Start Over

By y2kstalli

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Megan and Beyoncé's relationship is becoming distant due to their busy schedules. Will they be able to rekind... More



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By y2kstalli

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July 27th, Thursday 2023
10:00 am
Beyoncé Knowles

Sir sits in between my legs as I braid his hair into cornrows.

"Oww mommy it hurts." He cries softly

"I'm sorry baby I'm almost done." I apologize as I braid his last braid

"Stop moving babyboy." I add on

"Sorry mommy." He apologizes

"All done." I tell her once I finish up his last braid

"Do I look cute mommy?" He asks in a sweet innocent tone

"So cute my beautiful boy." I tell him then I kiss his forehead

I hear the front door open and close then Megan and Rumi comes through the front door. Megan is holding two bags from CVS.

"Bey I got the stuff." Megan announces

"Mama did you get my gummy worms?" Sir asks as he runs to the front door

This boy loves his sweets. I chuckle softly then I slowly stand up.

"Of course I did. I got the sour and normal ones." She tells him then she walks into the kitchen and places it on the counter

"And Bey I got your favorite ice cream as well." She tells me

"The Oreo one?" I ask her

"Of course." She replies while putting the tub of Oreo ice cream in her freezer

"Thank you." I rasp out as I grab the bag with the pregnancy tests in it

"Gimme!" I hear Rumi exclaim

"No it's mine, move!" Sir exclaims back to her

"You move ugly!" Rumi squeal

"You're ugly not me. I look cute mommy said so." Sir replies back to her

"Mommy is lying to you." Rumi argues

"Y'all stop arguing!" I yell making both of them jump

"Sorry mommy.." they both sadly say in sync

"Sir share with your sister and Rumi stop calling Sir ugly. Y'all are literally twins and neither one of you are ugly." I add on

"Yes ma'am.." They say in sync again

"I'm going to go..take these. Baby come with me?" I ask as I walk to the staircase

"Yeah I gotchu baby." She replies then she follows behind me as I walk upstairs

As we walk towards the bathroom we walk pass Blue in the process. Blue is standing by the elevator waiting for it to come up. She's wearing a black two piece bathing suit so my guess is she's going swimming.

"Where are y'all going?" Blue asks as she leans against the wall

"Bedroom we.." Megan was about to say something but Blue cuts her off

"Ew no never mind don't tell me." She says once she hears her say bedroom

"Oh girl bye we're going to go watch a movie." I lie

"Well, I'm going to go swimming." She tells us

"Okay have fun baby." I reply to her

"Mhm you too." She replies while curling her face up in disgust before getting into the elevator

I roll my eyes then I go into the bedroom then our bathroom. Megan closes the door behind us as I take the tests out of the bag.

"I don't want to be pregnant." I say softly

"Not by him." I add on

"I'm sure it's nothing you're probably just sick babygirl." She replies while sitting on the counter

"I hope so." I whisper then I take both of the tests out of the box

I go into the toilet room and I pee on both of the sticks. The thought of me being pregnant by some guy is terrifying me. I don't want that at all. It's different when it's IVF because we both agree to that but in this instance it was just me being a slut. After a second I flush the toilet then I leave the toilet room. I place the sticks on a paper towel before washing my hands.

"I'm scared baby." I tell her

"Me too." She replies before hopping off of the counter

"What if I am pregnant? Will you leave me?" I question

"What?" She asks while looking down at me

"I don't want you to leave me.." I rasp out

"What? baby I'm not going to leave you." She tells me

"Promise?" I ask

"I promise." She replies while pushing my hair out of my face

"If I am..what should I do?" I question

"You do what you think is best for you." She says

"Okay." I reply

I feel so nauseous I feel like I'm going to throw up again. My breasts are sore I feel how I felt last time when I was pregnant Sir and Rumi. Next think I know the timer goes off. I look at Megan as my lip begins to quiver.

"It's okay baby." She tells me

I let out a soft sigh then I slowly walk towards the counter as I hold Megan's hand tightly. I close my eyes tightly as I flip the test over. I have to face this, I'm in this position because of my own actions.

I slowly open my eyes and I look down at the test.


"Oh thank god." I say out loud

"Negative?" She asks

"Yes." I respond

A slight smile forms on her face then she pulls me close to her before hugging me tightly.

"Wait did you look at the other one?" She asks

"Oh shit. No I didn't." I reply then I divert my attention to the other one


I literally feel my heart drop to my ass. I want to throw up, there's no way.

