By shanaya434

39.9K 2.1K 159

"Oh my dear Bella, you were mine the moment I laid my eyes on you, His calm words, spoken close to my ears, m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 31

420 22 2
By shanaya434

Lucian POV:

My heart raced as Bella took my arm, her touch sending a jolt through me. The wolf inside me stirred, a primal dance of excitement. She asked me to sit with her, her face flushed and red.

"Bella, are you all right? Your face is red. Are you hurt?" I inquired, concern lacing my words. But she seemed lost in her thoughts, not hearing me at first.

"Bella," I gently shook her, bringing her attention back. "What's wrong?"

She blinked, looking nervous. "Yeah... what happened?"

I reached out, brushing her forehead. "Are you hurt? Your face is all red. Do you have a fever?"

"Oh no, it's nothing. I'm okay," she assured me, but her eyes betrayed her unease.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, sensing there was more to her distress.

She took a deep breath. "Now that my father is dead, what will happen to my kingdom? Who will rule over it?"

I paused, unsure how to respond. "I haven't decided yet, Bella. I know humans distrust us. You wouldn't want a wolf ruling over you."

"If they are worthy, then I have no issue," she surprised me with her openness.

I stared at her, incredulous. Could she truly accept any of us as her ruler? "Is there even a choice for her?" my wolf questioned.

"She could hand it over to one of her own kind," I suggested, but my wolf disagreed.

"The throne is hers by right. You won't let her rule, will you?" he challenged.

"No, she will be with me. What if something happens to her?" I replied, my protective instincts kicking in.

As the carriage rattled along the forested road, Lucian's thoughts drifted to the unsettling behavior of Bella. "I know, but what has happened to her? She's acting strangely. I thought she would resist your decision," he mused aloud.

"Yeah, I'll need to keep a close eye on this," I replied

"Lucian, listen," she interjected. "It's alright if one of your kind rules over the kingdom's Fiore, but I need a promise from you. Promise me that he will treat them well, my people, or any others. Humans are not your enemies," she implored.

Her words echoed in my mind just like her. "Humans are not your enemies," his mother would often say.

As her hand found its way into me, I turned to meet her gaze, finding sincerity reflected in her eyes. A genuine smile graced her lips, melting away the tension in my heart.

"I understand," I replied softly, without need for further explanation, my gaze drifting out the carriage window as I contemplated her words.

"My lord, we have arrived," my men announced, breaking the momentary silence. I glanced over to see Bella peacefully asleep beside him.

A tender smile touched my lips as I gently shook her awake. "Bella, we've arrived," I whispered.

Bella stirred, rubbing her eyes sleepily before murmuring, "We've reached," in a tired voice.

"Yes, it's time," I affirmed, stepping out of the carriage and offering Bella a supportive hand.

Suddenly, a voice pierced the quietude, a voice filled with joy and longing. "Oh my god, Bella, you're here! I've missed you so much!" The guards tensed, prepared to intervene, but my reassuring gesture halted their advance.

Bella's face lit up with recognition as she rushed to embrace the approaching figure. Bella ran to her and gave her a hug, causing the girl to start crying.

As Bella and the girl parted ways, Bella whispered, "Jessica, I miss you too." the girl said, holding back tears, looked down and grasped Bella's hand tightly.

"I'm sorry about King Luths," The girl uttered softly, her voice trembling. Bella met her gaze briefly before turning to look up at the castle, closing her eyes as tears began to well up.

She hadn't cried throughout the trip, but being here, surrounded by memories of home and her father, the emotions finally broke through.

Understanding the profound pain of losing a loved one and how home becomes a living memorial to them, I felt a deep sympathy for her.

"It's alright, let's move on," Bella said, her voice steadying as she turned to face me again. "Lucian, let's get ready to visit my mother's grave," she added before entering the castle without waiting for my response.

I quickly instructed Liam to make the necessary arrangements to take her father's body to the grave. "We'll be there right away," I told him as he departed with a few of my guards.

Entering the castle, I admired its exquisite decor, from the intricately carved ceilings to the ornately designed columns, despite it being smaller than my own castle. A maid approached me hesitantly, "K-King L-Lucein, y-your r-room is ready," she stammered.

"I didn't understand what you said," I replied, a hint of frustration in my voice.

"My lord, she means to say your room is ready," one of my guards clarified. The maid nodded, looking down in embarrassment.

"I'll stay with Isabella. Where is her room?" I asked, my tone a bit sharper than intended. The maid winced at my words and nodded again.

"You humans have mouths, use them to speak clearly," I muttered, irritated by her timid behavior. It irked me when people acted in such a manner.

