, Velda, and to add to it I had become the new god along with having lived thousands of years. Obviously I got better at analysis

Then Guy felt as if he got something when Rimuru intentionally put a single drop of nihility and stardust into Ivarages horn as it collided with Guy's sword. A wild grin came across his face as he tried to desperately absorb the energy. He felt like he was on top of the world as he absorbed the stardust. He'd gained Veldanava's energy, but his arrogance got the better of him as absorbed the nihility.

Guy felt like he'd won as he focused all his analysis into the energies he absorbed. He was practically salivating at the thought of the skills he'd get from analyzing these energies. One made of nothing and the other of everything.

Then Rimuru saw what he needed as the energies collided with Guy's soul. Guy was unable to control the chaotic sphere formed when stardust and nihility collided. They burst and created a large crack inside of Guy's soul but before he could try to heal his soul Rimuru had grabbed hold of it.

Masayuki: GAME!

Yuuki: And that's a wrap.

Diablo: A tad disappointing how short this fight was but as to be expected of my lord.

Velzard: It was a trap

Velgrynd: And he fell right for it. He let it get to him and thought he'd won but in reality he sealed his already inevitable defeat

Lucia: The potency of these two energies colluding and the burst that comes after is quite large

Rimuru: They are the purest form of magicules and the primordial energy

Lucia: That is a good point

"Hey Guy, you wanted my skills so badly. TAKE IT! [Slothful Adaptive God, Tsathoggua]- Skill Adaptation{Devolve [Abyss God, Nodens]}." A sadistic grin filled Rimuru's face as Guy began to scream in agony as Rimuru edited the data of his Ultimate skill and began to devolve it to its lowest form.

The pain caused from his skill essentially being ripped out of his soul and the large crack his soul had was excruciating but his suffering was about to get a lot worse.

"Not feeling so good Guy? It's ok you can have what you want. [God Of Desire, Cxaxukluth]- Desire{[Lord of Abundance, Shub-Niggurath]-Skill Gifting}. You know Guy Shub-Niggurath usually only allows me to give people skills they are compatible with but Cxaxukluth fixed that problem easily. SO ENJOY MY GIFT GUY! I HAVE HUNDREDS OF SKILLS WITH YOUR NAME ON IT!"

Guy felt uneasy as Rimuru finished speaking before he felt his thoughts accelerate further than they'd ever gone before. It became too fast for him to keep up as he coughed up blood and blood started leaking from every orifice on his body. Then he felt his soul getting crushed as it was being rewritten and flooded with skills and information. He got what he wanted but not how he wanted it.

Rimuru: See, I am a very generous person. He wanted my skills and energy so I gave it to him

Veldanava: What about the part where you edited the data that creates his being

Rimuru: Ignore that

Velzard: And you giving him skills he isn't compatible with

Rimuru: Also ignore that

Velgrynd: Ignore the absurdity of your statement and actions

Rimuru: Yes

Diablo/Micheal: Good enough for me

Rudra: Didn't think I'd see Micheal agree like this but I will agree to ignore it for my own sake and mental well being

Hundreds of Ultimate Skills began trying to attach themselves to Guys already shattering soul and just as Guy felt the eons of pain were to come to an end Rimuru made his suffering worse.

"[Forbidden Lord, Hastur]-Regeneration Curse [God Of Desire, Cxaxukluth]- active desire {Skill Gifting- REPEAT}. [Defiant Lord, Prometheus]- Erasure {off}. I did the same to Felddy your little butt buddy. I hope you enjoy being unable to die and experiencing a never ending cycle of having your soul be on the verge of shattering only to repair itself and to be gifted skills over and over and taken over and over. I have the magicule capacity to continue this cycle to the end of eternity. AND I INTEND TO KEEP IT GOING FOREVER"

Rimuru: The stress balls some of you are holding by now I think you've realized. They are exact copies of his soul.

Aza: I go through a few a week so don't worry about stock

Guy: That a litt

Velzard: Can I buy a lifetime supply

Velgrynd: I need that as well.

Lucia: I wouldn't mind a couple myself. But do you have some of the bird and my idiot brother

Rimuru: I do

Lucia: I'll need some of those ones too. I need to show my idiot brother what will happen in the future if he is a horrible uncle, husband, friend, brother, and whatever else you can think of

Ciel: I like your thought process Lucia. I will supply you myself

Lucia: Thank you Ciel-chan

Guy/Feldway/Rudra: "This is horrifying..they're playing with copies of my soul..."

Aza: Diablo you might find them to be good experimental objects or snacks

Diablo: Oh? Good to know.

Guy: "Why tell him?!"

Feldway: "Not much I can do about this."

Rudra: "Poor other me. I cannot help you."

Yuuki: "Rimuru you genius you made them all focus on these soul stress balls so we wouldn't mention you making him experience the trauma you experienced of never ending pain and regeneration."

Guy looked at Rimuru hoping to beg and play into his good natured side but as he reached for Rimuru his arms wore sliced clean off and erased from existence.

"Don't think I need your body but we have a beautiful woman to visit. AND A SURPRISE GUEST TO SHOW EVERYONE! You're going to feel like an idiot when you meet them. But I suppose you don't really need legs do you. They can just disappear too." As Rimuru finished speaking he swiped his hand in the air and Guy's legs like his arms were gone. But before Guy could scream as the pain began to hit him again Rimuru grabbed him by his hair and began to drag him after he gagged him with Ivarages horn.

Yuuki: Good final use of that horn

Velzard: He certainly can't talk with that in his mouth. Thank you for the complement Rimuru

Veldora: Rimuru casually erased someone's limbs from existence. Proceeds to act as if nothing happened. Chad.

Rimuru: I never touched that horn again after I gagged him with it

Testarossa: Understandable it was tainted forevermore

Luminous: It served its purpose and was retired in a demons mouth

Masayuki: Ayo pause.

"God would you shut up. I said we have a guest to meet and have some damn courtesy. Fucking hobo demon. I swear you never listen. No wonder you get no bitches and the only one to ever be interested in you Velzard always had the capacity to find another man but felt obligated to watch you. I won't deny her feelings in those timelines but dear god you're insufferable.

She stayed with you since there were no entertaining people and she wanted to watch over her sister and her brother's world he loved so dearly. But as long as Velzard is happy that's all that matters, the same for Velgrynd, Milim, Veldora, and all the other people I know. But you ruined that happiness and slaughtered her family in front of her. Death is a mercy for you that you will not truly ever receive. You will experience the idea of death over and over but never become fully embraced by it.

I went off on a rant we're almost to Velzard and everyone. I should prepare for our guest too."

Yuuki: OH SHIT!


Veldora: As a man I feel the need to call an ambulance but as a brother he can die in a fucking ditch and suffer with this hard L till the end

Leon: No bitches.....

Elmesia: Sometimes I can't help but see Rimuru as the eldest sibling or parent of them

Luminous: I can actually see it. If you exclude his feelings in these videos and look at how he treats everyone they are almost like his younger siblings or kids in regards to how he treats them

Aza: SOOOO is this the time I mention the timelines where Rimuru is the oldest true dragon, is there older brother, or the ones where he is actually the father of the true dragons?

Ciel: No but you did anyways

Everyone looked at Rimuru confused at the events that took place and unable to say a word till Diablo spoke up taking everyone out of their trances.

"My Lord, my deepest congratulations on your victory and my most heartfelt gratitude for you taking on the burden of the last timeline and providing us with Victory. I must say I certainly didn't expect that you were Satoru the man who caught the underworld's eyes as someone to not cross but I am most reverently pleased by this realization."

Many silently agreed with the stance the underworld took in regards to this timeline's Rimuru based on the little they knew as compared to the vastly larger amount the underworld in this timeline knew.

"Haha, Diablo never change, never change. I know how hard you fought in the last timeline just like the rest of you and I can't tell you how proud I am. I apologize for my delay and failure to save you all the first time. So you can all question me or I can give you a surprise first. Which do you want?"


Rimuru: Of course not. Diablo is fine the way he is. He's a competent man who does good work

Luminous: What about that holy war that was mentioned?

Rimuru: You were also involved

Luminous: fair point I will back off

Yuuki: Well we know the surprise but I wonder what everyone's reaction to it will be

Velgrynd: I can guess how we'll react but I still find myself anticipating the reactions.

"I am most interested in the surprise you have prepared for us. I would assume it is not Rogue who is being held by his hair." Diablo pointed to Guy with a disgusted and disappointed look on his face as this was the last thing he expected from Guy who he was rivals with at one point.

Everyone knew it wasn't so they looked at the screen intently. 


Reaction to Frostbitten Nightmares Part 4 - 13745 words


"Nope it's not. You should all know him but some will know better than most. Well technically I have 2 surprises but the first affects everyone, the second only affects Milim, Velzard, Velgrynd, and Rudra." Everyone looked at Rimuru confused but Velzard was conflicted as she was trying to process everything that was happening.

Rimuru made a tear in space entering his imaginary space and out of the tear came two figures. One an androgynous male who radiated Divinity and power, while the other a woman who looked exactly like Milim but only older and more mature. Everyone was silent as most began to realize who the figures were.

"Satoru no I should say Rimuru now. Thanks for bringing us back. Now where is my daughter? Milim?" The woman looked around curiously till her eyes caught a girl with platinum-pink hair and blue eyes. Immediately she rushed to her and wrapped her in a big hug.

Milim was confused for a moment till she remembered a pick that Satoru had shown her one of her parents. It took a moment for her to realize but once she did she embraced her mother while she sobbed saying how much she missed her and wanted to see her.

Lucia: You showed Milim pictures of Velda and I?

