-πΏπ’Ύπ“π“π“Ž- 𝐿𝑒𝑒 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝒾�...

By Miaphillips2650

17.3K 349 52

May have a little bit of 18+ scenes towards the end! ~~What happens when an 17 year old girl, meets her new b... More

Message from author~
Chapter 1 - New home
Chapter 2 - Interview
Chapter 3 - Babysitter
Chapter 4 - Rules
Chapter 5 - Saying bye
Chapter 6 - An Unexpected Kiss
Chapter 7 - Hidden Message
Chapter 8 - Small Talk
Chapter 9 - Soft Touch
Chapter 10 - Model test
Chapter 11 - New Friend
Chapter 12 - Unexpected Crush
Chapter 13 - Jealousy
Chapter 14 -Dreamer
Quick author's note!
Chapter 16- Disagreement
Chapter 17 - Drunk
Chapter 18 - Secret
Chapter 19 - Love bond - Smut! ⚠
Chapter 20 - Passion (Evie's pov)
Chapter 21 - Forever
Chapter 22 - Lilly
Note from author~

Chapter 15 - Life or Death

613 11 2
By Miaphillips2650

Days passed which turned into two weeks and Felix had started to recently ignore me and not speak to me anymore. What was up with him? Lately, I had been mostly hanging out with Evie. She had managed to get over Felix, which was a good idea in my opinion. I had also called my brother to see how he and Rose were on their holidays and they told me all about what had happened so far and I couldn't help but be a bit jealous that I couldn't go.

One day when I was halfway from doing a modelling shoot, Felix burst into the room, swinging the doors open. Mine and Evie's eyes widened to see his presence like this. He had really gone crazy. Evie raises her left eyebrow, in confusion, as he stammers over to us. "Woah, Felix, are you alright?" Evie says, I can hear a slight sign of worry in her tone. "Yeah I'm fine." He sounds a little annoyed, telling me that he was a bit on the drunk side. I roll my eyes and motion for Evie to continue to take the pictures of me.

Once the shoot was over Evie walked over to me, "What the hell, why is he drunk." Evie had a slight touch of worry in her voice. "I don't know, he hasn't talked to me for a couple days, something is very wrong, I didn't even know he ever drank alcohol."

Evie and I walk out of the room and find Felix sprawled across the floor with a bottle of spirit in hand with a small smirk painted across his face, and an almost silent chuckle comes up his throat. "Felix!" Evie yells, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" I could tell that Evie was mad, not only was he being drunk at work, but Evie told me he was meant to be having a meeting in 20 minutes with the board of modelling sponsors. He chuckles on the ground, the drunkenness in his voice. "They can come tomorrowwww, I don't want them todayyyy." He says while giggling, his voice is deep and husky because of all the alcohol.

Evie sighs "Well this is not gonna happen again, you have to see them sometime soon or you might not have any more sponsors anymore." Evies voice was rising with every word. Couldn't blame her though. "That suits me fineeee." He says with a deep and husky voice. "But you shouldn't be telling me what to do. I'm the manager and boss around here." Felix says drunkenly.

Evie sighs and rolls her eyes and looks over at me and mouths to me 'He shouldn't be the manager when he drinks 24/7'. I giggle silently, she definitely was correct about that. Evie stepped over his body, almost stepping on his hand. She grabs my hand and pulls me in a motion telling me to follow her. I hop over Felix and follow along beside Evie. "We have to tell the...model investors that Felix is sick, if we can get them to reschedule we may not lose any of them." "Ok, do I have to come in?" I whimper "Yes of course I'm going to be a photographer and you are going to be his assistant, and do all the talking." She says in my ear and pushes me into a brightroom, the room has a big table with a whole wall window. The table is full of women and men in suits, some of them are sitting down and some are having quiet conversations.

I open my mouth, a squeak comes out of my throat when I see the pin bored on the wall, with a photo of me in the shower. Wearing a very showy bikini. I look back at evie, her creamy white stilettos tip tapping across the floor, as she comes to an abrupt halt with a satisfying slide on the heels As she comes to a hult beside me. She raises her shaped brows giving me a look that says,"I have no idea." I opened my mouth trying to find the words, what could I say, there was nothing to say but at the same time too much to say, my open mouth is slowly getting wider. "h...how, w......wh..en." only stuttering my words so I shut my mouth.

Evie pushes past me, making me stumble a few steps back. The silent conference room watching me stand wide eyed and straight in an uncomfortable position at one end of the table. As I turn my head to face Evie, I realise that she's not next to me but instead leaning over talking to the women at the other end of the table, standing up, Evie walks away from the lady, as her heels tap along the floor she brushes off her white cashmere turtleneck and straightens her metallic gold ankle length skirt.

As she grabs my arm and pulls me away from the room she whispers in my ear, "She said that felix had arranged for the board of directors and investors to see you, and to present you as his new star model, I have no clue about the shower pic by the way, I promise I will fix this, for now we need to get Felix sober so he can fucking explain himself." I could only nod my head as Evie's steady and even voice saying so many words really fast were somehow not coming out as a jumbled mess. Okay was the only thing I could reply with.