"Ye...yes, my lord, please forgive me," she said, her voice trembling and almost tearful. I rolled my eyes, irritated by her display.

"Show me the way then. What are you waiting for?" I demanded impatiently. She quickly turned around and started walking, and I followed her closely.

"This is the room," she stated, extending her hand towards the door. I ignored her and pushed past, stepping inside. To my frustration, the space was empty. Bella should have been here, but there was no sign of her.

As I prepared to leave and search elsewhere, a muffled voice from across the room caught my attention. I turned around just in time to see Bella emerging, accompanied by a girl I vaguely recognized from the entrance but couldn't remember her name.

Bella's appearance stopped me in my tracks. She was dressed only in a towel wrapped around her body, her hair still damp and glistening. She had stayed with me for days, but I had never seen her like this.

My gaze was riveted to her, following a single drop of water as it traveled from her hair to her shoulder and then down to her cleavage. I gulped, my heart racing at the sight. Despite my inexperience with women, the heat I felt was intense and undeniable.

"How would she look behind that towel?" my wolf murmured in my mind.

"I'm curious too," I replied silently, unable to take my eyes off her.

"I want to taste our mate," he growled.

My hand ached with the intensity of my desire as I stood there, transfixed. Bella and the other girl continued their conversation, completely unaware of my presence in the room.

"Bella, I thought that angry monster was keeping you like a prisoner, but I was wrong. Guess he is feeding you properly," Jessica said, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"How dare she call us an angry monster? "My wolf growled within me.

"I know, just don't do anything. She must be Bella's good friend", I replied silently, trying to calm my wolf.

Bella, responded gently, "Yeah, he gave me everything that I needed." Her words sent a wave of relief through me, knowing I had managed to provide for her, if nothing else.

The girl's eyes narrowed as she pressed further. "As you told me, his brother killed our king. Don't you hate him, then? I mean, don't you hate any of them?"

My ears perked up at this question, curiosity gripping me. How would Bella respond?

Bella sighed, her voice tinged with sorrow but also a strange acceptance. "Im angry with both of them because one took me away from my home and the other took me away from my father. But Jessica, I dont hate them. Ill tell you why I think this way someday."

My wolfs tension eased slightly. "She doesnt hate us. We have a chance to make things right", he mused.

"Okay, lets get ready," the girl said, reaching for her towel just as a sharp knock echoed from the door.

"Preparations have been made, my lord," my guard announced.

Jessica and Bella turned towards the door, their faces pale with shock. "Aaaahhhhhhh," they screamed in unison upon seeing me.

"Stop, its me," I said quickly, raising my hands in a gesture of peace.

Bella clutched her towel tightly, eyes wide with surprise. "Lucian, what are you doing here? When did you come inside? How did you come inside?" she demanded.

"When you stepped out, I entered," I replied, attempting to maintain a calm demeanor.

Sensing the growing tension, I decided to leave before Bella could say anything else that might paint me in a worse light. She mustnt think Im a creep.

"You were waiting for her to remove the towel", my wolf teased mockingly.

"Since I wasnt the only one waiting for it", I retorted internally. Ill use another room.

Isabella POV:

The door to the room burst open as Lucian walked away. I spun around, clutching my towel tightly. How come he entered without knocking? He ought to have warned us. Foolish wolf. Fortunately, I had on a towel.

"Bella, he's going to kill me," Jessica suddenly said, her voice trembling with panic.

"What are you saying? Why would he kill you?" I questioned, my brow furrowing in confusion.

"I called him an angry monster, and you shouted at him. Oh God, I just reunited with you after so long, and now I'm going to die! What will happen now?" She rambled, her breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps. I rolled my eyes at her theatrics, watching her as she panted heavily.

"He won't do such a thing," I assured her, beginning to dry myself off.

With tears streaming down her face, Jessica grabbed my arm, her grip tight. "What? Are you mad? He can do such a thing. Don't you know the stories? He killed people just because they addressed him differently. What makes you think he won't kill me?"

"Jessica, please calm down. I promise he won't do this. Now help me get dressed, we have to go to the funeral," I said, grabbing her hand and leading her to the dressing area.

"Don't think about it. Apologize to him, and he will forgive you. Now, help me," I told Jessica, wiping away her tears. She nodded, sniffing, and moved to assist me.

As she helped me get dressed, she hesitated before speaking again, "Bella, I want to ask you something."

"Yes?" I replied, glancing at her reflection in the mirror.

"You told me everything that happened, and from the way you spoke, it sounded like you like Lucian." I froze, my hands pausing mid-motion. My heartbeat quickened, a flush rising to my cheeks.