Rimuru: I needed to make sure she'd recognize her own parents and I can't praise you both or tell her about your ventures when she doesn't know what her parents look like.

Feldway: Didn't reviving Lord Veldanava mean that I died for no reason?

Rimuru: No, you had a reason to die regardless. I did accomplish your goal for you but definitely not how you wanted or wished for it to end up

Velgrynd: The conflicted look on your face sister is very telling here

Ciel: Well it's clear she is trying to figure out her feelings right now

Aza: She did just receive the memories from when Rimuru was too late and she also learned Rimuru was Satoru

A small smile filled Rimuru's face as Velgrynd and Velzard approached Veldanava while Veldora and Masayuki/Rudra approached Rimuru.

"Velgrynd, Velzard. It's been awhile how has life treated you. If you don't believe it's me I can remind you with my collection of adorable moments of my family starting with Volume 1 the early years." The two women laughed dryly before wrapping their elder brother in a hug while small tears fell down their faces.

"Rimuru, Satoru. Honestly this is confusing. I won't lie, but thank you for bringing my sister back and for bringing back Veldanava. I'm glad to see them all back together. It's almost like the old days, a family reunion." Rudra let out a chuckle as he watched the scene befalling before himself teary eyed.

"My sworn brother. I knew you could do it. I apologize we all left you alone and you had to be the sole survivor of that hell. Thank you. I don't know how you did it but you did."

"Of course Veldora. I would do anything for the ones I love and care for. Me and Velda over there made a plan and it went perfectly. I wanted Milim to have her parents and to save you all so that's what I did. I also had another goal but that's besides the point."

Everyone enjoyed the reunion for a moment till Velzard walked up to Rimuru.

Veldora: It's a family reunion

Velzard: Maybe we should have one ourselves once we leave

Velgrynd: Well we can do it especially since those two are sitting in Rimuru's imaginary space apparently

Veldanava: That sounds like a nice idea

Yuuki: Here is the moment of truth. Velzard is walking up to Rimuru

Luminous: We may know the outcome since its the opposite of what happened to create our reality but I am still curious as to how this worlds timeline will flow

"Can you explain are you Satoru or Rimuru? I remember tidbits of conversations you and Veldanava had but they are all jumbled up. Please explain." Velzard looked at Rimuru with an apprehensive look on her face but also one of hope.

"Hmm? Easy answer is that Rimuru was Satoru. I used a fake name so I wouldn't catch the attention of certain people when I Rimuru the slime was born. You can ask Velda, he figured it out on day 1. I am still Satoru Velzard. I was Rimuru then I failed to save you all and was sent back before your brother was born and donned the name Satoru. Then to not cause issues I needed to in a sense die and return to the void. So that once I was sent to the EoSaT by Feldway I would recover my memories, skill, and be able to save everyone. I was held by some constraints that prevented me from acting sooner."

Rimuru looked at Velzard apprehensively before he looked down to Guy in his hand. He sighed heavily dreading the question to come.

Dagurel: I don't blame him for dreading the question he is about to ask. I couldn't begin to fathom how this must make him feel

Hinata: This is a difficult situation for both parties in many regards but the answer she gives will affect Rimuru regardless.

Velgrynd: Based on what we saw before I wouldn't be surprised if Rimuru used suspended world to talk to Velzard

Shizu: That certainly sounds like something slime-san would do

"[Suspended World]. Velzard if you hate me, forgot me, or are in love with Guy. I will alternate reality for you and make a perfect world for you like I did for Velgrynd with Rudra." Rimuru froze time for everyone except for Velzard and Veldanava. Veldanava was connected to Rimuru so he was on the same level as him even after his ascension but he and Rimuru also said together they'd watch her response and accept it regardless.

Well regardless due to Rimuru's tendencies and his selflessness. Veldanva pretended he couldn't move as he listened anxiously just like Rimuru.

Lucia: You listened on anxiously like Rimuru when you're not the one who could be rejected

Veldanava: Of course I'd be anxious. I was thinking of the nightmares that may ensue if Rimuru alternates reality again

Yuuki: No it was just because like all men when you support your friend and see them fumble the bag it hurts worse than being rejected because of the investment

Veldanava: I also really, really just didn't want Velzard to still be in love with Guy. I wished for her to accept Rimuru or stay single. But in reality that didn't happen but here I can see what would've happened

Rimuru: At the end of the day no matter what he says he puts his family's happiness first

Manga Nerds: Tsundere?

"Was what you said as Satoru true? Is it true till today?" Velzard looked Rimuru in the eyes as she spoke, her gaze unwavering. She was only about 5cm shorter than Rimuru but she was still tall. Rimuru stood at 5'10 ½ (180cm) while Velzard stood at 5'9 (175cm). Rimuru took a deep breath as he removed his mask and looked Velzard in the eyes.

"Yes Velzard what I said was and still is true. Velzard I as Satoru and Rimuru am in love with you. I didn't want to tell you since I felt unwo-" Rimuru's words were cut short as Velzard grabbed him by the cheeks with both hands and kissed him.

Velgrynd: Good move elder sister you didn't let him call himself unworthy and used you lips to shut him up

Lucia: You're very forward aren't you Velzard

Veldora: Despite elder sister Velzard being shorter than Rimuru it feels as if he was looking up to her

Elmesia: I get what you mean. It was almost as if he was the challenger and she was the challenge. Considering the fact he is confessing it does fit but still.

"Satoru, Rimuru. Honestly your name doesn't matter. You left me alone for over 1500 years. I intend to make you take responsibility for making me wait. You and I lived together for 18,000 years and I had always felt an attraction to you since the day I met you. You gave me so many things and I refuse to let that go. I don't care about that red demon. You came back and won for us, for me. I may confuse what I call you since 18,000 years of habits die hard." Velzard looked Rimuru in the eyes and saw a miracle: the once cold lifeless eyes she knew Satoru so well for held light and life in them.

She had seen light come to his eyes a few times before, But it always quickly faded but this light she saw was different; it was here to stay.

Velzard: wow.... His eyes

Luminous: I liked the cold almost empty and lifeless eye Rimuru had before but his eyes full of light and life are truly radiant

Chloe: I think Sensei's golden eyes glow and shine brighter when he has life in him

Testarossa: But the lifeless look certainly complimented his red draconic pupils, while the lively look compliments his golden irises

Velgrynd: Both is good

Elmesia: What would his eyes look like under the moonlight now? I kind of want to see that

Milim: Bestie always had nice eyes

Aza: She's not wrong. Even with purple, red, blue, green, or black eyes Rimuru looks good.

Ciel: But golden is simply the best as it makes you think of him first. Though red is a close second

Rimuru: Isn't that because yours and Aza's eyes are red

Ciel: That's just your imagination

"Then I suppose I will gladly take responsibility. Velzard. Will you be my wife?"

"Yes, I will gladly be your Wife gladly. Please let go of the hobo demon so I can get a hug finally. I've waited a long time to be held in your arms again. I need that comforting feeling again. And give us a family name."

Rimuru wrapped his arms around Velzard as she snuggled her head in his chest while he rested his head on her chin.


"Kori...I like the sound of that. It almost reminds me of the little island our house sat on."

Shizu: That is a name that fits Velzard very well

Veldora: Just as Inferno fit Velgrynd, Kori fits Velzard

Yuuki/Masayuki: "And Tempest fits you but If I say that it could be taken the wrong way"

Lucia: Such a heartwarming and peaceful embrace like the one those two are sharing is such a nice thing to see

Veldanava: I'd have to agree it is a nice thing to see. The soft warm smiles they both hold fit perfectly

"Then from this day forth you will be Velzard Kori and I will be Rimuru Kori Tempest or Satoru Kori. Whatever you prefer to call me works but the Kori name will remain bound to me no matter how you refer to me." Rimuru held Velzard tightly as he never intended to let her go. The cold calming sensation Velzard always felt had returned and she intended to keep it.

"I accept."

"As a gift Velz I want to give you this." Rimuru tapped the back of Velzard's nape as she heard a voice in her head asking if she'd accept his gift. Velzard waited a moment till the gifting process was finished. It took a moment for her to realize what he did but then it clicked.

Lucia: We should ignore the fact that Rimuru likely did something absurd again and talk about how beautiful this moment is

Velgrynd: I will admit it seeing my sister like this is a nice change of pace. I do question why Rimuru didn't give her the Tempest name but I know it has a reason

Elmesia: Velzard wasn't integrated deeply into the world of politics so I assume he figured she wouldn't want to have that attached to her

Rimuru: You and I were experienced in politics and I was keenly aware that Velzard has 0 interest in politics. Along with conversations we had prior she always expressed just wanting to live peacefully with her loved ones in a small minimalistic house

Velgrynd: Who said I didn't want that?

Rimuru: You still got it in many regards but you also were literally the empress because you refused to leave anything to chance despite having no need to worry

Velgrynd: I figured I just wanted to mess with you

Chloe: I like how sensei adopted two sets of names.

Dagurel: It basically said to Velzard that she is whoever she sees him as and not who others see him as. He can be Satoru or Rimuru at anytime for her

Leon: She also did admit that old habits die hard and that she may confuse his names

Deeno: I think they're choosing to ignore that fact.

Pico: Rightfully so

"Ultimate Skill [Deacon Of Chaos, Satoru] and ultimate skill [Frost Walkers Record, Velzard]. Did you seriously make an ultimate skill with my name that does nothing. That really is only something you'd do and a skill to summon you." Velzard chuckled at Rimuru's gift to her not realizing that the skill with her name on it was as absurd as Rimuru's skill Shub-Niggurath. But in a sense it would be useless since the world was coming to a state of peace.

