
By RJNoronha

1.8K 59 22

Darcy Jones was an ordinary girl, living her ordinary life. Except that she's NOT. When an ancient evil threa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Road So Far...
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16


67 3 4
By RJNoronha

The lone apocrita demon flitted through the night air as fast as its little wings would carry it. The infernal dimensions were never known for light but this, it's home was one of the darkest. It entered the dark throne room and whispered in the ear of its master, a figure shrouded in shadow, the only visible part of him being two ruby red eyes.

Mortmalus is dead.The Harvest has been prevented.

A Hell lord dead, his realm defenseless. By morning, armies will march, fighting over the new lands. The other lords will kill each other in their blind struggle but not the Master. He will watch, just as he has watched for centuries. And when the time is right, He will be victorious.

They say the realms of Hell know no happiness, its lords have no humor. Yet the Demon King smiled, his teeth a slash in the dark.

Everything is moving according to plan.

His eyes flashed in the darkness, like stars.

Michael stepped away to admire his handiwork. Morph's request had been simple, a temporary place to keep Darcy's body alive. He could probably have done it in his basement, or just given over a room for her. But then where's the fun in that?

As the final sparks of magic died down, he couldn't help but admit that he truly had outdone himself. And that wasn't just his arrogance talking.

The pyramid was a magnificent twelve foot masterpiece, its surface carved with spells of preservation. Inside, Darcy's body would be safe for eternity... or till she decided to wake up again. Until then of course, he would guard it and her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the ring of his cellphone.

"Mom? What is it?"

"You need to get to London," Ruth said.


"It's about your brother."

"On my way."

As Michael walked back to the house, he turned one last time to look at the pyramid, beautiful under the stars.

The alarm clock blared at precisely 7 am, just like it did every day. Darcy kept her eyes closed and began her daily confirmation. It was a routine her school counsellor had made her promise she would follow.

My name is Darcy Jones. She was that, and much more.

I have many loyal and supportive friends. Maybe not many but there was one, and he was worth a hundred.

I have a loving family that cares about me. They had loved her enough to hide their love for years, to give up their entire lives for her sake, to die for her when the time came.

I am special.

"Darcy?" Morph stood by her bed. Here in his realm, his touch was no longer cold, it held a surprisingly human warmth. He gently kissed her and led her to the window. The sun was just coming up here, the sky never seemed to change unless Morpheus wanted it to.

"How do you like it?" He asked, hugging her from behind.

"I love it," she smiled.

"Get dressed soon. Breakfast's ready and I have a lot to show you."

"In a minute."

He quietly left the room and left her to her thoughts. She looked at the multicolored stripe that cut across the sky like an aurora. She did love it here.

She smiled and took one last look at the stars.


Well that was a LOT of work. Thank you to everyone who read the book and a special thank you to @RJ_TheDemigod. You've been my most constant reader and thanks a lot for all the support. Everyone, please read her stories coz, she's awesome.

I hope you all enjoyed the ride. I am considering a new story focusing on Michael. As I've hinted throughout, there's much more to him than meets the eye.

Once again, thanks everyone. You're awesome and cheers XD

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