Lps popular [an alternate uni...

By Galaxy_star10

471 0 0

Savannah reed if finally moving to California, excited to meet her childhood friend after 4 years......what s... More

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•[ all's fair in 'game' and war ]•
•[ angel or devil? ]•
•[ show 'them' just what 'there' missing ]•
•[ 'revenge' isn't always sweet... ]•
•[ the rise and fall of 'bryce' hayes ]•
•[ operation fry the 'sausage' ]•
•[ the party of the century ]•
•[ it all comes crashing down.... ]•
•[ The fallout ]•
•[ handsome face....ugly heart.. ]•
Hi again | announcement thingy |

•[ things are going to get ugly... ]•

15 0 0
By Galaxy_star10

( ⚠️ warning ⚠️ )

( this chapter implies little bits of sexual stuff if u aren't comfortable u may skip that part )


Bryce tched at them before looking back towards his group in silence with a blank look on his face. As they awkwardly stared back at him.

For the next few minutes, they just sat their in silence hearing the people gossip around them.

Bryce started tapping one of his claws on the table, impatient, with a blank look on his face. Richard couldn't help but coughed to get rid of the awkward aura around them. "Uh...bryce, they been talking for this whole time..." as he looked around seeing some stares being sent their way.

Bryce stopped tapping his claw for a moment, staring at Richard for an annoyed looked. "Yes, thank you for the 'observation' Richard.." he said clenching his teeth. "But I think I already know that" sending him a 'friendly smile'. Before rolling his eyes, dropping his act "dog your such and idiot..." he muttered annoyed. Richard recoiled back in shock before looking away scoffing. "Whatever..." he muttered.

Alex looked at bryce with an annoyed looked. "Jeez bryce, why are you being like so...mean to us" Alex said crossing his arms. Bryce flinched a bit before sighing. "Fine fine sorry, I apologize" he then looked At them. "I'll make it up to you, how about we go rollerblading, hit on some girls. Go to a restaurant and I'll make sure to pay for it all" rolling his eyes as he said that. Richard and Alex couldn't help but smile at that. "Nice" Richard said smirking. Before bryce shook his head annoyed. "But right now I'm under a lot of stress right now" slapping his paws together. "And don't have a lot of patients" he snapped at them. Before sighing rubbing his forehead muttering. "Ok?. ok..." murmuring under his breath annoyed.

"Yea but Bryce. Some people are saying savannah becoming more popular then-" he tried saying, only for Bryce to sent him a dirty look. "Alex..." Bryce glared at him, not liking any boy other the him saying her name. "Mention that name again, I'll make you sit a the loser table with the other losers" he snapped at him. "For a week, do not talk about sa- uh her"

Alex recoiled back a bit, not wanting to sit with the other losers. "U-uh ok bryce...sorry" he said nervously, looking away from him. Bryce sighed before looking away in thought for a moment. He looked back at savannah and Tom talking to eachother happily. He clenched his claws into his pants slowly.

Alex then looked at the table gasping. "OH MY DOG IS THAT TOM!" He yelled in shock, making some people look his way. Bryce felt his eye twitched before slamming his head on the table. Groaning away. "You. Just . Noticed!" He snapped looking towards him. Alex looked at Tom then at bryce. "B-but isn't that the guy you payed to-" he tired saying only for Bryce to slam his paws on the table. "SHHHH SHUT UP!" he snapped at Alex getting more and more pissed off by him.

Alex immediately went quiet when he heard him.
"What is wrong with you!" He whispered harshly, looking around hoping nobody heard Alex him. He looked at Alex more angry then ever. "Nobody can know about Alex.." he said annoyed, his eye twitching a bit.

"Ohhhh right..." Alex murmured sending him an apologetic look. Richard just looked at them, wondering why Alex would try saying that out loud.