Luminous: Right you had a skill that lets you summon that breeze lizard wherever you want and resurrect him. So that skill with your fake name attached to it summons you

Rimuru: Yeah. It's the same skill as how I summon Veldora but that one summons me

Yuuki: So Velzard thought the other skill you gave her does nothing but its actually absurd based on the fact it compared to Shub-Niggurath

Rimuru: You can figure out what it does later. I won't say a thing in regards to what that skill does

Veldanava: Why do I think of the Akashic Records when I look at the name of that skill Rimuru

Velzard: Akashic Records?

Rimuru: A creation type skill. But Velda I have 0 idea what you're talking about that is just a special skill I had made with my wifes name attached to it

Guy: I call bullshit

Aza: I call you shutting the fuck up

"Well you never know what could happen. I'd rather be safe than sorry. I can't have my wife in danger." They sat in an embrace for a few moments before Velda and Ciel decided to fuck with Rimuru.

"LETS GOO!!! Rimuru when's the wedding. Remember since I am no longer in your head you can do whatever you want now and I'm supposed to be your best man remember." Velzard looked over to Veldanava, embarrassed as she thought he couldn't move. She cursed herself for thinking he couldn't move.

Lucia: I kind of expected this but still Velda have some tact please

Veldanava: What? My friend was accepted and I support his(himself) reactions. I certainly wouldn't want to be in his head and see him and my sister making out. That is not one of the things on my bucket list.

Velgrynd: Elder brother while I can understand that to some extent you kind of ruined a moment

Yuuki: Didn't it say Velda and Ciel

Velzard: Her and him are different stories

Chloe: Exactly

Many women nodded in agreement with Velzard's words.

Veldora: So Ciel gets a pass?

Velzard: No

Velgrynd: Not at all

Elmesia: Why would she?

Luminous: She's hot? Why else would she need an excuse?

Luminous looked at everyone dumbfounded for a moment as they all looked at her and just jotted it down to Luminous being Luminous

Veldanava: Ignoring that last bit. So she doesn't get a pass then, how is she different?

Aza: Ciel is Rimuru's partner

Veldanava: But in this context I to-

Ciel: Don't you dare covet my position Veldanava. You were Rimuru's friend. I am his PARTNER.

Veldanava: Understandable have a nice day

Milim: Dad was punked

Ramirus: Where did you learn that Milim?

Milim: Uncle Veldora's manga

Rimuru: "Yep the manga might have to go"

Aza: No more manga "they're tainting the adorable destroyer"

Women: "Aza's clear favoritism at its finest...but very understandable in this situation"

Rudra: The look on Velzard's face is kind of funny in its own right as she got to into the moment that she forgot about the rest of the world

Micheal: Rimuru could've likely stopped using Suspended World and she wouldn't have noticed if no one said anything

Rimuru: And that isn't a bad thing.

Men: No, no it's not. Just an astute observation

"Rimuru, I'm fine with you getting another wife but at least let us be acquainted first. Though I suppose she took care of you for 18,000 years for me." Rimuru sighed heavily as Ciel wore a devilish grin. He immediately got down on his knees and prepared for the lecture of a lifetime.

"Oh you must be Ciel. He talked about you in his sleep a few times. I knew who you were. And since all my broken memories were fixed and I know the last timeline and reality I am aware of who you are. Mind you I don't intend to relinquish the position of 1st or best wife. I can accept you but no one else. GOT IT!" Velzard glared at Rimuru out of the corner of her eye and he nodded enthusiastically.

Yuuki: Rimuru was already prepared for the lecture of a lifetime but was saved by sleep talking and convenience

Masayuki: Rimuru-san was walking on a tightrope yet luckily he had a net to catch him if he fell

Dagurel: Don't worry Rimuru I know that look in your eyes. I get it.

Veldanava: I do too don't worry

Rimuru: Thank you Dagurel, but fuck you Velda, you and Ciel you're the ones who almost made me get lectured.

Veldanava: Its fair you try to make me get lectured all the time

Rimuru: I took over your job for you. I deserve some form of compensation and you getting lectured is entertaining

Veldanava: Not for me it's not!

Rimuru: That's the point

Aza: He wants to watch you suffer by getting lectured

Ciel: He enjoys seeing others get lectured but not being lectured

Veldora: It is more enjoyable to watch something happening to another rather than it happening to you

Veldanava: Obviously who wants to be lectured

Aza/Ciel/Lucia/Rimuru: Masochists

Everyone: He has a point

Veldanava: Why not get mad at Ciel?

Rimuru: I can't beat her in an argument confidently. You on the other hand are basically me so it's easy enough and enjoyable

Ciel: I'm simply better that all there is too it

Rimuru: Also what man is insane enough to lecture there wife on pointless topics

Married Men: He has a valid point

Velzard: So what if it was an important subject or Ciel was wrong

Rimuru: Being married means being wrong even if you're right....but I'd die on a post trying to change her mind

Aza: Ciel is very stubborn but she does concede at times

Ciel: I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong

Veldora: So then would you admit your wrong about being the first person Rimuru interacted with

Ciel: No, I was the first person. I was with him before he met you.

Veldora: You could only answer queries like google

Ciel: How about you google a way to the nearest graveyard

Veldora: Why?

Ciel: Because if you're so admitant on being right then you can die to prove your point. But I am still right

Veldora: "I'm right but I'd rather not die..again." Fine I'll concede for now

Ciel: Good we came to an agreement

'SAVED MYSELF! THANK ME I STORED INFO ON CIEL IN THAT DAMN ORB!' Rimuru was celebrating saving himself from a lecture from hell with his decision to store Ciels memories just in case.

'That sly dog. I knew I should've watched what memories he stored in that damn orb. I was looking forward to teasing him. WAIT WHY DO I FEEL AN OPPRESSIVE PRESENCE!?...oh shit. He made Lucia move. RIP me.' Veldanava proceeded to get an earful and after a few hours of frozen time they all began to interact with the others.

Yuuki: Oh that was smart. So he wasn't saved by pure coincidence alone but also by his split second decision to store Ciel's memories. Luck driven bastard

Veldanava: So I still ended up getting lectured...and it was your fault because you unfroze Lucia

Rimuru: You almost made me get lectured or aided in it and I aided in the chance that you may get lectured

Deeno: You both seem to have very extended periods of time under suspended world

Luminous: Imagine you could have sex anywhere you wanted because you can just freeze time and not worry about time or place

Chloe: Luminous. Details that were not needed

Aza: Imaginary Space is more convenient. Just drag Rimuru in and make the time dilation set to have enough time to finish and return to where you were without anyone noticing

Rimuru/Veldanava: "Next thing Deeno is going to come up with sleeping under suspended world"

Deeno: WAIT! Couldn't I just stop time and sleep as long as I want for even longer than I can now

Rimuru/Veldanava: "Spoke too soon."

The next few months were spent rebuilding the damage caused by all of the wars that had happened recently. Just like that 6 months passed by and Rimuru and Velzard were finally having their wedding. After the death of Guy, Rain and Misery decided to follow Velzard and all the demons Guy had inside the ice continent either died because they were red demons or became a part of Tempest and were reeducated under the black numbers.

Black Numbers: Oooh so we got newbies there. It would definitely be fun educating those who were under Rogue.

Rain: I just thought of this. What happened to any red demons born after the massacre of all red demons and Guy-sama's death?

Rimuru: I slaughtered every red demon that ever came into being. It came to a point where Demons stopped having the desires and thought processes allowing them to become red demons. They instead just adopted mixtures of the other lineages

Diablo: Did any come to my lineage by chance?

Rimuru: A few. But most were hybrids of your lineage and others. Though you did pick every single one up over a 2-3 thousand year period. It was about 6-7 hundred demons

Velzard: Thank you both for following me. I appreciate it

Rain/Misery: Of course we'd follow you Velzard-sama there is no need to thank us

Rimuru kept his promise and took Veldanava as his best man, Veldora wanted to take the role of best man but was satisfied with being able to give the first speech after the ceremony. The people taking the role of the bridesmaids were Rain, Misery, Lucia, Ramirus,Ciel, and Testarossa, her maid of honor was Velgrynd. They had all grown close over the last 6 months and happily obliged to be Velzad's bridesmaids while Velgrynd cried when she was asked to be the maid of honor.

Rimuru's groomsmen were Masayuki/Rudra, Veldora, Benimaru, Deeno, Dagurel, and Diablo. It was a surprise as Diablo willingly let Adalman be the officiant, when Rimuru asked Diablo to be one of his groomsmen.

Guy: Heh? This fanatic giving up the role of an officiant? Who is that?

Diablo: If my lord asked me to be one of his groomsmen I would take that position gratefully. I am alone honored that I would be considered for such a position. I also assume that version of me after you died mellowed out quite a bit considering the fact that you were my rival.

Benimaru: I'm glad you took me as a groomsman Rimuru-sama.

Veldora: I may have not taken the role of Best man but at the very least I will give the first speech and I will most certainly make it a memorable one.

Dagurel: I didn't think you'd have me be one of your groomsmen Rimuru but I'm grateful you asked me to take on such a role in one of the most important moments in a person's life

Masayuki: I'm happy I was able to take the role of a groomsmen Rimuru-san thanks for having me take such a role

Deeno: I don't know why I was chosen, but I know that me and myself are more than honored to be asked to take such a position and be able to stand in support of your marriage.

