Loved By You! ~Naruto Various...

By Hellouniverzum

152K 5.3K 5K

What if a girl is getting transported into the Naruto world? After her death, caused by an airplane crash she... More

Welcome! :D
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chaper eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four

Chapter twenty eight

2.2K 102 96
By Hellouniverzum

(Y/n)'s pov:

Sasuke will definitely go insane. He is not trembling anymore as he is just standing in front of me likea statue.

A statue, whom Sharingan eyes are full of hatered and coldness.

Sasuke took out a kunai knife, placing it in his mouth and ran at Orochimaru with full speed, attacking from above.

Throwing some kunai knifes at him, which the snake dodged so easily then attacked back when Sasuke landed.

Summon me, (Y/n).

What? No, I can't-

I think you don't understand me love. Summon me because if something would happen to you, that snake will find the way to hell before having Mitsuki as his son.

I blinked a couple of times at his words, then looked back at Sasuke and Orochimaru's fight. They were using Taijutsu at the moment.

Fine... Just give me some time, I can't do it here...

Whatever... Don't take too long doll. I am suffering here with these dumbasses...

I focused once again on the fight before me, seeing Orochimaru running around Sasuke very fast. Before he could attack, Sasuke jumped away and used his fire jutsu successfully getting Orochimaru with it.

In the next second, he was running at Sasuke and jumped at him as if he wanted to scratch him, but he jumped away.

The fire lit up some leaves and smaller sticks, making the area kinda smoky and blurring my vision.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone yell my name, but I wasn't sure.

I glanced at the fight then looled around.

"(Y/n)!" This time, it was more clear.

It was more louder.

It was (B/n)'s sweet voice.

"What?" I looked up, my eyes widening. I couldn't locate where it come from.

"(Y/n), you need to get Haku away from that tree before it's too late!"

His sweet voice echoed in my ears.

And that's when I realised that he wasn't really here. I could hear him but he wasn't actually here with me.


"There is no time! Hurry up and save him!"

My body moved on it's own, jumping away from the tree branch towards Haku and Naruto.

When Haku noticed me, he gave me a calm composed look which changed the minute he saw my pribably freaked out face.

His expression hardened as he had Naruto on his back within a second, understanding that there is danger.

But what danger?

As I got close enough, I jumped against him hard with all my force to knock him down from the tree with Naruto.

His eyes widened at me as he flew backwards from the force I knocked him down with, and I am glad I did.

A huge snake, a massive one came literally flying upwards to eat them alive, but only managed to bite off that tree's whole half.

I jumped away in time too, or more like fell to the branch Orochimaru was on.

I heard Haku and Sakura shout after me before I could hit the tree, and as I did, it felt like my soul had just left my body.

God dammit, I'll fucking demolish him.

My head hurts. And I can't feel my body at all. My ear is ringing but I can hear voices who'm I recognise...

Reji is grunting in anger. Sakura is screaming my name in horror.

I force myself to open my eyes a little, just to take my surroundings in.

"How did you know that I had the intent to kill your little friends there..." Orochimaru spoke in his slightly cracking woman's voice, which turned into a deeper one. His real voice. "I made sure the boy couldn't sense the danger... but how could you from meters away?"

I know where he is standing. I hear his voice, even though my head hurts so bad that I think it might explode.

He is next to me. Not too close but he is there, facing away from me.

"Luck..." I forced myself to cough out and immediatelly took a ragged deep breath. My lungs were practically screaming for air.

I looked at his blurred frame, then at my limp hands and body. My right leg was bleeding probably from a tree's cut as I fell.

Breathe, (Y/n). We need you to breathe.

"We?" I choked out, not really knowing if I spoke or it was just my imagination.

We are all here. Just feel the air around you.

Am I halucinating or is he panicking?

I heard a deep chuckle, probably from Orochimaru.

"We who?" He asked back, and I saw his blurred figure turn his head to me.

"Don't touch her!" I heard Sasuke's voice from afar. It was as if he was miles away from me. "Just who are you! What do you want?"

He chuckled again.