As we walked down the street I felt self conscious, walking next to evie in her amazing outfit, and me only wearing Converse and a track set, as a car approached us. "What the hell." Evie whispers "I have no clue who this is if they get out run, ok?" She stares at me dead in the eyes. I could tell that she was very protective of her friends and close ones. "Certainly." my heart began to beat fast, my breathing uneven, I could feel the pulse in my neck and wrists.

"You're going to be okay Mia, I won't let anyone hurt you." she says with a reassuring smile, her arm swiftly swings around my waist in a warm hug. She reached into her purse taking out her phone, I couldn't see what she was doing on it. A couple of teenage boys I would say were around 17-18 got out of the black mustang that had been trailing us for about 5 minutes.

Evie turns around and sweetly smiles "Can we help you?" I was surprised at the action. It made me more nervous. "How bout you give us your purse, and maybe your lips sweety." the boy said with a smirk painted across his chiselled face. "Dream big asshole, now leave us alone, otherwise we'll call the cops on you, pervs." Evie's smile suddenly drops into a deadly grin.

"The cops will never make it here, by the time they arrive they would have found you and your little friend dead on the sidewalk, now what will it be your purse or your life?" His eyebrow raises slightly while they all stare at us. "I think they are both pretty shitty options, how about this one, you are your little slaves trying to hurt us and we kick your ass, we call the cops and you get arrested for trying to rob us, how about that idea?" She says to them mockingly, not letting her guard down. "But it would be 4 against 2 they wouldn't believe you dumbass." The boy's face is covered in a smirk. "Oh but they will, we have evidence, dumbass." evie says in a mocking tone.

"What's that, bitch." The boy's voice starts to get deeper in anger, i'm guessing he was the 'leader' of the group. "Well 'bitch' before you and your little disciples got out of the car, me knowing this would happen decided to turn on my voice recorder it has been going for the past 5 minutes, and has caught this entire conversation, I think the police would like to hear that."

So that's what Evie was doing on her phone.

Before she could finish her words, the big thug started smiling and jumped towards us."Okay now run." She says in a surprisingly casual tone. We both looked at each other and jumped ahead of the big teen, how the hell would Evie run in such shoes, but surprisingly she was faster than me around 2 steps ahead.

"New plan, we do the plan." Puffing I say "What pla....n" Evie's next words echo in my head. "We kick some ass." Evie came to a stop not even tripping on a piece of uneven sidewalk, the boy also stopped, slowly bending down. Evie delicately unclipped both of her stiletto bands slipping out of the high  heel shoes, placing both feet onto the ground. "Ok seriously are you gonna let 'girls' beat you up, wow, you know you should really try harder to rob innocent people." Evies voice is intimidating. 

"Girls aren't strong enough to beat boys up, you chicks cry about a broken nail." The other thugs in his group start bursting out in laughter. "Wrong answer." Evie replies with the same devilish smile as before, I didn't know that she even had this side to her. "Mia what is in your purse that can puncture skin." I grab my purse and unhoop it from around my neck and struggle to unzip it making it topple to the floor. "Shit" I squeak.

I look up at Evie who's still grinning. "Too easy." The boy says and starts to walk up to me, I see him command his men back to his car. "I'll be done in a few seconds." Evie slides my purse across the floor using her bare feet she picks it up unclipping the chain and dropping the bag into a bush, the boy not even paying attention to her she walks towards me instead, even in this horrifying moment I knew she would help me I slowly stand up and gulp "F*ck off" I say trying to hide the nerves in my voice. "Not a chance baby." He whispers as he gets closer and closer. I look at Evie standing feet away with the chain of my bag and her sharp pointed heel in hand.

As the man strokes my cheek he grabs a pocket knife from out of his pocket, his men so far away now that they don't see Evie sneaking up from behind him "Goodnight." he whispers into my ear, as he flicks the knife out. I gulp, a bead of sweat drips down my face.

"No goodnight to you." Evie whispers in his ear and gets the chain in a tight grip around his throat. "Hh......haaaaa.......cacaca....." The boy coughs out, as he slightly turns slicing the knife along Evie's ankle. "F*ck you." She pushes him down the hill and throws the high heel, it smacks hard into his head making a mark. "RUN." As evie grabs my bag out from the bush we sprint back to my house, when we get inside we call the police.

"Hi we need the police NOW." Evie shouts into the phone, about 30 minute after the police arrived they had found the boys who had tried to kill me and put them in custody, we gave them the recording of her phone and Evie's ankle was stitched up by the paramedics, who also had to stitch her feet, as she had ran through a lot of glass without knowing.

"Bye." I said and shut the door. The police had finally left.

"What can I get you evie?" I say worriedly about her mental state. "Nothing I'm fine." As I sat on the couch I ran through the events of the afternoon in my head, I was amazed at how it had happened in 1 hour. I had found out that felix drinks alcohol, I had seen a picture of me in the shower, I had almost been killed and had witnessed my friend almost kill the person who was going to kill me. "You're a badass." I speak up "I didn't want them to hurt you so I thought of every movie where someone killed the killer and I did those techniques." Evie says softly making me giggle. 

"Thanks for saving my life." I say smiling softly at her. 


Thanks for reading <3 

Words: 2k

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