Veldanava: I suppose you would've kept your promise if she'd accepted you. I'm glad that me got was able to experience that. I never did get to go to a friend's wedding with how the Cardinal World is and how I lived my life so I'm glad I was able to take on such an important role and you actually entrusted it to me. Thank you Rimuru

Rudra: "Well Masayuki is my reincarnation. At least I can know that he doesn't force the actions of my own self or other selves on my reincarnation" ←(Character Development)

Rimuru: Well you did mellow out a bit Diablo like you said but you were still a very serious person, and of course I'd ask all of you to take the role of my groomsmen. You're all very important to me and have helped or supported me on many different occasions. It may not seem like it to some of you based on our little interactions but I did see you all as my friends and comrades. You may or may not have felt worthy but I asked you because I felt you were. I would've taken more of you as my groomsmen but you had said you'd rather sit in the front or stand guard since you didn't want the wedding to be ruined. I truly appreciate each and everyone of you.

All the men collectively looked at Rimuru, understanding what he meant and who he was referring to. The dwarf brothers and Vesta knew they had taken the seats in the front row so they could cheer on Rimuru, the same was true for Gazel who also knew he likely held other reasons such as wanting to act as a guard in some regard.

Souei knew he had more than likely made Rimuru agree to let him act as a guard and sit in the crowd rather than as a groomsman. Hakuroe knew very well where he sat in the crowd despite not seeing it based on his relationship with Rimuru. All the men Rimuru knew that didn't take the role of a groomsmen knew immediately what they likely said and the role they sat in the wedding and none felt jealous of others who received different roles

Veldanava: Who escorted Velzard down the aisle since usually a father would take that role?

Rimuru: Veldora did.

Veldora: As he should've. He should be there to walk his sister down the aisle and support them with all his being.

Velzard: "Even after everything he still thinks like that. I may not treat him the best but I'm glad to have him as my younger brother.

Velgrynd:'d choose me as your maid of honor

Velzard: Of course Velgrynd. You're my younger sister and no matter what happened between us before I will always care for and appreciate you.

Lucia: I got to be one of your bridesmaids... Thank you Velzard. I'm glad to have been given the chance to witness my sister-in-laws marriage from her side.

Misery/Rain: Thank you for having chosen me as a bridesmaid Velzard-sama

Ramirus: I assume knowing Rimuru I had my true form but I'm glad to have been chosen to be your bridesmaid Velzard

Testarossa: I didn't expect myself to be on that list but I can only assume we got close. So I'm glad to have taken that role and been able to support you and my lords marriage in that world

Velzard: I don't know why you're thanking me since I don't possess memories of this timeline but of course if the opportunity came I would've chosen you all more than likely. Rain, Misery I see you both as my friends and I've known you for quite awhile it's only natural I'd ask you. Lucia, if I ever got married and you were alive I would ask you without hesitation to be one of my bridesmaids, your elder brother's wife and I am glad to have you as a sister-in-law and Milim's mother. Ciel I assume we'd gotten close, well it says we all got close over that 6 month period and I guess since you were Rimuru's partner it makes sense that I'd ask you

Ciel: It's ok Velzard. You don't need to try and explain yourself. I remember very clearly what transpired over those 6 months and this timeline. I'm happy to have taken that role.

Aza: The reason you all got close is since most of your personalities are similar or you had prior relations with each other.

Milim: Where am I?

Rimuru: You took on one of the most important roles, Milim.

Milim: Really?

Aza: Really Milim you did.

Aza then proceeded to pat Milim's head while smiling warmly which surprised many people but they soon let it go as they realized that Adalman had been dancing and celebrating the entire time about having been taken as the officiant of his God's wedding.

Micheal: It's too bad I wouldn't have been able to see this. Oh well.

Many people looked astonished at Micheal as they hadn't expected this from him but Rimuru merely chuckled a little bit before he spoke.

Rimuru: You didn't see this one sadly, but there were others you did and if I had a wedding in our timeline. I'd make sure to bring you back to witness it with your lord here.

Veldanava: Hey! Don't say it like I'm a pest. Jokes aside you just made a mistake in judgment Micheal and it led you to taking drastic measures but you repented so you can be forgiven. Besides it was my fault in a sense that led you to do what you did and since my successor forgave you it's only right that I let it be the past too.

Micheal smiled slightly as he nodded, happy to hear those words. Meanwhile 3 other individuals watched this situation with hope, thinking they too may be forgiven and allowed to move on.

The wedding was by no means small as people all across the Cardinal World came to witness the exchanging of vows between Velzard and Rimuru, but the reception obviously remained closed to select people. There were about 250 people at the reception while the witnessing of the ceremony was watching by millions of people. Some obviously due to magic displays but it was a massive celebration.

Everyone found it adorable as Milim took the role of the ring bearer and the flower girls we don't speak of there were quite a few. (Like 20).

Milim: I got to be the ring bearer...

Rimuru: Yes you did Milim

Ciel: And you did your job flawlessly

Aza: You almost stole the show with how adorable you looked walking down the aisle to present the rings

Rudra: Wow. You made your wedding a large spectacle. The whole world got to see it

Rimuru: It was a decision made by the extensive deliberation of those involved in the war and the decision to make it a big spectacle was to show that we were at peace and to show the marriage of the new god and the former god watching his successor take his first steps into a peaceful world he brought to everyone

Elmesia: You had 20 flower girls?

Ciel: They did. It was 4 Dryads 2 at the start and 2 at the end. 12 children of various races between them and the center 4 people were the students of S-class minus Chloe.

Chloe: EHHh! Then what role did I take?

Ciel: You sat where the family of the groom sits but you took the role Guestbook attendant and helped as an usher in some regards

Chloe: So sensei had me sit where the groom's family would sit but I also took the job of Guest Book Attendant. I suppose that works... "But next time it'll be me taking the role of the bride. I will make sensei accept me"

Asuryii: (I constantly have the desire to piss off Chloe simps I will not lie. It's an intrusive thought of of the more tame ones I suppose.)

The ceremony was beautiful and then the reception was a surprise. The room was floored entirely silent as the speech Veldora gave and the congratulations he sung was truly a sight to behold. The dragon known for causing chaos and problems spoke like a proud older brother despite Rimuru being older than him by a long shot.

The reception held a welcoming atmosphere as everyone talked casually and most guests had a speech or at the least something to say. The speeches brought tears to Rimuru's eyes as he felt so lucky to be alive and to know all the people he did. No matter how unworthy he saw himself he appreciated every little bit of what he was given.

Asuryii: (If you all want I had plans to write EXTRA parts to this one-shot I.E. cut content and the speeches were one of the things I cut. For reference this story was 27.5k words the original projection was going to cross 60k, so I have other content planned for this story if you all want to see it. BUT that is for the future I have 2-3 other one-shots planned before I'd do that. I would also post it as a separate chapter and in a version collecting the whole Story in order from start to end.)

Luminous: The room was floored by how good the speech of this lizard was?

Rimuru: It was a great speech. He did give off the aura and vibe of an older brother

Velgrynd: Despite you being more than 10 times his collective age

Rimuru: Despite this fact, yes. I enjoyed this wedding. I truly did feel glad to be alive and I loved hearing everyone's speeches and what they had to say. It was a treat and a moment I treasure.

Velzard: I almost want to see everyones speeches

Asuryii: I have a record of them. If you all want I will go collect the records at any point in time. Whether it be now or later.

Velgrynd/Veldanava: Good to know

Aza: Good work. You were useful. This time.

Velzard stayed strong till Velgrynd spoke, which was when she finally cried as her sister said words she always wanted to hear from her.

"Thank you for being the best sister I could've asked for."

As Velgrynd's voice came out saying those words tears began to fall down Velzard's eyes just as her counterpart was crying too. She always felt she could've done better and that she should've done things differently but her pride held her back. So hearing these words even if not from her sister sitting next to her just yet. It still made her cry tears of joy.

Velgrynd: I feel the same, Velzard.

Veldora: I caused a lot of problems before but I am still proud to call you my sister Velzard just the same as Velgrynd.

Veldanava: You did your best Velzard. No one is perfect but you did what you could. You made mistakes along the way but we all do. I'm proud of you.

Velzard: Th-tha-thank yoo-yoouu you all. I-i-I'm gl-lad to h-h-ha-have you all.

Velzard spoke out in sobs as she heard her siblings' words. It took quite a while but soon she calmed down and we returned to our viewing

It was an emotional rollercoaster as people got up and spoke. The most predominant speeches that held the most impact were from:

Veldora, Velgrynd, Veldanava, Lucia, Ciel, Diablo, Benimaru, Zegion(it was magnificent), Milim, Rain, Deeno(oddly enough), Dagruel, Chloe, Geld, Gazel, Elmesia, Masayuki/Rudra, and of course the speeches from Rimuru and Velzard themselves.

Rimuru's speech in particular was shown throughout the Cardinal World as he recounted the life of the Cardinal World, its history and the people he met along the way.

Rimuru: It certainly was an emotional rollercoaster and that doesn't even do it justice.

Rimuru spoke in a reminiscent tone with a tinge of sadness and regret but was also clear in the fact that he was grateful to have experienced this. As Rimuru reminisced, many women in the room began trying to think of how they could get with our slime boy or praying that they would be the next timeline's main character.

Deeno: Wait! Why does it say oddly enough for my speech to be impactful?

Gracia: I don't think anyone expected it out of you

Pico: People likely thought you would've fallen asleep

Deeno: I can stay awake and why would I sleep and miss my friends' marriage. This is a normally once in a lifetime opportunity I may like to sleep but I wouldn't miss this event

Aza: HE GETS IT! THE LAZY PERSON'S STYLE! HE GETS IT! You don't just sleep through moments like this because you like sleep. You witness it so you can remember the beautiful moment and fall asleep remembering showing your support

Deeno: THANK YOU! Someone gets it.

