You're All I Want [Bang Chan...

By KailorReese

1.9K 40 24

Long distance relationships are difficult, even when you're understanding. The greatest moments are when your... More

Part One
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Author's Note

Part Two

138 3 0
By KailorReese

"What is it?" He asked, bringing his hands down from my face to wrap around my sides.

I smiled through the emotion. "I've missed you too. You have no idea how much I've dreamed of this moment. It's overwhelming."

He placed a kiss to my forehead and pulled me to him, resting my head against his chest again. We began to sway in place, and soon we were soon slow dancing in the kitchen. His voice and hums filled the room as he began to sing a song between us while we danced, a content peace and security enveloped us like a warm blanket. The way his presence alone made me feel utterly safe and at ease always took me by surprise.

"Okay," I spoke up, holding him tightly. "Since you're the runaway guest, what do you feel like doing?"

His sudden laugh shook us both. "I'm kinda hungry."

My brain immediately plummeted. I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised sardonically. "Oh?"

A spark of understanding flashed in his eyes before he chuckled and tapped me playfully on the tip of my nose. "As much as I want to devour you whole, hear you beg, and make you teach the neighbors how to say my name in multiple ways..." He trailed off.

Heat pooled at the center of my hips. Breathing suddenly became a forgotten function. Even his words elicited a response in his own body, of which I was growing more aware of each millisecond that passed between us.

His stomach growled, making an honest man out of him. "All I've had is airline food, and it wasn't much."

I shook my head to rid it of the images of what he described. "Um... Would you like for me to order something to be delivered? Or I can cook you something? I already had lunch, but you're welcome to raid my fridge, freezer, and panty... pantry... for something to eat."

He grinned wickedly at me and kissed my forehead again before wobbling comically in place with me in his arms. "I don't care. Whatever requires the least and allows me to spend more time with you."

"I have things to make sandwiches and I've got potato chips. That quick enough?"

"Yes! That works." He grinned. "Want me to help?"

I nodded with a smile, and he let me go and followed me into the kitchen. I pointed to the fridge and told him where the deli meats and the rotisserie chicken were that he had to choose from, as well as the cheeses, condiments, and produce I had picked up recently. I grabbed the bags of chips and bread from the pantry shelf and turned around to see him setting his choices out on the counter. My heart swelled at the sight of him, feeling comfortable in my home, here with me. I fought to keep the giddy sound I wanted to make from coming out my mouth. Walking up behind him, I set my items on the counter next to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind.

He looked over his shoulder at me, giving me the opportunity to kiss his cheek. His dimples and a blush made an appearance at the same time. "Plates?" He asked.

I let go of him and pointed to the cabinet to his left. Opening the bread, I pulled out several slices and waited patiently for him to set his plate down on the counter. "Will you grab a knife out of the drawer right there?" I asked and pointed to the silverware drawer.

He brought the butter knife over and handed it to me, then mimicked my stance before as he hugged me from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder, watching me assemble his sandwich and pour the chips onto the plate next to it.

"Gahamsamnida!" He shook his fists like rattles before taking the plate from my hands.

"Go find something for us to watch while I get you some water."

"Okay!" He shuffled into the living room. "I'm going to look through your Netflix list."

I froze for a second while filling a glass with ice and water, rapidly scanning my watchlist in my mind in hopes that there was nothing too embarrassing in there. Then again, this was Chris. He knew the off the wall stuff that entertains me anyway.

"Ooh!" His short exclamation let me know that he found something he wanted to see. "Hey, this is in my list too, but I haven't seen it yet."

"Perfect," I said as I brought him his water in the living room and sat down near him on the couch.

He looked at me next to him and smiled, leaning over and kissing me comically on the lips. With a very Channie giggle, he picked up his sandwich and took a huge bite, hummed as he chewed, and sighed heavily after he swallowed. His eyes slowly filled with unshed tears as he took another deep breath and sighed again, sinking back deflatedly into the couch cushion.

I furrowed my brow and asked, "What's wrong?"

He turned his head to look me directly in the eye. "Not wrong. More like... so right. And it's been a while since I've felt this." He sniffled and gave me a small smile, reaching over and pulling me closer to him. He then went back to eating and we focused on the movie he selected. Once he finished, he pulled me even closer, tucking me into his side and leaning his head against mine.

We were locked into the movie until the ending scene where the two rival leads finally gave in and crossed that thin slow burn line between from hate to love, proving it with a very passionate love scene. I shifted to where I could look up at Chris from the corner of my eye, and he spoke up without even looking back at me.

"Getting ideas?"

"Oh, I don't need ideas. I'm more than capable of thinking for myself." I grinned. "And so are you."

His eyebrows shot up. "Oh really?" He brought his gaze down to mine, travelling the plane of my face between my eyes and my mouth. "And should I share with you what I've been thinking?" He brought his arms around to grab me and draw me across his lap to where he was cradling me against him. He lowered his eyes at the same time he lowered his mouth to mine to hover millimeters from my lips. He hummed questioningly. "Should I?"

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