"Are you okay?" She asks

" says positive." I stammer

"It could be a false positive babygirl." She tells me

"The first one was negative." She adds on

"I..." I look at the test feeling my body literally freeze up

"I love you okay?" She tells me while she makes me look up at her

"Okay." I whisper as I bite my lip

"I love you more." I add on

"Even if you are pregnant, I'd never leave you. Understand?" She says

"I understand baby." I reply

"I'll make a urgent appointment for your OBGYN and they can see you today, do you want that?" She asks

"Yes please.." I whisper

"Okay." She whispers back then she leans down and kisses me softly

"Pick me up." I demand trying to take my mind off this shit

"You big baby." She says playfully before picking me up

"Do you want to go swim with Blue?" She asks me then she takes me in our bedroom

"Yeah." I respond as she puts me down

"I forgot I got you a gift last week, it'll be here in a few." She tells me while checking her phone

"A gift? Why?" I ask while raising my eyebrow

"I can't get my wife gifts?" She replies

"You can, I was just wondering." I say while smiling softly

"What is it?" I pry

"Hmm you'll see when it gets here babygirl." She tells me before leaning down and pecking my lips

"Well whatever it is, thank you baby." I reply

Megan loves to spoil me it's insane. If I asked her to buy me another island, five minutes later she'd be on the phone with her assistant picking out which island to buy me. She's still so amazing with her money, she knows how to invest and keep generational wealth going in our family which I love about her.

"No worries babygirl." She says

"Alright I'm going to go call your doctor then change into a bikini. I'll get Sir and Rumi ready for the pool after that." She adds on

"Alright." I reply then she walks away going into her closet

I hear my phone ringing. I sigh softly then I walk to the nightstand to grab my phone. Without looking at the number I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answer

"Beyoncé don't hang up." I hear Kelly's on the other side of the phone

I let out a bitter laugh because this bitch has got me fucked up.

"Oh bitch what do you want?" I ask

"I'm really sorry." She apologizes

"Oh girl go to hell." I respond

"Beyoncé please.' She whispers

"Please what Kelly?" I ask

"Please..can we talk?" She begs

"No." I say quickly

"Bey.. please. Just 15 minutes." She replies

I sigh softly then I roll my eyes.

"Fine, say what you have to say." I say quickly

I think I'm too nice but I honestly want to hear what she has to say to me.

"I want to talk in person." She tells me

"I'm busy." I reply

"I know. You're on tour but...we really need to talk Bey." She tells me

"Fine. We can talk tomorrow." I respond

"Okay." She responds then we hang up

I sigh softly then I place my phone on the bed then I begin to undress. I got into my dresser and I pull out a red bikini before putting it on. I can't believe there's even a slight possibility that I'm pregnant. How could that even be possible? I used a condom.

I pick my phone up then I turn it on and I go to Aaron's contact. I click the call button and my phone begins to ring. After a few rings he finally picks up.

"Hey Bey." He rasps out

"I might be pregnant." I say bluntly

"What?" He asks

"I said I might be pregnant." I repeat myself

"Oh no that's so horrible." He says sounding unphased

I raise my eyebrow at his underwhelming reaction.

"Aaron.." I trail off

"Yes?" He replies

"Did you even hear what I said? I said I could be fucking pregnant." I repeat myself again

"are you going to keep it?" He asks

"I don't know." I respond

"You don't know? You're just going to get rid of our baby!?" He yells at me

"First of all who are you yelling at nigga." I check him

"You cannot get rid of our baby Bey." He replies

"I don't want to have a kid by you." I say bluntly

"Then you shouldn't have been a slut and laid down on your back!" He yells again

"First of all I'm not a fucking slut and you used fucking condom how could I have known!?" I yell back at him

"Well I poked a hole in the fucking condom so.." He says before chuckling bitterly

"You did what..?" I whisper feeling very disgusted right now

"You heard me." He replies

"Why would you do that?" I hesitantly ask

"Because I want to be with you Bey." He tells me

"Oh nigga goodbye." I say to him before hanging up quickly

It feels like I've been violated. I consented to having sex with him but I definitely did not want him to cum inside me. I told him to use a condom so many fucking times. I want to fucking vomit this is so disgusting.

I place my phone down and I slowly walk out of the bedroom doorway. Hopefully children will help me take my mind off of all of this disgusting shit. I slowly walk down the stairs feeling extremely uncomfortable right now.

