•[ "new girl in town" ]•

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"Absolutely not." Her mother said sternly while crossing her arms.

"But. Mommmmm" Savannah whined a bit. Hoping to convince her mother. "Why can't I dye my fur tho?" Her mother sighed again. "Because, savannah I don't want you to dye your fur. A harsh colour like that" wishing that her daughter wasn't so stubborn sometimes.

"But, it's my fur and body. I should decide what I want to do with my body" shooting her mother a stubborn look. Mrs reed froze, she sighed once more realizing that savannah was right.

"Ok.Ok.." finally giving up. "But, savannah there is no need to dye your fur. It's already gorgeous the way it is" looking at her softly. Hoping that she understand.

"...but" she pouted a bit.

"No, buts savvy" her mother said in a stern tone. She sighed in defeat, sadden she couldn't dye her fur.

"Alright..." she looked at her mother. "And mom?" Mrs. Reed raised her brow looking at her. "My friends are picking me up tomorrow " she then said " they'll be picking me up, with there chauffeur today" surprising her mom. "They have a chauffeur.?" Looking at her daughter wondering wondering what kind of people she hang out with. Savannah nodded.

"Uh. Yea mom a lot of people have some here...I think.." using her paw to rub her head before pausing for a moment.


Savannah gently paced around in her room waiting, while holding the home phone.

"Hey you've reached leon, leave a message"


"Oh..uh Hey leo this is savvy. Just wanting to call you and say my mom said yes" looking around awkwardly. "So you can pick me up tomorrow, so cya later I guess?" Saying the last bit awkwardly, Savannah cringed quickly hanging up.

'Cya later I guess?' She held the phone tightly feeling embarrassment run through her. 'Who says that!?' She quickly put the home phone back hoping that leo didn't respond right away.

Few hours later

"...mm...this look make me look huge..." she murmured ashamed at how she looked. Trying on her next outfit she went to look again. "My stomach.." looking down at how it popped out a bit,

Trying on the pink outfit next. "Why dose this make my, thighs so big.." looking surprised at how they look. She walked away from her closet mirror to her other one.

"The other girls are skinner then me..." gently patting down at her stomach. Not noticing her mother walk in, "you say something savvy?" Looking at her daughter a bit worried.

Savannah jumped in shock, snapping her head quickly towards her mother. "No. No nothing mom" shaking her head to let her mother know that she's okay.

Mrs.reed did not look a bit convinced at what she said. "Well...okay, I'm just letting you know suppers ready...it's pasta and vegetarian sauce.."
But Savannah shook her head no gently.

"No...it's okay mom I'm not really...hungry right now" her mother still did not look convinced, but gently nodded Anyways. "Ok love...it ready when you are" she sent her a worried look before leaving the room quietly.

"Thanks mom..." she quietly called out. Before looking at herself in the mirror gently grabbing her stomach, she bit her lip feeling nothing but disgusted at how 'fat' she looked.

'Dog....why am I so fat...'

The next day

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