Bittersweet Hatred of the Lil...

By Iyra_Foxe

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A girl with a mysterious past comes to destroy Raven's everything, planning on taking everything that she hol... More

Chapter 1: Aysel
Chapter 3: Revealed
Chapter 4: Feelings

Chapter 2: Enemies

208 1 0
By Iyra_Foxe

‘Keep you friends close and your enemies closer’

-Sun Tzu

Chapter 2: Enemies

Beast Boy scratched his head in confusion.

"I thought there weren't any survivors."

"Yeah, really." Cyborg agreed.

The girl saw how confused they were and quickly intervened.

"Well, my father," Looking to Raven. "shipped me away in a pod before Azarath fell."

Her lips thinned as a recurrent memory came back.

"I thought that I was all alone, but when I heard that another survived I went looking for her. And now I have." Forcing a smile and looking to Raven again, who continued to be suspicious.

Beast Boy saw the growing tension as the silence grew longer.

"Ha, um, so what's your name?" He asked, hoping to break the stiff atmosphere.

"My name's M-Aysel." She quickly hoped to cover up her mistake and stuck out her hand, showing the team a friendly gesture. Beast Boy smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Beast Boy!" His voice full of enthusiasm.

Robin came forward, interrupting their moment.

“How did you hear about Raven then?”  Arms crossed in distrust. Beast Boy let go of Aysel and took a step back, giving the two some room.

Aysel looked to Robin and noticed his skepticism and put on a strong front.

“I happened upon a church while travelling from here to there and met three children. They talked about Raven. I think their names were Melvin, Timmy and Tether?"

"Teether." Raven corrected.

"Oh right Teether. I stayed at the church for a while and came here to Jump City." Meeting eye contact with Robin who continued to stay silent. Aysel became agitated.

"I would appreciate it you didn't stare at me like an exhibit." She shot at him, her voice rigid.

"I can't help but say I don't trust you." Robin responded. That upset Aysel.

"But you don't even know me." Her brows furrowed with frustration.

"That makes it reason enough." He shot back. The rest of the team members were on edge as the uncomfortable situation continued. Starfire laid a gentle hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Robin." She called out softly. Robin silently acknowledged her but did not move.

"I didn't know the Teen Titans were so judgmental." She cocked her head slightly, her lips pursed.

"I'm sorry but we have our reasons." Robin stated. Cyborg and Beast Boy looked to each other, confused, then looked to Robin. Another awkward silence drifted in, as Robin and Aysel had another stare down. Aysel sighed in deeply throwing her hands in the air.

"Well, I'm not going to fight with you. I only came to see if we could get along, but I see you're not ready for that." Aysel looked around to see a crumpled up piece of paper blow her way. She grabbed it and with her powers she engraved her number onto it. She walked over to Robin and handed it to him.

"If you need help with anything, just call me. I don't know why you are suddenly defensive but I had hoped that we could get along and that I could find a place for me. " She gave him a friendly smile, walked away and flew to the air.


                Raven remembered those creatures, the same ones that had attacked her when she lived on Azarath. The memories of good times came back. As she reminisced Beast Boy's loud voice interrupted in.

                "What's wrong Robin? Why'd you do that?" Beast Boy flailed his arms around as they entered the common room.

                "Robin, I got to admit B's right, I don't get it. It's not like you to give the cold shoulder to people like that." Cyborg walked down the steps and turned to him.

                "Yes, I too agree with Cyborg. This is not like you at all Robin. I am worried." Starfire hovered over closely.

                "Say something man." Cyborg crossed his arms. Robin stopped.

                "Can't you guys remember where this has happened before?" He grumbled. Raven sighed as she took a seat on the semi-circular couch, continuing to listen to her friends bicker behind her giving her a headache. She rubbed her temples with her fingers to ease the pain.

                "What do you mean? This has happened before?" Beast Boy groaned as he held his head in between his hands. "Come on Robin, just tell us."

                "Terra." He said. Then a silence fell over them all. Forlorn faces appeared in a wave.

                "I swore that I would never let that happen again." He stated, and left the piece of paper on the table, and walked away.

                Days went by, and the team never kept in contact with Aysel since. They went on with life as if nothing had changed. They fought villains, locked them up and fought some more keeping peace in Jump City, but lately crime hasn't been as abundant the last few weeks. Robin came to a meeting with the Mayor of Jump City to discuss the recent decrease in criminal activity. As he walked down the hallway of the red carpeted floors he neared the mayor's room.

                "I have an appointment meeting with the mayor." Robin stated to his secretary. The secretary nodded smiling at him, fumbling around for the written appointment in her books.

                "Oh, yes, Mr. Willis will be meeting with you in a minute. He's currently in another meeting. Please sit down." She gestured to a row of chairs against the wall. As he turned to walk, he was stopped.

                "Um, excuse me?" She said excitedly, she reached for a paper and pen and held it up to him. "Can I have your autograph?"

                Robin hesitated and gave an awkward grin. "Um, well…" Not really comfortable with giving autographs as Beast Boy was. Suddenly the doors opened and he was relieved to have a distraction and saw a girl headed out.

                "Aysel?" Robin said surprised. Aysel turned to him, and smiled.