Once I make it downstairs I look through the large glass sliding door to see my children playing in our large first pool. I smile slightly then I slide the door open and I walk out. I close the door behind me then I walk closer to the pool. Megan is sitting on the edge of the pool with a blue bikini that matches her hair on.

"Baby I need to talk to you" I say as I sit down next to her

"Wassup babygirl?" She asks while wrapping her arm around my shoulder

I rest my head on her shoulder as she plays with my brown curls.

"There's a huge possibility that I am pregnant.." I whisper

"The guy poked a whole in the condom." I add on in a tone that's only loud enough for us to hear

Her eyes widen then she pulls away slightly to look at me. Her eyes fill with anger and it's kinda scaring me I've rarely seen Megan this pissed before.

"What the fuck." She replies

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"What's that nigga's name?" She questions

"Aaron." I reply

"Lemme see your phone please." She tells me

"It's upstairs on the bed." I respond

"Okay." She says before getting up

"Mama where are you going?" Blue asks

"I'm going to use the bathroom princess." Megan tells her before heading into the house

Megan Knowles

I walk upstairs and I go into the bedroom, slamming the door behind me. That nigga got me fucked up if he thinks he can play with my wife like that. I grab the phone that has a Versace phone case on it, I immediately know it's Bey's because it's custom made for her.

I type her password in then I go to her contacts and I find the guy named Aaron. I write down his phone number and I take a picture of his contact picture then I put her phone back down. I grab my second phone and I text my friend named, Tony and he lives in Nashville.

"Yo can you check this nigga out?" Sent at 11:30 am

*photo attached*

"Who's this?" He sends at 11:31 am

"Some guy who did some weird foul shit to my wife, his name is Aaron." I send at 11:31 am

"He hurt Bey? Say no more." He replies at 11:32 am

"Just check him out." I send at 11:33 am

I'm trying to be very discreet with my messages because why would I openly say some incriminating shit.

"I gotchu I'll check him out and I'll call you later." He sends at 11:34 am

I nod then I turn my phone off before putting it in the dresser. I'm tired of niggas trying my wife and thinking they can get away with it. I walk back downstairs then I go outside to see Bey swimming with Sir and Blue while Rumi sits on the edge of the pool.

"Freeze mama!" Rumi exclaims as she holds up her water gun and points it to me

I smile widely as I playfully hold my hands up in the air. Rumi smiles then she shoots me with water. The water is cold it makes me squeal in shock at how cold it is. Rumi let's out a cute loud laugh making me smile. Our children are so adorable, I love them with all my heart. Beyoncé comes up from underneath the water and her brown hair is super dark now.

Bey's hair is fading brown and blonde to just brown and I think she looks so beautiful. I smile slightly then I slowly climb into the pool, I slowly adjust to the cold water once I fully get in.

"Mama, splash!" Sir squeal then he splashes me while laughing

I laugh softly then I cup my hands together before splashing him in the face. He smiles before clipping his nose and going underneath the water. I swim over to Beyoncé then I tightly grip her waist and I pull her towards me. She bites her lip as she turns around to look at me.

"Hey Mama." I say in her ear making her smile

"Hi my love" she whispers then she pecks my lips

I rest my hand on her stomach making her jump slightly but she quickly melts into my embrace. I love touching her even if it's just subtle touches. I can tell she feels safe with me and the makes me so happy because all I want to do is protect my girl. I rest my head in her neck as she runs her hand through my hair.

I wrap my arm around her neck and I wrap my free arm around her stomach. She sways side to side in my arms as music plays in the background.

"You look beautiful baby." She tells me as she fully turns around to get a better look at me

"Thank you" I reply feeling slightly flustered at her looking at me

I look down at her neck to see her wearing my chain that I gave her. The chain is a Roc symbol for my record label. I love seeing my girl wearing my chain.

"You're wearing the chain I gave you." I say sweetly

"Yeah, do I look good?" She innocently asks while playing with the chain

"You always look good. Especially when you're wearing my stuff." I tell her making her smile widely

I love seeing my baby in her natural state, her natural brown hair out along with her beautiful bare face. The little moles on her neck are so cute, the way her hazel eyes look when the sunlight hits them, I'm so obsessed with every inch of her.

"Thank you daddy." She whispers in my ear then she kisses me softly

"Can you hold me up please?" She asks as she leans back and begins to float on the water.