"My name is Orochimaru... But as to what I want for that we three have to meet again, which won't happen until you finish this test with the best score along side with the White Wolf." He spoke "But first you two will have to defead the hidden sound ninja who serves me."

His voice is making me shiver and feel cold. I hate it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about! But if you finish, why don't you just beat it! If we never meet again it will be too soon!"

I couldn't understand half of what Sakura is saying. I looked up a little to see her next to Sasuke, on another tree fallen there.

Meeting. Ninja. Sound. Soon.

"Oh, me and them will meet sooner then you think."

Realization hit me in the gut, making me open my eyes completely.

I know what's coming.

I gathered up all my power to just turn my palm in his direction before he could stretch that neck of his towards Sasuke and coughed out, gasping for air for the first time Reji told me to feel air.

It felt good to breathe.

"Pluvia... Cristallina."

Orochimaru's eyes widened as he turned his head to me instead of going at Sasuke.

A sharp crystal needle scratched his white cheek, making it bleed.

That was his real skin. The darker shade of the woman's skin was still on him, but his real skin tone was starting to get visible.

I felt my hand drop right beside me, losing every interest and power to move.

Heck, now I couldn't even move even of I wanted to!

My eyes started to close, but before they fully did I felt someone grab me from my underarms and pulling me up to their chest.

I could still feel the person's scent, and it definitely wasn't one of my teammates.

They don't smell like the deepest parts of the forest.

"If you dare to bite I will make sure that you and I will meet sooner than you planned we will. And make sure to slap your teeth out."

I will fucking kill him. I will make him suffer.

Orochimaru let out a deep chuckle next to my ear as he leaned in close. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

"I can't wait for that to happen my dear... And I am sorry for the pain..."

I screamed.

As loud as I could at the top of my lungs as he bit my neck without any warning.

Fuck him.

Fuck this.

Fuck anime.

Fuck Naruto.

And Fuck Kishimoto.

"(Y/n)!" My teammates yelled my name and I was surprised to hear them because of my screams of pain.

It is killing me.

Before I knew it I was passed out cold in his arms from the pain, feeling his forest scent in my nose and his hand on my hair.

Third person's pov:

Naruto was out.

(Y/n) was out.

And Sasuke was out too.

Haku and Sakura were the only remains conscious left, and they needed to take care of the three.

"(Y/n) and Sasuke still have a very high fever..." Sakura said quietly to Haku, tearing up as she began to worry.

Haku was so stressed that he might just explode in any minute.

The main reason was (Y/n). Then the other two plus the Chunin exams.

He grunted, and approached the two of them, placing a palm on each of their burning foreheads, cooling it slightly with his icey touch.

"Sleep, Sakura. I'll wake you if I need help."

Sakura nodded her head and wiped the small tears away from her eyes, laying down in the grass next to Sasuke.

Meanwhile with (Y/n);

(Y/n) slowly started to wake up, feeling really warm. Her head wasn't aching anymore, and she could move her body.

Opening her eyes, the first thing she saw was lots of messy brown hair on her chest.

"Comfortable much?"

(Y/n) grunted out as she put her fingers in the brown messy hair, untangling some knots in it.

Hashirama immediatelly jumped up as he heard her voice, looking at her shocked with wide eyes.

"Y-You... YOU ARE AWAKE!" He yelled and pulled (Y/n) in his embrace completly, holding her on his lap as he literally cried crocodile tears.

"H-Hey... Hashirama!" (Y/n) mumbled in a low tone as she had a stone cold look on her face bacause he began to kiss her all over her cheeks.

"What did I tell you about touching what belongs to me?" Someone else's deep voice grunted and within a second, she was out of Hashirama's arms into someone elses.

"Rejiiiiii!" He whined and pouted.

"Shut it." He mumbled and hugged (Y/n) tightly, hiding his face in her neck.

"Reji?" She whispered softly. It was unusual for Reji to act like this.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?" He spoke so softly that it was very hard to hear what he had said.
"Seeing you laying limp in his arms made me almost lose it..."

(Y/n) relaxed in his hug at his words and slowly wrapped her arms around his neck too without saying anything.

"He did lose it."

A softer man's voice spoke from behind (Y/n) making her let go of Reji.

