•[ The fallout ]•

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•[⚠️ warning ⚠️]•
•[ this chapter includes domestic abuse and sexual contact You may skip this chapter if you aren't comfortable with reading this kind of stuff ]•

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"Come on Alex" Bryce snapped, as he shoved his way through the crowd. Alex trying his best to keep up, but was stumbling a bit as he desperately tried not to bump into anyone.


Tom desperately pushed his way through the crowd, gaining looks along the way. But In that moment all he wanted to do was find his girlfriend and explain what was truly going on.

He looked around quickly, before his eyes landed on a slightly peeved Bryce and a panicked Alex.

"Bryce!" He tried yelling over the crowd, but to no avail.

He tried again. "BRYCE!" But Bryce was quickly going up the stairs, Alex stumbling after him. He tched to himself not caring anymore, shoving people to the side quickly. Making the people around him get angry and snap at him.

"WATCH IT!" A poodle guy who was dressed as a chef yelled angrily. As he was trying to flirt with some girl but was failing miserably, Tom paid no mind to him. Making the poodle scoff loudly, only to groan as the girl he was trying to flirt with disappeared.

"Damn it!" He whined to himself.

Tom quickly managed to find his way towards the stairs, and began running up them. Trying to find Bryce and to confront him about what he did, he stopped in somewhere in the hallway trying to think where he went. He suddenly heard screaming.

"Is that..?" Tom quickly asked himself, realizing it was Bryce who was screaming. He looked down the hallway seeing a door wide open, he started going towards the open door. Only to stop again as he heard loud whimpering and a loud cry with a huge thump. He could only feel horror go down his spine realizing who cry that was.


he frantically ran towards the open door. And gasped seeing Bryce standing there, looking heavily peeved. Alex and sage just looked in horror as Savannah was curled up on the ground whimpering nonstop, as she held one of her eyes in pain.

"Savannah!" Sage immediately ran towards her, and picked her up. He gasped seeing blood on her face, as Savannah tried to desperately stop the bleeding.

Bryce just stood there heavily breathing. His claws looking bloody now, as her- the blood slowly dripped onto the floor.

Sage immediately glared at him angrily, making sure to keep her close to him. "How dare you!" He screamed at him as he was piss now. Bryce just snarled at him, as Savannah slowly moved her paw. Three large gashes could be shown on right side of her face, bleeding badly at how deep he sunk his claws into her face. She slowly turn towards him in shock and fear. not able to see out of her one eye.

"B-Bryce..." was all she could muster out in horror. Tom gasped seeing her face, he quickly got out of his shock and quickly went towards her. Savannah just shook there, feeling confused and in pain. Tom was about to grab her until Sage immediately snapped at him. "Don't!" He yelled, making Tom recoil back in shock.

"Wha-!?" He jumped when sage was suddenly kicked away from her. He looked to the side seeing Bryce snarl towards sage, before looking at Tom.

"Stay out of this!" Bryce yelled, as Alex stayed in the back, panicking while trying to figure on what to do quickly. Tom eyes widen in shock as bryce grabbed Savannah by one of the ears and dragged her harshly. Savannah cried out in pain feeling herself be dragged harshly.

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