"Of course." I reply as I rest my hands underneath her to hold her afloat

"Mom!" I hear Blue exclaim as she comes out of the house dripping water everywhere

"Yes?" Bey respond as she lays down in the water with her eyes closed

"Nydia is coming over, she wants to take me out for ice cream. Can I go?" She asks

"Yes. But go take a shower I don't want you to go out smelling like a pool." Bey tells her

"But it's a salt water pool it's not like it's chlorine." Blue replies

"Girl go take a shower." I say to her

"I was going to take one anyways." Blue says then she goes back into the house

"That girl is something." Bey says while chuckling softly

"Mhm." I agree as I continue to hold her up

"This is so comfortable." She tells me

Bey is honestly the cutest person ever. She loves water, she always talks about how the ocean is one of the places where she's most comfortable, next to the studio, of course. A lot of her fans say she has the voice of a siren. Honestly I'd believe if she was a siren or a mermaid in her past life.

1:30 pm

"Where are you taking me?" Bey asks me as I tie the blindfold tighter

"Step baby." I tell her then I quickly run downstairs so I can slowly help her down

"I'm gonna fall." She whines

"You're not, come here." I say softly before picking her up

She yelps in shock making me chuckle softly. Once we reach the bottom of the stairs I put her down.

"The floor is cold." She pouts

"Do you want me to pick you up again?" I ask

"Please?" She begs

"Alright." I respond then I pick her up bridal style

I slowly open the front door then I slide on my pink Versace slippers. Once I put on my slippers I walk outside feeling the sunlight hit my skin.

"Are we outside?" She asks in a confused tone

"Yes." I reply then I slowly place her down in the driveway

"Hold on I'll be right back princess." I add on

"Okay. I'll just leave this on." She replies

I kiss her temple before walking back into the house. I go to the hook with all of our car keys and grab the keys to the Rolls-Royce Boat Tail. Beyoncé loves old stylistic designed cars so I decided to buy her this.

I put the keys in my cargo pants then I leave the house. I close the door behind me then I stand in front of Beyoncé while waving my hand in front of her to make sure she cannot see me.

"Baby?" She says out loud as she waves around her arms to feel out for me

"I'm right here my queen." I respond

"Are you ready?" I ask her

"Yes." She replies

I rest my hand on her shoulders and I walk her slightly closer to the car. I slowly untie the blindfold letting it fall to the ground.

"I can open my eyes?" She questions

"Yes ma'am." I say playfully

She smiles then she opens her eyes slowly. Her eyes immediately dart to the blue Rolls-Royce then she gasps loudly.

"Jovon." She mutters

"Do you like it?" I ask

"Megan oh my god." She whispers before putting her hand over her mouth clearly in shock

"Is that a yes?" I joke

"I love you so fucking much." She tells me making me giggle

"I love you more babygirl." I reply then I kiss her softly

"How much..never mind don't even tell me because I already have a guess." She hesitates before laughing softly

I smile then I go into my pocket and I grab the keys before handing them to her. She smiles widely as she looks at the keys.

"Thank you baby I've been wanting this car for so long." She says gratefully before standing on her tippy toes and pecking my lips

"Of course." I respond

"Can we drive this on the way to my OBGYN?" She asks me

"We can do whatever you want." I reply making her smile while scrunching up her nose

I'd do anything to make my wife happy. I'd buy her the fucking world and more if I could. If she wants something all she has to do is say the word and it's already purchased.

She hugs me tightly before going in the house and I follow after her, closing the door behind me. We are about to go see her doctor so I need to change my outfit.

"Babe pick out an outfit for me." I tell her as I walk upstairs

"Hmm okay. I want to match!" She says in a super excited tone from our bedroom

Bey is so youthful and energetic 24/7, she's just a big ass kid and I love that about her. I walk inside the bedroom then I close the door behind me.

I watch as she takes off her cropped pajama shirt then she places it on the bed. Her lower tattoo that we got when we were 16 is slightly fading but it still looks so good.

"I'm seeing Kelly tomorrow." She speaks up

"What do you mean seeing her?" I ask while resting my hand my hand on her waist

"She wants to talk to me tomorrow and I said yes." She replies

"Do you want me to come?" I question

"Are you dumb?" She says before mean mugging me

"Why would I want you to be in the same room as her?" She asks

The question was obviously rhetorical so I decide not to answer that.