"Ugh..." Bryce scoffed "if Melissa had heard..." looking around for her. "Where is she anyway..." he muttered trying to look for her, not seeing her where she usually sits. "At the football table" Richard said boredly, as he took a sip of his drink. Pointing his paw towards her. Bryce looked towards the table seeing his girlfriend sitting their besides her friends.

"...she always visits me at lunch, why is she even their.." he muttered a bit, seeing his girlfriend laugh away with another guy. 'What if..' he thought a bit worried but shook his head. 'It's probably nothing'. He stopped thinking hearing Richard.

"Why don't you go visit her then, this time" Richard said, wondering why she the one who always has go to visit him. Bryce looked at Richard as if he was crazy. "Uhm hello?, and make it look like I'm the clingy one?" Making a motion with his paw. "I'm Bryce hayes. I don't go to girls...girls come to me" he murmured smirking slightly as he remembered sleeping with some behind Melissa back. Before grabbing his bottle and swirling the water inside it a bit. "Besides it would look to clingy if I went up to her like that-" he tired saying, only for Alex to gasp at seeing his girlfriend as one of the members moved away.

"BABY!" He yelled, running towards her. Making his shepherd girlfriend look towards him surprised. hearing him yell. She gasped a bit, before Alex started making out with her. She couldn't help but slowly kiss him back.
Bryce and Richard just watched with blank expressions. "...did I just really just witness that.." he looked more annoyed then ever.


Tom laughed died down from laughing from one her savannah jokes, he looked at her smiling softly bit. "I have to go to the washroom ok?" getting up, making savannah nod at him. "Yea no problem" as she couldn't help but smile at him.
"K" he smiled back at her, before walking out of the cafeteria. Bryce watched as Tom left, before an idea appeared in his head. "Wait...I have a plan.." he smirked evilly getting up to follow Tom. Making Richard stare at him a bit confused.

"What is it...?" Not really liking the look he had on his face. "Tell you later" before walking after Tom. Leaving Richard their a bit worried at what he was going to do.

"Hey tommy!" bryce said quickly walking towards him, as Tom stopped looking back to see who called him. Bryce stopped in front of him. "Uh hey..Bryce" Tom said a bit hesitantly wondering what he wanted.

"Uh you need something?" Asked tom.

"Yea, look Tom I really need to talk to you..." Bryce said looking at him blankly.

"Uh ok...sure" Tom said a bit worried, what he wanted him to do now.


Savannah laughed with Gabriel. Before hearing a cough behind her, she stopped looking behind her seeing leon standing their a little annoyed.

She gasped a bit. "L-leon I'm so sorry!" Getting up, as she forgot he was standing their this whole time. Gabriel looked behind him also wincing, realizing he forgot about leon standing their. "No no it's ok...don't bother.." leon muttered looking away from them. Annoyed he had to stand there this whole lunch hour.

Savannah had a look of guilt on her face. "Leon-" she tried saying softly. But he just shook his head "I already said 'don't bother'..." looking at her a bit annoyed now. She recoiled back in shock before looking away sadly nodding. Gabriel quietly coughed at the awkward aura.

"It's uhm 5 minutes before class...just saying" gabe said, making savannah and leon look at him.

Leon just rolled his eyes, before nodding.
"Right let's go..." he muttered walking off.

"Leo wait!" Savannah said running after him, with Gabriel following behind before he said towards Natalie.

"Uh sorry gotta go, cya Natalie" he waved at her following savannah and Leon.

"Bye" she waved him off,smiling to herself.


"Leo wait, please we're sorry about ignoring you!" Savannah said racing after her friend. "We didn't mean to-" she tried saying, only to bump into his back as he stopped suddenly. "OOF" rubbing her nose from impact. She looked at him confused, wondering why he stopped.

"Leon-" gabe tried saying catching up to them but leon cut him off by saying something.

"Why is Tom talking to Bryce..." he muttered, squinting his eyes at what he seeing. Savannah looked a confused before looking ahead seeing now what he talking about, Gabriel looked as well seeing Tom and Bryce talking.

