Bright win: The lonely god an...

Bởi janeeshashashimini

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The book is inspired with the kdramas, goblin (2016) and tomorrow (2022). The story revolves around a lonely... Xem Thêm

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
- Chapter 3-
- Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
- Chapter 7 -
-Chapter 8-
- Chapter 9-
-Chapter 11-
-chapter 12-
-chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-

-Chapter 10-

97 12 8
Bởi janeeshashashimini

"Something happened...?" win asked still looking at glass, as he now saw the blurred reflection of goblin form the glass. he was speaking to his reflection on the mirror, but not directly to his face. And goblin who noticed the same, directed his eyes to the reflection on the glass, as he was talking to a mirror of win.

"It hurts...." goblin paused. And win was attentive.

"It hurts knowing that I lied to you..." goblin continued and win skipped a beat on that part.

"I thought mister went...abroad...." win said with a pause, still looking at the goblin, on reflection. It was easy for them to talk like that, they felt.

"Next month...." goblin said in a low voice.

"You told me you were going this month...I guess it was also a lie...." win said with a faint smile, as if it was nothing new to him.

"I postponed it to next month...and this is not a lie..." goblin said but this time looking at win, as win too turned to goblin and they were now face to face.

"How's your life....?" goblin asked.

"It changed after mister left me..." win said the bitter truth.

"It was you who told me that you will not summon me anymore...." goblin directed.

Win stayed for few seconds staring at goblin and inhaled a gap of air out.

"Anyways...I am living my life to the fullest...gladly I got a part time in bbq RESTAURANT and I am not working in a CHICKEN SHOP unlike someone told me back on the day....." win stated while stressing on words restaurant and chicken shop slowly but in bit of a loud tone.

"Huh...!" win added a annoy sigh at the end.

"I wonder how much a poor vocabulary you have you literally made me stroll on chicken shops for days...or is it that you had your magic power run out of fuel...?"

"Huh!...." goblin sighed in reply as it was his ego which was tarnished right now, literally from a high schooler. 

"I don't know...I only saw some chicken wings flying near you head...some knives... fire......that's why I told a chicken shop...and this is what I exactly said....this restaurant...." goblin explained.

"Yeah should come school with me mister...have to develop your vocabulary....then you would know what you should exactly say to a RESTAURANT and a butcher....AHHHH...i can still remember that day how I walked on to those blood filled places..." win snapped and goblin swallowed slowly as he knew it was his fault. But he didn't want to accept it.

But he missed these types of convos. It's always easy to change conversations when goblin was with win. His mind always tends to change and it's always a rollercoaster of emotions when he was with win. And he liked it.

"I missed this...." win said after the few seconds gap they had. Goblin looked at win.

"I missed you annoying me...and me getting annoyed..." win was honest.

" I am sorry to hear that you missed me..." goblin said. Win thought that goblin will say the same, that he missed win too. But no, he just had high hopes, he thought.

"I won't miss you again.... anymore.... now that I saw you...and had dinner with you...I guess we can end this nicely...anyways...once you find your bride...we won't be able to see each will then marry her...and have kids...and your life will be it's better to break this off...right here...right now..." win rushed without even looking at goblin. He knew that he can't accept the fact that he's going to break this unknown relationship he had with goblin.

"Why you don't want to see me...?" goblin asked.

"I am not your bride and that's why...every night ghosts come and whisper me at my ear that I am your bride...but no matter what...if goblin himself says that I am not his bride...what can I I thought of just letting everything go..." win explained.

"I told you I am not looking for beauty and all...i am looking for someone who could see something on me..." goblin stated.

Win didn't got to reply to goblin, as Tay and book came there. Win stood and whispered something to book. Goblin felt annoyed when he went closer to book. Book was handsome and well-built too, goblin thought. wash the dishes...i will join you once i bid farewell to these was book he replied to win. goblin was annoyed for the reason that some other person could talk casually to win, other than goblin, himself. 

then...have a good night...and go was win who bowed in front of mix and goblin. win took a last look at goblin, knowing the fact that he won't summon goblin anymore, no matter what happens to win. 

bye win...nice to meet you...lets catch up later...and thank was mix who said as he put his coat on, signaling that they were ready to leave. 

win smiled and left to the kitchen and goblin didn't even look at how win was leaving. he just faced at the glass they both looked seconds ago. 


it was school for win, and his ghost friends were already with him, but today he was in a restricted area for students, mainly because, he was bullied by few school thugs who were there always nagging win from the start of this year. he hated school literally just because them.  