"Sorry." I apologize while resting my chin on the top of her head as we stand in the mirror

"It's fine." She responds

"I love you more than you know babygirl." I tell her

"I love you so deep my love." She says

"Can you take off my bra?" She adds on

"Mhm." I hum before undoing her bra letting it fall to the bathroom floor

"Thanks baby." She rasps out

Her breasts are so full and perfect I could stare at them all day. I love the fact that everything about my girl is natural no enhancers needed.

"My eyes are up here." She says joking

"Your eyes are beautiful but right now I'm staring at them titties." I reply playfully making her laugh

"You're a mess." She jokes

I kiss her neck softly as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly take my phone out of my pocket to see Tony calling me.

"Hold on, someone is calling me I'll be back. Don't forget to pick out my outfit babygirl." I tell her before kissing her temple then I leave the bathroom

Once I exit the bathroom I close the door behind me before leaving the bedroom and going into my studio. I quickly answer the phone then I put it to my ear.

"Wassup?" I answer

"Yo Megan." Tony replies

"How did everything go tony?" I ask

"We fucked him up, he's sadly alive though" He says bluntly

"Thanks Tony. Check your cash app in a few minutes." I say sweetly

"Thanks for looking out." I tell him

"Always, we a family you know ion play about you or Bey." He responds

Tony has been my friend for over a decade. Before he met me he was beating niggas ass and getting into major trouble. He's still doing the beating but this time he's not getting into any trouble cause I'm gonna always look out for him, just as he would do for me. I guess you could call him one of my "goons" but I don't really like that word.

"Thank you brother, I'll see you in Atlanta." I say

"See you lil sis." He replies then we both hang up

I go to my cash app and I immediately send him the maximum amount of money that I can send on here, which is $7,500. I turn off my phone then I get up from the sofa that I was previously sitting on.

That's what that bitch ass nigga deserves. I'm tired of these niggas thinking they can play with my wife and get away with it. I open my studio door then I leave and I go back upstairs.

Beyoncé Knowles
3:00 pm

"So what are the results?" I hesitantly ask my doctor as I hold Megan's hand tightly

"You are not pregnant." She tells me in a soft tone

Oh thank god.

"Okay." I say while biting my lip in attempt to hide my extremely relieved facial expressions

"Were you guys trying for a baby?" The doctor asks

"Yes." I lie

I'm not about to air out our business to this lady. I want another baby just not by that nigga.

"Is my body healthy enough to carry a baby?" I ask her

"Your blood levels are perfect and you are still fertile. Are you dealing with any stressed?" She questions

"No but I am on tour right now, however that's not causing me any stress." I respond

"Do you think your body is fit enough to carry a baby?" She replies

"I hope so." I say

"Since you are in your early 40's I should warn you, the risk of a normal 41 year old having a miscarriage goes up by 40%" She explains to me

"Oh." I whisper

"However your body is extremely healthy and you're in perfect condition to carry a child." She adds on

I look at Megan with an unsure expression. I don't know if I can handle having another miscarriage. My body was literally in so much physical pain and my mental wasn't any better.

"You don't have to do it baby." Meg reassures me before squeezing my hand slightly

I nod in response then I divert my attention back to the doctor. I really want to have another baby but I'm terrified of having another miscarriage.

"Okay." I tell my doctor

"Do you want me to refer you guys to a fertility clinic?" My doctor asks

"Yes." I whisper

"Okay I'll send you guys the information." She responds

"Well..thank you." I say softly then I get off the table

"Of course." She replies

Megan stands up from the chair then she grabs her purse before wrapping her arm around me.

"Thank you." She says to my doctor before shaking her hand

"No problem. Have an amazing day." She tells us

"We will, you do the same." Megan says as I look down at my feet

We walk out of the doctors office as she continues to wrap her arm around me. She opens the door for me allowing me to walk out first.

"Thank you.." I mutter then she takes my hand as she walks behind me

"Are you okay?" She asks me

"I'm fine.." I whisper while playing with the sleeve on my long sleeved shirt

"Okay." She says softly before opening the car door for me

I give her a soft smile before getting in the passenger seat of the Rolls-Royce. I close the door behind me then I cross my arms before closing my eyes. I hear the car door slam then the car starts.

