Mind Reader

By tomoesleftcheek

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Matthew James was always known to be the quiet boy, hot, talk handsome you name it. He hangs out with a group... More

Mind Reader


835 22 8
By tomoesleftcheek

I wore baggy low-waisted jeans and a Royal Blue shiny tank top.

I did my makeup like the  I was 2000s and went to school.

I took the bus because no ways I was walking. I was surprised my mom didn't say anything about the disciplinary hearing I even know I got for slapping that crazy ass boy.

I got to school and everyone stared as usual. I know I'm just that beautiful.

But as for the people shipping me with him. I hope they are okay in the head?

Do they need therapy? I know a doctor or two.

I saw him leaning on his locker, his cheek swollen like a rats ass.

I turned the other way but Drumi called me.

Turned around and walked towards the group. I haven't really seen Luka in a while.

"Ye? " I asked and the lights in the whole school switched off.

He had a flashlight on and played Rosalina by Bm (break your back).

Ofc they expect me to dance, so I did.

I dances to the Congolese music and whined my waist. Everyone cheered and Increased my speed and decreased too.

"Break you back eh" I said as the flashlight turned on.

Everyone sort of cheered going crazy and I laughed before making eye contact with Matthew.

Everyone made way for me and Matthew got flowers out of nowhere.

They held a whole banner with the words. "Will you be my date to prom? "

I laughed, and laughed. This was too funny eh.

"No, what do you take me for a dog, eh? " I said and the whole crowed kept quiet.

He looked shocked.

I blinked twice before turning around and walking.

He was crazy if he thought I was going to go with him.

I turned back, and looked him  up and down in disgust.

"Please, before you even try to ask anyone out, fix you attitude" I said with sassiest sass, anyone could master up.

The crowed roared as I walked away.

The audacity this famous delinquent ass.

I'll show him flames. Just wait and see Matthew James. I won't fall into your mind games.

"Fuck, that was hot" his thoughts read and I wanted to laugh.

He just doesn't get it. Yes he was as fine as fire but his attitude will get him now where with me.

I bet he didn't even really want to ask me. Someone like Drumi probably dared him.

I went to my first class making sure I wasn't late. Of course Matthew was there but this time he sat the farthest away from me.

Everyone could sense the rising tension when I caught him staring.

"Why can't she just accept me? " he thought and I dead panned.

He mus'nt play games with me.

I took notes until I head my name being called on the intercom. Right after mine, Matthew's was called too.

I packed my bad and left going to the principals office.

I sat down and Matthew followed. My mom was seated and so was Matthews mother and this was a perfect time to turn introverted.

"As we all know why we are here" he said gesturing to his swollen cheek.

My mom glanced at me, and clicked her tongue. She was gonna give me one hell of a beating.

"Now, Nsuku why would you hit him in the first place" Principal Michelle asked.

"H was backing me up into the corner of a wall, IN the GIRLS bathroom" I said and my mom looked at me in shock.

Matthew Mother looked at him in shock too. He glanced at me and cracked a smile.

I looked forward not saying anything. "Okay, that was something, Matthew I'm just going to let you go with detention and a warning because that was sexual violation" Principal Michelle said.

My mom nodded and her hand hugged mine. She was proud of me.

"Watch your son, eh. If he does that again I will beat both you and your son" my mom said with a deep South African accent looking at his. She tsked loudly and stood up.

She held my hand as we walked out. At least his going to leave me alone for a while.

"You did a good job, but if I was you I would've shot him in the crotch" she said smiling while bringing out a gun in her back.

People passed us looking at my mom in awe.

"Ma you know I can only bring pepper spray to school" I said laughing as I reached her car.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek and drove away. I sighed being content with myself. No more boy problems.

I walked back into the school and the class I was in. It was English and I listened carefully because she was listing the poems that where going to be in the tests.

"Oscar Wilde. Emily Dickinson. "  I laughed in my head because of course she would list all the crazy ones.

I glanced at Matthew in the corner. Maisha sat with him as kind if comforted him.

She rubbed his back while whispering some stuff. He said something while still looking forward and she turned her head to look at me.

She gave me the nastiest scowl she could master and turned towards him again.

That was it, I had lost my only friend.

I sighed laying my head in my arms. But why did I have to be so extra and say all those stuff about him?

Why did I even reject him? My heart was filled to the brim with regret.

Why did I do that in front of so many people. His probably feeling it more then I am. The detention, the rejection. What else now ?

Why don't like just think before speaking? Why can't I give other people a chance in?

This attitude of mine will get me nowhere.

I had a week or 2 of school left but I was obviously not going to go. I don't even know if I'll be going to prom.

There's no need for me to go.

So I did exactly that. After all I did, maisha blocked me on all platforms and never called me again.

I saw on other people's stories tagging her about the get ready with me, she did with Matthew.

After that, I started to crotchet more. To get my head off things.

While I was crocheting day of the prom. I played some music, specifically rap snitches.

I couldn't help  but wonder who Matthew went with.

Getting my phone, I checked Drumi's story.

It was him Luca, Matthew and Maisha.

Matthew and Maisha where hugging whole Drumi was with some other girl, Luca too.

They had bright smiles on their faces.

It looked super fun. But I wouldn't want to go because of the awkward tension.

Either way I still felt so stupid for not going. This was literally a once in a life time thing and I fucked it up.

I shook my head and continued to make my cat beanie.

I didn't even want to look at my phone at the moment.

Maybe if I just slept things would be better in the morning.

I won't have to be feeling all that pain, since it would all be over.

Major time skip(four + years)

I was done with school. I mean finally, no more homework.

Life had been good when I moved away from all that high school drama.

I  moved to the city and Drumi stayed there to be with his friends and I haven't seen him in a few years but I ft him every other week.

He always tries to tell me about the drama that's happening there and I always shut him out because I don't want to know.

But one it slipped out that Matthew and Maisha where engaged.

I was shocked yes but there was nothing I could do to stop that. The town we all lived in practically became a city.

Matthew in just two years, became a multi-billionaire and I just finished school, with no job.

And it was time to move back in with dru, not that I wanted to meet Matthew on the way but I just wanted to be with my brother.

I hadn't changed much over the years, but my waist became slimmer and my chest, larger. People do have to grow don't they?

Everywhere I go men, look at me with lust that overwhelms the whole place.

If it's not whistling at me like I'm some dog, it's cat calling me like I'm some hoe ready to be used up and thrown away.

One time a guy grabbed my arm and pulled me into an Alley. I took out the gun out my purse and shot his dick.

Let's just say, I was not the one to play with.

Yes I liked guys but I didn't want them to be doing that the whole time. In fact I had dated someone, Christopher.

He was a sweet man at first. Like so sweet I couldn't even handle it.

Until I started losing interested and before I could say anything he left me.

I sighed and disregarded my thoughts as I put the last fix into the truck.

And off we go.

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