π’―π“‡π‘œπ“…π’½π“Ž 𝒲𝒾𝒻𝑒

By blackgirlwhoreads

810K 31.3K 12.3K

[UNEDITED] "So the basis of the arrangement is I will pay for your last three years of medical school, pay yo... More

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New Visuals
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Capitulo 68

2.3K 120 4
By blackgirlwhoreads

Beckham POV

"Heyy Princess." I grinned as Lennox appeared on my phone screen. She has been FaceTiming me every single night before bed.

Right now, I'm overseas in Latvia. I've been gone for the past four days and I can tell Len has been having a tough time with it. Not that she would ever admit it, but she hates it when I go on business trips. She doesn't have to say anything it obvious how much she misses me. This is her third time calling today.

"Hey." She whispered back her voice coming out softer than usual. I furrowed my eyebrows together not understanding her need to speak so softly.

"Somebody there with you or something?" I joked. "What's up with the whispering?"

She put her index finger over her mouth, shushing me before adjusting the camera so I could see Jayce-Lynn tucked underneath her arm fast asleep. Jayce had been sleeping in her own bed since we moved into the new house, but evidently that has stopped.

"Why is she in our bed?"

"She cried for an hour because you weren't here to tuck her in. What was I supposed to do?" Len sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, baby. I'll be home soon. Where's Knox is he asleep too?"

She tried her best to stifle a snicker, shaking her head "no". Lennox flipped the camera around so that I was able to see Knox. Who is currently propped up by pillows slobbering on a baby Gerber puff appearing to be deeply enamored by something on the TV screen.

"The Bachelorette is back?"

Apparently Lennox was not being hyperbolic when she said it was his favorite show. He watches it a lot. Mostly at night, during the day Len has him watch educational programs. Things that stimulate his mind, teach him his colors and shapes. Shit like that.

"We are streaming old seasons on Hulu, since the little one refuses to go to sleep."

"Hey Buddy!" I cooed, drawing Knox's attention. His eyes left the TV screen in front of him, lighting up as he saw my face on the phone screen. He stopped his snacking as he smiled widely.

"You see Daddy? Yeah? Say hi, Stink!" Len grinned tickling his little feet. The sound of his giggles filled my ears as the happy baby babbled incoherently. "Okay okay.. Your sister is sleeping." Lennox shushed him a little once he got to be too loud.

Jayce sleeps like a log. So I doubt she will be waking up anytime soon.

"Seems like you're gonna be up for awhile." I mused. Little man is clearly not in the mood for sleeping. "I don't want you over-exerting yourself Lennox, where's Brandt?"

"He's at Ayah's."

That irritated me a bit but I tried not to let it show on my face. Brandt knows I hate leaving Len alone with the kids. This is part of the reason he lives in my house rent-free is to help her when I'm not there. It's not as if Lennox would let me hire her a nanny or any other form of full-time help. Brandt could've shacked up with his girlfriend any other day, it didn't need to be when I was halfway across the world. But I will tear into his ass about that later.

"Maybe call Ms. April?" I suggested and Len very quickly shook her head.

"Beckham, no. Ms. April is still recovering from her stroke I'm not gonna ask her to watch the kids. She's still in physical therapy."

"I'll try to wrap up here as quickly as I can okay?"

Lennox remained silent casting her gaze downward. She doesn't believe me but she's too polite to call me a liar, at least to my face. I don't entirely blame her because there's been a lot she's had to do alone lately. I know these past few months have been rough on her. I wish I could say things would get easier, but that's probably not true. Since I've been talking to Niall less, I have been taking over even more duties at Veratin than usual. More work means more time that I spend away from home. Len had just been making strides with her postpartum depression- though that's not how she refers to it. The point is this is far from an ideal situation.

"I know this is stressful. You've been doing great, and I promise I'm gonna be home Saturday. Hopefully sooner but Saturday at the latest."

"The bed is cold."

I couldn't help but laugh at her response, "I miss you too babygirl."

"Wait, wait." Lennox adjusted the screen once again. Knox was now sound asleep, that's why she was so shocked. "He fell asleep to the sound of your voice." She mumbled softly.

