•[ handsome face....ugly heart.. ]•

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The group looked at Brycen shocked minus Melissa.

Bryce stayed frozen in his spot as he stared at Melissa who stared back. Her expression of deep betrayal and disbelief as she asked that.

She just stared quietly at him waiting for an answer. Bryce just continued to look at her in shock, before he began to try and sputter out an excuse.

"M-Melissa!" Bryce yelled, not at all expecting to see his lover appear out of nowhere. "T-this isn't what this looks lik-" he tried saying, only to get cut off by Melissa snapping a bit.

"Save it Brycen...I heard everything" she muttered lowly, Feeling nothing but her heart break in that moment. A few Tears slowly trickled down her cheek, she looked at her boyfriend.

"Did you really cheat on me as well?" She asked, while Bryce just flinched as she asked that before looking down at the ground. Clenching his paws into fist.

Seeing his silence Melissa let out a shaky sigh.

The group that was in the room watched in silence, With Richard looking at Melissa in worryingly.

"I've always had a gut feeling that you didn't love me.." Melissa said finally after a few moments. Bryce didn't even bother saying anything in that moment. Memories went through her head of Brycen easily getting distracted or being distance with her most of the time, the only time he paid attention to her with only at school, giving gifts non stop...or in the bedroom. Melissa bit her lip remembering her boyfriend- no ex boyfriend now always on his phone or looking at other girls.

'Dog...why didn't I notice sooner..' Melissa sniffled softly, seeing Bryce 'talk' to another girl last week. But didn't let it bother her that much as she 'knew' better to trust her lover of three years.

Melissa jumped when she felt a paw on her shoulder. Looking up she saw Richard glancing down at her sadly, she let out a shaky sigh before simply plopping her head against his chest.

Richard just rubbed her arm soothingly, while feeling nothing but guilt and regret run through him of never telling her about what Brycen has done behind her back.

Savannah felt nothing but guilt gnawing In her stomach now, regretting of ever coming to this school. Wishing that she never try and become popular in the beginning...or try and reconnect with her what she thought was her best friend.

'Everything is my fault..' Savannah let out a quiet sniffle, Sage looked down at her worried. As he was the only one near her to hear that.

Bryce looked up at his girlfriend. His eyes going wide at seeing her gain comfort from Richard.
Feeling his teeth clench together now feeling peeved again.

"So ur just going to immediately snuggle up against some other guy?" Bryce asked Melissa harshly. Melissa just stood in Richards hold before glaring at him angrily.

"So?" She snapped back, as she was done being used by him.

"What do you mean so!?" Bryce snapped louder feeling his anger rising.

"Ur my girlfriend!-" he tried to yell only for Melissa to yell back louder.

"Not anymore brycen!" Melissa yelled "after the shit I've heard you pull! Me and you? We're finished!"

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