Did I like Lucian? The answer was a resounding yes.

I liked him.

"Jessica," I began.

"No, it's nothing like that," Jessica chuckled softly, her voice carrying a warm, knowing tone. "I know you too well, Bella. It's as if you're giving him a chance," she added, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Despite his past, I had confided everything in Jessica. However, since this wasn't about me, I didn't think discussing it with anyone would be beneficial.

I brushed off her earlier remark, retorting, "You were the one crying over something trivial, and now you're saying this to me."

"Oh, come on, you're bringing that up now?" Jessica exclaimed.

"I'm ready. Let's get going," I declared, turning to stride away, leaving her laughter echoing behind me.

As I opened my door, I was surprised to find two of Lucian's guards standing outside. One of them bowed respectfully and said, "Your Highness, the King is ready and waiting for you downstairs."

Just as I was about to leave with them, I heard a familiar, sobbing voice calling my name. Turning around, I saw Lena standing there, holding a cake.

"Lena," I whispered, surprised and touched by her presence. Without a word, she handed the cake to a Lucian guard and enveloped me in a tight hug.

Tears welled up in my eyes as she embraced me. "You're safe, my darling. I've missed you so much," Lena sobbed softly.

"I've missed you too," I managed to say between sobs, feeling overwhelmed by her motherly affection.

"I'm sorry about your father," Lena whispered, her voice breaking. The mention of my father caused fresh tears to flow, but Lena held me even tighter, offering me comfort in her embrace.

"It's okay," I said, my voice barely a whisper, as we stood there.

I couldn't tell how long I had been in that state, tears streaming down my face, until Lucian's voice broke through the haze. Startled, I shifted away from her and turned to face him.

"What happened to you? Why are you crying? Did you fall?" Lucian's voice was filled with concern, his brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to make sense of the scene before him.

I averted my gaze, feeling a wave of shame wash over me. I had been crying so intensely that I hadn't even realized we had both ended up on the ground.

Brushing the tears away, I stammered, "Oh, n-nothing happened, it's nothing..."

Lucian's attention turned to his guards, his tone suddenly stern. "Did I not tell you to bring her safely? Why is she crying?" His words were like thunder, and the guards cowered before him, clearly terrified.

I felt a pang of guilt. They were being reprimanded because of me, and I couldn't bear to see them punished for something that wasn't their fault. "No, Lucian, don't yell at them," I interjected, my voice barely above a whisper. "I met with Lena, that's why..."

His gaze softened slightly as he turned back to me, but his tone remained firm. "Who is Lena?"

"M-My lord, it's me... F-forgive me for making her cry," Lena, stammered, her voice barely audible as she averted her eyes. It was clear she was afraid of Lucian's wrath, and I couldn't blame her.

I stepped in before Lucian could unleash his anger on them any further. "Lucian, I met with her after a long time, we just got emotional. Don't be mad at them, I'm sorry." My voice wavered slightly, but I held his gaze, silently pleading with him to understand.

After a moment, he nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Turning to Lena, I managed a small smile. "It was good to see you."

Meanwhile, Jessica approached the guard carrying the cake cautiously, standing near the cake, and said, "Lena made you a cake, Bella."

"He's not going to eat you, why are you acting like that?" Lucian's voice was laced with amusement as he observed Jessica's nervous posture.

As she approached Lena with haste, her words flowed softly yet with a touch of urgency, "Oh, sorry pardon me, my lord."

I chuckled softly, and replied, "Thank you, Lena. If Father were alive, he would have surely scolded us by now." The room fell into a hush as my words lingered in the air. Exhaling deeply, a warm smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

"I will save it for later if you don't mind. I must attend the funeral," I responded, meeting Lena's gaze with gratitude. Her gentle smile mirrored my own as she placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"I'll accompany you. The cake can wait. I could whip up a hundred more if needed," Lena assured. Her offer warmed my heart, eliciting a genuine smile from me.

"Let's proceed," declared Lucian, breaking the solemn silence. With a nod, we made our way downstairs, Lena passing the cake to a maid before joining us on the journey to my mother's graveside.

Arriving at the site, the somber scene greeted us. My father's lifeless form lay beside the freshly dug grave. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I forced back the tears, taking in the sea of mourners gathered around.

Among the crowd, my gaze fell upon the tear-stained faces of my friends, their sorrow palpable. Yet, amidst the familiar faces, one was notably absent, Lisa. Frowning slightly, I scanned the crowd in search of her, but she remained elusive.

Squeezing my hand gently, Lucian's voice broke through my reverie, grounding me in the present. "Bella, it's time," he urged.

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