Rimuru: "I actually understood"

Veldanava: "I understood too but I don't want to get in trouble for knowing this fact"

Ciel/Lucia: We both know you too understand. You created skills that deal with being slothful and you're both lax in many regards. Just admit it.

Veldanava/Rimuru: I understood too.

Velzard didn't like the idea of the name of the Jura Tempest Empire having her name attached to it for one reason in particular which is why it stayed as such.

"If we have kids I don't want them to feel obligated to succeed in your position. I would want them to decide their path on their own. Kori is our family and Tempest name is a name that symbolizes Royalty. If we have kids and they wish to succeed that name they can but I don't want them feeling obligated."

The reception was silent when Velzard made this statement but it quickly erupted into cheers. For very different reasons.

1-Some women thought it meant Rimuru would take concubines for the Tempest name. He wouldn't.

2-People respected her not forcing her kids into the world of politics

3-She wanted kids

4-They could still get a prince/princess even under these conditions if the child wished to become one.

5-Everyone was ecstatic at the thought of being an Uncle, auntie, or elder sibling type figure to their future kids.

6-It also meant Velzard had no intentions of ever claiming Tempest as her own.

Veldanava on the other hand was shitting bricks as he thought oh shit round 2 is coming, but it wouldn't as Rimuru isn't limited like Veldanava was he has a different limiter.

Velzard: haha that look on elder brothers face is priceless

Veldanava: I'm with that version of me. I would be shitting bricks too. Wait! Rimuru you have a different limiter?

Rimuru: Yes

Veldanava: What is it?

Ciel: He can't say it. Part of the limiter.

Veldanava: Oddly convenient

Milim: That me gets cousins too. Bestie, I want cousins or people to be like my little siblings too.

Aza: I can make that a reality isn't that right Ciel

Ciel: This is true just convince Rimuru

Elmesia: I respect her not putting her kids into the world of politics and for her stance

Gazel: I feel the same. She didn't care about his position or status in any way she just wanted a family to call her own

Veldora: But she has a family?

Lucia: Different feelings come from different types of family Veldora

Veldanava: Being a mother or father has a different feeling as compared to a brother or sister

Micheal: I already caused problems losing my lord I can't imagine what she would do

Ciel: I'd wipe out all of creation in an instant if Rimuru didn't tell me otherwise.

Aza: I'd do it anyway. No need for a world without Rimuru

Guy: Isn't that a bit, no way too far

Aza: Not far enough. If Rimuru doesn't exist why should anything else exist

Ranga: We could still get a prince/princess regardless. We'd need to prepare

Kajin: I'd need to make toys for the babies

Black Numbers: We'd have to prepare personal guards at all times

Testarossa: I'd willingly become a nanny to protect the prince or princess

SoueI: We could have my group watching in the shadows

Ranga: One of my fellow Tempest Wolves or myself could go into their shadows

Diablo: We'd have to train them a personal maid or butler

Ciel: You guys are almost as bad as Rimuru was before

Velzard: What do you mean? And why before?

Ciel: Well I say before because Rimuru became less obviously overprotective but is still absurdly overprotective of his kids. But he'd personally teach his kids how to wipe someone from existence with nihility or create brand new skills just for them to stay safe from ANYTHING.

Rimuru: I can't have a pest bothering my kids now can I

Veldanava: You get it Rimuru, you really do.

Rimuru: Of course I do. I wouldn't want some filthy–.....

Rimuru proceeded to go on an hour-long tangent with Veldanava adding onto whatever he said. It was clear these two really didn't like the idea of their kids, usually daughters ever getting boyfriends. BUT they both loved the idea of being called grandpa.

Everyone: "These two are very clearly the same person. I can't be the only one thinking this. They are at the very least identical twins"

After the long reception Rimuru and Velzard retreated to their humble house on a frozen island that Rimuru made. It still looked exactly the same as the day they left it.

It was a cozy log cabin style home that Rimuru built by hand with Velzard. It was a two story cabin with the first floor being used for storage and a room full of items for entertainment. The house had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Neither of them needed a fire or even care for one but they both enjoyed watching the fire crackle as the snow fell down. The bedroom the two had shared from time to time simply holding the other closely had a large king sized bed, two nightstands sat on opposite ends of the bed frame, a large 2 person dresser and a small couch facing outside the window where they could watch the snow fall comfortably in each other's arms.

Asuryii: Sorry Dudes once again you have to go. See you later. Women enjoy if you want. Its your does of Rimuru po-

Aza: Shut up.

*Thumbs Up*

Velzard: That is a very nice house though. I quite like the feelings it gives off. It's nice and simple.

Lucia: Not to much, not to little

Testarossa: Seems like a cozy place

Velgrynd: I may not really enjoy the cold but I think I'd like this place.\

Ciel: It's simple there is no need for it to be complicated

Shuna: The feelings this home gives off are identical to Rimuru-sama's residence. Very minimalistic

Luminous/Elmesia: Those two built this place by hand?

Rimuru: Yes. It was an enjoyable project.

Velzard POV—----------------------------LEMON WARNING—----------------------------------

The wedding was beautiful. I never expected myself to get married like that but I enjoyed every second of it. Hearing the words of my friends and family congratulating me and celebrating the future was more than I could've asked for.

I thought that everyone would be off put by me not wanting to be added to the name of the country Rimuru built but they applauded me for it. I knew some of the reasons why certain people may clap but not all of them. I was a little anxious but Rimuru reassured me.

I will be honest even after these last 6 months I still call Rimuru Satoru from time to time. He said he doesn't mind and that it could just be our thing but it feels embarrassing when everyone looks at me confused till they remember Rimuru is Satoru.

Velzard: She was right to be anxious. Other women were thinking of pursuing him

Though he did say if it makes it easier when we are home like we are now. He can just be Satoru and in public he can be Rimuru.

"It'll be our little secret and then if we have kids they can decide like you said."

After the wedding ended we finally returned to our home where we had spent 18,000 years together. I am slightly irritated with myself at the fact that I didn't just say my feelings earlier but he didn't either so we're equal in that regard.

Lucia: Yeah this would've all been easier had either Rimuru been more confident or Velzard been able to put her pride to the side

Velgrynd: It seems easy but it never is

Ciel: You can't really talk in this regard, you're the exact same as your sister. Though that also makes you one of the few who can talk so I will let it slide.

Luminous: I thought Velzard couldn't hold out for around 2 thousand years but here she held on for 18 thousand years without doing anything

Aza: Different times and different relationships with different people. Rimuru paid attention to Velzard and only her so it wasn't like she had to feel like she wasn't being treated as she deserved or get jealous

It felt nice stepping back into this home. Don't get me wrong, his home in Tempest and the castle are nice but I like the feeling this place gives. It's a place I can really call home. His house in Tempest is small too. Rimuru like myself is a minimalist. We don't over decorate but we can also appreciate good decor and a massive home is not needed. Besides if we ever needed to we can just expand the space inside the house with magic.

It's not hard.

Everyone nodded. It wasn't hard to extend a space with or without magic. They also commented on how the house was like they thought. Oddly warm and welcoming. It was a comfortable space.

Rimuru: For reference this house is constantly cold. Intentionally the only warmth comes from the feelings and the fireplace

Velzard: That sounds nice

Velgrynd: That definitely fits for my elder sister

After taking off our shoes and changing into comfortable clothes we both headed to the master bedroom. I think he wanted to go to sleep but...I have 20,000 years of pent up frustrations and a husband to share them with.

I want to be a mom. I already know from Rimuru that we can either make one conventionally or create a child from our aura. But I want to raise my child from being a baby and I want to have his child in the literal sense.

Aza: Don't worry Velzard you're certainly not the only one who does. I mean look around you.

Ciel: "I'd applaud her for waiting 20 thousand years but I've waited till the end of space and time for Rimuru so I win"

Luminous: Let's place bets on how long till she gets dominated. I give 5 minutes

Elmesia: 15 minutes

Aza: I can't bet since I know dammit

Velgrynd: 8 minutes

Velzard: I think I can last longer than that 25 minutes

Aza: "Not even 1 minute"

Ciel: "She lasted long but she gave up dominance very quickly. Probably a smart play"

Asuryii: "The way shes talking is as if having sex with Rimuru is a competitive sport or something."

Rimuru: You're not going to say you'll maintain dominance the whole time or that she could

Women: We've been made aware that she couldn't and no one can

Velzard: I wonder what our kids are going to look like

Chloe: Thats a good question "I'd rather see my own with sensei but I am curious since Sensei has new looks"

Testarossa: Will the kids have his new hair, old hair, new eyes, old eyes, your hair, your blue eyes, or your gold eyes

Kumara: How strong will they be

As we entered the room he looked at me with a warm smile before he gave me a small hug and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Velz. Thank you for being mine." He had taken his mask off and the look in his eyes was all it took for me to lose control. His soft loving gaze had me hypnotized.

Luminous: Are you actually using Charm on her

Rimuru: No

Chloe: This is just sensei's natural charm

Elmesia: She brings a good point; it keeps getting explained as being drawn in, charmed, hypnotized, and the like so it's easy to see her questions.

I quickly locked our lips together as I pushed him towards the bed. He soon fell onto the bed leaving me on top of him my white hair draping down over him. "I love you too." A smile came across his features as he pressed his lips against mine and put his hand on my chin prying my mouth open slightly.

In that small gap he made he slipped his tongue in and intertwined it with mine. The cold taste of his tongue from him using magic to chill his tongue was exhilarating. I was sitting on his lap, both of my hands holding his head pulling him in closer. From the outside it'd look like I was dominating him but reality was a different story.

Luminous: Well we were all very off.