This is the type of shit that makes a grown man cry, but I'm not going to do that. Neither of my kids wanted to sleep and were running their mother ragged because I wasn't there. Damn...

"Oh my god does this mean I'm his new favorite?"

"No." Lennox immediately frowned causing me to once again let out a chuckle. "Like Jayce's favorite for sure, but not Knox's."

"Whatever you say Princess."

She let out a small yawn, now struggling to keep her eyes open. I'm currently on my lunch break right now but it's past 1 AM back home in Seattle. "You should go to sleep baby."

"No," She straightened up a bit trying to make herself appear more alert. "I want to talk to you."

I glanced at the time, I don't have anymore meetings for another hour. I guess I can let her talk to me until she falls asleep. Seems like our son, this will be the only way I'm able to get her to go to bed. 

"So what did you do today? Or yesterday... Damn, what time is it over there again?" She giggled softly.

"It's a little past noon. I haven't really done much today, just had a couple of early morning meetings. This afternoon I'm gonna go tour some development sites, a couple place where we're considering building commercial breweries."

"Fascinating." Len mumbled absentmindedly. We both know she is not fascinated by my work, but I continued talking since I knew that's what she wanted.

"Then I'm going to dinner with the regional shareholders..." I continued on with the world's most boring bedtime story until I saw Lennox's eyes flutter shut once again. I was getting ready to hang up the phone until she spoke, eyes still closed.

"Why did you stop talking?"

"There's nothing else after dinner so that leads us into tomorrow. Tomorrow I have presentations all day, I'm not presenting because I'm the boss-"

"—Big Boss Daddy" Lennox echoed causing me to scrunch my face up in confusion.

"Len what the hell?" Yeah, she definitely needs to take her little ass to sleep. Just saying anything at this point, the sleep deprivation is definitely catching up to her. 

"Beckham finish the story!"

"After the presentations..." I continued droning on until Lennox actually fell asleep this time. The phone propped up against one of the pillows as she snored softly with our two children on either side of her. "Good night Princess." I whispered before hanging up the phone.

Lennox POV

It was now Sunday, and Brandt and I were out with the kids participating in one of our favorite weekend traditions— shopping. Since Beckham bought with his big ass house in Bellevue, we are now so much closer to all of the designer stores in the downtown district. Which makes weekends the perfect time to walk around shopping and hitting the best restaurants. All sponsored by Beckham's credit card, of course.

Honestly, we don't even buy anything from half of the stores we enter. Luxury stores simply have such immaculate customer service, it's worth it to stop in anyways. As soon as you walk in people rush over to you offering champagne, macarons and spa water.

Brandt and I had already been out for hours, at this point of the day. We were winding down preparing to head home. Jayce had decided she was over being out. Knox, being unable to talk was much more amicable. Opting to take a nap in his stroller like the perfect little baby he is. The other one has been complaining... Loudly and constantly.

"Uncle Brandt, Uncle Brandt." Jayce attempted to get his attention, holding her arms straight up into the air. She wants him to pick her up, and better him than me because her ass is starting to get heavy. She is five.

"Ugh, come on Bug." Brandt picked her up, setting Jayce on his hip as if she's a child much smaller than her actual age. "We're leaving soon. MiMi's just gotta finish checking out and then we can go."

Which is exactly what I did. I quickly signed my receipt, collecting my bags from the cashier so that we could head back home and I could start getting Jayce ready for school. I stopped short on my walk to the store's exit. In the shoe section stood Evander who appeared to be window-shopping with a young girl.

What the fuck?

"Evander? What are you doing here?" I raised an eyebrow feeling slightly uncomfortable and mostly pissed off. His campus is hours away, the fuck would he be driving four hours into the city for?

"Umm.. Heyy, Lennox. I wasn't expecting to see you here." He gave me an awkward head nod, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Naw, I'm calling bullshit.

"Who is this?" Brandt tilted his head to the side clearly trying to piece together my relationship with this teenage boy. It is actually my preference that Brandt not know shit about my relationship with Evander, as it will undoubtedly make its way back to Beckham.

"Brandt can you take the kids to car please? I'll meet you there in a second." I smiled softly, "Thanks so much!"

"Len who is—"

"Brandt please take the kids to the car. Okay? Love you thanks." I kissed his cheek before shooing him off walking closer to Evander.