"Good question..." Gabriel said now suspicious, at what their saying. "Come on" as he started walking towards them. Savannah looked at Leon as he looked at her back. He scoffed a bit before walking a head.

"I-" she tried saying but shaking her head, following Gabriel and Leon towards Tom.

"Look...I'll make you a deal" Bryce said bluntly towards a shell shocked Tom.

"Uh hi Tom.." savannah said a bit hesitantly as Gabriel and Leon stood beside her. Bryce stopped talking, looking over his shoulder and scoffed at seeing her. "Hey savannah" Tom waved at her, then looked a bryce "cya later bryce.." he said, making bryce roll his eyes.

"Bye" bryce said bluntly, before walking off. Savannah watched as bryce left and looked at Tom a bit confused. He looked at her back chuckling a bit nervously, "don't worry..bryce was just asking me about some social studies homework that's all" making savannah let out a hesitant nod. "Uhm ok.." she shrugged a bit. Tom let out a small chuckle trying to make her forget what just happened. "I'm serious, you don't need to worry" he sent her a soft smile, while gabe scoffed. As leon just rolled his eyes at Tom.

Savannah shook her head.

"No no, I wasn't worried about what you were guys. Were talking about" she looked at him. Sending him a small smile back at him.

"Oh uh ok" Tom said a bit awkwardly. Before shrugging his shoulders again. "Well you know.." he got closer to her, rubbing his head. "I'm a one girl kind of guy~" he gently started to flirt with her. Savannah couldn't help but blush again as he started to flirt with her again. As Leon eye twitched annoyed, trying to guess what he's trying to pull.

"O-oh really...who's your one girl" she said a bit playfully.

Tom stopped not knowing what to say next. "Oh uh well" he said a bit nervously, not knowing what to do next. Savannah let out a soft giggle. "How about...You get back to me with that answer" she teased him a bit, as Tom blushed with hearing that. "Bye" she waved at him playfully, before walking around him as leon and Gabriel followed her.

"Oh uh ok bye!" Tom said quickly, his gaze following her as she left.

Leon sent him a small dirty look as he followed Savannah and Gabriel.


"Well hello miss flirt" Gabriel said in a teasing tone catching up with her. "You really just left him standing their" Gabriel said letting out a laugh. As Leon rolled his eyes as he walked behind them.

"Well..I gotta keep him interested somehow" she said looking away, liking at how Tom was. Gabriel let out a snort. "Think he's gonna ask you out?" He gently nudged her side. Savannah felt herself freeze a bit before stuttering a bit. "I-I don't know...hopefully" she said quietly at the end. Gabriel had a sly smirk on his face ready to tease savannah about her crush.

Savannah shook her head then looked at Gabriel. "What about you?" she glared a him a bit, not liking the look he was giving her. "Had any luck with finding a girlfriend?" She teased him, making Gabriel recoil back in shock then scoffed a bit, knowing what she's trying to do. "Of course" he smirked. "Sat with Natalie Campbell and talked to her the whole time" he then puffed his chest out, a bit prideful a what he did during lunch. "Even got her number" he said slyly. Savannah stared at him in shock. She and Gabriel flinched a bit hearing a cough behind them.

"I didn't" leon said bluntly behind them. Savannah looked at him with an apologetic look on her face. "Well uhm...don't worry we'll fix that" she sent him a small smile. Leon just scoffed and rolled his eyes not believing her.

She flinched at that while Gabriel glared at him. "Leon-" Gabriel tried to snap at him angrily, only to stop as two other students walked up behind them.

"Hey Savannah?" A cat said behind her, making Savannah turn towards them a bit curious. "I really like your flower" the cat said smiling at her. "Wow oh uh thanks" Savannah said a bit bashful at hearing that.

"Yea. It's so fashion foward" the horse said a bit excited. "I don't think I ever seen anyone wear that" admiring at how she dressed.