Elmesia: It looks like shes taking the lead but in reality

Velgrynd: Rimuru is taking the lead

Luminous: Rimuru. How are you so good at having sex and when can I schedule my turn?

Rimuru: What are you talking about? And what do you mean turn?

Ciel: I told you he's a natural

Aza: accidentally finds your weak spots and uses it against you. He's a natural

Rimuru: "What are you two talking about?"

Velzard: It looks like I'm pulling him in but he's really pushing his tongue further on his own. "At least I am using my unconcealed form. Well I did maintain that form during all the time he and I were shown to be together so it doesn't surprise me."

Chloe: For Velgrynd he used heat and acceleration and for Velzard he used frost and smooth movements. What would sensei do to me?

Hinata: you're letting your thoughts out Chloe

Shizu: But she has a point.

Lucia: Well Velgrynd and Velzard are true dragons and are vastly different when compared to other humanoid beings let alone humans

Testarossa: Velgrynd got addicted to Lord Rimuru after 1 night. So what'll happen to Velzard?

Rimuru: Are you all seriously placing bets on this? "It's actually embarrassing"

Luminous: She'll be done after a night too

Velgrynd: I think based on the difference in pace she'll last a day.

Elmesia: She'll be addicted like her sister after 1 session

Lucia: 2 days

Silvia: I agree with Lucia 2 days

Testarossa: I'll have to say day and a half

Remaining demoness: 8 hours

Ciel: "try 3 days straight"

Aza: "She could last decently long. 3 days first try not bad. For me that's rookie numbers "

I opened my eyes as we were kissing to see him looking me straight in the eyes with lust and a smug attitude. He had one hand on my waist pulling us close and the other on the bed holding himself up. He didn't even need to do that. I knew he was strong enough to hold his balance in this position or he could even just activate flight magic.

"Bo-bot0-both hands." I mumbled out for him to hold me with both hands as I wanted him to explore my body not pointlessly prop himself up like he needed to for balance.

Elmesia: wow the kiss is so good she's speaking with numbers

Luminous: Those eyes are really nice when they're filled with lust and desire. The red fits nice with a lustful gaze but the smug attitude is a cherry on top. Rimuru pop my cherry

Shuna: Rimuru-sama seems to like to tease his partners quite a bit

Aza: Blame Ciel

Ciel: I can confidently say blame me

Velgrynd: It would be annoying to have your partner not exploring your body when he had the chance to

Velzard: Probably why I said to use both hands

He bit down lightly on my tongue startling me slightly and spoke to me through his teeth before he let go and our tongues began to intertwine. "As my queen demands."

Velgrynd: Oh? There he goes biting down on someone tongue

Ciel: Rimuru likes doing that

Lucia: Well he can still talk while his partner can only look on astonished and desire filled

Guy: So can I know what's going on

Velzard/Aza: I am getting close to killing him

Luminous: Rimuru. Do you like a woman's spit or pussy water more?

Rimuru: What the fuck kind of question is that?

Luminous: A serious one

Women: "Who just asks that?"

Aza: You were to upfront Lumi. Rimuru would you rather kiss or lick

Rimuru: I absolve myself of answering this question. Same with yours Luminous

Luminous: Worth a shot. Guess I'll need to conduct my own experiments and case study

Rimuru: Please don't

Guy: Case study? Wtf?

Veldanava: "Mindfulness practice one. Pretend Rimuru doesn't exist. Zen...."

As he placed his other hand on my waist pulling me even closer I felt something hard touch my stomach. I smirked as I knew immediately what it was but before I could tease him he flipped us over and I was laying down on the bed while he looked down on me. Under the moonlight his red and golden eyes glowed slightly. Him looking down on me like that made me shutter for a moment until he pressed our lips together again.

Elmesia: Oh? Looks like we're getting started now. Rimuru is on top.

Testarossa: The fun part begins

Rimuru: "What part of this is fun?"

Velzard: The moonlit glow on his eyes really is an entrancing and kind of spin chilling visual but its oddly

Velgrynd: Attractive

Luminous: Hot

Aza: What she said.

He was thoroughly investigating my mouth as he held my head with both hands clearly dominating me. I let one hand run through his smooth hair while I let the other trace down his body. Rimuru was wearing a white silk button-up nightshirt and black loungewear pants. I slowly unbuttoned each button one by one as I looked him in the eyes hungrily.

I traced my hand across his toned stomach before I put my hand in his pants and pulled them down slightly taking hold of his dick. I began to stroke it slowly while I cooled my hand down with frozen mist making it cold and slightly wet. Rimuru let out a slight moan while we were kissing. It was adorable. I wanted to hear more.

Lucia: It seems Velzard also has the art of teasing down

Luminous: I'll give her a 7/10

Testarossa: I concur

Velgrynd: Rimuru's soft small moans are really cute

Chloe: "Why does sensei have such adorable moans?!"

Velzard: "Doesn't his dick look bigger than before?"

Rimuru: "I didn't question it till now but why is Lucia watching? Or any of them for a matter of fact but especially Lucia. I know some timelines I married her but in this one she is my friend's wife and basically my sister-in-law. I....ya know what I won't question. I will pretend this was a pipedream."

It took me a moment to realize how massive Rimuru's dick was. I couldn't even imagine how he did this thing in the usual tight fitted clothes he wore. 'Does he push his dick into another dimension while he walks around or something?' I had so many questions that I didn't care to get the answer too. Rimuru took one hand off my head and slowly began to unbutton my nightgown.

Velgrynd: Seriously good question.

Luminous: It would be funny if he does push his dick into another dimension

Velzard: "He probably just changes to a genderless form but seriously does he in his male form walk around with that."

They all proceeded to look at Rimuru's pants questioningly as they couldn't figure out the answer. Rimuru on the other hand was trying desperately to not get embarrassed.

He traced his fingers down my body. He had put almost sub zero levels of ice magic on his finger as he traced it down my bare skin. I couldn't hold back my moan as I felt my legs twitch slightly.

<Looks like you had an orgasm Velz. Why not have another?> Rimuru Spoke to me via our thoughts as he traced his finger down my body and under my panties. The chillin sensation of his fingers was addictive as he finally reached my vagina. He began to rub it slowly as the addictive chill on his fingers made it hard for me to keep my composure. Then he ventured deeper and stuck his middle and ring fingers inside of me.

Velzard: I do really like the cold but I didn't think to try that. "Can I ask Rimuru to try this with me?"

Velgrynd: I don't even like the cold and find myself curious as to how it feels because of the way you look right now

Lucia: Rimuru really seems to prioritze the ladies feelings in bed

Ciel: "Well..."

Aza: That's because later the sex devolves into you just being the equivalent of a sex doll that he has to give constant healing to so you don't lose your mind in pleasure

Luminous: Seriously with how you're talking about him you keep making us want to experience it.

Testarossa: Its almost as if she's doing it on purpose

Ciel: She is

Aza: I am 100%. I want to make you jealous that you can't experience that feeling. It's entertaining to me

Women: "This girl.."

Elmesia: Honestly that was sly on Rimuru's part using thought communication instead of just breaking the kiss to speak

Shuna: Well it did break Velzard out of a trance for a split second.

The feeling of his fingers entering me and the cold they brought was too much for me and I orgasmed again almost immediately. He broke our kiss and looked at me. I was practically gasping for air despite not needing to breathe. He wore a smirk on his face, it slightly irritated me as he had gotten the best of me. I rolled my eyes and looked down at his body and then I finally saw it with my own eyes.

"Rimuru, is that supposed to fit inside me? It's almost half the length of my arm. It has to be 12 inches(30cm) at least. I-I *gulp* don't know what to do with that thing ... .but I want it." I licked my lips as I looked at Rimuru in the eyes.

Velgrynd: Its bigger

Velzard: I thought it was bigger wasn't it 26cm and now its 30

Rimuru: "Why are you keeping track?!"

Luminous: I want it too

Women: "We are aware the extra commentary isn't needed thank you."

He stopped fingering me and pulled me up towards himself.

He calmly pulled my nightgown off and let it fall to the floor while he balanced on one leg and pulled his pants off with his toes.

'He is absurdly dexterous'


"Ready fo-" Before I could finish speaking Rimuru picked me up and brought his face to the level of my stomach before he plopped down on the bed. I was sitting on top of him confused for a moment till he spoke.

"Turn around Velz. You can't play with it like this and I can't play with you." I felt my face heat up as I turned around and stared at Rimuru's dick. With my head on his stomach his dick was taller than my head.

Aza: Velzard is going to scale mount everest

Everyone: Mount Everest?

Rimuru: The tallest mountain in another world my old world

Everyone nodded understanding now and it took a minute but they got the joke. They were a bit taken aback by the unfamiliar term and the joke so they didn't end up commenting on Rimuru's dexterity.

I decided to grab hold of it till Rimuru started me as he began to lick my pussy and push his tongue in and out of it. Once again he used that damn addictive chilling on the tip of his tongue making me feel even more pleasure. He knew just where to push his tongue to get the best reactions out of me.

It's almost like he's using a skill! Rimuru you sly devil I love you but I figured you out didn't I?

"How's that skill trea-ating you?" Rimuru stopped for a moment and peeked around looking at me directly.

Aza: I get Rimuru is peaked around her ass in a sense but the look is oddly cute

Velgrynd: You find anything with Rimuru cute

Aza: and you want Rimuru to fuck you like he did in another timeline. Your point

Luminous: MAYBE NOW! Rimuru could possibly be using my skill.

Ciel: "He'd use the other skill if he wanted to make her feel extra pleasure."