at the interval the bullies had opened his bag and torn all his short notes and the final exam assignments, which took 3months of his school time to finish it nicely. and he knew who it was. his anger just demanded an impulse for a war, and he went to the place, the rooftop, the bullies' normal hangout. Love tried to prevent him from going to a fight with them, knowing that one vs five isn't a good way for a war. but win had it, he wanted to finish this today. and so he went, but the end result was not so good, they fought, and win had few bruises at his face, with blood oozing out from the corner of his lips. their ghost friends couldn't do nothing, as they hold no control over living people, they were just mere souls.  however, the security guard noticed this whole scene, and informed the head. however, all the bullies just left win only, at the rooftop, while they just escaped. win controlled his tears from falling. he was on pain and also with the fear for the punishment. he was afraid whether he will get suspended, and then all his future dreams would just be blurred.  

but the worst didn't happen. The head of the school knew who win was, and how win behaved all these years, and also who the bullies were. but it didn't leave out the fact, that win was the one who initiated the fight, so he had to bear a consequence of detention, washing the male washroom, in coming Monday, afterschool.  and he felt somewhat okay for having the detention rather than permanent suspension. after all this, he couldn't even focus on other subjects, one reason was, all including every professor saw win's bruised face, so he had the attention. and the second, the bruises were painful. Love insisted going to the infirmary, but win didn't want to. he waited to go home and put some ointment to it. 

"oii what happened to you...?" it was book who asked once win came to the restaurant. poor win went home thinking to apply something from the first aid, but it was with his stepbrother, and he didn't want to share it with win. so, he had to come to the restaurant with the untreated bruises. 

"ahh its nothing big brother...its just...i fell..." win lied. he wondered why he lied to book, but at the latter, win was kind of embarrassed to share the school bullying thing with book. so he just went with the flow. but book was so much concerned for win. 

"are you kidding me right now...this is not a big deal.. see your whole face has been bruised...are you sure you fell...?" book asked and win nodded with a soft smile. he couldn't smile widely, as it did hurt pretty bad. 

excuse me... we are ready to was a customer at the restaurant. 

" You go brother...i will join you shortly...Okay...?" win said but book was still on concern over win. 

"don't worry....i am fine...and yes...can i take the first aid box for a minute...?" win asked once he saw book was too concerned on him. 

"god...please take don't need to ask me for know you have to dress those wounds..." book directed and win nodded with a smile and he went, where book hurried up to the customer. 

win went in and dressed his wounds as it not new to him, because he had years of practice, dressing his own wounds without anyone else's help. he put on the apron and then came to the front desk, and there was book taking the orders. win went and settled on the cashier until book comes. and suddenly he heard the door opening, and he lifted his face. 

good said but the figure he found in front of him was someone he didn't want to see, and he thought that he bid farewell yesterday nicely. 

it was goblin. and suddenly it started to rain. goblin waited few seconds at the door. he then walked into and suddenly grabbed win by his arms and grabbed him, before win could even say anything. book saw this and hurried his steps towards the cashier. 

excuse me...ahh you need asked while looking at win for a second and goblin at the other second. 

" yes...i am taking him for an hour...can you spare him some time...thank you..." goblin rushed and grabbed win and walked to the wooden door. He opened it and closed it at their back, where they teleported to the Kulantorn hospital. win even didnt got time to talk as everything was rushing around him. 

"stay here..." goblin said and let win sit down on a vacant seat and he went. 

what he is doing...why it rained...why he grabbed me and came he sick or thought. 

a minute passed, and goblin came with a lady doctor, and also few nurses behind them. all of them bowed Infront od win. win stood up as he felt they were elders to him. 

"ahh..dont are my master's close friend...we promise to treat you at our best..." the lady doctor said and asked him to follow her. win looked at goblin, and goblin nodded, where win just followed the doctor. 

it was a room, just like a luxury hotel, win just felt as if he was in the heaven. is this a hospital, win thought. 

come and please do lay on the bed...and win did as the lady said. 

"i will now check you for your bruises...tell me if it hurts...and if it hurts too much...lets go for an X- ray too mr. metawin...don't are in good hands now..."the lady doctor explained with a soft smile and win smiled and nodded. 

and doctor continued from the neck area, to shoulder, and the forearms, fingers and then the ribs, and the lower abdomen. win didn't had pain for all places, except at the lower abdomen. he slightly cried in pain, and the doctor suddenly stopped touching that spot. she examined the place, and it was kind of bluish in color. 

"you had a great punch in this place it seems..." win nodded in embarrassed manner. the lady doctor smiled softly. 