"Oh uh well" Savannah feeling herself get a bit embarrassed with the comment she was getting. "It's even better then Melissa outfit" the cat said. Shocking Savannah with hearing that.

"Oh thank you" she said looking away embarrassed now. The cat nodded happily, "no problem" she said then looked at Gabriel a bit shy. "And Gabriel...I-I think your fur looks so shiny makes you look handsome.." she said shyly towards him. Gabriel looked at her in shock, never hearing anyone else call him handsome.

"O-oh really" Gabriel said rubbing his head a bit bashful now. "Thanks" he smiled at him. The girls giggled then walked off.

Leon just stood their quietly his eye twitching. "...do I exist..?" He muttered out.

"See sav, Told you those rumours would blow over" he smiled, as leon got more peeved at them. "The second you get a spot at the football table...it's like your a completely different person" Gabriel said out stretching one of his paws...almost hitting leon in the face. Leon moved out of the way quickly with his eye twitched before coughing out. "Guys the bell" he said bluntly.

Making Savannah and Gabriel flinch as they heard the bell go off. "Damn it" Gabriel winced forgotten what time it was.

"Sav isn't bryce in your guys class?" Gabriel said a bit worried for her now. She nodded. "Yea but don't worry, I got Tom and leo in their" she shrugged a bit. Making gabe nod then look at the school clock in panic.

"I gotta go. Mr beetle is going to kill me for being late cya!" Gabe yelled out before running off towards his class.

Leon just scoffed before walking away, savannah waved as gabe ran off then froze looking around for leon. She stopped Seeing him down the hallway she immediately rushed after him to catch up.


Mr.watt was explaining a lesson as savannah and leon walked in.

"Sorry for being late mr.watt" savannah said a apologetic look on her face as she was breathing heavily from running. as leon just stood their boredly. "No problem at all savannah-" he stopped as he saw savannah breathing heavily as leon just stood their. "...have a seat you to" he said bluntly as savannah and leon just nodded heading towards their seats. "But please next time...don't do anything else more inappropriate on school grounds" miss understanding what actually happened. Savannah and leon immediately froze at hearing that.

"S-sorry..?" Savannah said in shock, looking at the teacher surprised.

As leon just stared at the teacher. 'What the fu-' he thought to himself jaw dropped.

"You heard me now go sit down you two, we have a class to start" mr.watt said going back to the board to start teaching again.

"B-but we didn't do anything like that!" Savannah yelled embarrassed the teacher would think that. As students stared at the two in shock. "Now miss reed, we don't have time for this" mr watt snapped.

"B-b-bu" she tried saying only for leon to grab her by the shoulder the gently drag her to he seat besides Tom.

Leon had his ears down embarrassed while heading to his seat.

Tom stared at savannah shocked at how she looked walking in the class. Savannah shook her head immediately then looked at Tom embarrassed. "D-did I miss much...?" She whispered quietly to him. Tom just shook his head. "No...but what's with you and that other guy...?" He whispered back a bit worried.

Savannah winced then looked at mr.watt teaching then immediately looked at Tom.

"Nothing don't worry, nothing happened between us...this is what actually happened" she whispered, telling him what happened actually between her and leon as she brushed out her some of her messy fur with her paw, trying to sooth it out.


"What the fuck..." Bryce whispered, peeved at how savannah walked in the class like with leon.
"The second I'm late I get a detention...but when they come in late after 'having a make out session' they don't get anything" he whispered angrily, as he saw savannah whispering to Tom about something.

Richard rolled his eyes "maybe because their good at math.." he tried to mutter under his breath, with out bryce hearing. Bryce snapped his head towards him then growled under his breath. "Damn goody two shoes.." he grumbled glaring at leon on the other side of the class room. 'Don't think you're getting off easy Tom...' he thought more annoyed then ever.

He shook his head then looked infront of him seeing Natalie infront.