Velzard: "It's kind of funny how he's almost peeking around a corner"

"I'm using your skill against you. Cthulhu. I quite enjoy the feeling but if you want I can use another skill or you can figure out what the skill I gave you does. All I'm doing is looking for spots that make you twitch the most." Rimuru shrugged as he went back to eating me out like he didn't just say something absurd

'How can he be soooCalm?!' "Ahhnn!" I swear I heard a smug noise come from him. I won't let it stay like this. I've decided I held back enough.

Elmesia: He is extremely calm but looks like you were wrong, Luminous. He is only using her skill for the ice magic

Luminous: Dammit. Maybe next time

Velzard: Seriously what does that skill do? He mentioned it again. I'm getting more curious.

Velgrynd: It's a little funny how Rimuru just shrugged you off like that.

Lucia: 'He had better things to do' as Velda would say

Ciel: That was a good one Lucia. I liked that one.

Veldanava: *AHCOO* Who just talked about me?...must've been my imagination

Testarossa: Lord Rimuru really is way too calm

Looking back at his dick it really is intimidating but it just stared at me, almost challenging me.

Aza: It is challenging you. Saying its unconquerable

Velzard: Then I simply have to conquer it

Aza: Oooooh? Do you have the guts?

Velzard: Watch me.

Ciel: "Did these two start a rivalry?"

Velgrynd: "She seriously started a rivalry with Aza. Am I supposed to start one with Ciel now? Yeahhhh that's going to be a no from me. I'm not willingly jumping to my death."

'I need to know how far I can take this. It looks like it'd feel nice going down my throat and I can't let him get me to climax again before I cause him to.'

I don't know why but I felt like taking a deep breath and widening my throat would make it easier to suck. Pulling my hair back out of my eyes I opened my mouth and pushed his dick further and further down my throat. I relaxed as I reached the base on the first try.

Aza: Well I will give you this. You went down like a pro

Velzard: Hmmmph.

Aza: Tch

Velgrynd: Wow you really went all the way to the base first try. "I got there at the end of my round but she went all the way on the first try. I must do better"

Luminous: I could do that too. I think. Worst case I can just suck on his dick

Elmesia: You mean you intend to

Ciel: Suck blood from his dick. She does

Luminous: I do

Rimuru: I just noticed this with you too. Velzard you should let down your hair more it looks nice. Not that the hairstyle you have now isn't good. It's just your hair tied in a ponytail draped to the side or all let down, it's nice too.

Aza: "Does Rimuru have a thing for girls with their hair down or something? Me and Ciel always have our hair down. I need to investigate"

It felt weird going down my throat as it widened it and made space but once I relaxed the feel of it rubbing the back of my throat over and over became a fun activity and the cute twitches he made as I went up and down..

Were very nice. Seeing my husband so squeamish and twitching was a treat. I got curious and bit down lightly on the tip and his reaction was large as he shoved his dick forcefully down my throat. I felt surprised by this action but it was a nice change of pace.

I continued to suck his dick for about 10 minutes till I felt myself reaching my climax again but Rimuru's twitches got worse. He was about to cum. I decided to hasten my pace and as did I felt him grab tightly onto my hips as he twitched one final time and came down my throat. I pulled my head back up as he was cumming and once I reached the tip I sucked hard earning another large twitch from Rimuru.

Velgrynd: Squeamish Rimuru is nice

Velzard: I definitely agree

Luminous: Especially after that last move. Very nice

Aza: That little tip bite got you his whole dick shoved down your throat though

Elmesia: She seemed to have enjoyed it though

Testarossa: She did say it was a nice chance of pace.

"Hehe... Look." I sat up and looked down towards Rimuru and showed him the fruits of my labor. I let some fall into my hand and drip down my tongue. The look on his face was priceless as he turned bright red and looked oddly aroused. After teasing him I decided to finally lose my mouth and swallowed his cum.

It was warm and sticky but kind of sweet and tasted like a pineapple in some regard. I looked him dead in the eye as I licked the rest of his come off my hand. I think I broke him cause as I finished he lifted me up and pressed me down onto the bed sheets.

Luminous: I'm not a guy and even I know that that was hot as fuck

Velzard: Sadly I didn't get to hear Rimuru's cute pleasure filled voice like Velgrynd but I got something else.

Rimuru: "You can say that again..."

Elmesia: Didn't you say that last time Luminous

Aza: She did but somethings have to be said twice

Women: "Once again they both have said it tastes good. I want to know the taste even more now."

Velgrynd: I think you letting it drip into your hands before you licked your hands clean was what set him off

Rimuru: "It definitely was"

Velzard: I mean the look on Rimuru's face makes it seem worth it.

Women: "Agreed"

Velzard: "WAIT! I finally realized. In this timeline I get to become a mom! What're my kids going to look like?"

"Oop! I didn't expect this. Did I excite you too much? Don't worry darling I'm yours and I'm here the whole night. Go ahead, put it in." I looked at him with a lustful, carnal desire filled gaze, and licked my lips.

Rimuru simply smiled and slapped my stomach with his dick before he lined his dick and my vagina up. I looked at him and smiled. He responded by pushing his dick all the way in, in one fell swoop. I expected him to be softer but he wasn't.

"AHNGNJJNN!" I let out a loud moan as his dick fully entered me.

Shuna: Thankfully you aren't in Tempest otherwise I think the whole capital would have heard you moan there

Luminous: I think you teasing him and showing the fruits of your labor made him extremely horny and lustful, not to mention the look in your eyes. It's even turning me on

Rimuru: That's not an achievement Luminous. Your more interested in women in the first place

Luminous: Which means me falling for you is an achievement and you need to take responsibility and let me experience these things

Rimuru... No

Luminous: Dammit

Aza: "He really thought about it for a second"

Velgrynd: That was really rough. Rimuru basically pierced you

Velzard: If I was normal I think that would be the end

Elmesia: But since you're not it probably felt amazing

It was cold like his fingers before but there was more to it. I couldn't figure it out even as he lifted me up and I sat on his lap, my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I looked at him curiously as he wasn't moving till I saw him smile and lick his teeth.

'I FORGOT HE CAN CHANGE RACES!' I wanted to say something but I couldn't as I felt fangs sink into my neck. His fangs were cold like blocks of ice and as they pierced my skin I felt a chill run down my spine. I had an orgasm as soon as the chill finished running over my body.

Luminous: OOO! You became a vampire. Good choice. Now Rimuru, come bite my neck and I will bite yours.

Rimuru: No I am aware that is a sign of two vampires bonding and basically getting married.

Velgrynd: Him licking his teeth was unnecessary but-

Elmesia: It made her realize what he was doing. But before she could prepare he surprised her

Chloe: Not to mention this entire time Sensei has been making his fingers and tongue cold but now he made his teeth cold like icicles.

Velzard: I really want to experience this now

Women: Your true thoughts are leaking

Velzard: I know. ←(Very aware she just wanted to see if Rimuru would say or do anything)

It was oddly pleasurable,him biting into my neck. I'm sure I'm not a masochist. I wrapped my arms around his body and gripped at his back as if trying to claw into it as he began to move his hips thrusting back and forth. He was going at a smooth pace but it was fast at the same time. Though I swear each thrust felt so slow and long but they came by so fast. I let my body follow its instincts as I gripped at his hair pulling his face and fangs deeper into my neck.

"YES RIMUR-AHH-U MO-Oo-RE!" I could barely formulate words with how much I was moaning so I pressed my teeth and lips against his collarbone and sucked on it lightly biting down. I remembered a time he did this and gave me a purplish red mark that lasted for days.

Lucia: Oh a hickey. But Velzard-chan you're really into this

Velgrynd: yeah she's even forcing him deeper

Rimuru: "That sounds so off"

'I'm going to leave marks all over him."I couldn't even see myself but I knew my eyes had to have hearts in them as I was getting lost in the pleasure. It only got better as Rimuru grabbed onto my breasts and played with them while teasing my nipples.

I felt his other hand squeezing my ass and soon it got tighter as I knew what was coming. But the timing was flawless as Rimuru and I both climaxed at the same time. I felt his cum spread a warmth throughout my stomach as he stopped biting my neck and showed his tongue which has some of my blood on it which he deftly swallowed afterwards licking his lips clean.

"I never expected you to enjoy that so much but your blood was definitely a sweet tasty treat. It was nice and cold too. Guess for the future being a vampire does good for you. Good to know. I'm surprised you still haven't figured out what that skill I gave you can do." Taking a moment I looked him in the eyes and then looked to the sides of his head and saw his halo.

'It moves with his head like horns. Maybe if I grab them and push him down with them...'

Luminous: DO IT!

Elmesia: Yes, do it Velzard. We have to know the truth

Rimuru: "I literally told them the truth about my halo/horns"

Shizu: Velzard is really marking Slime-san up quite a bit

Shuna: It's almost like shes marking her property

Ciel: She was

Rimuru: "She definitely was"

Velgrynd: Ok now I need to know what that skill does.

I still had no clue what he meant about the skill he gave me having some use right now but I did know what I wanted to do and I did it.

Surprising Rimuru I grabbed onto his halo with both hands and pressed him down onto the bed. He was actually pressed down. Apparently he didn't think I'd do this but it was my chance I was on top.

I began to move back and forth as his dick pressed against the back of my vagina and gave me immense pleasure. I liked the look in his eyes but I missed his lips so I began to kiss him once again.

Luminous: His halo really does act like horns

Veldanava: "I sense this is a situation of 'I told you so'"

Rimuru: That's what I literally said

Lucia: Seeing and believing are two different things

Velzard: Well I'm on top now but likely not for long.

Aza: sadly you hold the record for the longest time on top in the real world, but that's only because Rimuru let you stay there

Velgrynd: That's an interesting piece of information? Getting back to it his lips did look really soft so you missing them after not pressing your own lips against them is very understandable

Rimuru: "I can't even get embarrassed anymore. This is my life."