She turned around only to see Shisui standing there, smiling at her.

"Hi." He continued.

(Y/n) blinked a couple of times to realise who was actually standing in front of her, but then smiled back.

"You are cute." She said out of nowhere, causing Reji to grunt in annoyance along side with someone else too, and of course making Shisui's cheeks light pink.

"Don't be rude and give me a hug too..." Tobirama muttered and hugged her from behind, placing his head on her shoulder.

"I am not rude... yet." She spoke with a slight smirk and turned around to hug him back.

"Yet." He repeated with a small deep chuckle.

"Okay, good. Now that you are here we can go and train."

Reji grabbed her hand and pulled (Y/n) to him, dragging her off to whoknowswhere as she whined.

"Ahwe, come on Rejiiii. I just woke up!"

"No, you woke up two minutes ago and not just yet in this moment." He mumbled and kept on pulling her with him as the others gave Reji weird looks.

Reji's pov:

I hate it.

I hate this feeling when someone else holds her instead of me.

I despise this feeling.

(Y/n) was was just standing there to make herself stronger as she trained with the crystals.

I kept my eyes on her figure, wandering over her body and features to take in every curve and shape of her. And then my eyes fell on her neck.

I felt anger rising inside of me as I looked at her delicate (s/t) neck dirtied by that disgusting curse mark.

I swear I am going to make that snake suffer for good.

"Does it hurt?" I grunted out, not trying to give away with my tone that it bothers me.

She turned her head to me as she heard me speak, and tilted her head in confusion.

"Does what hurt?"

"That fucking mark on your neck." I rolled my eyes.

(Y/n) blinked a couple of times, but when she realised what I was talking about, she slapped her hand on her neck where the curse mark was.

"No..." That simple word left her mouth, so very softly.

Just how is she doing that?

"Good, because it will. When you wake up, it will sting really bad."

I looked away as I spat out the words in a rougher tone.

I want to be nicer but it angers me that that snake touched her. But even if he wouldn't, Orochimaru still caused her pain.

I am going to so yank that tongue out of his mouth the minute I will see him in person.

Making her scream like that in pain...

I hate how that made me feel when I heard it.

"Good... So will you train me or?" She groaned as she looked at me, waiting for my response.

I snapped out of my thoughts and glared at nothing, then looked at her.

"Just... Just concentrate the power to a spot you can see and imagine a bigger sharp crystal shoot out of the ground. You can modify the shape if you want... if you mess it up, turn it into crystal dust and you'll be done." I explained shortly with a careless tone, even though I cared more than anyone.

She didn't start doing as I explained immediatelly, and just looked at me with those (e/c) eyes of hers.

Fucking hell, don't look at me like that.

She slowly took one step forward, then another... before stopping in front of me.

"What's up with you Reji?" She asked, clear worry in her tone.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then my eyes fell on the curse mark, feeling anger again.

"Nothing. I am fine." I mumbled and turned my head away from her.

"Then why are you acting... weird?"

She asked, her tone soft and careful, as if she didn't want to anger me more than I already am.

Because I am addicted to be close to you, addicted to your scent and features. Addicted to you.

And I hate the fact that you make me feel things that I never felt in this life, nor the past one.

I looked back at her face, to see a caring one looking back at me.

My eyes shifted from her (e/c) eyes lower, to her soft looking lips.

What would I give for just to taste you for a single moment...


I tried to speak without trying to show that my voice had weakened, but it was barely a whisper.

With that I forced my body to walk away from her before I could have done something to her.


A/n: Hello there dear reader how was your day/night? <3

As I promised, I will still post but not every Sunday T-T. But what matters that I am alive and put out this chapter for yall.

Soooo, you know I started playing Genshin Impact~~~


I love the characters, but uhm... The sixth of the Fatui?

I am on my knees for him.

By the way  Chiwee8 touched my heart because she wrote me in private that she is worried about me, and asked me if I am feeling good.

It felt awsome to know that you care <333


But I bought a picture too~~

Don't kill me but I am so into him T-T.

I mean I don't really like the things he had done, but he is still fine in my opinion.



- Love you!-Ay<3

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