"Natalie" he whispered harshly trying to get her attention.

She didn't respond, just listening to mr.watt teaching.

"Natalie..." he tried again, but she still didn't respond to him.

"Natalie!" He whispered more harshly, then scoffed when she didn't respond again. He grabbed his pen and threw it at her head. She looked at him holding her head where he threw the pen. "Ow" she grumbled, she glared at bryce annoyed. "What the fuck bryce..." she whispered to him annoyed.

"Sorry nat" he whispered apologetic look on his face. "Was just wondering. Have you seen Melissa since lunch?" He asked her. Natalie eyebrow twitched. "Uh yea...she's in her class bryce, because that's what you do at schoool" she whispered mocking him a little.

"Your funny" he said bluntly, the looked at Richard. "Why hasn't she visited me yet.." he whispered a bit worried about what's happening. "Or at least text me" he looked away grabbing his phone, not seeing any messages pop up. "She usually text me at this time" he whispered harshly a bit peeved. "We usually meet up at this time to make out on the third floor in the girls bathroom"

Another girl In front of them looked at bryce in disgust. "I really did not need to hear that" she said disgusted at what she heard.

"Don't you guys do enough of that in the hallway.." a horse said looking at them now. Bryce scoffed, "ease dropping much?" He glared at them. "Do your damn math" he snapped harshly.

"Alright class going to turn on the lights back on" mr.watt said turning on the lights.

Natalie looked at Richard seeing if he was looking. "Hey bryce...wanna make out with me instead.." she whispered playfully towards him. Bryce scoffed looking at Richard seeing as he was to busy on his phone. "You wish nat" he rolled his eyes at her.

She looked shocked then Hmph turning around.

'Dogs' bryce rolled his eyes.

'Cats' Natalie thought upset she wasn't going to make out with bryce. As the teacher continued to talk in the background.

The phone rang making mr.watt stop the lesson. "Excuse me class I have to take this. Must be the office" walking to his desk to take the call.

"Sooo...that's what actually happened" said Tom with a relief tone. "Yep" she nodded her head, happy that she cleared things up. They smiled at eachother, then froze when they heard someone else start whispering to them. "Psst savannah?" A horse asked making savannah look towards them curiously. "Where did you get your flower?" The horse asked her curious.

"Oh uhm...I made it actually.." she rubbed her head a bit embarrassed. Two students walked up to her.

"Savannah. Did you use to box dye?" A cat asked her admiring at how beautiful her fur looked.

Another student walked towards her.
"Savannah are you on a diet. Which one" the hybrid of a wolf asked her noticing at how 'perfect' her body was.

"O-oh uhm" Savannah said a bit shy. As Tom looked at Savannah chuckling to himself quietly with all the attention she was getting.

Bryce eye twitched as he saw the group of girls surrounding savannah. 'What the actually fuck is going on' he thought in shock. "That's the group of girls that usually surround me.." looking at they surrounded savannah. He clenched his paws. 'Not even a single person told me how they liked my looks..' he thought now biting his lips. 'And not any girls came up to me either' drawing a bit of blood from his lip.

"What's going on.." he muttered out putting a paw on his forehead confused. Richard looked at bryce a bit worried now seeing a tiny bit of blood. "Uhm I..I don't know bryce" Richard said looking at him.

"A-am I getting...stale..?" He muttered out worriedly. Richard looked at him a bit confused. "Stale..?" He asked him.

"I can't let this to continue to happen" he suddenly gritted his teeth while clenching his paws drawing blood from them now. Richard flinched a bit. "L-look bryce calm down" he said then looked curious remembering when bryce went after Tom. "Wait...What did you even say to Tom anyway...?" He asked a bit worried.

"Huh?" Bryce asked stopping, then let out a sly smirk. "Oh nothing" he said in a innocent tone chucking a bit.