"Baby I know you're not okay." She tells me while backing out of the parking lot

"I just.. I'm scared." I admit

"What are you scared of mama?" She asks me while resting her free hand on my thigh to comfort me

"What if I..lose our baby? What if we aren't ready for another baby?" I hesitantly say softly

"If you don't think you want this then you don't have to do it princess. There's no pressure, if you don't think your body is ready for it then we don't need to have any more babies." She explains while running her hand up and down my thigh

"I want to have more kids, I want to give you more kids but I'm not mentally prepared for a miscarriage. It really fucked me up baby." I try to hold back tears

"I know babygirl. I don't want to put any pressure on you to make you feel like you have to do this. I know how much of a toll that miscarriage took on you. It hurt me too baby I don't want you to feel alone." She explains before taking my hand and kissing it softly

"I'm sorry baby.."  I raps out before wiping away the tears that are forming in my eyes

"What? Don't apologize for anything. You didn't do anything." She replies

"I thought I could..I thought I could do it but I can't. I'm scared that I'll have know, I'm really sorry baby." I apologize again

"Stop apologizing princess you never have to do something that you're uncomfortable with when it comes to me." She reassures me

"Especially something so major and life changing like having a baby." She adds on

"Thank you. Honestly." I say softly

Megan's phone buzzes and I look down at it.

"Can you read it? I can't right now I'm a little busy." She jokes as she continues to drive

"Yeah of course." I reply while laughing softly before picking up her phone

Once I unlock the phone I read the text from Tony.

"Thanks for the money" He says

"Why did you send Tony money baby?" I ask as I place the phone down

"I don't think you want to know." She replies

"What did you have him do?" I ask

Tony is Megan's long time friend for over ten years and sometimes he does some grimy shit for her. One time paparazzi was bothering Blue he literally made her cry, so the next day Megan got Tony and his friends to jump that nigga.

"Let's just say Aaron won't be doing no nasty shit like that to you ever again." She tells me

I gasp loudly then I put my hand over my mouth.

"Did you get him to kill Aaron?" I ask in slight shock

"What? No. Bey be so serious." She replies

"He got his ass beat, maybe broke a limb or two but the nigga ain't dead." She adds on

"Oh. Okay." I respond then I lean back in the seat

"That's what he deserves, thanks for being real with me." I add on then I go into Megan's contact

"I'm always gonna be real with you." She replies

"Well not always." I say smugly making her roll her eyes

I click on Blue's contact then I hit the call button. The phone begins to ring for a few seconds then she picks up.

"Hey mama." Blue answers

"Hey princess." Megan says while she continues to drive

"Blue what do you want to eat for dinner?" I ask her

"I don't know. Me and Nydia are probably going to get something on the way home." She tells me

"Wait..can you send me like $600?" Blue asks me

"Girl what the hell. For what?" I question while laughing softly

"For like...just in case." She tells me

"Please mommy." She begs

I sigh softly before chuckling. I grab my phone then I go to my cash app and I send her $650.

"Check your cash app." I tell her

"Okay." She replies

The phone goes silent then I hear a loud ass squeal. I wince then I pull the phone away from me for a second.

"Thank you mommy!" She exclaims

"Mhm. Now don't spend all of it okay?" I tell her

"Yes ma'am." She replies

"I love you princess." I add on

"Love you more mommy." She replies before we both hang up

Blue Ivy Knowles
3:50 pm

"Did she send you money?" Nydia asks as she comes out of her closet with clothes in her hand

"Yup." I respond

"Do you think I look older?" She asks as she does a little twirl for me

Nydia is wearing a tight leather mini skirt that she stole from her mom, a leather crop top that's showing her entire stomach, and black Louboutin heels. She's also wearing a lot of makeup.

"Yes." I reply as I look her up and down

She's only fourteen but she looks at least nineteen right now. She still has a baby face though so the guy would be an idiot to believe this.

"Do you think he'll sell to me?" She asks

"Well we have the money, I don't think he'll care if you look older or not. I could've just stole some weed from my parents they wouldn't even notice." I tell her

"Plus what are the odds this guy doesn't know us?" I add on

"What if they do notice though? They'll totally kill you" she says playfully

"You're so right." I respond

"Exactly so stand up!" She jokingly exclaims before helping me up

I wrap my arm around her and I hug her tightly.

"Okay let's go." She tells me as she stumbles while walking around in those big ass heels

"My god, you do not know how to walk in heels." I joke while laughing softly as I follow behind her

"Shut up I'm learning!" She replies as she giggles along with me

"I could teach you one day." I respond as we walk out her front door

"I forgot, you be dancing in heels!" She exclaims

"Yup my mom taught me." I reply then I close the door behind me

Her heels clatter against driveway as a car pulls up in front of her house. I swear to God this looks so crazy.