"That's not your fiancé." Evander mused causing me to roll my eyes, letting out a small laugh. So he's also nosey as fuck. Just like Brandt, they would get along great.

"Obviously, that's my best friend and my kids' Uncle. So back to you, what are you doing here? Instead of Spokane where your campus is."

"Shopping!" The unidentified girl chimed in this time with a wide smile splayed on her face, holding up a pair of Dior sneakers.

He's a college student on an athletic scholarship, he can't afford any damn Dior sneakers. I let out a small sigh feeling my maternal instincts kick in a bit. Cause shit is not adding up right now, and while I hate the idea that Evander is stalking my Instagram to fabricate a meet-up, I hate the idea of him spending money he doesn't have and being taken advantage of even more.

"Come here, we should go talk." I gestured towards Evander with my finger. I led him over to a clearing in the store with leather couches, presumably for people to try on shoes. There was no one else around making it a opportune place to sit and talk.

"Soo, I assume you're here to meet me?" It wasn't really a question but I was waiting for him to confirm my suspicions. It's not uncommon for me to post in real time on my Instagram stories, as Washington isn't really an unsafe place. Plus most of the time I'm accompanied by Beckham. Obviously I won't be doing that anymore.

"Not just to meet you, also to shop." He let out a small chuckle.

We're gonna circle back to that shopping thing in a minute but that's not what matters right now. "I told you I would reach out when I felt ready... You seem like such a sweet kid, and I understand why you were so eager to meet. Especially considering what happened with your parents when your Mom found out about me. But-" I paused trying to find the right words. "-I don't know what you expect from me."

"My uh girlfriend," His eyes drifted across the room landing on the young girl. "She thinks we look alike. It sounds silly I know. But she says she can see the familial resemblance. And I don't know, I've never had a sister before..." He paused briefly, "Definitely not one as cool as you, you're like all bad-ass and studying to be a doctor. This really fucked up thing happened, but my new sister, you seem like this amazing person so maybe the fucked wasn't that bad?"

Suddenly, I felt a twinge of guilt at the thought that my behavior may have disappointed him. I was kinda mean. Fuck, there go those maternal instincts again.

I let out a small sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Okay. We have a lot to talk about and that shouldn't happen in the middle of a store." I laughed softly, lightening the mood, "I'm gonna give you my number. So you know, we can actually get to know each other. And meet up for dinner or something. Does that sound alright?"

"That sounds great!" A wide grin spread across his face and I'm not even gonna lie my heart melted at the sight. However, this will not prevent me from asking this little nigga to take a DNA test. Not now of course, but a test will be taken.

"I would invite you over today but, I have to get Jay, the five year old, ready for school tomorrow. And cook and clean and adult. So we'll plan for another time." I rummaged around in my purse pulling out a pen and one of Beckham's business cards, scribbling my number on the back of it.

I handed the card to Evander rising from the coach, "And Evander. You have no business spending $1200 on sneakers. You're 19, just promise me you'll make good choices?"

He let out a chuckle, "I'm good for it. I have NIL deals."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Jesus be a fence. A picket fence. "They say more money, more problems for a reason. Like I said, make good choices babe. I put myself through school, I know what it's like. Just trust me."

"Fine," Evander conceded. "No sneakers."

I nodded in agreement. "I'll be in touch kid." I gave him one final smile before turning to walk away.

"Wait Lennox?"

"Hmm?" I raised an eyebrow turning back around to face him.

"Thank you." He enveloped me in a hug. It took everything in me not to tense up in response. We know how I feel about hugging. Instead I simply patted him on the back. "I haven't been speaking to my family since everything happened and it's nice. Just to have someone to talk to."

I'm an icy bitch but everyone knows kids are soft spot. I let go of Evander looking him in the eyes, "You call me anytime okay? Whenever you need to."

So Lennox finally met Evander! No his little girlfriend is not a gold-digger that's not where the plot is going. Len is just being overprotective but that's nothing new. One thing about that girl, she don't play about kids. Not her kids, her nieces & nephews, nobody! Lol
Not she's trying keep Evander a secret after Beckham was adamant they don't keep secrets.
More to come soon.
Vote, Comment, & All of that!

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