After school

"ARGH!" Bryce snapped, slamming his fist onto his dresser angrily. He breathed heavily looking down at his fist. "This isn't happening.." he said looking up into the mirror. "Not even one single person told me that I looked good today" he gritted his teeth. "Not a SINGLE PERSON!" He yelled at the end, shoving a vase off his dresser in anger. Hearing it break against his wall.

"Their all to busy fonding over..." he paused for a moment. "Her.." he said not knowing what to call savannah at that moment. He then took a deep breath in and out.

He sighed trying to calm his anger. "Ugh" he said going to sit on his bed. "...what dose she even see in him" he muttered grabbing his phone. And went to photos to see savannah along with Leon standing together smiling at eachother. He growled at seeing the photo.

"She shows up to class out of breath...with him standing beside her" he said getting peeved once more, remembering how Savannah looked badly out of breath. "And apparently they don't even get in trouble" he threw his phone to the side. He layed down on his back. "I don't think I wanna know what they even did.." bryce said trying to not think of Savannah and what she did with Leon.

"Damn it" bryce muttered out. not helping it anymore, as he thought of Savannah being shoved against the wall moaning softly, with Leon body's against hers. Shoving his tongue in her mouth. As he smirked hearing her moan gently. They continue to keep making out, as Savannah wrapped her arms around Leon.
Leon pulled away making a string of saliva between them. Savannah looked at Leon breathing heavily, as Leon breathed heavily along with her smirking at her expression.

"ARGHHHH!!" Bryce snapped letting his temper get the best of him. Before throwing a vase beside him in anger at the wall breaking it.

"GOD DAMN IT!" Bryce yelled, standing up. Not wanting to think of what Leon and Savannah were doing anymore. He was breathing heavily. "And now people are starting to say she's more popular then me as well" getting deeply pissed off with everything now. "I worked my way to the top. And now she think she can easily steal this from me in one day!" He snapped in anger. "I've been here for years. And yet she thinks she can. I don't think so!" he yelled walked to his dresser looking himself in the mirror. "Don't you agree?" He suddenly looked behind him seeing gigi looking a bit frightened by him.

"Meow..?" Gigi said, scared at how he was acting.

Bryce scoffed then looked back at the mirror and sighed. "I know gigi...but at least one thing is going my way. Took care of one already now just on to those two-" he tried saying, only to snap his head towards his home phone in anger. "DAMN IT!" He yelled to the ringing phone. "So sick of this stupid phone" he grumbled "always about work calls for my mom" he closed his eyes trying to calm his anger once more. While the phone kept ringing.

He gritted his teeth before snapping. "SHUT UP!" He yelled pissed off by the ringing. Gigi whimpered at how his owner was acting, before gently walking towards him. Gigi gently nudged him with his head making bryce stop to look down at him. The cricket whimpered at him.
Bryce sighed before picking up Gigi. "Sorry boy...didn't mean to lose my temper.." he said letting gigi head gently. "Shouldn't stress over this anyway...I already got it plan out of what to do to them anyway" he shrugged, as gigi yipped happy he managed to calm him down.

He went and sat down on his bed putting gigi down beside him. "I'm always on top...why am I even worrying" he said laying back down. Gigi immediately went and cuddled into his side. "I'm the leader of Orange County. And I'm going to make sure it stays that way" he muttered out. Then closed his eyes. 'I shouldn't feel sorry for her...she can't just roll in here and steal everything from me like that' he thought using one paw to rub his forehead.

"First she tries to steal one of my members now my crown..." he growled a bit, making gigi look at him in panic. Bryce stopped for a moment. An idea appearing in his head.

He suddenly laughed a bit as gigi looked at him worriedly. then smirked to himself.

"Ooohhhh savvy...looks like I gotta remind you who runs this school" grabbing his phone from the side, and scrolling onto photos seeing savannah laugh away happily in it.

"...things are going to get ugly.." bryce said having a wicked look in his eyes. Looking at Savannah in the picture.

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