"dont metawin..but let me see the same place...again...can you muster up courage for a second..." the doctor asked and win nodded and took a gap of air in.  the doctor touched the same spot, this time with a little bit pressure, higher than the earlier, and win did manage to control his pain. 

"its are out of danger mr. metawin...the swelling isnt too much...and internally its not that bad...but i will recommend you some pills and surely an ointment to apply every night before sleep..." the doctor said, but win was now concerned. 

"you can get up now..." the doctor said, and the nurses helped win to get up slowly. 

"thank you doctor...but...i dont think i have money right now for the medicines right now...." win said softly, as he had the second guess that this place might be not just treating a patient for few pennies.

"ahh dont you worry about that.... the treatment and the medicines you get...all are free...Mr.Kulantorn will take care of that for you...just dont carry heavy things for a while and take care..." saying that doctor ruffled win's baby hair and went outside. and win smiled to the nurses and went outside, where goblin was there talking with the doctor who treated win. 

win walked slowly towards goblin, as he got slight sting like feeling from the abdomen, probably because, the doctor examined it earlier. 

goblin saw how win was coming walking towards him. goblin took the medicines from the nurse which carried them to him and put it to his pocket and held win.  

"is it hard to walk..?" goblin asked once win came near to goblin. win shook a no. goblin softly held win's hand and walked slowly to a door, to teleport, back to the restaurant. 


it was late when they came to the restaurant. win felt bad for book as he had to do everything by himself. 

"i am sorry...." win went and book was there who came and held win's arms, seeing from top to bottom. goblin was right there, behind win. and he noticed and threw a death glare at book. 

"sorry it took more than i thought..."goblin said and went for a seat. and mix was already there when they came, but with an apron, goblin noticed. 

"i am really sorry brother..." win said. 

"ahh its okay...actually i got a helping hand once you left...remember yesterday...mix...who liked comics...he came with his comic collection, and also helped me with chores and serving to the customers.... but are you...i man where did that silly man take you...." book asked. 

win laughed a bit for the way he explained goblin. 

i'll tell you everything later...but can we have dinner now....please... win asked with a soft smile. book felt as win was okay than he was, when he came today evening. 

yes wait at the table...mix is already making something for us to eat....i'll join you...and book went in rush where win continued to step towards the table, the goblin was seated. 

how did you know...i didnt summon asked once he took the seat. 

I had some work at canada...and once i came...i wanted to see i went to school...but it was too told you went home.... goblin said and win's pupils dilated. 

you know asked in surprise. 

i know every single ghost that you see...i sometimes follow them thinking if i can meet you....goblin confessed and win just left speechless. 

why he is being kind to me...he is making my heart thought. 

and love told me you had a fight with those bullies...and you were in pain... then i went to your aunt's were not i came here...the last place you've might be...goblin explained. 

dont miss the and drink those...and that yellow thing which they gave you to apply...goblin added. and win smiled and nodded. 

the rain which was pouring nonstop just came to a stop. win noticed it and looked at outside, from the glass pane. 

it said softly. 

hmm...your smile just made my mood okay...goblin said. 

win waited for few second and suddenly touched goblins' forehead and then win's forehead in parallel. 

what are you doing...goblin asked with a side smile. 

are you having fever or something... there is something wrong with you today said in a suspicious manner. 

i wanted to tell that long ago...but never couldn't...goblin said. 

win was flustered where he just directed his eyes at goblin. 

i thought that i ended whatever we had together.... yesterday...but i dont know why...i always ended up with makes me go crazy sometimes... i dont want to see you why you always come to asked as he was already tired. 

this will be the last i guess...cause i know that me staying near you...makes you tense and uncomfortable...goblin said.

okay its not that thought.  

and thats why i decided to leave...i am leaving day after tomorrow...goblin said. 

hah...but you told me next month...and why suddenly...?win rushed. goblin had a faint smile on his face, but lots of emotions on his eyes, that only win read. 

yes....i thought yesterday whole night...and thats why i came to this decision...i cant wait until it gets too late...i need to find my...goblin stopped suddenly. he didnt knew that he was talking in a rush. 

bride...? win asked as he was completing what goblin didn't. and goblin nodded slowly. win let out a soft smile. 

i wish you to find your bride very soon mister...and wishing you to have a nice family...i really wished wholeheartedly. and goblin just looked at win for few more seconds, where book and mix came with the dishes they prepare. 

lets was mix who said and book too joined. 

i wonder when this rain was book who told. then only win noticed the rain, and he looked at goblin where goblin was already looking with those emotion filled eyes at him. 

what hurts him so thought looking at the trails of water pouring down the glass. 


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