                "Hi, what are you doing here?" She asked.

                "Me, what are you doing here?" He asked, stilled stunned.

                "I called her here." Mr. Willis came from behind her. " Lately Aysel has been helping with the crime rate in joint with you, the Teen Titans. It seems as though you have not accepted her in the group though. I am surprised Robin." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Is it because of the Terra incident?"

                Robin didn't say anything. Aysel looked form Mr. Willis to Robin.

                "Terra?" She questioned.

                "I think it is best to discuss that with Robin. But Robin what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

                "I noticed that the crime rate hasn't been a frequent so I came to talk if there has been changes in the police routine or anything that would affect the crime in this town. But I guess it's because of Aysel." Robin wondered.

                "How long has Aysel been working with you?" He asked.

                "Almost half a year by now, right?" Turning to Aysel, who agreed.

                "I waited for so long to approach the Teen Titans until now because I wanted to get used to the city first, before joining the team. Well, hoping to join the team."Aysel explained.

                The three talked more in the mayor's office and Robin left with Aysel. Robin and Aysel had gone to a café to talk more. Robin had explained Terra's betrayal to the team and how it had affected them.

                "I know I wasn't so friendly the first time we met. But maybe to make up for it, you can join the team." Robin held out his hand. "What do you say?"

                Aysel smiled warmly and shook his hand. "Thanks Robin."


                Aysel arrived to the tower and was officially welcomed by the rest of the team. Forgetting the suspicions that grew before. They had a party and soon Aysel fit in right away getting along with everyone on the team.

                "Hey what's blue and fluffy?" Beast Boy joked, as he tried to contain his own laughter. Aysel smiled and shook her head.

                "Why?" She asked back.

                "A pink fluff holding its' breath." He burst out and quickly laughed after. Aysel laughed.

                "I can't believe you actually think that he's funny." Raven commented. Looking towards her. Aysel shook her head and explained,

                "I think it's funny how he thinks his jokes are so funny." She chuckled and took in deep breaths to calm herself. Beast Boy stopped and frowned.

                Cyborg heard her explanation and burst out laughing, pointing at Beast Boy.      

                "You see, I told you she didn't think you were funny. Haha, and you were all excited that you found someone who 'understands' you and your jokes."

                Beast Boy simmered in his seat and crossed his arms, upset. "Shut up tin man!"

                Cyborg stopped laughing. "What'd you call me?"

                "You heard me, TIN MAN!" Beat Boy exaggerated. The two began to fight and bicker amongst each other.

                The team had gotten along with Aysel quickly and went on villain fights and cooperation between teammates were excellent. After a fight they returned back to their home tower. Raven headed towards the cabinet where her herbs are, and noticed that all her herbs have been restocked.

                "Who touched my herbs?" She was a bit upset when someone touched her belongings. Turning around to search for the culprit, they all shook their head denying their involvement.

                "Oh, I went ahead and restocked it for you. I like herbal tea in the morning too so I thought I would get enough for the both of us." Aysel explained. Raven thought for a minute.

                "Fine, but I make my own tea." Aysel shrugged her shoulders and joined Cyborg and Beast Boy in front of the TV.


                Raven got out of bed, feeling sluggish as her head felt like a ton of bricks hanging on her shoulders.

                "Ugh, my head is killing me." Raven held her head in her hands as she got up. She walked out the door and start to head out to the kitchen to brew herself a cup of herbal tea. Walking down the hallway she felt every muscle in her body become sore with every movement she made.

                As she entered the common room her friends watched her worried.

                "Hey, Rae, you ok?" Robin asked. "You need any help."

                "Yes, do you need any assistance with preparing your morning tea friend Raven?" Starfire said curiously.

                Raven held up a hand up to them, stopping them from talking as their voices echoed off in her ears like a thousand beating drums. She grabbed her head as the pain seared through her head.

                "Yea, you look worse than before. Maybe you should go to the doctor Raven." Beast Boy offered, coming towards her worried. Beast Boy's voice added to the pain and groaned, suffering through hammers that banged against her head. She pushed Beast Boy away harshly and angrily growled at him.

                "Don't talk to me." Forcing herself to talk, gritting through her teeth. Her friends cautious, trying not to anger her, didn't say a word.

                "But-" Beast Boy protested.

                "Don't!" She yelled.

                As the water boiled, Raven held herself up against the edge of the counter letting the weight of her head fall. Beast Boy stood beside her the whole time.

                Robin, concerned for his friend's welfare and approached her quietly.

                "I don't think you should come with us to fights anymore. Go see a doctor Raven." Every word Robin said zoomed in like a dagger, piercing through her. Raven frustrated brewed her tea as fast as she could and retreated back to her room.                

                "I am worried for friend Raven. She has been getting worse every day." Starfire said to Robin. Robin looked to Raven's direction and nodded, agreeing with Starfire.

                "Me too man. She aint lookin so hot." Cyborg added.

                "Robin she's got to go to the hospital." Beast Boy urged.

                "I want her to do that too, but I don't know if it will help. She's not human." Robin stated.

                "But we have to do something. Are we just going to wait until she gets worse?" Beast Boy demanded. Nobody answered. Beast Boy shouted out in frustration and walked away.

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