"Are you sure he's not weird?" I ask her

"Yeah I'm sure. My friend's brother used to buy from him." She explains

I sigh softly then we walk to the car. He rolls down the window and Nydia leans over on the window.

"Hi." She says sweetly

"Hey sweetheart." He tells her while looking her up and down

"How old are you?" He asks her

"18." She lies

"We're kinda new to this. How much do you suggest we buy?" She asks him

"Two pre rolled joints." He says

"How much is that?" She asks

"Normally it's $70 but for you..40." He says as his eyes dart down to her chest

I curl my face up in disgust then I pull out my phone.

"Do you take cash app?" I ask

"Yeah." He replies

"Okay what is it?" I question

He tells me his cash app and I send him the money.

"Ight thank you." He says then he goes into his backpack and pulls out a large baggie that has a two joints in it

He hands her the baggie and she passes it to me. I put the bag in my cargo pants pocket.

"Thank you" she says softly before moving away from his window

"No worries. Peace out sexy." He tells her

"Bye." She whispers before turning around and walking back up the driveway

I bite my lip then I rush up the driveway, following after her. She opens the front door then she walks inside and I do the same before closing the door behind us.

"He was weird." I say softly

"You think? He was kinda cute to me." She replies while taking off her heels

"Oh.." I whisper

"You're way cuter though." She says then she turns around and she looks down at me

"Am I?" I ask her

"Of course." She replies then she leans down and pecks my lips softly making me smile

"Come on let's smoke this." She tells me before pulling me upstairs and into her bedroom

"Crack the window." I say as I take off my Jersey so I'm in my black Ivy park crop top

I take the bag out of my pocket then I place it on the bed before plopping down on the bed. Nydia opens her window then she plops down on the bed next to me. She grabs the joint out of the baggie then she grabs the lighter.

"Do I just put it in my mouth?" She asks

I bust out laughing then I nod.

"I think so, that's what my parents do." I reply

"They smoke in front of you?" She questions while lighting the joint

"What? Oh no. If anything they want me to think they don't do drugs at all. I've seen them smoke before though." I respond as I watch her inhale

The smell of weed fills the room making me cringe slightly. After a second Nydia begins to cough while handing it to me.

"Oh shit." She curses between her loud coughs

"Is it bad?" I ask

"No." She replies

I smile slightly then I hesitantly put the joint to my mouth before inhaling. I feel a slight buzz take over my body as I blow the smoke out of my mouth. I feel some of it go up my nose and I begin to cough making Nydia laugh.

"Are you okay?" She asks as she takes it from me and begins to smoke it just like she did previously

"Mhm." I reply

"Don't hog it! We need to share." I add on as she takes a third hit

"Sorry." She apologizes before handing it back to me

"I love you Blue bear." She tells me while wrapping my arm around

"I love you back." I raps out before taking another hit

"Your phone is ringing." She tells me before answering it

"Hey Mrs Knowles." Nydia slurs her words slightly

"Hey Nydia is Blue around?" Mom asks

"Yes she's right here." She tells my mom as I'm in the process of inhaling

I immediately exhale then I start coughing slightly. I grab the phone then I clear my throat.

"Hi mommy" I say sweetly

"Hey babygirl me and your mama are on our way to pick you up" She explains

My eyes widen and I immediately begin to freak out.

"Um..okay.." I stammer

Beyoncé Knowles
5:00 pm

I knock on the front door and a few seconds later Blue answers the door. Once the door opens the scent of weed fills my nose. My eyes widen as I look at Blue who's looking back at me.

"Hey mommy." She says slowly

"It smells like weed in here." I tell her

"Oh right! Nydia's brother came over with some of his friends and you know.. they were smoking." She explains

"Okay. Go get in the car princess." I respond

She nods then she grabs her purse before closing the front door. She walks pass me before getting into the back of the car. I turn around then I follow after her and I get into the passenger seat.

Blue smells like a shit ton of perfume and soap which isn't unusual for her because she always likes to smell good, especially when she's around Nydia.

"Where are we going mommy?" She asks me

"Home to pick up your brother and sister then we're going out to eat." I tell her

"To Mastro's?" She asks

"If that's what you want." Megan replies

"Okay." She responds with a smile on her face

I swear this girl has been doing something, she's so suspicious with it.

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