Elmesia: So what's the record?

Aza: 8 hours

Testarossa: So that means they went at least 10 hours but probably more.

Women: "I know he has infinite stamina but still wow."

The night was young and we were freshly married...but I didn't stop having sex with Rimuru for 3 days straight. I knew I was pregnant. He had told me that he sensed it happened. I was ecstatic and stopped as soon as I heard the news. I never did learn what that skill could've done during our 3 day session.

Velgrynd: Wow they went for 3 days...

Luminous: Did she get addicted?

Ciel: She got pregnant and wanted to have the baby so she and Rimuru abstained after he informed her

Testarossa: So the answer is no

Elmesia: So is Velgrynd just weaker to sex than Velzard. Is this our conclusion?

Aza: Its rough sex vs sensation filled sex. One is a lot more stimulating in a short period of time. So one cannot answer

Hinata: Why do you talk as if sex is a subject you study for college?

Aza: Because sex with Rimuru is an educational experience

Rimuru: You will probably learn what that skill does now.

Everyone perked up as Rimuru said that. I also brought our dude bros senses back.

But he later told me how absurd the skill he gave me was.

"As long as you have a memory of the skill you can use it. Just need the name of the skill and an idea of what it did. You could replicate almost any skill so I thought you'd replicate one of the skills I used to make us both more sensitive but you never did. I was also curious to see if you'd copy my racial swapping ability and bite me back."

I looked at him dumbfounded as he told me this.


Micheal: I can copy skills in some regard but that is

Yuuki: Literally copy-pasting skills

Veldanava: No wonder its as absurd as Shub-Niggurath and reminded me of the Akashic Records. You just gave Velzard the akashic records 2.0

Rimuru: So?

Everyone: SO?

Everyone just sighed as they realized arguing with Rimuru was pointless.

Rimuru: You still need the name and an idea of what the skill does.

Deeno: I'm not sure that makes it better but I really don't care. Get I can work less

Ramirus: I thought you enjoyed working with us Deeno

Deeno: I do. I meant my other work. Mediator, demon lord, and angel stuff. I want that workload to lessen so I can focus on other things like friends, experiments, and Sleep.

Everyone: There it is classic Deeno

Soon 9 months later I gave birth. I had twins. A boy and a girl. The boy had my hair and Rimuru's eyes whereas my daughter had his hair and my old blue eyes that I had in my concealed form. I will admit I may have spoiled my kids and once Milim and our friends heard I had kids a war almost started over who sees them first.

I could only laugh at the antics my family and friends caused. I decided to name our son and Rimuru named our daughter. We did this because I said I'd name the first born and he'd name the second.

Velgrynd: oh you had twins

Lucia: A boy and a girl at that

Yuuki: I can imagine them all fighting to see Rimuru's Kids

Veldora: I shall teac-

Rimuru: Veldora as your friend I will warn you. I nearly killed you before, not to mention the times my partners would almost kill you for trying to indoctrinate our kids into your mindset. It's not a good idea please do not make me make a grave for you, it's not on my list of things I want to do.

Veldora: Duly noted.

Testarossa: Lord Rimuru's son looks so innocent despite his eyes and hair color together giving off a very fierce aura

Deeno: I think he and I would get along for some reason

Leon: Why is that?

Deeno: I dunno gut feeling. He looks like a researcher or like someone who likes to do what he likes

Shuna: While your son looks as Testarossa said your daughter looks very...-

Diablo: Mischievous and calculative. She has an intelligent gaze and one that knows what it wants. She is definitely strong I can tell

Leon: I would be more concerned if Rimuru's kids weren't strong

Which had me name my son: Velray Kori. I named him that since he was born with the inherent attribute of light. He was a cute little boy who was very adventurous and curious. He was a mommas boy alright.

He was stuck to my leg 24/7 when he first began walking. It's nice though it was cute but he has no interest in being a prince he said he wanted to be a researcher. Him in a little scientist outfit was adorable.

Velzard: AWWW! He's so adorable. He was a little momma's boy. Rimuru look at how he's clinging to my leg.

Everyone: "She went mom mode and now suddenly is acting like her and Rimuru are married..."

Rimuru: Yes Velzard he is cute.

Velzard: Rimuru I want one. I want to have my kids like them.

Rimuru: I see...hmmmm? Ahhhhh

Deeno: " I was right we'd get along. He likes to research more than troublesome stuff"

Ciel: Well! Velray was born a True Dragon subrace. Or more specifically the Divine Light True Dragon. He was the inherent manifestation of light and was very skilled at light magic. He had the capability despite being a monster to become an existence like a True Hero

Rudra: What? A monster becoming a hero and he's a true dragon?

Veldanava: No wonder he felt so curious. I take it the reason he's a subrace is because

Ciel: He picked up Rimuru's divine qualities. You could say he's part God and part True Dragon

Dagruel: I guess this is to be expected of Rimuru's kids

Elmesia: I wonder how he would engage in battle. He likely wouldn't need to but I find myself curious

Shizu: So are we supposed to stop Velzard?

Hinata: What do you mean stop Velzard? What is sh-....

Everyone proceeded to look towards Velzard who was now pressing her assets against Rimuru. Aza stayed quiet because she wanted to see how Ciel would react but Ciel tried to ignore it. Soon she would stop ignoring it.

Rimuru named our daughter: Marise Kori for a few reasons that I agreed with besides the fact that her name also fit her intrinsic skills...she was born with Rimuru's fucking Nihility Reactor. At least I won't have to worry about her being in danger and more so I need to worry about her BEING the danger. She has a very childish personality almost like Milim but she is frighteningly calculative like Rimuru.

I swear at times it almost feels like she comes into conversations with people acting adorable and leaving with what she wants...It's frightening but it doesn't help that she's a daddy's girl.

Velzard: Huh! My daughter is perfect too!! Rimuru I want to get to making a Velray and Marise.

Rimuru: HUh?

Guy: This little girl already gives me headaches and I haven't met her.

Diablo: Testarossa do you see it.

Benimaru: I SEE IT

Testarosaa: I do too

Diablo: She became the princess no doubt about it. But she is very clearly sly and got something out of it

Gazel: She reminds me of my junior

Elmesia: Rimuru but a girl is the best way to explain her.

Chloe: Well she is sensei's daughter so her being like him makes sense

Veldanava: She was born with that damn generator. I don't even want to know what her race is at this point but I am curious

Velgrynd: Her being a daddy's girl is kind of cute but also terrifying. I feel like she would use that to her advantage.

Deeno: That might explain why it's not a worry of her being in danger but her being the danger

Rudra: It also appears she comes into conversations with a plan and get what she wants regardless

The group stopped talking as they looked over to see Rimuru, Velzard, and Ciel all in a barrier while Aza looking on entertained at what was transpiring. They were waiting for Ciel or Rimuru to say what Marise's race was. It took awhile but soon they came out and Rimuru looked like he's aged several centuries

Velzard: Sorry I don't know what overcame me. We can talk later.

Everyone: "What the fuck happened?"

Ciel: So Marise...right her....she was uhmmm well.

Veldanava: Why're you apprehensive? This is very worrying

Rimuru: Marise was the True Viscous Arch Dragon. She was a true dragon subspecies like her brother. She was different from myself when I was a slime that became a true dragon in the sense that her dragon form is literally Viscous and she has one. Along with the fact that she is much-much larger than a normal True Dragon. About 4 times the size and she was the manifestation of Space but she wasn't the best at space magic but had her ways... via brute force

Veldanava: Remind me to never question your kids again. For my own sanity

Rimuru: I got you

Feldway: Are we supposed to be surprised?

Yuuki: I'm not

Diablo: This is to be expected of my lord's son and daughter

Chloe: I don't think I want to know what brute force means in this regard...

But she also said she won't decide if she wants to be a princess till she is an older sibling. People already almost look at her like a princess though...

But I suppose she'll be making a decision soon since I'm having my third child with Rimuru soon. I love my life now. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I love you Velz"

"Love you Too Rimuru."

"Mom! Dad!" Our kids came running into our room holding a book asking to be told a story once again.

"Alright I'll tell you the story of How I met your Mother."

Velgrynd: A third child?

Rimuru: Marise did become the princess later on.

Patrons: I knew it the moment I saw her eyes.

Asuryii: Well this viewing has reached the climax. Please stretch and prepare for the next one.

Velzard->Ciel : <<You better keep your word>>

Ciel: I hope none of you forget you need to ask me and Aza. Well mainly me before you try to approach Rimuru afterall he is my husband and I am his partner.

Velgrynd: "Should I?"

Luminous: "Tempting very."

Rimuru: "I should've said I don't intend to accept any but Ciel and Aza..."


Reaction to Frostbitten Nightmares Part 5 -  14318 words



Reaction to Frostbitten Nightmares (Full) - 72927 words


Author Notes:

Well this took forever to finish. I had to delay this like 15 times because I kept thinking I was almost done but low and behold I wasn't...jeez

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It has been decided that I will post 4-5 chapters this month to bring A New Life Out Of The Void to the point where I will have that story on hold for a few months while I plan the future of the story. 

This chapter was going to be longer but I deleted a ton of the jokes because I wanted to finish this. My first 60k word projection was wrong and 80k was close to what it is now but with all the shit I cut. It was again....OFF

by about 25k words. This was the longest chapter I have wrote. The reactions are getting longer. It'll be a bit before I post a tensura reaction again but look forward to it. I hope you enjoyed this monster of a chapter. That will likely say is a few seconds long when its more than a few hours.

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